for integrative practitioners results! the journal of ... journal of results … · risk of...

Results! For Integrative Practitioners 1 888 823 3869 / | 1 Results! The Journal of Results RNA Issue XIV For Integrative Practitioners WOMEN’S HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS Every year as the rate of diseases and resulting symptoms for women increase, scientists, re- searchers and health professionals are making significant connections between the role of envi- ronmental toxins and their effects on women’s health. Environmental toxins exist everywhere – in the air we breathe, the water we drink and in the food we consume. It’s staggering to realize that since the 1940’s, over 100,000 toxic chemicals have been released into the environment. Continued on page 2 In This Issue Women’s Health and Environmental Toxins .................................... 2 Results RNA 1 888 823 3869 ®

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Page 1: For Integrative Practitioners Results! The Journal of ... Journal of Results … · risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, and other pregnancy complications. These and other environmental

Results! For Integrative Practitioners 1 888 823 3869 / | 1

Results!The Journal of Results RNA Issue XIV

For Integrative Practitioners

WOMEN’S HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS Every year as the rate of diseases and resulting symptoms for women increase, scientists, re-searchers and health professionals are making significant connections between the role of envi-ronmental toxins and their effects on women’s health. Environmental toxins exist everywhere – in the air we breathe, the water we drink and in the food we consume. It’s staggering to realize that since the 1940’s, over 100,000 toxic chemicals have been released into the environment.

Continued on page 2In This Issue

Women’s Health and Environmental Toxins.................................... 2

Results RNA1 888 823


Page 2: For Integrative Practitioners Results! The Journal of ... Journal of Results … · risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, and other pregnancy complications. These and other environmental

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Every year as the rate of diseases and

resulting symptoms for women increase,

scientists, researchers and health profes-

sionals are making significant connections

between the role of environmental toxins

and their effects on women’s health. Envi-

ronmental toxins exist everywhere – in the

air we breathe, the water we drink and in

the food we consume. It’s staggering to re-

alize that since the 1940’s, over 100,000

toxic chemicals have been released into

the environment.

A 2009 study by the Environmental Work-

ing Group found 48 toxic chemicals in the

urine samples of five prominent women

environmental activists who live across

the U.S. These chemicals are commonly

used in everyday consumer products and

have been linked to birth defects, hormo-

nal dysregulation and increased cancer

rates. Health trends in the U.S. suggest

that the chemical load plays a part in the

growing rates of autism spectrum disor-

der, diabetes and certain cancers. While

the rising number of chronic diseases

has many causes, increased exposure to

chemicals is one factor.

Toxins and Cancer

The U.S. Department of Health and Hu-

man Services Office on Women’s Health

reports that toxins and chemicals in the

environment can cause serious health

problems in women, such as cancer, lung

disease, or reproductive system problems.

They can also make health conditions

worse. Scientists are studying the ways

toxins in the environment may play a

role in female-related conditions such

as breast cancer, endometriosis, and

menopause. Women who are pregnant or

nursing are especially vulnerable to expo-

sure to some toxic substances — including

lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, pesti-

cides, solvents, and household chemicals.

Exposure to these toxins can increase the

risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, and

other pregnancy complications. These and

other environmental toxins also pose a

risk to the healthy development of fetuses

and infants.

Toxins and Heart Disease

The Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention report that pollution is linked

to heart disease, which is the leading

cause of death among women. According

to the National Institute of Environmen-

tal Health Sciences, data from a recent

study on urban air pollution suggest that

women have a greater risk of developing

fatal coronary heart disease as a result of

long-term exposure to airborne particles

than their male counterparts. Cancer, the

second leading cause of death, is now

being tracked by the National Environ-

mental Public Health Tracking Network, to

better understand the specific connection

between over 100 types of cancer and

everyday contaminants in our environ-


Toxins Contribute to Gynecological


When it comes to women’s gynecological

health, the amount of research linking

womens health problems to environmen-

tal estogens is substantial.


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“Our studies are beginning to corroborate

the idea that environmental estrogen may

be associated with endometriosis,” said

Germaine Buck-Louis, director of the Eu-

nice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of

Child Health and Human Development’s

epidemiology division in Maryland.

In a major new study, two groups of

women in the Salt Lake City and San Fran-

cisco areas were more likely to be diag-

nosed with endometriosis if they had high

blood levels of the estrogen-like pesticide

hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) than women

with low levels. HCH has been banned as

a crop pesticide in the United States but

its abilitiy to build up and remain in the

environment has enabled it to persist in

some food supplies.

Buck-Louis called the research “revolu-

tionary,” saying that finding the link in

both groups of women “is a pretty strong

signal” that the connection between en-

dometriosis and the pesticide is certain.

Recent research is also discovering links

to additional gynecological problems.

Women in Greece diagnosed with poly-

cystic ovary syndrome were more likely

to have higher blood

levels of the estrogen-

mimicking chemical bi-

sphenol A than women

without the disease,

according to a study

published in 2010.

“It’s certainly plausi-

ble that any outside

source that alters

estrogen levels, even

slightly, could contrib-

ute to gynecological

diseases,” said Dr.

Megan Schwarzman,

a family physician

at San Francisco General Hospital and

an environmental health scientist at the

University of California, Berkeley.

With exposure to a host of hormone-dis-

rupting chemicals beginning in the womb,

some scientists suspect the timing may

be key in determining risk of reproductive

disease risk later on in life.

“Gynecological problems during the

reproductive years may be a predictor of

diseases, such as cancer, later in life,”

said Barbara Cohn, a reproductive health

scientist and director of Child Health and

Development Studies at the Public Health

Institute in Berkeley, Calif.

“We know from animal models that there

are critical periods during early develop-

ment when cells are rapidly dividing and

forming the circuitry through which cells

will communicate with each other to form

various tissues of the body,” said Retha

Newbold, a reproductive biologist at the

National Institute of Environmental Health

Sciences in North Carolina. “When chemi-

cals alter this set-up, the changes may not

be reversible.”

Obesity and Chronic Fatigue

In addition, obesity rates have skyrock-

eted in the past 20 years, with 50% of

women in the U.S. aged 20-74 considered

overweight or obese. More and more

American women are feeling the effects

of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. So many

of these issues are due to heavy metal

toxicity and correlated neurological, im-

mune and endocrine dysfunction. Toxic

chemicals disrupt the metabolic pathways

of neurological, immune and endocrine

systems, including:

• Interference with the GTP energy

molecule in neurons preventing the

proper structure and function of neurons

and resulting in neurofibrillary tangles,

pathognomonic for Alzheimer’s disease

and decreased neurotransmitter produc-

tion. Symptoms would include Anxiety,

Depression, Bipolar Affective Disorder,

Sleep and Mood disturbance, Addiction,

MS, Dementia and Parkinson’s.

• Interference with thyroid hormone

metabolism: Mercury, Lead, Cadmium

and Arsenic block the conversion of Free

T4 to the active Free T3. Free T3 supports

a balanced mood, energy, metabolism,

regulation of glucose and cholesterol

levels, temperature regulation, central

obesity and gut motility.

• Interference with production of ATP

in cells: Mercury specifically competes

with Magnesium to block the release of

chemical energy from the ATP bonds.

This causes fatigue, weight gain and low

metabolic activity.

• Toxins negatively affect cell-mediated

immunity and antibody production,

resulting in increased infection and tumor


Depicted in the diagram, smaller Mercuric ions are pulled deeply into the ACZ nano zeolite cage structure and

held securely for safe elimination, while Calcium and Potassium are “sieved”.

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• Toxins affect the metabolic pathway

of equilibrium of Omega 3 fatty acids

and Omega 6 fatty acids. This causes an

increase of histamine and leukotrienes,

which leads to inflammation, allergy and

auto-immune reactions.

• Women with high toxicity have an

increased rate of miscarriage. The toxins

pass from the mother to the placenta,

then to the fetus. The average newborn

in the U.S. has over 206 toxic chemicals.

Toxins can also pass from mother to child

through breast milk.

Healthy Detoxification of Toxins

The good news is, diseases and symp-

toms that stem from environmental toxins

are fairly easy to identify and correct. If

the problem is cellular toxicity, then the

solution is intracellular detoxification.

The most effective and easy way to safely

remove and eliminate harmful toxins and

pathogens is with the clinically proven

Ultimate Body Detox Extra Strength by

Results RNA.

Systemic Intracellular Detoxification

Ultimate Body Detox Extra Strength is the

only intracellular detoxification regimen

of its kind. Comprised of ACS 200 Extra

Strength, ACZ nano Extra Strength, and

ACG Glutathione Extra Strength Intra-oral

sprays these highly effective formulas

provide systemic, intracellular reduction

of pathogens, toxins, and free radicals.

3 Sprays for Detox Success:

ACS 200 Extra Strength is a potent

antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, and

antiparasitic proven to kill over 660

pathogenic microorganisms via independ-

ent laboratory studies.

ACZ nano Extra Strength has been

clinically proven to bind and expels toxic

heavy metals (including mercury), volatile

organic compounds, radioactive toxins,

free radicals, and more.

ACG Glutathione Extra Strength is the

only Intra-oral spray glutathione formula

of it’s kind, clinically proven to increase

glutathione levels, the most important in-

tracellular antioxidant of the entire body,

in protecting, healing, and rejuvenating.

Enhance Your Practice with Improved

Patient Outcomes

With the abundance of environmental

toxins so prevalent in our world today

and the clear links between toxins and

disease, intracellular detoxification is

foundational to restore health today, and

ensure increased health tomorrow. To

enhance your practice and patient out-

comes and to learn more about Ultimate

Body Detox Extra Strength please visit









