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  • 7/30/2019 Food hygiene- Learning resources.doc


    FHy Source material and Glossary

    Source material


    People at risk (1:5) 0:01

    Causes and symptoms of food poisoning (1:6) 0:020:03

    Bacteria (1:7) 0:04

    Pests (1:8) 0:05

    Preserving food (2:5) 0:06

    General rules for food storage (2:6) 0:07

    Food storage (2:7) 0:08

    Hygiene habits (3:1) 0:09

    Washing up (3:4) 0:10

    Legal news (4:2) 0:11

    Hazard analysis (4:3) 0:12

    Principles of good design and use of food premises (4:4) 0:13


  • 7/30/2019 Food hygiene- Learning resources.doc


    FHy Source material and Glossary

    People at risk 0:01


    Food poisoning costs UK millions!Shock facts released today by theFood Standards Agency show thatmillions of workers are off sickbecause of poor food hygiene. This iscosting the country a staggering 350million per year, enough to build anew hospital every twelve months!The report from the governmentwatchdog, the FSA, states that anamazing 5.5 million people areaffected by food poisoning everyyear. Thats 9% of the UKspopulation of 60 million people. 7 outof 10 of the victims (71%) of foodpoisoning believed their food-borneillness was caused by food preparedout of the home in restaurants, fastfoodplaces, cafes, supermarkets,market stalls, by caterers youname it. Victim Jen Owen says, Itmakes you wonder whether its safeto eat out any more!The cost to the country, in termsof lost working time and soaring billsto the already-stretched NHS, isestimated to be at least 350 milliona year. Thats enough to build abrand-new hospital every year! Wesay its time to act.

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    FHy Source material and Glossary

    Causes and symptoms of 0:02

    food poisoning


    Bacteria Caused by Symptoms Incubatesfor


    Bacillus cereus(toxin in food, orin intestine)

    leaving cooked rice andcereals too long beforeeating them

    allowing soil or dust tocome into contact withfood by not wearingprotective clothing ornot washing hands

    leaving food uncoveredso that it comes into

    contact with dust anddirt.

    These bacteria causedifferent symptomsdepending on whether thetoxin they produce is in thefood or in the intestine.

    Symptoms from food toxin:



    Symptoms from intestinetoxin:



    Deaths from either are veryrare.

    19 hours






    Clostridiumbotulinum (toxinin food)

    eating raw orundercooked fish andmeat

    not washing fruit andvegetables thoroughly

    leaving and then re-

    using food in openedtins, especially fish andcorned beef

    allowing soil or dust tocome into contact withfood by not wearingprotective clothing ornot washing hands

    leaving food uncoveredso that it comes intocontact with dust anddirt.

    breathing difficulties

    difficulty in swallowing

    slurred speech



    muscle paralysis that

    can cause death.



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    FHy Source material and Glossary

    Causes and symptoms of 0:03

    food poisoning


    Bacteria Caused by Symptoms Incubatesfor


    Clostridiumperfringens(toxin in theintestine)

    allowing soil or dust tocome into contact with foodby not wearing protectiveclothing or not washinghands

    leaving food uncovered sothat it comes into contactwith dust and dirt

    food handlers and kitchenstaff not washing handsproperly after using the

    toilet eating raw or undercooked


    abdominal pain


    nausea (rarelyvomiting)

    symptoms are fairlymild, deaths are rare.




    food coming into contactwith animals (e.g. pets, orrodent pests)

    eating raw or undercookedmeat or chicken

    eating raw or undercookedcontaminated eggs

    drinking untreated milk

    drinking untreated water

    coming into contact with

    sewage, for example byflies feeding on bothsewage and food.



    abdominal pain


    symptoms can besevere, and can evenlead to death ininfants, the elderly orthe infirm

    when you have had

    Salmonella, you cancarry it around in yourbody and infect otherpeople.



    Staphylococcusaureus (toxinin food)

    food handlers and kitchenstaff not covering openwounds or infected cuts orboils adequately

    food handlers and kitchenstaff not wearing protectiveclothing or followinghygienic procedures, andallowing food to come into

    contact with germs fromskin, nose, mouths andthroats

    drinking raw cow or goatmilk

    eating undercooked foodscontaining or having comeinto contact with animalskin.

    abdominal cramps

    low body temperature

    vomiting, sometimesso severe thathospitalisation isrequired

    deaths are rare.

    26 hours 2448hours

  • 7/30/2019 Food hygiene- Learning resources.doc


    FHy Source material and Glossary

    Bacteria 0:04


  • 7/30/2019 Food hygiene- Learning resources.doc


    FHy Source material and Glossary

    Pests 0:05


    Kinds of pest Hazards to health Methods of controlInsects that come in from

    outside, for example: flies moths ants cockroaches fruit flies

    Insects that live in storedfood, for example: beetles mites weevils

    Rodents: rats mice

    Birds: pigeons sparrows starlings seagulls

    Pets in the kitchen: dogs cats hamsters, mice and rats birds

    Carrying germs from

    unhealthy places, forexample: rats carrying disease from

    the sewers they live in flies carrying disease from

    rubbish tips and animaldroppings

    wasps carrying dirt andgerms from dustbins.

    Carrying bacteria inside theirbodies, for example: passing on bacteria from

    saliva and defecatingwhile eating food

    passing on food-bornediseases like dysenteryand Weils disease carriedby rats urine.

    Contaminating food with: droppings eggs

    fur nest materials mites parasites dead bodies.

    Causing physical damage toproperty: damage to furnishings,

    e.g. wooden storecupboards

    damage to electrical

    cables, causing a firehazard

    materials used for nests.

    Keep food covered at all

    times. Store food in sealed

    containers (this will help tokeep it fresh as well assafe).

    Never leave food outside. Make sure rubbish bins

    are kept closed andemptied regularly.

    Check deliveries of fruit,vegetables and cereals forpests, and around allpackaging.

    Check stored foodcarefully and regularly forsigns of pests. Dont keepgrains, cereals or spicesfor too long.

    Keep the food storageareas and preparationareas clean all the time.Check around binsespecially.

    Clear up any foodspillages immediately. Dont leave doors and

    windows open. Tell your manager

    immediately if you see anysigns of pests.

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    FHy Source material and Glossary

    Preserving food 0:06


    Preserving foodThese paragraphs are all about different methods of preserving food. The topicsentence is highlighted for you in each one. Remember to keep stopping to check youhave understood what you are reading. Circle words you dont know and look them up inthe glossary.

    Heat treatmentHeat can be used in different ways to prolong the shelf life of food. A medium heat isused in pasteurising milk and egg products, which then have to be kept refrigerated. UHT(ultra heat treatment) is used to keep milk and milk products, like custard, safer forlonger. Sterilisation is used for canned and bottled foods and uses different temperatures

    and lengths of time depending on the size of the can and whats inside it.

    Low temperaturesFood can either be frozen or chilled to stop micro-organisms from reproducing. Both haveto be done quickly to make sure the food isnt damaged or spoiled. Frozen and chilledfoods must be kept at low temperatures.

    DryingDrying food, or dehydration, takes out the moisture that feeds spoilage bacteria, so foodlike fish, meat, vegetables and fruit can be kept for long periods.(Paragraph 4)

    Smoking food adds flavour as well as preserving it. Cheese, fish, chicken, sausages andbacon are often smoked.

    Chemical preservationChemicals can preserve food by making it difficult for micro-organisms to grow there.Salting, pickling, curing and preserving with sugar are examples of chemicalpreservation. Some herbs and spices can also help to preserve food. Artificial chemicals,such as sorbic acid, sodium benzoate and sulphur dioxide are found in many foodstoday. Artificial chemicals are given an E number.

    Controlled packagingMany micro-organisms need oxygen to live and grow, so controlled packaging removes

    oxygen. Vacuum packaging removes oxygen so that they cant grow. Sous-videpackaging combines vacuum packaging with pasteurising and chilling. Gases can alsobe used to remove oxygen. When they are used food labels must say Packed in aprotective atmosphere.

    IrradiationThis is most useful for grains and spices. It kills insects as well as microorganisms byexposing food to a form of radiation.

  • 7/30/2019 Food hygiene- Learning resources.doc


    FHy Source material and Glossary

    General rules for food storage 0:07


    Store food immediately after you have checked the

    delivery. Always deal with high risk, frozen and perishable foods

    before dry and canned goods.

    Keep high risk and perishable foods out of the temperaturedanger zone.

    Always read the storage instructions on the label or box.Place foods in the correct storage areas. You must protectfood from contamination.

    Never store food on the floor, always use shelves orpallets.

    Use clean, dry containers and wrappers if food needs tobe divided into smaller quantities or re-wrapped.

    Stack shelves carefully without overloading them andleave enough space between goods for air to circulatefreely.

    Keep storage areas clean and dry; clear up any spillsimmediately.

    Rotate stock. Never use food that has just arrived whenyou have stock on the shelves that should be used first.

    Tell your manager about any signs of pests.

    Separate any food that could be spoilt or has gone past itsdate mark to ensure that it is not eaten - and tell yourmanager. He or she will tell you what to do once the food

    has been checked. Unacceptable food should be returnedto the supplier or destroyed.

    Always store cleaning chemicals and materials inse arate clearl labelled areas.

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    FHy Source material and Glossary

    Food storage 0:08



    To:All staff From: J.M. Alley, Head OfficeRe: Upcoming Health Officer Inspection

    As you know, acting on complaints made by two customers, an inspection of yourpremises is to be carried out by an Environmental Health Officer on Monday. A headoffice employee came to inspect your premises in advance, and made the followingobservations:

    Food workers were seen to be throwing a delivery of potatoes and other vegetablesinto the storage area. Handle everything with care: rough handling can acceleratespoilage.

    Several items in the freezer were found to be poorly wrapped or not wrapped at all.Freezer burn is caused by dehydration damage when food is frozen without properwrapping and moisture evaporates.

    Inappropriate storage in the fridge may allow raw meat to drip onto cooked food.It is essential to follow company guidelines in this regard.

    Rubbish appears to be being stored for too long. This will cause an infestation of flies.If this continues, the premises could face closure by the Environmental HealthDepartment.

    I recommend all staff are retrained in food hygiene as soon as possible, and the aboveproblems are rectified immediately.

    Please ensure these recommendations are carried out with immediate effect under MrsSmythes supervision. No food is to be sold to the public without her writtenapproval.

  • 7/30/2019 Food hygiene- Learning resources.doc


    FHy Source material and Glossary

    Hygiene habits 0:09


    Hand hygiene

    Wash your hands frequently throughout theday, especially when you begin work,whenever you have handled food, after goingto the toilet or outside, and after smoking.Never test food with your finger, always use aclean spoon. Dont wear nail varnish it couldflake off into food or jewellery, which couldtrap bits of food and cause cross-contamination.

    Covercuts, scratches and spots with awaterproof plaster to prevent spreadingbacteria to food and to protect the wound orspot. Waterproof plasters should be brightlycoloured they are usually blue so that theycan be easily seen if they come off. Someplasters contain a thin metal strip so that theycan be automatically identified by a metaldetector on production lines. If a plaster doesfall into food, tell your employer immediately.

    Ifyou have a weeping spot or boil, you must

    report this to your employerbefore you startwork. People are the main source ofStaphylococcus aureus food poisoningbacteria, which can spread from infected spotsor boils

    How to wash hands thoroughly:1 Rinse any bits of food or dust off your hands.2 Use comfortably hot, running water.3 Use one squirt of soap from the dispenser.4 Rub soap all around, including between your fingers.5 Scrub nails with a nailbrush, especially if you have been to the toilet or have

    been handling raw food.6 Rinse the nailbrush off carefully.7 Rinse hands thoroughly, back and front.8 Dry hands carefully on paper towels.

  • 7/30/2019 Food hygiene- Learning resources.doc


    FHy Source material and Glossary

    Washing up 0:10

    Read the information on this page, then answer the multiple choice questions on the learner



    Washing upDishwashers provide an effective way to clean anddisinfect items used in the preparation of food. Rinsecycles run at 82C to 89C. Always followmanufacturers instructions, making sure that themachine is stacked without blocking the cleaning jetsand is filled with the right amount of correct chemicals.

    Washing by handMany food activities involve washing some items byhand.Wherever possible, use two sinks side by side.

    Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from hotwater and chemicals.

    Remove particles of food scrape and rinse ifnecessary.

    Wash the items, ideally in the first sink, with hotwater (at about 55C) and detergent, using a cloth

    or a brush. Replace the water if it becomes cool orgreasy.

    Rinse in very hot water at 82C is ideal using asecond sink if possible. Leave items to soak for 30seconds. If possible, use a purpose designedbasket to lower and lift items out of the water.

    Dry the items, preferably by leaving them to air dry,in a clean, dry area safe from contamination.

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    FHy Source material and Glossary

    Legal news 0:11


    Fast food restaurant ignored 20 warningsThe owner of a fast food restaurant in Huntingdon who failed to improve standardsdespite 20 visits from Environmental Health Officers over 18 months has been bannedfrom running a food business for six months. The proprietor was also fined 10,000 andordered to pay 3,000 costs after Huntingdon District Council prosecuted him for 11breaches of food safety rules. The offences included lack of cleanliness of the premisesand food preparation equipment, structural defects, and poor storage and removal ofrefuse.

    National supermarket sells out of date food

    A national supermarket store has been fined 2,000 and ordered to pay 8,500 costsafter pleading guilty to selling a mouldy carrot cake that was three weeks past its bestbefore date. Only months previously the same store was given a formal caution after a40mm long bolt was discovered in a loaf of bread.

    Restaurant closed down for rat infestationA Chinese restaurant has been closed down for 10 days and the owner fined 2,000 forfailing to deal with a rat infestation. The owner was aware of the problem for a monthbefore Environmental Health Officers visited, she had attempted to tackle the ratinfestation herself but had failed to make an impact. Rat droppings were found in thefood preparation, storage and serving areas.

    Public house fined for dirty kitchenThe landlord of a pub in County Durham has been fined 1,200 and ordered to pay 800in costs after Environmental Health Officers found a build-up of dirt in the kitchen and onequipment. Bloodstains from raw meat were found inside the pubs fridge that was alsoused to store cooked foods. The landlord was prosecuted for breaches of thetemperature control regulations and general food hygiene regulations.

    Local butchers shop prosecuted for opening without meatproducts approvalNorth East Derbyshire District Council have prosecuted a local butchers shop for fiveoffences including operating a meat products plant without approval and a number ofFood Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations breaches. The owner was fined 1000for each of the five offences and ordered to pay costs of 846.Meat products approval is required in certain cases where businesses supply meat topeople other than the final consumer.

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    FHy Source material and Glossary

    Hazard analysis 0:12

    Example Hazard Analysis Flowchart for a retailing operation


    Steps Hazard Control

    Purchase anddelivery

    Harmful bacteria presentin ready to eat foods.

    Physical and/orchemical contaminationof incoming foods.

    Use reputablesuppliers.

    Specify deliverytemperatures.

    Chilled storage Growth of harmfulbacteria.

    Cross contamination.

    Store high riskfoods below 5C.

    Cover andseparate raw andready to eat foods.

    Reheating offoods e.g. pies,pasties*

    Survival of harmfulbacteria.

    Reheat to a centretemperature of75C or above.

    Hot display/service/sale*

    Bacterial, chemical,physical contamination.

    Good personalhygiene.

    Minimise handlingof food throughuse of gloves,tongs etc.

    Disinfection ofequipment andutensils e.g.slicers, boards.

    Hold foods above63C.

  • 7/30/2019 Food hygiene- Learning resources.doc


    FHy Source material and Glossary

    Principles of good design and use of 0:13

    food premises


    Information leaflet #2612

    Principles of good design anduse of food premises

    Employers and staff of food-related premises

    should follow these principles:

    The design of food premises should helpstaff to prevent contamination and tocontrol food temperatures. Check: Do thepremises you work in allow raw and cookedfood as well as clean and dirty tasks to bekept apart?

    It is imperative that the design of foodpremises prevents pest infestation!

    The best materials for the building andfurnishings are long lasting, waterproof,smooth and easy to clean.

    Food equipment and utensils must also belong lasting, waterproof, smooth, resistantto damage and easy to clean. Check: Arethe equipment and furnishings placed insuch a way as to make thorough cleaningeasy?

    There should be a well-planned route forfood through the premises.

    Food handlers must plan their work so thatthey make the fewest number of journeysaround the food area as possible.

    Have you followed all health and safetyprocedures and food hygiene regulations?Make sure by asking your local EnvironmentalHealth Officer for advice.

    Call free phone number 085555555 for more information

  • 7/30/2019 Food hygiene- Learning resources.doc


    FHy Source material and Glossary

    Glossaryabdominal in the region of the abdomen orbellyaccelerate speed upadequate suitable, good enoughallergy an abnormal response of the bodysimmune system to a normally harmless foodapproximately about that many, could be a bitmore or a bit lessartificial not from nature, man-madeassess find out about and make a decisionaboutbacteria very small, single-cell living thingwhich can multiply very quicklychemical a substance that can change othersubstanceschemical preservation treating food withnatural or artificial chemicals to keep it safecirculate let air move freely around somethingcondensation steam turning to droplets thatcan settle over everything in the areaconditions illnesses with particular signs orsymptomscontaminate make something infected withbacteriacontaminated food that is contaminated hascome into contactwith something else that could make whoevereats it ill

    contamination when food has come intocontact with something else that could makewhoever eats it illcontrol a measure that can be used toremove a hazard completely or reduce it tosafe level. Typical control measures includetime and temperature targets, cleaning foodcontact surfaces and visual inspectioncorrosive a chemical with the power todissolve or eat away human skin, metal andother substancescritical control points steps at which it isessential that hazards are removed or reduced

    to a safe level in order to ensure that food issafe to eatcuring mixing salt or salted water with food tohelp prevent bacteria growingday dots colour-coded dots on foods showingthe last day they can safely be eatendefecating passing waste from the bodydegrees Celsius the unit of measurement fortemperaturedehydration taking any moisture out of fooddesign premises decide where things shouldgo in a food shop or other outletdetergent chemical mix that cleans dirt away;

    soapdiarrhoea very loose stools when you go tothe toilet

    discard throw awaydisinfect kill bacteriadisinfectant chemical mix that kills germsdysentery a dangerous disease that causessevere diarrhoeaeffective something that works wellenforcement authority people employed bythe government to make sure laws are obeyedentitled to expect should expect to haveequip premises put equipment into a foodshop or outletevaporate water coming out of the food andgoing into the airexempt not included in the usual rulesexpired ended, finished, gone pastexpose allow to come into contact withfacilities equipment and materials required fora particular purposeflammable likely to catch fireflexibility a bit of leeway; a little bit more orless is acceptableflow chart chart or diagram showing acomplex activity or processfood intolerance an unpleasant reaction tofood that isnt related to the immune system the bodys response system to germs anddiseasefood poisoning illness caused by bacteria in

    food, ranging from slight stomach upset todeathfood-borne illness an illness caused byeating foodfrequently oftenhazarda physical, chemical or biologicalagent present in food which has the potentialto cause harm, injury or deathhazard analysis collecting and makingdecisions about information on things thatcould be dangeroushighly perishable foods that do not stay freshfor very long; foods without preservatives

    hospitalisation taken into hospitalhuman consumption (fit for) that can be(safely) eaten or drunk (consumed) by peoplehygienically in a way that is clean and doesntpass germs onillustration a picture in a book or article whichexplains something or adds informationimperative absolutely necessary; criticallyimportant steps at which it is essential thathazards are removed or reduced to a safelevel in order to ensure that food is safe to eatinappropriate incorrect; not suitableincubation period the time it usually takes

    from consuming food to the first symptoms ofpoisoninginfestation large numbers of pests


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    FHy Source material and Glossary

    inspection looking at carefully, to make suresomething is being done properlyirradiation to treat food with radiation to stopbacteria from reproducingirritant something likely to cause reddening,swelling, itching, burning, or blistering

    logical sequence steps that have to come ina particular order to make senselow immunity a weak response to germs ordiseasemicro-organisms tiny living things, likebacteria, fungi, yeasts, moulds, viruses andparasitesmisleading pretending to be something elsemite a very tiny creature of the spider familymoisture dampnessmonitorkeep checkingmould a very small type of fungus whichgrows on food

    nausea a feeling of sicknessneglected not thought about enough, notconsidered or not doneobservation something you have seen foryourselfoperate premises run a shop or other outletthat prepares foodorganism a very small cell or form of lifeoxygen an important gas in the air that webreatheparagraph two or more sentences about aparticular topicparalysis being unable to move at all

    parasites animals or plants that live in or onother animals or plantsparticles small bitspasteurising heating food to a moderatetemperature to kill some but not all micro-organismspathogenic bacteria small organism able tocause diseaseper cent (%) a type of fraction where the valueis given as a measure out of every 100. Forexample, 25% means 25 out of 100 or 25/100.perishable foods that can spoil or go badquickly

    physical something that you can see andtouchpickling mixing vinegar with food to helpprevent bacteria growingpoison something that can harm or kill a livingthingpoisonous description of a substance thatcan harm or kill a living thingpremises buildings in which work is carriedout. Food premises include factories, shops,restaurants, market stalls, delivery vehicles,ships, trains and aeroplanes anywhere foodis handled.

    prevent contamination stop anything gettinginto food that shouldnt be there

    principles important ideas about howsomething must be doneprosecuted taken to court to be judgedpublishercompany that prints and distributestexts or designs and updates websitespurpose designed built specially for a reason

    radiation a form of energy from heat or lightthat you cant seerectified put rightrefrigerated stored or displayed in a fridgeregulations rules made to control thingsrelevant related to or important to something;related to what you are talking aboutreproduce make a new generationrequirements what is neededresponsibility something for which you areresponsible, are in charge of or have to dorotate change around, so that the oldest foodis used first

    salting mixing salt or salted water with food tohelp prevent bacteria growingsanitizera mix of detergent and disinfectantsatisfactory good enoughshelf life the length of time that a food item issafe to eatsimilar symptoms signs of illness that are thesame as the signs of food poisoningsmoked food food treated with smoke fromoak or ash wood, which helps to slow downbacterial growthsodium benzoate a chemical used topreserve prawns, margarine, soft drinks,

    barbecue sauce,orange squash and other foodssorbic acid a chemical used to preserveyoghurts, sweets, soft drinks, processedcheese and other foodssources beginnings, where something comesfromsources of ignition sparks, open flame, etc.which could set something on firesous-vide a method of preserving food thatcombines pasteurising, chilling and vacuumpackagingspoilage bacteria small organisms able to

    spoil foodspores the protective form of some bacteriasterilisation the process of making somethingcompletely clean and free from bacteriastock rotation making sure that the oldeststock is used firstsulphur dioxide a chemical used to preservedried fruits and vegetables, fruit juices andsyrups, beer, wine, cider, sausage meat andother foods


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    FHy Source material and Glossary

    technical language language related toscience and technology, or about a particularsubject; words which are not widely usedtemperature gauge tool used to measuretemperaturetoxin poison, produced by some bacteria and

    some mouldsuntreated (e.g. milk) food that hasnt hadanything done to it to stop bacteria fromgrowingvacuum packaging food packages with all airremoved, to help prevent bacteria growingventilated air is able to move freely aroundventilation letting fresh air into a space andstale air outvomiting being sick, throwing upweevil a little beetle which eats grains andcerealsWeils disease an illness which can be fatal

    caused by rats urine in waterwith immediate effect straight awayworkflow the route that food, people andequipment follow through all the stages ofpreparing food, from delivery to sale or service
