food production and cooking (hospitality and … full...

Food Production and Cooking (Hospitality and Catering) Global Vocational Skills Innovation in Learning Level 2 i-Ask: Important Health and Safety Legislation i-Ask: Complying with the Health and Safety at Work Act i-Check: Health and Safety Legislation i-Test: Health and Safety Legislation i-Ask: The Data Protection Act 1998 i-Ask: Consumer Protection i-Check: Consumer and Data Potection i-Test: Consumer and Data Potection i-Ask: Food Hazards i-Ask: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) i-Check: Food Safety i-Test: Food Safety i-Ask: Catering for Food Allergy Sufferers i-Ask: Common Examples of Allergens i-Check: Catering for Food Allergy Sufferers i-Test: Catering for Food Allergy Sufferers i-Ask: Types of Emergency and Emergency Response i-Ask: Fire Emergency i-Ask: Emergency Signs and Posters i-Check: Safety and Emergencies i-Test: Safety and Emergencies i-ACT: Health and Safety Legislation for Food Production and Cooking i-ACT: Consumer and Data Protection i-ACT: Food Safety i-ACT: Safety and Emergency Procedures i-ACT: Catering for Food Allergy Sufferers i-Ask: Introduction to Allergens and Allergies i-Ask: The 14 Main Allergens i-Check: The 14 Main Allergens i-Test: Allergens and Allergy Legislation i-ACT: Allergens and Allergy Legislation i-Ask: Reducing Illness and Infection i-Ask: Handwashing Procedure i-Ask: Clothing, Footwear and Headgear i-Ask: Importance of Handwashing i-Check: Handwashing Procedure i-Check: Uniform and Personal Hygiene i-Test: Uniform and Personal Hygiene i-ACT: Uniform and Personal Hygiene Legislation D/601/6980 F/601/4218 Level 1, 2 1 Food Allergies T/601/4782 Level 2 2 Health and Safety in the Workplace F/601/4218 Level 1 3 Aims and Objectives i-Ask: Manual Handling Legislation i-Ask: Lifting and Carrying i-Check: Manual Handling i-Test: Manual Handling i-ACT: Manual Handling Aims and Objectives Aims and Objectives Chapter Topic + NOS codes + Levels Module i-ACT/i-Practice

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Food Production and Cooking(Hospitality and Catering)

GlobalVocationalSkillsInnovation in LearningLevel 2

i-Ask: Important Health and Safety Legislationi-Ask: Complying with the Health and Safety at Work Acti-Check: Health and Safety Legislationi-Test: Health and Safety Legislation

i-Ask: The Data Protection Act 1998i-Ask: Consumer Protectioni-Check: Consumer and Data Potectioni-Test: Consumer and Data Potection

i-Ask: Food Hazardsi-Ask: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)i-Check: Food Safetyi-Test: Food Safety

i-Ask: Catering for Food Allergy Sufferersi-Ask: Common Examples of Allergensi-Check: Catering for Food Allergy Sufferersi-Test: Catering for Food Allergy Sufferers

i-Ask: Types of Emergency and Emergency Responsei-Ask: Fire Emergencyi-Ask: Emergency Signs and Postersi-Check: Safety and Emergenciesi-Test: Safety and Emergencies

i-ACT: Health andSafety Legislation for FoodProduction and Cooking

i-ACT: Consumerand Data Protection

i-ACT: Food Safety

i-ACT: Safety andEmergency Procedures

i-ACT: Catering forFood Allergy Sufferers

i-Ask: Introduction to Allergens and Allergiesi-Ask: The 14 Main Allergensi-Check: The 14 Main Allergensi-Test: Allergens and Allergy Legislation

i-ACT: Allergensand Allergy Legislation

i-Ask: Reducing Illness and Infectioni-Ask: Handwashing Procedurei-Ask: Clothing, Footwear and Headgeari-Ask: Importance of Handwashingi-Check: Handwashing Procedurei-Check: Uniform and Personal Hygienei-Test: Uniform and Personal Hygiene

i-ACT: Uniformand Personal Hygiene



Level 1, 2


Food Allergies


Level 2


Health and Safetyin the Workplace


Level 1


Aims and Objectives

i-Ask: Manual Handling Legislationi-Ask: Lifting and Carryingi-Check: Manual Handlingi-Test: Manual Handling

i-ACT: ManualHandling

Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives

Chapter №

Topic + NOS codes+ Levels Modulei-ACT/i-Practice

i-Ask: Hazards in the Workplacei-Ask: Good Working Practices and Risk Assessmenti-Ask: Reporting Risks and Hazardsi-Check: Risks and Hazardsi-Test: Risks and Hazardsi-Test: Hazards in the Workplace

i-Ask: Teamwork and Effective Communicationi-Ask: Principles of Teamwork and Team Organisationi-Ask: Self Developmenti-Check: Teamworki-Test: Teamwork

i-Ask: Hand Hygienei-Ask: Protective Clothingi-Ask: Illness and Infectioni-Check: Illness and Infectioni-Test: Personal Hygienei-Test: Protective Clothingi-Test: Personal Hygiene and Food Safety

i-Practice: Storing Foodi-Practice: Storing Food (Assessment)

i-ACT: Risks andHazards

i-ACT: MaintainPersonal Hygiene

i-ACT: TeamworkIntroduction

i-Ask: Main Hazards Affecting Foodi-Ask: Control Measuresi-Ask: Managing Food Safety Hazardsi-Check: Managing Food Safety Hazardsi-Check: Food Hazards and HACCP Requirementsi-Check: Food Safety Control Measuresi-Test: Food Safety

i-ACT: PersonalHygiene and Food Safety

i-Practice: Storing Food

i-Practice: Personal Hygienei-Practice: Personal Hygiene (Assessment)i-Practice: Handwashingi-Practice: Handwashing (Assessment)

i-Practice: MaintainingPersonal Hygiene

i-ACT: Set Up andClose Kitchen

i-Ask: Setting Up the Kitcheni-Ask: Closing the Kitchen i-Check: Setting Up and Closing the Kitcheni-Test: Setting Up and Closing the Kitchen

Contributingto Kitchen Controland Efficiency


Level 2

Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives

Health and Safetyin the Workplace

F/601/4218 Level 1




Level 1


Maintaining FoodSafety When Storing,Preparing andCooking Food


Level 2



Food Production and Cooking(Hospitality and Catering)

GlobalVocationalSkillsInnovation in LearningLevel 2

Chapter №

Topic + NOS codes+ Levels Modulei-ACT/i-Practice

i-Ask: The Documentsi-Ask: Completing the Documentsi-Check: The Documentsi-Check: Completing the Documentsi-Test: Kitchen Documentation

i-Ask: Impact of Wastage and Importance of Organisationi-Ask: Portion Control and Stock Managementi-Check: Impact of Wastage and Importance of Organisationi-Check: Portion Control and Stock Managementi-Test: Controlling Food Resources in the Kitchen

i-Ask: Waste and Its Impacti-Ask: Waste Reduction and Disposali-Check: Waste and Its Impacti-Check: Waste Reduction and Disposali-Test: Controlling Food Resources in the Kitchen

i-Practice: Checking Kitchen Setup and Equipmenti-Practice: Checking Kitchen Setup and Equipment (Assessment) i-Practice: Preparing Ingredients Before the Service i-Practice: Preparing Ingredients Before the Service (Assessment)

i-ACT: KitchenDocumentation

i-Practice: Set UpPrior to Service

i-Practice: Clearing Food and Equipment After Servicei-Practice: Clearing Food and Equipment After Service (Assessment)i-Practice: Clearing the Work Area After Servicei-Practice: Clearing the Work Area After Service (Assessment)

i-Practice: Clearingthe Work Area After Service

i-ACT: ControllingFood Resources inthe Kitchen

i-ACT: Maintainan Efficient Use ofthe Kitchen Resources

i-Practice: Preparing for New Stock Arrival, Rotation of Dry Goods i-Practice: Preparing for New Stock Arrival, Rotation of Dry Goods (Assessment)i-Practice: Rotation of Refrigerated Goods i-Practice: Rotation of Refrigerated Goods (Assessment)i-Practice: Rotation of Frozen Goodsi-Practice: Rotation of Frozen Goods (Assessment)i-Practice: Rotation of High Risk Allergenic Goodsi-Practice: Rotation of High Risk Allergenic Goods (Assessment)

i-Practice: StockRotation

i-Ask: Recyclingi-Check: Recyclingi-Test: Recycling

i-ACT: Contributingto Kitchen Controland Efficiency

Aims and Objectives

Contributingto Kitchen Controland Efficiency


Level 2


Food Production and Cooking(Hospitality and Catering)

GlobalVocationalSkillsInnovation in LearningLevel 2

Chapter №

Topic + NOS codes+ Levels Modulei-ACT/i-Practice

i-Ask: Payment Types and Processing Paymentsi-Ask: Preparing the Payment Pointi-Ask: Payment Consumables and Security Measuresi-Check: Preparing for Taking Payments and Payment Typesi-Check: Taking Paymentsi-Test: Taking Payments

i-Practice: Preparing Payment Pointi-Practice: Preparing Payment Point (Assessment)

i-Practice: Deep Fried Fish in Batter with Vegetables, Salad and Sweet Potatoesi-Practice: Deep Fried Fish in Batter with Vegetables, Salad and Sweet Potatoes (Assessment)i-Practice: Deep Fried Fish in Breadcrumbs with Vegetables, Salad and Sweet Potatoesi-Practice: Deep Fried Fish in Breadcrumbs with Vegetables, Salad and Sweet Potatoes (Assessment)

i-ACT: Taking Payments

i-Practice: DeepFrying Fish

i-Practice: Shallow Frying Fish with Vegetables, Salad and Sweet Potatoesi-Practice: Shallow Frying Fish with Vegetables, Salad and Sweet Potatoes (Assessment)

i-Practice: ShallowFrying Fish

i-Practice: PreparingPayment Point

i-Practice: Taking Cash Paymentsi-Practice: Taking Cash Payments (Assessment)

i-Practice: TakingCash Payments

i-Practice: Taking Card Paymentsi-Practice: Taking Card Payments (Assessment)

i-Practice: TakingCard Payments

Aims and Objectives

i-Practice: Taking Contactless Paymentsi-Practice: Taking Contactless Payments (Assessment)

i-Practice: TakingContactless Payments

i-Ask: Fish Types and Quality Checksi-Ask: Cooking Methods for Basic Fish Dishesi-Ask: Food Safety in Basic Fish Dishesi-Check: Selecting Fish for Basic Fish Dishesi-Check: Cooking Basic Fish Dishesi-Test: Producing Basic Fish Dishes

i-ACT: Produce BasicFish Dishes

i-Practice: Grilled Fish Stuffed with Lemon and Herbsi-Practice: Grilled Fish Stuffed with Lemon and Herbs (Assessment)i-Practice: Chargrilled Fish with Fresh Salad and Tartare Saucei-Practice: Chargrilled Fish with Fresh Salad and Tartare Sauce (Assessment)

i-Practice: Grilling Fish

Aims and Objectives

Maintain and Dealwith CustomerPayments


Level 2


Produce BasicFish Dishes*


Level 2


Food Production and Cooking(Hospitality and Catering)

GlobalVocationalSkillsInnovation in LearningLevel 2

Chapter №

Topic + NOS codes+ Levels Modulei-ACT/i-Practice

* This topic is currently in development and will be released by January

54 Clarendon Road, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD17 1DU, United Kingdom

i-Practice: Methods of Boiling Fishi-Practice: Methods of Boiling Fish (Assessment)i-Practice: Boiling Fish

i-Practice: Steaming Fish

Aims and Objectives

i-Practice: Steaming Fishi-Practice: Steaming Fish (Assessment)

i-Practice: Baking Fish i-Practice: Baking Fishi-Practice: Baking Fish (Assessment)

i-Practice: Microwaving Fishi-Practice: Microwaving Fish to Serve with Hollandaise Sauce and a Herb Toppingi-Practice: Microwaving Fish to Serve with Hollandaise Sauce and a Herb Topping (Assessment)

Aims and Objectives

Produce BasicFish Dishes*


Level 2


Produce BasicMeat Dishes


Level 2


i-Practice: Producing a Boiled Gammon Joint with Mashed Potatoesi-Practice: Producing a Boiled Gammon Joint with Mashed Potatoes (Assessment)

i-Practice: Producing Meat and Vegetable Stew i-Practice: Producing Meat and Vegetable Stew (Assessment)

i-Practice: Baking Meat Lasagnei-Practice: Baking Meat Lasagne (Assessment)

i-Practice: Producinga Boiled Gammon Jointwith Mashed Potatoes

i-Practice: Producing Steamed PorkTenderloin Fillet withRoasted Vegetables

i-Practice: Producing Meatand Vegetable Stew

i-Practice: Producing Braised Meat with Vegetablesi-Practice: Producing Braised Meat with Vegetables (Assessment)

i-Practice: ProducingBraised Meatwith Vegetables

i-Practice: Baking MeatLasagne

i-Practice: Producing Roasted Lamb with New Potatoesi-Practice: Producing Roasted Lamb with New Potatoes (Assessment)

i-Practice: ProducingRoasted Lambwith New Potatoes

i-Practice: Stir Frying Meat i-Practice: Stir Frying Meat (Assessment)

i-Practice: Stir Frying Meat

i-Practice: Shallow Frying Meat i-Practice: Shallow Frying Meat (Assessment)

i-Practice: ShallowFrying Meat

i-Practice: Producing Steamed Pork Tenderloin Fillet with Roasted Vegetablesi-Practice: Producing Steamed Pork Tenderloin Fillet with Roasted Vegetables (Assesment)

i-Practice: ProducingSteak on the Griddling Panwith Wilted Spinach

i-Practice: Producing Steak on the Griddling Pan with Wilted Spinachi-Practice: Producing Steak on the Griddling Pan with Wilted Spinach (Assessment)

i-Practice: Grilling Meat i-Practice: Grilling Meat (Assessment)

i-Practice: Grilling Meat

Food Production and Cooking(Hospitality and Catering)

GlobalVocationalSkillsInnovation in LearningLevel 2

Chapter №

Topic + NOS codes+ Levels Modulei-ACT/i-Practice

* This topic is currently in development and will be released by January

Aims and Objectives

i-Practice: Griddling Meat i-Practice: Griddling Meat (Assessment)i-Practice: Griddling Meat

i-Practice: Stewing Meat i-Practice: Stewing Meat (Assessment)

i-Practice: Stewing Meat

i-Practice: Baking Meat i-Practice: Baking Meat (Assessment)

i-Practice: Baking Meat

i-Practice: Braising Meat i-Practice: Braising Meat (Assessment)i-Practice: Braising Meat

i-Practice: Roasting Meat i-Practice: Roasting Meat (Assessment)i-Practice: Roasting Meat

i-Practice: Boiling Meat i-Practice: Boiling Meat (Assessment)i-Practice: Boiling Meat

i-Practice: Steaming Meat i-Practice: Steaming Meat (Assessment)i-Practice: Steaming Meat

Produce BasicMeat Dishes


Level 2


Aims and Objectives


i-Ask: Poultry Preparationi-Ask: Methods of Cooking Poultryi-Check: Poultry Dishesi-Test: Poultry Dishes

i-ACT: Introductionto Poultry Dishes

i-Practice: Producing Deep Fried Chicken with Lemon Sauce i-Practice: Producing Deep Fried Chicken with Lemon Sauce (Assessment)

i-Practice: DeepFrying Poultry Dishes

i-Practice: Producing Shallow Fried Chicken with Shaken Peas i-Practice: Producing Shallow Fried Chicken with Shaken Peas (Assessment)

i-Practice: ShallowFrying Poultry Dishes

i-Practice: Producing Stir Fried Chicken with Vegetable Accompaniment i-Practice: Producing Stir Fried Chicken with Vegetable Accompaniment (Assessment)

i-Practice: StirFrying Poultry Dishes

i-Practice: Producing Poached Chicken with Sesame Sauce i-Practice: Producing Poached Chicken with Sesame Sauce (Assessment)

i-Practice: PoachingPoultry Dishes

i-Practice: Producing Sautéed Chicken and Vegetables i-Practice: Producing Sautéed Chicken and Vegetables (Assessment)

i-Practice: SauteeFrying Poultry Dishes

Produce BasicPoultry Dishes


Level 2

Food Production and Cooking(Hospitality and Catering)

GlobalVocationalSkillsInnovation in LearningLevel 2

Chapter №

Topic + NOS codes+ Levels Modulei-ACT/i-Practice

Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives

i-Practice: Producing Griddled Chicken Fillets with Little Gem Lettuce and Cucumber Saladi-Practice: Producing Griddled Chicken Fillets with Little Gem Lettuce and Cucumber Salad (Assessment)

i-Practice: GriddlingPoultry Dishes

i-Practice: Producing Roasted Chicken on a Bed of Roasted Vegetables i-Practice: Producing Roasted Chicken on a Bed of Roasted Vegetables (Assessment)

i-Practice: RoastingPoultry Dishes

i-Practice: Producing Grilled Chicken and Lemon Basil Pasta Accompaniment i-Practice: Producing Grilled Chicken and Lemon Basil Pasta Accompaniment (Assessment)

i-Practice: GrillingPoultry Dishes


Produce BasicPoultry Dishes


Level 2

Food Production and Cooking(Hospitality and Catering)

GlobalVocationalSkillsInnovation in LearningLevel 2

i-Ask: Vegetable Varieties and Their Quality Pointsi-Ask: Vegetable Cooking Tools and Equipment and Healthy Diet Considerationsi-Ask: Cooking Methods for Preparing Vegetable Dishesi-Check: Vegetable Varieties and Healthy Eatingi-Test: Produce Basic Vegetable Dishes

i-ACT: ProduceBasic Vegetable Dishes

i-Practice: Deep Frying Vegetables and Mushrooms i-Practice: Deep Frying Vegetables and Mushrooms (Assessment)

i-Practice: CookingMethods of Vegetables ―Deep Frying

i-Practice: Vegetable Omelette with Shallow Fried Vegetablesi-Practice: Vegetable Omelette with Shallow Fried Vegetables (Assessment)

i-Practice: CookingMethods of VegetableDishes

i-Practice: Baking Vegetablesi-Practice: Baking Vegetables (Assessment)

i-Practice: CookingMethods of Vegetables —Baking Vegetables

i-Practice: Stir Frying Vegetables with Rice Noodlesi-Practice: Stir Frying Vegetables with Rice Noodles (Assessment)

i-Practice: CookingMethods of Vegetables —Stir Frying

i-Practice: Grilling Vegetable Kebabsi-Practice: Grilling Vegetable Kebabs (Assessment)

i-Practice: Cooking Methodsof Vegetables — Grilling

i-Practice: Cooking Honey Drizzled Roast Vegetablesi-Practice: Cooking Honey Drizzled Roast Vegetables (Assessment)

i-Practice:Cooking Methodsof Vegetables — Roasting

Produce BasicVegetables Dishes


Level 2


Chapter №

Topic + NOS codes+ Levels Modulei-ACT/i-Practice

Aims and Objectives

i-Practice: Boiling and Mashing Potatoes i-Practice: Boiling and Mashing Potatoes (Assessment)

i-Practice: CookingMethods of Vegetables —Boiling

i-Practice: Stir-Fry with Blanched Vegetables i-Practice: Stir-Fry with Blanched Vegetables (Assessment)

i-Practice: Prepare a Curry Dish, Incorporating the Microwaving Techniquei-Practice: Prepare a Curry Dish, Incorporating the Microwaving Technique (assessment)

i-Practice: CookingMethods of Vegetables —Stir Frying

i-Practice: Steaming Vegetables with a Convection Steameri-Practice: Steaming Vegetables with a Convection Steamer (Assessment)i-Practice: Steaming Vegetables on a Stovei-Practice: Steaming Vegetables on a Stove (Assessment)i-Practice: Using Steamed Vegetables in a Recipei-Practice: Using Steamed Vegetables in a Recipe (Assessment)

Cooking Methodsof Vegetables — Steaming

i-Practice: Cooking Methodsof Vegetables — Microwaving

Produce BasicVegetables Dishes


Level 2


Food Production and Cooking(Hospitality and Catering)

GlobalVocationalSkillsInnovation in LearningLevel 2

Aims and Objectives

Produce BasicHot Sauces


Level 2


i-Ask: Types of Hot Saucesi-Ask: Hot Sauce Thickening Agents and Techniquesi-Ask: Preparing and Storing Hot Saucesi-Check: Preparing Hot Saucesi-Test: Preparing Basic Hot Saucesi-Test: Produce Basic Hot Sauces

i-ACT: ProduceBasic Hot Sauces

i-Practice: Preparing for Making Beef Brown Sauce i-Practice: Preparing for Making Beef Brown Sauce (Assessment)i-Practice: Making Beef Brown Sauce. Part 1 i-Practice: Making Beef Brown Sauce. Part 1 (Assessment)i-Practice: Making Beef Brown Sauce. Part 2 i-Practice: Making Beef Brown Sauce. Part 2 (Assessment)i-Practice: Storing Beef Brown Sauce and Clearing Up i-Practice: Storing Beef Brown Sauce and Clearing Up (Assessment)

i-Practice: Beef BrownSauce

i-Practice: Preparing for Making White Saucei-Practice: Preparing for Making White Sauce (Assessment)i-Practice: Making White Saucei-Practice: Making White Sauce (Assessment)i-Practice: Storing White Sauce and Clearing upi-Practice: Storing White Sauce and Clearing up(Assessment)

i-Practice: White Sauce

Chapter №

Topic + NOS codes+ Levels Modulei-ACT/i-Practice

Food Production and Cooking(Hospitality and Catering)

GlobalVocationalSkillsInnovation in LearningLevel 2


i-Practice: Preparing for Making Tomato Based Saucei-Practice: Preparing for Making Tomato Based Sauce (Assessment)i-Practice: Making Tomato Based Saucei-Practice: Making Tomato Based Sauce (Assessment)i-Practice: Storing Tomato Based Sauce and Clearing Upi-Practice: Storing Tomato Based Sauce and Clearing Up (Assessment)

i-Practice: TomatoBased Sauce

i-Practice: Preparing for Making Veal Veloute Saucei-Practice: Preparing for Making Veal Veloute Sauce (Assessment)i-Practice: Making Veal Veloute Saucei-Practice: Making Veal Veloute Sauce (Assessment)i-Practice: Storing Veal Veloute Sauce and Clearing Upi-Practice: Storing Veal Veloute Sauce and Clearing Up (Assessment)

i-Practice: VealVeloute Sauce

Produce BasicHot Sauces


Level 2


i-Ask: Identifying Different Types of Pastai-Check: Produce Basic Pasta Dishesi-Test: Produce Basic Pasta Dishes

i-ACT: Produce BasicPasta Dishes

i-Practice: Creating a Tomato Sauce Pasta by Boilingi-Practice: Creating a Tomato Sauce Pasta by Boiling (Assessment)

i-Practice: BasicPasta Dishes

i-Practice: Baking a Lasagnei-Practice: Baking a Lasagne (Assessment)

i-Practice: BasicPasta Dishes

i-Ask: Types of Bread, Helpful Bread Cooking and Storing Factorsi-Ask: Bread Preparation Techniques and Ways of Cookingi-Check: Understanding Bread Preparation Techniquesi-Check: Identifying Bread Types and Preparation Techniquesi-Test: Understanding Bread Types, Preparation Techniques and Storage Factors

i-ACT: Produce Basic Breadand Dough Products

i-Practice: Bread Doughi-Practice: Bread Dough (Assessment)i-Practice: Bread dough

Produce BasicPasta Dishes*


Level 2


Produce Basic Breadand Dough Products*


Level 2

Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives

Chapter №

Topic + NOS codes+ Levels Modulei-ACT/i-Practice

* This topic is currently in development and will be released by January

Food Production and Cooking(Hospitality and Catering)

GlobalVocationalSkillsInnovation in LearningLevel 2

Aims and Objectives

i-Practice: Enriched Breadi-Practice: Enriched Bread (Assessment)i-Practice: Enriched Bread

i-Practice: Soda Breadi-Practice: Soda Bread (Assessment)i-Practice: Soda Bread

i-Practice: Naan Breadi-Practice: Naan Breadi-Practice: Naan Bread

i-Ask: Types of Pastry and Pastry Cooking Factorsi-Ask: Pastry Preparation Techniquesi-Check: Types of Pastry and Pastry Cooking Factorsi-Check: Identifying Pastry Types, Preparation Techniques and Cooking Methodsi-Test: Understanding Pastry Preparation Techniques and Cooking Methods

i-ACT: Producing BasicPastry Products



Produce BasicPastry Products,Cakes, Spongesand Scones*


Level 2

i-Ask: Techniques for Creating Cakes and Sconesi-Ask: Recipes for Cakes and Sconesi-Check: Identifying Techniques used for Creating Cakes and Sconesi-Test: Understanding Techniques and Recipes for Creating Cakes and Scones

i-ACT: Producing Cakesand Scones

i-Practice: Cooking a Quiche Lorraine i-Practice: Cooking a Quiche Lorraine (Assessment)

i-Practice: Short Pastry

i-Practice: Baking an Apple Piei-Practice: Baking an Apple Pie (Assessment)i-Practice: Sweet Pastry

i-Practice: Steam-Cooking a Steak and Kidney Piei-Practice: Steam-Cooking a Steak and Kidney Pie (Assessment)

i-Practice: Suet Pastry

i-Practice: Cooking Convenience Pastry for Raspberry Filo Tartsi-Practice: Cooking Convenience Pastry for Raspberry Filo Tarts (Assessment)

i-Practice: ConveniencePastry

i-Practice: Cooking Choux Pastry for Eclairsi-Practice: Cooking Choux Pastry for Eclairs (Assessment)

i-Practice: Choux Pastry

i-Practice: Cooking Puff Pastry for Savoury Turnoversi-Practice: Cooking Puff Pastry for Savoury Turnoversi-Practice: Cooking Puff Pastry for Savoury Turnoversi-Practice: Cooking Puff Pastry for Savoury Turnovers

i-Practice: Puff Pastry

Aims and Objectives

Produce Basic Breadand Dough Products*


Level 2

Chapter №

Topic + NOS codes+ Levels Modulei-ACT/i-Practice

* This topic is currently in development and will be released by January

Food Production and Cooking(Hospitality and Catering)

GlobalVocationalSkillsInnovation in LearningLevel 2

Aims and Objectives


i-Practice: Baking a Fruit Cakei-Practice: Baking a Fruit Cake (Assessment)i-Practice: Fruit Cake

i-Practice: Baking a Victoria Sponge Cakei-Practice: Baking a Victoria Sponge Cake (Assessment)

i-Practice: Victoria Sponge

i-Practice: Baking Sconesi-Practice: Baking Scones (Assessment)i-Practice: Scones

i-Ask: Ingredients and Dish Requirementsi-Ask: Hot and Cold Dessert Typesi-Check: Dessert Preparationi-Check: Dessert Example Overviewi-Test: Dessert Cooking Methods

i-ACT: Produce Basic Hotand Cold Desserts

Aims and Objectives

Produce BasicPastry Products,Cakes, Spongesand Scones*


Level 2


Produce Basic Hotand Cold Desserts*


Level 2

i-Practice: Bakingi-Practice: Baking (Assessment)i-Practice: Baking

i-Practice: Creating Apple Fritters Using the Deep Fat-Fryeri-Practice: Creating Apple Fritters Using the Deep Fat-Fryer (Assessment)

i-Practice: Creating AppleFritters Using the DeepFat-Fryer

i-Practice: Creating Fruit Pudding Using the Microwavei-Practice: Creating Fruit Pudding Using the Microwave (Assessment)

i-Practice: Creating FruitPudding Using the Microwave

i-Practice: Creating a Fruit Pudding Using Steaming Techniquei-Practice: Creating a Fruit Pudding Using Steaming Technique (Assessment)

i-Practice: Creating a FruitPudding Using SteamingTechnique

i-Ask: Preparing Hot and Cold Sandwichesi-Check: Preparing Hot and Cold Sandwichesi-Test: Preparing Hot and Cold Sandwiches

i-ACT: Preparing Hot andCold Sandwiches

i-Ask: Preparing Cold Starters and Saladsi-Ask: Cold Starters Quality Overviewi-Check: Starter Preparation Sequencei-Test: Understanding Cold Starter Preparation and Quality

i-ACT: Preparing ColdStarters and Salads

Aims and Objectives


Produce ColdStarters and Salads*


Level 2

Chapter №

Topic + NOS codes+ Levels Modulei-ACT/i-Practice

* This topic is currently in development and will be released by January

Food Production and Cooking(Hospitality and Catering)

GlobalVocationalSkillsInnovation in LearningLevel 2

Aims and Objectives

i-Practice: Creating a Tuna and Sweetcorn Wrapi-Practice: Creating a Tuna and Sweetcorn Wrap (Assessment)i-Practice: Creating a Chicken and Salad Wrapi-Practice: Creating a Chicken and Salad Wrap (Assessment)i-Practice: Cheese and Pickle Sandwichesi-Practice: Cheese and Pickle Sandwiches (Assessment)i-Practice: Mozzarella and Tomato Platteri-Practice: Mozzarella and Tomato Platter (Assessment)

i-Practice: PrepareSandwiches and Salads

i-Practice: Crudité Platteri-Practice: Crudité Platter (Assessment)i-Practice: Pre-Prepared Pastry Platteri-Practice: Pre-Prepared Pastry Platter (Assessment)i-Practice: Pate and Breadi-Practice: Pate and Bread (Assessment)

i-Practice: PreparingCold Starters

i-Practice: Meat Platteri-Practice: Meat Platter (Assessment)i-Practice: Fish Platteri-Practice: Fish Platter (Assessment)

i-Practice: Preparing Cold Starters


Produce ColdStarters and Salads*


Level 2

i-Ask: What is a Brand Standard?i-Ask: Brand Standards and Mei-Ask: Portion Control and Brand Standardsi-Check: What is a Brand Standard?i-Check: Brand Standards and Mei-Test: Present Menu Items According to Brand Standard

i-ACT: Present Menu ItemsAccording to a DefinedBrand Standard


Present Menu ItemsAccording toa Defined BrandStandard*


Level 1

i-Ask: Giving Customers a Positive Impression of Yourself and Your Organisationi-Check: Giving Customers a Positive Impression of Yourself and Your Organisationi-Test: Giving Customers a Positive Impression of Yourself and Your Organisation

i-ACT: Giving Customersa Positive Impression ofYourself and YourOrganisation


Give Customersa Positive Impressionof Yourself andYour Organisation*


Level 2

i-Ask: Concept of a Balanced Dieti-Ask: Nutrients in Food Itemsi-Ask: Preparation Techniques for Healthier Dishesi-Ask: Food Labellingi-Check: Recommended Portion Sizesi-Check: Producing Healthier Dishesi-Test: Interpreting Food Labels and Eating a Balanced Dieti-Test: Nutrients in Food

i-ACT: Producing ColdStarters and Salads


Produce HealthierDishes*


Level 2

Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives

Chapter №

Topic + NOS codes+ Levels Modulei-ACT/i-Practice

* This topic is currently in development and will be released by January