flat stanley lessons

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  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    Flat StanleyBy: Jeff Brown

    Pictures by: Scott NashAbout the Author Born in New York City, Jeff Brown has been a story editor and assistant filmproducer in Hollywood. He has worked on the editorial staffs of The New Yorker andthe Saturday !enin" #ost, and his stories ha!e appeared in these ma"a$ines andmany others. %r. Brown is the author of se!eral other books about the &ambchopfamily, includin" 'lat Stanley, Stanley and the %a"ic &amp, and (n!isible Stanley, allpublished by HarperCollins.

    Official Flat Stanley Project

    In the book, Flat Stanley, by Jeff Brown, Stanley is squashed flat by a fallingbulletin board. One of the any ad!antages is that Flat Stanley can now !isit hisfriends by tra!eling in an en!elo"e. #his "re ise "ro!ides a reason for us to kee" intouch with each other. #he Flat Stanley Project is a grou" of teachers who want to"ro!ide students with another reason to write. Students$ written work goes toother "laces by con!entional ail and e% ail. &heck out the Flat Stanley 'ist ofPartici"ants to see where you can send a Flat Stanley or who ight be sending aFlat Stanley to you.

    Students ake "a"er Flat Stanley(s and begin a journal with hi for a few days.#hen Flat Stanley and the journal are sent to another school where students there

    treat Flat Stanley as a guest and co "lete the journal. Flat Stanley and the journalare then returned to the original sender. Students can "lot his tra!els on a"s andshare the contents of the journal. Often, a Flat Stanley returns with a "in or"ostcard fro his !isit. So e teachers "refer to use e% ail only, and this is notedin the 'ist of Partici"ants.

    For more information on the Flat Stanley project and also a list of participants, activities,information, Success stories, ideas, who to send it to, pictures of places flat Stanley went; o to:http:!!flatstanley"enoreo"on"ca!inde#"htm

    $nline %ctivities and &esson Plans:Flat Stanley project website: http:!!flatstanley"enoreo"on"ca! Flat Stanley's (hite house visit:http:!!www"whitehouse" ov!)ids!flatstanley!*+"html Flat Stanley vocab lesson plan: http:!!www" ardenofpraise"com!lesson"htm flat-

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    F&%. S.%N&/0 .1%2/&S3 As part of our integrated reading, writing, language, social studies and

    mathematics program, the second grade children in Mrs. Wolfe's class at Valley ViewElementary School in Pleasanton, California, ha e read a funny !oo" called #$%A&S&A %E(# !y )eff *rown.

    &his !oo" is a!out a young !oy named Stanley who is accidentally s+uished #asflat as a panca"e# when a !ulletin !oard falls on him. Stanley is ery, ery flat !utotherwise fine. &he story goes on to tell how Stanley disco ers some real ad antages to!eing flat. e can slide under doors, go down into sidewal" grates, and e en foldhimself up small enough to fit into an en elope and !e mailed to California -from a cityfar away in the SA/ for an e0citing acation.

    We send out plain paper dolls that we call $%A& S&A %E(S, and we send themoff to isit cities all o er America and the World. &he person who gets a $%A& S&A %E(#decorates# him. $%A& S&A %E( is #dressed# -using crayons, mar"ers, paints, andsometimes fa!ric1/ in clothes that he might wear to reflect the climate and 2 or acti ities$%A& S&A %E( might see or do there. We also send out a +uestionnaire so that we can

    find out what $%A& S&A %E( saw or did in that faraway city, what the climate is li"e, thedistance !etween that city and ours, and some interesting facts a!out that city. &henthat luc"y person sends those facts !ac" to us with the newly dressed $%A& S&A %E(1

    See how you can start your own Flat Stanley:http:!!www"pleasanton")+-"ca"us!valley4view!second!wolfe!stan!ma)eStanley"html



    understand and explain basic operations (addition, subtraction,multiplication, division involvin! "#ole numbers b$ modelin! anddiscussin! a variet$ o% problem situations (e&!&, s#o" divisionas s#arin!, s#o" multiplication as repeated addition '


    Appl$ )lat *tanle$ to real li%e problem solvin!:

    I% + *tanle$s visited %rom Cali%ornia, %rom Alberta and - %rom.exico, #o" man$ *tanle$s "ere visitin!/

    T#ere are 01 c#ildren in t#e class& 2o" can t#e$ divide into!roups to s#are 1 visitin! *tanle$s/

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    A *tanle$ is sent on a trip and visits 3 sc#ools& At eac# sc#ool*tanle$ receives stic4ers& 2o" man$ stic4ers "ill *tanle$ #aveat t#e end o% t#e trip/



    identi%$ relations#ips bet"een and amon! measurement concepts'


    As4 students to measure and ma4e *tanle$ %i!ures to speci%icdimensions: .a4e a )lat *tanle$ "it# arms 5 cm lon!, le!s -0 cmlon! and a bod$ t#at is 3 cm "ide


    Compare meters to centimeters: I% *tanle$ is 0 meters tall,#o" man$ centimeters tall is #e/


    .a4e )lat *tanle$ ve#icles& 6oll t#em do"n ramps& Estimatet#e distances traveled, t#en measure and record& Enter t#eresults on a bar !rap#


    estimate, measure, and record t#e perimeter and t#e area o%t"o7dimensional s#apes, and compare t#e perimeters and areas'


    estimate , t#en measure, t#e perimeter o% eac# visitin!*tanle$&

    estimate t#e area o% an envelope re8uired so t#at a *tanle$"ould not #ave to bend to %it in

    Social Studies:Blank map of US with dot of where he is/wentBingo Game

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    Our parents helped us to make game boards. We each had a list of all the states and capitals and a blank board with 25 s uares on it. We each chose 25 states and capitals! cut them out! and gluedthem on the s uares. "ater we used our # inch tiles and pla$ed S%&'O as our teacher called outthe states and capitals. One of the children in (rs. Sargent)s 2* class began singing.

    +%here was a bo$ who tra,eled far.&nd Stano was his name-o.S-%-&-'-O! S-%-&-'-O! S-%-&-'-O!&nd Stano was his name-o.+

    Flat Stanley 5eo raphy &esson PlanGrade Level 3 Second 4radeSubmitted by 3 5issie Sharpe, 6nd grade teacher

    &he students will study geography of the nited States, as well as learn to write friendly letters.

    6aterials!Preparation 3 Map of the nited States Paper to write letters $lat Stanley !y )eff *rown $amily addresses from other states Poster to create their own $lat Stanley Crayons, mar"ers, and a great imagination &he entire lesson ta"es a wee" &he correspondence part should2could ta"e all


    %ctivity 3 &he students will read the story and discuss. &he students will learn the parts of a friendly letter. &he class will create their own $lat Stanley out of poster !oard, mar"ers,

    crayons. As a class, we will send our $lat Stanley to family mem!ers in different states. &hey will create an imaginary ad enture for $lat Stanley. &his could include

    pictures, ideo tapes, and should include a letter a!out his ad enture. &he class will map out where he is sent. 7 put the states on our class map so they

    can see. (ou can ma"e and send as many different $lat Stanleys as your class wants. 7

    put where each $lat Stanley is sent on the !ac", so we can see where each $latStanley has !een sent. (ou can e0pand this idea. We ha e sent our $lat Stanleyto eight states and ha e recei ed some e0cellent feed!ac". En8oy1111

    5eometry and 6easurement.opics 3 &wo and &hree dimensional shapes, measurement proportions5rade level: &hird$bjective 3 After reading the !oo" $lat Stanley the students will !e a!le to determine thedifference !etween two dimensional and three dimensional shapes.

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    6aterials 3 $lat Stanley !y )eff *rown ew (or"3 arper 9 5ow, :; # thic". &he story tells howStanley?s life changes !ecause of his new proportions, and his ad entures while his!rother, Arthur, figures out how to return Stanley to his former proportions.

    %ctivity: 7ntroduction3 7n small groups ha e the students construct a paper model of Stanleyusing the measurements gi en in the story.

    :. a e the students determine other things that are > inch thic" and list themon the !oard.

    6. @iscuss the idea of !eing only > inch thic" and ha e students decide ifStanley could really stand !y himself using the dimensions gi en in the !oo".. &hen proceed to discuss how Stanley changed throughout the !oo".

    7ntroduce the concepts of two and three dimensional shapes using numerouso!8ects as manipulati e. a e students !rainstorm lists of these two types.

    =. Bnce students grasp the two concepts, ha e the students ma"e edi!lemodels of three dimensional models using the candy listed. &he students canshare their models and then eat them when they are finished.

    /#tension %ctivities 3 &he students can create their own #Stanley story# and ma"e amodel of their character using their dimensions.

    Flat Stanley !y )eff *rown 1eadin &evel: 6 1ead %loud &evel: :.opic7s8!.heme7s8: !e yourself,humor

    .eacher2iew !y E e Elhrisse

    4rade-s/ taught3 =,Dni ersal

    *ridge iew, 7%

    .he 1eview After !eing flattened !y a chal"!oard, Stanley goes on some ad entures including !eingmailed. Students en8oy listening and guessing what Stanley will do ne0t.

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    .he %ctivitiesa e each student ma"e their own $lat Stanley. Bn a wall in your classroom ha e a

    world map. a e students mail their Stanley to someone they "now and as" for aresponse. sing string, ma"e a line from the state or country Stanley isited to thestateor country Stanley that was returned to. 7n addition, lea e space on the side for any

    pictures or notes a!out Stanley's trip that might !e sent !ac" with him. Bne familymem!er sent each child a care pac"age from Stanley's isit to that state. Another option is to ma"e one Stanley and ha e the person you mailed it to send it toanother and so on. Put a please mail !ac" to the school date on Stanley along with aletter e0plaining the pro8ect. E eryone will !e surprised when they get him !ac" howmany signatures and places he has !een.

    .eacher2iew !y aty Smith4rade-s/ taught3 Pratt ElementaryPratt, WV

    .he 1eviewStanley is flat !ecause a !ulletin !oard fell on him1 e had a nice ordinary life until thishappened. ow his parents mail him to different places and he has many ad entures.

    owe er, he tires of !eing flat and away from home. is !rother has a simple !utingenious way for Stanley to return to his nice, ordinary self1

    .he %ctivitiesClassifying3 Ma"e a list of things that are flat. What do you do with themFWriting Acti ities3 se an en elope or en elope form -an en elope is flat1/ and show thestudents how to address it. a e them address the letter to $lat Stanley or to his author,)eff *rown.

    a e the students use a student friendly word processing family and write and illustratea story a!out their ad enture 7$ & E( WE5E $%A&. -Place emphasis upon ha ing a!eginning, a middle, and an end to the story./ Afterwards, allow them to share thestories in Author?s Chair, and then !ound the stories in a class !oo".

    Counting24athering @ata3 ow many !ulletin !oards are in the classroomF ow many!ulletin !oards are in the other grade le el classroomsF ow many are in the schoolF

    After collecting the data, ma"e a graph of this.

    .eacher2iew !y Corinne %e ine4rade-s/ taught3 :Stony Point Elementary SchoolStony Point, ew (or" SA

    .he 1eviewBne morning Stanley wo"e up, and he was flat !ecause a hea y !ulletin !oard falls on

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    him. &he rest of the !oo" tells a!out his ad entures, li"e !eing mailed to California in anen elope, and pretending to !e a picture in a museum to catch snea" thie es.E entually, Stanley gets tired of !eing flat, e en though he is famous for catching thethie es. 7t is his !rother Arthur who uses a !icycle pump to !low him up. &hen life canget !ac" to normal.

    .he %ctivities7 use Flat Stanley when 7 want to teach the sound of short a . Children do a craft andwriting assignment which 7 call #7'm $lat and &hat's &hat.# $irst, 7 gi e them a small !allof play dough and they ma"e themsel es and flatten it out on a piece of writing paper.&hey trace it and draw in the details and then remo e the play dough. &hey write a storya!out themsel es !eing flat and how they got li"e that, what happened, etc. &hey lo ethis !oo" and acti ity1Flat Stanley &esson Plan

    Title: Flat Stanley . )ar"er #ro"hy, *+ -.Author: Jeff BrownGrade level: % -

    Summary: Stanley is flattened by a bulletin board that falls on hi in the iddleof the night. )e disco!ers that there are ad!antages to being flat.

    Reading/Writing Connections Show the co!er of the book and ask the students to "redict how they think

    Stanley got so thin. /ead the book aloud to the students. Point out how Stanley has so e

    ad!antages in being thin. 0sk if the children felt sorry for Stanley and then discuss the i "ortance

    of not teasing "eo"le about the way they look. 1istribute the "hotoco"y sheet 2attached3 of Flat Stanley and ha!e

    students use crayons or colored "encils to color Stanley. 45"lain that they are going to ail their Flat Stanley to so eone they know

    and write a letter asking that "erson to take Stanley so ewhere and writeback telling about their ad!enture with Stanley.

    4ither ha!e the students co"y the for letter or read it to the and ha!ethe write their own. #his will de"end on their ability le!el.

    Put Stanley in an en!elo"e and ha!e the students take the ho e to addressand ail.

    Vocabulary/Spelling bra!e bulletin e5a ined e5"ensi!e a"ologi6e

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    air ail gusts enor ous !acation "oliteness "arcel useu a"art ent cheerful gloo y

    Library Connections

    o Other books about Stanley include Stanley and the 7agic 'a " and In!isible Stanley .o Share other books on writing letters8 7essages Fro the 7ailbo5 ,

    Stringbean$s #ri" to the Shining Sea or Postcards fro the Planets .

    Science Connections9se two dowel rods to ake the cross of the kite. #a"e thetogether.

    #ake hea!y "a"er that has been "re%cut to about two inches widerthan the dowels and let students decorate the kitesSta"le the kite to the fra e turning under the edges.0dd a tail with strea ers to the kite, sta"ling it to the botto of thekite.Sta"le string to the cross bars of the kite.Fly kites on a windy day.

    Writing Connectionso

    'et students brainstor a new ad!enture for Stanley in which he does notha!e to be flat in this new ad!enture.o Students could write about who they would like to !isit through the ail.

    #hey could describe what their ride in the en!elo"e would feel like.

    Flat Stanley9s Nei hborhood %dventuresWho is $lat StanleyF Why is he flatF e is said to !e four feet tall, one foot wide, and ahalf an inch thic". is full name is Stanley %am!chop. e is said to !e a ery nice !oy.&o find out more a!out $lat Stanley read his !oo" entitled $lat Stanley !y )eff *rown.

    $lat Stanley eeds (our elp$lat Stanley has come to isit our neigh!orhood and he wants to "now who are the

    people that help ma"e our neigh!orhood a !etter place to li e and how do they ma"e ithappen. Stanley needs your help to do this. e needs you to draw a picture of him andwrite a letter to a person in our neigh!orhood that you thin" is a ery important helper.e will isit the person in your letter and try to !ring !ac" at least one picture of himself

    and some information a!out how important the person is to the neigh!orhood.

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons



    #eacher #asks8 1e!elo" a list of co unity contact "eo"le interested and willing in

    being in!ol!ed in this "roject. #hese "eo"le ust co it to answeringa student letter and co ing to s"eak to a classroo of students for*:%*; inutes about their job. #he teacher will also arrange with theco unity e ber to sto" by and "hotogra"h Flat Stanley in this"lace of e "loy ent using the school$s digital ca era.

    Obtain a co"y of Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown and read it to the class.0nother o"tion would be ha!ing a classroo set of the books a!ailablefor the students to read to the sel!es or with a "artner.

    Produce a for letter for the students to use as a guide to followwhen co "osing their own letters to indi!idual co unity e bers.

    0ssist students in downloading their digital i ages of Flat Stanley atwork and scanning their letters onto a classroo web site.

    Student #asks8o

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    1ay *8 0sk students to i age what it would be like to be flat. )a!e thestart to write in their journals about what they would do, how they would

    o!e, what their life would be like as a flat "erson.

    1ay 8 Begin reading the book, Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown to gi!e thestudents another "ers"ecti!e on being flat.

    1ay > % ;8 #ell the class that they will be writing letters to !ariousco unity e bers. #he teacher will de!elo" and contact a list of "eo"leand "laces in the co unity to who the children can write. 1iscuss whatto include in the letter. Students should draw a "icture of Flat Stanley,

    cut it out, and include it in the letter that is ailed out. Finish readingFlat Stanley.

    % Partici"ate effecti!ely in discussions 4.-.* % 9se co "uters to acquire, organi6e, analy6e, and

    co unicate infor ation

    4.-.> % &reate "roducts a""ro"riate to audience and "ur"ose

    #echnology B.-. % Follow a set of instructions to "roduce a "roduct

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    4ducation using a""ro"riate tools and aterials


    1.-.* % Partici"ate "roducti!ely in workgrou"s or othercollaborati!e learning en!iron ents

    1.-. % 9se edia and technology in a res"onsible anner

    Community Connection

    Bring in co unity e bers and ha!e the readthe story and share the "ictures they took withFlat Stanley

    1is"lay the stories and "ictures at the local library

    #ake field tri"s within the co unity for e5a "le8fire station, "olice station, bank, "ost office, etc.

    Put an article in local news"a"er about Flat Stanleyand his ad!entures.

    Other books by Jeff Brownnvisible Stanley . Illustrated by Ste!e Bjork an. *st ed. )ar"er#ro"hy, *++ .

    One orning after a thunderstor , the 'a bcho" fa ily is sur"rised to disco!erthat Stanley is suddenly in!isible.

    A Lamb !or the Lambchops . Pictures by 'ynn

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    #he e bers of the 'a bcho" fa ily react differently when a boistrous geniegrants their wishes for fa e, "ower, and the ability to fly. Originally "ublished as ALamb !or the Lambchops .

    Stanley# $lat Again . Illustrated by Scott ?ash. ?ew @ork8 )ar"er&ollins, ::>.0fter Stanley 'a bcho" goes flat once again, he uses his flatness to hel" win asailboat race and to rescue a class ate fro a colla"sed building.

    Stanley in Space . Pictures by Scott ?ash. ?ew @ork8 )ar"er#ro"hy, ::>.

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    B) A she*her"ess "isguiseC) A ballerina "isguise

    (ow "i" Stanley tra'el to see his frien" in California?A) by trainB) by shi*

    C) (e walke" there.#) by !ail

    What was the resolution of this book?A) Stanley was fa!ous.B) Stanley staye" at.C) Arthur use" a bicycle *u!* to blow Stanley back u* to nor!al si/e.#) Arthur was !a".&) Stanley ha" a goo" i"ea.

    (here in the (orld is Flat Stanley@esigned !y3 %ori *. @ourou0 School3 Caughman 5oad Elementary

    4rade %e el3 6nd Su!8ect3 %anguage Arts

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    Points salutation !ody closing con entions -spelling,grammar punctuation/

    6 correctsalutation!ody isclear


    Very few con ention andinformati e errors


    !ody is!rief andunclear


    se eral errors in con entions

    Hincorrectsalutation orno salutation


    incorrectclosing or noclosing

    many errors in con entions

    .eacher Preparation:Pre iew the !oo" Flat Stanley *y )eff *rown. &he teacher should also isit the we! sitehttp322flatstanley.enoreo.on.ca2template.htm to print out the $lat Stanley reproduci!le. &heteacher should ma"e a $lat Stanley copy for each student in the class. *ac"ground3 Stanley is ayoung !oy who has the misfortune to ha e a !ulletin !oard fall on him and thus !ecomes $latStanley must ad8ust to life as a panca"e. e finds life !eing 'flat' full of ad entures li"e !eingfolded comforta!ly in to an en elope and !eing mailed to the west coast.

    nstructional %ctivities:%ctivity $ne: &he teacher will read the !oo" $lat Stanley !y )eff *rown. &he class will discussall the things Stanley could do when he was flat. &he teacher will e0plain that they will !ema"ing a $lat Stanley. $lat Stanley will !e mailed to someone the student "nows in anotherstate. &he students will each get a copy of $lat Stanley to color and cut out. After the studentscomplete Stanley the teacher will ta"e a picture of each students with their $lat Stanley usingthe digital camera.

    .eacher preparation: &he teacher should send a note home to parents as"ing them to send ina alid address to send Stanley. &he teacher should also print the pictures from the digitalcamera for tomorrow's acti ity.

    %ctivity .wo: &he teacher will hand to each student a $lat Stanley 8ournal made from a fewpieces of paper stapled together. She will e0plain that this 8ournal will tra el with $lat Stanley.&he students will ta"e their Picture with $lat Stanley and paste it on the front. Bn the first pagethey will tell a little !it a!out themsel es and $lat Stanley's story.

    %ctivity .hree: &he teacher will re iew the $lat Stanley Pro8ect. &he teacher will e0plain thatthey must write a letter to tra el with Stanley. &he teacher will spar" prior "nowledge !y as"ingthe students if they remem!er writing friendly letters from a pre ious lesson. &hey will re iew theparts of a friendly letter. &hey will discuss specific things that should !e in this letter to ensurethat the people we are sending Stanley to understand what to do. &he students will get out apiece of paper. &he teacher will !egin with the salutation. She will discuss the capitaliIation andthe comma. a e the students write their salutations while the teacher monitors and helps anystudents re+uiring additional information. &he teacher will model how to s"ip a line and indentthe paragraph. &al" a!out the !ody of the letterJ what are some import things that we must add.

    A sample !ody the teacher may want to model is as follows3 My class is in ol ed in a ery funand e0citing pro8ect !ased on the !oo" $lat Stanley !y )eff *rown. 7n the !oo", Stanley isperfectly normal until he has the misfortune to ha e a !ulletin !oard fall on him and thus!ecome $lat Stanley. e disco ers that !eing 'flat' is full of ad entures. e slides under closed

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    doors and gets sent to California in an en elope. While $lat Stanley is isiting you, please ta"ehim around your community, ta"e pictures of him in different places, write in the 8ournal a!outhis ad entures and mail him !ac" to me. Bur goal is to learn a!out as many different places aspossi!le. &han" you for participating. a e the students !egin the !ody of their letters as theteacher circulates around and monitors, gi ing assistance as needed.

    e0t the teacher will model how to write the closing. *rainstorm a list of different closings. Writethe closings on a piece of chart paper and post it in the room, this is great for future reference.Some e0amples may include $rom, Sincerely, (ours truly, etc. &he teacher will discuss thecapitaliIation and the comma. a e the students close their letter !y choosing the properclosing and signing their name.

    %ctivity Four: &he teacher will model the editing process !y using her letter from yesterday onthe o erhead. a e the students ta"e out their letters from yesterday. &ell students to go !ac"and reread their letter loo"ing for any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. &he teacherwill circulate around the room helping indi idual students edit. Also tell them to ma"e sure theirletter ma"es sense. &he teacher will stress that it is ery important that the recipient canunderstand the letter. a e students e0change papers with a friend to peer edit. &he teacher willsit in on groups to help out where needed.

    %ctivity Five: Students will use their rough drafts to type their letter on the computer. 7fcomputers are limited you may use alpha smarts. &he teacher will monitor and assist asneeded. a e the students print out 6 copies of their letter. Bne copy will !e turned into theteacher and the other will !e mailed with $lat Stanley. &he teacher will assess the studentsunderstanding !y using the scoring ru!ric.

    Follow up: As $lat Stanley gets returned the students will locate and graph on the nitedStates map all the places he's isited. Allow time for each student to read Stanley's 8ournal whenit arri es. When the $lat Stanley's get returned the students may !ring in another address andsend him out again. After a few wee"s the class may want to do a presentation of $lat Stanley'stra els to another class or parents. &he acti ity is meant to !e ongoing throughout the year.

    Bnline internet pro8ects3 (ou can ma"e this acti ity totally internet !ased. Simply EmailSseagra esKyahoo.com and her class will send your $lat Stanley.

    Send $lat Stanley home with each child and let their parents record things they do together as afamily

    6a)e 0our $wn Boo)sGrade Level(s) 3 Preschool, , : 6Submitted by: Amy, indergarten &eacher

    &hese are directions of how to create a !oo" that ser es many purposes. 7 use these for word families,Mother's @ay !oo"s, etc.... 7 ha e also written alpha!et letters on each page and had the "ids draw apicture of something that starts with that letter. -Ma"e sure you try first how much adding machine tapeyou need for 6< letters/. &hey ha e numerous uses. En8oy.

    B!8ecti es3 ow to create a !oo" that ser es many purposes.


  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    6 inde0 cards cut into s+uares. se the unlined ones, colored or plain. Cut them a little larger thanthe width of adding machine tape. -&his is per child./

    : :6# piece of curling ri!!on a yardstic"s length of adding machine tape glue

    Plan3:. 4lue one of the inde0 card s+uares in the middle of the curling ri!!on through the middle

    of the inde0 card.6. Attach one end of the adding machine tape and continue to accordion fold the paper.

    . 4lue the other inde0 card to the end of the adding machine tape after you ha e accordionfolded it all.

    =. &a"e the curling ri!!on and tie it in a !ow on top of the other inde0 card.D. (ou now ha e a !oo" with a co er and pages.

    Stanley Surfs the Internet

    )anet Sheppard Paragon Elementary School, Paragon, 7

    5rades to LSubjects 7ntegrating &echnology into the Classroom, Process S"ills, 5eading, 4eography


  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    45"and working !ocabulary &ontinue to de!elo" reading strategies for understanding 2e.g., ake co "arisons,

    "redictionsD draw conclusionsD use headings, "ictures, ca"tions, and other te5tualcuesD and re"hrase and e5"and on eaning3

    &o "rehend a wide !ariety of aterials 2e.g., stories, infor ational aterials,student writing, audio!isual edia, and reference aterials3

    7ake inferences, understand cause and effect, and distinguish between reality andfantasy

    Cather infor ation about current issues and e!ents Identify "laces on a a" 45"lain the difference between8 "lanet, he is"here, continent, country, state 7easure and record length, distance, !olu e, and ass

    "aterials#his acti!ity requires the following resources8

    One or ore co"ies of the book Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown7icrosoftE 4ncartaE 4ncyclo"edia or other encyclo"edias7icrosoftE 4ncartaE irtual Clobe or other atlases and a"s0rt su""lies 2large butcher "a"er, arkers or crayons3/ulers, "encils, "a"erScanner or co "uter drawing "rograInternet connection with +, and "ages -:%- .343 )a!e the students write a new "art to the story. 7ake u" a new ad!enture for Flat

    Stanley.F3 #ogether or inde"endently, ha!e students list the i "ortant "arts of the story.

    )a!e the illustrate each "art on the co "uter drawing "rogra or on "a"er. )a!ethe show each other their illustrations.

    C3 Introduce the in"ut "eri"herals of a co "uter 2keyboard, ouse, flo""y disk dri!e,&1%/O7 disk dri!e, scanner, icro"hone, digital ca era, ode , network card,

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    digiti6er and !ideo ca era3. )a!e students write a story about a character who is"ulled into the co "uter. )ow did it ha""enG

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    /e o!e the co "rehension question "age nu bers.

    1o ore e5tensi!e work in the easure ent strand.

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    Flat Stanley 7pa es >?+@8 After reading pages D : , choose one or more of the following.

    Ma"e a crossword puIIle of these words3 mar el, altered, grating, shaft, and

    hasty. Add at least D more words of your choice from the section. Write clues foreach word to help sol e the puIIle. 5ead the section aloud to one or two partners. 5ewrite the section as a play. &ape record a summary of the section. Ma"e a story map of the section. Ma"e a re!us of a +uote from the section. Ma"e a diorama of the section. %ead a discussion of the section with two or three partners. Write a song a!out what happened to Stanley in this section. Write a rap a!out this section. Write a poem a!out this section. Pantomime the section. se a computer animation program to retell the section. Answer these +uestions on your own paper3

    p. < :. ow did Stanley !ecome flatFp. < 6. Write the phrase that tells what Stanley is !eing compared to.p. L . What siIe was StanleyFp. L =. ow did Stanley feel at firstF ow did he feel laterFp. :H D. What happened when Arthur tried to follow Stanley and slide under adoorFp. L

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    D. Ma"e a story map of the section.

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    p. 6< 6. What is a !oulouse"Lautrec F What words do &oulouse soundli"eFp. 6< . What does # at his wits end # meanFp. 6N =. What does snea#ery meanFp. 6N D. @escri!e what happened when Stanley got an idea.

    p. H

  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    Flat Stanley Tracing Template:can be found at http://flatstanley.enoreo.on.ca/

    Flat StanleyParts of a Story P1/?2$< %ctivity

    Name: Aiane .ornerodlt:ncK i"ing.star".":6.oh.us

    Subject: 1eadin5rade &evel: .hird 5rade

    Or $ou can make cut outs and label each glass and ha,e students place each piece of paper ineach cup. Or it this at http //www.northcanton.sparcc.org/0elem/kidspiration/tornero/flatstan.htm

    $verview: *efore reading $lat Stanley !y )eff *rown, students will assign words,names, and phrases to the appropriate heading of a story3 Characters, Setting,Pro!lem, E ents, Solution. &his acti ity facilitates oca!ulary de elopment andencourages students to ma"e predictions a!out the story. 7t is used !efore reading, !utit may !e an ongoing acti ity as the story progresses. Students may ma"e thenecessary changes. &his will !e easily facilitated through a idspiration template.

    http://flatstanley.enoreo.on.ca/mailto:[email protected]://www.northcanton.sparcc.org/~elem/kidspiration/tornero/flatstan.htmhttp://flatstanley.enoreo.on.ca/mailto:[email protected]://www.northcanton.sparcc.org/~elem/kidspiration/tornero/flatstan.htm
  • 8/10/2019 Flat Stanley Lessons


    Standards: English %anguage Arts, 4rade &hree, 5eading Process3 Comprehension,6 Predict content, e ents and outcomes !y using chapter titles, section headers,

    illustrations and story topics, and support those predictions with e0amples from the te0t.


    4ather enough copies of the $lat Stanley !oo", one for each student.Create a idspiration template and load it on the computers.-$ound at3 www.northcanton.sparcc.org /

    Procedure: Students will !e as"ed to complete a P5E VBC Acti ity using a idspiration

    template following a !rief introduction to the story. &he students will ma"e theirpredictions !y dragging the word, name, or phrase into the 8ar with theappropriate story heading. &hese will !e printed and discussed.

    After each chapter or so, students will refer !ac" to this acti ity, ma"ing thenecessary changes as the story unfolds.

    Print the final copy. %ssessment 3 pon finishing the !oo" and discussions, students will !e a!le tocomplete a similar written assessment with NDO accuracy.
