for internal circulation only welcome to bethesda frankel ... · 2015 for pre-nursery classes 2014...

My Response: Our Response during the service is an act of worship. Do write your reflections on a Response Form and place it in either of the offering bags. Holy Communion: We welcome baptized believers to join in the Lord s Supper. Tithes & Offerings: Giving cheerfully & sacrificially of our finances is part of our worship. Giving serves as a constant reminder that God is our provider, & we seek to honour Him with our tithes & offerings. Red Bag - General & Ministry Fund, Blue Bag - Missions Fund. Please address your cheque to: Bethesda Frankel Estate Church ”. 4 La Salle Street, Singapore 456930. Tel: 6448 1800 Fax: 6448 0831 Email: [email protected] Website: hp:// Church Office Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm Sat & Sun: 9am-1pm For Internal Circulation Only 26 February 2017 Topic : Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God Key Verse : Matthew 5:9 8am Speaker : Elder Melville Szto 10am Speaker : Deacon Daryl Liu 8am Sermon Outline It is not easy to be a peacemaker – one is likely to get shot at from both sides! God made peace between Himself and fallen, sinful human beings by sending His Son to die for us. We call that reconciliation. To make peace between two hostile parties is costly. It may involve the ultimate sacrifice. God made the ulti- mate sacrifice. No wonder Jesus says that those who are peace- makers will be called children of God. Like Father, like chil- dren. I. From Peace-breakers to Peace-makers Before Christ reconciled us to God, our position was: your iniquities have separated you from your God. Your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear.(Isa. 59:2) We were peace-breakers not peacemak- ers. II. What, really, is Peacemaking? For he (Christ) himself is our peace, who has made the two one (Jew and Gentile) and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility His purpose was to create in himself one new man, out of two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross …” (Eph. 2:14-17) Peacemaking is making two one, or reconciliation. True reconciliation is only possible because of what Christ did. III. God the Peacemaker Once you were alienated from God and were enemies But now he has reconciled you by Christs physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation.(Col. 1:21-22) IV. Gods Children as Peacemakers And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christs ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christs behalf: Be reconciled to God.” (2 Cor. 5:19-20) Rooted in the Living Word Empowered by the Holy Spirit Abiding in Christ only Daring to Hope and to Love Yielding Fruit To Gods Glory Welcome to Bethesda Frankel Estate Church In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.Matthew 5:16 10am Sermon Outline The beatitudes help us highlight the f______________ in us as believers. From Jesusexample, we know that Peacemaking is about: 1. Loving our e____________ 2. Uniting people to G____ through Christ However, Peacemaking still does not come to us n__________. Whoever has been f______________ little shows only a little love.Have an a______________ knowledge of who died for us. Nothing is more important than putting a smile on Jesus face. Have a clear and accurate p____________________ of reality. We need to treasure Christ. Dont wait till you are o____ to think about how you lived your life. Recognize Jesus as the rightful top priority now, and then see how then we will live our life. Questions: 1. Is peacemaking possible without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins? Can we be peacemakers if we ourselves are not in right relationship with God? 2. Are there situations where God wants us to be peacemakers – in the home, in our work places, schools or in our neighborhood? Ask God to help you be a peacemaker. 3. What is the connection between peacemaking and preaching or sharing the gospel? Do you think it is possible to do one without doing the other?

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My Response: Our Response dur ing the ser vice is an act of wor ship. Do wr ite your r eflections on a Response For m and place it in either of the offering bags. Holy Communion: We welcome baptized believers to join in the Lord’s Supper.

Tithes & Offerings: Giving cheer fully & sacr ificially of our finances is par t of our wor ship. Giving ser ves as a constant r eminder that God is our provider, & we seek to honour Him with our tithes & offerings. Red Bag - General & Ministry Fund, Blue Bag - Missions Fund.

Please address your cheque to: “Bethesda Frankel Estate Church”.

4 La Salle Street, Singapore 456930. Tel: 6448 1800 Fax: 6448 0831 Email: [email protected] Website: Church Office Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm Sat & Sun: 9am-1pm

For Internal Circulation Only 26 February 2017

Topic : Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God Key Verse : Matthew 5:9

8am Speaker : Elder Melville Szto

10am Speaker : Deacon Daryl Liu

8am Sermon Outline

It is not easy to be a peacemaker – one is likely to get shot at from both sides! God made peace between Himself and fallen, sinful human beings by sending His Son to die for us. We call that reconciliation. To make peace between two hostile parties is costly. It may involve the ultimate sacrifice. God made the ulti-mate sacrifice. No wonder Jesus says that those who are peace-makers will be called children of God. Like Father, like chil-dren.

I. From Peace-breakers to Peace-makers

Before Christ reconciled us to God, our position was: “your iniquities have separated you from your God. Your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear.” (Isa. 59:2) We were peace-breakers not peacemak-ers.

II. What, really, is Peacemaking?

“For he (Christ) himself is our peace, who has made the two one (Jew and Gentile) and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility … His purpose was to create in himself one new man, out of two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross …” (Eph. 2:14-17) Peacemaking is making two one, or reconciliation. True reconciliation is only possible because of what Christ did.

III. God the Peacemaker

“Once you were alienated from God and were enemies … But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation.” (Col. 1:21-22)

IV. God’s Children as Peacemakers

“And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” (2 Cor. 5:19-20)

Rooted in the Living Word Empowered by the Holy Spirit Abiding in Christ only Daring to Hope and to Love Yielding Fruit To God’s Glory

Welcome to Bethesda Frankel Estate Church “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give

glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

10am Sermon Outline

The beatitudes help us highlight the f______________ in us as believers.

From Jesus’ example, we know that Peacemaking is about:

1. Loving our e____________

2. Uniting people to G____ through Christ

However, Peacemaking still does not come to us n__________.

“Whoever has been f______________ little shows only a little love.”

Have an a______________ knowledge of who died for us. Nothing is more important than putting a smile on Jesus face.

Have a clear and accurate p____________________ of reality. We need to treasure Christ.

Don’t wait till you are o____ to think about how you lived your life. Recognize Jesus as the rightful top priority now, and then see how then we will live our life.


1. Is peacemaking possible without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins? Can we be peacemakers if we ourselves are not in right relationship with God?

2. Are there situations where God wants us to be peacemakers – in the home, in our work places, schools or in our neighborhood? Ask God to help you be a peacemaker.

3. What is the connection between peacemaking and preaching or sharing the gospel? Do you think it is possible to do one without doing the other?

Keep this for your Prayers & Participation

Reminder: Please submit any announcement for consideration in the next bulletin by Tuesday through your Ministry Head

26 February 2017

Cell Groups… 45 cell groups meet during the week. To join one, con-tact Shirley Soo Tel: 62414622 Email: [email protected]

9214 (Seniors): Bible Study & Fellowship (Sun 10am @ ClassRmA1); FrankeLights (Bible Study) (Mon 10am-11.30am @ Vineyard) Games @ Upper Rm (Tue 6pm, Thu 3pm, Sat 9.30am)

Ladies’ Group: Tue 8pm @ Annexe 21/2 Mrs Janet Armstrong 28/2 Mrs Rosie Yeo 7/3 Mrs Madeleine Chng (OMF) 14/3 Mrs Ang Woon Chuan 21/3 Ms Eileen Poh 28/3 Ladies Sharing & Praise

Chinese Evergreen Fellowship: Wed 10.30am-12.30pm @ Upper Rm

Church Prayer Ministry: Fri 8pm @ Chapel 3/3 Follow The Leader : Hoong Ngee Khoon 10/3 Marriage Matters : Elder Alex Lo 17/3 Lawsuits Among Believers & Sexual Immorality : Jason Sin 24/3 1 Cor 3:18 : Elder Jimmy Tan

Peranakan Ministry: 2nd & 4th Sat 4pm @ Chapel 11/3 Ucapan Bahagian : April Samadi 25/3 Pengenalan saya dalam Kristus : Jeffrey Goh

Foreign Indian Workers’ Fellowship English Class: Sat (except last Sat) 8pm–9.30 pm @ Class Room A1 Tamil Service: Sundays 11.15am–12.30pm @ Fellowship Room. Contact Letch (HP:93870245)

International Fellowship (Indonesian & Filipino): Sun 10am—11.40am @Lvl 3 Excel Room & Class Rm C3



Sunday Prayer Hour 12.00pm next Sunday @ Chapel

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." Colossians 4:2

Have A Prayer Request? Write it in the Response For m

so we can alert the F.I.R.E. team to pray with you.

Frankel Intercessors Ready Everywhere & everytime

Congratulations to Tamás Ivicz & Karen Lim on their holy matrimony yesterday, 25 Feb, solem-nized by Elder Jimmy Tan.

Most of us mistake Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount as being only about the Beatitudes. In fact, the single longest recorded sermon of our Lord Jesus spans 3 whole chapters from Matthew 5 through 7.

After the 8 Beatitudes, He follows with the call to be salt and light (5:13-16), his interpretations in relation to five of the Ten Commandments (moral laws) and ends with stern warnings not to be false followers.

We have decided to savour this Sermon over 15 weeks with dual tracks (i.e. different speakers) on some Sundays. May His Spirit speak personally to us as we hear our Lord's heartbeat through the various home and invited speakers.

26 Feb Blessed are the peacemakers Elder Melville Szto Deacon Daryl Liu

5 Mar Blessed are the persecuted because of righteousness

Simon Wan (Wycliffe)

12 Mar Jesus on murder, lust, breaking your marriage & your word

Elder Joshua Quek

19 Mar Jesus on revenge & rights, the perfect love of the Father

Kenneth Wong (Bethesda Ang Mo Kio)

26 Mar Danger of show-off Christianity / prayer & fasting

Elder Roland Tan

The Sermon on the Mount Pulpit Series

Image by Paul Willows via Flickr—used with permission

Priority Registration for enrolment in Bethesda Katong Kindergarten for BFEC members

Children born in the following years will be eligible for enrolment: 2015 for Pre-nursery classes 2014 for Nursery classes 2013 for K1 classes 2012 for K2 classes Application forms are available from the church office. Deadline for submissions 5 Mar 2017.

The Parenting Course For parents, parents-to-be, & carers of children 0 to 10-years-old, and teens 11 to 18-years-old. Saturdays (8.30am to 10.30am) on March 11, 18, 25, Apr 1, 8 Register at Contact [email protected] for more details.

Baptism & Membership Class 101 (Baptism on 16 April Easter Sunday) 4 lessons held over 4 Sundays, 5 to 26 March (8.30am-10am) Membership Transfer Classes on 19 & 26 Mar (8.30am-10am) Please submit application forms by TODAY (26 Feb)

Young Adults Gathering TODAY at 12 noon in the Chapel. All YA in their 20s & 30s are invited to join in for a time of makan and fel-lowship, followed by a short message.

Choice of BBQ chicken or red curry chicken at $4 per bento lunch box with drink. Sincerely served by Kelvin Lau’s CG. Guests, please let us host you on the house.

Shepherds & Leaders Meeting (SLM) on Sat 4 March Topic: Iron Sharpens Iron — Leading Engaging Group Discus-sions by Elder Chua Soon Boon & Deacon Kiang Tzy Peng Time: 8am - 10.30am (breakfast at 8am) Venue: Chapel

Resources available at the Sanctuary Entrance a) Living Hope for All - Daily Devotions For Lent b) A Dad's Imprint - a guide to growing secure daugh-

ters & confident sons c) Look Closer - Faces, YWAM Singapore's Newsletter

Focus on the Family has lined up 2 events in March for fathers to be involved in their children’s lives in an intentional way.

1. Date with Dad High-Tea (Father & Daughter aged 12-15) on Sat 4 Mar (

2. Adventure with Dad Urban Camp (Father & Son aged 12-15) either 12-15 Mar or 13-14 Mar (

Love & Share Hongbao Donation Drive on Sun 5 Mar BFEC is one of the foundation members of St Luke's Hospital. Since

1996, this vital ministry has blazed the trail in caring for the elderly sick, annually serv-ing more than 2000 inpatients. St Luke's Eldercare (founded 1999) has 14 centres island-wide, with integrated services e.g. day care & rehabilitation, dementia care.

Elder Ernest Chew serves on the Board of Directors as well as Elder Alex Lo (previously Elder Joshua Quek) as Alternate Director. Many of our cell groups have organised programs at the Tampines' St Luke's Eldercare.

As a VWO, St Luke's receives partial funding from the government, and relies on dona-tions to continue their healthcare services. On top of our monthly church gift towards the St Luke's Hospital chaplaincy fund, we wish to encourage members to also partici-pate in their Hongbao Drive this year.

If you have not already given to St Luke's, we encourage you to prayerfully consider giving to this ministry. A special Hongbao will be provided next Sunday, to receive these gifts, in addition to your usual tithes and offerings.

When you give, please note:

Indicate (tick) on the Hongbao if you would like to donate to St Luke's Hospital or St Luke's ElderCare. "Unticked" ones will be divided equally among the 2.

If giving by cheque, cross and make it payable to "St Luke's Hospital" or "St Luke's Eldercare Ltd". (Donations of $50 & above are entitled to tax deduction. Provide your details on the reverse side of the Hongbao if you require a deductible receipt. For donations below $50, tax-deductible receipt will only be issued upon request).

These Hongbaos will be collected together with our usual offerings on 5 March.

Every Day With Jesus Mar / Apr 2017 issue available now from the church office at subsidised price of $4 per copy ($5 for large print).

What is Jesus calling us to—and what will be our answer?