fiscal policy 1-resource mobilization taxation

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  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Resource Mobilization and theStructure of Taxation


  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Introduction!ne of the "a#or functions of the

    $o%ern"ent& collect re%enue b' taxin$(eo(le )ho "a*e (ro+t

    ,h' tax-Runnin$ the $o%t.Pro%ision of la) and order/efence

    Infrastructure and social de%elo("entBuild roads0 schools0 hos(itals0 da"s etc.

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    IntroductionTaxation structure %aries fro" countr' to

    countr'Pa*istan& a )ell1de+ned constitutional

    fra"e)or* deter"ines the nature of

    resource "obilization and theres(onsibilities of each tier of the $o%t.!b#ecti%e& exa"ine the salient features of

    Pa*istan2s taxation structure

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Le$islati%e FunctionsThe constitution of 3456 s(eci+es the

    functions of the federal $o%t. and the(ro%incial $o%t.2sThe federal $o%t. has exclusi%e

    res(onsibilit' for underta*in$ functionsunder the Federal Le$islati%eIncludes functions of a re$ulator' and ser%ice


    /efence0 external a7airs0 currenc'0 stoc* exchan$es0national hi$h)a's0 strate$ic roads and rail)a's etc.

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Le$islati%e FunctionsConcurrent Le$islati%e ListFunctions )hich can be (erfor"ed b' either

    the federal or the (ro%incial $o%ern"ents0 orboth.

    Po(ulation (lannin$ and social )elfare0 touris"0 andeducation

    Residual functions are the res(onsibilit' ofthe (ro%incial $o%ern"entsA$ricultural extension0 irri$ation0 #ustice and


  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Le$islati%e FunctionsThe existence of local governments is

    not a formal part of the Constitution

    Althou$h the 35tha"end"ent to the

    constitution0 based on the LF! of 89980re:uires (ro%inces to establish ande"(o)er local $o%ern"ents0 it does notreco$nize local $o%ern"ent for"all' as

    the third tier of the StateTable 39.3

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    The Structure of Taxation

    Al"ost all "a#or taxes )orth an' real(otential are )ith the federal $o%t.The (ro%incial $o%t. collect taxes that

    the federal $o%t. does not collect0 andthe local $o%t.2s collect the residualtaxesLocal $o%t.2s cannot "eet their +scal

    needs0 and therefore0 rel' hea%il' on

    re%enue transfers fro" (ro%inces/ue to no constitutional (rotection

    ordained to the local $o%t.2s0 the(ro%incial $o%t. can direct local $o%t.2s toincrease or reduce an' tax or to abolishit.

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Inter1;o%ern"ental Fiscal Relations

    Before 8993Local $o%t.2s )ere extensions of the

    (ro%incial $o%ts;reat deal of o%erla( bet)een these 8 tiers

    Pro%incial tax "achiner' used to collectso"e taxes on behalf of the local councilSo(histicated (rocedures in%ol%ed in the

    assess"ent of liabilities of so"e taxesRealize si$ni+cant econo"ies of scale

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Inter1;o%ern"ental Fiscal Relations

    ,hile (ro%incial $o%ern"ents recei%edre%enue fro" the federal $o%t on thebasis of (o(ulation0 the local$o%ern"ents recei%ed re%enue on the

    basis of collectionPro%incial $o%t.2s used to ha%e access tore%enue1de+cit $rants fro" the federal$o%t. that bailed the" out0 but no $rantsexisted for local $o%ern"entsLocal $o%t.2s "ade further (a'"ents

    and transfers to (ro%incial $o%t.2s in thefor" of re%enue0 e.$. octroi

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Inter1;o%ern"ental Fiscal Relations

    laborate "echanis" of +scal transfersfro" the federal to (ro%incial$o%ern"entsMechanis" is sancti+ed b' the

    constitutionNFC& constituted b' the President of

    Pa*istan0 )hich is "eant to de%ise there%enue sharin$ for"ula for the di%isible(ool of resourcesIt is su((osed to announce an a)ard

    e%er' < 'ears

    In (ractice it is not constituted e%er'

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Inter1;o%ern"ental Fiscal Relations

    NFC a)ard of 3443&/istributes >9? of inco"e tax0 ex(ort dut'

    on cotton0 excise dut' on tobacco and salestax fro" the federal to the (ro%incial $o%t.2s

    The federal $o%t. has the res(onsibilit' of+nancin$ an' residual de+cits of thePro%incial $o%ern"ents in their recurrin$bud$ets

    Share of each (ro%inceCross1subsidization

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Inter1;o%ern"ental Fiscal Relations

    3445 NFC A)ard&Unconditional transfersRe%enue sharin$ on the basis of (o(ulationStrai$ht transfers0 based on ori$in0 and include

    re%enue fro" ro'alt' and de%elo("ent surchar$eson $as and crude oil0 and (ro+ts fro" h'droelectric(ro#ects

    S(ecial $rants "ade to Balochistan and the N,FP0as these are less de%elo(ed than the other t)o(ro%inces

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Public Finance& The BasicFactsTable 39./e%elo("ent ex(enditure is far less than

    non1de%elo("ent and current ex(enditure/efence and interest (a'"ents account for"ore than half of all $o%ern"ent ex(enditure

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Public Finance& The BasicFacts

    Table 39.4&Total re%enue has not $ro)n substantiall' o%er

    the last decadeTable 39.39/efence and interest (a'"ents ha%e sho)n

    (ositi%e increasesPro(ortion of de%elo("ent ex(enditure in total

    ex(enditure0 has continued to fallTable 39.3=&

    Indirect taxes still account for 86rd

    of totaltaxesShare of IM duties declined and that of sales

    tax increased

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Issues in Federal Taxes

    e' features and (roble"s of the federaltax s'ste"&!%er1all le%el of +scal e7ort is lo) and the

    tax1to1;/P ratio has re"ained al"oststa$nant DE hi$h bud$et de+cits

    !%erde(endence on indirect taxes DEincreases re$ressi%it' of the tax s'ste",ithin indirect taxes0 there is do"ination of

    taxes on international trade DE distortsallocation of resources and encoura$es illicit

    tradeNarro) tax base due to a )ide ran$e ofexe"(tions and tax e%asionPri"iti%e and out1"oded tax ad"inistration

    and (rocedures DE corru(tion andinecienc'

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Issues in Federal TaxesSu$$estions $i%en b' the ,orld Ban*&re%enue $eneration should be $i%en s(ecial

    e"(hasis in an' sort of SAPStren$then the tax base to increase bud$et

    (otentialIncrease the elasticit' of the tax s'ste" b'

    shiftin$ the e"(hasis of indirect taxes ondo"estic consu"(tion

    A$ricultural inco"e to be sub#ected totaxationChan$e the structure of indirect taxes& GAT

    Cut the excessi%e nu"ber of concessions

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Issues in Federal Taxes

    Proble"s in the introduction of a GAT&Absence of (ro(er accountin$ and

    docu"entation of transactionsReluctance to acce(t tax in%oicin$ of in(uts

    and out(uts b' the "anufacturerPolitical reluctance to le%' ;ST on tea0

    %e$etable $hee etc.Constitutional restriction on the extension of

    sales tax to ser%ices b' the federal $o%ern"ent

    Sales tax at 3

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Issues in Federal TaxesInco"e Tax&Narro) tax base!nl' 3.< "illion inco"e tax (a'ers in a

    (o(ulation of 3

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Issues at the Pro%incial Le%elProble"s in the (ro%incial resource

    "obilization structureLi"ited sco(e of resource "obilization0 as the

    lar$e and relati%el' buo'ant taxes ha%e been(re1e"(ted b' the federal $o%t.Pro%incial $o%t.2s ha%e not been able to ex(loit

    the a$ricultural inco"e tax and tax on %alueadded in the ser%ices sectorlasticit' of (ro%incial taxes is lo) DE lo)

    $ro)th in tax re%enueIncenti%e en%iron"ent has not been conduci%e

    to a hi$her +scal e7ort DE Auto"atic access toad hoc re%enue de+cit $rantsPoor tax ad"inistrators

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Issues at the Pro%incial Le%elNFC of 3443 sto((ed the (ro%ision of de+cit

    $rants to the (ro%incial $o%ern"entsBroadened the (ro%incial tax baseThe incre"ental burden of "ost of the taxes

    lies on the hi$her inco"e se$"entsIncreased the (ro$ressi%it' of the tax s'ste"

    Urban i""o%able (ro(ert' tax still needsto be addressed

  • 7/23/2019 Fiscal Policy 1-Resource Mobilization Taxation


    Local ;o%t. Re%enues

    Areas of refor"&The (ro%incial $o%t. collects "ost of the tax and

    hands it o%er to the local $o%t.2s DE noincenti%e to reassess the tax rates

    Pro%incial $o%ern"ents ha%e (re1e"(ted anu"ber of taxes )hich fall )ithin the +scal(o)ers of the local $o%t.2s0 e.$. "otor %ehicletaxChec* transfers fro" the local to the (ro%incial

    $o%t.2s0 since this "echanis" is instru"ental inthe retardation of ex(enditure $ro)th at thelocal le%el