fnbe english2 report


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Page 2: FNBE English2 Report

1. Research Proposal

1.1 Introduction

2. Key Summary

2.1 Location

2.2 The group

2.3 The Topic

2.4 Research Questions

2.5 Methodology

3. Brief description of the businesses

3.1 PMAA Gallery

3.2 Art House Gallery

4. Transcript

4.1 PMAA Gallery

4.2 Art House Gallery

5. Recommendations

5.1 PMAA Gallery

5.2 Art House Gallery

6. Comparative analysis

6.1 Comparative table

7. Appendix

7.1 Meeting minutes

7.1.1 1st Meeting

7.1.2 2nd Meeting

7.1.3 3rd Meeting

7.2 Shop details

8. Bibliography

9. References



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This report will study, compare and analyze two businesses of the same industry but

located in different regions of Malaysia.

The industry chosen for this research is the art industry. We chose this industry of all

possible options because we as architecture students found ourselves more interested in and

engaged to this firm than any other, hence we wanted to continue search on the basis of its

business. We eventually limited our research to two art shops in Malaysia. First is the Penang

Malay Artists Association (PMAA) gallery, which is located at Chulia Lane, Penang, while the

other one is The Art House Gallery (AHG) Malaysia, which located at Central Market, Kuala

Lumpur. Going through the two businesses we found that the business that is run in Kuala

Lumpur is more stable than that in Penang, most probably because of its strategic location and

techniques in running the business.



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2.1 Location

We carried out our research at two different states. The first research was carried out in

Penang. This state consists of many industries such as textile, food, fashion, etc. But the art

industry is probably by far the most famous industry here. The rapid growth of street art in

Penang has made the people here appreciate it even more. The second research was carried out in

Klang Valley. Pasar Seni, Kuala Lumpur is the home for many artists that wish to sell their

artworks and goods- as this place is one of the main attractions for both local and foreigners in

Kuala Lumpur.

2.2 The Group

Our group consists of five members- Nadine Nasharuddin, Mohamad Hafizi, Adibah

Bahiah, Farah Akmal and Ghaida Rashad. Four of us are from the Wednesday class, from

12.00pm-2.00pm, while Ghaida is from the Thursday class, from 10.00 am- 12.00 pm.

2.3The Topic

The two businesses that we have decided to do a comparison on are the Penang Malay

Artists Association Gallery, Penang and Art House Gallery, Kuala Lumpur. These two galleries

have been in the art industry for more than 10 years but they both are very different in terms of

the type of artworks they display, target markets, advertising methods, etc.

2.4 Research Questions


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i. What is your name?

ii. What kind of service/product does your business provide?

iii. When did you start your business?

iv. What inspired you to start this business/ What is the history of your business?

v. What are some of the obstacles faced when you first started your business?

vi. How did you overcome those obstacles?

vii. What are the strengths of your business?

viii. What are the weaknesses of your business (if any)?

ix. What are your biggest threat/ competition?

x. Who is your main target market?

xi. Where do you see your business in 10 years?

xii. Do you wish to expand your business, maybe to an international market?

xiii. What are your hopes for this business?

2.5 Methodology


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2.5.1 The Interview

The interview was carried out during our trip to Penang. We were given time to carry out

our interview during our three day staying there. We visited the PMAA gallery on Chulia Lane

and met with the owner, Mr. Abdul Rashid Razak. We started off by asking him general

questions about the gallery while taping the interview. He then gave us a tour of the gallery and

showed us his favorite pieces. He also gave us a brochure that was used to promote the gallery.

The second interview was carried out during the weekends. We went to Pasar Seni and went to

the Art House Gallery. The assistant manager at the gallery is used to giving private tours of the

gallery so interviewing him was not a problem. However, we were not allowed to take pictures

inside the gallery.

2.5.2 References

Besides on site interviews, we also looked up on the internet for reference. The PMAA

gallery has no proper website, so we had to get information from blogs and other websites that

has done a review on the gallery. The Art House gallery on the other hand, was not a problem.

We also got information from brochures and pamphlets that were handed out during the


2.5.3 Meetings

We have conducted a few meetings before going for interviews. This is to ensure that all

the tasks were distributed fairly to all group members. We also kept in touch through WhatsApp

and Facebook messages to make sure that everyone was on track.

3. B rief Description of the Businesses


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3.1 Penang Malay Artists Association (PMAA) Gallery

The Penang Malay Artist Association Gallery (PMAA) was restored as an Art Gallery in

2002, led by Abdul Rashid Razak, who was the president at the time, and is a permanent artist

that is still painting for the gallery today. The Gallery is located along Lebuh Chulia, near the

Kapitan Keling Mosque. The gallery currently only has one store, but expanding the business to

other countries are in consideration. The current owners of the gallery are Abdul Rashid Razak,

and Rashidi Abdul Razak who are also curators and painters that showcase their own artworks.

Besides displaying art pieces of their own or from other artists, they also buy and sell artworks to

customers, as well as accepting orders from people.

The business was started to help Malay artists to excel in the art industry as well as

educating society to appreciate art. Since the association was deregistered in 2010, and the rise

of new modern and contemporary art galleries, the popularity of the gallery has decreased.

3.2 Art House Gallery


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Art House Gallery is located at the Central Market, Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Yiu Hong, the

father of the current owner, Mr. Leonard Yiu in 1970, founded the Art House Gallery. Mr. Yiu

started selling his paintings, then, during 1979, Mr. Yiu started operating the gallery where he

not only sold his own paintings but he do trades (buys and sells paintings) as well. They’re also

selling native antiques arts and crafts. They’re known because they’re on of the oldest gallery in

Malaysia and a few magazines have published their gallery while often being invited to the

National Gallery of Malaysia events.

This business was inspired by their passionate love towards art and culture, as they grew

up surrounded by art. Art House is the oldest existing private gallery in Malaysia, which still

remained in business although many galleries at the Central Market closed down. They started

with two lots at first, then expanded to seven lots which was their peak but the Asian financial

crisis called the ‘tom-yam effect’ or others called it the ‘Asian flu’ made them back to two lots

again. They were the first gallery in Malaysia to bring Chinese oil painting in 1991, first to do

Chinese watercolor in 1999 and first in South-East Asia to privately owned mini museum that is

dedicated to Malaysian’s native art.

4. Transcript


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4.1 PMAA Gallery

1. What is your name?

Rashidi Abdul Razak.

2. What kind of service/product does your business provide?

We display paintings and take orders from people.

3. When did you start your business?

About 15 years ago.

4. What inspired you to start this business/ What is the history of your business?

Passion towards art, basically. I wanted to help Malay artists to succeed in this industry.

5. What are some of the obstacles faced when you first started your business?

Minor financial obstacles.

6. How did you overcome those obstacles?


7. What are the strengths of your business?

Our building was previously a famous landmark, so it is already known.

8. What are the weaknesses of your business (if any)?

People are no longer interested in traditional art.

9. What are your biggest threat/ competition?

Chinese galleries.

10. Who is your main target market?



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11. Where do you see your business in 10 years?

Hopefully we can expand this business to an international level.

12. Do you wish to expand your business, maybe to an international market?


13. What are your hopes for this business?

We hope that people are educated to appreciate art even more, and we hope that the future

generation can excel in this industry.

4.2 Art House Gallery

1. What is your name?

AJ, I am the assistant manager of this gallery.

2. What kind of service/product does your business provide?

We collect artworks from all over the world, and native antiques from south east asia. We also

sell them to art lovers and collectors.

3. When did you start your business?

About 44 years ago, in 1970.

4. What inspired you to start this business/ What is the history of your business?

My boss, Leonard Yiu continued his father’s legacy and he had a deep appreciation towards art.

5. What are some of the obstacles faced when you first started your business?

Financial crisis.

6. How did you overcome those obstacles?

Improved the management, sold some of the lots of the gallery to sustain us.


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7. What are the strengths of your business?

We have been in the industry for a very long time.

8. What are the weaknesses of your business (if any)?

People are selling artworks for a cheaper price in Pasar Seni, and the Malaysian society are not

so attracted to native art.

9. What are your biggest threat/ competition?

The other new galleries in Pasar Seni.

10. Who is your main target market?


11. Where do you see your business in 10 years?

Hopefully people will be more interested in native art and the business will expand even more.

12. Do you wish to expand your business, maybe to an international market?


13. What are your hopes for this business?

We hope that Malaysian society will learn to love native art as much as other kinds of art, as it

teaches us about our roots and history.

5. Recommendations


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5.1 PMAA Gallery

Because of the condition of the building, we recommend that the gallery improves the

building in terms of the design, interior and arrangement of the artworks in the building.

Currently, the building looks closed because of the small entrance, and the artworks are scattered

everywhere, leaving very little space for movement. Besides that, we also recommend that they

create a proper website so that people can access it and get more information and updates on the


5.2 Art House Gallery

The rapid growth of modern contemporary art in Pasar Seni has made Art House Gallery

less popular in recent years. We suggest that they organize a re-launching party to re-introduce

themselves to the art world. This would help people to remember their existence in the art

industry, as well as giving them opportunity to educate people more about native art. Besides

that, we also suggest that they open new galleries in other parts of Malaysia to expand their

market. The financial stability of the business should not be a problem for them to open their

galleries elsewhere.



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As already been said, we interviewed two businesses from different locations of

Malaysia. The first business which been here for 15 is the PMAA Gallery in Penang and our

interviewee was Abdul Rashid Razak, who led the gallery and one of the artists in the gallery.

The second business which started much earlier in 1970 is the Art House Gallery Malaysia in

Kuala Lumpur and our interviewee was AJ, the assistant of the present owner, Mr. Leonard Yiu.

Studying these two businesses, similarities as well as differences were observed.

Both businesses sell paintings of their own, painted by artists involved in the business

itself, and trade (buy and sell) paintings from other artists. However the PMAA gallery focuses

on paintings which are painted by Malay artists while the Art House gallery offers artworks from

all over the world specially, in addition to that the Art House gallery also sell native antiques arts

and crafts providing their customers with a wide range and variety of preferences and giving the

business its strength to be more competing in the market.

The two businesses started for different purposes. For the PMAA gallery the business

was started to help the Malay artists to excel in the art industry and educate the society to

appreciate the art around them. On the other hand the owner of the Art House gallery started his

business because art was something that he was passionate about. According to AJ “Mr. Leonard

Yiu (the curator of the gallery) grew up surrounded with art like his father and so both were

passionate towards art and culture”. He began with only selling his work and later on he

expanded the business.

Like any other businesses, these two faces some challenging obstacles that

prevent them from being on the required track. However it is not as bad for the Art House

Gallery in kl as it is for the PMAA. The Art House gallery has some difficulties attracting

enough costumers because according to AJ, the West Malaysians are not used to Malaysian’s


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native art & culture, therefore they’re not interested in them. As for the PMAA gallery the

obstacles are more challenging. First, due to the presence of street arts that is rapidly growing on

the streets. People no longer bother to enter galleries just to see artworks because they already

have access everywhere. Secondly, the current state of the business itself. The gallery has a very

traditional feel to it. The building itself, the interior, and the arrangement of the art pieces are

dull and not eye-catching. Moreover the gallery itself does not have an official website which

makes it hard for people to keep up with it.

Along with the challenges come the competitors, although the Art House gallery

seems to have no competitors within the area. According to AJ this is because each gallery in

Central market has its own type of art that is different from the other therefore there are no

competitions. On the other hand the PMAA gallery needs to compete with the China House Art

Gallery. A modern, contemporary art gallery that also acts as a café and a theatre space that

attracts many youngsters and tourists. The flexibility of the gallery and the active participation of

people to celebrate the gallery give it an edge to compete in the art industry and take all the lights

off the other traditional art shops in Penang.

The advertising techniques for the PMAA gallery are very limited. There seem

to be no official website that introduces the business or promotes the products. The only method

found was printed flyers with a brief introduction on the business. Besides these flyers were only

seen inside the shop so they are not directly exposed to the desired audience. As for the Art

House gallery, the fact that they are one of the oldest remarkable galleries in Malaysia gave them

quite a reputation. Few magazines have published their gallery helping them introduce their

business further. Besides that they usually get invited to the National Gallery of Malaysia. This

gives them the opportunity to show case and expose their artwork to a wider range of audience.


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To conclude based on our observation of the two businesses, the Art House

Gallery is more commercially stable than the PMAA gallery of Penang. Mostly because they

have been in the industry for more than 40 years thus they are more recognized among people

and perhaps more experienced in the firm. In addition to that unlike the PMAA gallery they are

more exposed to the international business, and have wider range of products to attract different

kinds of people.


PMAA Gallery Penang Art House Gallery KL


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Initial Purpose -Introduce Malay artists to the

art industry

-Passion for art

Main Products -Traditional paintings -Paintings + native antiques

arts and crafts

Obstacles -Growing street art

-Old Figure of business

-Art not interesting enough to

west Malaysians.

Competitors -China House Art Gallery -No competitors due different

types of art

Advertising -Flyers -Magazines

-Invitations to public events

7. Appendix7.1 Meeting Minutes


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1 st Meeting

DATE: May 12th, 2014

TIME: 10.00 am-10.30am

VENUE: Library




Nadine Nahsaruddin Wednesday,12-2 Leader

Mohamad Hafizi Wednesday,12-2 Note taking

Adibah Bahiah Wednesday,12-2

Farah Akmal Wednesday,12-2

Ghaida Rashad Thursday,10-12







Choosing the type of business

Art Galleries




Listing our general interview questions Adibah


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2 nd Meeting

DATE: May 16th, 2014

TIME: 2.00pm-2.15pm

VENUE: Continental Hotel




Nadine Nahsaruddin Wednesday,12-2 Leader

Mohamad Hafizi Wednesday,12-2 Note taking

Adibah Bahiah Wednesday,12-2

Farah Akmal Wednesday,12-2

Ghaida Rashad Thursday,10-12







Choosing the specific art gallery



Distributing the task

Hafizi – Record

Adibah, Nadine - Interview



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3 rd Meeting

DATE: May 21st, 2014

TIME: 3.00pm-3.45pm

VENUE: Library




Nadine Nahsaruddin Wednesday,12-2 Leader

Mohamad Hafizi Wednesday,12-2 Note taking

Adibah Bahiah Wednesday,12-2

Farah Akmal Wednesday,12-2

Ghaida Rashad Thursday,10-12


1. Introduction

2. Listening to recordings/videos Hafizi

3. Distributing the task for




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7.2 Shop Details

7.2.1 PMAA Gallery

Owner: Rashidi Abdul Razak (Artist)

Location: Chulia Lane, Penang.

From left to right: Mr. Rashidi (owner), Nadine, Adibah, Ghaida and Farah.


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PMMA Gallery: Lot 167, Jalan Chulia, Pulau Pinang.

7.2.2 Art House Gallery

Owner: Leonard Yiu.

Location: Level 2, Annexe Gallery, Central Market, Kuala Lumpur.

AJ, assistant of Art House Gallery and Adibah.


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8. Bibliography

1.Penang Monthly. (2012, March 2). Penang-A Home for Malay Artists. Retrieved  From the Penang Monthly website: http://penangmonthly.com/penang-a-home-for-malay-artists/

2.Penang Travel Tips. (2008, July 11). Penang Malay Association (PEMENANG). Retrieved from the Penang Travel Tips website:http://www.penang-traveltips.com/penang-malay-association_pemenang.htm

3.About Us, Art House Gallery. Retrieved June 1, 2014, from http://ahg.com.my/about-us/


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9. References

1.Penang Monthly. (2012, March 2). Penang-A Home for Malay Artists. Retrieved  From the Penang Monthly website: http://penangmonthly.com/penang-a-home-for-malay-artists/

2.Penang Travel Tips. (2008, July 11). Penang Malay Association (PEMENANG). Retrieved from the Penang Travel Tips website:http://www.penang-traveltips.com/penang-malay-association_pemenang.htm

3.About Us, Art House Gallery. Retrieved June 1, 2014, from http://ahg.com.my/about-us/