foreign direct investment and balance of payments of bangladesh

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Post on 11-Feb-2018




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  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 9

    Txig`}}hm ]j>

    Gyt% ]btg`b ]cbo`o


    Lbdxo}p jl Ixt`ehtt T}xm`ht

    Vyhg`hy xe`|hyt`}p/ Dc`}}bajea

    Txig`}}hm Ip>

    Txmhtceb Mbt



    2 9em

    Jd}jihy 9629

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 4

    Oh}}hy jl ]ybetg`}}bo

    Nxeh 9=%6 Txig`tt je jl }ch Yhvjy}%

    Cjejybioh Gbmbg/

    @} `t gp ayhb} vohbtxyh }j txig`} }ch yhvjy} }`}ohm @gvbd} jl Ljyh`ae M`yhd} @e|ht}ghe} je

    Ibeaobmhtct Ibobedh jl Vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo dp gvo db} jet }j pjx% @ cb|h vyhvbyhm }c`t yhvjy}/

    je }ch ibt`t jl b vby} jl jeh jl jxy djxyth @e}hyeb}`jebo l`ebed`bo gbebahghe}% ]j gbkh

    }c`t yhvjy} xv }j }ch t}bembym @ }y`hm gp iht} }j lxol`oo }ch yhrx`yhghe}t ip `gvohghe}`ea }ch

    kejqohmah @ cb|h ab}chy lyjg }ch djxyth% ]cbek pjx |hyp gxdc ljy vyj|`m`ea gh }c`t }pvh jl

    jvvjy}xe`}p bem a`|`ea xt }ch ehdhttbyp ax`mbedh bem m`yhd}`je ehhmhm ljy vyhvby`ea }ch

    yhvjy}% @ cb|h }y`hm jxy oh|ho iht} }j gbkh }c`t yhvjy} cjo`t}`d bem `eljygb}`|h hejxac% Iht`mht

    }c`t/ }chyh gbp ih tjgh tcjy}djg`eat% @ qjxom ih ayb}hlxo `l pjx djet`mhy }cjth lyjg

    hsdxtbioh vj`e}%



    Txmhtceb Mbt


  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 8

    ]bioh jl dje}he}t

    Ebgh Vbah Ej

    Bdkejqohmahghe} 8

    Hshdx}`|h Txggbyp

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 0

    Dcbv}hy 2

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 26

    2%2% IbdkayjxemLjyh`ae m`yhd} `e|ht}ghe} #LM@ `t b vj}he} qhbvje jl mh|hojv`ea }ch Ibeaobmhtc hdjejgp

    bem dbe vobp be `gvjy}be} yjoh `e bdc`h|`ea }ch djxe}ypt tjd`j'hdjejg`d jinhd}`|ht

    `edoxm`ea vj|hy}p yhmxd}`je ajbot% @e b dbv`}bo'vjjy djxe}yp o`kh Ibeaobmhtc/ LM@ dbe hghyah

    bt b t`ae`l`dbe} |hc`doh }j ix`om xv vcpt`dbo dbv`}bo/ dyhb}h hgvojpghe} jvvjy}xe`}`ht/ mh|hojv

    vyjmxd}`|h dbvbd`}p/ hecbedh tk`oot jl ojdbo obijy }cyjxac }ybetlhy jl }hdcejojap bem

    gbebahy`bo kejq'cjq/ bem chov `e}hayb}h }ch mjght}`d hdjejgp q`}c }ch aojibo hdjejgp%

    Ibobedh jl vbpghe} jl bep djxe}yp `t b tpt}hgb}`d yhdjym jl boo hdjejg`d }ybetbd}`jet

    ih}qhhe }ch yht`mhe}t jl }cb} djxe}yp bem jl }ch yht`mhe}t jl }ch yht} jl }ch qjyom `e be

    bddjxe}`ea vhy`jm% ]ch ibobedh jl vbpghe} }ybetbd}`jet `edoxmht boo }ch yhdh`v}t jl bem

    vbpghe}t ip b djxe}yp mxy`ea b a`|he phby% ]ch Ibeaobmhtc Ibek ljoojqt b dobtt`l`db}jyp

    tdchgh ljy IJV vyhthe}b}`je bt vhy }ch8}c hm`}`je jl }ch @GL!t Ibobedh jl Vbpghe}t Gbexbo


    ]ch Ibobedh jl Vbpghe}t `t b t}b}`t}`dbo t}b}hghe} ljy b a`|he vhy`jm tcjq`ea ]ybetbd}`jet `e

    ajjmt/ thy|`dht bem `edjgh ih}qhhe be hdjejgp bem }ch yht} jl }ch qjyom; Dcbeaht `e }ch

    hdjejgpt gjeh}byp ajom/ tvhd`bo mybq`ea y`ac}t #TMYt bem j}chy l`ebed`bo dob`g tje bem

    o`bi`o`}`ht }j }ch yht} jl }ch qjyom; ]ybetlhyt bem djxe}hyvby} he}y`ht }cb} byh ehhmhm }j

    ibobedh/ `e be bddjxe}`ea theth/ bep he}yp ljy }ch ljyhaj`ea }ybetbd}`jet bem dcbeaht qc`dc

    byh ej} gx}xboop jllth}}`ea%

    @e}yjmxd}jyp Btvhd}t

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 22

    ]c`t vjo`dp ej}h vyj|`mht be btthttghe} jl }ch dxyyhe} t`}xb}`je jl LM@ `e Ibeaobmhtc bem

    hsbg`eht `}t `gvbd} je }ch djxe}ypt ibobedh jl vbpghe}t%

    2%9 Jinhd}`|ht jl }ch T}xmp

    ]ch gb`e jinhd}`|ht jl }c`t btt`aeghe} byh>

    ]j ab}chy kejqohmah iyjbmop bijx} LM@ bem Ibobedh jl Vbpghe}%

    ]j kejq }ch }yhemt jl Ibobedh jl Vbpghe} jl Ibeaobmhtc%

    ]j h|boxb}h LM@ t}b}xt `e Ibeaobmhtc%

    ]j kejq bijx} }ch yhbo bddjxe}`ea gh}cjm bem ljygb} xthm }j dbodxob}h }ch Ibobedh

    jl Vbpghe} `e Ibeaobmhtc qc`dc cjqh|hy dbeej} ih xemhyt}jjm vyjvhyop ip yhbm`ea

    ijjkt bem t}xmp`ea `e dobttyjjgt%

    ]j ab`e be `e'mhv}c kejqohmah bijx} cjq m`llhyhe} bddjxe}t byh yhdjymhm/ dbodxob}hm

    bem qcb} byh }ch`y `gvbd} `e }ch j|hyboo Ibobedh jl Vbpghe}%

    ]j kejq }ch `gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct Ibobedh jl Vbpghe}t

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 29

    2%4 Gh}cjmjojap

    ]c`t btt`aeghe} cbt ihhe djgvoh}hm ip }bk`ea `eljygb}`je lyjg vy`gbyp bem thdjembyp

    tjxydht% @ cb|h djgvoh}hm jxy btt`aeghe} ip }bk`ea `eljygb}`je lyjg m`llhyhe} njxyebot lyjg

    Ibeaobmhtc Ibek yhabym`ea Ibobedh jl Vbpghe} jl Ibeaobmhtc% @ cb|h botj }bkhe

    `eljygb}`je lyjg m`llhyhe} qhit`}ht%

    2%= O`g`}b}`jet

    Qc`oh vyhvby`ea }c`t btt`aeghe}/ @ lbdhm tjgh o`g`}b}`jet `e }hygt jl cb|`ea vjjy kejqohmah

    yhabym`ea m`llhyhe} hohghe}t bem t}hvt jl Ibobedh jl Vbpghe}% Bo}cjxac qh cbm }c`t

    o`g`}b}`je/ cjqh|hy qh cb|h }y`hm jxy oh|ho iht} }j lxol`oo }ch jinhd}`|ht jl }c`t btt`aeghe}


  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 24

    Dcbv}hy 9

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 2=

    Ljyh`ae M`yhd} @e|ht}ghe}>

    9%2 Mhl`e`ea LM@>

    ]ch mhl`e`}`je jl LM@ q`oo ih boojqhm `e bddjymbedh q`}c }ch Xe`}hm Eb}`jet Djelhyhedh

    je ]ybmh bem Mh|hojvghe} #XED]BM) bem `}t Qjyom @e|ht}ghe} Yhvjy} 966

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 28

    @e b dbv`}bo vjjy djxe}yp o`kh Ibeaobmhtc/ LM@ dbe hghyah bt b t`ae`l`dbe} |hc`doh }j ix`om xv vcpt`dbo

    dbv`}bo/ dyhb}h hgvojpghe} jvvjy}xe`}`ht/ mh|hojv vyjmxd}`|h dbvbd`}p/ bem hecbedh tk`oot jl ojdbo

    obijy }cyjxac }ybetlhy jl }hdcejojap bem gbebahy`bo kejq'cjq/ bem chov `e}hayb}h }ch mjght}`d

    hdjejgp q`}c }ch aojibo hdjejgp% ]c`t vjo`dp ej}h vyj|`mht be btthttghe} jl }ch dxyyhe} t`}xb}`je jl

    LM@ `e Ibeaobmhtc bem hsbg`eht `}t `gvbd} je }ch djxe}ypt ibobedh jl vbpghe}t%

    9%9 L`|h M`llhyhe} ]pvht jl Ljyh`ae M`yhd} @e|ht}ghe} #LM@)

    Bddjym`ea }j Dcypttjdcj`m`t/ G`ooby , Dohaa/ 2001 }chyh byh l`|h m`llhyhe} }pvht jl ljyh`ae

    m`yhd} `e|ht}ghe} #LM@%

    ]ch l`yt} }pvh jl LM@ `t }bkhe }j ab`e bddhtt }j tvhd`l`d lbd}jyt jl vyjmxd}`je/ h%a%yhtjxydht/ }hdce`dbo kejqohmah/ gb}hy`bo kejq'cjq/ vb}he} jy iybem ebght/ jqehm

    ip b djgvbep `e }ch cjt} djxe}yp% @l txdc lbd}jyt jl vyjmxd}`je byh ej} b|b`obioh `e}ch cjgh hdjejgp jl }ch ljyh`ae djgvbep/ bem byh ej} hbtp }j }ybetlhy/ }che }ch

    ljyh`ae l`yg gxt} `e|ht} ojdboop `e jymhy }j thdxyh bddhtt%

    ]ch thdjem }pvh jl LM@ `t mh|hojvhm ip Ybpgjem \hyeje `e c`t vyjmxd} dpdohcpvj}cht`t% Bddjym`ea }j }c`t gjmho }ch djgvbep tcboo `e|ht} `e jymhy }j ab`e bddhtt

    }j dchbvhy lbd}jyt jl vyjmxd}`je/ h%a% ojq'djt} obijy% ]ch aj|hyeghe} jl }ch cjt}

    djxe}yp gbp hedjxybah }c`t }pvh jl LM@ `l `} `t vxytx`ea be hsvjy}'jy`he}hm

    mh|hojvghe} t}yb}hap% T`edh `} gbp vyj|`mh tjgh ljyg jl `e|ht}ghe} `edhe}`|h }j

    }ch ljyh`ae djgvbep/ `e ljyg jl txit`m`ht/ aybe}t bem }bs djedhtt`jet% @l }chaj|hyeghe} `t xt`ea

    be `gvjy}'txit}`}x}`je vjo`dp `et}hbm/ ljyh`ae djgvbe`ht gbp jeop ih boojqhm }j

    vby}`d`vb}h `e }ch cjt} hdjejgp `l }chp vjtthtt }hdce`dbo jy gbebahy`bo kejq'cjq

    }cb} `t ej} b|b`obioh }j mjght}`d `emxt}yp% Txdc kejq'cjq gbp ih }ybetlhyyhm

    }cyjxac o`dhet`ea% @} dbe botj yhtxo} `e b nj`e} |he}xyh q`}c b ojdbo vby}ehy%

    ]ch }c`ym }pvh jl LM@ `e|jo|ht `e}hyeb}`jebo djgvh}`}jyt xemhy}bk`ea gx}xbo`e|ht}ghe} `e jeh bej}chy/ h%a% }cyjxac dyjtt'tcbyhcjom`eat jy }cyjxac

    ht}bio`tcghe} jl nj`e} |he}xyh/ `e jymhy }j ab`e bddhtt }j hbdc j}chy!t vyjmxd} ybeaht%

    Bt b yhtxo} jl `edyhbthm djgvh}`}`je bgjea t`g`oby vyjmxd}t bem Y,M'`emxdhm

    tvhd`bo`~b}`je }c`t }pvh jl LM@ hghyahm% Ij}c djgvbe`ht jl}he l`em `} m`ll`dxo} }j

    djgvh}h `e hbdc j}chy!t cjgh gbykh} jy `e }c`ym'djxe}yp gbykh}t ljy hbdc j}chy!t

    vyjmxd}t% @l ejeh jl }ch vyjmxd}t ab`e }ch mjg`ebe} bm|be}bah/ }ch }qj djgvbe`ht

    dbe `e|ht} `e hbdc j}chy!t byhb jl kejqohmah bem vyjgj}h txi'vyjmxd} tvhd`bo`~b}`je

    `e vyjmxd}`je%

    ]ch ljxy}c }pvh jl LM@ djedhyet }ch bddhtt }j dxt}jghyt `e }ch cjt} djxe}yp gbykh}%@e }c`t }pvh jl LM@ }chyh byh ej} jithy|hm bep xemhyop`ea tc`l} `e djgvbyb}`|h

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 2 tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 23

    B XE hdjejg`t}/ bmmyhtt`ea b thg`eby `e Mcbkb yhdhe}op/ tb`m }cb} LM@ tcjxom ej} ih

    djet`mhyhm `em`tvhetbioh ljy hdjejg`d vyjayhtt% Djxe}y`ht o`kh ]b`qbe/ Kjyhb/ Nbvbe/ Dc`eb

    bem h|he qht}hye hdjejg`ht m`m ej} yhop gxdc je ljyh`ae `e|ht}ghe}% Hdjejg`d vyjayhtt

    }chyh qbt bd}xboop boqbpt ob`m ip }ch mjght}`d |he}xyht% Ljyh`ae `e|ht}ghe} `t ehdhttbyp }j

    ab`e bddhtt }j dhy}b`e ljyh`ae gbykh}t jy dhy}b`e lbt}'dcbea`ea }hdcejoja`ht%``

    @gvbd} je mjght}`d tb|`eat> Ejygboop LM@ tcjxom yb`th yhbo `edjgh bem mjght}`d tb|`eat%

    Ix} }c`t hllhd} gbp ih jllth} ip yhm`t}y`ix}`je jl `edjgh bqbp lyjg mjght}`d dbv`}bo `l }ch

    ljyh`ae `e|ht}ghe} djgvh}ht q`}c cjgh `e|ht}ghe} bem yhmxdht vyjl`}t jl mjght}`d

    `emxt}y`ht% ]ch djethrxhe} yhmxd}`je `e mjght}`d tb|`eat `t be `em`yhd} djt} jl ljyh`ae

    `e|ht}ghe}% ]ch LM@ gbp botj cb|h b ehab}`|h hllhd} je mjght}`d tb|`eat/ bt `} a`|ht yjjg

    ljy be `edyhbth `e djetxgv}`je `e }ch yhd`v`he} djxe}yp%

    Yhdbv`}bo`~b}`je hllhd}> LM@ ahehyb}ht ij}c vjt`}`|h bem ehab}`|h hllhd}t je }ch lojq jl

    ljyh`ae hsdcbeah je }qj bddjxe}t> l`ebed`bo bem }ybmh% Je }ch l`ebed`bo t`mh/ LM@ iy`eat `e

    dbv`}bo/ ix} botj ohbmt }j b t}yhbg jl yh}xye lojq jl vyjl`}/ j}chy `e|ht}ghe} `edjght bem

    bddxgxob}hm `e}hyht}/ bem yhvb}y`b}`je jl dbv`}bo% ]c`t yh}xye lojq `edyhbtht }cyjxac }`gh bt

    }ch t}jdk jl ljyh`ae dbv`}bo y`tht% ]cxt/ LM@ cbt b }hemhedp }j ohbm }j yhdbv`}bo`~b}`je% T`edh

    }ch yb}h jl yh}xye jl LM@ `t gxdc c`achy }cbe }ch yb}h jl `e}hyht} vb`m je b`m jy mhi}/ }ch

    yhdbv`}bo`~b}`je hllhd} jl LM@ `t o`khop }j ih ayhb}hy }cbe }cb} jl b`m jy mhi}%

    Hllhd}t je ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> Je }ch }ybmh t`mh/ LM@ cbt b vjt`}`|h hllhd} }cyjxac c`achy

    hsvjy} hbye`eat bem b tb|`eat je `gvjy}t #ljy vyjmxd}t ojdboop vyjmxdhm/ ix} b ehab}`|h

    hllhd} }cyjxac c`achy `gvjy}t jl `e}hyghm`b}h bem dbv`}bo ajjmt% @e gbep dbtht/ LM@ `t

    chb|`op yho`be} je obyah `gvjy}t jl dbv`}bo bem `e}hyghm`b}h ajjmt% ]ch c`ac `gvjy} dje}he}

    yhmxdht }ch vjt`}`|h }ybmh hllhd}% @l `e|ht}jyt `gvjy} gjyh }cbe }chp hsvjy}/ LM@ dbe hem xv

    qjythe`ea }ch ibobedh jl vbpghe}t t`}xb}`je jl }ch djxe}yp% @e jymhy ljy LM@ }j cb|h b

    vjt`}`|h hllhd} je ibobedh jl vbpghe}t/ }chyh gxt} ih b t}yjea hejxac vjt`}`|h }ybmh hllhd} }j

    jllth} }ch ehab}`|h yhdbv`}bo`~b}`je hllhd}% Q`}cjx} dbyhlxo vjo`dp vobee`ea/ }ch ehab}`|h hllhd}

    djxom ayjq }cyjxac }`gh bem ih thy`jxt bt vyjl`} jx}lojq ix`omt xv%

    Mheb}`jebo`~b}`je hllhd}>]jj ybv`m b ix`omxv jl LM@ djxom ohbm }j mheb}`jebo`~b}`je/

    qchyh }ch jqehytc`v jl l`ygt `t }ybetlhyyhm lyjg mjght}`d }j ljyh`ae cbemt bem }ch ljyh`ae

    tcbyh jl }ch eb}`jet qhbo}c t}jdk `edyhbtht yhob}`|h }j ojdbo tcbyh% ]j b|j`m hdjejg`d jy

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 20

    tjd`bo vyjiohgt }cb} }c`t gbp dbxth/ }ch yb}h jl ayjq}c jl mjght}`d `e|ht}ghe} tcjxom hsdhhm

    LM@ ayjq}c%

    @gvbd} je mh|hojvghe}> ]ch `gvbd} jl LM@ je mh|hojvghe} botj mhvhemt xvje }ch }pvh jl

    LM@/ `%h%/ qch}chy `} `t `e }ch ljyg jl Ayhhel`hom `e|ht}ghe} jy ghyahy bem bdrx`t`}`je

    #G,B% Ayhhel`hom `e|ht}ghe}t tcjxom ih vyhlhyyhm ip mh|hojv`ea djxe}y`ht ihdbxth }chp

    dyhb}h ehq vyjmxd}`|h lbd`o`}`ht bem dyhb}h njit/ `et}hbm jl LM@ }cyjxac G,Bt/ qc`dc

    djet`t}t jl }ch vxydcbth jl hs`t}`ea btth}t/ htvhd`boop }cyjxac vy`|b}`~b}`je bem `e }ch thy|`dht

    thd}jy% G,B }pvh LM@/ qc`dc `t jl}he dboohm phoojq l`hom `e|ht}ghe}/ mjht ej} ahehyb}h

    hgvojpghe} b} }ch }`gh jl he}yp `e}j }ch cjt} hdjejgp bem gbp h|he ohbm }j obp'jllt bt }ch

    bdrx`yhm l`yg `t yht}yxd}xyhm% Mh|hojv`ea djxe}y`ht tcjxom botj hedjxybah LM@ `e }ybmbioh

    thd}jyt/ qc`dc cbt b vjt`}`|h }ybmh hllhd}/ yb}chy }cbe LM@ `e }ch eje'}ybmbioh thy|`dht thd}jyt/

    qc`dc mj ej} p`hom gxdc hsvjy} hbye`eat%

    @et}bi`o`}p> Dje}ybyp }j }ch dje|he}`jebo q`tmjg }cb} LM@ `t b t}bioh ljyg jl ojeahy'}hyg

    ljyh`ae dbv`}bo `elojqt/ be XED]BM yhvjy} tcjqt }cb} LM@ dbe botj ih b tjxydh jl

    djet`mhybioh l`ebed`bo `et}bi`o`}p% H|he qche LM@ `t aj|hyehm ip ojea'}hyg djet`mhyb}`jet/

    baayhab}h LM@ lojqt dbe yhtvjem ybv`mop }j dcbeaht `e tcjy}'}hyg hdjejg`d djem`}`jet% ]cxt/

    vyjl`} yhg`}}bedh bem vyjl`}t yh}b`ehm #vyjl`} yh'`e|ht}ghe} ip }ch txit`m`byp byh ejq

    t`ae`l`dbe} djgvjehe}t jl LM@ lojqt `e gbep cjt} djxe}y`ht% ]ch djgvjt`}`je jl LM@ `e

    Ibeaobmhtc/ }jj/ cbt ihhe xemhyaj`ea b tc`l} bqbp lyjg hrx`}p dbv`}bo `e }ch m`yhd}`je jl

    yh`e|ht}hm hbye`eat% @e 9660/ yh`e|ht}hm hbye`eat bddjxe}hm ljy 89 vhydhe} jl boo LM@t #]bioh

    3% ]chth byh c`acop |job}`oh bem `emhhm dbe ih nxt} bt |job}`oh bt vjy}ljo`j `e|ht}ghe} lojqt/

    htvhd`boop mxy`ea be hdjejg`d dy`t`t% ]chyhljyh/ }ch jom vyhtxgv}`je }cb} LM@ lojqt byh ohtt

    |job}`oh }cbe vjy}ljo`j `e|ht}ghe} gbp ej ojeahy cjom%

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 96

    ]bioh > Djgvjehe}t jl LM@ @elojq `e Ibeaobmhtc/ 9663 bem 9660

    LM@ Djgvjehe}t 9663 9660 Ayjq}c (

    XT- g Tcbyh XT- g Tcbyh

    Hrx`}p Dbv`}bo 360%4 1=%86( 923%88 42%92( '14(

    Yh`e|ht}hm Hbye`eat 9=8%1 99% ]ybetlhy vy`d`ea yhlhyt }j }ch vy`d`ea jl `e}yb'l`yg }ybetbd}`jet jl ajjmt/ thy|`dht/

    kejq'cjq bem `e}hoohd}xbo vyjvhy}p% ]ch vy`dht b} qc`dc txdc `}hgt byh }ybetlhyyhm mj ej} yhlohd} }ch

    }yxh |boxh jl vyjmxd}t he}hy`ea bem ohb|`ea }ch djxe}yp/ bem chedh }ybetlhy vy`d`ea gbp yhtxo} `e b

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 99

    aj|hyeghe} hsvhem`}xyh jy ljyhajeh yh|hexh/ `e|jo|hm `e vyj|`m`ea txit`m`~hm `evx}t bem bmm`}`jebo

    thy|`dht; bem tj je% Boo }chth lbd}jyt cb|h }j ih }bkhe `e}j bddjxe} `e be j|hyboo eh} h|boxb}`je jl }ch

    djt}t bem ihehl`}t jl LM@%

    9%8 Ibobedh jl Vbpghe}>

    Ibobedh jl vbpghe} `t b yhdjym jl boo }ybetbd}`jet gbmh ih}qhhe je vby}`dxoby djxe}yp bem boo

    j}chy djxe}y`ht mxy`ea b tvhd`l`hm vhy`jm jl }`gh% IJV djgvbyht }ch mjooby m`llhyhedh jl }ch

    bgjxe} jl hsvjy}t bem `gvjy}t `edoxm`ea boo l`ebed`bo hsvjy}t bem `gvjy}t% IJV gbp ih xthm

    bt be `em`db}jy jl hdjejg`d bem vjo`}`dbo t}bi`o`}p% B ehab}`|h ibobedh jl vbpghe} ghbet }cb}

    gjyh gjehp `t lojq`ea jx} `e }ch djxe}yp }cbe djg`ea `e bem |`dh'|hytb%

    9%< Lb|jybioh bem xelb|jybioh ibobedh jl vbpghe}>

    @l dyhm`}t byh gjyh }cb} `t hsvjy}t byh gjyh }cbe `} `t b vjt`}`|h t`ae ljy }ch hdjejgpbem `} `t kejqe bt lb|jybioh I%J%V

    @l mhi`}t byh gjyh }cb} `t `gvjy}t byh gjyh }cbe `} `t b ehab}`|h t`ae ljy }ch hdjejgpbem `} `t kejqe bt xelb|jybioh I%J%V

    9%1 Djgvjehe}t jl ibobedh jl vbpghe}>

    Ibobedh jl vbpghe} `t ahehyboop ayjxvhm xemhy }ch ljoojq`ea chbmt/

    Dxyyhe} Bddjxe} Dbv`}bo Bddjxe} Xe`ob}hybo jy Dxyyhe} ]ybetlhy Bddjxe} Jll`d`bo Th}}ohghe} Bddjxe}

    @e }ch Ibeaobmhtc Ibobedh jl Vbpghe}t t}b}hghe}t byh ayjxvhm xemhy }qj gbnjy db}hajy`ht

    bt a`|he ihojq/

    Dxyyhe} Bddjxe} bem Dbv`}bo bem L`ebed`bo Bddjxe}

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 94

    9%3 M`llhyhedh ih}qhhe dbv`}bo bddjxe} bem dxyyhe} bddjxe}

    ]ch dxyyhe} bddjxe} `t }ch

    Ibobedh jl

    ]ybmh `e ajjmt

    ]ybmh `e thy|`dht

    Eh} `e|ht}ghe} `edjgh lyjg hs}hyebo btth}t

    Eh} }ybetlhyt

    Dbv`}bo bddjxe} dbv}xyht `elojqt bem jx}lojqt jl m`llhyhe} ljygt jl dbv`}bo

    Vjy}ljo`j `e|ht}ghe} h%a% gjehp lojq`ea `e}j * jx} jl t}jdk gbykh}t/ vhet`je lxemt/ chmah

    lxemt h}d

    M`yhd} dbv`}bo `e|ht}ghe} h%a% l`shm `e|ht}ghe} `e lbd}jy`ht

    Tcjy} }hyg ibek`ea lojqt %%% botj kejqe bt cj} gjehp

    @e vy`ed`voh b djxe}yp yxee`ea b dxyyhe} bddjxe} mhl`d` } dbe ibobedh }c`eat xv ip yxee`ea b

    txyvoxt je }ch dbv`}bo bddjxe} ' }ch XK `t b ajjm hsbgvoh/ ihdbxth }ch hdjejgp cbt ihhe b

    lb|jyhm ojdb}`je ljy LM@ bem }chyh `t b t}yjea bvvh}`}h bgjea ljyh`ae `e|ht}jyt ljy XK

    aj|hyeghe} ijemt

    B djxe}yp yxee`ea b dxyyhe} bddjxe} txyvoxt dbe yxe dbv`}bo bddjxe} mhl`d`}t `%h% `e|ht}

    chb|`op j|hythbt jy nxt} bddxgxob}h ljyh`ae hsdcbeah yhthy|ht h%a% Dc`eb/ Ejyqbp/ J`o

    hsvjy}`ea eb}`jet tjgh jl qcjg cb|h dyhb}hm }ch`y jqe tj|hyh`ae qhbo}c lxemt%

    @e vy`ed`voh }ch IjV gxt} ibobedh%%%% `} mjht tj ihdbxth jl bmnxt}ghe}t }cb} djxe}y`ht gbkh }j

    }ch`y ljyh`ae hsdcbeah yhthy|ht xt`ea @GL bayhhm bddjxe}`ea ghbtxyht bem botj ihdbxth jl

    }ch ibobed`ea `}hg qc`dc yhlohd}t hyyjyt bem jg`tt`jet"

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 9=

    Dcbv}hy 4

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 98

    4%2 LM@ `e Ibeaobmhtc>

    Ibeaobmhtc cbt b}}ybd}hm XTM 024 g`oo`je ljyh`ae m`yhd} `e|ht}ghe}t #LM@ `e 9626 dbohemby

    phby/ b ohbv ip 46 vhydhe}% ]c`t xvaybmht }ch djxe}ypt vjt`}`je }j 22= lyjg 220 jx} jl 2=2

    eb}`jet `e }ch Qjyom @e|ht}ghe} Yhvjy} #Q@Y% Mxy`ea }c`t vhy`jm }ch }hohdjg thd}jy

    yhdh`|hm XTM 4

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 9 tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 91

    Vy`|b}h @e|ht}ghe} T}b}`t}`dt

    Phby Vyjvjthm Ojdbo


    Vyjvjthm Ljyh`ae


    ]j}bo Vyjvjthm


    Ayjq}c (

    Vyjnhd} IM] Vyjnhd} IM] Vyjnhd} IM]


  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 93

    LM@ `e Ibeaobmhtc djet`t}t jl }cyhh djgvjehe}t> Hrx`}p dbv`}bo/ Yh`e|ht}hm Hbye`eat bem

    @e}yb' Djgvbep ojbet% ]chth djgvjehe}t cb|h loxd}xb}hm djet`mhybiop `e }ch obt} }qj

    mhdbmht% @e }ch hbyop phby jl 200

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 90

    4%4 LM@ `elojqt ip Byhbt #HV^ bem Eje HV^)

    L`axyh 4%4%2 yh|hbot }cb} mhtv`}h }ch `e`}`bo `edyhbth bem t}hbmp dje}`exb}`je/ LM@ `elojqt `e

    Eje'HV^ byhbt qbt `e mhdo`e`ea }yhem mxy`ea }ch vhy`jm jl 9662'9664% @e 966= `} `edyhbthm }j

    366 g`oo`je XTM bem }c`t }yhem dje}`exhm xv }j 9668% ]ch LM@ `elojqt `e Eje'HV^ byhbt `e

    9626 yhdjymhm }j XTM 108%28 g`oo`je qc`dc `t 31 vhydhe} jl }j}bo `elojqt qchyhbt `e }ch

    iha`ee`ea jl }c`t vhy`jm #`e 200

    Thd}jy'q`th bebopt`t jl LM@ yh|hbot }ch lbd} }cb} b tc`l} cbt ihhe gbmh ip }ch ljyh`ae

    `e|ht}jyt `e }ch`y `e|ht}ghe} `e Ibeaobmhtc #Beehs ]bioh'4%=% ]ch }bioh tcjqt }ch }yhem jl

    LM@ }jqbymt vjqhy bem hehyap/ gbexlbd}xy`ea bem }hohdjggxe`db}`jet/ qchyhbt }ch

    ehaohd}hm thd}jyt qhyh bay`dxo}xybo/ Thy|`dht bem }ybmh bem djgghydh% @e 9668/ }ch gb`e

    ljdxt jl `e|ht}ghe} qbt `e }ch gbexlbd}xy`ea thd}jy% ]ch v`h dcby} tcjqt }ch tc`l} jl LM@ `e

    }ch thd}jyt `e Ibeaobmhtc% ]ch v`h dcby} mybqt b dohby v`d}xyh cjq }ch m`ghet`jet jl LM@

    `elojqt cb|h dcbeahm `e yhdhe} phbyt%

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 46

    4%8 Ibobedh jl vbpghe} jl Ibeaobmhtc

    2) Dxyyhe} Bddjxe}

    Dxyyhe} Bddjxe} `t }ch txg jl }ch #B Ajjmt bem Thy|`dht/ #I @edjgh bem #DDxyyhe}]ybetlhyt%

    B) Ajjmt bem Thy|`dhtb) Ajjmt

    Yhdjym`ea jl ajjmt `gvo`ht vyj|`t`je jy bdrx`t`}`je jl yhbo yhtjxydht jl be hdjejgp }j bem

    lyjg }ch yht} jl }ch qjyom% ]ch dyhm`} he}y`ht jl }ch lojqt ghbtxyh }ch mjght}`d yhbo yhtjxydht

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 42

    vyj|`mhm }j/ qc`oh }ch mhi`} he}y`ht t}bem ljy bdrx`t`}`je jl yhbo yhtjxydht lyjg }ch yht} jl }ch

    qjyom% Hsvjy}t jl ajjmt byh dyhm`}hm bem `gvjy}t jl ajjmt byh mhi`}hm `e }ch ajjmt bddjxe}

    bem }ch eh} ajjmt bddjxe}t byh dbodxob}hm ip txi}ybd}`ea }ch bgjxe} jl `gvjy}t lyjg }ch

    bgjxe} jl hsvjy}t% @e hrxb}`je/

    Eh} ajjmt bddjxe}7 \boxh jl ajjmt hsvjy}hm ' \boxh jl ajjmt `gvjy}hm

    Ajjmt dj|hy ahehybo ghydcbem`th/ ajjmt ljy vyjdhtt`ea/ yhvb`yt je ajjmt/ ajjmt vyjdxyhm `e

    vjy}t ip dbyy`hyt bem eje gjeh}byp ajom%

    Ahehybo Ghydcbem`th>

    ]ch dyhm`} he}y`ht dj|hy gb`eop ghydcbem`th hsvjy} tje l%j%i% ibt`t bem byh mhy`|hm lyjg

    dxt}jgt yhdjymt vyj|`mhm ip Hsvjy} Vyjgj}`je Ixyhbx #HVI% ]ch mhi`} he}y`ht/ mhy`|hm

    lyjg hsdcbeah yhdjymt/ gb`eop yhvyhthe} ghydcbem`th `gvjy}t bem byh yhvjy}hm je d%`%l% ibt`t%

    ]j byy`|h b} b xe`ljyg |boxb}`je q`}c hsvjy}/ }ybetvjy}b}`je bem `etxybedh thy|`dht b} be

    ht}`gb}hm yb}h jl 26 vhydhe} byh mhmxd}hm lyjg d%`%l% `gvjy} mb}b%

    Ajjmt ljy vyjdhtt`ea>

    ]ybetbd}`jet `e ajjmt byh yhdjymhm xemhy }c`t `}hg qche ajjmt `gvjy}hm ljy vyjdhtt`ea byh

    yh'hsvjy}hm }j }ch djxe}yp lyjg qc`dc }cjth ajjmt qhyh jy`a`eboop `gvjy}hm bem\`dh'|hytb


    Yhvb`yt je ajjmt>

    @} `edoxmht }ch |boxh jl yhvb`yt q`}c }ch vyj|`t`je jl gb}hy`bot ljy gbnjy yhl`}t jl tc`vt/

    b`ydybl} bem j}chy dbyy`hyt% Bt vhy yhdjgghemb}`jet jl @GL G`tt`je 9660/ yhvb`yt je ajjmt

    cb|h ihhe `edoxmhm `e }ybetvjy}b}`je%

    Ajjmt vyjdxyhm `e vjy}t ip dbyy`hyt>

    ]ch `}hg yhlhyt }j }cjth ajjmt/ txdc bt lxhot/ vyj|`t`jet/ t}jyht bem txvvo`ht ljy dbyy`hyt

    xtxboop vxydcbthm ljy djgghyd`bo xth `e tc`vt/ b`ydybl} bem j}chy dbyy`hyt%

    Eje gjeh}byp ajom>

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 49

    ]c`t yhvyhthe}t ajom }cb} `t chom bt b t}jyh jl |boxh qc`dc `t ej} yhdjae`~hm bt vby} jl yhthy|ht

    `e }ch l`ebed`bo bddjxe}%

    i) Thy|`dht

    Yhdjym`ea jl thy|`dht `gvo`ht vyj|`t`je jy bdrx`t`}`je jl thy|`dht jl be hdjejgp }j bem lyjg

    }ch yht} jl }ch qjyom% ]ch dyhm`} he}y`ht ghbtxyh }ch thy|`dht vyj|`mhm }j/ bem }ch mhi`} he}y`ht

    ghbtxyh }ch bdrx`t`}`je jl thy|`dht lyjg }ch yht} jl }ch qjyom% Hsvjy}t jl thy|`dht byh dyhm`}hm

    bem `gvjy}t jl thy|`dht byh mhi`}hm `e }ch thy|`dht bddjxe} bem }ch eh} thy|`dht bddjxe}t byh

    dbodxob}hm ip txi}ybd}`ea }ch bgjxe} jl `gvjy}t lyjg }ch bgjxe} jl hsvjy}t% @e hrxb}`je/ Eh}

    thy|`dht bddjxe}7 \boxh jl thy|`dht hsvjy}hm ' \boxh jl thy|`dht `gvjy}hm M`llhyhe} }pvht jl

    thy|`dh bddjxe}t byh m`tdxtthm chyh%


    ]ybetvjy}b}`je dj|hyt boo }ybetvjy}b}`je #Thb/ B`y/ Yb`o/ Yjbm bem J}chyt thy|`dht }cb} byh

    vhyljyghm ip yht`mhe}t ljy }cjth jl eje'yht`mhe}t bem \`dh'|hytb bem `e|jo|hm q`}c dbyy`bah

    jl vbttheahyt/ gj|hghe} jl ajjmt#lyh`ac}/ dcby}hy jl dbyy`hyt q`}c dyhq bem j}chy yhob}hm

    txvvjy}`ea bem bxs`o`byp thy|`dht% Bd}`|`}`ht o`kh lyh`ac} `etxybedh/ ajjmt vyjdxyhm `e vjy}t ip

    dbyy`hyt byh hsdoxmhm lyjg }ybetvjy}b}`je ix} yhvb`yt jl }ybetvjy}b}`je hrx`vghe} byh `edoxmhm`e }c`t `}hg%

    ]yb|ho>]yb|ho yhvyhthe}t yhdh`v}t bem vbpghe}t xemhy }jxy`tg bem j}chy }yb|ho ljy txdc vxyvjtht bt

    ixt`ehtt bem vhytjebo% Ixt`ehtt }yb|hohyt byh xtxboop djgghyd`bo }yb|hohyt/ aj|hyeghe}

    hgvojphht je jll`d`bo }yb|ho bem hgvojphht jl `e}hyeb}`jebo jyabe`~b}`jet je jll`d`bo

    g`tt`jet% Vhytjebo }yb|ho dj|hyt }yb|hohyt aj`ea biyjbm ljy yho`a`jxt/ hmxdb}`jebo/ chbo}c

    vxyvjtht/ |`t`}t }j yhob}`|ht bem ly`hemt/ vby}`d`vb}`je `e tvjy}t h}d%

    Djggxe`db}`je Thy|`dht>

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 44

    Djggxe`db}`je thy|`dht dj|hy yhdh`v}t bem vbpghe}t je bddjxe} jl }hohvcjeh/ }hohaybvc/

    lbdt`g`oh bem }hohs `edoxm`ea iyjbmdbt}`ea bem hohd}yje`d gb`o thy|`dht/ vjt}bo bem djxy`hy


    Djet}yxd}`je thy|`dht>

    Djet}yxd}`je thy|`dht dj|hyt yhdh`v}t ljy qjyk biyjbm je djet}yxd}`je vyjnhd}t bem

    `et}boob}`je ip vhytjeeho jl yht`mhe} he}hyvy`th tbem vbpghe}t je bddjxe} jl tbobyp bem

    boojqbedht vb`m }j }ch vhytjeeho jl eje'yht`mhe} he}hyvy`tht heabahm `e djet}yxd}`je vyjnhd}

    `e Ibeaobmhtc%

    @etxybedh thy|`dht>

    Dyhm`} he}y`ht dj|hy eh} vyhg`xg je m`yhd} `etxybedh bem yh`etxybedh bttxghm ip yht`mhe}

    `etxybedh djgvbe`ht% Mhi`} he}y`ht dj|hy vyhg`xg je ghydcbem`th `etxybedh je `gvjy}t/

    qc`dc byh ej} b|b`obioh thvbyb}hop ix} byh `edoxmhm `e lyh`ac}% Be ht}`gb}hm 26 vhydhe} jl

    `gvjy} lyh`ac}t `t }yhb}hm bt `etxybedh%

    L`ebed`bo Thy|`dht>

    Yhdh`v}t ip ibekt jvhyb}`ea `e Ibeaobmhtc lyjg }ch`y jll`dht bem djyyhtvjemhe}t biyjbm bem

    vbpghe}t ip ibekt }j }ch`y iybedcht bem djyyhtvjemhe}t biyjbm je bddjxe} jl djgg`tt`je/

    dbioh dcbyaht `edoxm`ea lhht bttjd`b}hm q`}c oh}}hy jl dyhm`}/ ibekhyt bddhv}bedht/ o`eht jl

    dyhm`}/ l`ebed`bo ohbt`ea bem j}chy lhht h}d% byh `edoxmhm xemhy l`ebed`bo thy|`dht%

    Djgvx}hy bem @eljygb}`je Thy|`dht>

    @} dj|hyt yhdh`v}t bem vbpghe}t je bddjxe} jl djgvx}hy bem ehqt yhob}hm thy|`dht `edoxm`ea

    mb}b vyjdhtt`ea/ cbymqbyh djetxo}bedp/ tjl}qbyh `gvohghe}b}`je/ hsvjy} jl djgvx}hy

    tjl}qbyh/ gb`e}hebedh bem yhvb`yt jl djgvx}hyt bem ehqt bahedp thy|`dht%

    Yjpbo}`ht bem O`dheth Lhht>

    ]ch `}hg dj|hyt yhdh`v}t bem vbpghe}t bttjd`b}hm q`}c }ch bx}cjy`~hm xth jl `e}bea`ioh ej

    vyjmxdhm eje'l`ebed`bo btth}t bem vyjvy`h}byp y`ac}t/ txdc bt vb}he}t/ djvp y`ac}t/ }ybmhgbykt/

    `emxt}y`bo vyjdhttht h}d% bem }ch xth }cyjxac o`dhet`ea bayhhghe} jl vyjmxdhm jy`a`ebot jy

    vcj}j }pvht txdc bt gbextdy`v}t bem l`ogt%

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 4=

    J}chy Ixt`ehtt Thy|`dht>

    Yhdh`v}t bem vbpghe}t je bddjxe} jl gh dcbe}`ea bem j}chy }ybmh yhob}hm thy|`dht/

    jvhyb}`jebo ohbt`ea bem g`tdhoobehjxt ixt`ehtt/ vyjlhtt`jebo bem }hdce`dbo thy|`dht byh

    dj|hyhm xemhy }c`t chbm%

    He}hy}b`eghe}/ Dxo}xybo bem Yhdyhb}`jebo Thy|`dht>

    @} dj|hyt yhdh`v}t bem vbpghe}t je bddjxe} jl bxm`j |`txbo bem yhob}hm thy|`dht bem j}chy

    dxo}xybo bem yhdyhb}`jebo thy|`dht%

    Aj|}% Thy|`dht e%`%h%>

    Xemhy }c`t yht`mxbo `}hg }ch vy`gbyp dyhm`} he}y`ht byh thy|`dh hsvhem`}xyht jl ljyh`ae

    m`vojgb}`d g`tt`jet bem `e}hyeb}`jebo jyabe`~b}`jet `e Ibeaobmhtc bem }ch vy`gbyp mhi`}

    he}y`ht byh }ch hsvhem`}xyht yhob}`ea }j Ibeaobmhtc m`vojgb}`d vhytjeeho/ m`vojgb}`d bem }ybmh

    g`tt`je/ bem g`o`}byp hsvhem`}xyht biyjbm%

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 48

    Ibeaobmhtc yhvjy}hm b }ybmh mhl`d`} hrx`|bohe} }j 2628 G`oo`je XTM `e Bvy`o jl 9629%

    C`t}jy`dboop/ lyjg 2008 xe}`o 9629/ Ibeaobmhtc Ibobedh jl ]ybmh b|hybahm '2931%=2 G`oo`je

    XTM yhbdc`ea be boo }`gh c`ac jl '8

    Qbaht/ tboby`ht bem j}chy ihehl`}t yhdh`|hm ip tcjy} }hyg qjykhyt #ohtt }cbe jeh phby lyjg

    eje'yht`mhe} hgvojphyt bem }cb} jl ojdbo t}bll jl hgibtt`ht/ djetxob}ht bem `e}hyeb}`jebo

    jyabe`~b}`jet byh }yhb}hm bt dyhm`} he}y`ht qc`oh }ch yh|hyth byh mhi`} he}y`ht xemhy }c`t chbm%

    @e|ht}ghe} `edjgh

    M`yhd} `e|ht}ghe}]ch dyhm`} he}yp dj|hyt vyjl`} yhdh`v}t je hrx`}p vby}`d`vb}`je bem `e}hyht} yhdh`v}t je mhi} ip

    Ibeaobmhtc` m`yhd} `e|ht}jyt lyjg biyjbm bem mhi`} he}yp yhdjymt }ch vyjl`} bem `e}hyht} vb`m

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 4

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 41

    ]ch dyhm`} he}y`ht ljy dxyyhe} }ybetlhyt jl }ch ahehybo aj|hyeghe} #`%h% aj|hyeghe} jll`d`bo

    thd}jyt `edoxmh aybe}t `e }ch ljyg jl ljjm bem djggjm`}p bem }hdce`dbo btt`t}bedh yhdh`|hm

    lyjg mjejy djxe}y`ht bem `e}hyeb}`jebo jyabe`~b}`jet% Mhi`} he}y`ht yhvyhthe} vbpghe}t je }ch

    tbgh bddjxe}t%

    J}chy thd}jyt>

    Dyhm`} he}y`ht jl j}chy dxyyhe} }ybetlhy gb`eop dj|hy qjykhyt! yhg`}}bedht bem mjeb}`jet

    vyj|`mhm ip ljyh`ae vy`|b}h jyabe`~b}`jet% Vbpghe}t je }ch tbgh bddjxe}t djet}`}x}h mhi`}


    Dxyyhe} }ybetlhyt; yhdh`v}t #IjV; XT mjooby) `e Ibeaobmhtc

    ]ch Dxyyhe} }ybetlhyt; yhdh`v}t #Ijv; XT mjooby `e Ibeaobmhtc qbt obt} yhvjy}hm b}


  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 43

    Yhdhe} Dxyyhe} Bddjxe} jl Ibeaobmhtc

    Ibeaobmhtc yhvjy}hm b dxyyhe} bddjxe} txyvoxt hrx`|bohe} }j 9 Qchb}/ j`o/ thhmt/ dyxmh vh}yjohxg/ ybq dj}}je/ hm`ioh

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 40

    j o/ vh}yjohxg vyjmxd}t/ lhy} o ~hy/ t}bvoh l ihyt/ pbye/ yje bem t}hho/ dbv }bo ajjmt% Gbnjy }ybm`ea vby}ehyt jl

    Ibeaobmhtc ljy ij}c hsvjy}t bem `gvjy}t byh> XTB/ HX djxe}y ht/ @em`b/ Dc`eb/ Nbvbe/ Tjx}c Kjyhb/ Bxt}ybo b/

    Gbobpt`b/ Cjea Kjea/ ]b`qbe/ @emjeht`b/ ]cb obem/ Tbxm Bybi`b/ XBH %Ibeaobmhtc t }ch ghgihy jl

    gbep @e}hyeb}`jebo hdjejg`d bem }ybmh iojdkt o`kh/ J@D/@DD/ @TJ/ TBBYD/ A'11 bem


    Yhdhe} @gvjy}t jl Ibeaobmhtc

    Ibeaobmhtc @gvjy}t qhyh qjy}c 44=< G`oo`je XTM `e Nbexbyp jl 9629% Ibeaobmhtc `gvjy}t

    gjt}op vh}yjohxg vyjmxd} bem j`o/ gbdc`ehyp bem vby}t/ tjpihbe bem vbog j`o/ ybq dj}}je/

    `yje bem t}hho bem qchb}% Ibeaobmhtc gb`e `gvjy}t vby}ehyt byh Dc`eb #21( jl }j}bo/ @em`b/

    @emjeht`b/ T`eabvjyh bem Nbvbe% Ibeaobmhtc yhvjy}hm b }ybmh mhl`d`} hrx`|bohe} }j 220 Tcy`gvt/ nx}h ajjmt

    #`edoxm`ea Dbyvh}/ ohb}chy ajjmt bem }hb% Ibeaobmhtc gb`e hsvjy}t vby}ehyt byh Xe`}hm T}b}ht

    #94( jl }j}bo/ Ahygbep/ Xe`}hm K`eamjg/ Lybedh/ Nbvbe bem @em`b% Ibeaobmhtc `gvjy}t

    gjt}op vh}yjohxg vyjmxd} bem j`o/ gbdc`ehyp bem vby}t/ tjpb ihbe bem vbog j`o/ ybq dj}}je/

    `yje bem t}hho bem qchb}% Ibeaobmhtc gb`e `gvjy}t vby}ehyt byh Dc`eb #21( jl }j}bo/ @em`b/

    @emjeht`b/ T`eabvjyh bem Nbvbe%

    Hsvjy}t jl ajjmt bem thy|`dht

    Hsvjy}t jl ajjmt bem thy|`dht yhvyhthe} }ch |boxh jl boo ajjmt bem j}chy gbykh} thy|`dht

    vyj|`mhm }j }ch yht} jl }ch qjyom% ]chp `edoxmh }ch |boxh jl ghydcbem`th/ lyh`ac}/ `etxybedh/

    }ybetvjy}/ }yb|ho/ yjpbo}`ht/ o`dheth lhht/ bem j}chy thy|`dht/ txdc bt djggxe`db}`je/djet}yxd}`je/ l`ebed`bo/ `eljygb}`je/ ixt`ehtt/ vhytjebo/ bem aj|hyeghe} thy|`dht% ]chp

    hsdoxmh djgvhetb}`je jl hgvojphht bem `e|ht}ghe} `edjgh #ljyghyop dboohm lbd}jy thy|`dht

    bem }ybetlhy vbpghe}t%

    Gbnjy Hsvjy} @}hgt jl Ibeaobmhtc

    ]ch }ybm`}`jebo hsvjy} `}hgt jl Ibeaobmhtc byh> ybq nx}h/ nx}h gbexlbd}xyht #Chtt`be tbdk ea/

    dbyvh} ibdk`ea/ dbyvh}t/ nx}h vyjmxd}t/ }hb/ ohb}chy bem ohb}chy vyjmxd}t% je' }ybm } jebo hsvjy} }hgt byh>

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah =6

    abyghe}t/ lyj~he tcy`gvt/ j}chy l`tc vyjmxd}t/ ehqtvy`e}/ vbvhy/ ebvc}cb/ lxyebdh j`o/ xyhb bem dhybg`d


    Yhdhe} Hsvjy}t jl Ibeaobmhtc

    Bddjym`ea }j b Qjyom Ibek yhvjy} yhohbthm `e 9622]ch Hsvjy}t jl ajjmt bem thy|`dht#XTmjooby `e Ibeaobmhtc qbt obt} yhvjy}hm b} 23=123398

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah =2

    Dxyyhe} bddjxe} ibobedh #IjV; XT mjooby) `e Ibeaobmhtc

    ]ch Dxyyhe} bddjxe} ibobedh #IjV; XT mjooby `e Ibeaobmhtc qbt obt} yhvjy}hm b}

    9869=92880%=4 `e 9626/ bddjym`ea }j b Qjyom Ibek yhvjy} yhohbthm `e 9622% ]ch Dxyyhe}

    bddjxe} ibobedh #IjV; XT mjooby `e Ibeaobmhtc qbt 488

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah =9

    9) Dbv`}bo bem L`ebed`bo Bddjxe}>

    Dbv`}bo Bddjxe} `t }ch txg jl }ch #B Dbv`}bo Bddjxe} bem #I L`ebed`bo Bddjxe}

    B Dbv`}bo Bddjxe}

    Gjehp djg`ea }j Ibeaobmhtc byh dyhm`}hm bem }ch gjehp djg`ea jx} jl Ibeaobmhtc byhmhi`}hm `e }ch dbv`}bo bddjxe}% @e hrxb}`je/

    Ibobedh jl dbv`}bo bddjxe} 7 Dbv`}bo }ybetlhy dyhm`}hmDbv`}bo }ybetlhy mhi`}hm

    Dbv`}bo }ybetlhy>

    Dbv`}bo }ybetlhy djet`t}t jl }ybetlhy jl jqehytc`v jl l`shm btth}t jy ljya`|hehtt jl l`ebed`bo

    o`bi`o`}`ht ih}qhhe yht`mhe}t bem eje'yht`mhe}t q`}cjx} rx`m vyj rxj% @} `edoxmht gb`eop

    jll`d`bo vyjnhd} aybe}t #hsdoxm`ea }hdce`dbo btt`t}bedh mb}b ljy qc`dc byh djoohd}hm lyjg }ch


    I L`ebed`bo Bddjxe}

    L`ebed`bo bddjxe} yhdjymt boo }ybetbd}`jet bttjd`b}hm q`}c dcbeaht jl jqehytc`v `e ljyh`ae

    l`ebed`bo btth}t bem o`bi`o`}`ht%

    Ibobedh jl L`ebed`bo Bddjxe} 7 M`yhd} `e|ht}ghe} + Vjy}ljo`j `e|ht}ghe} + J}chy @e|ht}ghe}

    + Yhthy|h Btth}t

    M`yhd} `e|ht}ghe}>

    ]c`t `}hg dj|hyt yhg`}}bedht yhdh`|hm lyjg ljyh`ae m`yhd} `e|ht}jyt `e }ch`y he}hyvy`tht `e }ch

    yhvjy}`ea hdjejgp bem yhg`}}bedht gbmh biyjbm ip Ibeaobmhtc` m`yhd} `e|ht}jyt ljy hrx`}p

    vby}`d`vb}`je% ]ch mb}b je ljyh`ae m`yhd} `e|ht}ghe} #LM@ }ybetbd}`jet byh djoohd}hm }cyjxac

    he}hyvy`th txy|hpt%

    Vjy}ljo`j `e|ht}ghe}>

    Vjy}ljo`j `e|ht}ghe} dj|hyt yhg`}}bedht yhdh`|hm lyjg#dyhm`} bem vb`m }j #mhi`} je bddjxe}

    jl hrx`}p thdxy`}`ht #tcbyh bem mhi} thdxy`}`ht `e }ch ljyg jl ijemt bem ej}ht/ gjehp gbykh}

    `et}yxghe} bem l`ebed`bo mhy`|b}`|ht% @eljygb}`je je vjy}ljo`j `e|ht}ghe} byh djoohd}hm

    }cyjxac ibekt% T}hvt cb|h botj ihhe }bkhe }j djoohd} bmm`}`jebo `eljygb}`je }cyjxac

    he}hyvy`th txy|hpt%

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah =4

    J}chy @e|ht}ghe}>

    J}chy `e|ht}ghe} `edoxmht boo l`ebed`bo }ybetbd}`jet }cb} byh ej} dj|hyhm `e }ch db}hajy`ht ljy

    m`yhd} `e|ht}ghe}/ vjy}ljo`j `e|ht}ghe} jy yhthy|h btth}t% Xemhy j}chy `e|ht}ghe}/ }ch

    `et}yxghe} dobtt`l`hm xemhy btth}t bem o`bi`o`}`ht/ djgvy`tht }ybmh dyhm`}t/ ojbet #`edoxm`ea xth

    jl Lxem dyhm`} bem j}chy ojbet lyjg }ch Lxem/ dxyyhedp bem mhvjt`}t bem j}chy btth}t bem


    Yhthy|h Btth}t>

    Mb}b je `e}hyeb}`jebo yhthy|ht djgvy`th gjeh}byp ajom/ TMY/ yhthy|h vjt`}`je `e }ch Lxem

    bem ljyh`ae hsdcbeah qc`dc byh djoohd}hm lyjg }ch `e}hyebo yhdjymt jl }ch Ibeaobmhtc Ibek

    bem @GL% ]ybetbd}`jet jl ajom/ TMY bem ljyh`ae hsdcbeah jl Ibeaobmhtc Ibek/ }ybetbd}`jet

    `e }ch yhthy|h vjt`}`je `e }ch @GL byh yhlohd}hm `e }ch yhthy|h btth}t%

    Ibobedh jl Dbv`}bo bem L`ebed`bo Bddjxe} 7 Ibobedh jl dbv`}bo bddjxe} + Ibobedh jl

    L`ebed`bo bddjxe}

    Eh} dbv`}bo bddjxe} #IjV; XT mjooby) `e Ibeaobmhtc

    ]ch Eh} dbv`}bo bddjxe} #IjV; XT mjooby `e Ibeaobmhtc qbt obt} yhvjy}hm b} 891

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah ==

    vjjy `elybt}yxd}xyh/ djyyxv}`je/ vjo`}`dbo `et}bi`o`}p bem b tojq `gvohghe}b}`je jl hdjejg`d


    4%< Yhdhe} Dbv`}bo Bddjxe} jl Ibeaobmhtc

    ]ch Eh} dbv`}bo bddjxe} #Ijv; XT mjooby `e Ibeaobmhtc qbt obt} yhvjy}hm b}=160=0369%3< `e

    9626/ bddjym`ea }j b Qjyom Ibek yhvjy} yhohbthm `e 9622% ]ch Eh} dbv`}bo bddjxe} #Ijv; XT

    mjooby `e Ibeaobmhtc qbt =1=043826%44 `e 9660/ bddjym`ea }j b Qjyom Ibek yhvjy}/

    vxio`tchm `e 9626% ]ch Eh} dbv`}bo bddjxe} #Ijv; XT mjooby`e Ibeaobmhtc qbt yhvjy}hm b}


  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah =8

    4%1 Ljyh`ae m`yhd} `e|ht}ghe}; eh} #IjV; XT mjooby) `e Ibeaobmhtc

    ]ch Ljyh`ae m`yhd} `e|ht}ghe}; eh} #IjV; XT mjooby `e Ibeaobmhtc qbt obt} yhvjy}hm b}


  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah =

    ]ch gb`e lhb}xyht bem qhbkehttht jl jxy IjV byh }cb} `} `t `gvjy}'mjg`eb}hm% ]ch ayjq}c jl

    `gvjy} `t t`ae`l`dbe}op c`achy }cbe }cb} jl hsvjy}% @l qh dbe yhmxdh }ch `gvjy} mhvhemhedp jy

    `edyhbth }ch oh|ho jl hsvjy}/ }che `} q`oo chov yhmxdh }ch vyhttxyh je jl jxy IjV/ ahehyb}hm

    lyjg `gvjy} mhvhemhedh% Bt jxy ayjq}c jl hsvjy} `t ojqhy }cbe }cb} jl `gvjy} gjt} jl }ch

    }`gh jxy }ybmh ibobedh `t ehab}`|h [`e 9626'22 `} `t g`ext -1493 g`oo`jeW% Jxy ibobedh jl

    }ybmh djet`t}t jl }qj djgvjehe}t '' `gvjy} bem hsvjy}% Jxy vhyljygbedh jl hsvjy} gbkht xt

    ij}c cbvvp bem qjyy`hm% Bddjym`ea }j }ch Hdjejg`d Yh|`hq'9622/ }ch dje}y`ix}`je jl

    yhbmpgbmh abyghe}t #YGA }j jxy }j}bo hsvjy} yh|hexh qbt 11%11(% Chyh qh byh vyjxm jl

    jxy ajomhe ajjth jy )YGA)% ]ch hdjejgp jl Ibeaobmhtc `t iybemhm qjyomq`mh ihdbxth jl

    `}t rxbo`}p YGA vyjmxd}t% Ix} jxy hsvjy} `t djedhe}yb}hm je b t`eaoh `}hg% @} `t ej}

    m`|hyt`l`hm% @l }ch hsvjy} jl YGA lboot ip b t`ae`l`dbe} vhy dhe}/ }che jxy IjV q`oo djgh

    xemhy b th|hyh ehab}`|h `gvbd}% ]cb} `t qcp qh tcjxom m`|hyt`lp jxy hsvjy} `}hgt% ]j hsvojyh

    gjyh hsvjy} `}hgt qh tcjxom cb|h b eb}`jebo yhthbydc bem mh|hojvghe} #Y,M q`ea% Hsvjy}

    m`|hyt`l`db}`je mjht ej} ghbe }cb} qh tcjxom t}jv thbydc`ea ljy gjyh YGA hsvjy} gbykh}t% @}

    jeop `gvo`ht b t}yjea djgg`}ghe} je jxy vby} }j }ch yhbo`t}`d ajbot bem jinhd}`|ht jl

    hdjejg`d m`vojgbdp je b txt}b`ehm ljj}`ea }j chov hsvojyh gjyh bem gjyh hsvjy} gbykh}t%

    ]ch t}yjeaht} djgvjehe} jl jxy IjV ljy }ch l`tdbo phby #LP 9622'29 qbt }ch yhg`}}bedh

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah =1

    `elojq% Bddjym`ea }j Ibeaobmhtc Ibek/ }ch yhg`}}bedh `elojq `e Nbexbyp/ 9629 qbt -2%99

    i`oo`je bem -2%22 `e Lhiyxbyp/ 9629 qc`dc qbt }ch c`acht} h|hy `e }ch c`t}jyp jl Ibeaobmhtc%

    ]cjxac }chyh `t }ch je'aj`ea vjo`}`dbo m`tjymhy `e G`mmoh Hbt} #}ch c`acht} gbevjqhy gbykh}

    ljy Ibeaobmhtc/ jxy yhg`}}bedh `elojq mhgjet}yb}hm b tb}`tlbd}jyp vhyljygbedh% B obyah

    exgihy jl ljyh`ae qjykhyt cb|h djgh ibdk }j Ibeaobmhtc mxh }j }ch G`mmoh Hbt} bem Ejy}c

    Bly`dbe dy`t`t% Ix} qh tcjxom ih vyjxm jl jxy vjvxob}`je bem gxt} ej} djet`mhy }chg bt b

    ixymhe% Ejq byjxem 3%6 g`oo`je #36 obkc qjykhyt lyjg Ibeaobmhtc byh qjyk`ea b} m`llhyhe}

    djxe}y`ht jl }ch qjyom% Qh dbe `edyhbth jxy yhg`}}bedh `e }qj qbpt '' ip hsvojy`ea ehq

    obijxy gbykh}t bem `edyhbt`ea }ch tk`oot jl hs`t}`ea gbevjqhy qjyk`ea biyjbm% Ejq `e }ch

    qjym }chyh byh gbep djxe}`ht qc`dc cb|h ~hyj jy ehab}`|h ayjq}c jl vjvxob}`je%

    4%0 @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibobedh jl Vbpghe}t

    ]ch hdjejg`d `gvbd} jl LM@ je }ch oh|ho jl hdjejg`d bd}`|`}p cbt ihhe q`mhop `e|ht}`ab}hm

    `e yhdhe} phbyt bdyjtt m`llhyhe} djxe}y`ht% Tjgh yhtxo}t txaaht} }cb} }ch `elojq jl LM@ dbe

    dyjqm `e jy dyjqm jx} mjght}`d `e|ht}ghe} mhvhem`ea je tvhd`l`d d`ydxgt}bedht% J|hyboo/

    LM@ cbt b vjt`}`|h `gvbd} je hdjejg`d ayjq}c ix} }ch gbae`}xmh jl }ch hllhd} mhvhemt je }ch

    b|b`obi`o`}p jl djgvohghe}byp yhtjxydht/ htvhd`boop je }ch mjght}`d t}jdk jl cxgbe dbv`}bo%

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah =3

    @e Ibeaobmhtc/ LM@ `elojqt byh yhvjy}hm xemhy }ch dbv`}bo bem l`ebed`bo bddjxe} jl }ch

    djxe}ypt Ibobedh jl Vbpghe}t #IJV t}b}hghe} qc`dc vyj|`mht }ch m`yhd} hllhd} je }ch IJV%

    ]cxt }ch `elojq jl LM@ vobpt be `gvjy}be} yjoh `e mh}hyg`e`ea }ch txyvoxt*mhl`d`} `e }ch

    dbv`}bo bem l`ebed`bo bddjxe} jl }ch IJV t}b}hghe}% Lyjg }ch bij|h/ `} dbe ih tb`m }cb} }ch

    `e`}`bo `gvbd} jl be `elojq jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct IJV `t vjt`}`|h ix} }ch ghm`xg }hyg

    hllhd} djxom ihdjgh h`}chy vjt`}`|h jy ehab}`|h bt }ch `e|ht}jyt `edyhbth }ch`y `gvjy}t jl

    `e}hyghm`b}h ajjmt bem thy|`dht/ bem iha`e }j yhvb}y`b}h vyjl`}%

    Bl}hy th}}`ea xv dbv`}bo gbdc`ehy`ht/ }ch LM@'l`ebedhm djgvbe`ht iha`e }j hsvjy} }ch`y

    vyjmxd}t bt gjt} jl }chth djgvbe`ht byh hsvjy}'jy`he}hm% Xtxboop/ LM@ `elojq }hemt }j cb|h b

    ayhb}hy vjt`}`|h `gvbd} }cyjxac bxaghe}`ea hsvjy}t }cbe dyhb}`ea b ehab}`|h `gvbd} }cyjxac

    `edyhbt`ea `gvjy}t% @} `t ljxem }cb} LM@'l`ebedhm l`ygt }hem }j hsvjy} b ayhb}hy vyjvjy}`je jl

    }ch`y jx}vx} }cbe }ch`y ojdbo djxe}hyvby}t bt }chth l`ygt xtxboop }hem }j cb|h b djgvbyb}`|h

    bm|be}bah `e }ch`y kejqohmah jl `e}hyeb}`jebo gbykh}t/ hll`d`hedp jl m`t}y`ix}`je dcbeehot/

    bem }ch`y bi`o`}p }j bmnxt} bem yhtvjem }j }ch dcbea`ea vb}}hye bem mpebg`dt jl `e}hyeb}`jebo

    gbykh}t% T`g`obyop/ vjo`d`ht jl dyhb}`ea Hsvjy} Vyjdhtt`ea ^jeht #HV^t dje}y`ix}h }j

    t}yhea}che`ea }ch vjt`}`|h djyyhob}`je ih}qhhe LM@ `elojqt bem hsvjy}t% Tj/ }ch `elojq jl LM@

    gbp vobp be `gvjy}be} yjoh `e Ibeaobmhtc `e }ch ojea yxe `e yhmxd`ea }ch mhl`d`} `e }ch

    djxe}ypt }ybmh ibobedh%

    Hgv`y`dbo yhthbydc `e th|hybo djxe}y`ht txaaht}t }cb} }ch `e`}`bo `elojq jl LM@ }hemt }j

    `edyhbth }ch cjt} djxe}yp!t `gvjy}t% Jeh yhbtje ljy }c`t `t }cb} vy`gby`op LM@ djgvbe`ht cb|h

    c`ac vyjvhet`}`ht }j `gvjy} dbv`}bo bem `e}hyghm`b}h ajjmt bem thy|`dht }cb} byh ej} yhbm`op

    b|b`obioh `e }ch cjt} djxe}yp% Cjqh|hy/ `l LM@ `t djedhe}yb}hm `e `gvjy} txit}`}x}`ea

    `emxt}y`ht/ }che `} `t hsvhd}hm }j bllhd} `gvjy}t ehab}`|hop ihdbxth }ch ajjmt }cb} qhyh

    `gvjy}hm hbyo`hy qjxom ejq ih vyjmxdhm `e }ch cjt} djxe}yp ip ljyh`ae `e|ht}jyt%

    @e jymhy }j thh }ch `gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct IJV/ qh ht}`gb}hm thvbyb}h `gvjy} bem

    hsvjy} lxed}`jet ljy Ibeaobmhtc% ]ch yhtxo}t jl }ch ht}`gb}hm `gvjy} mhgbem lxed}`je txaaht}

    }cb} LM@ `edyhbtht `gvjy}t lbt}hy ip dxyyhe} `elojq }cbe q`}c b oba jl jeh phby% 2 ]ch dj'

    hll`d`he} `t t}b}`t}`dboop t`ae`l`dbe} q`}c b vjt`}`|h t`ae bem txaaht}t }cb} b 26 vhydhe} `edyhbth

    `e }ch `elojq jl LM@ `edyhbtht `gvjy}t ip 2%4 vhydhe}% ]ch `edjgh hobt}`d`}p jl `gvjy}

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah =0

    mhgbem `t c`ac `em`db}`ea }cb} b 26 vhydhe} `edyhbth `e yhbo AMV `edyhbtht `gvjy}t ip ehbyop

    91 vhydhe}%

    T`g`obyop/ qh ht}`gb}hm b t`gvo`l`hm hsvjy} lxed}`je `e jymhy }j thh }ch `gvbd} jl LM@ je

    Ibeaobmhtct hsvjy}t%9 }c`t tcjqt }cb} LM@ q`}c b oba jl jeh phby `edyhbtht hsvjy}t lbt}hy

    }cbe dje}hgvjybehjxt vhy`jm% ]ch dj'hll`d`he} `t t`ae`l`dbe} q`}c b vjt`}`|h t`ae

    2 ]ch ht}`gb}hm hrxb}`je `t>oe #@GV) 7 '21%331 ' 6%

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 86

    Khp l`em`eat jl }ch yhvjy}>

    Mxy`ea }ch }`gh jl vyhvby`ea }c`t yhvjy} qh cb|h ljxem }cb} Bddjym`ea }j Ibeaobmhtc Ibek

    #II) b} vyhthe} jxy j|hyboo Ibobedh jl Vbpghe} #IJV `t ehab}`|h XT-869 g`oo`je% ]cjxac

    }ch Qjykhyt! yhg`}}bedht `edyhbthm }j -0

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 82

    g`oo`je/ Eh}chyobemt #XT- 2

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 89

    Jeh y`tk jl }ch ljyh`ae `e|ht}ghe} `t |job}`o`}p `e hsdcbeah yb}ht% @l }bkb mhvyhd`b}ht bab`et}

    mjooby }ch ijyyjqhy qjxom cb|h }j vbp gjyh ohbm`ea }j b c`achy y`tk hsvjtxyh% Bddjym`ea }j

    Ibeaobmhtc Ibek/ je Nxeh 99/ 9622 XTM }ybmhm b} 14%0866 bem 1=%6866 ljy ixp`ea bem

    thoo`ea yhtvhd}`|hop% @} `em`db}ht }ch xvqbym }yhem bl}hy }ch aojibo l`ebed`bo dy`t`t% Qh ehhm }j

    cb|h b dbyhlxo ojjk b} `} bt qhoo%

    Qc`oh m`tdxtt`ea }ch gb}}hy q`}c b yhvx}hm ojdbo ibek `} cbt djgh jx} }cb} ojdbo ibekt byh

    h|boxb}`ea }ch t`}xb}`je% ]chp lhho }cjxac `} qjxom dyhb}h gjyh djgvh}`}`je/ ix}

    t}yhea}che`ea jxy IJV tcjxom ih jxy vy`jy`}p% Ix} jeh jl }ch ibekhyt cbt botj ghe}`jehm }cb}

    b }`ac} gje`}jy`ea `t botj yhrx`yhm jy `} gbp dbxth ehab}`|h `gvbd} je jxy l`ebed`bo tpt}hg%

    ]c`t qjxom ohbm }j }ch vbybmjs jl qhbk |t% t}yjea }bkb% Ibobed`ea `edhe}`|ht jl ljyh`ae

    `e|ht}jyt/ jxy ojdbo ijyyjqhyt bem qjykhyt vyj|`m`ea yhg`}}bedh `t b }btk }j yhtjo|h%

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 84

    Dcbv}hy =

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 8=

    =%2 Yhdjgghemb}`jet>

    @e }ch |`hq jl ljyhaj`ea mh}b`o l`em`eat/ m`tdxtt`je je }ch khp l`em`eat bem txithrxhe}

    djedoxt`jet/ b exgihy jl yhdjgghemb}`jet cb|h ihhe jllhyhm% @} `t txaaht}hm }cb} }ch jllhyhm

    yhdjgghemb}`jet byh vy`jy`}`~hm ihljyh aj`ea `e}j bd}`je% Tjgh yhdjgghemb}`jet cb|h

    vjo`dp `gvo`db}`je bem tj }cjth tcjxom ih mhbo} q`}c dbx}`jxtop q`}c `edoxt`je jl t}yjea

    vjo`dp bm|jdbdp t}yb}hap `e }ch vyjdhtt%

    Ljy LM@ }j ih xthm txddhttlxoop #q`}c eh} j|hyboo ihehl`}/ }ch ljoojq`ea djem`}`jet tcjxom ih


    B|b`obi`o`}p jl ljyh`ae dbv`}bo tcjxom ej} mh}ybd} lyjg jqe tb|`ea hlljy}% LM@ gxt} ih djedhe}yb}hm `e }ch }ybmbioh thd}jy/ htvhd`boop `e hsvjy} jy`he}hm

    `emxt}y`ht/ `et}hbm jl `e eje'}ybmbioh thy|`dht thd}jyt }cb} mj ej} dje}y`ix}h }j hsvjy}


    ]j vyh|he} ljyh`aehyt ab`e`ea dje}yjo jl }ch eb}`jet t}yb}ha`dboop `gvjy}be} btth}t/ }chayjq}c jl mjght}`d `e|ht}ghe} tcjxom hsdhhm LM@ ayjq}c%

    LM@ tcjxom iy`ea }ch gjt} gjmhye }hdcejojap% Ljyh`ae `e|ht}jyt }cb} mj ej} iy`ea }chob}ht} }hdcejoja`ht tcjxom ej} ih boojqhm }j mj ixt`ehtt `e }ch djxe}yp%

    ]j b|j`m mhvhemhedh je ljyh`ae dbv`}bo/ }ch cjt} djxe}yp tcjxom `edyhbth `}t tb|`eatyb}h bem gb`e}b`e tjxem hdjejg`d bem vjo`}`dbo djem`}`jet%

    Ibeaobmhtc cb|h botj be jvvjy}xe`}p }j `gvohghe} }ch ihbdc jl Djst Ib~bby }j db}dc }ch

    hph jl ljyh`aehyt/ `} q`oo botj b ajjm tjxydh jl yh|hexh% B} Vyhthe} Ibeaobmhtc cb|h }j

    vyj|`mh ehdhttbyp `edhe}`|ht }j }ch LM@ }cb} q`oo `edyhbth }ch dbv`}bo bddjxe} bem }cxt j|hyboo

    ibobedh% Botj Ibeaobmhtc cbt }j thbydc ehq djxe}yp }j hsvjy} obijy% Bt qh kejq }ch


  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 88

    yhg`}}bedh `t }ch c`acht} tjxydh jl Dxyyhe} }ybetlhy jl Ibeaobmhtc qc`dc vobpt be `gvjy}be}

    yjoh `e `edyhbt`ea }ch j|hyboo ibobedh%

    =%9 Vjo`dp @gvo`db}`jet>

    Ibeaobmhtc cbt b exgihy jl vjt`}`|h b}}y`ix}ht }cb} dbe txddhttlxoop b}}ybd} }ch b}}he}`je jl

    ljyh`ae `e|ht}jyt lyjg ij}c mh|hojvhm bem mh|hojv`ea djxe}y`ht% ]ch `edyhbt`ea b|b`obi`o`}p

    jl tk`oohm bem xetk`oohm obijy b} yhob}`|hop ojq qbaht bem }ch txddhtt `e gb`e}b`e`ea

    yhbtjebiop t}bioh gbdyjhdjejg`d he|`yjeghe} byh b lhq lbd}jyt ihc`em gbk`ea }ch djxe}yp

    be b}}ybd}`|h mht}`eb}`je ljy ljyh`ae `e|ht}jyt% ]chp byh ahehyboop bqbyh }cb} }ch qbah yb}ht `e

    Ibeaobmhtc byh bgjea }ch ojqht} `e Bt`be djxe}y`ht/ }ch yb}h jl `elob}`je `t xtxboop dje}b`ehm

    q`}c`e }johybioh o`g`}t/ }ch hsdcbeah yb}h `t yhbtjebiop t}bioh/ dxt}jg yhaxob}`jet byh

    `e|ht}ghe} ly`hemop q`}cjx} m`tdy`g`eb}`je ih}qhhe ljyh`ae bem mjght}`d `e|ht}jyt/ bem

    b}}ybd}`|h `edhe}`|h vbdkbaht byh b|b`obioh ljy }ch ljyh`ae `e|ht}jyt%

    Ibeaobmhtc ehhmt }j xemhy}bkh hllhd}`|h vyjgj}`je ghbtxyht }j dje|`edh }ch vj}he}`bo

    ljyh`ae `e|ht}jyt }cb} }ch`y `e|jo|hghe} `e ixt`ehtt bd}`|`}`ht `e }ch djxe}yp `t |boxhm/ }chp

    qjxom ih lbd`ea ly`hemop yhaxob}`jet/ bem }chp dbe henjp `e|ht}ghe} `edhe}`|ht }cb} byh

    djgvh}`}`|h q`}c }cjth jllhyhm ip j}chy djxe}y`ht `e }ch yha`je bem }ch mh|hojv`ea qjyom% ]ch

    djxe}yp botj ehhmt }j gj|h ljyqbym }cyjxac `gvohghe}`ea `e|ht}ghe} ly`hemop vjo`d`ht/

    t`gvo`lp`ea yhaxob}jyp vybd}`dht/ bem yhgj|`ea `ehll`d`he} ixyhbxdyb}`d vyjdhmxyht%

    J|hy }ch obt} mhdbmht/ bogjt} boo mh|hojv`ea Bt`be hdjejg`ht `edoxm`ea Ibeaobmhtc cb|h

    vyjayhtt`|hop bmjv}hm gjyh jvhe vjo`d`ht }jqbym LM@ bem }c`t }yhem `t o`khop }j dje}`exh `e

    }ch ljyhthhbioh lx}xyh% ]ch ahehybo djedoxt`je jl }c`t t}xmp `t }cb} LM@ iy`eat eh} ihehl`} }j

    Ibeaobmhtc% ]chth ihehl`}t bvvhby }j ih `gvjy}be} ljy `e}hayb}`ea }ch mjght}`d hdjejgp q`}c

    }ch aojibo hdjejgp bem `e }ch byhb jl }hdcejojap bem tk`oo }ybetlhy% ]ch aojibo hsvhy`hedh

    txaaht}t }cb}/ mhvhem`ea je }ch djxe}yp dje}hs}/ }ch ihehl`}t jl LM@ byh c`acop xeh|he bem

    dbe ihdjgh bgi`axjxt jy vjtt`iop ehab}`|h% Cjqh|hy/ a`|he `}t vyhthe} dcbybd}hy`t}`dt/

    Ibeaobmhtc `t o`khop }j ihehl`} }cyjxac gjyh LM@ `elojqt% @} `t `gvjy}be}/ }chyhljyh/ ljy

    Ibeaobmhtc }j hetxyh be `e|ht}ghe} do`gb}h }cb} dbe b}}ybd} gjyh LM@ lojqt }j }ch djxe}yp%

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 8 Bvvyjvy`b}h yhljyg ghbtxyht byh ehhmhm `e }ch

    djxe}yp!t bmg`e`t}yb}`|h tpt}hg% ]ch ixyhbxdybdp ehhmt yhjyabe`~b}`je `e jymhy }j iy`ea bijx}

    b vhydhv}`ioh `gvyj|hghe} `e `}t hll`d`hedp bem vyjmxd}`|`}p% Ixyhbxdyb}`d dje}yjo bem

    `e}hylhyhedh `e ixt`ehtt bem `e|ht}ghe} bd}`|`}`ht tcjxom ih g`e`g`~hm je b vy`jy`}p ibt`t%

    4 Ljy t`g`oby yhtxo}t `e }ch dbth jl Vbk`t}be/ thh Kcbe bem K`g 2000%

    @gvyj|hghe} jl obq bem jymhy t`}xb}`je> Obq bem jymhy t`}xb}`je ehhmt }j ih `gvyj|hm

    }cyjxac bvvyjvy`b}h yhljygt `e obq heljydhghe} bem `e}yjmxd`ea j}chy ghbtxyht% B tjd`bo

    djethetxt `t ehhmhm }j ht}bio`tc }ch yxoh jl obq/ b|j`m vjo`}`dbo djelyje}b}`je/ bem yhmxdh


    'Mh|hojvghe} jl `elybt}yxd}xyh bem cxgbe yhtjxydht> Ij}c }ch aj|hyeghe} bem vy`|b}h

    thd}jy ehhm }j djgh ljyqbym }j `e|ht} `e `elybt}yxd}xyh mh|hojvghe}% Ljy }ch vxyvjth/

    bvvyjvy`b}h vjo`d`ht byh ehhmhm txdc }cb} }ch vy`|b}h thd}jy dbe tgjj}cop jvhyb}h `e vyj|`m`ea

    `elybt}yxd}xyh thy|`dht% T`g`obyop/ ij}c vxio`d bem vy`|b}h xe`|hyt`}`ht tcjxom djgh ljyqbym `e

    `e}yjmxd`ea djxytht*vyjaybgt }cb} vyjmxdh aybmxb}ht q`}c }hdce`dbo bem gbebahghe} tk`oot

    yhrx`yhm `e gjmhye `emxt}y`bo bem j}chy bd}`|`}`ht% @e }c`t dje}hs}/ `l }ch aj|hyeghe} bem }ch

    vy`|b}h thd}jy qjyk }jah}chy }j `gvohghe} hllhd}`|h hdjejg`d yhljygt `e b txddhttlxo

    gbeehy/ Ibeaobmhtc t}bemt b ajjm dcbedh jl ih`ea bioh }j vby}`d`vb}h `e }ch vyjtvhy`}p bem

    ayjq}c }cb} byh tqhhv`ea }ch yht} jl Bt`b%

    '@gvyj|hghe} jl vjy} thy|`dht> Mhtv`}h yhdhe} `gvyj|hghe}t/ }ch hll`d`hedp jl vjy} thy|`dht

    dbe ih lxy}chy `gvyj|hm }cyjxac bvvyjvy`b}h ghbtxyht% T`g`obyop/ }ch dxt}jg dohbybedh

    vyjdhmxyht dbe ih lxy}chy t`gvo`l`hm bojea q`}c `gvyj|hghe} `e vcpt`dbo lbd`o`}`ht bem

    yhljygt `e }ch obijy gbebahghe} tpt}hg%

    ' Vy`|b}`~b}`je bem lxy}chy yhljygt> ]ch vy`|b}`~b}`je vyjaybg jl }ch t}b}h jqehm he}hyvy`tht

    ehhmt }j ih ahbyhm xv }cb} qjxom t}`gxob}h mjght}`d bem ljyh`ae `e|ht}ghe}t% Th|hybo

    l`ebed`bo `et}`}x}`jet bem tjgh jl }ch vxio`d x}`o`}`ht gbp ih vy`|b}`~hm `e jymhy }j hetxyh

    ih}}hy bem gjyh hll`d`he} thy|`dht% ]ch vjo`d`ht tcjxom hedjxybah vy`|b}h thd}jy vby}`d`vb}`je

    `e th|hybo khp thd}jyt o`kh bay`dxo}xybo vyjdhtt`ea/ gbexlbd}xy`ea/ `elybt}yxd}xyh `edoxm`ea

    }ybetvjy}b}`je/ }hohdjggxe`db}`je/ vjqhy/ vjy}/ bem `e }ch vyjmxd}`je jl c`ac |boxh bmmhm


  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 81

    'Gjmhye`~b}`je jl ixt`ehtt obq> @} `t `gvjy}be} ljy Ibeaobmhtc }j gjmhye`~h bem yh|bgv boo

    obqt yhob}`ea }j ixt`ehtt bem `e|ht}ghe} khhv`ea `e |`hq }ch `e}hyeb}`jebo vybd}`dht bem

    yhrx`yhghe}t jl aojibo`~b}`je%

    ' Th}}`ea xv jl `emxt}y`bo vbykt> ]ch mh|hojvghe} jl ehq `emxt}y`bo vbykt dbe chov `e dyhb}`ea

    b lb|jybioh he|`yjeghe} jl ljyh`ae `e|ht}ghe}% ]ch b|b`obi`o`}p jl yhbmp `elybt}yxd}xyh bojea

    q`}c thdxyh bem hebio`ea `e|ht}ghe} do`gb}h dbe bd} bt b vjqhylxo db}bopt} `e b}}ybd}`ea

    ljyh`ae `e|ht}jyt ljy `e|ht}ghe} `e vyjl`}bioh |he}xyht%

    'Th}}`ea xv jl ehq HV^t> ]ch aj|hyeghe} gbp djgh xv q`}c b vcbthm vyjaybg jl th}}`ea xv

    ehq HV^t `e jymhy }j hs}hem lbd`o`}`ht }j hsvjy} jy`he}hm `e|ht}jyt% ]ch vy`|b}h thd}jy gbp

    botj ih hedjxybahm }j th} xv ehq HV^t%

    '@gvyj|`ea }ch djxe}ypt `gbah biyjbm> Vjt`}`|h mh|hojvghe}t yhabym`ea }ch djxe}ypt

    hdjejgp/ tjd`h}p/ bem lx}xyh vyjtvhd}t/ `edoxm`ea }ch cjtv`}bioh `e|ht}ghe} do`gb}h hs`t}`ea

    `e }ch djxe}yp bem }ch lbd`o`}`ht b|b`obioh }j ljyh`ae `e|ht}jyt/ tcjxom ih vyjnhd}hm biyjbm `e

    be hllhd}`|h gbeehy/ htvhd`boop bgjea }ch vj}he}`bo `e|ht}jyt% Txdc `gbah ix`om`ea hlljy}t

    qjxom ih dyxd`bo }j m`tvho }ch ehab}`|h `gbaht }cb} cb|h vhyt`t}hm ljy ojea bem m`tdjxybahm

    }ch `e|ht}jyt }j djgh ljyqbym% @e bmm`}`je }j }ch bij|h/ gb`e}b`e`ea djet`t}hedp `e vjo`d`ht

    bem bd}`jet `t `gvjy}be} tj }cb} ej qyjea t`aebo `t dje|hphm }j }ch `e|ht}jyt%

    ' Vjo`d`ht yhabym`ea gbdyjhdjejg`d t}bi`o`}p> ]ch aj|hyeghe} tcjxom `gvohghe} bvvyjvy`b}h

    vjo`d`ht }j hetxyh gbdyjhdjejg`d t}bi`o`}p `e b txt}b`ehm gbeehy/ ljt}hy ayjq}c vyjgj}`ea

    bem ayjq}c bddjggjmb}`ea vjo`d`ht/ bem xemhy}bkh lxy}chy bd}`jet }j yhmxdh vj|hy}p b} b

    lbt}hy yb}h% Ibeaobmhtc cbt boyhbmp bdc`h|hm ej}bioh txddhtt `e }c`t yhabym bem bdc`h|hghe}t

    `e ij}c hdjejg`d bem tjd`bo mh|hojvghe} tcjxom ih bd}`|hop vxio`d`~hm biyjbm }j vyjgj}h b

    vjt`}`|h `gbah jl }ch djxe}yp bgjea }ch vyjtvhd}`|h ljyh`ae `e|ht}jyt%

    'Hdjejg`d bem djgghyd`bo m`vojgbdp> T}yhea}che`ea hdjejg`d bem djgghyd`bo m`vojgbdp

    `t b khp lbd}jy `e b}}ybd}`ea LM@ `e }ch vyhthe} qjyom dcbybd}hy`~hm ip ybv`m aojibo`~b}`je bem

    `edyhbt`ea djgvh}`}`je% @e }c`t yhtvhd}/ `gvyj|hm i`ob}hybo yhob}`jet q`}c vj}he}`bo `e|ht}jy

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 83

    djxe}y`ht dbe bd} bt b db}bopt} }j `edyhbt`ea LM@ `elojqt }j Ibeaobmhtc% Gjyhj|hy/ `} `t

    `gvjy}be} ej} jeop }j `gvyj|h yhob}`jet q`}c djxe}y`ht }cb} cb|h boyhbmp `e|ht}hm `e

    Ibeaobmhtc/ ix} botj }j `mhe}`lp vj}he}`bo `e|ht}jyt `e j}chy djxe}y`ht bem xemhy}bkh

    bvvyjvy`b}h ghbtxyht }j b}}ybd} }chg }j `e|ht} `e }ch djxe}yp%


    Mhtv`}h jllhy`ea oxdyb}`|h `edhe}`|ht bem vyj}hd}`je }j `e|ht}jyt/ Ibeaobmhtc cbt djet}be}op

    ihhe lb`o`ea }j b}}ybd} ljyh`ae m`yhd} `e|ht}ghe} #LM@/ qc`dc `t vx}}`ea vyhttxyh je }ch

    djxe}yp!t ljyh`ae hsdcbeah yhthy|h bem ibobedh jl vbpghe}t #IjV%

    ]cjxac Tjx}c Bt`b bt b yha`je yhdh`|ht b ajjm bgjxe} jl LM@ h|hyp phby/ Ibeaobmhtc mjht

    ej}/ qc`dc bebopt}t b}}y`ix}h }j }ch djxe}yp!t vjjy `elybt}yxd}xyh bem vjo`}`dbo xedhy}b`e}p%

    Tjx}c Bt`b yhdh`|hm LM@ qjy}c -=9%8 i`oo`je `e 9660/ ix} Ibeaobmhtc/ b -226 i`oo`je

    hdjejgp/ eh|hy yhdh`|hm -2 i`oo`je qjy}c jl LM@%

    H|he Vbk`t}be q`}c `}t hs}yhg`t}'`elht}hm djem`}`jet bem thy`jxtop hgib}}ohm vjo`}`dbo

    t`}xb}`je `t thhe b}}ybd}`ea b gxdc i`aahy bgjxe} jl LM@ }cbe Ibeaobmhtc/ tb`m }ch

    Gh}yjvjo`}be Dcbgihy jl Djgghydh bem @emxt}yp #GDD@ `e `}t hdjejg`d yh|`hq ljy

    Nbexbyp'Gbydc jl 9622'29%

    ]ch `elojq jl LM@ qbt -36= g`oo`je `e l`tdbo 966='68/ qc`dc dbgh mjqe }j -1=4 g`oo`je `e


  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet

    Mhvby}ghe} jl L`ebedh Vyhg`hy Xe`|hyt`}p Vbah 80

    ]ch LM@ `elojq mxy`ea Nxop'Nbexbyp jl }ch dxyyhe} l`tdbo phby qbt jeop -=98 g`oo`je bem `l

    }ch }yhem dje}`exht/ }ch bgjxe} qjxom ej} hsdhhm -386 g`oo`je ip }ch phby hem%

    Ibeaobmhtc!t lb`oxyh }j b}}ybd} LM@ mhtv`}h jllhy`ea oxdyb}`|h `edhe}`|ht o`kh yhvb}y`b}`je jl

    vyjl`}t bem }bs qb`|hy cbt ihdjgh b dxy`jxt dbth }j bebopt}t%

    Bddjym`ea }j }ch Qjyom Ibek!t )mj`ea ixt`ehtt yhvjy})/ Ibeaobmhtc ybekt bchbm jl Dc`eb/

    @em`b bem \`h}ebg `e }hygt jl vyj}hd}`ea }ch `e}hyht}t jl ljyh`ae `e|ht}jyt%

    Vjo`}`dbo xedhy}b`e}p `t }ch i`aaht} ij}}ohehdk/ tb`m Gje~xy Cjttb`e/ the`jy yhthbydc lhoojq

    jl Ibeaobmhtc @et}`}x}h jl Mh|hojvghe} T}xm`ht #I@MT%

    Cjttb`e tb`m }ch djxe}yp cbt b cxah vj}he}`bo ljy b}}ybd}`ea LM@ `e }ch gbexlbd}xy`ea thd}jy

    bt gbep mh|hojv`ea djxe}y`ht/ `edoxm`ea Dc`eb bem @em`b/ byh lbd`ea c`achy vyjmxd}`je djt}t%

    Bddjym`ea }j }ch I@MT lhoojq/ Ibeaobmhtc `t g`tt`ea jx} je }ch dcbedh%

    Ixt`ehtt djel`mhedh bem gbykh} bddhtt byh }ch }qj j}chy gbnjy ibyy`hyt/ ch tb`m%

    LM@ cbt b vjt`}`|h `gvbd} je hdjejg`d ayjq}c bem vobpt b yjoh `e }ch IjV% Ix} }c`t phby!t

    LM@ `elojq `t jl ayb|h djedhye }j }ch hdjejgp bem }ch aj|hyeghe}/ qc`dc `t t}yxaao`ea }j

    gb`e}b`e b chbo}cp yhthy|h bem IjV ljy }ch jx}aj`ea l`tdbo phby }cb} hemt je Nxeh 46%

    ]j gb`e}b`e IjV t}bi`o`}p/ }ch aj|hyeghe} cbt boojqhm tjgh jl }ch djxe}yp!t vy`|b}h

    djgvbe`ht }j thhk lxemt lyjg }ch `e}hyeb}`jebo gbykh}% ]ch aj|hyeghe} cbt botj th} xv b

    djgg`}}hh }j l`em qbpt }j lojb} tj|hyh`ae ijemt `e }ch `e}hyeb}`jebo gbykh}t%

    ]ch GDD@ `mhe}`l`hm obdk jl bd}`je ip }ch djxe}yp!t g`tt`jet biyjbm `e vyjnhd}`ea

    `e|ht}ghe}'mybq`ea vj}he}`bo/ qhbk `elybt}yxd}xyht bem vjo`}`dbo `et}bi`o`}p bt }ch gbnjy

    yhbtjet ljy vjjy `elojq jl LM@%

  • 7/23/2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of payments of Bangladesh


    @gvbd} jl LM@ je Ibeaobmhtct ibobedh jl vbpghe}t> tjgh vjo`dp `gvo`db}`jet



    @e}hyeb}`jebo Hdjejg`dt ip C%A% Gbeexy/ G%B%/ VC%M #XTB/Xe`|hyt`}p l VbvxbEhq Ax`ehb/ Vjy} Gjyhtip%

    @e}hyeb}`jebo Hdjejg`dt ip Mjg`e`dk Tbo|b}jyh%Obt} 96 phbyt Ibobedh jl Vbpghe} jl Ibeaobmhtc Ibek% Yhlhyhedh>

    Ibobedh jl Vbpghe} Gbexbo = bem Gbexbo 8 jl @GL%

    Ibobedh jl Vbpghe} Djgvjehe} @eljygb}`je ip Mhvby}ghe} jl Hdjejg`dt/Dbgiy`mah Xe`|hyt`}p%

    Ljyh`ae M`yhd} @e|ht}ghe} `e Ibeaobmhtc> Be Hgv`y`dbo Bebopt`t je `}t Mh}hyg`ebe}tbem @gvbd}t ip Rxbmhy/ Tphm Gbe~x

    ` Ij Tjmhyt}he/@e}hyeb}`jebo Hdjejg`dt% Ojemje> Gbdg`oobe/ 2012%

    ``Ohd}xyh ip Njgj K% Txembybg b} }ch Djelhyhedh he}`}ohm Ibeaobmhtc> }ch Ehs} @e|ht}ghe}Mht}`eb}`je jyabe`~hm ip }ch Gh}yjvjo`}be Dcbgihy jl Djgghydh bem @emxt}yp/ Mcbkb/ je

    2 Mhdhgihy 9626%

    Qhi t`}ht> c}}v>**qqq%}cb`i`~ibeaobmhtc%eh}*VmlZDje}he}*ve6368%vml c}}v>**nbabeeb}c%bdbmhg`b%hmx*njep661hs*Vbvhyt*2**qqq%tdy`im%djg*mjd*916==686*Yhvjy}'je'LM@'Ibeaobmhtc

    Hem`ea Gb}}hyt>