fisher-price zoo (mattel)

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  • 7/30/2019 Fisher-Price Zoo (Mattel)



    ^`]TSTTaaW]\OZOQbWdWbgac^^]`b^`]U`O[[SThis early years professional support

    programme has been created to meet

    the diverse needs of children in pre-

    school and nursery settings, including

    those with special educational

    needs, working under the guidance

    documents for the Foundation Stage.

    Our approach is to provide resources

    and opportunities that build on

    and extend childrens knowledge,

    experiences, interests and skills;

    developing their self esteem


    amewor ; creating a can o

    cu ture t roug p ay.

    T e current on ine prog amme

    consists of eight modules, FREE

    to download eaturing two popular

    themes,Animals and Transport,

    to create your own Fishe -Price

    p ay aug grow i rary.

    Visit the professional zone at for further information, todownload modules or share your creat ve play ideas with others

    BVS;]RcZSaThe ollowingmo ulesarenowavailab eonline:


    n ertheseainiBeastsarmAnimals

    B O\a ]`bBus





    7\b`]RcQbW]\ to the Programme>ZO\\W\UAVSSb outlines a range of developmentand learning opportunities, plus a step by step

    guide to core activities relevant to both nursery

    and pre-school children, supported by guidance

    on books and songs to complement the main


    3fbS\aW]\ 7RSOa a comprehensive range oflinked ideas, ideal for enlarging to create a live

    working document for you to add your own ideas

    /QbWdWbg BS[^ZObSa easily photocopiable for

    use in a variety of creative ways

    BOYS6][S >O`S\b AVSSb we recognise theessential role that parents play in their childs

    development, and were sure that you are keen

    to help them with ideas for home. Thats why

    each module includes an easily photocopiable

    take home activity sheet including fun play







    We all know that play is natures way of helping children develop and learn

    essential skills. Through play children build the foundations that will be theunderpinning of all their future educational and life experiences. From everyday

    play, children learn the art of experimentation, problem solving, communication

    and listening skills. Play is a powerful motivator, encouraging children of all


    life its expertise in child development through play to create this programme of

    activity modules for use within any pre-school or nursery setting.

  • 7/30/2019 Fisher-Price Zoo (Mattel)


    T eme: Anima s Topic: Zoo Anima s

    tepping Stones & O servations & AssessmentsEP&S: Display high levels o involvement in activities

    CL&C: Respon to simp e instructions. Listen to stories wit increasing attention an reca

    M: Ta a out, recognise an recreate simp e patterns

    Order 2 items by length and height

    K&U: Notice and comment on patterns

    Comment and ask about the natural world

    P : Experiment with different ways for moving. Use a range of small/large equipment

    C: Choose particular colours to use for a purpose. Use their imagination in art and dance

    Nursery:Children will be motivated by recognition of colour, shape, sounds, movement and texture, eye contact and facial expressions

    should be a key part of play for the very young children.

    Resources:Zoo Poster, activity template, easel, paint, paper, variety of plastic animals, books showing zoo animals, animal related

    software 'At the Zoo', dressing up clothes

    Main Activity Create your very own Zoo FriezeDiscuss with the children which animals are found in a Zoo, their

    patterns an co ours

    Allow the children to choose an animal they would like to draw/free

    paint or use t e zoo anima activity temp ate or poster provi eEncourage the children to compare their picture with those on the

    poster with particular emphasis on shape, colour and pattern

    Suggest the children create their very own frieze of a Zoo

    Encourage the children to suggest which animals, buildings, other

    eatures their rieze shoul inclu e

    Once complete the children can write their own labels for animals and

    main features of their frieze, adding numerals to show how many of

    each animal they have included

    A Zoo Keepers hat/uniform could be made available so that the

    children can take turns at showing other children/visitors around their


    Expecte Learning:Ma ing ecisions, interacting wit ot ers,

    co a orating, ta ing a out persona experiences,

    eve oping voca u ary, nowing t at print coveys

    meaning, attempting t eir own writing, counting& recognising numerals, showing an interest in

    the natural world, identifying features of animals,

    commenting on patterns, looking for similarities

    & di erences, handling cutting, painting & writing

    tools e ectively, creating simple representations

    of animals & ob ects, making patterns, painting to

    matc co our to su ect, respon ing to pictures &

    personal experiences, talking in role

    1XUVHU\6SHFLFLoo at t e poster wit t e c i ren 1-1, point to anima s, an name

    the animals one at a time for the children to repeat. Let them point at


    the poster

    Children could contribute to the rieze by hand printing onto paper to

    ma e trees & us es in t e zoo. T ey cou use spag etti in green

    pa nt to pr nt grass

    Listen to sounds of animals on tape. Adults to make the sounds face

    to face with the children for them to repeat

    Share the song Animal Fair with the children using hand actions for

    children to watch & ollow

    S are t e song We re a going to t e zoo tomorrow

    Expecte Learning:Deve oping asic voca u ary, communicating

    with others through words & gesture, connecting

    ideas & understanding of the world, imitating& mirroring others, exploring & experimenting,

    listening & paying attention to others, sharing


    Grouping of children and staff and other activities, including outdoor:

    Animal selection, sort according to various criteria, e.g.

    patterns, size, number of legs, land or sea animals, shape,


    Snakes and ladders gameZoo anima ominoes

    Anima soun s otto game

    Moving like different animals e.g. elephant heavy

    stepping, giraffe tiptoes and stretching, snake

    slithering movements

    Junk model animals, paint on patternsP ay c ay anima s

    Language and questions/group time:Discuss trips to the zoo. Who has visited a zoo? What might they see? How do we distinguish one animal from the other?


    Books:Dear Zoo

    Pardon said the Gira e Elmer Series

    Topsy & Tim visit the Zoo

    Tiger Who Came to Tea

    A Day at t e Zoo

    Sam Visits t e Zoo

    Jungle Book

    Songs:I went to visit the Zoo one day

    We re a going to t e Zoo tomorrow

    Who Built the Ark?

    The Animals went in 2 by 2

    Carnival o Animals

  • 7/30/2019 Fisher-Price Zoo (Mattel)


    Knowledge & Understanding of

    the World

    Traditional songs and rhymesO serving anima s zoo visit

    W ere anima s eWhat they eat&DPRXDJHLan anima s-water a itat

    Anima noises tapeAnimal differences-shape, coat,eetCoo ing anima iscuits

    Can ou ui a pen to sepa a ethe animals? Using bricks inconstruct onSmall climbing rame wit zoo

    s at an anima mas sSmall zoo animals with boxes andbricks etc.Trees an cages sp ay

    Noa s Ar ispJungle display

    Information T chnology

    I your setting as ta en

    a antaged o e-learning creditsand has incorpo ated computer

    assisted activities you may wish to:Use your listening centre or

    istening to anima soun s antapes of animal songsUse of a range of early learningsoftware such as At the Zoo

    Physical Development

    Moving as different animals e.g.elephant-heavy stepp ng, g affe-tip toes an stretc ing, penguins-VWL LRQHUFHF DZPR HPHQ

    snake movements, crocodile-snapp ng



















    Songs & Rhymes *I went to visit the zoo one dayOne grey elephant balancing

    We re a going to t e zooomorrowive little monkeysn elephant goes li e this and

    t atT e ear went o er t emountainook who comes here (using

    zoo anima s

    T e anima s went in twowo

    Who built the ark?

    Relate instruments to zooanima sListening to t e Carn al o theAnimals

    Creative Development

    C i ren s own paintings romo ser ation, own aw ngsAnimal masks

    Collage on animal shapesParrots-tissue co ageL on s mane- an print on cur epaper

    Paint and collage sna esAnima puppetsJun mo e anima sCages from boxes

    Paper cup animalsLarge croco i eLarge ea es etc. or jungleCoach with children going to the

    zoo, children free draw faces incoac & zoo anima sPool or sea-lions and penguins-water play

    G raffe-printing/chalk rubbingDiscuss texture of animals e.g.sna e, e ep antMixing colours to make grey,

    orange etc.




















    ovide some extension ideas that you may wish to use to explorethe topic further under the guidance documents of the Foundation Stage. Ifpossi e arrange a zoo v s t nvo ving parents. T is is inten e as a WORKINGLIVE DOCUMENT where ou can add our own creat e ideas. You m g t e

    to share your ideas with others, if so you can submit your extension ideas yvisiting the professional zone at

    * Indicates where home links

    could be particularly helpful

    Personal, Emotional & Social


    Make a class book about how tocare or the animals to include;

    being kind, feeding, groomingand providing a suitable house

    Language, Communication &


    Talk to the children about theanimals as you move aroundt e poster or visit t e zoo

    Follow up talk afterwards throughdisplays, activities, pictures andvideos/DVDs on animals

    Take part in role playPicture matc ingPoems & rhymesExtend vocabulary; trunk,


    tor es

    Dear Zoo-LargeFamily series Jill MurphyPardon said the Giraffe-ElmerSeries

    Topsy an Tim at t e Zoo

    Desmond visits the ZooThe Tiger Who Came to TeaT e E ep ant an t e Ba

    Ba yWhere is the Green Parrot?The Enormous CrocodileA Day at t e Zoo

    T in HippoTrouble with ElephantsTheres a Hippo on our RoofTheres a Panda in the Pantry

    King o BeastsSam Visits the ZooJungle BookRumble in the Jungle


    P astic anima s-pairs, counting,sorting, matching setsCounting number of legsMon ey ice gameSna es an a ersDiscuss patterns on animals-stripes, spots, colour

    Comparing A rican/Asianelephants-big/small earsIntroduce size, measurement,est mat on















  • 7/30/2019 Fisher-Price Zoo (Mattel)


    Children can colour in the animal pictures then cut them out, using them in a variety of ways.

    We suggest they can be glued onto a piece of A4 paper before putting the numeral to match the number of

    legs on the animal.

  • 7/30/2019 Fisher-Price Zoo (Mattel)



    best from play time, as well as exclusive special offers by visiting our new website

    ESEE ZQ][Sb] s natures way of helping children to develop and learn essential skills. Throughout the early years, t s

    through play that both the big and small milestones are fostered and encouraged. Fisher-Price have brought

    to life its expertise in development through play to create a programme of activities and resources for use in

    any nursery or pre-school setting. Were delighted that your childs nursery group has been having some fun

    learning about Zoo Animals with us.

    For carrying on the fun at home, we have some activity suggestions for you below!

    6OdSOaW\UOZ]\UMusic is great or all children and enjoying a sing along

    a so e ps eve op anguage an communication s i s.

    Enjoy singing We re a going to t e Zoo tomorrow; as

    you sing add to the un by throwing in an animal sound

    or two. We ve given you t e wor s ere, ut you canprobably add lots o new verses too.

    As your c i gets o er you can a more to t is

    activity y intro ucing anima actions as you sing

    along together. This is great for encouraging physical

    eveopment as we as e ping c i ren to remem er

    names o animals children remember actions much

    etter t an wor s.

    /\W[OZa^]bbW\URead a book together that features animals. Youll


    magazines and wildli e books can be good too.

    s you oo t roug t e oo spot t e anima s

    and say the name and sound out the word. In ants

    an younger c i ren wi nee you to pic out t e

    animals for them, but older children can try and

    spot them or themselves.

    B]g0]fPee -a-B oc s Zoo B oc s

    Great ui ing oc s wit zoo anima s

    inside for little ones to discover. Great for

    improving hand-eye coordination as they

    practice pic ing up an stac ing.

    Stu ed Zoo Animals

    Cuddly toys are great friends for little ones as they develop

    socially and emotionally. They make great props or role play


    0]] 1]`\S`These books have great zoo animal

    themes or you to enjoy together!

    Topsy & Tim Go to t e Zoo,La y ir Boo s

    Pardon, Said the Gira e,

    Wa er Boo s

    Dear Zoo, Campbell Books

    Were all going to the zoo tomorrowoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow

    Were all going to the zoo tomorrowAnd we can stay all day

    Were going to the zoo zoo zooHow about you you youYou can come too too tooWere going to the zoo zoo zoo

    See t e elep ant wit a long trunk swingingreat big ears and a long trunk swinging

    Snuffin up peanuts with a long trunk swingingAnd we can stay all day (repeat chorus)

    See all the monkeys theyre scritch scritch scratchinJumping around and a scritch scritch scratchinHanging by their long tailsAnd we can stay all day (repeat chorus)

    Weve been to the zoo zoo zooHow about you you youYou came too too too

    Weve been to the zoo zoo zoo

    Fisher-Price gives the information contained on the Parent heets for educational purposes only and merely as guideline. It makes no warranties or representation

    that this information is in every respect accurate or complete and is not responsible for any error omissions or the results obtained from the use of such.

  • 7/30/2019 Fisher-Price Zoo (Mattel)


    ESZQ][Sb] s natures way of helping children to develop and learn essential skills. Throughout the early years, t s

    through play that both the big and small milestones are fostered and encouraged. Fishe -Price have broughtto life its expertise in development through play to create a prog amme of activities and resources for use in

    any nursery or pre-school setting. Were delighted that your childs pre-school group has been having some

    fun learning about Zoo Animals with us.

    For carrying on the fun at home, we have some act v ty suggestions for you below!


    through magazines and

    books. Ask your child to

    spot zoo animals in themand have a chat about what

    noises they might ma e or

    where they might live.

    This is a great activity for


    shape and size.

    g0]fLittle People ABC Zoo

    This great play set features an

    nteract ve play mat so children

    can hear animal names and

    sounds when they place the

    right animal on the right spot!

    (From August 2005)

    0]]Y1]`\S`These books have great zoo

    animal themes for you to

    enjoy together!

    Topsy & Tim Go to the Zoo, Ladybird Books

    Pardon, Said the Giraffe, Walker Books

    The Jungle Book, Rudyard Kipling


    best from play time, as well as exclusive special offers by visiting our new website

    /\W[OZ1VO`ORSaHelp your child to let off some

    steam, as well as help develop

    their mobility and memory

    recall, by enjoying a game of

    animal charades!

    Cut out pictures of animals at

    the bottom of this page, or

    cut from magazines. Put them

    face down and ask your child

    to pick a card and then act out

    the animal for you to guess.

    Sounds are allowed too and

    make it even more fun!

    : 11

    Fisher-Price gives the information contained on the Parent heets for educational purposes only and merely as guideline. It makes no warranties or representation

    that this information is in every respect accurate or complete and is not responsible for any error omissions or the results obtained from the use of such.