florida carry pr - final notice

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  • 8/6/2019 Florida Carry PR - Final Notice


    For Immediate Release - Thursday, July 21, 2011

    Florida Carry, Inc.Fighting for All Floridians Rights to Keep and Bear Arms.

    ---------------------------------------------- Florida Cities and Counties Kno wingly Continue to Break State Law

    Since 1987 it has been illegal for local Florida governments to regulate firearms andammunition . The preemption statute was passed then so that Florida gun owners wouldno longer face a patchwork of local laws that was impossible to keep up with. It was alsopassed to protect Floridians from local lawmakers who do not respect the citizens rightto bear arms.

    The Florida Legislature never imagined that local leaders would thumb their noses atTallahassee and intentionally break the law despite clear statute and appellate courtdecisions. But they have for the past 24 years and the patchwork continued.

  • 8/6/2019 Florida Carry PR - Final Notice


    In 2010, Florida Carry, Inc. Co-Executive Director Richard Nascak and a cadre of volunteers organized on web forums and banded together in an grassroots effort to fixthe problems at the local level. They contacted local governments and were shocked atthe reactions they got. Local leaders were quite happy to make criminals of lawful gunowners because there was no penalty for politicians and bureaucrats breaking the state

    preemption law.So, sue us! was the general and sometimes literal response. Lee County resident andattorney Patrick Buckley did just that. He filed a lawsuit against his countys park carry ban, knowing there was no provision to even recover his costs and fees should he win.

    Richard Nascak engaged State Rep. Paige Kreegel for help and the NRA got involved todraft legislation that would put teeth in the long-abused statute.

    Volusia County traded arguments for months with Florida Carry, Inc. Co-ExecutiveDirector Sean Caranna over its woodland and airport carry bans but finally backed down

    and repealed the preempted ordinances in March 2011 once it became clear that theFirearms Preemption Enforceability bill was on track to pass.

    During the 2011 session, the legislature made it clear that they had had enough. OnOctober 1 st 2011, new penalties and a vehicle for recovery of attorneys fees and costsgoes in to effect. With about 70 days left, to act Florida counties, cities, and agencies areon notice. Florida Carry will hold local leaders accountable and finally clear up thepatchwork of unlawful restrictions on the right to bear arms in Florida.

  • 8/6/2019 Florida Carry PR - Final Notice


    Sean CarannaFlorida Carry, Inc. www.FloridaCarry.org

    About: Florida Carry, Inc. is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to advancing thefundamental civil right of all Floridians to keep and bear arms for self defense as guaranteed by the SecondAmendment to the United States Constitution and Article I Section 8 of the Florida Constitution. Florida Carry, Inc.was organized by a group of Florida gun rights activists in order to better coordinate activities, effectively lobby thestate legislature, and provide a legal entity capable of filing suit to demand compliance with state and federal law.Florida Carry stands only to represent our members and the over 6 million gun owners of Florida. We are notbeholden to any national organization's agenda that may compromise that mission. Florida Carry works tirelesslytoward repealing and striking down ill-conceived gun control laws that have been proven to provide safe havens tocriminals and be deadly to law abiding citizens.

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    Media Contact:

    Sean Caranna [email protected] 386-212-1172

    http://www.floridacarry.org/http://www.floridacarry.org/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.floridacarry.org/