fletcher news - fall 2001

THE FLETCHER SCHOOL TUFTS UNIVERSITY Annual Report 2001 Preparing Leaders with a Global Perspective

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Page 1: Fletcher News - Fall 2001



Annual Report 2001

Preparing Leaders with a Global Perspective

Page 2: Fletcher News - Fall 2001

Table of Contents

Fletcher Campaign 2000-2001


From the Dean 3From the Chairman of the Board of Overseers 3

Capital Giving

Fletcher Capital Donors 4Donors to the Charles N. Shane Memorial Fund 4Donors to the David P. O’Brien Memorial Fund 5Donors to the John C. Perry Fellowship 6

Annual Giving

Fletcher Associates 8The Fletcher Fund Donors 9

Donor Profile 15

Fletcher News – Fall 2001

Club News 16Class Notes 18In Memoriam 21Key Operating Budget 23

Editor: Megan V. Brachtl, Coordinator of Alumni RelationsOffice of Development and Alumni Relations: Roger A. Milici, Jr.,Director; Elizabeth W. Rowe (F’83), Associate Director; Megan V.Brachtl, Coordinator of Alumni Relations; Kathleen Bobick, StaffAssistant; Cynthia Weymouth, Administrative Assistant; StephanieKing, Reunion ManagerDesign and Production: Furtado Communication DesignPhotography: Michael Lutch, Len Rubenstein, Richard Holden, Ed Malitskywww.fletcher.tufts.eduwww.fletcher.onlinecommunity.com

E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: (617) 627 5440

Fuad S. Abu-Zayyad International Legal Consultant

Peter Ackerman, ChairmanManaging DirectorRockport Capital, Inc.

Neil A. Allen Chairman and CEO Allen Global Holdings, LLC

Douglas L. BaileyPresident and CEOThe Freedom Channel

C. Fred Bergsten DirectorInstitute for International Eco-nomics

Hans A. Binnendijk

Gerald W. Blakeley, Jr. PresidentBlakeley Investment Company

Barbara B. Burn Associate Provost for Interna-tional ProgramsUniversity of Massachusetts

Charles H. DallaraManaging DirectorInstitute of InternationalFinance

Michael I. FaresChairmanCEDRUS Finance

Colette M. Flesch President, Board of Adminis-trators of the Translation Ser-viceEuropean Commission

John P. Hamill Chairman and CEOSovereign Bank New England

Richard D. Hill Former ChairmanBankBoston

Robert D. Hormats Vice ChairmanGoldman, Sachs International

Michael M. ManeyPartnerSullivan & Cromwell

Lydia Micheaux Marshall Chairman and CEOVenture Think, LLC

William F. McSweeny DirectorChevy Chase Bank

William G. MeservePartnerRopes & Gray

Daniel Patrick Moynihan Former U.S. Senator (D-NY)

Mark K. Nichols Managing DirectorBanc of America Securities,LLC

Elizabeth Parker PowellChair and TreasurerDiamond Machining Technology, Inc.

William B. RichardsonFormer U.S. Secretary ofEnergy

Stanley B. ShopkornDuquesne Capital Manage-ment Corporation

Paul S. Slawson ChairmanAmerican University in Paris

Galen L. StoneFormer U.S. Ambassador

Lisbeth Tarlow Associate DirectorDavis Center for Russian StudiesHarvard University

Gregory J. TerryCEO and Managing DirectorBrierley Investments Limited

G. Richard Thoman Senior AdvisorEvercore Partners, Inc.

Andrei P. VandorosManaging DirectorPearl Carriers Ltd.

Alfred M. ZeienFormer Chairman and CEOThe Gillette Company

On the cover:

Xueman Wang, member of the inaugural GMAP class, who earned bothher Bachelor and Master degrees in law at Wu Han University in China.After finishing graduate school, Xueman worked as a legal officer for theTreaty and Law Department of Foreign Affairs in China for six years. Shecurrently resides in Germany, where she is a programme officer for theSecretariat of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Fletcher Board of Overseers

Page 3: Fletcher News - Fall 2001


M e s s a g e s

From the Dean

Chris and I want to thank all of you for thewarm welcome you have given us in ourfirst months at Fl e t c h e r. We have re l i s h e dthe many conversations we have had withyou at receptions and dinners and themany letters, notes, and e-mails we havere c e i ved. This is a wonderful, caring com-m u n i t y, spread across the globe, dedicatedto the notion of a better, safer, more peace-ful, and more pro s p e rous world. These arep owe rful values. After thirty years in the foreign policy arena, I feel ve ry much at homeh e re. The many Fletcher graduates with whom I have worked are notew o rthy for theirpassion and vision and their strong intellects and ve r s a t i l i t y, and I consider it an honorand a privilege to have been entrusted with the leadership of such a respected institu-tion.

My first – and ve ry pleasant – task as dean is to re p o rt to you that Fletcher is insound academic and financial health. Under Jack Ga l v i n’s leadership, the schooladopted a compre h e n s i ve and we l l - c o n c e i ved strategic plan. Our budget is balanced,and we have a strong and committed faculty. We continue to attract bright, highlym o t i vated students. When Jack left in July 2000, Academic Dean Joel Tr a c h t m a nassumed the position of Dean ad interim and skillfully led Fletcher until I arrived thispast Fe b ru a ry. We are all indebted to Jack for his exe m p l a ry leadership and to Joel forkeeping things on track and moving forw a rd during the months between Ja c k’s depar-t u re and my arriva l .

My primary responsibility is to ensure that Fletcher remain the preeminent gradu-ate school of international affairs in the world. This can only be done through constanti m p rovement to a process to which all of us – board, administration, faculty, alumni,and students – are committed. Eve rything I do will be informed by this goal, and Iwill need your continued strong support .

My first priority as dean is to continue to advance the strategic plan, part i c u l a r l ythe three key initiatives within it: the Institute for Humanitarian Studies, now re n a m e dthe Institute for Human Security; the Global Master of Arts Program (GMAP), nowentering its second year; and the expansion of the International Business Program. Ialso hope to grow the faculty modestly over the next several years and to increase ourcapacity to offer student scholarships, especially for students from developing countriesas envisioned by the plan.

Another important task for the coming academic year is to carry out a re v i ew ofFl e t c h e r’s marketing strategy. To this end, we will form a board task force and an inter-nal committee, which together will identify ways to position and market Fletcher morec o m p e t i t i vely in today’s increasingly challenging environment. One of the most impor-tant indicators of the school’s competitive position is selectivity in admissions, and Iaim to use the marketing strategy re v i ew to increase selectivity, as well as to improvec a reer placement and fundraising.

We will continue to re n ovate the Fletcher complex by rationalizing and stre a m l i n-ing space, creating additional offices for faculty and new programs, and making surethe school has a professional appearance. We will also explore opportunities to utilizef u rther the knowledge in distance learning and exe c u t i ve - l e vel education we havea c q u i red through the GMAP experience. In addition, I have already begun to workwith Larry Ba c ow, the new President of Tufts, to continue to strengthen our interna-tional collaboration with the Un i ve r s i t y.

Fl e t c h e r’s fundraising goals for the 2001-2002 academic ye a r, which is the finalyear of the Tufts To m o r row campaign, are $700,000 for the annual fund and $4.47million for the capital campaign. These are ambitious goals. You have been generous inthe past and I know we can count on you in the future. Our fundraising is essential toour ability to implement the major elements of our recent strategic plan. Our top fivepriority fundraising projects for FY 2002 are :

• Su p p o rt for existing professorships • Student scholarships • Institute for Human Security • Building and Re n ovation Plan for Fletcher complex • Expansion of the International Business Program

As we move forw a rd on these priorities, I am indeed fortunate to have the adviceand support of the Board of Overseers and its Chair, Peter Ackerman, and our friendsand alumni. Your interest and your support are critical to our pursuit of exc e l l e n c e .

Stephen W. Boswort h

From the Chairman of the Board of O ve rs e e rs

Once again, it is my privilege to re p o rt toyou as Chairman of the Board of Ove r-seers. As alumni and friends of Fl e t c h e r, wes h a re a deep commitment to Fl e t c h e r’senduring mission. For over seven decadesn ow, Fletcher alumni have been making ad i f f e rence in eve ry part of the world. I con-tinue to be impressed by the intellect, highideals, and achievement of those whom Imeet. You are what has given Fletcher itsoutstanding reputation, and I value my association with yo u .

We are ve ry fortunate to have St e ve Bosworth as our new dean. He has the talent,experience, and quality of mind to move Fletcher forw a rd. In my numerous informalc o n versations with people in the foreign policy community, I have been told again andagain that we have hit a home run in bringing him to Fl e t c h e r.

These are exciting times at Fl e t c h e r. We are successfully implementing the strategicplan. We can be proud of the re m a rkable success of the Global Master of Arts Pro-gram, which graduated its first class of outstanding students in Ju l y, and which is nowentering its second year with a class of equally accomplished professionals. The In s t i-tute for Human Security is well on its way to being an important center of cre a t i vethinking on humanitarian issues. We continue to develop the International Bu s i n e s sProgram, which this year has increased its programmatic and outreach activities. AndSt e ve has formulated his key initiatives for the next phase of Fl e t c h e r’s pro g ress: mar-keting, admissions, re n ovation of the Fletcher buildings, and capitalizing on theGMAP experience.

The international scene has become more complex and volatile. Globalization, forall its benefits, comes with enormous risks. Violence continues in many places, notablyCentral Africa, the Middle East, and the Balkans. Natural disasters plague India andCentral America. The input of the Fletcher community on all the key issues– diplo-matic, humanitarian, economic, and strategic – is critical. It is my expectation that asthe Fletcher community continues to add value to its members, we will remain the pri-m a ry leaders and innovators in all areas of international affairs.

Peter Ac k e r m a n

F l e t c h e r C a m p a i g n

Page 4: Fletcher News - Fall 2001


C a p i ta lG i v i n gLeadership Donors$250,000 +A n o n y m o u s

The Estate of George B. and Helen J.

H a rg e n s

The William and Flora Hewlett

Fo u n d a t i o n

Constantine G. Ka ramanlis Fo u n d a t i o n

Raytheon Company

Starr Fo u n d a t i o n

A $1 million commitment hasi n c reased the trust fund estab-lished by the late Helen J. Har-gens and her husband, Georg e– avid supporters of T h eFletcher School – to helpFletcher meet its genera lscholarship needs.

$150,000 - $249,999Elizabeth Parker Powell (F’62)

S a rah Scaife Fo u n d a t i o n

$ 100,000 - $149,999Neil A. and Betsy H. Allen (F’76)

Douglas L. and Patricia P. Bailey

(F’57, F’60)

Cabot Family Charitable Tr u s t

The Fletcher School Class of 1947

R i c h a rd D. Hill (H’86)

The Hitachi Fo u n d a t i o n

Asahiko Isobe

Michael M. Maney (F’57)

The Ridgefield Fo u n d a t i o n

G re g o ry J. Te r ry (F’70 )

This fiscal ye a r, Fletcherre c e i ved a re n e wed grant fro mthe Xe rox Corporation to sup-p o rt students from deve l o p i n gcountries enrolled in theGlobal Master of Arts Pro g ra m .

B e n e f a c t o r s$50,000 - $99,999A n o n y m o u s

Menelaos A. Aliapoulios (A’ 5 2 )

G e rald W. Blakeley, Jr.

Booz Allen & Hamilton

Michael I. Fa re s

The Fletcher School Class of 1948

Costas and Mary Maliotis Fo u n d a t i o n

Mark K. Nichols (F’71)

Reebok International

Vasilis S. Salapatas

Paul S. Slawson (F’60)

Jonathan A. and Cornelia M. Small

( F ’ 68, F’69)

Fahad and Anud Ta m i m i

Lisbeth Ta r l ow (F’84)

Xe rox Corpora t i o n

$25,000 - $49,999D r. and Mrs. Elias P. Gy f t o p o u l o s

William F. McSweeny (A’ 6 2 )

Mitsuru Uchida

A n d rei P. Va n d o ros (F’71)

$ 10,000 - $24,999Anonymous (2)

Ruben S. Brown (F’65)

G e o rge Chry s s i s

Bonnie R. Clendenning (F’85)

The E. Cubed Company

The Earhart Fo u n d a t i o n

The Eisenhower World Affairs Institute

The Fund for Pe a c e

Amy R. Goldman (

D r. and Mrs. Georg

Hitachi Re s e a rch I


Nicholas W. Lazare

William G. Meserv

Elizabeth W. Rowe

A n d rew Safran (F’

Jeswald W. and Do

St a v ros N. Se m a n d

Sieben Fo u n d a t i o n

Softbank Inc.

Michael J. To u r k i s t a

Chris Ts a g a n i s

F. Haydn Williams

Walter B. Wriston

With the helpand Americanstantine Ka ra mHellenic and SEu ropean St u di n a u g u rated t

Pa t ro n s$5,000 - $9A n o n y m o u s

G e n e ral Electric Fu n

Lydia M. Marshall

G e o rge R. Pa c k a rd

Peter G. Pa n t a ze l o s

J.C. Penney Comp

Norman S. and Lo i s

Shell Oil Company

United St a t e s - J a p a

$2,500 - $4Bunji Abe (F’89)

American Himalay

Bank of America F

B a r b a ra B. Burn (F

Agustin A. Escard i n

Monter (F’97,

Philip A. and Augu

(F’87, F’86)

MacJannet Fo u n d a t

Allen B. Macombe

Yoshio Murakami

Michael W. O’Dou

Kirk R. Patterson (

Rhonda M. Vi t a n y

Christopher S. and

(F’93, F’94)

Ro b e rt T. Williams

Charles (Chuck) Sh a n e(F’58) served the Fl e t c h e rand Tufts community withdistinction and dedicationfor more than thirt y - f i veyears, as Associate Dean andDean Emeritus at Fl e t c h e rand as an active member inthe Tufts Un i versity AlumniAssociation. A memorialfund in his name was estab-lished in the first half of2001, the proceeds of whichshall be used for Fl e t c h e rstudent scholarships. T h ef o l l owing donors helped tofund this tribute to De a nSh a n e .

The Honorable and Mrs. He r b e rt Ab r a m s

Peter Ackerman and Joanne L e e d o m - Ackerman (F’69)

Ma ry L. Ad a m sTufts Un i versity Alumni

A s s o c i a t i o nM r. and Mrs. Go rdon Be l l

Hans A. Binnendijk and Ma ry E. Locke (F’70, F’70)

Barbara B. Burn (F’48)Ruth Caldwell (F’56)Jean M. CallahanAllan W. Cameron (F’64)Monique H. ChaplinBonnie R. Clendenning (F’85)John G. and Alice S. CornishJohn J. Damis (F’66)M r. and Mrs. Luther Da v i sJe remy A. Day (F’94)Althea L. Duersten (F’75)M r. and Mrs. Ro b e rt C. El d e rT h e o d o re L. and Patricia El i o tM r. and Mrs. Andrew B. Eva n sM r. and Mrs. Alvan D. Finn

( F ’ 7 5 )Ro b e rt B. Fitzsimons (F’65)L a w rence G. and Marjorie J.

Franko (F’64)Jackson A. Giddens (F’59)Dean F. and Diane Goodermote

( F ’ 7 9 )M r. and Mrs. Nihal W.

Go o n ew a rdene (F’73)Pe r ry R. Ha g e n s t e i nMa ry van Bibber Harris (F’70)

Donors to the Charles N. Shane Memorial Fu n d

Peter M. Haymond (F’86)Ruth J. He i n r i c hLinda J. Hirsch (J ’ 6 9 )He r b e rt M. Howe (F’73)Paul S. Hsu (F’65)M r. and Mrs. Hilton Ja y n eCharlotte Ku (F’73)John R. Lacey (F’75)John E. Lawyer (F’73)League of Women Voters of

Wa y l a n dSusan C. Livingstone (F’73)Elizabeth Van Huysen Ma ye rSheila A. Mc Dermott (J ’ 5 7 )Frederick T. and Claudia

Mc Elligott (F’82)Augustus Nasmith, Jr. (F’67)M r. and Mrs. John L. Ne u m e ye rRo b e rt A. No rc ro s sM r. and Mrs. He n ry H.

No rw o o dIlga B. Pa d d o c kJohn C. and Sarah H. Pe r ryM r. and Mrs. Victor G. Pe s e kElizabeth Pa rker Powell (F’62)Mohammed Afsarul Qader

( F ’ 8 4 )M r. and Mrs. T h e o d o re G.

Rand (R’43)Frances Taney Ro d r i g u ez

( F ’ 7 9 )Elizabeth W. Rowe (F’83)James R. Scullen, Jr. (F’71)M r. and Mrs. Whitney W.

Sh a n eGe r a rd F. Sheehan and

Marilyn K. Ku h a rMa r g a ret E. Smith (F’91)John H. Sp e n c e rPaula Stern and Paul A.

London (F’70)Galen L. St o n eM r. and Mrs. William H.

Su l l i van (F’47)Rosamond P. Sw a i nRo b e rt and Lonnie Sw a rzRay W. Wadleigh and Ma r j o r i e

W. CottleHelene Ryan Wa r re n e rThe Wayland Depot, In c .Phyllis B. We b b e rWilliam R. Westlake (F’65)He n ry P. Williams (F’74)M r. and Mrs. John B. Wi l s o nEdith R. Wi rt a n e nJohn H. Wo o d ruff (F’52)

Fl etcher Ca pi tal Donors in 2000-2001

Page 5: Fletcher News - Fall 2001


ia M. Small

m i

9 , 9 9 9y f t o p o u l o s

( A’ 6 2 )

7 1 )

4 , 9 9 9


o n

Affairs Institute

The Fund for Pe a c e

Amy R. Goldman (F’89)

D r. and Mrs. George Hatsopoulos

Hitachi Re s e a rch Institute


Nicholas W. Lazare s

William G. Meserve (A’ 6 2 )

Elizabeth W. Rowe (F’83)

A n d rew Safran (F’77)

Jeswald W. and Donna Salacuse

St a v ros N. Se m a n d e re s

Sieben Foundation, Inc.

Softbank Inc.

Michael J. To u r k i s t a s

Chris Ts a g a n i s

F. Haydn Williams (F’47)

Walter B. Wriston (F’42)

With the help of many Gre e kand American friends, the Con-stantine Ka ramanlis Chair inHellenic and SoutheasternEu ropean Studies was officiallyi n a u g u rated this Fa l l .

Pa t ro n s$5,000 - $9,999A n o n y m o u s

G e n e ral Electric Fu n d

Lydia M. Marshall

G e o rge R. Pa c k a rd III (F’59 )

Peter G. Pa n t a ze l o s

J.C. Penney Company, Inc.

Norman S. and Lois Silverman (E’58)

Shell Oil Company Fo u n d a t i o n

United States-Japan Fo u n d a t i o n

$2,500 - $4,999Bunji Abe (F’89)

American Himalayan Fo u n d a t i o n

Bank of America Fo u n d a t i o n

B a r b a ra B. Burn (F’48)

Agustin A. Escardino Malva and Nicole

Monter (F’97, F’98)

Philip A. and Augusta P. Heywood

(F’87, F’86)

MacJannet Fo u n d a t i o n

Allen B. Macomber (F’64)

Yoshio Murakami (F’61)

Michael W. O’Dougherty (F’87)

Kirk R. Patterson (F’83)

Rhonda M. Vi t a n ye (F’91)

Christopher S. and Hilary B. Wendel

(F’93, F’94)

Ro b e rt T. Williams (F’84)

$1,000 - $2,499James R. Brooke (F’83)

Allan W. Cameron (F’64)

M a rg a ret D. Chamberlain (F’83)

The Honorable and Mrs. Walter L.

Cutler (F’54)

Mark H. and Christina G. Dawson

(F’85, F’84)

Linda J. Dixon (F’99)

D r. and Mrs. Chris Doku (D’58)

Fletcher Alumni Association of

Washington, D.C.

James F. Giblin, Jr. (F’83)

M r. and Mrs. Nihal W. Goonewardene

( F ’ 73 )

John P. and Ka t h ryn Hamill

( FP’99 & JP ’ 9 9 )

Miriam B. Imlah

Susan Hale Kahan (F’86)

David L. Larson (F’57)

Charles S. H. Lee (F’90)

Jennie I. Litvack (F’89)

Mark E. Manyin (F’94)

Denise Pa p p a s

Mohammed Afsarul Qader (F’84)

James A. Re g a s

David S. Rubin (F’85)

Kathleen C. Ryan (F’87)

Pamela G. Sakamoto (F’90)

M r. and Mrs. Whitney Shane

G e ra rd F. Sheehan and Marilyn Ku h a r

M r. and Mrs. Panos D. Sp i l i a k o s

Christiana C. T h o d a - B u rgess (F’86)

G. Richard Thoman (F’67 )

Jennifer M. Toolin-McAuliffe (F’83)

Tufts University Alumni Association

Alan M. Wachman (F’84)

Abiodun E. Williams (F’85)

In an effort to expand theS c h o o l ’s re s o u rces in econom-ics and international business,Fletcher hired a natura lre s o u rce and enviro n m e n t a leconomist, Matthew Ka h n ,who began teaching in the Fa l lof 2000.

$1 - $999Timothy Aeppel (F’85)

The Honorable and Mrs. Herbert

A b ra m s

M a ry L. Adams

A n d rew B. Anderson (F’01)

Nisuke Ando (F’63 )

Kuniko Ashizawa (F’97)

Matthew R. Auer (F’90)

B.E.A. Associates Inc.

Mark T. Baker (F’95 )

Susan R. Banki (F’01)

M r. and Mrs. Gordon Bell

J o rge Benitez (F’94)

Hans A. Binnendijk and Mary E. Locke

( F ’ 70, F’70 )

Lisa A. Bozoyan (F’97)

Ginna D. Bre l s f o rd (F’87)

S a ra H. Brote (F’91)

Jacek Bylica (F’98)

Ruth Caldwell (F’56)

Jean M. Callahan

D e b o rah A. Chaba (F’92)

Monique H. Chaplin

J. Ro b e rt Charles (F’93)

M r. and Mrs. Zhuo Chen

S a rah L. Churchill (F’92)

T h e o d o re H. and Alice S. Clark

(F’91, F’91)

William E. Conklin (F’93)

A n d rew J. Conrad (F’89)

G re g o ry R. Cooper (F’01)

John G. and Alice S. Cornish

Walter L. Cutler (F’54)

Patrice M. Dabrowski (F’92)

John J. Damis (F’66)

Mark J. Davidson (F’86)

M r. and Mrs. Luther Davis

J e remy A. Day (F’94)

Charles B. Dixon (F’96)

Anne E. Donohue (F’89)

Althea L. Duersten (F’75)

A n d rew S. Durbin (F’99)

M r. and Mrs. Ro b e rt C. Elder

T h e o d o re L. and Patricia Eliot

M r. and Mrs. Andrew B. Eva n s

Hans E. and Janet A. Fenstermacher

(F’87, E’82 )

Alexis Feringa (F’90)

Al van and Lois Finn Charitable

Fo u n d a t i o n

The David P. O’Br i e nMemorial Fund was estab-lished in 1998 to honor them e m o ry of David O’Brien, a1997 graduate of T h eFletcher School and theTufts School of Nu t r i t i o nScience and Po l i c y. Pro c e e d sf rom the fund provide onegrant annually to a studentof either school engaging ina summer internship orre s e a rch related to hungerand famine, humanitarian-ism, pove rty reduction, orsocio-economic deve l o p-ment. The following donors

h a ve given to the fund since thebeginning of FY00.

David AkerHelen Armstro n gCharles Be n f a n t iLisa A. Bozoyan (F’97)L a r ry Brow nCanisius High SchoolStephen Cava n a u g hC h ronicle of Higher Ed u c a t i o nTamar A. Dolgen (F’97)How a rd Fr a n kGloria Ga m b aJohn C. Hammock (F’67)Kathleen KlockeRo b e rt Klocke

Donors to the David P. O’Brien Memorial Fu n d

E. Rebecca Kreis (F’99)Tracy Leave l l eStephen LeousRo b e rt Ma c kKatie Ma rt i nMattel Childre n’s Fo u n d a t i o nEvan Mc Do n a l dJeanne Mo o reN A F S AMa ry Os h e iAlan Pa s q u i n oJames F. Pe rkaus (F’97)Ge r a rd F. Sheehan and Ma r i l y n

K. Kuhar Misty Sm a l l e yDavid Tw i s t

d r i g u ez

(F’83)r. (F’71)ney W.

and h a r


ul A.

am H.

i n Sw a rznd Ma r j o r i e

e n e rot, In c .

ke (F’65)(F’74) B. Wi l s o n


F l e t c h e r C a m p a i g n

Page 6: Fletcher News - Fall 2001

Ro b e rt B. Fitzsimo

The Fletcher Club

L a w rence G. and M

( F ’ 6 4 )

Jessica S. Fry (F’96

Erwin K. Gabler (F

Jackson A. Gidden

Elizabeth Z. Ginsb

Rebecca D. Goldfa

Dean F. and Diane

Bruno P. Gra n d s a r

Carlos F. Grau Ta n n

M a rcia E. Gre e n b e r

David J. Greene (F

Adam M. Greshin

Pe r ry R. Hagenste

Stephen R. Halsey

M a ry van Bibber H

Jennifer L. Hawort h

A gift from thetion is enablinconstruct a hiroom and to uing lecture ro o

Peter M. Haymond

Paul A. Hazell (F’0

Ruth J. Heinrich

Enrique Hidalgo N

Linda J. Hirsch (J’6

Timothy D. House

(F’96, F’96)

H e r b e rt M. Howe

Paul S. Hsu (F’65)

Jason P. Hyland (F

K i yoshi Ishimaru (

Komei Isozaki (F’0

S a ra B. Ivry (F’96)

Anthony T. Jaccaci

M r. and Mrs. Hilto

Wendy M. Johnso

S a rah Joslin (F’02)

Masamichi Ka m i y a

Miki Kase (F’96)

Yoichi Kato (F’91)

H i roshi Kitamura (

S a k u ra Ko m i y a m a

Charlotte Ku (F’73 )

Hisami Ku rokochi

John R. Lacey (F’7

B. Gresh Lattimore

John E. Lawyer (F’

League of Women

S u n g - Yoon Lee (F’

Sylvia L. Leung (F’

Huanting Li (F’85)

Jonathan W. Libbe

Daniel Lieberfeld

Susan C. Livingsto

Julie Lloyd (F’97)

F. Roy Lockheimer

In May 2001, the John C.Pe r ry Fe l l owship wasannounced “to honor andcelebrate the manifold con-tributions of an inspiringt e a c h e r, an exe m p l a rys c h o l a r, and an indefatigablementor and guide.” The fel-l owship, named for Jo h nCu rtis Pe r ry, the curre n tHe n ry Wi l l a rd Denison Pro-fessor of Japanese Di p l o-macy at Fl e t c h e r, will fundscholarships for studentsstudying Asian affairs. Ma n yof the following donors trav-eled from near and far toattend the reception in Ma yhonoring Professor Pe r ryand celebrating the estab-lishment of the fellow s h i p .

A n o n y m o u sBunji Abe (F’89)Timothy Aeppel (F’85)A n d rew B. Anderson (F’01)Nisuke Ando (F’63)Kuniko Ashizawa (F’97)Ma t t h ew R. Auer (F’90)Susan R. Banki (F’01)Jorge Be n i t ez (F’94)Ginna D. Bre l s f o rd (F’87)James R. Brooke (F’83)Sara H. Brote (F’91)Jacek Bylica (F’98)Deborah A. Chaba (F’92)Ma r g a ret D. Chamberlain

( F ’ 8 3 )J. Ro b e rt Charles (F’93)Sarah L. Churchill (F’92)T h e o d o re H. and Alice S.

C l a rk (F’91, F’91)Bonnie R. Clendenning

( F ’ 8 5 )William E. Conklin (F’93)A n d rew J. Conrad (F’89)Gre g o ry R. Cooper (F’01)The Honorable and Mrs.

Walter L. Cutler (F’54)

Patrice M. Da b rowski (F’92)Ma rk J. Davidson (F’86)Ma rk H. and Christina

Dawson (F’85, F’84)Je remy A. Day (F’94)Charles B. Di xon (F’96)Linda J. Di xon (F’99)Anne E. Donohue (F’89)A n d rew S. Durbin (F’99)Agustin A. Escardino Ma l va and

Nicole Monter (F’97, F’98)Hans E. and Janet A.

Fenstermacher (F’87, E’82)Alexis Feringa (F’90)Jessica S. Fry (F’96)Erwin K. Gabler (F’96)James F. Giblin, Jr. (F’83)Elizabeth Z. Ginsberg Rebecca D. Goldfarb (F’93)Amy R. Goldman (F’89)Bruno P. Gr a n d s a rd (F’88)Carlos F. Grau Tanner (F’93)Ma rcia E. Greenberg (F’91)David J. Greene (F’96)Adam M. Greshin (F’84)Stephen R. Halsey (F’99)Jennifer L. Ha w o rth (F’97)Paul A. Ha zell (F’01)Philip A. and Augusta P.

Heywood (F’87, F’86)Enrique Hidalgo Noriega (F’98)Timothy D. House and Wendy

L. Philleo (F’96, F’96)Jason P. Hyland (F’81)K i yoshi Is h i m a ru (F’92)Komei Isozaki (F’01)Sara B. Iv ry (F’96)Anthony T. Jaccaci (F’97)Wendy M. Johnson (F’91)Sarah Joslin (F’02)Susan Hale Kahan (F’86)Masamichi Kamiya (F’86)Miki Kase (F’96)Yoichi Kato (F’91)Hi roshi Kitamura (F’52)Hisami Ku rokochi (F’59)Charles S. H. Lee (F’90)Su n g - Yoon Lee (F’94)Sylvia L. Leung (F’01)Huanting Li (F’85)

Donors to the John C. Pe r ry Fe l l ow s h i p

Jonathan W. Libbey (F’94)Daniel Lieberfeld (F’88)Jennie I. Litvack (F’89)Julie Lloyd (F’97)F. Roy Lockheimer (F’60)Stacy L. Luks (F’86)Ma rk E. Manyin (F’94)L a r ry and Karin W. Mc Master Maximo Q. Mejia, Jr. (F’90)Edith J. Millar (F’85)De rek J. Mitchell (F’91)John W. Mitchell III (F’92)John F. Moran (F’92)T h e resa E. Moran (F’90)Milton A. Mo reno and Keiko E.

Niimi (F’85, F’85)Seth M. Moshman (F’89)Akiko Murai (F’84)Miyako Murakami (F’83)Yoshio Murakami (F’61)Ts u yoshi Nakai (F’82)Dana Laird Nakano (F’94)Kenji Nakano (F’93)Amelia A. Newcomb (F’86)Ic h i ro Nomura (F’79)Ba rtley B. Nourse, Jr. (F’83)Michael W. O’Do u g h e rty (F’87)Vincent H. O’Neil (F’96)George R. Pa c k a rd III (F’59)T h e o d o re L. Pa rker (F’85)K i rk R. Patterson (F’83)Michael Pevzner (F’01)R. Stephen Rasin, Jr. (F’86)Timothy J. Ro o rda (F’93)Hy S. Rothstein (F’02)Stephen Ro t h s t e i nDr. and Mrs. How a rd E. Rotner Elizabeth W. Rowe (F’83)David S. Rubin (F’85)Conrad P. Rubin (F’89)Kathleen C. Ryan (F’87)Pamela G. Sakamoto (F’90)Daniel M. Satinsky (F’90)Jonathan D. Schuman (F’99)Charles R. Scott and Eiko

Ikegaya (F’94, F’94)Manisha S. Shahane (F’98)

Seongho Sheen (F’93)C a r l - Michael Simon (F’02)Kelly M. Sims (F’00)Elinor C. Sloan (F’95)Patrick L. Smith (F’90)Wa r ren W. Smith, Jr. (F’89)Dennis R. Sp a l d i n g - Fecher

( F ’ 9 7 )Irena C. Stern (F’82)Ma rk C. St o rella (F’83)Alan Tafapolsky (F’89)Sachiko Takahashi (F’99)Lisbeth Ta r l ow (F’84)Maria Raissa Cantero Tatad

(F’01) Sue Mi Te r ry (F’98)Christiana C. T h o d a - Burgess

( F ’ 8 6 )Sea S. Thomas (F’02)Sebastian B. Tiger (F’97)Jennifer M. To o l i n - Mc Auliffe

( F ’ 8 3 )Melesse K. Traylor (F’89)Mi t s u ru Uchida Makoto Uraga (F’90)United St a t e s - Japan

Foundation Maurice Va n d e r p o lRhonda M. Vi t a n ye (F’91)Alan M. Wachman (F’84)Yan Wang (F’87)Adria E. Wa r ren (F’97)Gregg A. Wechsler (F’91)Gerald R. Weitz (F’02)Christopher S. and Hi l a ry B.

Wendel (F’93, F’94)Harriet Whiting (F’85)R i c h a rd M. and Allison A.

Wilbur (F’90, F’89)Abiodun E. Williams (F’85)Ro b e rt T. Williams (F’84)Nina Wu (F’00)Linda S. Yeung (F’91)Tae Hyun Yoo (F’83)A n d rey Zve rev (F’92)Michael Zwirn (F’01)


C a p i tal Giving

Page 7: Fletcher News - Fall 2001

Robert B. Fitzsimons (F’65)The Fletcher Club of New York, Inc.Lawrence G. and Marjorie J. Franko

(F’64)Jessica S. Fry (F’96)Erwin K. Gabler (F’96)Jackson A. Giddens (F’59)Elizabeth Z. GinsbergRebecca D. Goldfarb (F’93)Dean F. and Diane Goodermote (F’79)Bruno P. Grandsard (F’88)Carlos F. Grau Tanner (F’93)Marcia E. Greenberg (F’91)David J. Greene (F’96)Adam M. Greshin (F’84)Perry R. HagensteinStephen R. Halsey (F’99)Mary van Bibber Harris (F’70)Jennifer L. Haworth (F’97)

A gift from the Hitachi Corpora-tion is enabling Fletcher toconstruct a high-tech seminarroom and to upgrade an exist-ing lecture room.

Peter M. Haymond (F’86)Paul A. Hazell (F’01)Ruth J. HeinrichEnrique Hidalgo Noriega (F’98)Linda J. Hirsch (J’69)Timothy D. House and Wendy L. Philleo

(F’96, F’96)Herbert M. Howe (F’73)Paul S. Hsu (F’65)Jason P. Hyland (F’81)Kiyoshi Ishimaru (F’92)Komei Isozaki (F’01)Sara B. Ivry (F’96)Anthony T. Jaccaci (F’97)Mr. and Mrs. Hilton JayneWendy M. Johnson (F’91)Sarah Joslin (F’02)Masamichi Kamiya (F’86)Miki Kase (F’96)Yoichi Kato (F’91)Hiroshi Kitamura (F’52)Sakura KomiyamaCharlotte Ku (F’73)Hisami Kurokochi (F’59)John R. Lacey (F’75)B. Gresh Lattimore (F’65)John E. Lawyer (F’73)League of Women Voters of WaylandSung-Yoon Lee (F’94)Sylvia L. Leung (F’01)Huanting Li (F’85)Jonathan W. Libbey (F’94)Daniel Lieberfeld (F’88)Susan C. Livingstone (F’73)Julie Lloyd (F’97)F. Roy Lockheimer (F’60)

Henry Luce FoundationStacy L. Luks (F’86)Elizabeth Van Huysen MayerSheila A. McDermott (J’57)Frederick T. and Claudia McElligott

(F’82)Larry and Karin W. McMasterMaximo Q. Mejia, Jr. (F’90)Edith J. Millar (F’85)Derek J. Mitchell (F’91)John W. Mitchell III (F’92)John F. Moran (F’92)Theresa E. Moran (F’90)Milton A. Moreno and Keiko E. Niimi

(F’85, F’85)Seth M. Moshman (F’89)Akiko Murai (F’84)Miyako Murakami (F’83)Tsuyoshi Nakai (F’82)Dana Laird Nakano (F’94)Kenji Nakano (F’93)Augustus Nasmith, Jr. (F’67)Mr. and Mrs. John L. NeumeyerAmelia A. Newcomb (F’86)Ichiro Nomura (F’79)Robert A. NorcrossMr. and Mrs. Henry H. NorwoodBartley B. Nourse, Jr. (F’83)Vincent H. O’Neil (F’96)Shijuro Ogata (F’55)Ilga B. PaddockTheodore L. Parker (F’85)John C. and Sarah H. PerryMr. and Mrs. Victor G. PesekMichael Pevzner (F’01)Pfizer Foundation, IncThomas R. and Alice Pickering (F’54)

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Rand (R’43)R. Stephen Rasin, Jr. (F’86)Frances Taney Rodriguez (F’79)Timothy J. Roorda (F’93)Hy S. Rothstein (F’01)Stephen RothsteinDr. and Mrs. Howard E. RotnerConrad P. Rubin (F’89)Jeswald W. and Donna SalacuseMaria E. Sartori (F’00)Daniel M. Satinsky (F’90)Jonathan D. Schuman (F’99)Charles R. Scott and Eiko Ikegaya

(F’94, F’94)James R. Scullen, Jr. (F’71)Manisha S. Shahane (F’98)Ursula M. Shears (F’54)Seongho Sheen (F’93)Jean Shepard (F’47)Carl-Michael Simon (F’02)Kelly M. Sims (F’00)Elinor C. Sloan (F’95)Margaret E. Smith (F’91)Patrick L. Smith (F’90)Warren W. Smith, Jr. (F’89)Dennis R. Spalding-Fecher (F’97)John H. SpencerIrena C. Stern (F’82)Paula Stern and Paul A. London (F’70)Galen L. StoneMark C. Storella (F’83)Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sullivan (F’47)Rosamond P. SwainRobert and Lonnie SwarzAlan Tafapolsky (F’89)Sachiko Takahashi (F’99)


Maria Raissa Cantero Tatad (F’01)Sue Mi Terry (F’98)Sea S. Thomas (F’02)Sebastian B. Tiger (F’97)Melesse K. Traylor (F’89)David TwistMakoto Uraga (F’90)Maurice VanderpolRay W. Wadleigh and Marjorie W. CottleYan Wang (F’87)Adria E. Warren (F’97)Helene Ryan WarrenerThe Wayland Depot, Inc.Phyllis B. WebberJames L. Weber (F’47)Gregg A. Wechsler (F’91)Gerald R. Weitz (F’02)William R. Westlake (F’65)Harriet Whiting (F’85)Richard M. and Allison A. Wilbur

(F’90, F’89)Henry P. Williams (F’74)Mr. and Mrs. John B. WilsonEdith R. WirtanenJohn H. Woodruff (F’52)Nina Wu (F’00)Linda S. Yeung (F’91)Tae Hyun Yoo (F’83)Andrei Zverev (F’92)Michael Zwirn (F’01)






























C A P I T A L G I V I N G F Y 1 9 9 6 - F Y 2 0 0 2

To all donors to the Fletchercapital campaign, thankyou for your generosity.

F l e t c h e r C a m p a i g n

Page 8: Fletcher News - Fall 2001

G i f ts f rom TheFu nd donor s p rf ive perce nt ofSch o ol ’ sc u rre n

i ng bu d g e t.

Gifts from Al u

1 9 3 4John Ex t e r

1 9 3 665th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r

Participation R

Carl Q. Christol, Jr.

Ro b e rt Claus

William L. Krieg

Barnett B. Le s t e r

1 9 3 8Malcolm To o n *

Emily W. Zayyani

1 9 3 9James V. Martin

Priscilla Mason

G e o rge S. Re a d

Julia S. Re a d

Ruth Pfeiffer Smit

1 9 4 0Ro b e rt L. Chambe

John E. Fo b e s

James M. Wilson,

1 9 4 160th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r$ 3 , 2 50

Participation R

Douglas Henderso

G e o rge T. Little

G e o rge F. Muller

A rthur R. St e ve n s *

Ro b e rt B. Wr i g h t

1 9 4 2Douglas N. Fo r m a n

Antoinette Lo e ze r

Ro b e rt E. Lo r i s h *

Donald A. Moore

Thomas E. Norpel

Pauline To m p k i n s *


G i f ts f rom Fletch e rA sso c i a t esa re the foundation of TheF l e t ch e r Fu nd, and st a r ta t$ 1 ,0 0 0.

Pre s i d e n t ’s Circ l e$25,000 +Anonymous

Neil A. Allen (F’76)

L i b e rty Mutual Group through The

Boston Foundation

Jonathan A. and Cornelia M. Small

( F ’ 68, F’69)

Society of Fletcher Fe l l ow s$ 10 , 0 0 0 - $ 2 4 , 9 9 9Philip J. and Susan Bancroft Bergan

( F ’ 6 4 )

C. Fred Bergsten (F’62)

Paulo A. P. Bilyk (F’92)

Lee E. Dirks (F’57)

Michael I. Fa re s

Eileen Guggenheim (GMA P ’ 0 1 )

Paul S. Hsu (F’65)

Mark K. Nichols (F’71)

Mathew J. Quilter (F’55, FP ’ 9 2 )

Fahad and Anud Tamimi (JP ’ 0 0 )

Walter B. Wriston (F’42)

Al f red M. Ze i e n

D e a n’s Council$ 5 , 0 0 0 - $ 9 , 9 9 9Anonymous

Walter H. and Le o n o re Annenberg

John C. Evans (F’67 )

Mark R. Ferri (F’86)

Philip and Amy R. Goldman (F’89)

Nihal W. Goonewardene (F’73 )

Ro b e rt D. Hormats (F’66)

E d w a rd L. and Sarnia H. Hoyt

(F’62 & FP’91, G’62 & FP ’ 9 1 )

Winston and Bette Bao Lo rd (F’60, F’60)

Stephen and Helen M. Low (F’51, F’49)

Michael M. Maney, Esq. (F’57)

Norman W. Mosher (F’48)

B. Craig Owens (GMA P ’ 0 1 )

Elizabeth Parker Powell (F’62)

Charles R. Sitter (F’57)

Herman T. Skofield (F’48)

G re g o ry J. Te r ry (F’70 )

Christopher R. Tu n n a rd (F’85)

A n d rei P. Va n d o ros (F’71)

A n n u a lG i v i n g

Va n g u a rd Charitable Endow m e n t

Frances B. Wa rd l a w, in memory of

G e o rge H. Blakeslee

Leadership Donors$ 2 , 5 0 0 - $ 4 , 9 9 9Fuad S. Abu-Zayyad (F’58)

Kenneth R. Button (F’72)

Bonnie R. Clendenning (F’82 )

John F. Cra w f o rd (F’59 )

Ro b e rt J. Engel (F’75)

Catharine A. Hart zenbusch (F’94)

C a rol J. Hurlburt (F’62)

T h e o d o re D. and Shirley A. Jennings

(F’51, F’51)

Sp e r ry Lea (F’51)

H e r b e rt Levin (F’56)

Brian A. Maher (F’73 )

Peter Malone (F’79)

Douglas O. Marston (F’76)

Stephen B. L.and Eleanor Pe n rose

( F ’ 67, F’67 )

Thomas R. and Alice S. Pickering

(F’54, F’54)

Ellen B. Richstone (F’74 )

R. Bram Smith (F’71)

D o rothy M. Sobol (F’66)

Ro b e rt K. St rong, Jr. (F’65)

G. Richard Thoman (F’67 )

Christopher S. and Hilary B. Wendel

(F’93, F’94)

Founding Donors$1,000-$2,499 A n o n y m o u s

Odeh F. Aburdene (F’68 )

C h rysanthus M. Ache (F’83)

Agustin A. Acosta (F’93)

J e a n - B e r n a rd Charles and Maureen A.

Alphonse-Charles (F’89, F’87)

Douglas L. and Patricia P. Bailey

(F’57, F’60)

Michael D. Balaban (F’75)

M a rg a ret L. Bates (F’46)

Renee Berger (F’54†

G e rald W. Blakeley, Jr.

M a rtha O. Blaxall (F’64)

Charles N. Bra l ver (F’75)

Timothy G. Brosnahan (F’68 )

B a r b a ra B. Burn (F’48)

Ro b e rt L. and June Chambers (F’40)

Nancy M. Chase (F’44)

Kazuo Chiba (F’51)

Suchati Chuthasmit (F’58)

Myles J. and Mary Connor (FP’84)

Cynthia A. Valianti Corbett (F’78)

Vi rginia R. Cornyn (F’63 )

M a rtin A. Dale (F’55)†

William B. Dale (F’47)

Charles H. Dallara (F’75)

M a ry G. Davis (F’66)

Christiane S. Delessert (F’73 )

John D. DeLong (F’89)

M r. and Mrs. James van B. Dresser

( F ’ 68 )

J e f f rey D. Feltman (F’83)

G e o f f rey D. and Cy rena L. Fink

( F ’ 95, F’95 )

Ro b e rt B. Fitzsimons (F’65)

John P. Friel, Jr. (F’80)

R. Michael Ga d b a w

William L. Gallagher (F’65)

M a rcia H. Ga rdiner (F’51)

Frederick E. and Jane Gilbert (F’62)

Elizabeth Z. Ginsberg

G e o rge Gluck (F’74 )

Dean F. Goodermote (F’79)

John P. and Ka t h ryn L. Hamill (FP ’ 9 9 )

Douglas C. Henderson (F’41)

Ro b e rt F. Herring (F’56)

R i c h a rd D. Hill (H’86)

Thomas Holmes (F’71)

John B. Howe (F’84)

Peter Howell (F’62)

Pamela L. Jacklin (F’67 )

Charles B. Jacobini (F’68 )

Karl F. Jord a

M a ry S. Kreimer (F’49)

Peter F. Krogh (F’61)

John R. Lacey (F’75)

B. Gresh Lattimore, Jr. (F’65)

Ts u n g - Kuang Lin (F’65)

Susan C. Livingston (F’81)

T. Dixon Long (F’58)

Ro b e rt E. Lorish (F’42)

David M. Low rey (F’65)

Allen B. Macomber (F’64)

Ro b e rt J. Manning (F’76)

Lydia M. Marshall

Ke i j i ra Matsumura (F’59 )

Ruth A. McLendon (F’50)

William F. McSweeny (A’ 6 2 )

William G. Meserve, Esq.

B rad M. Meslin (F’82 )

David A. Metzner (F’82 )

L a u ren P. Moriarty (F’77)

Charles W. Muller (F’50)

Yoshio Murakami (F’61)

Nicholas A. Natsios (F’83)

B e r n a rd and Janet L. Norwood

(F’48, F’46)

Hector J. Orci (F’65)

Denise Pa p p a s

Jutta Parsons (F’67)

Kirk R. Patterson (F’83)

James M. Patton (F’65)

John C. and Sarah H. Pe r ry

David S. Pettit (F’67 )

Ro b e rt T. and Nancy D. Pratt (F’50, F’50)

Thomas D. and Carolyn Reese (F’57)

David S. Reinfeld (F’97)

John H. Rixse III (F’68 )

Elizabeth W. Rowe (F’83)

E d w a rd W. Russell III (F’68 )

Thomas C. Sadler (F’78)

A n d rew Safran (F’76)

R.D. Sahl (F’95 )

Thomas A. W. Sauermilch (F’85)

Tricia T. Semmelhack (F’61)

Ro b e rt W. Showman (F’65)

David M. Sloan (F’75)

J. Bartlett K. Smith (F’78)

Gail P. Smith (F’84)

Paula St e r n

A rthur R. St e vens (F’41)

John T. St e w a rt (F’62)

Galen L. St o n e

Lisbeth Ta r l ow (F’84)

Ro b e rt J. Ta r r, Jr. (F’76)

Max T h e l e n

Shou-Chung Ting (F’81)

Daniel S. Tolman III (F’51)

Neslihan Tombul (F’83)

Pauline Tompkins (F’42)

Malcolm Toon (F’39)

Joel P. Trachtman and Lauren J. Richman

Nancy M. Tumavick (F’69)

S a n d ra L. Vogelgesang (F’65)

William H. Wainwright (F’65)

Helene Ryan Wa r re n e r

John C. W h i t e h e a d

B a r ry F. Wiksten (F’61)

Wesley S. and Ka ren Hastie Williams

(F’64, F’67 )

John M. Yates (F’62)

Frances A. Zwenig (F’70 )

Fl etcher Assoc i ates in 2000-2001 The Fl etc h e

Page 9: Fletcher News - Fall 2001


G i f ts f rom The Fletch e rFu nd donor sp rov i d ef ive perce nt of t h eSch o ol ’ sc u rre nt o p e ra t-

i ng bu d g e t.

Gifts from Al u m n i

1 9 3 4John Ex t e r

1 9 3 665th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r Fu nd: $550

Participation Rate: 44%

Carl Q. Christol, Jr.

Ro b e rt Claus

William L. Krieg

Barnett B. Le s t e r

1 9 3 8Malcolm To o n *

Emily W. Zayyani

1 9 3 9James V. Martin

Priscilla Mason

G e o rge S. Re a d

Julia S. Re a d

Ruth Pfeiffer Smith

1 9 4 0Ro b e rt L. Chambers*

John E. Fo b e s

James M. Wilson, Jr.

1 9 4 160th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r Fu nd: $ 3 , 2 50

Participation Rate: 28 %

Douglas Henderson*

G e o rge T. Little

G e o rge F. Muller

A rthur R. St e ve n s *

Ro b e rt B. Wr i g h t

1 9 4 2Douglas N. Forman, Jr.

Antoinette Lo e ze re

Ro b e rt E. Lo r i s h *

Donald A. Moore

Thomas E. Norpell

Pauline To m p k i n s *

Zelda L. Wa k e m a n

Walter B. Wr i s t o n *

1 9 4 3Hermann F. Eilts

David H. Ernst

B a r b a ra Morley

James W. Morley

Jane Wheeler Pfeiffer

1 9 4 4Thomas E. Baker

C u rt F. Beck

Nancy M. Chase*

M i l d red Sare y a n

J e r rold Scoutt, Jr.

1 9 4 5Ro b e rt A. Ackerman

Marion Montague Metcalfe

Friedrich J. von Mering

1 9 4 655th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r Fu nd: $ 3 ,6 6 5

Participation Rate: 53 %

Nan G. Amstutz

M a rg a ret L. Bates*

Jeannetta W. Black

John C. Cra i g

M a ry Gra va l o s

Frederick Irv i n g

Betty D. Neuhart

Janet L. Norwood*

Elizabeth A. We b e r

1 9 4 7E d w a rd J. Bloch

Edith O. Bra s h a re s

William D. Bre we r

Philip L. Bridgham

J. Chester Cheng

William B. Dale*

H e r b e rt W. Dowd

Charles P. Edward s

James W. Gould

William M. Johnson, Jr.

E d w a rd J. Krache, Jr.

Whitney T. Pe r k i n s

Jean M. Shepard

Jonathan D. St o d d a rt

T h e o d o re A. Wa h l

James L. We b e r

1 9 4 8B a r b a ra B. Burn*

Francois M. Dickman

Donald Y. Gilmore

Norman W. Mosher*

B e r n a rd Norwood*

Roy Ol t o n

Herman T. Skofield*

David M. Zimmerman, Jr.

1 9 4 9Ralph E. Cook

R i c h a rd B. Gra y

Arnold C. Hanson

William A. Helseth

Frederick Herman

Lewis Hoffacker

M a ry S. Kre i m e r *

Helen M. Low *

E d w a rd E. Masters

Melvin E. Sinn

Russell L. Smith

1 95 050th Reunion (FY 0 0 - FY 01 )

Tot al Gift to Fletch e rFu nd: $20,3 2 5

O ve rall Participation Rate: 7 5 %

J. Bruce Amstutz

Ben Cashman

Wi l l a rd B. Devlin

Mrs. Ro b e rt L. Fo s t e r

Alta F. Fow l e r

Raymond Fre d e t t e

Raymond E. Gonzalez

Subbiah Ka n n a p p a n

Ro b e rt F. Ko b e e

Amelia C. Le i s s

Ruth A. McLe n d o n *

Charles W. Muller*

H a rthon I. Munson

Charles W. Naas

H a rvey F. Nelson, Jr.

R i c h a rd David Netherc u t

Ro b e rt L. Nichols

Nancy D. Pra t t *

Ro b e rt T. Pra t t *

Thetis Re a v i s

Ro b e rt H. Smith

Ruth M. Wo o d c o c k

1 95 150th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r Fu nd: $ 2 0, 1 26

Participation Rate: 61 %

Charles D. Ameringer

Kazuo Chiba*

R i c h a rd L. Chillemi

Guy E. Coriden, Jr.

William B. Edmondson

M a rcia H. Ga rd i n e r *

Shirley Anderson Jennings*

T h e o d o re D. Jennings*

Sp e r ry Le a *

Jonathan V. Le v i n

Jun-Ching Lin

Stephen Low *

Ro b e rt L. Obre y

H o race L. Rhore r, Jr.

A n d rew J. Schwart z

G o rdon L. Sp a n g l e r

Daniel S. Tolman III *

1 95 2I rene Meister- A r m i n g t o n

Janice M. Baldwin

Doris Miller Cook

Harland H. Eastman

Deane R. Hinton

Ann Temple McDonnell

Anne V. Sp i l s b u ry

Ku rt H. Te i l

John H. Wo o d r u f f

1 95 3Dwight R. Ambach

Hillman Djajasasmita

M a rvin L. Durham

Samuel D. Eaton

Franklin C. Heinemann

Ro b e rt A. Huff

E d w a rd J. Malonis

R i c h a rd E. Pe a r s o n

Dale M. Pove n m i re

Ro b e rt W. Schre i b e r

G. Scott Sugden

William W. W h i t s o n

1 95 4Ro b e rt J. Bart e l

Renee Berg e r * †

Helen D. Bethell

William T. Cro c k e r

John G. Day

Ronald F. Dick

James C. Fa l c o n

Lowell V. Hammer

Milda E. Isenberg

R i c h a rd W. Morris

T. Keith Pe r ry

Alice S. Pickering*

Thomas R. Pickering*

William T. Pryc e

Ursula H. Shears

H i roshi Ts u k i n o

Ro b e rt E. W h i t e

1 95 5Louis F. Bra k e m a n

M a rtin A. Dale*†

A. Price Daw

Charles C. Fro s t

Paul M. Le v i n e

Ro b e rt L. Pr i c e

Mathew J. Quilter, Jr. *


e r ry

Pratt (F’50, F’50)

Reese (F’57)

8 3 )

( F ’ 68 )

7 8 )

ch (F’85)

( F ’ 6 1 )

F ’ 6 5 )

7 8 )

1 )

’ 5 1 )

4 2 )

auren J. Richman

’ 6 9 )



astie Williams

0 )

With supportfrom both capital and annual donors, TheFletcher School can retain both facultyand students of thehighest caliber. Here, Professor Alfred P. Rubin addresses stu-dents.

F l e t c h e r C a m p a i g nThe Fl etcher Fund Donors in 2000-2001

* Denotes Fletcher Associate.

Page 10: Fletcher News - Fall 2001

C a rolyn C. St re m l a u

John J. St remlau

C. Dart Thalman

G. Richard T h o m a n

Wa rd C. T h o m p s o n

Ka ren Hastie Wi l l i a

1 9 68Odeh F. Aburd e n e *

Timothy G. Bro s n a h

Jean D. Chandler

Te r ry L. Deibel

Carmen Diana Dee

James van B. Dre s s

James L. Huffman

Charles B. Jacobin

Al e x a n d ra B. Ke i t h

C u rtis H. Martin

Peter C. Ol e s o n

John F. Owe n

R i c h a rd M. Pe s i n

B a r b a ra Wo r rell P

John H. Rixse III *

E d w a rd W. Russel

Christina Hussey S

R i c h a rd L. Schre a d

Jonathan A. Small

Charles A. White,

1 9 6 9A n o n y m o u s *

Kristen R. Apgar

J. William Brumfie

C o n rad W. Carter

Vicente Collazo - D a

Patrick F. Connolly

Philip S. Coonley

S h a r ron Dorward

Alice A. Dre s s

Anne D. Emerson

Daniel J. Houton

John H. King

G e o rge B. Lambra k

Ro b e rt A. Mira b e l l o

Paul D. Mosher

Susan D. Ol i ve r

Alexis Rieffel

Rudolph R. Ro u s s e

Cornelia M. Small

C a rolyn S. Somme

Joseph C. St ra s s e r

Nancy M. Tu m a v i c k

William E. Wilson

1 9 70Hans A. Binnendij

Michael J. Blake

John D. Caswe l l

Farrinaz Varzi Cre s s

Donna Dow s e t t - C o

R i c h a rd H. Doy l e

Annual Giving

1 0

1 95 645th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r Fu nd: $ 6 ,837

Participation Rate: 33 %

Ca p i t al Gifts: $2,100

Thomas D. Boy a t t

Ruth Caldwe l l

Rhoda E. Dersh

James A. Duran, Jr., in memory

of Elizabeth C. Dura n

M a y n a rd W. Glitman

Ann B. Goldsmith

Ro b e rt F. Herring*

G e o rge F. Jones, Jr.

H e r b e rt Le v i n *

Roger D. McLe a n

M a ry S. Ol m s t e d

Ann Imlah Schneider

Donald C. Te m p l e m a n

Seth P. Ti l l m a n

H. David Wi l l e y

Chusei Ya m a d a

1 95 7Yasushi Akashi

Douglas L. Bailey*

James E. Baker†

C l i f f o rd S. Cooper

John G. Craig, Jr.

C a role S. Davison

Lee E. Dirks*

James W. Gra m e n t i n e

William H. Jackson, Jr.

G. Alan Klaum

Michael M. Maney Esq.*

Phyllis E. Oakley

Anne Pinkney

Thomas D. Re e s e *

Claus Dieter von Schumann

Ernest L. Schwab

Charles R. Sitter*

Kusuma Snitwongse

Anne Frederick St a r b i rd

1 95 8Fuad S. Abu-Zayyad*

Ro b e rt C. Bennett

Suchati Chuthasmit*

Anthony S. Dalsimer

Isabel A. Dalsimer

Samuel F. Hart

Rachel R. Hecht

To m oya Ka w a m u ra

Paul L. Laase

T. Dixon Lo n g *

P i e r re Shostal

Kwan Ha Yi m

William D. Shaughnessy

Melvin T h o r n t o n

1 959D oyle R. Bates

David W. Carr

Pramote Chitara t a n o n

Ro s e m a ry K. Coffey

John F. Cra w f o rd *

Ralph E. Fre t t y

Jackson A. Giddens

Ilene Shapiro Ginsberg

Donald K. Guthrie

Mrs. Joe W. Hart

Paul M. Hohenberg

David B. Hunn

Harriet W. Isom

Hisami Ku ro k o c h i

Ke i j i ro Matsumura *

A n d re J. Nave z

Poppy B. Quattlebaum

Thomas A. Sarg e n t

Lila W. Saunders

Carla R. Scopeletis

F l oyd Sherrod, Jr.

R i c h a rd D. Stearns, Jr.

Mitchell P. St ro h l

William P. Wa d b ro o k

1 9 6 0Patricia P. Bailey*

C a rol Johnson Capps

E d w a rd J. Gotchef

Donald P. Harve y

William A. Hayne

Bette Bao Lo rd *

Winston Lo rd *

Donald N. Nelson

Gene E. Ra i n e y

Alexander K. Re n t s c h l e r

Charles A. Se m o n e s

1 9 6 140th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r Fu nd: $ 7, 2 4 0

Participation Rate: 37 %

Ca p i t al Gifts: $3,0 0 0

Philip E. Burnham, Jr.

Kevin B. Callanan

R i c h a rd A. Christensen

John J. Eddy

Colette M. Flesch

Charles R. Gra d e r

Susan M. Klingaman

Peter F. Kro g h *

Lois Lo r i m e r

R i c h a rd W. Miller

Lucia Mouat

Yoshio Mura k a m i *

James A. Ro t h e r h a m

Tricia T. Se m m e l h a c k *

John N. T h o m a s

Anne A. T h o m p s o n

R i c h a rd W. Tu r k

B a r ry F. Wi k s t e n *

Levio E. Ze n i

1 9 6 2C. Fred Berg s t e n *

H o race W. Briggs

C a rol L. Carson

C. Wesley Carson

Daniel J. Costello

H e n ry Delfiner

Frederick E. Gilbert *

S a n d ra L. Gra n zow

Eric Hansen

Peter Howe l l *

E d w a rd L. Hoy t *

C a rol J. Hurlburt *

F. McLellan Johnston, Jr.

B radshaw Langmaid, Jr.

David E. Lo n g

John P. McKa y

R i c h a rd M. Ogden

L l e wellyn P. Pa s c o e

Elizabeth Parker Powe l l *

William C. Ro b i n s o n

Peter O. Se l l a r

Alden C. Small

John T. St e w a rt *

Thurston F. Te e l e

T h e o d o ra Van Dyke

Louise H. We r l i n

Ellen B. Wi d m e r

John M. Ya t e s *

1 9 63Nisuke Ando

B a r b a ra Baudot-Sundberg

John C. Beye r

L a r ry T. Caldwe l l

Ave ry Chope

Leif E. Christoffersen

Vi rginia R. Cornyn*

D e b o rah Black Davis

B renda L. Ebeling

G re g o ry L. Gilmore

Ronald A. Glantz

Jeanette T. Goodstein

M a ry M. Grow

M a rg a ret I. Haupt

Ro b e rt Le g vo l d

Elizabeth Ames Mora n

H e r b e rt L. Sawye r

Michael T. Sharples

Justin Simpson

Diana J. Ze n t a y

1 9 6 4Susan Bancroft Berg a n *

John G. N. Blaxall

M a rtha O. Blaxall*

Philip C. Brow n

Allan W. Camero n

Carl C. Cundiff

Kimiko W. Dornburg, in

m e m o ry of Jared P.

D o r n b u rg

Charles H. D u d l e y

Edwina L. Eichner

William L. Hamilton

Katherine W. Huger

Frances Hopkins Irwin

R i c h a rd L. Jackson

Kantilal C. Ko t e c h a

Susanne D. Lind

Allen B. Macomber*

Keith D. Mart i n

Peter Merrill

Sally J. Merrill

James D. Mietus

H a rold J. Sutphen

H. Martin Tu c h e r

Heather C. W h e e l e r

Wesley S. Williams, Jr. *

John C. Wo o d b u ry

T h e o d o re D. Wy l y

1 9 6 535th Reunion (FY 0 0 - FY 01 )

Tot al Gift to Fletch e rFu nd: $48,94 0

O ve rall Participation Rate: 53 %

Tot al Ca p i t al Gifts: $5,3 2 5

Ro b e rt W. Andrus

Ruben Brow n

Suchit Bunbongkarn

Wi l l a rd F. Clark

Bruce T. Cole

Usameh F. El-Jamali

Ro b e rt B. Fitzsimons*

William B. Fo rd

Ro b e rt F. Ga l b reath III

William L. Ga l l a g h e r *

Susan B. Ga r f i n

Ga ry A. Glenn

Al b e rt L. Goldsmith, Jr.

Al f red R. Haemmerli†

Jon K. Hart ze l l

Ro b e rt C. Horn III

H e r b e rt E. Horow i t z

A rthur H. House

Paul S. Hsu*

David C. Jamison

Judith Denton Jones

Walter S. Jones

B. Gresh Lattimore, Jr. *

Ts u n g - Kuang Lin*

Jane Sneddon Little

Jane M. Lincoln (J’66), in

m e m o ry of Philip T.

Lincoln, Jr.

David M. Low re y *

Ben L. Mart i n

James N. May

Toshiyuki Niwa

Hector J. Orc i *

James M. Pa t t o n *

Ro b e rt W. Show m a n *

Ro b e rt K. St rong, Jr. *

L a r ry D. St r u ve

S a n d ra L. Vo g e l g e s a n g *

William H. Wa i n w r i g h t *

William R. We s t l a k e

Charles T. Yo r k

1 9 6 635th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r Fu nd: $ 1 1 , 49 5

Participation Rate: 28 %

Ca p i t al Gifts: $100

R i c h a rd S. Bloom

James P. Cormack

Nancy Hunt Cy l k e

John J. Damis

M a ry G. Davis*

H ow a rd S. Eldre d g e

C l a i re E. Gilmore

Frederick W. Hale

L i b by G. Halperin

Ro b e rt D. Hormats*

O n ye o n o ro S. Ka m a n u

Eileen B. Ke a n e - B i n n s

Michael V. Ol d s

B. Mitchell Simpson III

Dane F. Smith, Jr.

D o rothy M. Sobol*

Dwight G. St e c k e r

Kyoko Uchida

Takeo Uchida

Stephen W. Wo r re l

1 9 67D e n a - Kay E. Cowd y

John T. Cra i g

John C. Eva n s *

Ellen L. Fro s t

Jonathan T. Howe

Pamela L. Jacklin*

Anthony F. Kleitz

Yilma Makonnen

Stanley G. McClure

Oscar J. Olson, Jr.

Jutta Pa r s o n s *

Eleanor Fo rd Pe n ro s e *

Stephen B. L. Pe n rose III *

David S. Pe t t i t *

James B. Ro u s e

Page 11: Fletcher News - Fall 2001

1 1

C a rolyn C. St remlau

John J. St remlau

C. Dart Thalman

G. Richard T h o m a n *

Wa rd C. T h o m p s o n

Ka ren Hastie Wi l l i a m s *

1 9 68Odeh F. Aburd e n e *

Timothy G. Bro s n a h a n *

Jean D. Chandler

Te r ry L. Deibel

Carmen Diana Deere

James van B. Dre s s e r *

James L. Huffman

Charles B. Jacobini*

Al e x a n d ra B. Ke i t h

C u rtis H. Martin

Peter C. Ol e s o n

John F. Owe n

R i c h a rd M. Pe s i n

B a r b a ra Wo r rell Po rt e r

John H. Rixse III *

E d w a rd W. Russell III *

Christina Hussey Schoux

R i c h a rd L. Schreadley

Jonathan A. Small*

Charles A. White, Jr.

1 9 6 9A n o n y m o u s *

Kristen R. Apgar

J. William Brumfield, Jr.

C o n rad W. Carter

Vicente Collazo - D a v i l a

Patrick F. Connolly

Philip S. Coonley

S h a r ron Dorward

Alice A. Dre s s

Anne D. Emerson

Daniel J. Houton

John H. King

G e o rge B. Lambrakis

Ro b e rt A. Mira b e l l o

Paul D. Mosher

Susan D. Ol i ve r

Alexis Rieffel

Rudolph R. Rousseau

Cornelia M. Small*

C a rolyn S. Sommer

Joseph C. St ra s s e r

Nancy M. Tu m a v i c k *

William E. Wilson

1 9 70Hans A. Binnendijk

Michael J. Blake

John D. Caswe l l

Farrinaz Varzi Cre s s

Donna Dow s e t t - C o i ro l o

R i c h a rd H. Doy l e

James A. Fox

R. Michael Ga d b a w *

M a ry van Bibber Harris

Michael B. Hughes

Ro b e rt F. Ichord, Jr.

Ga ry H. Jefferson

A n d rea M. Johnson

William S. Johnson

John A. Ko e p p e l

M a ry E. Lo c k e

Leslie M. McCann

M a ry D. Nayak

C a rolyn L. Pa t t e r s o n

Alvin Pe r l m a n

H a r ry J. Pe t requin, Jr.

H e n ry Pre c h t

M a ry M. Shirley

Roy W. St a f f o rd, Jr.

Paula St e r n *

G re g o ry J. Te r ry *

Roger W. Wa l l a c e

Charles W. Wessner

Frances A. Zwe n i g *

1 9 7 130th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r Fu nd: $ 2 4,0 50

Participation Rate: 25%

Ca p i t al Gifts: $10,02 5

Jean Ullmer Bailly

Jonathan T. Card e r

B a r b a ra B. Cra n e

Carl F. Dixon

Ro b e rt F. Dobek

A u relius Fe r n a n d e z

Jess T. Fo rd

David G. Fra n t z

Ro b e rt L. Hiett

Marie V. Hoffman

William B. Hoffman

Thomas Holmes*

J. Griffin Le s h e r

Anthony R. Maness

James E. McCarthy

Mark K. Nichols*

James R. Scullen, Jr.

R. Bram Smith*

James R. Stark

David J. St e e l

Roger H. Ta f t

A n d rei P. Va n d o ro s *

1 9 7 2Kenneth R. Button*

Stephen B. Corrigan

Michael J. Dziedzic

Schuyler Fo e r s t e r

H e r b e rt M. Howe

Ro b e rt W. Jero m e

Louis F. Licht III

Ol i ve E. Liechty-DePo n t e

J e r rold T. Lu n d q u i s t

C a roline V. Meirs

R i c h a rd E. Miller, Jr.

Saleem Noora n i

E d w a rd Schumacher

Alan E. Van Egmond

Miquelon L. We ye n e t h

1 9 73Michael L. Are s c o

John O. Bigelow

G e o rge L. Breeden II

Ro b e rt G. Burke

Steffen Crow t h e r

Michael P. D’Ambro s i o

Christiane S. Delessert *

Nihal W. Gooneward e n e *

Marie-Christine Halphen

Hollis C. Hebbel

Charlotte Ku

John E. Lawye r, Jr.

Neil C. Livingstone

Susan M. Livingstone

Brian A. Maher*

S a n d ra W. Meditz

William T. Monro e

Norman G. Mosher

Patricia Bowe Ro m i n e s

M a rch M. Schwe i t ze r

William J. Shaughnessy

B a r b a ra A. Upton

Elizabeth G. Wy l i e

1 9 74Lisa S. Anderson

Denise F. Battat

Alazar Dessie

Stephen J. Flanagan

Carl I. Fre e d m a n

G e o rge Gluck*

Timothy P. Ireland

T h e resa P. Jones

Shahnaz Kianian-Firo u z g a r

Stanley H. Kober

Kenneth A. Ko re t z

L a w rence Lane

M a ry F. Lowe

John S. Moses

Lorie J. Niere n b e rg

Arne C. Pa u l s o n

E d w a rd B. Pe t e r s e n

Ellen B. Richstone*

Kenneth G. Schofield

Christine D. Shelly

Alan R. Stone, Esq.

Joseph D. St raubhaar

Frank L. Tr i p p e t t

John P. Wa t e r m a n

H e n ry P. Williams III

1 9 7 5Katherine L. Are n d t

Michael D. Balaban*

Catherine M. Barry

Timothy W. Berg i n

M a ry F. Blakeslee

Charles N. Bra l ve r *

Evelyn G. Brow n

M a u reen A. Brow n e

B a r b a ra P. Chrisman

Charles H. Dallara *

Ro b e rt J. Engel*

Makoto Fu k u d a

S a l va t o re J. Ga l a t i o t o

John R. Lacey*

Julia Nanay

James Pa v l e

Carlton B. Ro b e rts, Jr.

St e ven G. Schulman

M a rtin M. Singer

David M. Sloan*

John R. Sp i l l a n e

M a rcia S. Sp i l l a n e

Peter A. T h o m a s

D e b ra Van Opstal-Ginsberg

Jaap A. Van Opstal

M a rg a ret Nelson Vo g t

1 9 7 625th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r Fu nd: $ 3 1 ,6 6 8

Participation Rate: 20%

T h e o d o re H. Ahlers

Neil A. Al l e n *

Mark A. Bedner

Rodney G. Bent

Helmut P. Conze

Joan Denny

Elsie B. Ga r f i e l d

David J. Hwa

J. Ellen Kane

Ro b e rt J. Manning*

Douglas O. Marston*

Ro b e rt K. McNamara

G u s t a vo Pa l a c i o s

J e f f rey Phillips

Charlotte P. Pre e c e

B a r b a ra R. Row l e y

Jane M. St ra u s s

Ro b e rt J. Ta r r, Jr. *

Allison Read Wa l k

1 9 7 7Susan Whilton Agusti

L a u reen E. Andre w s

A n d rew W. Barlow

Edith Clarke

Brian V. Eva n s

Thomas B. Ke e l i n g

Ellen Stein Ko h n

Thomas F. Marfiak

L a u ra D. Maye r

L a u ren P. Moriart y *

Maria A. Nemeth-Ek

Elizabeth M. Norris

A n d rew Safra n *

David Silverstein

1 9 7 8Lynne L. Bernier

Terrill H. Burnett

Nancy E. Caton

Cynthia A. Valianti Corbett*

Stephen M. Davis

Russell J. Figueira

Eric R. Hermann

M a ry H. Knox

Ellen Beth Lande

B a r ry P. Le ve n f e l d

Alice C. Maro n i

Keith F. Nichols

John H. Ra n s o n

Patrick C. Reed

The Fletcher Communityextendsbeyond the School’s stu-dents, alumni, faculty, staff and board. In fact, friendsofFletcher play a critical role in supporting the School’sactivi-ties. Here, Dean Bosworth and Chairman of the Board PeterAckerman respond to remarksmade by MinisterLiu Xiaomingof the Chinese Embassy in DC during the annual DC alumni-students reception. The Embassy of PRC hashosted Fletcherevents forthe past three years.


n (J’66), in

Philip T.

e y *

w a

t t o n *

w m a n *

ng, Jr. *


g e l g e s a n g *

a i n w r i g h t *

e s t l a k e

r k

e t ch e r Fu nd:

on Rate: 28 %

i f ts: $100

o o m

m a c k

y l k e

s *

d re d g e

m o re

H a l e

p e r i n

r m a t s *

Ka m a n u

a n e - B i n n s

l d s

mpson III


S o b o l *

e c k e r

o r re l

C owd y


c k l i n *

l e i t z


c C l u re

, Jr.

e n ro s e *

Pe n rose III *

i t *

u s e

* Denotes Fletcher Associate.

F l e t c h e r C a m p a i g n

Page 12: Fletcher News - Fall 2001

Caitlyn Welsh Hug

Wendy M. Johnso

Yoichi Ka t o

Thomas A. Ke n n e d

C o n rad P. Ke s s l e r

D e rek J. Mitchell

M a ryse Ro b e rt

Stephen W. Ro b i n s

G regg D. Shapiro

M a rg a ret E. Smith

Simona Pe t rova Va

Rhonda M. Vi t a n y

G regg A. We c h s l e r

Linda S. Ye u n g

R. Scott Zimmerm

1 9 9 2Paulo A. P. Bilyk*

Celia J. Bloomfield

Susan E. Dorfman

Ro b e rt J. Filippone

S a rah Labaree Ch

C h e ryl D. Little

John W. Mitchell II

Julie Oxe n b e rg

Kristen D. Pe n d l e t o

D e i rd re M. Sava re s

Clark L. Shannon

Stephanie Gehlen

Maria T. Te j a d a

R i c h a rd C. Vi d a l

Katherine T. E. Wa r

1 9 9 3Agustin A. Acosta*

Luis A. Benve n i s t e

Izabela M. Chabin

J. Ro b e rt Charles

William E. Conklin

Melissa E. Crow

A n d rew M. Deutz

I rvin Hicks, Jr.

Carl F. Hobert

Kelley A. Housma

Christopher K. Hu

Lynne C. Maloney

Ro b e rt C. Mart i n a g

William H. Mott IV

Cynthia R. Pa y n e

Jennifer A. Pre s t h o l

Timothy J. Ro o rd a

Gisele A. Sara l e g u i

Eric J. Urbani

Christopher S. We n

1 9 9 4A n d ra Bowd i t c h

Linda H. Flanagan

Valentin Giro

I l ze M. Gotelli

Catharine A. Hart z

Annual Giving

Networking with alumni and friends of the School isanimportant aspectof the Fletcherexperience. The annual NewYorkand DC careertrips, organized by the Office of CareerServices, offeropportunities for students to meet alumni andsolicit careeradvice.

1 9 8 615th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r Fu nd: $ 6 ,03 5

Participation Rate: 9%

Ca p i t al Gifts: $8,150

O s valdo Agatiello

Mark J. Davidson

Mark R. Fe r r i *

Peter M. Haymond

A b ram Heisler

Augusta P. Heywood

Susan Hale Ka h a n

Masamichi Ka m i y a

Stacy L. Lu k s

M a rg a ret Mathieu

Diane C. Minogue

Amelia A. Newc o m b

R. Stephen Rasin, Jr.

Jeannette B. Schwagerl

John C. Sp r i n g e r

Ellen H. St a r b i rd

Christiana C. T h o d a - B u rg e s s

G retchen L. We h r l e - S c o t t

Yo s h i h i ro Ya m a d a

1 9 8 7St e ven P. Adragna

M a u reen A. Al p h o n s e - C h a r l e s *

Christine Lauper Bagatelas

Paul T h e o d o re Bagatelas

Vivianne Filmer Burke

Janet Fe l d m a n

Christian Lindemann

Laurie J. MacNamara

Meri A. McCoy - T h o m p s o n

Michael W. O’Doughert y

C a roline Keller Pr u d e n

David M. Schwart z

St e ven J. Schwart z b e rg

H i l a ry S. L. Scott

Frederick W. Weston III

1 9 8 8Pamela B. Berkow s k y

C h i t ra Bhanu

Vivienne H. Connors

Ka ren E. Donfried

Abbie Littlejohn Fo s b u rg h

John J. Gre c o

Elizabeth C. Hafner

I k u yo Hasuo

Jeannette Herrmann

Kevin Ke e g a n

Zhengxin Li

Daniel Lieberfeld

Pia Lo p e z

Lisa F. Onora t o

David L. Po t t s

Carrie A. T h o m p s o n

1 9 8 9Bunji Abe

Leslie M. Bernard

Constance E. Boukidis

J e a n - B e r n a rd Charles*

Jose M. Cruz-Osorio

John D. DeLo n g *

Anne E. Donohue

Benjamin W. Driggs

Raymond B. Fa r row III

Peter J. Ga s c oy n e

Brian T. Gibbs

Ellen D. Ginsberg

Amy R. Goldman*

Ve ronica H. Ingham

Katherine E. Johnson

D a ryl A. King

Blair L. LaBarg e

Jennie I. Litvack

James M. Lo e we n

Mark J. Lowe n s t e i n

Catherine J. McAuliffe

Bethanie B. Newby

G e o f f rey T. Pa c k

G e o f f rey A. Po m e roy

Thomas D. Rojas

Randall P. Roy k a

C o n rad P. Ru b i n

Ly ra L. Ru f i n o - M a c e d a

Wa r ren W. Smith, Jr.

St u a rt A. Sp e n c e r

Alan Ta f a p o l s k y

C raig J. Wa l l e n t i n e

R i c h a rd W. Wi e g a n d

1 9 9 0Ruth Margolies Beitler

Anne G. Campbell

Susan R. Caro z z a

C l a i re A. Carro l l

J i n d ra M. R. Cekan

Stacy Bernard Davis

G raham M. Kinahan

Charles S. H. Le e

C l a i re M. Madden

Mariko Noda

Michael E. O’Hare

Beth S. Pe r s k y

Christopher L. Shaw

Mieke J. van der Wa n s e m

1 9 9 110th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r Fu nd: $ 1 ,08 0

Participation Rate: 8%

Ca p i t al Gifts: $3,69 0

S a ra H. Bro t e

Alice S. Clark

T h e o d o re H. Clark

M a rcia E. Gre e n b e rg

1 2

Thomas C. Sadler*

Vidya Shankar

J. Bartlett K. Smith*

James I. Wa s s e r s t rom

1 9 7 9Regina M. Fra w l e y

Dean F. Goodermote*

Kent A. Jones

B a r b a ra G. Ka s t i n g

M a rtha Novick Ke l l e y

Miles A. Libbey III

Peter Malone*

Michael M. Metz

C l a i re E. Re a d e

Scott N. T h a ye r

Denise E. Wa s s e r s t ro m

1 9 8 0Lincoln P. Bloomfield, Jr.

Maria A. Borneck

J e f f rey H. Bunze l

Timothy J. Christenson

Michael B. Dashjian

M. Scott Davis

Darienne L. Dennis

Thomas S. Dra k e

W. Keith Eve re t t

S h e r ry L. Fe rg u s o n

John P. Friel, Jr. *

Rodrigo I. Gutierre z

Cristina A. Haus-Al i m o n t i

J. Peter Mitchell

Mark R. Oderman

Ignacio A. Ponce de Le o n

Nicholas Ro n a l d s

Michael R. Schneider

A n d rew B. Sisson

Thomas W. Smith

Robin I. Zeitz

1 9 8 120th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r Fu nd: $ 3 ,7 0 0

Participation Rate: 15%

Ca p i t al Gifts: $100

Stephen J. Del Rosso, Jr.

Daniel E. Doyle, Jr.

Ka ren Henderson

Zofia M. Klimek-Hall

Jason P. Hy l a n d

Susan C. Livingston*

J e f f rey D. McCausland

S a l vador Ort e g a

B. Lynn Salinger

Ro b e rt M. St e c k

Shou-Chung Ti n g *

1 9 82Charles M. Clermont

Susan Fe i n b e rg

Louise Hodgden-Thompson

Ka ren T. Le v i n e

Anne F. Lu n d b e rg

Frederick T. McElligott

B rad M. Meslin*

J e remy M. Metz

David A. Metzner*

Reiko E. Niimi

James A. Pe y s e r

Hugh J. Ra l s t o n

David R. Sands

Laurie Lerner Shestack

S a n d ra Dunlap Short

Kristin R. Sp a k

1 9 8 3C h rysanthus M. Ache*

Lori Bollinger

Bennett A. Caplan

M a rg a ret Dyer Chamberlain

Jenny Lynn Cox

J e f f rey D. Fe l t m a n *

James F. Giblin, Jr.

Ka ren L. Hendrixson

B ryan Kirkpatrick

Phyllis M. Le e

James A. Lico

G re g o ry K. McCall

Lo r raine J. Miller

Nicholas A. Natsios*

B a rtley B. Nourse, Jr.

Kirk R. Pa t t e r s o n *

Elizabeth W. Rowe *

Bala M. Sani

Ann L. Satchwill

Mark C. St o re l l a

Neslihan To m b u l *

Jennifer To o l i n - M c A u l i f f e

Ellen G. Van Wa rt

1 9 8 4Antigoni Axe n i d o u

Thais T. Ocando Bra vo

Diane L. F. Castiglione

Stephanie A. Connor

Ann G. Fa r ra r

James B. Gra y

Linda A. Gre g u s

Adam M. Gre s h i n

Raundi Halvo r s o n

John B. Howe *

A n d rea Ka t t e r

Youssef P. Khlat

Ro b e rt A. Kinn

David A. Mandell

Rebecca L. Miller

J e f f rey D. Pierson

Michael A. Ro s e n

Gail P. Smith*

Jeanne Gibson Sulliva n

Lisbeth Ta r l ow *

Amy Finkelstein Wi n t o n

1 9 8 5Nicholas J. B. S. Adams

G regg R. Baker

Bonnie R. Clendenning*

Christopher M. Cra n e

Katherine A. Cra n e

Catherine E. Fa r n s w o rt h

Bruce E. Fields

Derick L. Hulme, Jr.

Jean M. Johnson

G e o rge M. Ka l e va s

Victor M. Le v y

Edith J. Millar

T h e o d o re L. Pa r k e r

Lucio R. Pe n c h

Jose A. C. Santos

Thomas A. W. Sauermilch*

Christopher R. Tu n n a rd *

Ve ronica M. W h i t e

Abiodun Wi l l i a m s

Page 13: Fletcher News - Fall 2001

Caitlyn Welsh Hughes

Wendy M. Johnson

Yoichi Ka t o

Thomas A. Ke n n e d y

C o n rad P. Ke s s l e r

D e rek J. Mitchell

M a ryse Ro b e rt

Stephen W. Ro b i n s o n

G regg D. Shapiro

M a rg a ret E. Smith

Simona Pe t rova Va s s i l e va

Rhonda M. Vi t a n ye

G regg A. We c h s l e r

Linda S. Ye u n g

R. Scott Zimmerman

1 9 9 2Paulo A. P. Bilyk*

Celia J. Bloomfield

Susan E. Dorfman

Ro b e rt J. Filippone

S a rah Labaree Churc h i l l

C h e ryl D. Little

John W. Mitchell III

Julie Oxe n b e rg

Kristen D. Pe n d l e t o n

D e i rd re M. Sava re s e

Clark L. Shannon

Stephanie Gehlen South

Maria T. Te j a d a

R i c h a rd C. Vi d a l

Katherine T. E. Wa rd

1 9 9 3Agustin A. Acosta*

Luis A. Benve n i s t e

Izabela M. Chabinska

J. Ro b e rt Charles

William E. Conklin

Melissa E. Crow

A n d rew M. Deutz

I rvin Hicks, Jr.

Carl F. Hobert

Kelley A. Housman

Christopher K. Hummel

Lynne C. Maloney

Ro b e rt C. Mart i n a g e

William H. Mott IV

Cynthia R. Pa y n e

Jennifer A. Pre s t h o l d t

Timothy J. Ro o rd a

Gisele A. Sara l e g u i

Eric J. Urbani

Christopher S. We n d e l *

1 9 9 4A n d ra Bowd i t c h

Linda H. Flanagan

Valentin Giro

I l ze M. Gotelli

Catharine A. Hart ze n b u s c h *

R i c h a rd A. Johnson, Jr.

L a u ra McCarthy Kletter

Stephen J. Le a h y

Mark E. Manyin

Elizabeth A. McClintock

Elizabeth A. Nolan

B y ron L. Pr i c e

Maria Pro e s t o u

Nicholas D. Ray

Charles R. Scott

Hidenobu Shiro t a

R i c h a rd A. Sollom

William C. Stacia, Jr.

Maria B. St e w a rt

H i l a ry B. We n d e l *

Ernest A. Wright, Jr.

S h i ra Yo f f e

1 9 95Maria L. Canova s

M a rtha L. Culve r

Katrina C. Destre e

Donna Demenus Dholakia

Evelyn N. Farkas

Maria M. Fa r n o n

D e s i ree G. Filippone

Cy rena L. Fink*

G e o f f rey D. Fink*

Lullit Getachew

Olaf J. Groth

L a u rence S. Hanauer

A n d rew E. Harro d

Duncan B. Hollis

Alice L. Hurley

Vi rginia D. Hutch

Bingham Ke n n e d y, Jr.

Linda J. Maguire

Jennifer A. Norberg

B rooks A. Ol b ry s

R.D. Sahl*

C a roline L. Sanderson

Eric S. Sanderson

Jean L. Schere

Heather A. Schildge

David A. Schwimmer

Elinor C. Sloan

Michael H. Smith

David B. Sulliva n

Diane E. Ta u s n e r

Joseph E. Vo r b a c h

Harumi Ya m a m o t o

1 9 9 65th Reunion

G i f t to Fletch e r Fu nd: $ 2 ,94 0

Participation Rate: 13 %

Ca p i t al Gifts: $1,87 0

Philip A. Aquilino

Nancy L. Bailey

W. Russell Barber

Jennifer E. Bilchick

R i c h a rd W. Bre we r

Stephanie Wei Chin

Charles B. Dixon

Michelle D. Djuric

J. Marcel H. Fe e n s t ra

Robin First

Jason W. Fo r re s t e r

H i l a ry F. Fre n c h

Jessica S. Fry

Erwin K. Ga b l e r

David J. Gre e n e

Wendy Gutierre z

Timothy D. House

S a ra B. Ivry

Miki Ka s e

Patrick O. Ko c s i

Rhonda A. Lo n g m o re

Ingrid Mart o n ova

R i c h a rd Morris

Yoriko Nakashima

Vincent H. O’Neil

Wendy L. Philleo

Candace Lun Plotkin

Rainer M. St a u b

Melissa H. Conley Ty l e r

Maria T. Va rd i s

Suzanne W h i t e

1 9 9 7Ziauddin R. Ahmed

Jenny C. Aker

M. Lee Clancy, Jr.

Yolanda Cossio

Lisa Di Ro s a

Kimberly C. Field

Christine L. Gebuhr

Maria E. Genecco

To by Hsieh

John J. Ka vanagh III

Keisuke Ka t o

Thomas H. Kean, Jr.

Carmen Lam

Alexia Latort u e

Julie Lloyd

Jennifer D. Lo f i n g

Paul J. Moscare l l i

Osamu Nishiwaki

James F. Pe r k a u s

David S. Re i n f e l d *

M a rtin R. Ro l l i n s o n

Thomas P. Schwieters

Sebastian B. Ti g e r

Ana Tr b ov i c h

Vitaly Ve k s l e r

Adria E. Wa r re n

1 9 9 8Amy K. Aiken

Brian D. Al l e n

Nicole L. Byrns

Brian J. Cook

L a w rence B. Esin

C a rol M. Fra u s t o

Elizabeth N. Hudson

S a rah E. Ke n n y

Ena Michel Lalibert e

Polly C. Laure l c h i l d - H e rt i g

Frank J. Linden

Ka ra C. McDonald

St e ve R. Meade

Janot R. Mendler

David A. Pa c h e c o

Gabriel Pe t l i n

G weneth K. Bourgeault

Re h n b o rg

Roger C. Rigaud

Thomas M. Sanderson

John A. Sawicki

Manisha S. Shahane

Amelia F. Shogan

Gonca Sonmez-Po o l e

John M. Tu r n e r

R. Christian Wi n g e r

Tomoko Yo k o i

1 9 9 9A n o n y m o u s

Maia A. F. Babbs

Sonja Bachmann

Jennifer L. Bayo n

Todd R. Chappell

Jennifer C. Cro f t

Kelly Davis

Linda J. Dixon

B a r n a by S. Donlon

Meg Donova n

A n d rew S. Durbin

Adrienne Fitch-Fra n k e l

Marie T. Haddad

A n u radha V. Harinara y a n

Al o n zo W. Henderson IV

L a u ra H. Kirkpatrick

Christine Klink

E. Rebecca Kre i s

Carlisle J. Le v i n e

Hongyu Liu

Wendy M. MacLe o d

Brigid M. Pa v i l o n i s

Jonathan A. Ro s e n

M e redith A. Ro s e n b e rg

J e f f rey G. Ryd e r

Jonathan D. Schuman

Ellen M. Shaw

J oy A. Shifera w

Michael C. St ra u s s

Imke We s s e l o h

Takeshi Ya m a s h i t a

Zaid A. Zaid

2 0 0 0Anna L. Balogh

Davis B. Bookhart

Michael L. Castellano

Jay Zengjun Dong

Natasha S. Fra n c e s c h i

Hannah R. Fre t z

Maria Giard i n e l l i

Stephen E. Goodman

James C. Guyton

M a rtin Hansen

Joey R. Hood

Jessica J. Ly n n

Michele L. Malve s t i

Francis H. Marlo

Kelly S. Morg a n

Erin Nicholson

Maria E. Sart o r i

Fiona C. Scholand

Sinan Se m i l e r

Kelly Sims

M a rcia D. Sp i ve y

Gonzalo O. Suare z

Michael P. Sulliva n

Yukimi Ta c h i b a n a

S a rah A. T h o m a s

Guy Vi d ra

Kim Hoan Vu

Susan M. Wi l l i a m s

Luc Th. W. Zandvliet

2 0 0 1G ra d u a t i ng Cl a ss

Cl a ss Gift: $2,396

Participation Rate: 54%

Anonymous (5)

Ulrik P. Ahnfeldt-Mollerup

Wasan Al - S a l e h

A n d rew B. Anderson

Susan Banki

Ariunaa Batbold

Mark Battistoni

Julie A. Bennion

Ro b e rt Blair

Dulce M. Carrillo

Catherine J. Cart s o s

Khush Chopra

S a n d ra Contre ras Se p u l ve d a

G reg Cooper

Daniele Cosson Schere

Eric Davis

Tenzin Dawa

L a w rence G. Dixon

B e re n g e re Dumont

Rick Eva n s

Cristiana Fa l c o n e

The Fletcher Forum of World

A f f a i r s

Elaine Fre n c h

Ro b e rt Ga t e h o u s e

Brian Gibel

1 3

r n a rd



- O s o r i o

o n g *

o h u e


a r row III

y n e

b e rg

m a n *


J o h n s o n

g e


e we n

e n s t e i n

M c A u l i f f e

N e w by

a c k

o m e roy


y k a

b i n

o - M a c e d a

ith, Jr.

e n c e r

s k y

e n t i n e

i e g a n d

s Beitler

m p b e l l

o z z a

o l l




Le e

d d e n

’ H a re

k y


er Wa n s e m

e t ch e r Fu nd:

on Rate: 8%

i f ts: $3,69 0


e e n b e rg

* Denotes Fletcher Associate.

F l e t c h e r C a m p a i g n

Page 14: Fletcher News - Fall 2001

William S. l oved pro f e s si n t e r n a t i o n aFletcher ScCharitable s h o rtly afte1990. For yBarnes inspdents in thement law aNow, moreafter his re t i rBarnes contribute to Fof pre p a r i n gglobal persp

“ My father lodge on theNew Yo rk. W



1 4

Anita Gombos

Etienne P. Gonin

Claudia Gre b s k i

Katherine Guckenberg

Paul A. Haze l l

Kevin Huyler

Filippo Ilard i

D e vo rah Isaac

Sean Jackson

Bibiana Ka c i a n ova

Douglas G. Ka n t o r

B yongseop Kim

Aya Kimoto

Leslie Ku e c h e n m e i s t e r

Tomoko Kyo g o k u

Matthew Le h r f e l d

Sylvia L. Le u n g

Lia Limon

Ofrit Liviatan

Christopher P. Maier

Heike K. Mainhard t

M a rcelo Mere l e s

William J. Miller, Jr.

Andriani Mort o g l o u

G regg Nakano

Paul Nara i n

Minh Ngo

Kit Nichols

Coleen Nicol

Colombe de Nicolay

Dismas R. Nkunda

Clay Norrbom

Al e x a n d ra D. Pa t o n

John Pa t t e n

Ilena Pa t t i

Mustafa M. Po p a l

James Po t t s

Michael Pe v z n e r

Ursina Plüss

A rt u ro Ra m o s

X i o m a ra C. Ra m o s

Ro b e rt Ripperg e r

Esteban G. Sacco

Agnes A. Sauva g e

Noah Siegel

Pornvit Sila-On

M a rg a ret Sloane

John Solecki

Necia St a n f o rd

Elizabeth H. St i t e s

Lynn Sw a r z

Maria R. Ta t a d

Thaddeus A. T h o m p s o n

Ekaterina Tr i z l ova

C a rolina Vi z c a i n o

I vana Vu c o

John Wa l d e n

Namon Yu t h a vo n g

Ve ra H. Zieman

Stefanie Zo r n

Michael Zw i r n


Eileen Guggenheim*

B. Craig Owe n s *

Paul J. Tr i n g a l e

Gifts from FletcherPa re n t sAnonymous (2)*

Ka roly and Judith Balogh

( FP ’ 0 0 )

John B. Bunnell (FP ’ 9 3 )

B a r b a ra B. Burianek (FP ’ 8 9 )

DeAnn P. Clancy (FP ’ 9 7 )

Myles J. and Mary Connor

( FP ’ 8 4 ) *

C l a i re and Frank Connors

( FP ’ 8 8 )

M r. and Mrs. Tetsuo Fujichaku

( FP ’ 9 8 )

M r. and Mrs. Martin Goldfarb

( FP ’ 9 3 )

M r. and Mrs. Ro b e rt Greiff

( FP ’ 8 3 )

M r. and Mrs. Charles J. Gugel,

J r. (FP ’ 8 7 )

Alison A. Hagan (FP ’ 9 1 )

John P. and Ka t h ryn L. Hamill

( FP ’ 9 9 ) *

Sarnia Hoyt (FP ’ 9 1 ) *

Sue A. Hughes (FP ’ 8 9 )

Gail A. Innes (FP ’ 8 7 )

H ow a rd D. and Elaine Jacobson

( FP ’ 9 6 )

M r. and Mrs. Jarold L. Kohll

( FP ’ 9 9 )

M r. and Mrs. Charn S. Lee

( FP ’ 0 0 )

Mrs. Michael W. Levine (FP ’ 9 9 )

M r. and Mrs. Joseph C. Marlo

( FP ’ 0 0 )

M r. and Mrs. Aaron Meislin

( FP ’ 9 0 )

M r. and Mrs. Vitaliy A. Nevelev

( FP ’ 9 6 )

M r. and Mrs. Walter H. Pincus

( FP ’ 9 9 )

M r. and Mrs. How a rd E. Rotner

( FP ’ 9 0 )

M r. and Mrs. Ro b e rt M. Russell

( FP ’ 9 6 )

Lo r raine Sartori (FP ’ 0 0 )

Lucy W. Shepard (FP ’ 9 3 )

A u d rey Y. Slater (FP ’ 0 0 )

Chiori Tachibana (FP ’ 0 0 )

M r. and Mrs. Freeman J. Wright

( FP ’ 9 0 )

M r. and Mrs. Graenem A. Yoffe

( FP ’ 9 4 )

Gifts from FletcherFr i e n d sA n o n y m o u s

Ambassador and Mrs. Walter

A n n e n b e rg *

G e rald W. Blakeley, Jr. *

Allan B. Cole

John A. Daschbach

J oy Miller Del Ro s s o

Beth A. Dixon

Kimiko W. Dornburg, in

m e m o ry of Jared P.

D o r n b u rg (F’64)

James A. Duran, Jr., in memory

of Elizabeth C. Duran (F’56)

B e verly Ehrich

The Honorable and Mrs.

T h e o d o re L. Eliot

Michael I. Fa re s *

Karim and Leila Fa w a z

St e ven L. Fu n k

Raymond Gilpin

Elizabeth Z. Ginsberg *

Sol Gittleman

Al b e rt Harkness, Jr.

Kimberly A. Hart m a n

R i c h a rd D. Hill*

Ingvi Ingva r s s o n

Theodosia L. Johnson Cook

Karl F. Jord a *

Bernadette E. Ke l l e y - Le c c e s e

Elaine Klein

Maude-Marie Ko k e r

Philip T. Lincoln family, in

m e m o ry of Philip T. Lincoln,

J r. (F’65)

D e b o rah R. Marc h i o n y

Lydia M. Marshall*

Janet M. Martin

William F. McSwe e n y *

William G. Meserve Esq.*

N o ra B. Moser

Kimberly A. O’Lo u g h l i n

Denise Pa p p a s *

Frances Y. Pa r i s i

John C. and Sarah H. Pe r ry *

M r. and Mrs. Peter C. Re a d

Susan L. Ro t h s t e i n

G e o rge H. Schaefer

Chung Mu Son

Galen L. St o n e *

Fahad and Anud Ta m i m i *

Max T h e l e n *

Joel P. Trachtman and Lauren J.

R i c h m a n *

Anathea B. Wa i t e k u s

Frances B. Wa rd l a w, in memory

of George H. Blakeslee*

Helene Ryan Wa r re n e r *

John C. W h i t e h e a d *

Al f red M. Ze i e n *

Maria L. De Zubira n

C o r p o rate and Foundation SupportThe Gillette Company

Josephine C. Wilkinson

Charitable Lead Tr u s t

L i b e rty Mutual Group Fund of

The Boston Fo u n d a t i o n *

Va n g u a rd Charitable

E n d ow m e n t *

C o r p o ration MatchingG i f t sAir Products and Chemicals Inc

Alcoa Fo u n d a t i o n

American Ex p ress Fo u n d a t i o n

American International Gro u p

A n h e u s e r-Busch Fo u n d a t i o n

A rthur Anderson

Bank of America Fo u n d a t i o n

Bank of New York Fo u n d a t i o n

B a rclays Global Inve s t o r s

Boeing Company

Chubb and Son Inc.

Coca-Cola Co.

Compaq Computer Corpora t i o n

Chase Manhattan (JP M o rg a n )

C UNA Mutual Group

Fo u n d a t i o n

Deloitte and Touche

Fo u n d a t i o n

Deutsche Bank Americas

Fo u n d a t i o n

Dun and Bra d s t reet

C o r p o ration Fo u n d a t i o n

A rthur Vining Davis Fo u n d a t i o n

DLJ Fo u n d a t i o n

E n ron Fo u n d a t i o n

ExxonMobil Fo u n d a t i o n

Fannie Mae Fo u n d a t i o n

Fidelity Fo u n d a t i o n

First Maryland Bancorp

Fo u n d a t i o n

F l e e t B o s t o n

The Freedom Fo r u m

Gannett Fo u n d a t i o n

G e n e ral Electric Fu n d

Goldman Sachs and Co

G e n e ral Motors Fo u n d a t i o n

G TE Fo u n d a t i o n

H a rc o u rt General Charitable

Fo u n d a t i o n

Harris Bank Fo u n d a t i o n

Hughes Fo u n d a t i o n

Kirkland and Ellis Fo u n d a t i o n

K PMG Peat Marwick LLP

Lockheed Martin Corpora t i o n

H e n ry Luce Fo u n d a t i o n

Marsh and McLennan Inc.

M i c rosoft Corpora t i o n

Mobil Foundation Inc.

J . P. Morgan and Co.

N o rt h western Mutual

Fo u n d a t i o n

NSTAR Fo u n d a t i o n

John Nuveen and Co.

I n c o r p o ra t e d

P f i zer Inc.

Philip Morris Companies Inc.

Pr i c e WaterhouseCoopers LLP

Prudential Fo u n d a t i o n

J.C. Penney Co.

PNC Bank Fo u n d a t i o n

Science Applications

I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Sedgwick Inc.

Shell Oil Company Fo u n d a t i o n

Stanley Works Fo u n d a t i o n

Tiger Management LLC

United Technologies Carrier

C o.

W RQ Inc.

Xe rox Fo u n d a t i o n

Annual Giving

To all donors to The Fletcher Fund, thank you for yo u r

g e n e ro s i t y.

* Denotes Fletcher Associate.

Page 15: Fletcher News - Fall 2001

1 5

William S. Barnes, a well-loved professor emeritus ofinternational law at TheFletcher School, established aCharitable Remainder Trustshortly after his retirement in1990. For years, ProfessorBarnes inspired countless stu-dents in the study of invest-ment law and Latin America.Now, more than ten yearsafter his retirement, ProfessorBarnes continues to con-tribute to Fletcher’s missionof preparing leaders with aglobal perspective.

“My father had a huntinglodge on the Delaware River inNew York. When an adjacent

Donor Profile: William S. Barnes

piece of land became available, hebought it for me to use as my ownhunting lodge and retreat. When Iwas a young man, I used it regu-larly and have many wonderfulmemories of times spent there withfamily and friends. When I retiredfrom Fletcher, it was a naturaldecision to give this property toFletcher in the form of a Charita-ble Remainder Trust. This gift wassimple and entitled me to animmediate income tax deductionfor a portion of the real estate’svalue as well as annual income forthe rest of my life. Many peopleown vacation or rental property. Ihope my story encourages othermembers of the Fletcher commu-nity to make a similar gift.”

Professor EmeritusWilliam S. Barnes

A N N U A L G I V I N G F Y 1 9 9 6 - F Y 2 0 0 2






















$555$594 $601 $636

$658$690 $700



As an alumna/us or friend ofFletcher, you can enhance theSchool’s impact on internationalaffairs by establishing a charita-ble remainder trust or a bequestintention through your will.

For information about making agift to Fletcher through yourestate or, if you have alreadyincluded Fletcher in your will,please contact Roger A. Milici,Jr., Director of Developmentand Alumni Relations, TheFletcher School of Law andDiplomacy, at (617) 627-2372or via e-mail [email protected].

F l e t c h e r C a m p a i g n

Page 16: Fletcher News - Fall 2001

1 6

A t l a n t aTo Be Determined

B a n g k o kKusuma Snitwongse (F’57)

245 Sukhumvit Road – Soi 21



[email protected]

B a n g l a d e s hTo Be Determined

B e i j i n gNicole Monter (F’98) and

Agustin Escardino (F’97)

Delegation ofthe European Union

Dongzhimenwai Dajie 15,

Sanlitun, 100600 Beijing, PRC

[email protected]

[email protected]

B o s t o nFarah Pandith (F’95)

[email protected]

The Fletcher Club of Boston will meet onOctober 30 from 6 to 7:30 PM at theoffices of Mintz Levin and ML Strategies atOne Financial Center. Dean Bosworth willd e l i ver opening re m a rks and the agenda willinclude approving a new club stru c t u re andplanning future events. Please RSVP to cyn-t h i a . we y m o u t h @ t u f t s . e d u .

B u d a p e s tTom Schwieters (F’97)

Taro Gato Lejto 8., I/4

1021 Budapest


[email protected]

C h i c a g oH. Jürgen Hess (F’86)

[email protected]

Gregg Baker (F’85)

[email protected]

Sa ve the date! A reception to welcome De a nB o s w o rth to the Fletcher Community in theChicago area will be held on October 18 atthe Chicago Council of Fo reign Re l a t i o n s .Invitations will be mailed short l y.

G e r m a n y / C e n t ral Eu ro p eJan-Philipp Goertz(F’98)

Deutsche Lufthansa

International Affairs (BRU CP)

130 Rue du Trone

1040 Brussels


[email protected]

G e n e vaPhilippe Truan (F’89)

5, Chemin de Mapraz

1226 Geneva


John King (F’69)

[email protected]

Sa ve the date! Fletcher alumni in Sw i t ze r-land will have two opportunities to meetDean Bosworth and his wife in early Oc t o-b e r. On Su n d a y, October 7, Do u g l a sMarston will host the dean and alumni inthe Zurich area at his home, and on Mo n-d a y, October 8, the dean and his wife will bein Ge n e va for an evening reception at theHotel In t e rcontinental. Invitations for bothe vents will be mailed short l y.

Hong Ko n gTara Holeman

[email protected]

If you are in Hong Kong and would like tohelp re j u venate the Hong Kong Club, pleasecontact Tara Holeman at the e-mail addre s slisted above .

Lo n d o nCynthia Valianti Corbett(F’78)

15 Claremont Lodge, 15

The Downs

Wimbledon SW20 8UA

United Kingdom

[email protected]

Sa ve the date! A reception to welcome De a nB o s w o rth to the Fletcher Community in theLondon area will be held on October 10 atThe Tr a vellers Club. Invitations will bemailed short l y.

New Yo r kMeeta Anand (F’96)

17 East 95th Street, Apt. 1W

New York, NY10128

[email protected]

Club website: http://www.fletcheralumniny.com

The new NY club website can be accessed atthe address listed above. Please visit it oftento find out about upcoming events andother news of interest to NY- a rea alumni.

Pa r i sJulien Naginski (F’93)

104, rue Eugene Labiche

Rueil 92500


[email protected]

Nicholas Ray (F’94)

2 clos d’Antheaume

6 Rue des Poilus

78600 Le Mesnil Le Roi


[email protected]

Sa ve the date! A reception to welcome De a nB o s w o rth to the Fletcher Community in theParis area will be held on October 9 at Sci-e n c e s - Po. Invitations will be mailed short l y.

San Fra n c i s cOlafGroth (F’95)

[email protected]

LizHudson (F’98)


Sandra Short (F’8


Dorothy Tomasze


Professor Lee Ma Fl e t c h e r - WesGroth on Oc t o bMcKnight willsent Cre a t i ve Dand Success in t( c o - a u t h o red wRaul Katz) at T hand the World Olaf Groth forR S V P.

Se o u lYunju Ko (F’99)


North America Tr

Ministry of Foreig

Seoul 110-760



C l u bN e w s

Page 17: Fletcher News - Fall 2001

would like tog Club, please-mail addre s s

welcome De a nmmunity in theOctober 10 atns will be


be accessed at visit it often

e vents and- a rea alumni.

welcome De a nmmunity in theober 9 at Sci-ailed short l y.

San Fra n c i s c oOlafGroth (F’95)

[email protected]

LizHudson (F’98)

[email protected]

Sandra Short (F’82)

[email protected]

Dorothy Tomaszewski (F’93)

[email protected]

Professor Lee McKnight will be the guest ata Fl e t c h e r - West reception hosted by Ol a fGroth on October 16 at 6 PM. Pro f e s s o rMcKnight will be in San Francisco to pre-sent Cre a t i ve De s t ruction: Business Su rv i va land Success in the Global In t e rnet Ec o n o m y( c o - a u t h o red with Professor Paul Vaaler andRaul Katz) at The Commonwealth Cluband the World Affairs Council. ContactOlaf Groth for more information or toR S V P.

Se o u lYunju Ko (F’99)


North America Trade Division

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Seoul 110-760


[email protected]

Ta i p e iTo Be Determined

To k yoAya Konishi Abe (F’91)

506-4 Kuji

Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki

213-0032 Japan

[email protected]

Mariko Noda (F’90)

6-31-2 Chimoshakujii


Tokyo 177


[email protected]

Members of the To k yo Club met brieflywith Dean Bosworth in late July during histrip to Japan. A larger, more formal re c e p-tion for the dean and his wife will beplanned for later this ye a r. Details will becommunicated as they deve l o p.

Vi e n n aRainer Staub (F’96)

Slatingasse 6/B/12

A-1130 Vienna



[email protected]

Washington, D.C.Gayle Meyers (F’97)

2828 Connecticut Avenue, #312

Washington, D.C. 20008

[email protected]

Club web page:


The DC Club hosted its annual picnic onJuly 28 with nearly 70 Fletcher alumni, fam-ily members, and guests in attendance.Please visit the club’s website at the addre s slisted above for news of upcoming eve n t sand contact information.

1 7

Me m b e r s of the Fletch e r Alumni Association of Wa s h i ngton, D.C. and guests a t the Annual Pi c n i c on July 2 8 .

F l e t c h e r N e w s

Page 18: Fletcher News - Fall 2001

I N M E M O R I A M(

Fa c u lty

Mark Gopin. “ A r a f a t ’s tragic end and new beginnings.” Christian Science M o n i t o r, 16 August 2001, p. 9.

Sarah E. Mendelson. “The dark side is strong in Vladimir Putin’s Russia.”The Globe and Mail, 20 July 2001, sec. A, p. 11.

W. Scott Thompson. “Indonesia Has New Chief and Old Problems.” Los Angeles Ti m e s, 27 July 2001.

A lu m n i

Guive Mirfendereski (F’76). A Diplomatic History of the Caspian Sea: Treaties, Diaries, and Other S t o r i e s. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2 0 0 1 .

St u de n t s

John D. Moore (F’01). “Force Is Poor at Stifling Terrorism.” Los Angeles Ti m e s, 16 August 2001.

Ellen Berman and Faris B. Kader(F’02). “Opportunities for DistributedEnergy: You Can Get There From Here.” Natural Gas, September 2 0 0 1 .

Do you have a recently published bookor article that you would like listed inthe Winter edition of Fletcher News? Ifso, please submit a citation (ChicagoManual of Style format preferred) tom e g a n . b r a c h t l @ t u f t s . e d u .

2 2

R e nee Be rge r (F ’5 4)

died on July 15, 2001. A patron of civic and educational causes ofNew Yo rk City and a life member of the League of Women Voters ofthe City of New Yo rk, she is surv i ved by her husband of 43 ye a r s ,Jack. No further information was available at press time.

Ro b e r t Wal te r B iale k ( F ’ 5 5 )

died on Fe b ru a ry 17, 2001 at the age of 69. Ro b e rt was the ow n e r -operator of the Ta va Dora Ap a rtments in Ta va res, FL and a memberof the local Union Congregational Church. He is surv i ved by his wife,two daughters, two brothers, and one granddaughter.

D o n o rs ’ a f f i l i ation with The Fl e t c h e rSchool and Tu f ts Unive rs i ty are list e dafter their name and are denoted asf o l low s :

F Alumna/us of The Fletcher School

G M A P Alumna/us of The Fletcher School’s Global Ma s t e rof Arts Pro g r a m

A Alumnus of the College of Liberal Art s

J Alumna of Jackson College

E Alumna/us of the College of En g i n e e r i n g

G Alumna/us of the Graduate School of Arts and S c i e n c e s

R Alumna/us of the El i o t - Pearson De p a rtment of Child De ve l o p m e n t

H Recipient of a university honorary degre e

P Pa rent of a Fletcher or Tufts student; the student’s school and class year are give n

W Wi d ow(er) of an alumna/us; the spouse’s school and class year are give n

† De c e a s e d

D i s c la i m e r

We have made eve ry effort to ensure the accuracy of this re p o rt .Howe ve r, if we have re c o rded your gift incorre c t l y, misspelledyour name, or left you off the list, please accept our apology.Please contact us so that we may correct our erro r. Write to orphone the Office of De velopment and Alumni Relations, The Fletcher School of Law and Di p l o m a c y, Tufts Un i ve r s i t y,Me d f o rd, MA 02155.

Telephone: (617)627-5440

E-mail: [email protected]


P U B L I C A T I O N S(

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Student Services11%

Academic Support22%


Debt1%Other Sponsored


Operation andManagement of Plant


Institutional Services8%

Sponsored Aid4%


Grants andContracts


Other Sources3%




The Fletcher School Operating Budget 2000-2001

Total = $14,089,496

Total = $14,270,440

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Edward Schumacher(F'72), Managing Editorof Wall Street JournalAmericas, delivered theaddress at the FirstCommencement Exercisesfor Fletcher's Global Master of Arts Program(GMAP) on July 21. Applications to join thedistance-learning program for its secondyear (2001-2002)exceeded first yearapplications by 38 per-cent, and 37 studentshave been admitted tothe GMAP Class of 2002.