fluentd and kafka

Fluentd and Kafka Hadoop / Spark Conference Japan 2016 Feb 8, 2016

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Fluentd and KafkaHadoop / Spark Conference Japan 2016 Feb 8, 2016

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Who are you?

• Masahiro Nakagawa • github: @repeatedly

• Treasure Data Inc. • Fluentd / td-agent developer • Fluentd Enterprise support

• I love OSS :) • D Language, MessagePack, The organizer of several meetups, etc…

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Fluentd• Pluggable streaming event collector

• Lightweight, robust and flexible • Lots of plugins on rubygems • Used by AWS, GCP, MS and more companies

• Resources • http://www.fluentd.org/ • Webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uPB_M7cbYk

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Popular case




Forwarder Aggregator Destination

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• Distributed messaging system • Producer - Broker - Consumer pattern • Pull model, replication, etc

Apache Kafka



Producer Broker DestinationConsumer

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Push vs Pull

• Push: • Easy to transfer data to multiple destinations • Hard to control stream ratio in multiple streams

• Pull: • Easy to control stream flow / ratio • Should manage consumers correctly

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There are 2 ways

• fluent-plugin-kafka

• kafka-fluentd-consumer

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fluent-plugin-kafka• Input / Output plugin for kafka

• https://github.com/htgc/fluent-plugin-kafka • in_kafka, in_kafka_group, out_kafka, out_kafka_buffered

• Pros • Easy to use and output support

• Cons • Performance is not primary

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Configuration example

<source> @type kafka topics web,system format json add_prefix kafka. # more options </source>

<match kafka.**> @type kafka_buffered output_data_type msgpack default_topic metrics compression_codec gzip required_acks 1 </match>


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kafka fluentd consumer• Stand-alone kafka consumer for fluentd

• https://github.com/treasure-data/kafka-fluentd-consumer

• Send cosumed events to fluentd’s in_forward

• Pros • High performance and Java API features

• Cons • Need Java runtime

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Run consumer

• Edit log4j and fluentd-consumer properties

• Run following command: $ java \ -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///path/to/log4j.properties \ -jar path/to/kafka-fluentd-consumer-0.2.1-all.jar \ path/to/fluentd-consumer.properties

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Properties examplefluentd.tag.prefix=kafka.event.

fluentd.record.format=regexp # default is json

fluentd.record.pattern=(?<text>.*) # for regexp format

fluentd.consumer.topics=app.* # can use Java Rege

fluentd.consumer.topics.pattern=blacklist # default is whitelist



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With Fluentd example

<source> @type forward </source>

<source> @type exec command java -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///path/to/log4j.properties -jar /path/to/kafka-fluentd-consumer-0.2.1-all.jar /path/to/config/fluentd-consumer.properties tag dummy format json </source>


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• Kafka is now becomes important component on data platform

• Fluentd can communicate with Kafka • Fluentd plugin and kafka consumer

• Building reliable and flexible data pipeline with Fluentd and Kafka