flood area arcgis


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Post on 03-Oct-2015




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FloodArea is a 2D flood modeling tool for the delineation of inundation areas – completely integrated in ArcGIS



    FloodArea for ArcGIS

  • FloodArea is a 2D flood modeling tool for

    the delineation of inundation areas

    completely integrated in ArcGIS. Since the

    first release in 2001 numerous engineer-

    ing companies, research institutions, and

    public authorities (municipal to national

    level) of about 20 countries have confi-

    dence in this simulation model.

    Main functions

    Fully integrated in ArcGIS Desktop Appli-cations (including Model Builder, com-

    mand line, and scripting)

    Specification of elevation units of your choice

    Model input either by spatially variable water level or by hydrograph

    Easily create and start simulation anima-tions from within ArcMap

    Full consideration of dam failures and flow barriers

    Save intermediate results at intervals of your choice

    Create animation movies in AVI format Manage and present your Metadata with

    a separate FloodArea style sheet


    Hydrodynamic approach Correct mass balance Automatic optimization of the iteration

    time step during model runs

    Distance weighted distribution to all 8 neighboring raster cells

    Dynamic change of flow direction Consideration of roughness coefficients Edges are considered

    Application examples

    Delineation of inundation areas from flood marks

    Dam failure scenarios Flood simulation for risk analysis and

    disaster management

    Estimation of flood retention potentials

    FloodArea HPC - High Performance Computing

    Modeling flooding scenarios using high

    resolution terrain models demands highest

    computational performance. Common

    practice is to overcome this problem either

    by modeling sub-sections of an area or by

    using a lower resolution. In the FloodArea

    Desktop-version performance is limited by

    available workstation memory.

    These limitations are now a matter of the

    past. Since FloodArea-HPC has been intro-

    duced, any number of computers (nodes)

    can now be combined to a computing clus-

    ter, whatever the size of your study area

    demands. You can increase the memory

    virtually to any size and according to your

    needs. You can now easily run simulation

    models with 500 million raster cells or


    In addition to this, FloodArea HPC has

    been improved by optimizing its algo-

    rithmic core. FloodArea HPC supports

    Multi-Threading and thus makes full use of

    modern Dual- or MultiCore systems, which

    further dramatically decreases computa-

    tion time. The operational, near real time

    simulation of dam or levee failures is now


    Support of additional operating systems

    FloodArea HPC computing clusters can

    comprise of computers running Windows

    (XP, Vista), Linux, and Solaris.

    FloodArea in ArcGIS

    FloodArea: geomers simulation and modeling tool for high-level flood preparedness

    Hydrodynamic Modeling

  • If you dont want to build up your own

    computing resources or if you want to

    save time for solving other problems think

    about outsourcing model runs to geomer.

    You can benefit from our experience and

    get best possible results efficiently.

    DTM Tool Editing and manipulating terrain models

    DTM-Tool is set of tools for working with

    digital terrain models, focusing on their hy-

    drological and hydraulic properties. DTM-

    Tool is the ideal companion for FloodArea.

    Contact us for details.


    Hydrologically meaningful resampling, retain hydrological features of a terrain

    Smoothing of a drainage network Interpolation of a terrain model between


    Linear interpolation of voids from sur-rounding vales

    Import rasters from x,y,z-ASCII files of any size

    Services around FloodArea

    In addition to FloodArea for ArcGIS and

    FloodArea HPC, we offer a service portfolio

    covering many aspects of flooding and as-

    sociated issues:

    Delineation of static or dynamic hazard maps

    Flood risk analysis for communities, in-cluding flash flood related risks

    Acquisition, preparation, and enhance-ment of related baseline data

    Training and capacity building for your own modeling

    Computational resources with our own FloodArea HPC cluster

    Planning of decentralized flood protec-tion measures


    Dr. Andr Assmann

    Tel +49 (6221) 89458-41

    Fax +49 (6221) 89458-79

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    FloodArea is completely inte-grated in ArcGIS and thus helps you saving time!

  • geomer GmbH

    Im Breitspiel 11 b I D-69126 Heidelberg I Fon +49 (0)6221 89 458-0 I Fax +49 (0)6221 89 458-79 I [email protected] I www.geomer.de

    Product References

    Use FloodArea and you are in a selected company. Since its intro-

    duction to the market in 2001, customers from different back-

    ground are working with FloodArea. Some of them are listed be-


    Research Institutes

    Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technol-

    ogy (EAWAG), Schweiz

    Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy

    of Science (NICLAS), China

    Umweltforschungszentrum Halle Leipzig

    University of the German Army Munich

    Zentrum fr Agrarlandschafts- und Landnutzungsforschung


    Facult Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux,


    Public Autorities

    Office of Critical Infrastructure and Protection and Emergency

    Preparedness (OCIPEP), Canada

    City of Cologne

    Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad, Centro de Geston Ambi-

    ental (ICE), Costa Rica

    District of Rastatt

    Federal Institute of Hydrology Koblenz

    State office for environmental protection Saxony-Anhalt

    State office for water management Rheinland Pfalz

    Mrkischer Kreis (district)

    ... and further partners, research institutes, public authorities, rein-

    surance and engineering companies ...
