football team and band royally entertained by...

Publis hed by the MICHIGAN AGRI CULTURAL COLLEGE ASSOCIATION. Y OLo I I}. E AST MI C Hl GA.:.\", TUESOA Y, ])El' E:'> !B ER FOOTBALL TEAM AND BAND ROYALLY ENTERTAINED BY DETROIT GRADS Vi ctorious Eleven and Loyal Musicians F easted and F eted by En thusiast ic Alumn i. ; 'll a1 1,, TIl<, All llcn· ,. " :tnd Otl1l'f SOIlg;:: , l iS '\"l,II as a few rc;.:-ul;l r marcin;s, the ),1 . A. C . b:lnd procccdl·d rIO"'1 Fort SIred ill Detroit, 111<-' way to the l in tel Tuller. Folluw- illg thl'lIl ill automohiles GIllie th e Illcmhcrs of the I' ictoriou" :\1 . . \ . C . foolb:llI squad . They \fere ill cil,' as O-UI:.':15 of lhc local :ts"oci.l- tio'n (.of and , I rlle to CU,,10111, lhl') \\HI,: klling pcopk kllo\\ lhey Were prl'scllL The clltc r\ :linll1l'nt CQlIllllittt;l' uf Dc,troit branch h;l,1 'lrrall;,:"cll ,,\c'n', thin)..f dowli to t.he last <ldai!. 'A sped;)l car ... stailliin)..f Oil the -;pur hack of \\ 'ells Ibll S,!lurd,,) IlOUIl, ,md the ho)"s piled ah oard , ca r wa:; hooked 011 to the Ir:lill a little later, ami tile 'P ere ::'Ilarqlldk pllt it throu)..fh Oil time, ill honor of the occasion . .\ r ril in D.:troit ,!i I" I1\ four o'dod,. hoy:; I\"{'n' IIld hy the rl'l'cl' l inn cOll1mitke, ,lilt! the p"r;l(h: d.'scril'ed abuI'e ,\rn\i ll ;.!" :It the hOTel. Dr . C, I;, Lllndl ,·"lh.'11 ,ill the hOI'S t u"dlll" f or a 'fell" momenTS and th.., program, af tl' r \I h ieh thel' II I.:rc told to luok "rOUrHlllntil !t.ix o'cluck, II hell Ihe suppe, ' ,,"utlld he !>erll'd, The suppe r in the dinin;; room n ut tilt: feature of hl·in;t: for the )lurpo",e of tlw or cilty healthy appe, titc" hrought :1101lg- hy the colk:..:e Ilien, A ft:w were presellt at this time, ;lIId IHHlIcrl'lUS short \\ l're lisTcIH:d to, hilt t he rcal <:\'l'lIt lOok plal"e lalL'r, .\hollt l·i;.,:-hT o'clock f:lIllili"r bCl'S hl';"::l1I 10 "ppc,.r in Ihc hOTCI 10h!'.I. T hc olrl huys "ere bexi !Hling- 10 g:lth .. r, ;lnl1 :1 .. !:isl as they Clllne ill were directed to the t welfth Ilollr, wherc coats checkl',L :11111 a short time was pk;banlly jl:lsscd ill rCllewillg" 0"1 frit:ll(lship ,lI1d mee l- ill:: thc G ood 1"I .. i::n- cd :lnd IHHHbh"kill;':- \1'"" thc order of Ihe lifte r eig-ht thirt) til'-' doors o'f the b'l!lqlll'l hall wert· Ihrown open and the crowd hq':llil to file in, onler u.;:nl in scating- the men, it heillg' dccmc{1 best 10 IcT the cr owd mingle as Illudl as possihlc . W:iS pt.::1S- '111tl)" informal, pklllJ of "Imlkinj:(" matcrial hl·ing- 011 haud to aceompall)' thc huffct lunch which W;IS SC r l'l·(1. After c .. cyone had had time to g"l'I acquainted,. II cn ry A, .I lai;,:-h, in Ihc du :il capaclly of pre!<l(lcllt alld lIH1stc r of ce r emonZcs , look the !loo r, or r athc r the l able, !l nd compli- mented the t ea m a nd haml for tl1l'i r reccllt 1I"0 rk. Co a ch i\1;lcklil1 was called on to say a f ew wo n ls . ami w aS follo we d by 1\ 1 r. Charlcs Dow ll cy, of Lansi ng, p al ro n s;lint of 1\ 1. A. C. a thl et ics , Ex , C:lplain Giffo rd rcspondcd to a ca ll with SOlllc' J!""d !;torie'" :In,] W:lS folluwed in tum Ii\" the I-:.riolls ttlcmhc rs of Ihe k:lln: l; corgc (j"uthicr, Ilullrkr,I;;\-.:k uf Ihc kalil, I'rof. J ohn \\' , .\lathe\\''' , of \\ ' crll hi).:"h_ "(;o:l l-h " w i th a sfl .. er II "Ichfuh, a lClitililOni:11 frmll hi" fr i"'ll(ls ut t hc l,iUh G:llIthier ... ponded wi th a tin .. · lalk. C"pt:li,H:J..·\·1 .. Carp" .J u\i:1Il rc- captllre for !;omc hilt \\:b lill;.lIy induc<:d to a t:llk. 11<: ;.!r"cdllll,\ IH,;xl ye:lr '" to anulh"' r banqllet. E. \\'. ]{:HlIll ' \, of Greenrilk·. a cmtaill of fO()llo;ll1 in the da\'" when tlierc 1\;, 5 link honor in ti11: Litle, ellmpared tIll' lIork of thi:; ye:lr'i ch.'I'l·n to th:ll of fOrille r Ol1l·:; . and cOIl).:"r:lfU- iall'd thc hOI';: 011 tlwir Ilorl.. . E. . \, ... portill;":- l·ditor of thc /Jd roil !·i·, ·I' 1'1"1".1." and II. guwan, of thc Salurd.,y 11".,i"ell the I\ork of .\!:lI'I..1in',;: men in )[10\\ in;.,:- Il'TIll!;, .\1 r. BOllcn "t:lted Ih:lt he felt II :;orl of t'OIll\CC- tiOlI \li t h :'II. A. C .. inasmuch as his I\":b :I melnber of thc Ii ,'5t da ...... whi ch colleJ;:::l" \1 puillt T. G. )[ill'n of th .. · prog"r:un. :11111 a Il1ITllhcr "f In·r .. ' pre' sl'nlt'd _\ b,1I (:) forced h,'r \\'ay int,.., the room Illld dcnww]ecl to ... ec 1111i:lI,. 'out tf! \-inlulI.:I lil"e ex- Illl'mlll'r of 191'\. The 1>;lI1d had II Sl r ikv, IIliL 'Ill WI." soun rva chcd :11111 111C pro,:..:ranl \\l'lIt nn . C(,ach :'ILwkli'l k!l<ll'red :111 :111, 1-'l!Iccd Dort .. lr of .\th- ktics, and c lt:rybody wa" h:1Pl'Y ' The Detroil ,'rnll,) to he COIl - gril!lIlatcd on the :;uccl·s .... ful II a) in whi ch thl' del:!ils nf ,;itllation wcrc met and c;lrril'd out. lu spite of t hc f"ctthat the\ \\ere forn·,1 10 "'akc 1111 ekl· .. ·nlh h01\l' chan;!e in the off ill Ihe of st, k. :lnd ,hcre wa, n l'l l a dullmitilltl:in Ihe pro.:..:-r:,m, The hy rl'qllest" sur- prised h) c(!t lling- out \I itll :I Ilt'at little rcl! of their 01\ [] durin;!' thc time Itle VI,ri(IU;; dns:;cs \\"l"'e annOU!1Cillg" their p re:;cIll'e, Dr. C, [I. Lundy, T. Glenn I' hi!, llellr\" .\, llaigh, aud all the r" ... 1 of Delroit IIlell 11:I\'e the sinc{'re th;mk,.. of nl! \lho werc Their [t look a lot of timt· from hu!>\" nl(-n 10 pl:m such llli :lff;.ir. hut I hc\" worked Ililling'!Y and Thl' Hadwlor,,' Cluh, composed lar:':l'ly of old :'II. A , C. mcn, Clltl' r - tai ,wd a ll11mher of Ihe I isitors O\'cr T he ··na tchcss" have ;;OnlC fine quart(' r5 :It ,S Forest ;,I'C IIU(', e:ISI, and will he )!1;1(1 to sc{' 1111Y i\ 1. f\ . C. llIeli whcli in town . Geo r g.., G . T o r rey, ex.'61, fol , I,..,wed his u.-;ual custom of atte nd- inl!" all Ihe :'11. A. C. gathe rings, lmd \\":\s p r ese nt at t he bllllquct. DR. LUTBER H, GULICK S PEAKS TO LARGE CROWD Last c\enill;!' I )r, Lu - the r Ila!sey t;ulirk , prolui 'l(-lIt in tht· pl :l y)!round ,IlU\Cm{'111 i" Y ork Cily, and Ilidelr knuwn a-. a soeial refurmer of hro:ld :111, .In;.-;sed :1 lar.'..;c 1<udien cc of ",t!ldellt" and in the :lrIllOI"\, The suhject of !:Ilk \\"11", .. the Sr., cial I' ,'og-ram." I Ii,.. 1I:1S ch icH" dCHlt.ed to bring"ing: out and of the fUlld:III'I'III:d .. ·", .", c:'l.i';lillg- he\lICl'l] 111\."11 :11l11 1101111:11. The idea I., l"plain ""11">11 pre"'l ·nl part in mill al'elllillt for her ;Ic·til it\· in Illall\ mQllerrl ' ;\Iell , i, c!\pl.,jned, II:I\T had the cOlllnHlIlity ill"lill<'l dn·..!opul thrl'lll:.,:h milliUII'" of \e:lr" of ;o ... :-"ria, tion \\ illt ,Ilhl'r nll'lI: III prl'hi"tpric time ... it was for the men to 1>:Olld .. ·ther 10 'ddend Ihem- .-;dn·s nlh"'r ,111<1 th .. · h .. ·as\. ... of prc,\' Ollt of ;,:-r .. '\\ tI\l' Irit-al in IIlu.lerll lilll"·'" 10 c'ilil's ,Inti \rhile all this 11:\5 )!oin:.: 0)11 Ihe IH)nl:lll 11;1:> 'itril"tl\' " hOIlll"-hoth". It II'IIS lwr :-0]\' duil' to lak e c" rc of thc' man's the childrl'll, aud h\l:-\' hlr"l,lf enti re l\ II ith pu'rsllils. Th i" 0.'01;' dilioll e""'IHkd lip In tht: heg-inning- (If lhl' 1""'1 cClllul"\', Iodorc IIHUlIl, LIC"llIr;lI;! ,111.1 the l',,'l1l' inlO heing-. lie g""IC:t1l apl ill1l"'lratioll of ill lin elopllll'lIl in thc lI:lf mel) and II OIllCII thruII, ,\1 all ori"illally learned 10 throw in !'elf, "U1d po"",ihly, many ,,:,[, ..... Il1roll"i,,;.,:- dCI <.:!o!ll·d i'l male". Th t' re mig-hI h,l\"e been:, Sl'lrl () f silr .. il:!lof thc II hl1 cOllld Ihruw thc le:bl cffccli\dl be- coming" the footl of thcir cnei'lIlie", while Ihe mcn \1 ho thre\1 lotrai,:..:ht, e,,1 e,;c:lped, Hnd transmittcd t!wir :I bility to their pn):,[\."rl\, Tlh' wonH·Il. lIel er h l\l'i o:.:: to th r ow, Ilel·cr k·nnll"d. ·· \\ ' omflll ·', Dr, (;ulil -k . .. i" a hdiel'cr. T:lk(', for n':lmplc, thl rascIIIIl' SOil. ;\u IIh:lt he docs it; th .. · \I'll of cI·i!. 1l1other call "ec him lUIII pl'rcei,e a he1Te r sid I.' to him, Jwc:Hl!>e heEl'l c" in him. "T hat is the relison we lll'cd Ihe women ill tIll' "lOl"i:.1 prf);,.:'rillll of to' .ta\', nccause ]1l'li .. ·ll· .... hl'c:HI>-e l'he is :Illle 10 Ihe Oll\('r film, JlO"l·r. '" _\\,0, th .. · h(Jllle 'lot the place fo r \\ 'hl·r .. , the ttI'HI apt to hl' ... Sl'le re alld Ijuick to mek <Jut ptufishment, the W(lillan, hl'r helief. ... ) lI'pathy ,Ind urldcrst:uHling:, •. ,\ m,lI1 tdls the youllg- people tlwy not dance this 11':11 or th," II :I)" lie offers them 110 natil'l', The W(Hn:1Il hl·lil·lt·s ill the young" folks. th{'y heliL,\t! in hcr, and whcn she ;,!OC!; 10 till'lll :lI1tl 5:1)'S, 'Ld u,: (10 th is or Ihal.' thl'y to her, By ht' r Ir:linin;.,:- and qu ick :,d: . ptabil i ty \\'01111111 is dcs.t inctl 10 occ u py a big" pl,lce in Ihe SOCial prog ram." 1"0. II " . C_ DWiJ,:"ht unlil rC l'cnth \\ ith the :--t"k I dep:lrtllll'nt at Lalb:ill;":-, has g:onc to '\ ell' \" orl.. Cit I. to tal..c ,,,I> :111I ;cd wurk ill hig"hl\ :'Y en:"::I!Il'l"rill!!. (; , t \. (" Curk") :-:"nfl,rol .l·nrolkd in th,' flnkr l'lf Ilclledi l"h 'Hunt h, '\{lle lt l],"'r \I;h I he d:lIe, Ilc hulds II tinl' p""itit)ll II ilh ./tll"k- ,,"11 Rim Co" :lrrd ;,.:',,1,. IIIl":ds al 1::)5 C:hiuock ,\"' .. J. ek"oll , \\'. _\," Fi,:..:" :\ 'l' lI 11111 is C:ma- di;m n1:l11;1"er of the tirm of D. r.· . \ cOl .... tr iU'l cll;..::in ... Iii,. ,ullln'ss COl1ft.·dcr;l1iuli Life HIlI)!., TorOllto, Call:!.!;!. FUTURE OF CLA SS FOOTBALL IN DOUBT l"II!c,,, ,,11I<ll'lIt "'elllilwilt at .\1. .\ . C, lIH1ll·r:,,::ol·.,. ;l radi cal chang-l' III till" IIl·:'I.1 fnl lIeek:;. ri a"s foot, 11,111 I\i ll he a thin:,.:- of the as far :1 ... t his coillel.!" c (" " Ct· TlK.!. The r(HlIllil. \\ hieh had at 10 tl)(" ""pl>rt he' c1a" ... ret·'Jlhi,kr,·,I, ;/'111 the ll1atll'r will Ill' .. uhmith.1 tto:l rl'fl'r, l'wlulll \·OIC of thc -.l\"l.:llh a thc winlcr tl'rlll ,·lel"li"ll. Till" Lor;!\' ,.\ IlIjllril·s ,., ..... - \;,illl'd hy l.f I "ri"",, tCOlItl>' hruu:;,:ht Ihe ,,"loje(1 up for cQ II .... idl·r;ltion ill ;tll 'rlle m:tjr,ri tl· of till' ",1(1<1..-111 ... II. he of the l;pim'JII th," Ihe g:IIIK·:t:- 110\\ playe.1 hC t\ll'Lli I'e mo(]iiied, to arl' loath to 11]1 Ihe spurt. un, Ic;;" thl'\" (,''" he ,1"'''111'(''[ "f "omc- thin)..f 1 ... ·I;tkl· its pl:,,:l" Cia"" fouthall, if propl·rly I"l:o!U- !:ttcd, IIfIllbl a good le:lrn", iller:.'..;"c' prell) lIell ill hilt tII,f"l"tllll:'IcI) the majurity of thc IIIl'/l \\ 110 parlicil':l\t,; till "0 II ithuut :tt1\' tho\l"hT us to Tht'lr phI ("(,II;litioll. ":\ ... arc- thc'li ... t ()f injurl,1 aftcr e;lch g-:unc far to<) lar'.! .. ·. In (':1 " ',, of serioliS hurts t he IIlell :lrc - hanrlic-:,pped in their ... \\'h:lt thl' "'htlknh II :tllI i ... d,I"" f ooth. tlL projlt'rh rl ·;..:u];1tl·d lIml in charg-c of the ;IThlt'Tie l1cparlnlCI1T. :'I1,'n not in cOIHlitioH lIill 1101 bc' a lh)lIe\1 tu cu m pet\.". It is':'':l'uerally kit tli:lt "h(>IIld 1·1.' !lUlr" :l\l1lct, ks fnr ,,11 :11 :tll time=, uf _I"car . DRAMA TI C CLUB Fri.1:ty of Ihi ... \\l,\"k the I1r:lm:llic Cluh will g-il"c thl'ir fir!>1 pby of thc car. Sir ATlhll( Pinero' s popula r " .:-011 .:et Lal\."!ujcr'" II ill he till' \'cfticle for .li,;:playing Ihe tal .. nt of 11 .. '\\ co me rs in collt'gc (I ram:!! ic r:m ks , This pl:t) is one of the most pop' IIlnf :llld widely rcpro\!t,cctl of I-' io, ero's wo r ks. '\[llch lime has bl.'clI !'pcnl in rehea r sals,and il is e:'l.pcctcd t hat :1 J;:::oodly crowd will he p r l·Sl·nt in spitc of thc proximity of "x"min _ :ltions. ..

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Page 1: FOOTBALL TEAM AND BAND ROYALLY ENTERTAINED BY …,..,wed his u.-;ual custom of attend inl!" all Ihe :'11. A


Y OLo I I}. EAST LA-,.\"S l.x(~, MI CHlGA.:.\", TUESOA Y, ])El' E:'>!B ER ~ , . 191:~.


Victorious Eleven and Loyal Musicians Feasted and Feted by Enthusiastic Alumni.

I~ht~;ng ;'ll a11,, TIl<, Li~l!l~''; All llcn·,." :tnd Otl1l'f colkg:~' SOIlg;:: ,

liS '\"l,II as a few rc;.:-ul;l r marcin;s, the ),1 . A. C . b:lnd procccdl·d rIO"'1 Fort SIred ill Detroit, kadil)~ 111<-' way to the l intel Tuller. Folluw­illg thl'lIl ill automohiles GIllie the Illcmhcrs of the I' ictoriou" :\1 . . \ . C . foolb:llI squad . They \fere ill Ih~ cil,' as O-UI:.':15 of lhc local :ts"oci.l­tio'n (.of ~lllnllli, and , Irlle to CU,,10111, lhl') \\HI,: klling pcopk kllo\\ lhey Were prl'scllL

The clltc r\ :linll1l'nt CQlIllllittt;l' uf Dc,troit branch h;l ,1 'lrrall;,:"cll ,,\c'n',

thin)..f dowli to t.he last <ldai!. 'A sped;)l car W~ ... stailliin)..f Oil the -;pur hack of \ \ 'ells Ibll S,!lurd,,) IlOUIl,

,md the ho)"s piled ahoard , Th~" ca r wa:; hooked 011 to the r~·!.:!lbr

Ir:lill a little later, ami tile ' P ere ::'Ilarqlldk pllt it throu)..fh Oil time, ill honor of the occasion . .\ r ril ill~ in D.:troit ,!i I"I1\ four o'dod,. th~· hoy:; I\"{'n' IIld hy the rl'l'cl' l inn cOll1mitke, ,lilt! the p"r;l(h: d.'scril'ed abuI'e ~t"rh;d.

,\rn\i ll ;.!" :It the hOTel. Dr. C, I;, Lllndl ,·"lh.'11 ,ill the hOI'S tu"dlll" for a 'fell" momenTS and ~)l1tlitl~<I th.., program, af tl' r \I h ieh thel' II I.:rc told to luok "rOUrHlllntil !t.ix o'cluck, II hell Ihe suppe,' ,,"utlld he !>erll'd, The suppe r in the dinin;; room lIa~ n ut tilt: feature of th~· ~·Icllin)..f. hl·in;t: la r ~t.:Il· for the )lurpo",e of ~"ti",f~ ill~ tlw :;i~t)" or ~l'l cilty healthy appe, titc" hrought :1101lg- hy the colk:..:e Ilien, A ft:w ~ue~t ~ were presellt at this time, ;lIId IHHlIcrl'lUS short spe~'chl'S \\ l're lisTcIH:d to, hilt the rcal <:\'l'lIt lOok plal"e lalL'r,

.\hollt l·i;.,:-hT o'clock f:lIllili"r bCl'S hl';"::l1I 10 "ppc,.r in Ihc hOTCI 10h!'.I. T hc olrl huys "ere bexi !Hling- 10 g:lth .. r, ;lnl1 :1 .. !:isl as they Clllne ill

were directed to the t welfth Ilollr, wherc coats \I'c r~' checkl',L :11111 a short time was pk;banlly jl:lsscd ill rCllewillg" 0"1 frit:ll(lship ,lI1d meel ­ill:: thc \"i~il()r;;:. G ood :;pirit~ 1"I .. i::n­cd ~uprellll'_ :lnd IHHHbh"kill;':- \1'"" thc order of Ihe n"~'lIillg:.

~hurlh' lifte r eig-ht thirt) til'-' doors o'f the b'l!lqlll'l hall wert· Ihrown open and the crowd hq':llil to file in, ~o onler wa~ u.;:nl in scating- the men, it heillg' dccmc{1 best 10 IcT the c rowd mingle as Illudl as possihlc. E"('rythin~ W:iS pt.::1S­'111tl)" informal, pklllJ of "Imlkinj:(" matcrial hl·ing- 011 haud to aceompall)' thc huffct lunch which W;IS SCr l'l·(1.

After c .. cyone had had time to g"l'I acquainted,. II c n ry A , .I lai;,:-h, in Ihc du:il capaclly of pre!<l(lcllt alld lIH1stc r of ce remonZcs, look the !loo r, or rathc r the l able, !l nd compli­mented the tea m a nd haml for tl1l'i r reccllt 1I"0 rk . Coach i\1;lcklil1 was called o n to say a few won ls . ami w aS follo wed by 1\1 r. Charlcs Dow llcy, of L a nsing, pal ron s;lint o f 1\1. A. C. a thletics, Ex , C:lplain

Gifford rcspondcd to a ca ll with SOlllc' J!""d !;torie'" :In,] W:lS folluwed in tum Ii\" the I-:.riolls ttlcmhcrs of Ihe k:lln: I~don.: l; corgc (j"uthicr, Ilullrkr,I;;\-.:k uf Ihc kalil, ~pol..c, I'rof. J ohn \\' , .\lathe\\''' , of \ \ '­crll hi).:"h_ pres~'llll'd "(;o:ll-h " w ith a sfl .. er II "Ichfuh, a lClitililOni:11 frmll hi" fr i"'ll(ls ut thc l,iUh ~c hoo1. G:llIthier n· ... ponded wi th a tin .. · lalk.

C"pt:li,H:J..·\·1 .. Carp" .J u\i:1Il rc­si~ted captllre for !;omc tim~', hilt \\:b lill; . lIy induc<:d to ~i\'c a t :llk. 11<: ;.!r"cdllll,\ i n \"it~'d IH,;xl ye:lr' " t~':' 1l\ to anulh"' r banqllet. E. \\'. ]{:HlIll' \, of Greenrilk·. a cmtaill of fO()llo;ll1 in the da\'" when tlierc 1\;,5

link honor in ti11: Litle, ellmpared tIll' lIork of thi:; ye:lr'i ch.'I'l·n to th:ll of fOrille r Ol1l·:; . and cOIl).:"r:lfU­iall'd thc hOI';: 011 tlwir Ilorl.. . E. . \, Balchdo ~, ... portill;":- l·ditor of thc /Jd roil !·i·, ·I' 1'1"1".1." and ~. II. guwan, of thc Salurd.,y .\'<J,~/lt,

11".,i"ell the I\ork of .\!:lI'I..1in',;: men in )[10\\ in;.,:- Il'TIll!;, .\1 r. BOllcn "t:lted Ih:lt he felt II :;orl of t'OIll\CC­tiOlI \li t h :'II. A. C .. inasmuch as his f:IIIt~T I\":b :I melnber of thc Ii ,'5t da ...... which ~'lItered colleJ;:::l"

\1 tll\~ puillt T. G. I~hdip[l~ Wl\~

)[ill'n t'h:lr~c of th .. · prog"r:un. :11111 a Il1ITllhcr "f ~k\\'r ~\l!l1b In·r .. ' pre' sl'nlt'd _\ b,1I (:) forced h,'r \\'ay int,.., the room Illld dcnww]ecl to ... ec 1111i:lI,. ~ai(II;;.I, :lftenlanllunl~"]

'out tf! h~"'B'lIljl": \-inlulI.:I lil"e ex­Illl'mlll'r of 191'\. The 1>;lI1d had II Sl r ikv, IIliL 'Ill :I~l-eel11ent WI." soun rvachcd :11111 111C pro,:..:ranl \\l'lIt nn . C(,ach :'ILwkli'l \\";I~ k!l<ll'red :111 :111, 1-'l!Iccd d~·;.:-r~·c a~ Dort .. lr of .\th­ktics, and c lt:rybody wa" h:1Pl'Y '

The Detroil ,'rnll,) i~ to he COIl ­

gril!lIlatcd on the :;uccl·s .... ful II a) in which thl' del:!ils nf t11~' ,;itllation wcrc met and c;lrril'd out. lu spite of t hc f"ctthat the\ \\ere forn·,1 10 "'akc 1111 ekl· .. ·nlh h01\l' chan;!e in

the plall~, e\l'r~lhin:..:- pa"~l·d off ill Ihe hl·~t of st, k. :lnd ,hcre wa, nl'l l a dullmitilltl:in Ihe pro.:..:-r:,m,

The ·':..:-ra{llI:>k~ hy rl'qllest" sur­prised cIl'r-,hod~ h) c(!t lling- out \I itll :I Ilt'at little rcl! of their 01\ []

durin;!' thc time Itle VI,ri(IU;; dns:;cs \\"l"'e annOU!1Cillg" their p re:;cIll'e,

Dr. C, [I. Lundy, T. Glenn I' hi!, ipp~. llellr\" .\, llaigh, aud all the r" ... 1 of Ih~ Delroit IIlell 11:I\'e the sinc{'re th;mk,.. of nl! \lho werc Their g-IIC"I~. [t look a lot of timt· from hu!>\" nl(-n 10 pl:m such llli :lff;.ir. hut Ihc\" worked Ililling'!Y and lirdcs~ly.

Thl' Hadwlor,,' Cluh, composed lar:':l'ly of old :'II. A , C. mcn, Clltl' r ­tai ,wd a ll11mher of Ihe I isitors O\'cr t1i~ht. T he · · n a tchcss" have ;;OnlC fi ne quart(' r5 :It ,S Forest ;,I'CIIU(', e:ISI, and will he )!1;1(1 to sc{' 1111Y i\ 1. f\ . C. llIeli whcli in town .

Geo rg.., G . T o r rey, ex.'61, fol , I,..,wed his u.-;ual custom of atte nd ­inl!" all Ihe :'11. A. C. gather ings, lmd \\":\s p resen t at the bllllq uc t.


Last Tuc~dHy c\enill;!' I)r, Lu­the r Ila!sey t;ulirk , prolui ' l(-lIt in tht· pl :ly)!round ,IlU\Cm{'111 i" -;":~'w Y ork Cily, and Ilidelr knuwn a-. a soeial refurmer of hro:ld i (kul ~, :111, .In;.-;sed :1 lar.'..;c 1<udiencc of ",t!ldellt" and fa~- ultl in the :lrIllOI"\, The suhject of 'thi~ !:Ilk \\"11", .. the Sr., cial I' ,'og-ram."

I Ii,.. di~cours,· 1I:1S ch icH" dCHlt.ed to bring"ing: out and n'JI[;'il~ill)!;" ~omc of the fUlld:III'I'III:d oIilrt;r~·ne .. ·", .", c:'l.i';lillg- he\lICl'l] 111\."11 :11l11 1101111:11. The idea \Ia~ I., l"plain ""11">11 ~ pre"'l·nl part in th~' ~ocial Jlro~r'lrn, mill al'elllillt for her ;Ic·til it\· in Illall\ mQllerrl lIal~. '

;\Iell , i, I~a" c!\pl.,jned, II:I\T had the cOlllnHlIlity ill"lill<'l dn·..!opul thrl'lll:.,:h milliUII'" of \e:lr" of ;o ... :-"ria, tion \\ illt ,Ilhl' r nll'lI: III prl'hi"tpric time ... it was lIe et'~S;'fI for the men to 1>:Olld 1O~ .. ·ther 10 'ddend Ihem­.-;dn·s a~:linst nlh"'r halld~, ,111<1 :,'.!":,jn~1 th .. · h .. ·as\. ... of prc,\' Ollt of thi~ ;,:-r .. '\\ tI\l' Irit-al di~lill"lioll", ~'."­tcn,lin~ in IIlu.lerll lilll"·'" 10 c'ilil's ,Inti statc~ .

\rhile all this 11:\5 )!oin:.: 0)11 Ihe IH)nl:lll 11;1:> 'itril"tl\' " hOIlll"-hoth". It II'IIS lwr :-0]\' duil' to lak e c" rc of thc' man's hOIl;~" Itl"th~'r the childrl'll, aud h\l:-\' hlr"l,lf enti re l\ II ith dl>ltll'~lic pu'rsllils. T h i" 0.'01;' dilioll e""'IHkd lip In tht: heg-inning­(If lhl' 1""'1 cClllul"\', Iodorc IIHUlIl, LIC"llIr;lI;! ,111.1 the g.r~·"tl·r ilUllI,'itr;,·~ l',,'l1l' inlO heing-.

lie g""IC:t1l apl ill1l"'lratioll of th~' difft;rcI'C"'~ ill lin elopllll'lIl in thc lI:lf mel) and II OIllCII thruII, ,\1 all ori"illally learned 10 throw in !'elf, dd~;n~~" "U1d po"",ihly, throll~h many ,,:,[, ..... Il1roll"i,,;.,:- dCI <.:!o!ll·d i' l male". Tht' re mig-hI h,l\"e been:, Sl'lrl () f

silr .. il:!lof thc titk~t-lhoSl' II hl1 cOllld Ihruw thc le:bl cffccli\dl be­coming" the footl of thcir cnei'lIlie", while Ihe mcn \1 ho thre\1 lotrai,:..:ht, e,,1 e,;c:lped, Hnd transmittcd t!wir :I bility to their pn):,[\."rl\, Tlh' wonH·Il. lIel er h l\l'i o:.:: o,<""~iun to th row, Ilel·cr k·nnll"d.

·· \\ ' omflll ·', ~aid Dr, (;ulil-k . .. i" a hdiel'cr. T:lk(', for n':lmplc, thl rascIIIIl' SOil. ;\u matt~'r IIh:lt he docs it; th .. · \I'll of cI·i!. hi~ 1l1other call "ec thl"lHI~h him lUIII pl'rcei,e a he1Te r sid I.' to him, Jwc:Hl!>e ~hc heEl'l c" in him.

" T hat is the relison we lll'cd Ihe women ill tIll' "lOl"i:.1 prf);,.:'rillll of to' .ta\', nccause ~hc- ]1l'li .. ·ll· .... hl'c:HI>-e l'he is :Illle 10 ~ee ~OOI.]thrl)lI)!"h Ihe Oll\('r film, ~he i~:o JlO"l·r.

'" _\\,0, th .. · h(Jllle i~ ' lot the place fo r jll~ticl'. \ \ 'hl·r .. , the ttI'HI i~ apt to hl' ~·rilic:lll ... Sl'le re alld Ijuick to mek <Jut ptufishment, the W(lillan,

throll~h hl'r helief. offcr~ ... ) lI'pathy ,Ind urldcrst:uHling:,

•. ,\ m,lI1 tdls the youllg- people tlwy 11lU~1 not dance this 11':11 or th," II :I)" lie offers them 110 ,~ Ij{'r­natil'l', The W(Hn:1Il hl·lil·lt·s ill the young" folks. th{'y heliL,\t! in hcr, and whcn she ;,!OC!; 10 till'lll :lI1tl 5:1)'S, 'Ld u,: (10 th is or Ihal.' thl'y re~polld to her, By ht' r Ir:linin;.,:­and q u ick :,d:.ptabil ity \\'01111111 is dcs.t inctl 10 occupy a big" pl,lce in Ihe SOCial prog ra m ."

1"0. II

" . C_ DWiJ,:"ht Curli~ <: , unlil rCl'cnth

C0111l~·C"tcd \\ ith the :--t"k I Jil.!"hw:I~· dep:lrtllll'nt at Lalb:ill;":-, has g:onc to '\ ell' \" orl.. Cit I. to tal..c ,,,I> :111I;cd wurk ill hig"hl\ :'Y en:"::I!Il'l"rill!!.

(; , t\. (" Curk") :-:"nfl,rol .l·nrolkd in th,' flnkr l'lf Ilclledil"h l,,~t 'Hunt h, '\{lle lt l],"'r ~I \I;h Ihe d:lIe, Ilc hulds II tinl' p""itit)ll II ilh Ih~' ./tll"k­,,"11 Rim Co" :lrrd ;,.:',,1,. hi~ IIIl":ds al 1::)5 C:hiuock ,\"' .. J.ek"oll ,

\ \ ' . _\," Fi,:..:" :\'l' lI 11111 is C:ma­di;m n1:l11;1"er of the tirm of D. r.· . \ Ihl'rl~ol1." cOl .... t r 1I~·t iU'l cll;..::in ... ~·,:,.. Iii,. ,ullln'ss i~ ~t3 COl1ft.·dcr;l1iuli Life HIlI)!., TorOllto, Call:!.!;!.


l"II!c,,, ,,11I<ll'lIt "'elllilwilt at .\1. .\ . C, lIH1ll·r:,,::ol·.,. ;l radical chang-l' III till" IIl·:'I.1 fnl lIeek:;. ri a"s foot, 11,111 I\i ll he a thin:,.:- of the ]W~I, as far :1 ... t his coillel.!"c i~ ("" Ct· TlK.!. The ~\11Ik-1\1 r(HlIllil . \\ hieh had at lir~ltle("ide.1 10 ahuli.~h tl)(" ""pl>rt he' tw~'en c1a" ... e~, ret·'Jlhi,kr,·,I, ;/'111 the ll1atll'r will Ill' .. uhmith.1 tto:l rl'fl'r, l'wlulll \·OIC of thc -.l\"l.:llh a thc winlcr tl'rlll ,·lel"li"ll.

Till" Lor;!\' I1UIIlIo~'r ,.\ IlIjllril·s ,., ..... -

\;,illl'd hy nWJllbl"~ l.f I "ri"",, ,·I:l~.':I

tCOlItl>' hruu:;,:ht Ihe ,,"loje(1 up for cQII .... idl·r;ltion ill ;tll 'lll"rl\r~. 'rlle m:tj r,ri tl· of till' ",1(1<1..-111 ... "~l'lll II. he of the l;pim'JII th," Ihe g:IIIK·:t:- 110\\

playe.1 hCt\ll'Lli l"b,,~,,~ ~h"lIld I'e mo(]iiied, to ~a~ ,h~' ll·a~r. Th~y

arl' loath to ~ile 11]1 Ihe spurt. un, Ic;;" thl'\" (,''" he ,1"'''111'(''[ "f "omc­thin)..f 1 ... ·I;tkl· its pl:,,:l"

Cia"" fouthall, if propl·rly I"l:o!U­!:ttcd, IIfIllbl h~· a good :,::1111~·. T h~

le:lrn", u~ually iller:.'..;"c' prell) lIell ill \\l'i~hlS, hil t tII,f"l"tllll:'IcI) the majurity of thc IIIl'/l \\ 110 parlicil':l\t,; till "0 II ithuut :tt1\' tho\l"hT us to Tht'lr phI ~i(";)1 ("(,II;litioll. ":\ ... arc­~lIh thc'li ... t ()f injurl,1 aftcr e;lch g-:unc i~ far to<) lar'.! .. ·. In (':1 " ',, of serioliS hurts the IIlell :lrc - \Jft~'n hanrlic-:,pped in their ... tudie~.

\\'h:lt thl' "'htlknh II :tllI i ... d,I"" footh.tlL projlt'rh rl·;..:u];1tl·d lIml in charg-c of the ;IThlt'Tie l1cparlnlCI1T. :'I1,'n not in cOIHlitioH lIill 1101 bc' a lh)lIe\1 tu cum pet\.". It is':'':l'uerally kit tli:lt ,h~'rc "h(>IIld 1·1.' !lUlr" :l\l1lct, ks fnr ,,11 ~tUd~'III~, :11 :tll time=, uf th~' _I"car .


Fri.1:ty of Ihi ... \\l,\"k the I1r:lm:llic Cluh will g-il"c thl'ir fir!>1 pby of thc ~ car. Sir ATlhll( Pinero's popular COnl~'d\" " .:-011 .:et Lal\."!ujcr'" II ill he till' \'cfticle for .li,;:playing Ihe tal .. nt of ~ev.::ral 11 .. '\\ come rs in collt'gc (I ram:!! ic r:m ks,

This pl:t) is one of the most pop' IIlnf :llld widely rcpro\!t,cctl of I-' io, ero's wo r ks. '\[llch lime has bl.'clI !'pcnl in rehea rsals,and il is e:'l.pcctcd that :1 J;:::oodly crowd will he p r l·Sl·nt in spitc o f thc proximity of "x"min _ :ltions.


Page 2: FOOTBALL TEAM AND BAND ROYALLY ENTERTAINED BY …,..,wed his u.-;ual custom of attend inl!" all Ihe :'11. A

The M, A , C, RECORD

I'U."'.H~O &V ... TU".OA" DU"'NG THO: COL_ LI: ... TEA" ... , .. I: M'CHIG"" ""'IICUL-

TU" .... CO ..... OI: "'llaoc:'''TION.

GEORGE C. S H E ... ,.IIEI..O. "'''''''O'HO EOIYO .. ,

ICnterlid .s tecOnd-c1au m .. 11 malter a t tbl! PooItOfHN' In '-",nalo g, Mich.

Addre •• lllubllcr1pUono: and ftd,'enl.dnll' maUer to tbe M. A Q. RV.OOItD, Ean lAo­lin". Mlcb. Add., .. all conlribution. to the M""""lI'lo lI' £dllO., ~:a.U LeIl~lna . .\Ilch.

SUb!lcrh.tlon8 ",II" be pAid for by p. O. Moner Order. IJrtlfl, or HA'/l:IJ;-tered l..ette •• S18mp •• ..tll not be accepted.

Rualne" om.:e with Lawrence. Va., Huren ... lntlns 00., tlO-tlt (l.ft.nd A "e. :!'i0 •• Lan'lna . Mich.



If ill Itll)' doubt reg:lrdillg the amount of publicity recei\'ed by the college through Ihe press of the country ever existed, a glance at Secretary A. 1\1. Drown 's scrap book would serve to dispel it !It once.

A short time ago, the college contracted with II. Chicago clipping burt.'au to sentl in all references to the Michigllll Agricu ltural Collej{e. In the few weeks 'which haye elapsed since the step was taken hundreds of notices, varying in size f rom a few lines to several para· graphs, have been rece;\'ed . The "!::icc." has slartcd II SCrllp book, but to judge from present appearances lIn(llhe pros pects fo r II winning foot· bllll team next fall, Olle scrap book will not las t long.

While the majority of thc clip­pings arc rela\i\'C to the past foot­b:dJ SC:ISOU, there arc rnuny refer ­riug to other subjects, such as agri. culwral hintlf :lIld the like.

The featu re of thc whole thing is that, while some occasional notes gel out [rom the various depart. ments in roundabout wa)'s, most of the material has beel! h:U1dled bv IWO very ellicient student reporter;, who look lifter the interests of three of .\lichij!:III's most prominent papers. The stories which these papers carry are copied by publiclI ' tions some di~tance away, and thus the name and faill e of 1\1. A. C. is spread.

The fluest;on has been asked \)C. fore, " \\' 11), doesen't the College have a regular Press Uurea\l ? That is a \'ery 10Kicai (l uestioll, :\Ild worthy of lengthy discussion. X 0 olle seems to kllow just why, but in· dh;dutllly. nel,rly every olle ap· prollched feels that so me step s should be taken. Now, when the naOle of :\1. A. C. is prominent, is the tillle to start it. T he /lcxt year Ill:!.y hriug forth good results. hut it is hardly s:de ' fO re~'koll 011 Ih:IL

Now is the time to get aClion. If two SludcnlS reporting fot a

few jI:ll)Crs CllU do so milch ~ood, why 1101 put a lrainc.·d press agent or puhlicit.\· writer on the job. and get some real re,,"ults ~

It m a\" be of ill~erest to man\" of the "Iun;ni 10 know that the official picture o r the foot hall leam can be se..:ure!.l of ~1. A. G ri)(gs, • Lj. at 9 F \Vells 111111 , ;"Ind that imlividual pictur('S of an)' of the phlyers can be hud by writin;.;- to E. :\1. Il a( lIt:y, thc collegc photog-rapher. Thc of· tici :l~ picture of the 11.::1111 i~ Jinishe(1 in sepia I brown, :Uld measures IIbout '9 b\" "2~ inches. \Vhen fnlllJ( .... 1 in a ffnt: brown fmme;t sells at $3.00.

The M. A. C. RECORD.


,. The cost of typhoid feyer in the t.;nileci States is upwllrd o f $100,-000.000 per year; enough in twenty years to furnish en!ry city, \' illage and hamlet in the whole cou ntry with an adequate water supply."

"In the years from 1901 to 19 tO, the numhcr of deaths from tuber· culosis has been reducl.:d nl.:arlv ::0,000 a yell r , adding" more thail 125,000 years 10 human exi~tellcl.:. But the fight is only just begun. \Ve cannot hope for a similnr reduc­tion in the next tweuly or thirty yellrs, lit our present nUe of pro ­gress."

The abolle were 1I1ll0llg the more star tling statenlenls made by Dean Vaughn, of the The U l1iversity of ~lichig":U\ College of l\ l edicine, in an address to m ... mbers of the be-

ulty and student body last Thurs· day evening. It was unfortunate that the lecture had to be ~iven in the old chapel, as the room was filled to capacity and mlllly went away because the)' could not hear what was said.

The subject o f Dr. Vaughn's talk was "The E ffect of Discase on Civ­ilir.ation," and h e t raced in an inte r­csting maimer so'me of the great epidemics of history and tht:ir effect on various r>lces. He showed that the death rate in Londoll during the 17th cl.:ntu ry was 8 pcr cent. tiS

compared wilh a p resent dcath rate of I per cent. Tile downfall of G reece was largely due to the sprelld of mala rial feller among the inhabit:ulls. who contracted the dis · ease during fore ign conquests and broughlthe germs home when thcy returned . The same thing was true of Rome.

l ie told of the struggle in the Canal Zone, and how it happened that thlH territory now has a lower death r:jle than many .A merican cit_ ics. III brief, disease retarded the progress of civ ilization, while the conquer ing of m:lladies always marked a step forward.

Typhoid fe \'er lind tuberculosis were set forth as the most menacing of present d:ly (iiseases, and the stlltements <Iuoted above were gi\'en in this connection . J Ie also stated that 20re of the children bom into lhe worUl die before reaching fille years of age. P oisoned milk, caus­ing infantile disorders, was largely rcspolls ihlc, he s:lid.

I II closing he madC:I pka for a wider educatiOn regarding th e social evil, :tml the need for C:lreful con­sideration of the problem, which is (,ssurniug a gre;l(er imMrt:l.llce as ti me goes on.

A Practical Plan for Alumni Reunions How a System of Annual

Gather ings Developes a Nat ural Grouping of Classes Nearest Each Other,

One of the principal objections to the lIsual alumni re\lIlion, as the matter has becn d iscIL5scd in the columns of T,ll{ RECOIID, is lhat whcn membe rs of some of the older classes h:!.ve come hack the), have bet:n disappointed at nOl seeing people whom they used to kllow, and ha\"(~ been a trine fatigued by the strenuous progralU adoptcd by the younger ones. In brief, they felt a little bit out of place amon).! so many strange faces.

The object of such (I f(' union should be to ~ct as Ulan)" of the old bors and girls :IS possible back to the Collcge, show them their kind of a good time, ami, most import.-lIl1 of all, tr), to have the friend" of the college (lays h ere at the Slime li1l1(,. A graduate of the se\'cnties is hard­ly ahle to rcminisce to 1I11)" extcnt with:1O :Ihlmnus of 1900 or later. He has th e best time ltllking to othe r men of the sc\cnlies. mecting the men ht: used to know, :md who have si nce scattcred to all P:jrts of the w orld .

A study of the (Iecomp:lnyin;.;­tltble will sho w one wa y in which the class reunion!:! c:m he so reg-u­lated as to hring ahout the de~ircd grouping. Although it is known as the Dix PI:m, Ihc place lind time of i ts origin arc unccrta;n. It j .. ,

howen~r, in use :It SOll1e of thc hi~ ca:;tern colleg-cs. and is 110\\ heing adopted b.,' the :1[lIml1i of Ihe L-ni· \·er"it\· of .\JichiglUl.

The e"pl;ln:nion of the di:'l:{mm is as fu/!u"s:

III the column lIt the left :Irt: thl.: numer:ll .. of thc clu"ses in order of gradualio!!, st:lrtin~ with '6, ami rUIlI1; II:.! UpWlIr.1. Th.., Ilumbers at the topS of the "..,rti c:al columns ure Ihe ~ucceS"kc.· year:>, beginning \\ ith 19' I, \\hell this plull was printed.

:--JOI\" I;lke, for examplc, thc col­lIIllI} in which J9 '4 appears, which will be for Ihe comillg" J\IlIC. \\Thllt ctIlS!:;{,S wou!ll mcet this )CHr? RUI}' ning" dowll the column, Ollt: finds ut the bullom:1 ~roup of dllsses from '65 to '68 inclus;vc. A liule br­ther up come 'S4 to 'S7, and slill

lOt; I QI ~ ." '" ... 'U

19n '" '" ~12 '" ' I ~

Ot> 'U 'u ., ',. '., .... 'O!l ""' . ' .. '11"; . '~ ', ~: '''' 'r,S 'w 'M '''' '" ", ...

'" ... ' .. '" '" ~ ... '" . " '~ ... .",: : ." ." ,. ... ... ' 11'> •• ... '''' ! .. .. '" '. '9"1 • ... '" '''' '~ '(\"! '~I .... '" '~I

' !'U .... '~ '~ '" .>~ .. :: .. ... " 7 ... '" . ~ ',. 't--\ .:: .. ::. : '" .~ .. '~ n···· .. · .. '~

':i : ... .~


'" '~ .~

' :9 '~ ' .. "

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' ,3 'f3 ',3 .:~ 'n ';~

',I '71 ';0 'j/)

'w '" ." ... '~7 " 'CO '''' ',.~ . '~

'~t '. ',;a ." 'f~ "> "·1 '" ' .. '" '.,


higher '03 >0 \,6. T he cia ,>" of 19c~ arc du.., . aud I~I I , lh t: :;rarlu. Atill)! cia",,", w(lu Td IlIHur;t ll) I~ pre:>-Cllt. The rc;,ult ;, th:It , t.'" o:ptill:.:" tht: [<jst l\\0, the relUrnillX " ;,:-ra,ls" would he dh-ided into tllr~'c ;:.:-ruup3, each of \\ hi.:h would con!,j"t (If peo-pic who had bc~'n in colle:;:-,", '0 ' g"e.ther, lind who would natur:llly he moSt interesting 10 e;tcll otll("r.

I , must be ulldcrstood that thi" pIau of reunions doc, not pre\'ent allY cl:~ss or members from ,· i!i iti n;.:-the college 0' tllking p:Jrt '" ·the cclchrlltioll !', DUI the f~';llure of the OCCAsion would uv the c\asse~ who were hest aC(IUaiulcd, in their groups.

Some objcction might b, made

~"' '" ", ,., '. reo " "" "" .. " ...

/v::t ,~ ,.,. '" ." ... '" '" 19t8 '" . ' 18 '., '., '" ... '" 'j' "

' . "

'" " ' I ~ " 'U ' U ',. "

'" 'CO :~ ' .. '''' '0: '~ '" '~ .., '''' 'ro '" '" ... 'M 'M 'ro 'ro

'" '(t~

'" '" '00 '00 :: '~ ... ., " '~ ',. ,. '" '. :~ 'ro

're .., ... "1 .., 'W 'ru '" '~ 'I)!' '~ '~ ' .. " '" ." ... ' .. .~

'M '., '" '~ '. '" '''' 'S! '~

'" '" '~ '., '~ ',~

';~ ',8

'" .. ',11 " '75 "

'" 'i' ';":( " ,- ,-, ';j ,-

' ,1 :~' ';0 ',0

'~ ... '''' 'M

'6, ' .. '" ." '"


0" thl.: g-roumls Ih;1I such a pl:m IJlakcs ;, :lllIIl»,t in'po ssible fm a c i:l--;s 10 cekhrate a 5J1o.!cial occ:l"ion. I" , few ~·:I .. e'l the }~·;tr wiH fall ju"t ri:.:-lll . Fur illSI :III C:c. 19 1 1 \\" i II :.:"I\· C

'S I :' ch:uu;e 10 feature Ihelr thirtieth anu\lIl.:r"':lr\ ;, they wi~h. 0" thc other ha .. ,L ' :S~ mig-hI want to cele· hratc their ~ 5th :ulI1iv('r5ar), . As s:lid before, they will be llli<J"hl\' o _ welr-ume.

The I)ix plan is a dcfillile sugges· l ioll, and if it is to be t,lken up it should be very thoroughly discussed this wiJHer. It work~ ou t in such II Wity thatin a 1ernlof yearse:lch ;;Ium. nUl! will have had :111 opportunity >0 meet every other alumnus who was in college with him.

Page 3: FOOTBALL TEAM AND BAND ROYALLY ENTERTAINED BY …,..,wed his u.-;ual custom of attend inl!" all Ihe :'11. A



I. ~ l

The M. A . C. RECORD.


L atest Addition to College to be Opened this T erm.

~ot l11all." more 11.1)'5 will ci<lpsc before the dlllr)' departlllent will mo\'c from its prc .. cnt crowded (Iu:utcrs into olle o f the fiue:.' dairy buildings in the coulHry, II-here it will n!1Yc :In opportuuity to cxp:md and become cqulIl to the growing The Ill'\\' str ucture is r llpid!)' nearing co mpletio n, :lIld is promised to be rC;ldy for occupancy by the fiftccnlh of this mouth. :\01 ft detail has been sli~lHCd, Blld only the vcry hest machinery is heing irlStallcd.

On the lirst floor the w:llh~ nrc of white l'n:"n~Jell hrick .111<1 the floors ilre of CCInCllt : those in the cor ridors being: tlnishCl1 with a I",\"cr of master builders' Inll\cri,d s imilar to th;l! used ill the a::ricu ltur:tl huil<l­ing. Both the tlirerl and indirl'ct systems of ventilation :1rc used, :lnd gas, electricity. hOI and cold \Valer ;md stearn art: fouud in e" .. r~ roo m .

The icc trust \\ ill hal e no ter­ro rs for thl' departmelll itt the fu­ture , for a complete rcfri~er:ating plaut has beetl installed. The cold lemperature is oht:\ined by \' :qlOriz­ill,1( liquid carllOn (liox;tic uwk r pressure. The gas is then rl'com­pressed and liquctiell 11)' ;1 powerful compressor ope raled by ;ltl electric 1l10tor. One of the possibilities in this method is the maint(!n;U\ce of two distinct cold tempe ralures. One room will be kept 1It a temper­ature of zero Fahrenhdt , allt[ used for th .... stora'!e ;tnd hardc uing- of icc c rcam. whilc ;1 frei.'zin;.:- temper· IllUre II ill he m;lillt:liuL't1 in the other portion, which will be IlcI'oled to the general stor:tge of milk :mll its pro­dUct!!.

:'Ibny of thc lahl'lr:llOries will also he localed 011 the lirSI Huor. TIll' l!ltesl ide:I" in cre:une r.l· equipment will he installed ill the lar~e"t of th e"e rooms, which \\ ill bl' Ihel[ for buth"r Ill:lking. Chee,"e-m'lkin:: ap­paratus will be found in anothe r r(oom, conlleclell with :1 ,.,or:l:,::e room, amI market milk, chee,.e :11111 it'e ereiUll will be wdl t:tkl·IJ C;lre of.

Se\-eml ste:tlll ;Illd elect rically drilCll machines, to:.:-elher "ith a number of hand operated Separators, will constitute part of thc ;\Pp:tr:I1U~ used in a cou rse in farm dai,'~ in~. which will be gin'n in anothe r l;lr~e 1:,boratorL :\ suite of tltlin'~. 11 !'1Ilall pri~ ale bbor:Hory, and a well-

appOill\ell 1:t1' :ltOry, equipped with shower b:lths, tak e up the rl'nlllinder of the ground 11oor.

:'I[OS\ of the upper portion of the building is wkell up by a i:tr!,c il'cture roulll ,se:lti •• )! ISo. A nt;sl·d pbtform :m,[ COlllplele (kmon5tra­tion de"k arc the featu rl's of this room.

In the two [{:dl('ock testing rooms, each 31'1 by 50, one tinds a combinl'll capacity of ~S::i st udents, h:l lf of whom may be UCcolllrllodated :11 onc timc. TIll' deski! :Ire quite up 10 date, hal'in;,;' ample tl r:IWer room fo r all:lpparatus.;U\d bein:.!cove red with s:lI1ilar.r while glass '''p''.

Especiall)' fflr tIle sellior!! is ;1 small cI:ISS rOOI1l seating- :Ihoul 35, and this, with :t stllre room :lIlll :t r('search I"nor:ltory, lakes up the eXlr;1 sp:1\:C in thc hl1ildill~.

The equipmcnt for the rl'sea rch lahonllol'Y will nOl he illst:lllcd jl1~t yel, the room hcing' Ilsell IIlC<tIl­while :tS a cl;lssrOO l11.


The followill!, It.'lIer W:IS received from \V. C. \ '·.I:lck ") ~pratt, a spc<.:i:11 :It:'l1. A. C .. who g-r,ldualcd with the cbss of !9IO. lIe will be rCll1embcred by thosc who klll'W him hest as a co nscientious_ hartl­working- SlUtle11l, and his frien l!S will be g-Iad to karn of his success in ti.'achill): ag:rkultun'.

Dear ](IiCUIII):

I had intellde(1 10 "rite I~'u~'r~ to Prc~. Sn\ucr, Dean ~haw, I'rof. Harrows. ·Dr. Beal, Frazc r_ I'osliff, :Jnd it dozen or two others, hut whell I real ized holl' mueh liHle il woul.1 tnke I Ihol1g'hl 1 would just se nd Ihelll a linc or two throllg'h the :'II. .\. C. ]{I-:couu, ;tIlt! let lh~'m :1l1C l others \\'ho mig-hI hc intl'rt'Slt'd know whl'rc ~prnH W:lS, and whal he \\';IS ,Ioing-.

I entered collc)!c ill the fal! of '0-\ :lS ,t ' ·prep . .'· altholl:,::h I \\':\s in reillity a special :111 the time aftcr Ihe third \\eek of;.:- :.t a mean­ingles!! array of leHl'rs :lnd sign'" ill a subjcct c:lllcd alg-cbr:I,lInder Ihe dire(;I;On of :'II r. Georg-e 11:lrtwdl. ~Iy frielHls itt thaI lillte will douht­le",s fl:iIlemher how llIuch L fell short of polished \lllyS :lnt! brillianl rt.'c i!:1tinm. Hut I kl'pt 011 workillg­Ihe I'ear arulIlld, nnd Ilell'r Idt the

Mackinaws, S weaters,

Raincoats and Overcoats

I Are in demand now.

We specialize in the above, and are in position

to show you the most complete stock in the city .

May we have the pleasure of your inspection?


old CA mpus IIlitil 1 took my sheer­skill with mc.

I rem:linetl:lt homc anmll a 11101lth, after which [ worked for :tbollt I\\u weeks ill lhc L" ppCT Penin!Sub ex­periment Slation_ :md two wceks more at Ih c :-I',\rll1· Ea"t ~'''p<'r iU\elll station at Lir.Uld [{a]li{l~. :'II inn. I nexltau;.:-ht a!, ... ;t·ultur~· ill Ihe hi;.:-h school at Thief H. i\er f:llls for :I

J~"r. frolll which plac(; I \\ en! to Ada. :'Ilinl1., at :111 adlilllce ill s:llan' , rcccivill~ $100;1 month. This \\;IS

a hard school, and I made some mis_ t:lkt's :llld Wa,. nol re-elect ed .

I thell considered po,.t.g-r:tdu:t1c work. :n,d afler I'isilltlg' IlliltlY o f thc leading i11Slilllliol1S of the \\ 'cst, inl'iuliinx: )\1 anitoha. T~'x"", :1I1d the L-niver!!it)' of C:lliforni:t, I took II

half "car o f work :.1 Ames. It was here"I met m\' .. fale.'

I amllOw tC'achin!' in the Indianola :3t:lle lIi;.::h ~c:hool, ott Indi~nol:l, 10w;l. This cil\ has Ihe larJ.:t.'st hlg-h se-hool Y. :'Ii. C _\. :lIId Y. \\'. C . A. in the L' nitl'" Stnk".

By a rule of the schunl, Ihe new lellchcrs arc tir..,t hi red for :. pcriod

of Ihrec momhs. W:b recently rc-elected for the n ' lIlaindcr of the year. A few days :1:,:'0 I had to treat Ih.: olher teachers in hOHor of a Hew l,!" irl boarder II ho recently e:lme into our honlC,

Hil,!"ht hcre I walll to thallk the mell \I ho showed IIIC ~o 111:1111' kind­l1e,. .. e!' during Ihe !lav,; whe,; I was 1\ orkin .. Ill\' \\':.1\' th;oll"h theold ... "t ... _. .. :1I11[ onc of the \'l'q' he"t Stille (·ollq:-t·s in the cUlllltr}.

\-l'ry trilly yours,

\\'. C. St'lI \'IT. '10. It I :-';orth B. ~t., In<li :tnol:l, 10w:I.

The :'Iliehig-:lll F;'rille rs' Associa­liol) h:l~ hn'll holding mcetill~i! in L :IIli;.illg durill;':- Ihe P,ISI week, and a l:tr~e 1I11mh£'r of the men took :nh'lI1t:lgc ofth.:opportunil\' to vi"it the Colleg-e. The.\' were" sho\\11 ahOllt the C:llllpUS hy B. _\. F:llInce, :11111 ';0 '1e of them \Vho had not yi<.iled the in"litulion for ;1 101lg- tiflll' w~'rc imprl'ssell with thl' ililp rOYClIlclltS which h:1\'C hcell 111:ul",

Dr. Beal's History of M. A. C. Nearly Ready for Publishers

The history of the ~Iichig-a ll A;!. ricullU r .. 1 Colll'g:e, llpon which Ur. \V. J. H{'al has spent cOllsitlerahle time :1Ilt! effort. will he reach, for Ihe puh[i~hers in a very short timc. :'lIas! of the prclimin:lry work ha", been done, and milch of thc mmllt­script is ;ll rcadl' 1Il Ihe hallds of the proof rl·;trkrs ..


Th;,. hO Cl k, whell tini~hl·tl. \\ill1.e one o f thl' tinc .. t I\ork:; of its kUH1, alld will he a lolullll' of illlellse inten·.,t 10 c\erl forml'r .. tu.ll·1l1 d~'nt of the Colle~e . .\:0 p .• ins hall' beell "pare,1 III llI;tke il (;omplcte in even tlda;1. I )r. B~',11 h'l\ ill" IlCl·t1 a~~i",-'"d in hi .. work hI' "le';1 \\ ell acquaiuted Ilith \-ariuu·., ~t'lg'es uf Ihe hisl{}r~ ,\f the ol"e~1 ag-riL-ulwral COlll'g'C ill thl' c:"ulltr ~·.

I>r"habll' nil h"'1!l'r m:11l COUlll h:l\l' he~'Il'folllld tn a"~lI01C Ihe I:I"k of puhli~hill){ "'Ilch a work th:lll Ihc :ll1tl1or. l·Oll1ill.i-!' 10 :'II. _\. C . in l~li' al a time Ilhen tilt' in"tillllil)n \\,1;0 \c\ \~'n' -111:111. hcin" ;Jeli,t,.l, a"~IIl:iatl'd ,,'ith its \\ o rk"" fur fort} lear .... ;llld lI1a;l1t :linll1 .... an intimate ~d:l\ioll with e\· ... rylhi~~ pl'rlaining: III II ill the ITars sinc.: hi" reI ire_ me llt , 11,1 liI·rng- mall is so ,\ dl ahle 10 recount Ihe prOJ.:fl·SS ami rcl ~le tIll' ",tories of formcr d:'l)'s as Dr. Heal.

In order to take personal ch:lrg-e of Ihe final preparations for the

printing o f thc hook, Dr. Beill has b ... cll ill the collel{'" for the p:ISt few we~'k;;. \\-hi le I1HU1~' of the ol.ler st lltlell ts knew him, 'he hus m:I\le :t wiele circle of friends ,1111011:,:: the fre shmen, 10 whom he lectured se\'~'ra! limes.

T he history itself will tQH' r the exislcncc of the c<lll('g:e frOll1 its COllet'pliou,IIl l::iii, until the " r ... s­"11\ IInll'_ Qne enti re dHtpter \\ ill tell of the earh <"fforts of thc State . \gric:ullUr .• 1 SU~'iel) 10 l>(TUrc Ihe est:tblishlll€'1I1 of a ... {'hool for a"ri_ culture, T he atlminiSlratiOIl '" of e;lI;h prl· .. i,I,·nt will he I:tkl'/I "I' and di.,e\l~sed iu a !ll'p'!T:lle dl:tpler, wilh evcnt!! of spc,-ial inll' rest which VCr-Urrl'" :1\ thlOt Inll'· .. \ cOlllpli.'IC set of portrait!! of IIlcmber,; of the St:l1l' BO:lnl of .\;,;-rieuhurl· \\ill ac­COIllP,1I1Y the~e chllptl·r",. III addi­tion to Ihi;o.;<pt:c iall·ff'Jrts n;l\e 1 ... ·l·1l made to secu re :t pic-Illre of e\l'ry profe~~or :lnd :IS~ISI;ltlt profc .. ~or who h:lS l'ver ill·t'll l'on neclt'l l with thl' flleult\.

I'rofllscly illustrated 1\;11 he the eh:tpkr de:tling with Ih~· C,lntpll~, amI thl' TIl:1ny poin\,; of illl~-re"'l 1llli(;ll arc fOlilld on Ihe ~rviliuls. 11I1I.,!t·:ui\ll1~ of eler~ hui[,lil1g' h:tl'c heer! "'l'eur(;d, :o s 1\'l·1) ;, ... of IIl11n\ hCillltiful scene,. Oil Ihe c:mlpu.... -

l.iterar~ ~ocictic~. :Ii f"lind at :'II. _\. Co, 'tr~':1 pr"d UCI IX'culillr to thi~ illSlilUtinn. T hl·ir gro\\th :w.] 11e­\ elopllll'lIt will he l k- ... t·rihed in :1 ch apler sci aside for tht· pUTjlO"e.

The hook, \I hen l'UlUpktl', \1 ill cflllt: lin Iwenl.,··lln, ch:tp ter",. :111\1 will pr<''''t'ne in " pl'rul:t llent form the huntln'!ls of s/(,rie~. ;utecdOles ;U1d e'>pe ricnel'" g'ntht'recl 1)\, Or. Ih-:tl ill hi ... 1011;':- ""ioc i H1"!Il~ wilh :'II . . \. C. There \\ill he a ],l111\ fOllr hUlld re,l p:l:':l·~. . \ rra"!-:,etll('llI!I for the puhlishing' (If thl' \'~I\1tne h;I\-e 110t ) d ht'e ll completed, hut \\'ill he puhli ... hed 11.\' Ihe Stale !loanl :.s u l'oll";.:-e jJu hlk:uioll, :1 <; utfidt:llt num. her of l'l> pi~"> hl·ing rUIl orr tet in"ure :t di~lributi()n to c\'er}' libr:lf\' :111(1 Sd1001 ill Ihe stille, a" I\dl ;t ... : 10 ill­tlreHl·d indi."itlu:tls.

f\ fc,~ turo of the honk will he a list of n:tmcs of s tudents now ill school whose father or l1l()\hcr al­te\llkd this college.

Page 4: FOOTBALL TEAM AND BAND ROYALLY ENTERTAINED BY …,..,wed his u.-;ual custom of attend inl!" all Ihe :'11. A

The M. A . C. RECORD.


The aho\ " pictun:: is of Fr:uKi" (J·Gar:!. \,l::'. tak'"11 in fr ol1\ of tlw 'I":lr1< r~ which hL" occupied :1:;- cn­.!.:"ilwl' r \\ ilh the T ra n»n>l1lilll:nl:d [{;lil,,;)I . :.\ Coch r ;lIh:, ()IlI:)!"i"

j' r"I,:,I.]," ell'n" 111:111 \\ h" W;IS "

~\u{kllt h,'~" duri"l1;! tlw liml' (Y(; ;,ra \\:1,. in ~dl\1"l \\ill rCllwlIlbl"r "1':11: " The "ltin 11ll"1 11110 ",'re i ll cnl1cgc f 1"(11) 1<)06 to !'(/IU \\il1 lTllll'mh"r

till' ]"" pl:KL" ill fnln) of \ \",'1I~ l!all which lill .. lip cal'll ~prin).:" , :lIltl \\";1-'

kllt)\\ J1 '" tho.;m h\ Ihl.! nellu,' of Llkl< O ' i . ara. .

III a 1,'lle r 10 :\ lIdl' ~i:I!' . the cuI· Jc.),!:l·j'arbl r. ( )"U :1.r;\ ha~ the {,,1l011-III;..:' \0 , .. ;!\ :

" :-\0 ,iuuhl \ "II 11111,.\ ban: f"r-

Il(JRT . C L L: 8

In .. pile fir. Ih(; "h~"llc,' of Iht.: S,-1\­lO,r" \\110 Well! I.) Tr;l l cr"c Citl· . tb,· rc~ulal' ]I<l r t. Cluj, 1LWl'lillg II;'~ hd.l I:hl \\ ·l·,h1l"~d:l\ . Ie I. Cor· ,ell C::: ' \"I: a ~h"rl t a lk 011 th" .. 1.)".

iU:!Ild o f Ihe "!" r:,dl: " from thl' Slam.!· poi III of th..., 11II r ,." rym:1I1 .

l 'rQf. L. C. I' bnl ~al''''' !I t a lk. II h iell '" a:o hdd Ol.· r freml b,,1 w\'l·k . :1II1\101\(1 ,,1.0111 thl: ho r lil"lll1uml ;HI· v:rnt:lg:es o f Ihl: n;).!"iull'; "u rruumlirrg: :'I li",,')\II:o . ;\I OII\:1 11 a. :'Il is,,"oul:l is ,hl' di~trihlltill~ poillt for :tll thl: "u rruulld illg: ,Ii,.\rict". illelud ing th..., Biul'r R oot \ ',dln' , om.' ',f th .. · l ar~. l·~ t :tllllIoI:SI k ,lC/II '1l frui t :on·t i(lI IS;l1 Ih .. · \l urid . 11 11 011 lir..,\ prit: .. · ,1\ d l ~ appl..· "Iww al ~p<Jk;HlI: . \\ ·:I~hirrg.

t" ' I. :\Il,1 ill othe r \\;11" h.1-o. sh" ll n ils "upn:m:wy IlllT I""~t uf thc 1\'I:"I"'rl1 fruil "I'UI\ 111" re)!ion,.. Th .. · Bill"r I{,:;.\ \'"lln \:xl\'nd" IUO 11lik-s ~u!llh of :'I11~~UIlI:I. :!IId ;rll·r,,:.:-.·~ ,.i" mil"" ill II idth. mO~1 of ll li ~ !:Irrd h,·jl1g: pl:1I11l"d to "rdla rd.~ .

T il,· prilllip',j ,,,ril:li,", o f :!ppks :.!rown in Ih .. · Hitl"'r ]{ uol ':llk, a rc t lr" :'Ilcllll,,~h n·d, lall'll' (· ;t lk,j Ih" Bilkr R"ot rt·,1 hI IIr.· \ \ ·I·'k rtl ...,r". Ill ... \ k·:crnder. "n;l I;lri"u, varietil:' of "r"l, "JlP~"" Thl: .\I d llln ... h is 10.' far Ih,· h"'1 appk g:Pl\\ 11 ill Ihat re:,.:iorr . and . II ilh the IH·Skrll color , il Ir",.. n" I:qu:l1 ill tile lil"rkcl o f '1""lil~ fruit . L'jlto d'II~' Ih" re Ir:r~ he"n 110 ;JPp~·"r'I'IC .. · of lI"u rm .l· fr uit . hilI lin.: hli:.::ir! ha, 11 .... 1.11 di"~'Ol"l'red litH l"ll;! ";!O. lIlld lht: ~Iatc dep:trt . Illellt i" I",,..y ill i ,.. ,,"de;"ll'o r ~ tl/ "up' prc"", th" di"la ~l· . T h ... a pple,.. ,.,en! Ullt hI" till· \\'l~1 a rc' all li r ~t d'I~", pack~d ill \oo:'\\:s. ;"Illd ,·,Ieb :rpple wr;lppc{1 ill t isslIl: p'I]l,· r.

I'rof. P hil)! s;<id 1I1al Ihe re was a h i).!hl: r jll' rcerrta:":l' of collc·).!e llU'n in • \ l is501l1:1 flll d t he 11l'ighborin g"

!!Ottl'\1 hy Ihi~ time IlOlI" h:l\·,· 11l'1',' r 1'1 .... 11 1"ICk

I louk, ,I~ 1 10 the oltl

,l"I1(>ol "in .... ..., :.: r ,,,III:ltioll. .. 1'11,· \I inl,T ~c'a"UIl tip herc' i" a

li1111· IOU lorrg'. alit! it i" ;1'" told IIOW j ~"I . I I' ;r, al :lIly lillll' durill).!" till' II inkr ill .\1 idli:.:an . Il oll'CI l· r. 110

"II,· "1'C'Il1~ to milill il. :IS lIT arl: prl" Imr",!. \01'1 .n'lI dOll ' l ",.\: ~Iiff hals and It'll" "h"I:,. . I 1'''Pl'l~t II' do~e lip h,rl: ].1 JIll' end of lit,· lllol1lh '11HI IOl,k 'fur :Im)tller i"]). :li the' Ilork i~ rOlllpl!:1l'd. ll op .... to :.:U UI ,·r In •• ,,',l11k"e lOll II " i n 1:lIl11an·. ,\fhr IkCl'urber I JIll ,,,ld~I:~" will 1'1' 7'1 :'I ! :rin St ., Olln;':I . Onlario.

--- --------lalll'\~ Ih:11l 111 :'Ila,,~al'hu ~ etl "', :lnd ,..l1],siautiall·d hi~ ~talt:l1lelll h.\· tetlil1:! Ih" lll1l11b"r of " r'ldu;I!I:S thcr I' l're :rhl .. 10 :r",,..,,rnhl·~ on ,.hort noti.: ....

Tlw prof"~~('r !>"id Ihal ,1111 :rd­'''~I\h' of \ h,· llll: ri t ;;1"lcm 1~·'>1r1,1 knOll he \\""s tclli!lg' die trllth :Ihour tlw n' rll:lrk:rhk hort icultura l :H1d ·<",t rOI1 .... lIIil; fc'a!~ o f thL· :'I I i~~uul:r ~t::I·il' ul \l1ris1.~ . The ,\ It>ll\HtI!I fa r 111

,'r hl'CC>l nL'b:r p\'~"i n 'i"t WhL' 1I Ihl' oa\ lil'hl fall,. hl"'-;'I 100 Inl,..hels jlL'T :,cre. mId hal,,·II· mah:~ Oll!:r IiI il1~ \\'hen thl: P01,;101:':> dt) not lid 600 hu.,hd\> pe r.

T ilt· jlos"ihililil's of :'1 10111:111:1 III

th .. · fUlure mar he illl:,~ill...,,1 wh .. ·u it i~ rc·"li'-:cd Ilral the ~t:r l l: is 600 Inik~ I"n:,.: ami ~till f:n' from ""in:! f."!ly dl'lcl''1lL'd , ami Ihe oppO rlll!lll11'S III're 11..."er I'dll·r .

I Lawrence & V an Buren

I Printing Company ---

2 10 _212 Urand A ve. North

Do You Want P:li r Shl'ar~ h: \l ife Sa f!:!r I< azo r -

;:11tNI~ ... \ uto SlJ"OIl . ~: '· ' ·r·H~lIdy ,, '''t ~:nder, 10 ,,·r,·cl from

Il olle,; :Ind S t rops Saws ll ammers I ];o lchl'lS Chisl·b

I ~cr .. \\" D r,,-c rs

In fac t, ;I n.l lh irr :.: yOll need in hanl ll ar .. · \·ou willlintl_ ;"Iml al prin::> to su il - :ll

I Mortons HarOwar6 ~

Ire New Christmas Handkerchiefs T il..., l:r q,~-""sl and 1I10S1 conr plct l! lin c o f h :lIl<lkerch i d~ c·\ l ' r ,,11011"11

hy Ih is stor l: . A t ~ 5(:" 1::lch . ahOUI 500 d O%ell t'mhruide red Iillel1

ha mlke rchicfs im ported I:xpr l:ssly fo r Ihe J. \\'. Kt l:tpp COn1I':my .

ll und r l"lls and h urrr i reds o f o ther "tyl l's f' lr 1lll'1l, \\ OllH' n a lld

child r o:! n.

\\ 'rit e fu r wh:rtn· .... r .1 0 11 W!l tl1 :tnd we \\' ill ~c lld ,ii."t il rcl ill· pat ·

te rti!'. ,lI ld if fo r a ny r l: :r S<J1l you !I I' '' 1101 s:tti~lied \"ou 111,11' return

(heol '"ld YO llr IllOrrc\" wi ll be rdll nlll:d .

O,d., b~' Mail.

S ~ t lsfHt"on

GUM~", e.d or

~on.Y R.fundr d. CI.N'JRAL MIO!. RI:UA6LL STORll

Pr~I'nid on nil

Mall O rdor._ LAN S ING. MIG"'




A nnouncements. I nvitorions, Programs. elc., given sprcial al/l?n rioll .

Meet lYle at the Sugar Bowl. 1 J . A. BISSINGER

FI.ORIS'!' Our cu, Flo ..... p's arc ,h, bt" " '" h.d

-H"tll PI",,,,,,. ,;r';'''~l ".'." 1)1t,,1 .\ ' ,.,

til N"w Cullp(:(· \'jews "1""' 0 f"r :;("


College Drug & Grocery Sto re. foil "" Of E .. "" •• ,.

• ~."'. 10' MO' L., •••••. n .. ,,,, $.4011 ••.

DIRECTORY LA :--'; ~ I:--';li I~C~I ~E. :-:"S .\:--.; 0 I'RUFE~~I0 2\.. . \ L :'I] E ~.

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H H.LAKS~: II .-{' hll>l\. (.; \"u &- I.,.mps . , If<ii \\'" , h l nll: l,," A,·e. S.

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DRY GOODS. -~ --J. w, " ".\ "I' ,', '.- I',.y ';,",,1- ,,,,,I Fu,··

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ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. -C ,I PI·n,r. ~;I , E,"rHI!" ~:;\r;I;\E~:HI ,, (;

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