forensic pathologist

Forensic Pathologist Chelsey Mone’y DeVane 7 th grade Mrs. Ellis

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Forensic Pathologist. Chelsey Mone’y DeVane 7 th grade Mrs. Ellis. A. Forensic Pathologist perform autopsies to learn how the person died. B. You must have taking place in a private or university hospital between 4-5 years. C. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Forensic Pathologist

Forensic PathologistChelsey Mone’y DeVane

7th gradeMrs. Ellis

Page 2: Forensic Pathologist

A Forensic Pathologist perform autopsies to learn how the person died.

Page 3: Forensic Pathologist

B You must have taking place in a private

or university hospital between 4-5 years.

Page 4: Forensic Pathologist

C You still have to got o undergraduate

school for 4 years to get a college degree.

Page 5: Forensic Pathologist

D In a big city you may do up to 250

autopies a year.

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E A example of a famous forensic

pathologist is Dr.G.

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F A forensic goes to school at least 13

years after high school.

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Forensics goes to medical school for at least 4 years.

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H There is a higher risk that you may do

more autopies in a big city then a small city.

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I The circumstances surrounding the

cause of death, which in most jurisdictions include homicide, accidental, natural, sucide, undetermined.

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A forensic gives justice to the family members of how there love one died.

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Forenics go to school a long time to learn and know how a person died.

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L Some cases come from criminal and

civil law deaths.

Page 14: Forensic Pathologist

M You must enter in a medical school for

at least 4 years.

Page 15: Forensic Pathologist

N Some deaths that might some in are

homicide, accidental, natural, scicide, or underminded.

Page 16: Forensic Pathologist

O Other words that mean the same as

forensic pathologist is forensic science.

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P You also must take place in a private

or university hospital.

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Q If you move to a big city you might

have to move quickly on your autopies so you can get more done.

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R “Besides its relevance to a legal

system, more generally forensics encompasses the accepted scholarly or scientific methodology and norms under which the facts regarding an event.”

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S The yearly salary for a forensic is

80,000-200,000 dollars per year based on experience.

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T The time it take to complete and get

your degree in forensic is about 13 years.

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U Undergraduate school is the most


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Varies careers you can go in of forensics.

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The word forensics literally means ‘study of suffering.’

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X Doing x-tra work will get you more


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Y Many years after you finish high

school you will get your forensics degree.

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Z Forensics bring in a lot of zeros.