follies remaster

This 2012 remastered edition of the 1972 original cast album of Follies was releas ed in a limited editions of 1500 copies and sold out before its official release date. The results are breath-taking, le aving you to wonder how much sonic gold could be mined from other hastily mixed shows. From producer Bruce Kimmel's liner notes: The cast album for "Follies" has always been a love/hate relationship for fans o f the show, thanks to the decision not to make it a two LP set, which caused certain songs to be truncated and others not to be re corded at all. But what it did have made it something that, despite the frustrations, meant it would never be bettered  the original cast. No , it didnt sound all that good. Like most cast albums back then, it was recorded in one day, mixed in one day and in the stores a week late r. But those performances, especially from Alexis Smith, Dorothy Collins, Gene Nelson, and John McMartin were, for many, definitive. The mix on the original album was odd, with vocals being occasionally overpowere d by a suddenly blaring orchestra, or vocals hard-panned left and right. Having had great luck with remixes for the cast albums of "Promi ses, Promises" and "Sugar," we decided to see if "Follies"  original session masters were available. Happily they were  the original edited e ight-track session masters were in perfect condition. Those were transferred into Pro Tools and each song was lovingly remixed from sc ratch. Gone was the raggedness, and the clarity was astounding, with orchestral and vocal details all sounding crisp and clear, with fantastic d epth. While there were no additional takes or material (the songs were shortened or edited prior to recording), we re hoping that the new  mix is reason enough to have this CD.

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Post on 27-Feb-2018




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