food for tought?

Food for thought? Rodney Dekkers Sander Jansen Niek Maas Martijn Thomas

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Post on 02-Aug-2015




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Food for thought?Rodney DekkersSander JansenNiek MaasMartijn Thomas

Base of the problem

• Prices are to high

• Quality is too low

• Choices are to limited

• Service is poor

• Food is often sold out

How will the board decide wether or not to switch, and if so, how will they select

another caterer?


• Tilburg University (DFB)

• Customers

• Providers

Stakeholder: Tilburg University - DFB

• Interview with Mr. van Dongen (Senior purchasing consultant - DFB)

• “There is no automated Decision Support System in use”

• “The person who was responsible for setting up the KTC, is no longer employed within the organization. ”

• “The results of 2008 were average when compared to other universities ... The target figures for 2009 were set subjectively, without some sort of formula, ... The DFB wants the food services to improve after each evaluation and to be kept at the very least above average.”

• “The weight factors were chosen subjectively as well.”

Current DSS in place

• No ‘real’ dss in place

• ‘Confidential’ document found on

• Multi Criteria Decision Model

• Catering agreement

• They did not know there could be systems to support them in their decision.

• Criteria - KTC (Customer Satisfaction Index) - Weight factors

• Use values of other universities to set there own target values

Suggested Solution

• A good system for analyzing the results of questionnaires held under students and employees. In these questionnaires the students can grade different aspects of the food services.

• This system will rely on a multi criteria model where different weighing factors will be tied to different aspects of the food services.

• The input of the DSS will come from questionnaires. These questionnaires are now held twice a year, which is too few. Therefore the questionnaires should be held more often.

• FUTURE: SMS Texting service