foods that heal presented by the wise and healthy living group

Foods That Heal Presented by the Wise and Healthy Living Group

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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Foods That HealPresented by the Wise and Healthy Living Group

Page 2: Foods That Heal Presented by the Wise and Healthy Living Group

Wise and Healthy Living


Wise and Healthy Living is the doTERRA group, founded by Carey Bailey. We are committed to empowering women and their families to live in greater health and vibrancy. We focus on studying and implementing the best line of defense for optimal health as follows,


1- Wholesome Diet and Lifestyle choices




2- Effective Medicines found in Nature

No synthetic or Negative side effects

Don’t treat/mask symptoms Rather they HEAL

3- Modern Medicine and Technology

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What is doTERRA?

doTERRA is the largest

essential oils company in the world

• Certifiably the purest oils

• Harvested in their Native Habitat

• Constituent Consistency Ensured

Highly effective

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Wisdom is defined as

knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action. In

other words ... it is truth internalized!!! Consider the physical, emotional, and

spiritual health that naturally follows the woman who walks in harmony with what she knows to be true about her body!!!

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Before we go on…

Who is Right???

Philosophies vs. Facts

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4 Cornerstones of Healing

1. Whole Foods Diet

2. Cleansing

3. Building Whole Foods Concentrated/Balanced


4. Healing Effective/Pure Medicines from Nature

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Did you know???

1 ounce of spinach in the 1950’s had

120 mg of Iron


4 mg. in 2013

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Today’s Foods are

Chemically Fertilized

Genetically Modified

Coated with Waxes




Cooked to Death

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Foods with disorder

Bodies with disorder

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You Can Heal!!!

Reduce the toxic insult on your body


Give it the tools it needs


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Dr. Gillian’s Food I.Q. Test

1. Do you eat at least one piece of raw fruit each day?

2. Do you eat at least 5 servings of vegetables each day?

3. Do you eat rice, quinoa, millet, oats or other grains at least 3 times a week?

4. Do you eat a serving of raw vegetables each day?

5. Do you eat raw seeds at least 3 times a week?

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Dr. Gillian’s Food I.Q. Test

6. Do you use seaweed in your cooking?

7. Do you include fish in your diet at least twice a week?

8. Do you chew your food thoroughly until it’s liquefied?

9. Do you go out of your way to avoid foods containing preservatives, additives, colorings or E numbers?

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Dr. Gillian’s Food I.Q. Test

10.Do you avoid foods that contain sugar or added sugar?

11.If you are stressed do you wait until the feeling has passed before eating?

12.Were you breast-fed as a child?

13.Do you always make sure that you take time to eat properly, even if you are tired or busy?

14.Do you eat breakfast every day?

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Dr. Gillian’s Food I.Q. Test

15.Do you drink bottled spring water everyday?

16.Do you drink at least 65% of your body weight in ounces of water everyday?

17.Do you avoid beer/alcohol/soda when eating?

18.Do you drink water approximately 25 minutes before eating your main meals?

19.Do you eat a varied diet instead of eating the same foods every day?

20.Do you make raw vegetable juices at least once a week?

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Don’t Freak Out!!!

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Trying to make too many changes at once is like trying to…

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Identifying a Few Changes You Would Like to Make is


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Foods with Order

Bodies with Order

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Reduce Toxic Load

Avoid the dirty dozen.

Apples Celery Cherry Tomatoes Cucumbers Grapes Hot Peppers

Nectarines (imported) Peaches Potatoes Spinach Strawberries Sweet Bell Peppers

Eat organically grown foods where available…

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Flush the Toxins

Drink 65% of your body weight in ounces of water daily.

Use citrus oils to create a delicious drink, filled with anti-oxidants which neutralize free radicals in the body.

Free the Pee!!!

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Go for variety in your diet. It will deliver more nutrients and make you feel more satisfied!

Eating the same foods day in and out actually causes your body to build sensitivities to those foods.

Add one or two new foods each week to your routine diet.

Take a break from wheat whenever possible and introduce other grains such as barley, spelt, millet, amaranth, quinoa and rye.

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Eat Foods in their Season

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Eat Whole Grains

Use whole grains instead of refined processed grains. Rich in nutrients, grains are your basic energy food. Almost all whole, unrefined grains can be beneficial to

your health Refined grains are devoid of most nutrients and fiber and

behave like sugar when eaten.

Yummy Whole Grains include

Whole grain bread, spaghetti and flour are better!

Brown RicePot BarleyAmaranth


RyeWheat Berries

Buckwheat GroatsSpelt


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Fantastic Whole Grains Blog

By Chef Brad

Fantastic recipes like…

Whole Grain Crackers

Fusion Grain Salads

Spelt Buttermilk Biscuits

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Eat More Raw

Load up on raw fruits and vegetables every day.

Sprouted seeds, raw vegetables, raw fruits, nuts and seeds are loaded with live enzymes, the key to nutrient absorption and vibrant health!

Food heated above 118 for approximately 20 minutes complete devastation of enzymes

Cooking at high temperatures destroys most protein.

Vitamins are also damaged in the cooking process.

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Eat More Raw

Soak your nuts, Sprout your seeds

Soaking nuts = increased enzyme activity, greater absorption of the food's nutrients by the body and increased digestibility. When soaked, nuts will begin the sprouting process which bumps up their nutrient profile considerably. 

Sprouting seeds increases enzyme levels by 6-20 times B vitamins by as much as 2000% General overall vitamins more than 500% Nucleic acids, the fundamental constituents required fo all cell

growth and regeneration, by more than 30% Protein content by 15%- 30%

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Reduce Refined Sugar

Use honey, pure maple syrup, rice syrup, or barley syrup in place of white sugar.

Sugar creates acidity in the body.



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Acidity in the Body…

Causes Inflammation

Encourages Cancer Growth

Can cause calcium to be drawn from your bones to counteract the mineral deficiencies caused by an overly acidic state.

Can prevent red blood cells from transporting life-sustaining oxygen to other cells an organs of your body.

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Choose foods that create


The healthy antioxidants in alkaline-forming foods can minimize oxidation of free radicals involved in the creation of an overly acidic environment in your body.

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Alkaline Forming Foods

Leafy Green Vegetables


Root Vegetables

Grasses & Grains


Citrus Essential Oils Lemon!!!


Tropical Fruits and Berries

For a more complete list, email me at [email protected]

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Be Open Minded

Use sea vegetables in your cooking. These vegetables are a valuable source of nutrients,

including calcium, beta-carotene and vitamin B-12, which help reduce cholesterol, rid the body

of toxins and strengthen immunity.

Introduce new foods into your life and eat more of them!

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Whole Foods Have Order

Carey's Optimal Ratios

Whole fruits and veggiesGrains and LegumesNuts and SeedsLean flesh proteins

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If you want to be alive…

Eat Life!!!

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Accelerate Your Healing



65% in oz

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You can Heal with Nature!!!

You can Correct any Issue!

Give the body the Tools it needs and then…

Watch in Awe!!!

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Intro to Essential Oils Class

Next Thursday, February 6

7:00-8:30 p.m.

Open your own wholesale account and

receive a voucher for $100 in FREE oils!!!

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BOOK A CLASS…Receive a FREE bottle of Wild

Orange Tonight!!!