flores family motto 2013 joyfilledfamily

L Be Charitable. love others, especially family, the way He loves you. Be Useful. serve always. Be Gentle. have the loving heart, tongue and hand of Mary. Be Joyful. stay rooted in the true JOY JESUS. share the JOY with all. Forget about yourself. die to self, live for God alone. Pray. speak to God often and cover everything in prayer. ALL FORJesus through Mary with the intercession of St. Joseph. NOW! offer prompt obedience to God’s will for you. JOY{filled}family.blogspot.com

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Post on 28-Apr-2015




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Be Charitable. love others, especially family, the way He loves you.

Be Useful. serve always.

Be Gentle. have the loving heart, tongue and hand of Mary.

Be Joyful. stay rooted in the true JOY – JESUS. share the JOY with all.

Forget about yourself. die to self, live for God alone.

Pray. speak to God often and cover everything in prayer.

ALL FOR… Jesus through Mary with the intercession of St. Joseph.

NOW! offer prompt obedience to God’s will for you.
