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Susan Wagner High School US History and Government Regents Review Package UNIT 3: Post-Civil War America Industrialization, Urbanization and the Progressive Movement (1865 – ca. 1900) Course Wide Compelling Questions Is there one American experience? Does America live up to it’s foundational ideals? To what extent does the American economy shape the American experience? Essential Questions How did the expansion of Constitutional rights impact the lives of African Americans & Women? To what extent did westward expansion impact the American economy? What impact did westward expansion have on immigrants, indigenous peoples, and all American citizens? Understandings As African Americans began to join society as freed men and women, racial tensions arose throughout the nation. National expansion resulted in economic growth, a rise in immigration, and further destruction of Native American settlements. The American identity evolved and changed as women and African Americans began to exercise constitutional rights; it was further shaped by the immigrants that began to settle in our nation as a result of economic growth & opportunities. Content Knowledge - Years: 1865 - 1900 Reconstruction Reconstruction amendments & Reconstruction plans Southern response to Reconstruction Jim Crow, Black Codes, KKK & their impact on race relations Westward Expansion & Manifest Destiny Immigration Women’s rights movement in the 19th Century Including: Seneca Falls convention, Susan

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Page 1: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

Susan Wagner High School US History and Government Regents

Review Package

UNIT 3: Post-Civil War America Industrialization, Urbanization and the Progressive Movement(1865 – ca. 1900)

Course Wide Compelling Questions

Is there one American experience? Does America live up to it’s foundational ideals? To what extent does the American economy shape the American experience?

Essential Questions

How did the expansion of Constitutional rights impact the lives of African Americans & Women?

To what extent did westward expansion impact the American economy? What impact did westward expansion have on  immigrants, indigenous peoples, and

all American citizens?


As African Americans began to join society as freed men and women, racial tensions arose throughout the nation.

National expansion resulted in economic growth, a rise in immigration, and further destruction of Native American settlements.

The American identity evolved and changed as women and African Americans began to exercise constitutional rights; it was further shaped by the immigrants that began to settle in our nation as a result of economic growth & opportunities.

Content Knowledge - Years: 1865 - 1900

ReconstructionReconstruction amendments & Reconstruction plansSouthern response to ReconstructionJim Crow, Black Codes, KKK & their impact on race relationsWestward Expansion & Manifest DestinyImmigrationWomen’s rights movement in the 19th Century

Including: Seneca Falls convention, Susan B Anthony, etc.

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Course Wide Compelling Questions

How do people affect change in their society? How do challenges force or shape the evolution of a democratic society?

Essential Questions

How did rapid growth in industrialization and urbanization lead to changes in American society?

To what extent did progressive era social, political, and economic reforms shape American society?


The United States transformed from an agrarian to an industrial and urbanized society.

New economic opportunities created societal problems; these  were addressed by a variety of reform efforts.

The economic progress and social reforms that occurred at the turn of the century ultimately shaped Modern American society.

Content Knowledge - Years: 1900 - 1915

IndustrializationUrbanizationImmigration to the United StatesLabor rights movementSocial & economic reform in AmericaRegulation of capitalism by the federal governmentThe Progressive EraMuckrakers & impact of social reformers

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Multiple Choice Practice

1. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln affected events of the Reconstruction Period in thatA. President Andrew Johnson was able to bring about a more lenient treatment of the

Confederacy.B. the attempts of the Radical Republicans to control Reconstruction policy were successful.C. the Confederate states became eager to return to the Union.D. the Ku Klux Klan lost its influence over Southern state governments.

2. The corporation became a popular form of business organization during the post-Civil War period because it

A. enabled corporate executives to supervise daily business activities more closely.B. made it possible for business concerns to raise more capital.C. appealed to farmers anxious to increase production.D. encouraged industrial workers to form business cooperatives.

3. Many wealthy industrialists of the late nineteenth century used the theory of Social Darwinism toA. support the labor union movement.B. justify monopolistic actions.C. promote legislation establishing a minimum wage.D. encourage charitable organizations to help the poor.

4. A major reason the Radical Republicans opposed President Abraham Lincoln's Reconstruction plan was that his plan

A. demanded payments from the South that would have damaged the economy.B. postponed the readmission of Southern States into the Union for many years.C. granted too many rights to formerly enslaved persons.D. offered amnesty to nearly all Confederates who would swear allegiance to the United States.

5. The Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Hall, and the Morgan Library Institute illustrate various ways that entrepreneurs and their descendants have

A. suppressed the growth of labor unions.B. supported philanthropic activities to benefit society.C. applied scientific discoveries to industry.D. attempted to undermine the United States economic system.

6. The decision of the Supreme Court in the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case is important because itA. upheld the legality of sharecropping.B. denounced the violence of the Ku Klux Klan.C. approved separate but equal facilities for African Americans.D. declared slavery to be illegal.

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7. During the late 1800s, a major reaction to the activities of labor unions in the United States was thatA. the press in most communities supported unions.B. United States Presidents opposed the use of federal troops to end strikes called by organized

labor.C. courts frequently issued injunctions to stop strikes.D. most factory workers quickly joined the unions.

8. During the period 1865–1900, government contributed to the growth of corporations mainly byA. giving them direct aid when they went bankrupt.B. allowing them to develop with few restrictions.C. providing low-cost housing for their workers.D. buying large amounts of corporate stocks.

9. One effect of monopolies on the United States economy is that they have tended toA. reduce business competition.B. keep prices low.C. give consumers a greater choice in goods and services.D. lead to a greater variety in the price for a particular product or service.

10. A major reason why people migrated to the western part of the United States during the nineteenth century was because that part of the country

A. provided an abundance of cheap labor.B. guaranteed protection from violence.C. protected the rights of landowners to own slaves.D. offered increased opportunities for social mobility.

11. Which constitutional power was the main basis for congressional passage of legislation regulating business activities during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

A. to provide for the common defenseB. to regulate the currencyC. to establish a uniform system of weights and measuresD. to regulate commerce among the states

12. In the late 1800s, most strikes by unions were unsuccessful mainly becauseA. unions were generally considered to be unconstitutional.B. government usually supported business instead of workers.C. strikes had never been used before in labor disputes.D. strikers failed to use militant tactics.

13. Jacob Riis' photographs, and the settlement house movement led by Jane Addams, drew attention to the needs of the

A. freedmen immediately after the Civil War.B. farmers in the 1880s and 1890s.

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C. urban poor in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.D. Japanese and Chinese laborers in the late 1800s.

14. Which historic period was marked by the military occupation of a portion of the United States, attempts to remove the President from office, and major constitutional revisions?

A. ReconstructionB. Roaring TwentiesC. Great Depression and New DealD. Vietnam War Era

15. The poll tax, the literacy test, and the actions of the Ku Klux Klan were all attempts to limit the effectiveness of

A. the 14th and 15th amendments.B. the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education.C. civil rights legislation passed in all states after the Civil War.D. immigration laws such as the Gentleman's Agreement and the Chinese Exclusion Act.

16. The American Federation of Labor became the first long-lasting, successful labor union in the United States mainly because it

A. refused to participate in strikes against employers.B. concentrated on organizing workers in industries in the South.C. formed its own political party and elected many pro-labor public officials.D. fought for the rights of skilled workers.

17. In the late 1800s, the goal of the federal government's policy toward Native Americans was toA. destroy tribal bonds and thus weaken their traditional cultural values.B. grant them full citizenship and due process.C. give their tribal groups authority over their own affairs.D. increase the land holdings of western tribes.

18. During the period from 1880 to 1920, the majority of immigrants to the United States settled in urban areas in the North mainly because

A. the Populist Party was successful in preventing immigrants from buying farmland.B. rapid industrialization created many job opportunities.C. labor unions gave financial help to immigrants willing to work in the factories.D. most immigrants lived in cities in their native countries.

19. Businesses formed trusts, pools, and holding companies mainly toA. increase profits by eliminating competition.B. offer a wide range of goods and services to consumers.C. provide employment opportunities for minorities.D. protect the interests of workers.

20. According to the theory of laissez-faire, the economy functions best when governmentA. subsidizes business so that it can compete worldwide.B. regulates businesses for the good of the majority.C. owns major industries.

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D. does not interfere with business.

21. After the Civil War, the adoption of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments led toA. greater federal supremacy over the states.B. the loss of equal rights to minorities.C. an expansion of the power of the states to tax interstate business.D. a narrowing of the role of the federal government.

22. In their plans for Reconstruction, both President Abraham Lincoln and President Andrew Johnson sought to

A. punish the South for starting the Civil War.B. force the Southern States to pay reparations to the federal government.C. allow the Southern States to reenter the nation as quickly as possible.D. establish the Republican Party as the only political party in the South.

23. Europeans that came to the United States between 1880 and 1920 have been described as new immigrants mainly because they

A. were considered physically and mentally superior to earlier immigrants.B. arrived before the closing of the frontier and settled in farms in the West.C. came generally from different countries than most earlier immigrants.D. came chiefly from northern and western Europe.

24. From 1865 to 1900, how did the growth of industry affect American society?A. The United States experienced the disappearance of the traditional "family farm."B. Population centers shifted from the Northeast to the South.C. Restrictions on immigration created a more homogenous culture.D. The percentage of Americans living in urban areas increased.

25. In which pair of events did the first event most directly influence the second?A. discovery of gold in California — Louisiana PurchaseB. building of the transcontinental railroad — disappearance of the frontierC. settling of the Oregon Territory — passage of the Homestead ActD. assimilation of Native American Indians into American Society — passage of the Dawes Act

26. After the Civil War, Native Americans were relocated to reservations primarily becauseA. the federal government wanted to preserve tribal cultures.B. the Native Americans had violated most of their treaties with the federal government.C. most of the tribal chiefs requested government protection from white settlers.D. settlers, ranchers, and prospectors wanted their tribal lands.

27. When the Interstate Commerce Act was passed in 1887, it marked the first time thatA. Congress officially affirmed its laissez-faire economic policy.B. the federal government imposed a tariff.C. a third political party was able to influence government policy.D. a federal regulatory agency was established.

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28. As the United States became industrialized, an important effect of mechanization and the division of labor was that

A. smaller industries had difficulty maintaining their competitiveness.B. the price of most manufactured goods increased.C. the demand to improve transportation systems decreased.D. pools and trusts became less efficient forms of business organization.

29. In the United States during the late nineteenth century, much of the prejudice expressed toward immigrants was based on the belief they would

A. cause overcrowding in farm areas.B. refuse to become citizens.C. support the enemies of the United States in wartime.D. fail to assimilate into American society.

30. The dispute between President Andrew Johnson and Congress during the Reconstruction Era illustrates the constitutional principle of

A. equality of justice under the law.B. federalism.C. one man, one vote.D. separation of powers.

31. The major reason the United States placed few restrictions on immigration during the 1800s was that

A. few Europeans wanted to give up their economic security.B. little opposition to immigration existed.C. the growing economy needed a steady supply of cheap labor.D. most immigrants spoke English and thus needed little or no education.

32. How were many African Americans in the South affected after Reconstruction ended in 1877?A. A constitutional amendment guaranteed their social advancement.B. The Freedman's Bureau helped them become farmowners.C. Jim Crow laws placed major restrictions on their rights.D. Southern factories offered them job training and employment opportunities.

33. Poll taxes and grandfather clauses were devices used toA. deny African Americans the right to vote.B. extend suffrage to women and 18-year-old citizens.C. raise money for political campaigns.D. prevent immigrants from becoming citizens.

34. Which situation brought about the rapid growth of industry between 1865 to 1900?A. high worker morale resulting from good wages and working conditionsB. availability of investment capitalC. establishment of western reservations for Native AmericansD. decline in the number of people attending schools

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35. Which best describes the change in the economic base of the northeastern part of the United States between 1820 and 1890?

A. Ownership of major industries was transferred from private individuals to the federal government.

B. As agricultural productivity increased, the farmer became the leading economic figure.C. Economic productivity declined as major industries moved to the South and West.D. Large-scale manufacturing became a major economic activity.

36. In the United States, which has done the most to speed the assimilation of immigrant groups?A. aid of private charitable organizationsB. leadership of national and ethnic churchesC. availability of free Western landsD. existence of free compulsory education

37. During the early 1900s, the enactment of strong Federal legislation to regulate business demonstrated a growing belief that

A. the government should assume ownership of most businesses.B. the nation's well-being depends primarily on agricultural output.C. the government has a duty to maintain economic competition.D. people have a right to a guaranteed annual income.

38. Which conclusion can be drawn from the occurrence of the Red Scare and the decision of the Supreme Court in Schenck v. United States?

A. Immigrants to the United States are consistently denied equal protection under the law.B. A person's best protection from persecution rests with the Supreme Court.C. Civil rights are sometimes compromised by the public's fear of radical political groups.D. Violent protests in the United States are usually met with a violent response from the


39. The impact of works by such authors as Harriet Beecher Stowe, Upton Sinclair, and Ralph Nader suggests that

A. reform literature is not popular with the public.B. aroused citizens can persuade the government to take action.C. big business is too powerful to be affected by reform literature.D. popular literature tends to reflect the views of the political party in power.

40. The Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) and the Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) were similar in that both were designed to

A. regulate child labor.B. limit the power of big business.C. set safety standards in industry.D. restrict the employment of unskilled immigrants.

41. President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points were proposals that he believed would bring aboutA. a just and lasting peace.B. the containment of fascism.C. a reduction in United States involvement in world affairs.D. a reestablishment of the prewar political situation in Europe.

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42. In the United States, the main purpose of antitrust legislation is toA. protect the environment.B. increase competition in business.C. encourage the growth of monopolies.D. strengthen the rights of workers.

43. At the turn of the twentieth century, why did most immigrants to the United States settle in cities?A. Jobs were readily available.B. Government relief programs required immigrants to settle in cities.C. Labor union leaders encouraged unrestricted immigration.D. Immigrants were not permitted to buy farmland.

44. From 1914 to 1916, as World War I raged in Europe, Americans were not able to "remain neutral in thought as well as action" mainly because

A. United States membership in military alliances required the nation to fight.B. United States newspapers encouraged a policy of imperialist expansion.C. the warring powers interfered with the United States right to freedom of the seas.D. President Woodrow Wilson supported the war aims of Germany and Austria-Hungary.

45. A person who believes in the Social Darwinist theory of survival of the fittest would agree thatA. poor people should get help from the government.B. rich nations should give substantial aid to help poor nations.C. individuals should succeed through their own efforts.D. government should tax the rich to help the poor.

46. In the United States, many of the reform movements of the early 1900s were primarily the result ofA. the growth of States rights as a political issue.B. the increase in taxation.C. the continuing decline in immigration.D. industrialization and the growth of cities.

47. Why did the United States follow a policy of unrestricted immigration for Europeans during most of the 1800s?

A. Business and industry depended on the foreign capital brought by immigrants.B. The American economy needed many unskilled workers.C. Most Americans desired a more diversified culture.D. The United States wanted to help European nations by taking in their surplus population.

48. At times, the United States Government has passed protective tariffs toA. encourage foreign trade.B. help the nation's manufacturers.C. reduce the cost of consumer goods.D. improve the quality of goods.

49. The United States supported the Open Door policy towards China mainly to

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A. construct military bases.B. bring about democratic government.C. encourage European nations to leave.D. increase trading opportunities.

50. Late nineteenth and early twentieth-century expansionists such as Theodore Roosevelt and Alfred Thayer Mahan urged the United States to

A. extend its influence over the Middle East and the subcontinent of India.B. acquire overseas territories, especially in the Pacific.C. seek better trade relations with Latin America.D. negotiate economic and cultural exchange programs with nations in Asia.

51. The United States Senate rejected United States membership in the League of Nations after World War I mainly because its Senate opponents

A. feared that membership would infringe upon United States national sovereignty.B. believed that membership would end United States participation in military alliances.C. did not wish to give financial aid to an international organization.D. were more concerned about the domestic problems created by the Great Depression.

52. The Progressive movement was mainly a response to theA. need to improve race relations in the United States.B. pressures the United States experienced as a result of becoming a world power.C. industrialization and urbanization of the United States.D. demands of the post-Civil War Southern leaders for social change.

53. In the United States during the early part of the twentieth century, reform writers helped to bring about passage of federal legislation designed to

A. increase immigration.B. protect the consumer.C. encourage the growth of corporations.D. sell public lands to private developers.

54. The history of the Populist and Progressive movements illustrates theA. supremacy of agriculture in the economy of the nation.B. ultimate powerlessness of the middle class.C. ability of organized groups to influence government policy.D. success of third parties in electing Presidents.

55. In the early twentieth century in the United States, the enactment of strong Federal legislation to regulate business reflected primarily a growing belief in the

A. government's responsibility to set most wages and prices.B. government's right to control certain activities of large corporations.C. consumer's right to form pressure groups to publicize consumer protection issues.D. President's responsibility to protect natural resources from exploitation.

56. The primary stimulus to social and economic reforms during the Progressive Era came fromA. the Supreme Court.

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B. authors and social activists.C. the leadership of the two national parties.D. bankers and industrialists.

57. The Federal Reserve System directly influences the United States economy by causing changes inA. the amount of Federal income taxes collected.B. the size of the Federal budget.C. the supply of money and credit.D. wages and prices.

58. In the early twentieth century, muckrakers were able to influence American society mainly through their

A. frequent acts of civil disobedience.B. activities as government officials.C. publication of articles and books.D. control over factories.

59. The initiative, referendum, recall, and direct primary are all intended toA. make the President more responsive to the wishes of Congress.B. reduce the influence of the media on elections.C. give political parties more control of the electoral process.D. increase participation in government by citizens.

60. The major objective of United States foreign policy toward Latin America during the period from 1900 to 1920 was to

A. improve the standard of living of the people in Latin America.B. support land reform throughout the Western Hemisphere.C. protect the human rights of people in Latin America.D. serve as protector and police officer in the Western Hemisphere.

61. Progressivism could best be characterized as a movement thatA. encouraged involvement in international affairs.B. tried to introduce a parliamentary system of government.C. emphasized only the needs of farmers.D. demanded reform at all levels of government.

62. The Progressive movement was most concerned withA. helping the nation adapt to the social and economic changes resulting from industrialization.B. expanding the civil rights of minorities.C. healing the split caused by the Civil War.D. controlling the swings in the business cycle.

63. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the passage of antitrust legislation and the establishment of the Federal Trade Commission reflected the United States desire to

A. eliminate unfair practices in business.B. help big business to become more efficient.C. encourage increased production of goods.D. stimulate the growth of modern transportation.

64. Cartoons by Thomas Nast were to urban political machines as The Jungle by Upton Sinclair was toA. railroad monopolies.B. the meatpacking industry.

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C. lumber and logging companies.D. public utilities.

65. One major result of the Spanish-American War was that the United StatesA. established many foreign-aid programs.B. obtained overseas colonies.C. abandoned the principles of the Monroe Doctrine.D. settled disputes by relying on international peace organizations.

66. Which action was necessary to change from the indirect to the direct election of United States Senators?

A. ratification of a constitutional amendmentB. passage of a Federal lawC. a Supreme Court decisionD. a national referendum

67. Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Robert M. LaFollette are all considered Progressives because they

A. supported the formation of the first trade union.B. used Presidential power to break up strikes.C. worked to limit the power of big businesses.D. formed the first civil rights organizations.

68. Which statement about the philosophies of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois is most accurate?

A. They differed as to the best way that African Americans could effectively achieve equality.B. Both demanded programs that would provide for immediate social equality.C. Both believed that vocational training would provide the most important kind of education for

African Americans.D. Neither wanted the Federal Government to play a major role in protecting the civil rights of

African Americans.69. Conclusions about the relations between the United States and Spain during the period leading to the Spanish-American War would probably be most valid if they were based on a study of

A. editorials published in newspapers during that time.B. biographies of Presidents William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.C. the diary of a member of the crew of the battleship Maine.D. Government documents, as interpreted by several historians with different viewpoints.

70. After World War I, the opposition of some members of Congress to the Versailles Treaty was based largely on the idea that the treaty

A. did not punish the Central Powers harshly enough.B. did not give the United States an important role in world affairs.C. would require the United States to join the League of Nations and might result in a loss of

United States sovereignty.D. would require the United States to assume the cost of rebuilding the war-torn European


Regents Prep. Org Questions:3a: Reconstruction and Southern Redemption

1. Which statement best summarizes the beliefs of Booker T. Washington?

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1. The best solution for African Americans was to return to Africa.2. Social equality for African Americans would be easier to achieve than legal rights.3. The way to dissolve the barriers of segregation and bring about an end to Jim Crow laws

was by active, violent resistance.4. The most immediate means for African Americans to achieve equality was to expand

their opportunities for vocational education.

2. "Although important strides were made, Reconstruction failed to provide lasting guarantees of the civil rights of the freedmen.” Which evidence best supports this statement

1. passage of Jim Crow laws in the latter part of the 19th century2. ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments3. refusal of Southern States to allow sharecropping4. passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1866

3. Which statement about the philosophies of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois is most accurate?

1. They differed as to the best way that African Americans could effectively achieve equality.

2. Both demanded programs that would provide for immediate social equality.3. Both believed that vocational training would provide the most important kind of

education for African Americans.4. Neither wanted the Federal Government to play a major role in protecting the civil

rights of African Americans.

4. Base your answer to the question below on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.

"[The registrar] brought a big old book out there, and he gave me the sixteenth section of the constitution of Mississippi, . . . I could copy it like it was in the book, but after I got through copying it, he told me to give a reasonable interpretation and tell the meaning of the section I had copied. Well, I flunked out." Source: A History of the United States since 1861

The main intent of the literacy test described in the passage was to

1. encourage reform of the political system2. encourage Mississippi residents to learn about their state’s legal system3. prevent African Americans from exercising a basic right4. enforce the provisions of the United States Constitution

5. The Jim Crow laws of the post-Civil War Era were attempts by

1. the Federal Government to improve the status of African Americans and Native American Indians

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2. state and local governments to restrict the freedoms of African Americans3. states to ban organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan4. the Radical Republicans in Congress to carry out Reconstruction plans

6. The label "Solid South" was applied to the former Confederate States after Reconstruction because they

1. consistently supported the Democratic Party2. could not participate in national politics3. rejected efforts to pass Jim Crow laws4. continued to support abolitionist causes

7. The 14th amendment provides that no "state [shall] deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." A direct result of this amendment was that

1. the process of amending the Constitution became slower and more complex2. the guarantees in the Bill of Rights were applied to state actions3. every citizen gained an absolute right to freedom of speech and assembly4. the power of the Federal Government was sharply reduced

8. After the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, African Americans continued to experience political and economic oppression mainly because

1. the amendments were not intended to solve their problems2. many African Americans distrusted the Federal Government3. Southern legislatures enacted Jim Crow laws4. poor communications kept people from learning about their legal rights

9. The dispute between President Andrew Johnson and Congress during the Reconstruction Era illustrates the constitutional principle of

1. equality of justice under the law2. federalism3. one man, one vote4. separation of powers

10. Poll taxes and grandfather clauses were devices used to

1. deny African Americans the right to vote2. extend suffrage to women and 18-year-old citizens3. raise money for political campaigns

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4. prevent immigrants from becoming citizens

11. In their plans for Reconstruction, both President Abraham Lincoln and President Andrew Johnson sought to

1. punish the South for starting the Civil War2. force the Southern States to pay reparations to the Federal Government3. allow the Southern States to reenter the nation as quickly as possible4. establish the Republican Party as the only political party in the South

12. The poll tax, the literacy test, and the actions of the Ku Klux Klan were all attempts to limit the effectiveness of

1. the 14th and 15th amendments2. the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education3. civil rights legislation passed in all states after the Civil War4. immigration laws such as the Gentleman’s Agreement and the Chinese Exclusion Act

13. W.E.B. Du Bois believed that African Americans should attempt to gain equality in the United States by

1. setting up a separate nation within the United States2. entering vocational training programs in separate schools3. demanding full and immediate participation in American society4. taking over the leadership of the two major political parties

14. A major reason the Radical Republicans opposed President Abraham Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan was that his plan

1. demanded payments from the South that would have damaged its economy2. postponed the readmission of Southern States into the Union for many years3. granted too many rights to formerly enslaved persons4. offered amnesty to nearly all Confederates who would swear allegiance to the United


15. How were many African Americans in the South affected after Reconstruction ended in 1877?

1. A constitutional amendment guaranteed their social advancement2. The Freedmen’s Bureau helped them become farmowners.3. Jim Crow laws placed major restrictions on their rights.4. Southern factories offered them job training and employment opportunities

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16. The provision of the Radical Republicans’ plan for Reconstruction that Southern States found most objectionable was that a former Confederate State could not be readmitted to the Union unless that State

1. gave land and money to former slaves2. granted full citizenship to former Confederate leaders3. ratified the 14th amendment4. agreed to modernize its economy

17. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois shared the belief that African Americans should

1. use force to bring an immediate end to segregation in public facilities2. pursue education as the key to improving social status3. recognize that the growth of labor unions was the major barrier to economic

advancement4. strive for immediate social equality with whites

18. After the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, African Americans continued to experience political and economic oppression mainly because

1. the amendments were not intended to solve their problems2. many African Americans distrusted the Federal Government3. Southern legislatures enacted Jim Crow laws4. poor communications kept people from learning about their legal rights

19. Southern states attempted to limit the impact of constitutional amendments passed during the Reconstruction Era by

1. passing Jim Crow laws2. ending racial discrimination3. seceding from the Union4. fighting the Civil War

20. “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges . . . of citizens . . . nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. . . .” The major purpose of these provisions of the 14th Amendment was to

1. limit the power of the federal government2. expand the civil rights of women3. maintain competition in business4. protect the rights of African Americans

Page 17: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

21. Booker T. Washington stated that the best way for formerly enslaved persons to advance themselves in American society was to

1. leave their farms in the South and move to the North2. run for political office3. pursue economic gains through vocational training4. form a separate political party

22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for

1. free land for former slaves2. separate public facilities based on race3. racial integration of public schools4. voting rights for African-American males

23. Which newspaper headline would have appeared during the Reconstruction Period after the Civil War?

1. “Jim Crow Laws End”2. “Former Slaves Made Citizens”3. “Supreme Court Issues Dred Scott Decision”4. “Emancipation Proclamation Issued”

24. Which statement most accurately describes President Abraham Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction after the Civil War?

1. Southerners should be made to pay for their rebellion.2. The Union should be restored as quickly as possible.3. African Americans should be given free land.4. War damages should be collected through military occupation.

25. During Reconstruction, the Black Codes passed by Southern states were attempts to

1. provide land to former slaves2. punish former Confederate leaders3. repeal the Jim Crow laws4. deny equal rights to African Americans

26. Following Reconstruction, the term New South was most often used to describe

1. changes in the Southern economy

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2. new attitudes in race relations3. the growth of the Republican Party in the South4. the decline of the sharecropping system

27. The 14th and 15th Amendments, passed during Reconstruction, resulted in

1. equal rights for women in the United States2. expanded rights for Native American Indians on reservations3. increased individual rights for African Americans4. additional rights for Southern segregationists

28. The underlying reason for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson was

1. the Credit Mobilier scandal2. a power struggle with Congress over Reconstruction3. his refusal to appoint new justices to the Supreme Court4. his policies toward Native American Indians

29. The Jim Crow legal system, which expanded in the South after Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), was based on the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the

1. due process clause of the 5th Amendment2. states’ rights provision of the 10th Amendment3. equal protection clause in the 14th Amendment4. voting rights provision in the 15th Amendment

30. What effect did the system of sharecropping have on the South after the Civil War?

1. It kept formerly enslaved persons economically dependent.2. It brought investment capital to the South.3. It encouraged Northerners to migrate south.4. It provided for a fairer distribution of farm profits.

31. Following the Civil War, many Southern states enacted Black Codes to

1. provide free farmland for African Americans2. guarantee equal civil rights for African Americans3. restrict the rights of formerly enslaved persons4. support the creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau

32. What was a major result of the Civil War?

1. States now had the right to secede from the Union.

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2. Congress passed an amendment to provide for the direct election of senators.3. The power of the central government was strengthened.4. The judiciary became the dominant branch of the federal government.

33. The institution of slavery was formally abolished in the United States by the

1. Compromise of 18502. Emancipation Proclamation of 18633. creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau in 18654. ratification of the 13th amendment in 1865

34. In the ten years following the Civil War, a large numbers of former slaves earned a living by becoming

1. conductors on the Underground Railroad2. workers in Northern factories3. sharecroppers on Southern farms4. gold miners in California

35. During the late 1800s, Southern voters solidly supported the Democratic Party primarily because Democrats

1. favored a stronger national government2. led efforts to advance civil rights3. opposed the Jim Crow legal system4. disliked the Reconstruction programs of the Republicans

36. Constitutional amendments adopted during Reconstruction were intended to

1. provide legal and political rights for African Americans2. end property and religious qualifications for voting3. correct problems with the electoral college system4. limit the number of terms of the president

37. In the South, the passage of Jim Crow laws in the 1870s and 1880s led directly to the

1. racial integration of public schools2. decline of the Democratic party3. organization of the Ku Klux Klan4. segregation of public facilities

38. Many Southern States tried to limit the effects of Radical Reconstruction by

1. adopting federal laws mandating segregation2. enacting Jim Crow laws

Page 20: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

3. abolishing the Southern sharecropping system4. securing passage of new amendments to the United States Constitution

3b. Closing the West1. In the period from 1860 to 1890, which experience was shared by most Native Americans living in western states?

1. They maintained control of their traditional lands.2. They benefited economically from government policy.3. They became farmers and small business owners.4. They were forced to live on reservations.

2. "[Buffalo hunters] have done more in the last two years, and will do more in the next year, to settle the . . . Indian question than the entire regular army has done in the last thirty years. . . . For the sake of peace let them kill, skin, and sell until the buffalo are destroyed.”

—General Philip Sheridan

What was the result of the process described in this quotation

1. Native American Indians were granted farmland under the Homestead Act.2. The disappearance of their economic base helped drive Native American Indians onto

reservations.3. Many Native American Indians moved to Eastern cities to work in factories.4. Most Native American Indians migrated to Canada to find new ways to earn a living.

3. The passage of the Homestead Act and the completion of the transcontinental railroad helped to fulfill the United States commitment to

1. Reconstruction2. racial equality3. manifest destiny4. conservation of natural resources

4. In the period from 1860 to 1900, the Federal Government encouraged the settlement of the West by

1. passing an increased number of liberal immigration laws2. selling the most fertile public land to Native American Indians3. providing free transportation to settlers moving to the frontier4. granting tracts of land to railroad companies to encourage construction

5. "Up to our own day American history is the history of the colonization of the Great West. The existence of an area of free land, . . . and the advance of American settlement westward explain American development."

Page 21: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

This quotation of the 1890’s suggests that the American frontier

1. should be preserved for free use by all the people2. has mirrored European values and social patterns3. will continue indefinitely as a region to be colonized4. has had a positive effect on the growth of the United States

6. In the late 1800’s, the goal of the Federal Government’s policy toward Native American Indians was to

1. destroy tribal bonds and thus weaken their traditional cultural values2. grant them full citizenship and due process3. give their tribal groups authority over their own affairs4. increase the land holdings of western tribes

7. Which characteristic of the American frontier continues to be an important part of life in the United States today?

1. widespread support for the Populist Party2. necessity for families to have many children3. a predominantly agricultural and mining economy4. significant opportunities for social and economic mobility

8. In which pair of events did the first event most directly influence the second?

1. discovery of gold in California --> Louisiana Purchase2. building of the transcontinental railroad --> disappearance of the frontier3. settling of the Oregon Territory --> passage of the Homestead Act4. assimilation of Native American Indians into American society --> passage of the Dawes


9. "I am tired of fighting.... Hear me, my chiefs. I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I shall fight no more forever!"

-Chief Joseph, 1877

In this statement, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce expressed his reluctant acceptance of a government policy of

1. placing Native American Indian tribes on reservations2. requiring Native American Indians to settle west of the Mississippi River3. granting immediate citizenship to Native American Indians

Page 22: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

4. forcing Native American Indians to assimilate into American culture

10. The Indian Wars that occurred between 1860 and 1890 were mainly the result of

1. disputes over the spread of slavery2. conflict with Mexico over Texas and California3. the search for gold in California4. the movement of settlers onto the Great Plains

11. The aim of the Dawes Act of 1887 was to

1. restore previously taken land to Native American Indian tribes2. maintain traditional Native American Indian cultures3. assimilate Native American Indians into American culture4. end all governmental contact with Native American Indians

12. The passage of the Dawes Act in 1887 was primarily an attempt by the United States government to

1. limit the power of the Bureau of Indian Affairs2. return eastern land to Native American Indian tribes3. encourage Native American Indians to give up their traditional cultures4. hire Native American Indians as military scouts

13. The purpose of the Homestead Act of 1862, which provided free federal land, was to

1. encourage settlement of the West2. set up reservations for Native American Indians3. establish land-grant agricultural colleges4. assist in the construction of transcontinental railroads

14. The Homestead Act was important in the growth of the West because it

1. set aside reservations for Native American Indians2. created the Department of Agriculture to aid farmers3. encouraged settlement of the Great Plains4. provided land to build a canal system

15. The Homestead Act of 1862 helped the development of the West by

1. providing free land to settlers2. granting land for construction of transcontinental railroads3. allowing slavery to spread to the territories

Page 23: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

4. placing Native American Indians on reservations

16. During the late 1800s, many North American Indian tribes were sent to reservations that were located

1. along the major rivers and lakes of the Midwest2. near large cities in the Northwest3. in sparsely populated regions of the West4. east of the Mississippi River

17. The closing of the frontier and the growth of industry in the late 1800s are two factors often associated with the

1. reduction of exports to Asian nations2. restoration of a plantation economy in the South3. formation of alliances with other nations4. rise of United States imperialism

18. Speaker A: Nature should be left as it is found. All unsettled land should be off limits to future settlement or development. Speaker B: Natural resources should be controlled by big business to ensure the economic strength of the United States. Our abundance of land gives us a great advantage for competing in world markets. Speaker C: The natural resources of the United States should be used wisely. We must conserve them for future generations while also using them to serve the people of today. Speaker D: No man or institution owns the land. It is to be shared by everyone and everything in the best interest of all who depend upon its offerings. The statement of Speaker D is most like views expressed by

1. Native American Indians2. western farmers3. railroad companies

Page 24: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

4. European immigrants

19. The Homestead Act, the mass killing of buffalo, and the completion of the transcontinental railroad are most closely associated with the

1. rise of organized labor2. building of the Erie Canal3. northern migration of African Americans4. decline of the Plains Indians

20. The mechanization of agriculture in the United States led directly to

1. an increase in production2. less dependence on railroads by farmers3. fewer agricultural exports4. the decreasing size of the average farm

3b. Closing the West

Closing the West: Question 1 of 20

In the period from 1860 to 1890, which experience was shared by most Native Americans living in western states?

1. They maintained control of their traditional lands.2. They benefited economically from government policy.3. They became farmers and small business owners.4. They were forced to live on reservations.

Closing the West: Question 2 of 20

"[Buffalo hunters] have done more in the last two years, and will do more in the next year, to settle the . . . Indian question than the entire regular army has done in the last thirty years. . . . For the sake of peace let them kill, skin, and sell until the buffalo are destroyed.”

—General Philip Sheridan

What was the result of the process described in this quotation

1. Native American Indians were granted farmland under the Homestead Act.2. The disappearance of their economic base helped drive Native American Indians

onto reservations.3. Many Native American Indians moved to Eastern cities to work in factories.

Page 25: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

4. Most Native American Indians migrated to Canada to find new ways to earn a living.

Closing the West: Question 3 of 20

The passage of the Homestead Act and the completion of the transcontinental railroad helped to fulfill the United States commitment to

1. Reconstruction2. racial equality3. manifest destiny4. conservation of natural resources

Closing the West: Question 4 of 20

In the period from 1860 to 1900, the Federal Government encouraged the settlement of the West by

1. passing an increased number of liberal immigration laws2. selling the most fertile public land to Native American Indians3. providing free transportation to settlers moving to the frontier4. granting tracts of land to railroad companies to encourage construction

Closing the West: Question 5 of 20

"Up to our own day American history is the history of the colonization of the Great West. The existence of an area of free land, . . . and the advance of American settlement westward explain American development."

This quotation of the 1890’s suggests that the American frontier

1. should be preserved for free use by all the people2. has mirrored European values and social patterns3. will continue indefinitely as a region to be colonized

Page 26: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

Closing the West: Question 6 of 20

In the late 1800’s, the goal of the Federal Government’s policy toward Native American Indians was to

1. destroy tribal bonds and thus weaken their traditional cultural values2. grant them full citizenship and due process3. give their tribal groups authority over their own affairs4. increase the land holdings of western tribes

Closing the West: Question 7 of 20

Which characteristic of the American frontier continues to be an important part of life in the United States today?

1. widespread support for the Populist Party2. necessity for families to have many children3. a predominantly agricultural and mining economy4. significant opportunities for social and economic mobility

Closing the West: Question 8 of 20

In which pair of events did the first event most directly influence the second?

1. discovery of gold in California --> Louisiana Purchase2. building of the transcontinental railroad --> disappearance of the frontier3. settling of the Oregon Territory --> passage of the Homestead Act4. assimilation of Native American Indians into American society --> passage of the

Dawes Act

Page 27: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

Closing the West: Question 9 of 20

"I am tired of fighting.... Hear me, my chiefs. I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I shall fight no more forever!"

-Chief Joseph, 1877

In this statement, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce expressed his reluctant acceptance of a government policy of

1. placing Native American Indian tribes on reservations2. requiring Native American Indians to settle west of the Mississippi River3. granting immediate citizenship to Native American Indians4. forcing Native American Indians to assimilate into American culture

Closing the West: Question 10 of 20

The Indian Wars that occurred between 1860 and 1890 were mainly the result of

1. disputes over the spread of slavery2. conflict with Mexico over Texas and California3. the search for gold in California4. the movement of settlers onto the Great Plains

Closing the West: Question 11 of 20

Page 28: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

The aim of the Dawes Act of 1887 was to

1. restore previously taken land to Native American Indian tribes2. maintain traditional Native American Indian cultures3. assimilate Native American Indians into American culture4. end all governmental contact with Native American Indians

Closing the West: Question 12 of 20

The passage of the Dawes Act in 1887 was primarily an attempt by the United States government to

1. limit the power of the Bureau of Indian Affairs2. return eastern land to Native American Indian tribes3. encourage Native American Indians to give up their traditional cultures4. hire Native American Indians as military scouts

Closing the West: Question 13 of 20

The purpose of the Homestead Act of 1862, which provided free federal land, was to

1. encourage settlement of the West2. set up reservations for Native American Indians3. establish land-grant agricultural colleges4. assist in the construction of transcontinental railroads

Closing the West: Question 14 of 20

Page 29: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

The Homestead Act was important in the growth of the West because it

1. set aside reservations for Native American Indians2. created the Department of Agriculture to aid farmers3. encouraged settlement of the Great Plains4. provided land to build a canal system

Closing the West: Question 15 of 20

The Homestead Act of 1862 helped the development of the West by

1. providing free land to settlers2. granting land for construction of transcontinental railroads3. allowing slavery to spread to the territories4. placing Native American Indians on reservations

Closing the West: Question 16 of 20

During the late 1800s, many North American Indian tribes were sent to reservations that were located

1. along the major rivers and lakes of the Midwest2. near large cities in the Northwest3. in sparsely populated regions of the West4. east of the Mississippi River

Page 30: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

Closing the West: Question 17 of 20

The closing of the frontier and the growth of industry in the late 1800s are two factors often associated with the

1. reduction of exports to Asian nations2. restoration of a plantation economy in the South3. formation of alliances with other nations4. rise of United States imperialism

Closing the West: Question 18 of 20

Speaker A: Nature should be left as it is found. All unsettled land should be off limits to future settlement or development. Speaker B: Natural resources should be controlled by big business to ensure the economic strength of the United States. Our abundance of land gives us a great advantage for competing in world markets. Speaker C: The natural resources of the United States should be used wisely. We must conserve them for future generations while also using them to serve the people of today. Speaker D: No man or institution owns the land. It is to be shared by everyone and everything in the best interest of all who depend upon its offerings. The statement of Speaker D is most like views expressed by

1. Native American Indians2. western farmers3. railroad companies4. European immigrants

Closing the West: Question 19 of 20

The Homestead Act, the mass killing of buffalo, and the completion of the transcontinental railroad are most closely associated with the

1. rise of organized labor2. building of the Erie Canal3. northern migration of African Americans

Page 31: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

4. decline of the Plains Indians

Closing the West: Question 20 of 20

The mechanization of agriculture in the United States led directly to

1. an increase in production2. less dependence on railroads by farmers3. fewer agricultural exports4. the decreasing size of the average farm

3c. Gilded Age

Gilded Age: Question 1 of 100

In the period from 1865 to 1900, the United States Government aided the development of the West by

1. maintaining free and unlimited coinage of silver2. offering low-interest loans to businesses3. granting land to railroad companies4. providing price supports for farm products

Gilded Age: Question 2 of 100

In the United States, the main purpose of antitrust legislation is to

1. protect the environment2. increase competition in business

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3. encourage the growth of monopolies4. strengthen the rights of workers

Gilded Age: Question 3 of 100

Prior to 1890, United States businesses made few foreign investments mainly because

1. state governments discouraged foreign investments2. foreign investments were prohibited by Congress3. foreign nations did not accept investments from United States businesses4. investment opportunities were better in the United States

Gilded Age: Question 4 of 100

The Federal Trade Commission, the Interstate Commerce Commission, and the Federal Communications Commission are similar in that each

1. represents the interests of big business2. is specifically provided for in the United States Constitution3. has the power to formulate and enforce regulations4. must get approval from the states to carry out national laws

Gilded Age: Question 5 of 100

“Prices and wages should be determined by the marketplace.” The author of this statement would most probably support

1. government ownership of utilities

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2. minimum-wage laws3. wage and price controls4. laissez-faire capitalism

Gilded Age: Question 6 of 100

After the Civil War, one way business leaders tried to eliminate competition was by

1. forming monopolies or trusts2. developing overseas markets3. increasing the prices of their products4. paying high wages to their workers

Gilded Age: Question 7 of 100

In the United States, organized labor made its greatest membership gains when

1. the right to unionize and bargain collectively was guaranteed by legislation2. international competition began to threaten jobs in the United States3. the major business groups encouraged unionization4. the economy began to shift from manufacturing to service employment

Gilded Age: Question 8 of 100

Which factor most limited the growth of labor unions during the late 1800’s?

1. Most employers were very hostile toward workers’ efforts to organize.2. Most factory workers were satisfied with their wages and working


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3. The Federal Government declared that unions were illegal.4. Workers preferred to negotiate with factory owners as individuals rather

than as members of a group.

Gilded Age: Question 9 of 100

In the 19th century, the major national labor unions wanted to improve the position of workers mainly by

1. obtaining the legal right to organize and bargain collectively2. using government troops to settle labor disputes with management3. supporting government ownership of major industries4. endorsing a third political party for workers only

Gilded Age: Question 10 of 100

During the latter half of the 19th century, many business organizations in the United States combined into large corporations because

1. income levels for workers would be improved2. government intervention in economic affairs would decline3. efficiency in production methods could be increased4. economic possibilities outside the United States could be explored

Gilded Age: Question 11 of 100

Many reformers who opposed the laissez-faire attitude of the late 19th century argued that

Page 35: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

1. the National Government should not interfere in the activities of big business …big business

2. national wealth could best be assured by the accumulation of gold3. the idea of rugged individualism is vital to the nation’s economic growth4. government should protect society through the regulation of business

Gilded Age: Question 12 of 100

A major way in which the United States has practiced "economic nationalism" has been to

1. implement protective tariffs to help American industry2. establish social welfare programs to aid the poor3. pass legislation outlawing most monopolies4. require industry to provide safe working conditions for employees

Gilded Age: Question 13 of 100

In the United States, industrial unions of the 1880’s and of the 1980’s had similar goals in that both campaigned for

1. national health insurance2. better unemployment insurance3. greater job security and higher wages4. wage and price freezes

Gilded Age: Question 14 of 100

In response to the demands of farmers and small business owners, Congress

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enacted laws in the late 19th century that

1. supported the organization of farm cooperatives2. regulated the activities of railroads and trusts3. provided direct payments to farmers to help them buy modem machinery4. dropped tariff rates to the lowest point in the century

Gilded Age: Question 15 of 100

A negative effect of holding companies, mergers, and pools on the United States during the late 19th century was that these combinations

1. encouraged the Federal Government to spend more than its income2. reduced the need for labor unions3. decreased competition between businesses4. ended United States participation in inter-national trade

Gilded Age: Question 16 of 100

Nativism in the late 19th century was motivated primarily by

1. hostility toward immigrant workers2. the need to reduce overcrowding in western states3. cultural conflicts with Native American Indians4. the migration of African Americans to northern cities

Gilded Age: Question 17 of 100

During the late 1800’s, labor unions in the United States had their greatest success

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1. persuading the government to limit most immigration2. organizing skilled workers into craft unions3. winning the great majority of strikes4. achieving a legally guaranteed minimum wage

Gilded Age: Question 18 of 100

The Sherman Antitrust Act, the Social Security Act, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) are examples of

1. Federal laws designed to protect consumers from unsafe products2. the Federal Government’s response to changes in the economy3. Federal laws designed to control spending4. the Federal Government’s attempts to regulate big business

Gilded Age: Question 19 of 100

Which term best describes United States economic policy during the era of the rise of big business (1865-1900)?

1. laissez-faire capitalism2. mercantilism3. Marxism4. welfare-state capitalism

Gilded Age: Question 20 of 100

Page 38: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

Which statement best describes the status of the labor union movement in the United States in 1900?

1. Most of the labor force was organized into unions.2. Government and business opposition had destroyed the labor union

movement.3. Unions were still struggling to gain public acceptance.4. Unions had won the right to strike and bargain collectively.

Gilded Age: Question 21 of 100

The purpose of the Interstate Commerce Act (1887), the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), and the Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) was to

1. eliminate unfair business practices2. reduce imports from foreign nations3. reduce the power of the unions4. increase the power of local governments

Gilded Age: Question 22 of 100

Why did the United States follow a policy of unrestricted immigration for Europeans during most of the 1800’s?

1. Business and industry depended on the foreign capital brought by immigrants.

2. The American economy needed many unskilled workers.3. Most Americans desired a more diversified culture.4. The United States wanted to help European nations by taking in their surplus


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Gilded Age: Question 23 of 100

Statement A: "The best way to economic recovery is to subsidize industry so that it will hire more workers and expand production."Statement B: "If jobs are not available, the government must create jobs for those who are unemployed."Statement C: "According to human nature, the most talented people will always come out on top."Statement D: "Our government is responsible for the nation’s economic well-being."

Which statement is closest to the philosophy of Social Darwinism?

1. Speaker A2. Speaker B3. Speaker C4. Speaker D

Gilded Age: Question 24 of 100

A common characteristic of third political parties in the United States is that they

1. tend to focus on one person or one issue2. come into existence only during periods of corruption3. have dealt mainly with foreign policy issues

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4. have frequently forced Congress to decide Presidential elections

Gilded Age: Question 25 of 100

Which situation brought about the rapid growth of industry between 1865 and 1900?

1. high worker morale resulting from good wages and working conditions2. availability of investment capital3. establishment of western reservations for Native American Indians4. decline in the number of people attending schools

Gilded Age: Question 26 of 100

From 1865 to 1900, how did the growth of industry affect American society?

1. The United States experienced the disappearance of the traditional2. Population centers shifted from the Northeast to the South3. Restrictions on immigration created a more homogeneous culture.4. The percentage of Americans living in urban areas increased.

Gilded Age: Question 27 of 100

During the late 1800’s, a major reaction to the activities of labor unions in the United States was that

1. the press in most communities supported unions2. United States Presidents opposed the use of Federal troops to end strikes

called by organized labor3. courts frequently issued injunctions to stop strikes4. most factory workers quickly joined the unions

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Gilded Age: Question 28 of 100

Many wealthy American industralists of the late 19th century used the theory of Social Darwinism to

1. support the labor union movement2. justify monopolistic actions3. promote legislation establishing a minimum wage4. encourage charitable orga-nizations to help the poor

Gilded Age: Question 29 of 100

Prior to 1880, the number of immigrants to the United States was not restricted mainly because

1. industry owners wanted cheap labor2. the nations of Europe dis-couraged emigration3. the United States birthrate was increasing4. Congress lacked the power to limit immigration

Gilded Age: Question 30 of 100

Laws requiring individuals to pass civil service examinations to obtain government jobs were enacted to

1. eliminate patronage and corruption in government hiring2. allow the government to compete with private industry for employees3. support the development of public employee labor unions4. encourage the growth of local political parties

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Gilded Age: Question 31 of 100

According to the theory of laissez faire, the economy functions best when the government

1. subsidizes business so that it can compete worldwide2. regulates businesses for the good of the majority3. owns major industries4. does not interfere in business

Gilded Age: Question 32 of 100

Businesses formed trusts, pools, and holding companies mainly to

1. increase profits by eliminating competition2. offer a wide range of goods and services to consumers3. provide employment opportunities for minorities4. protect the interests of workers

Gilded Age: Question 33 of 100

The Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Hall, and the Morgan Library illustrate various ways that entrepreneurs and their descendants have

1. suppressed the growth of labor unions2. supported philanthropic activities to benefit society3. applied scientific discoveries to industry4. attempted to undermine the United States eco-nomic system

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Gilded Age: Question 34 of 100

The major reason the United States placed few restrictions on immigration during the 1800’s was that

1. few Europeans wished to give up their economic security2. little opposition to immigration existed3. the growing economy needed a steady supply of cheap labor4. most immigrants spoke English and thus needed little or no education

Gilded Age: Question 35 of 100

The American Federation of Labor became the first long-lasting, successful labor union in the United States mainly because it

1. refused to participate in strikes against employers2. concentrated on organizing workers in industries in the South3. formed its own political party and elected many prolabor public officials4. fought for the rights of skilled workers

Gilded Age: Question 36 of 100

In the United States during the late 19th century, much of the prejudice expressed toward immigrants was based on the belief that they would

1. cause overcrowding in farm areas2. refuse to become citizens3. support the enemies of the United States in wartime4. fail to assimilate into American society

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Gilded Age: Question 37 of 100

The actions of Jane Addams, Ida Tarbell, and Booker T. Washington illustrate that reform in the United States has

1. utilized a variety of methods to achieve many goals2. depended on support from religious groups3. relied on programs initiated by the Federal Government4. promoted women’s suffrage as its main goal

Gilded Age: Question 38 of 100

Speaker A:"To preserve our American culture, people whose national origins do not match the origins of our nation’s founders must be refused admission."Speaker B:". . . let us admit only the best educated from every racial and ethnic group . . ."Speaker C:". . . there is an appalling danger to the American wage earner from the flood of low, unskilled, ignorant, foreign workers who have poured into the country . . ."Speaker D:"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free . . ."

People who support unrestricted immigration would agree most with

1. Speaker A2. Speaker B3. Speaker C4. Speaker D

Gilded Age: Question 39 of 100

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In the decades after the Civil War, the major result of the shift from single proprietorship to corporate organization was that business was able to

1. make more efficient use of natural resources2. concentrate on improving the quality of manufactured goods3. provide workers with higher wages4. raise large sums of money

Gilded Age: Question 40 of 100

During the period from 1865 to 1900, disputes between labor and management were often marked by

1. the use of violence by both sides2. cooperative efforts to resolve differences3. government support of striking workers4. arbitration by the Federal Government

Gilded Age: Question 41 of 100

The Federal Civil Service System was begun in the late 19th century primarily to

1. reward political party supporters2. reduce the practice of political patronage3. secure political campaign contributions4. provide government contracts for big business

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Gilded Age: Question 42 of 100

During the 19th century, what was the major reason that an increasing number of states established public schools and passed compulsory education laws?

1. Reformers argued that an educated, literate population was necessary for a successful democracy.

2. The Supreme Court required the states to do so.3. Most jobs required a high school diploma.4. The United States had begun a massive program of technical training to

enhance its international economic position.

Gilded Age: Question 43 of 100

Jacob Riis, Jane Addams, and Margaret Sanger are most closely associated with efforts to

1. educate and train formerly enslaved persons2. preserve the natural environment3. advance the interests of organized labor4. improve conditions for the poor

Gilded Age: Question 44 of 100

One way in which the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Gentlemen’s Agreement, and the National Origins Act were similar is that all were expressions of

1. imperialism2. nativism3. militarism4. Manifest Destiny

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Gilded Age: Question 45 of 100

Both the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act were passed in response to the problem of

1. companies refusing to hire minority workers2. businesses choosing to hire illegal immigrants3. unsafe working conditions in factories4. business combinations limiting competition

Gilded Age: Question 46 of 100

Industrialists of the late 1800s contributed most to economic growth by

1. supporting the efforts of labor unions2. establishing large corporations3. encouraging government ownership of banks4. opposing protective tariffs

Gilded Age: Question 47 of 100

According to the cartoon, how was the United States in the 1990s similar to the United States in the 1890s?

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1. Little need existed for government regulation.2. Investment in the stock market decreased.3. The price of petroleum products decreased.4. Business consolidation was accepted practice.

Gilded Age: Question 48 of 100

The main purpose of this 1886 poster was to

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1. oppose immigrants who took jobs from American workers2. support nativist calls for limitations on labor unions3. organize a protest against acts of police brutality against workers4. show support for police actions against foreign revolutionaries

Gilded Age: Question 49 of 100

During the second half of the 19th century, government commitment to the principles of laissez-faire capitalism contributed to

1. healthy and positive competition between businesses2. the growth of small business firms3. friendly working relationships between labor and management4. economic domination by business trusts

Gilded Age: Question 50 of 100

In the late 19th century, owners of big businesses generally embraced Social

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Darwinism because it reinforced their belief that

1. economic success demonstrates fitness to lead2. business monopolies are contrary to the social order3. all wealth should be returned to society4. economic competition should be regulated

Gilded Age: Question 51 of 100

Which factor most influenced the growth of the United States economy between 1865 and 1900?

1. development of the sharecropping system2. success of organized labor3. governmental policy of laissez faire4. restrictions on immigration

Gilded Age: Question 52 of 100

Industrialists of the late 1800s used pools and trusts to

1. promote fair business practices in the marketplace2. increase profits by minimizing competition3. work cooperatively with labor unions4. exclude immigrant workers from factory jobs

Gilded Age: Question 53 of 100

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“Labor Leaders Executed for Causing Haymarket Riot” “State Militia Called In To End Homestead Strike” “1,000 Jailed as Silver Miners Protest Wage Cuts” Which statement about labor unions in the late 1800s is illustrated by these headlines?

1. Strikes by labor unions usually gained public support.2. The government frequently opposed labor union activities.3. Labor union demands were usually met.4. Arbitration was commonly used to end labor unrest.

Gilded Age: Question 54 of 100

Which 19th-century business practice does this cartoon illustrate?

1. forming cooperatives2. establishing trade zones3. creating monopolies4. expanding global markets

Gilded Age: Question 55 of 100

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The cartoonist would most likely support federal government attempts to

1. pass antitrust legislation2. limit regulation of business3. establish high tariffs4. stop industrial pollution

Gilded Age: Question 56 of 100

One factor that furthered industrialization in the United States between 1865 and 1900 was the

1. development of the airplane2. expansion of the railroads3. mass production of automobiles4. widespread use of steamboats

Gilded Age: Question 57 of 100

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The term business monopoly can best be described as

1. the most common form of business in the United States2. government control of the means of production3. an agreement between partners to manage a corporation4. a company that controls or dominates an industry

Gilded Age: Question 58 of 100

During the late 19th century, Samuel Gompers, Terence Powderly, and Eugene Debs were leaders in the movement to

1. stop racial segregation of Native American Indians2. limit illegal immigration3. gain fair treatment of Native American Indians4. improve working conditions

Gilded Age: Question 59 of 100

The 19th-century philosophy of Social Darwinism maintained that

1. the government should have control over the means of production and the marketplace

2. all social class distinctions in American society should be eliminated3. economic success comes to those who are the hardest working and most

competent4. wealth and income should be more equally distributed

Gilded Age: Question 60 of 100

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During the late 1800s, industrialization in the United States led to

1. the growth of the middle class2. an overall decline in labor union membership3. the creation of affirmative action programs4. a decrease in the use of natural resources

Gilded Age: Question 61 of 100

In the late 19th century, the major argument used by labor union leaders against immigrants was that immigrants

1. took jobs from United States citizens2. contributed little to enrich American life3. placed financial drains on social services4. refused to assimilate into American culture

Gilded Age: Question 62 of 100

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Which generalization about population growth is supported by information in this chart?

1. For every census listed, rural population exceeded urban population.2. By 1920, more people lived in cities than in rural areas.3. The Civil War significantly slowed the rate of population growth.4. Most urban population growth was due to people migrating from rural


Gilded Age: Question 63 of 100

The slogan “Eight hours for work, eight hours for sleep, eight hours for what we will” was used in the late 1800s to promote a major goal of

1. farmers2. politicians3. industrialists4. organized labor

Gilded Age: Question 64 of 100

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A significant contribution to the industrialization of the United States was Henry Ford’s development of

1. the assembly line2. electric-powered vehicles3. the first holding company4. a new process for making steel

Gilded Age: Question 65 of 100

One reason John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and J. Pierpont Morgan were sometimes called robber barons was because they

1. robbed from the rich to give to the poor2. made unnecessarily risky investments3. used ruthless business tactics against their competitors4. stole money from the federal government

Gilded Age: Question 66 of 100

In the 19th century, protective tariffs, subsidies for railroads, and open immigration showed that the federal government followed a policy of

1. support for economic development2. noninterference in the free-market system3. regulation of unfair business practices4. support for organized labor

Gilded Age: Question 67 of 100

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Which United States foreign policy was most directly related to the rise of big business in the late 1800s?

1. détente2. neutrality3. containment4. imperialism

Gilded Age: Question 68 of 100

Which statement describes a result of the Industrial Revolution in the United States?

1. Farm production decreased.2. Slavery in the South increased.3. The population of the cities decreased.4. Immigration to the United States increased.

Gilded Age: Question 69 of 100

What was the main benefit that labor unions of the late 19th century gained for their members?

1. job security2. improved wages and hours3. paid vacations4. health insurance

Gilded Age: Question 70 of 100

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During the late 1800s, business leaders formed trusts mainly to

1. reduce prices2. eliminate competition3. improve worker productivity4. establish overseas factories

Gilded Age: Question 71 of 100

What is the main idea of this cartoon?

1. The Standard Oil Company was a harmful monopoly.2. The best way to develop major industries was to form proprietorships.3. Government regulations were strangling the Standard Oil Company.4. Foreign competition in the oil industry was hurting American companies.

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Gilded Age: Question 72 of 100

In the late 1800s, the theory of laissez-faire capitalism was used by many industrialists to

1. petition the government for assistance during times of financial crisis2. oppose colonial expansion in Africa and Asia3. argue against government regulation of business practices4. defend limits on the number of immigrants allowed to work in factories

Gilded Age: Question 73 of 100

During the late 1800s, a major reason labor unions had difficulty achieving their goals was that

1. government supported business over labor2. industrialization created better working conditions3. there was a shortage of new workers4. businesses promoted labor officials to management positions

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Gilded Age: Question 74 of 100

Speaker A: “When demand ran high, and markets were scarce,he showed little mercy, broke his contracts for delivery and raised prices.”

Speaker B: “The man of wealth must hold his fortune ‘in trust’ for thecommunity and use it for philanthropic and charitable purposes.”

Speaker C: “It is cruel to slander the rich because they have been successful.They have gone into great enterprises that have enriched the nation andthe nation has enriched them.”

Speaker D: “The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build upcolossal fortunes for the few, unprecedented in the history of mankind.”

Which two speakers would most likely label late 19th-century industrialists as robber barons?

1. A and B2. A and D3. B and C4. C and D

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Gilded Age: Question 75 of 100

Speaker A: “When demand ran high, and markets were scarce,he showed little mercy, broke his contracts for delivery and raised prices.”

Speaker B: “The man of wealth must hold his fortune ‘in trust’ for thecommunity and use it for philanthropic and charitable purposes.”

Speaker C: “It is cruel to slander the rich because they have been successful.They have gone into great enterprises that have enriched the nation andthe nation has enriched them.”

Speaker D: “The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build upcolossal fortunes for the few, unprecedented in the history of mankind.”

The most valid conclusion that can be drawn from the different viewpoints of these speakers is that industrialists of the late 19th century

1. benefited and harmed society2. treated their workers fairly3. used illegal means to gain wealth4. generally opposed the free-enterprise economic system

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Gilded Age: Question 76 of 100

What is the main idea of this cartoon from the 1800s?

1. Labor is gaining power over big business.2. Most Americans support the labor movement.3. Business has advantages over labor.4. Government should support the expansion of railroads.

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Gilded Age: Question 77 of 100

The American Federation of Labor responded to the situation shown in the cartoon by

1. organizing skilled workers into unions2. encouraging open immigration3. forming worker-owned businesses4. creating a single union of workers and farmers

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Gilded Age: Question 78 of 100

In the late 1800s, supporters of laissez-faire capitalism claimed that government regulation of business would be

1. essential to protect the rights of consumers2. necessary to provide jobs for the unemployed3. useful in competing with foreign nations4. harmful to economic growth

Gilded Age: Question 79 of 100

Which economic concept is best illustrated by the cartoon?

1. supply and demand2. mercantilism3. monopoly

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4. trade

Gilded Age: Question 80 of 100

Mark Twain labeled the late 1800s in the United States the “Gilded Age” to describe the

1. end of the practice of slavery2. absence of international conflicts3. extremes of wealth and poverty4. achievements of the labor movement

Gilded Age: Question 81 of 100

During the 19th century, New York was one of the most powerful states in the nation because it

1. became the financial and industrial center of the nation2. led the nation in achieving political reforms3. produced more presidents than any other state4. offered more civil liberties than any other state

Gilded Age: Question 82 of 100

During the late 19th century, which practices were used by employers against workers?

1. boycotts and lockouts2. picketing and walkouts3. blacklists and yellow-dog contracts4. mass rallies and sit-down strikes

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Gilded Age: Question 83 of 100

The term robber baron was used to criticize the

1. tactics of big-business leaders2. corruption of government officials3. dishonesty of carpetbaggers4. unskilled labor of illegal immigrants

Gilded Age: Question 84 of 100

What major trend related to population occurred during the industrialization boom of the late 1800s?

1. Immigration decreased2. Suburbanization decreased3. Urbanization increased4. Migration to rural areas increased

Gilded Age: Question 85 of 100

Henry Ford produced a more affordable car primarily because his company

1. paid workers lower wages than its competitors paid2. used foreign-made parts3. developed a less expensive method of production4. offered a variety of options to buyers

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Gilded Age: Question 86 of 100

In a United States history textbook, the terms bread and butter unionism, Gospel of Wealth, and mechanization would most likely be found in a chapter entitled

1. Reconstruction (1865–1877)2. Industrialization (1870–1900)3. Imperialism (1898–1905)4. The Roaring Twenties (1920–1929)

Gilded Age: Question 87 of 100

Both the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act were

1. inspired by the effectiveness of earlier state laws2. designed to protect business from foreign competition3. declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the late 1800s4. passed by the federal government to regulate big business

Gilded Age: Question 88 of 100

During the late 1800s, the defenders of Social Darwinism would most likely have supported

1. labor unions2. progressive income taxes3. laissez-faire capitalism4. environmental conservation

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Gilded Age: Question 89 of 100

“. . . This, then, is held to be the duty of the man of Wealth: First, to set an example of modest,unostentatious living, shunning display or extravagance; to provide moderately for thelegitimate wants of those dependent upon him; and after doing so to consider all surplus revenueswhich come to him simply as trust funds, which he is called upon to administer, and strictly bound asa matter of duty to administer in the manner which, in his judgment, is best calculated toproduce the most beneficial results for the community— . . .”

— Andrew Carnegie, “Wealth,” North American Review, June 1889

According to this passage, the responsibility of the wealthy is to

1. invest in future industry to increase wealth2. share their excess wealth with the community3. maintain a lifestyle consistent with their wealth4. influence government to assist all people

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Gilded Age: Question 90 of 100

What is the main idea of the cartoon?

1. Government policies have created a recession2. Americans support the activities of trusts3. Good government has saved the country from trusts4. Trusts are a threat to the nation

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Gilded Age: Question 91 of 100

Which group would most likely have favored government action to address the issue shown in the cartoon?

1. bankers2. unions3. industrialists4. railroad owners

Gilded Age: Question 92 of 100

Which development led to the other three?

1. growth of tenements and slums2. shift from a rural to an urban lifestyle3. rapid industrial growth

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4. widespread use of child labor

Gilded Age: Question 93 of 100

Which group’s numbers increased the most as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

1. skilled craftsmen2. landed aristocracy3. owners of small farms4. urban middle class

Gilded Age: Question 94 of 100

Business leaders John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, and Cornelius Vanderbilt were referred to as robber barons primarily because they

1. bought titles of nobility from foreign governments2. were ruthless in dealing with competitors3. stole money from state and local governments4. gained all of their wealth by illegal means

Gilded Age: Question 95 of 100

During the late 1800s, what was the main reason labor unions had difficulty achieving gains for workers?

1. Communists had taken control of the major unions2. The government supported business efforts to limit the powers of unions3. Most unions had been organized by big business.4. Most workers were satisfied with working conditions.

Page 72: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

Gilded Age: Question 96 of 100

The growth of a large business is merely survivalof the fittest. The American beauty rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grow up around it. This is not an evil tendency in business. It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of God. . . .” -John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

Which concept is described by this passage?

1. communism2. Populism3. utopian socialism4. Social Darwinism

Gilded Age: Question 97 of 100

The growth of big business in the late 1800s resulted in

1. a reduction in child labor2. the elimination of the middle class3. the widening of the economic gap between rich and poor4. a shift in transportation investment from railroads to canals

Gilded Age: Question 98 of 100

In the late 19th century, Congress tried to limit the power of monopolies by

Page 73: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

1. creating the Federal Trade Commission2. strengthening the Supreme Court3. adopting Granger laws4. passing the Sherman Antitrust Act

Gilded Age: Question 99 of 100

According to the graph, which was the first year in which more Americans lived in urban areas than in rural areas?

1. 18602. 18903. 19204. 1930

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Gilded Age: Question 100 of 100

What was a major cause of the trend shown in the chart?

1. availability of cheap farmland2. increased industrialization3. end of restrictions on immigration4. completion of the interstate highway system

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3d. Granger and Populist Movement

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 1 of 26

Which conclusion can be drawn about the impact of the Populist and the Progressive parties on the United States?

1. Some third-party goals eventually become planks in the platforms of the major parties.

2. The United States has steadily moved from a two-party system to a multiparty system.

3. Religious ideals have most often motivated people to splinter away from major parties .

4. An increasing number of citizens have grown weary of party politics and fail to vote in elections.

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 2 of 26

In the late 19th century, farmers desired “cheap money” policies because farmers believed that rising prices for their crops would

1. enable them to pay back their loans more easily2. require banks to lend them more money at reduced interest rates3. force manufacturers to reduce the prices of manufactured goods purchased

by farmers4. cause the price of undeveloped farmland to drop

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 3 of 26

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During the 1870’s and 1880’s, midwestern farmers found that earning a living was increasingly difficult because

1. prices of agricultural products were increasing2. railroad companies charged high rates for transporting farm products3. agricultural output was declining rapidly4. farm labor was becoming more unionized

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 4 of 26

The Populists believed that most of the United States economic problems would be solved by establishing

1. currency reform2. postal savings banks3. a national property tax4. a renewed policy of open immigration

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 5 of 26

A main goal of the Granger movement of the 1870’s and 1880’s was to

1. force the railroads to lower freight rates2. reduce the rate of inflation3. strengthen labor unions4. improve living conditions in urban slums

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 6 of 26

Although the Populist Party failed to elect its candidates to the Presidency, some of the Party’s aims were later achieved by the

1. adoption of the gold standard2. elimination of racial segregation laws in the South3. creation of a graduated income tax and the direct election of Senators

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4. establishment of higher protective tariffs on manufactured goods

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 7 of 26

During the early 1900’s, the initiative, recall, and referendum were changes made in many states to give

1. citizens the right to choose Presidential candidates2. voters greater direct participation in government3. workers more rights in the collective bargain-ing process4. business leaders more control over their industries

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 8 of 26

-Free and unlimited coinage of silver-Government ownership of railroads-Graduated income tax

Which of these political parties first proposed these reforms in its platform?

1. Republican Party in 18762. Populist Party in 18923. Bull-Moose Party 19124. Democratic Party in 1932

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 9 of 26

Page 78: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

A common characteristic of third political parties in the United States is that they

1. tend to focus on one person or one issue2. come into existence only during periods of corruption3. have dealt mainly with foreign policy issues4. have frequently forced Congress to decide Presidential elections

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 10 of 26

The Populist Party was important in United States history because it

1. succeeded in electing two presidential candidates2. won control of many state governments3. proposed ideas that later became law4. achieved suffrage for African Americans

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 11 of 26

In the late 1800s, many business practices of the railroads led to

1. an increase in the unemployment rate2. an increase in the demand for government regulation3. a decrease in the demand for raw materials4. a decrease in the variety of products available for consumers

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 12 of 26

In the second half of the 19th century, agriculture in the United States was transformed most by the

1. increase in prices paid for farm products

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2. decline in the population growth rate of the United States3. decline in demand for agricultural products4. increase in the use of farm machinery

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 13 of 26

“Transportation being a means of exchange and apublic necessity, the government should own andoperate the railroads in the interest of the people.”(1892)

Which group showed the greatest support for this idea?

1. western farmers2. union leaders3. factory owners4. railroad owners

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 14 of 26

A goal of the Granger and Populist movements was to

1. expand rights for African Americans2. help western farmers fight unjust economic practices3. provide support for the banking industry

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4. enable big business to expand without government interference

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 15 of 26

The Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act were passed by Congress to

1. increase safety in the workplace2. promote fair hiring practices3. improve working conditions4. protect the interests of small businesses

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 16 of 26

What was a major effect of the Agricultural Revolution in the United States during the late 1800s?

1. Unemployed factory workers could find jobs in agriculture.2. Food supplies were increased to feed urban dwellers.3. The size of farms decreased.4. United States farm exports decreased.

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 17 of 26

The Populist movement was most interested in improving conditions for

1. farmers2. business leaders3. African Americans4. Native American Indians

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Granger & Populist Movements: Question 18 of 26

In the late 1800s, the Granger movement tried to improve conditions for farmers by

1. lowering the rate of inflation2. strengthening the gold standard3. forcing railroads to lower their rates4. making labor unions stronger

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 19 of 26

Which trend is shown in these graphs?

1. When production increases, prices decrease.2. When production increases, prices increase.3. When production remains unchanged, prices decrease.4. Prices and production are usually unrelated.

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 20 of 26

As a result of the trends shown in the graphs, the Populist Party wanted the federal

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government to increase the money supply to

1. raise the prices of crops2. limit the exportation of corn3. discourage the consumption of corn4. increase agricultural imports

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 21 of 26

The Farmer is the ManWhen the farmer comes to townWith his wagon broken down,Oh, the farmer is the manWho feeds them all. . . .The farmer is the man,The farmer is the man,Lives on credit till the fall;Then they take him by the handAnd they lead him from the land,And the middleman’s the manWho gets it all. . . .— American folk song

The problem identified by this folk song was a result of

1. low profits forcing many people out of farming2. farm productivity declining for several decades3. too many Americans entering the occupation of farming4. poor farming practices destroying cropland

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Granger & Populist Movements: Question 22 of 26

The Farmer is the ManWhen the farmer comes to townWith his wagon broken down,Oh, the farmer is the manWho feeds them all. . . .The farmer is the man,The farmer is the man,Lives on credit till the fall;Then they take him by the handAnd they lead him from the land,And the middleman’s the manWho gets it all. . . .— American folk song

Which political party focused most of its efforts on the problem identified in this song?

1. Bull Moose2. Free Soil

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3. Populist4. Progressive

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 23 of 26

What common problem did farmers of the 1890s and farmers of the 1920s face?

1. failure to plant enough crops to meet local needs2. government overregulation of farming3. low tariffs on crops4. overproduction compared to consumer demand

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 24 of 26

We mean to make things over, we are tired of toil for naught, With but bare enough to live upon, and never an hour for thought; We want to feel the sunshine, and we want to smell the flowers, We are sure that God has will’d it, and we mean to have eight hours. We’re summoning our forces from the shipyard, shop and mill, Chorus. Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest, eight hours for what we will! Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest, eight hours for what we will! — I.G. Blanchard, “Eight Hours,” 1878 During the late 1800s, the ideas expressed in these lyrics were the goals of

1. organizers of labor unions2. sharecroppers following the Civil War3. Grangers demanding railroad regulation4. owners of big businesses

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Granger & Populist Movements: Question 25 of 26

We mean to make things over, we are tired of toil for naught, With but bare enough to live upon, and never an hour for thought; We want to feel the sunshine, and we want to smell the flowers, We are sure that God has will’d it, and we mean to have eight hours. We’re summoning our forces from the shipyard, shop and mill, Chorus. Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest, eight hours for what we will! Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest, eight hours for what we will! — I.G. Blanchard, “Eight Hours,” 1878 In the 1890s, which political party incorporated the chief concern expressed in this song into its platform?

1. Know-Nothing2. Populist3. Whig4. Bull Moose

Granger & Populist Movements: Question 26 of 26

The mechanization of agriculture in the United States led directly to

1. an increase in production2. less dependence on railroads by farmers3. fewer agricultural exports4. the decreasing size of the average farm

3e: Immigration

Immigration: Question 1 of 23

At the turn of the century, why did most immigrants to the United States settle in cities?

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1. Jobs were readily available.2. Government relief programs required immigrants to settle in cities.3. Labor union leaders encouraged unrestricted immigration.4. Immigrants were not permitted to buy farmland.

Immigration: Question 2 of 23

Which statement about immigration to the United States during the 19th century is most valid?

1. Organized labor supported unlimited immigration.2. Most immigrants to the United States were illegal aliens.3. Industrial growth led to a demand for cheap immigrant labor.4. Few immigrants came from western Europe.

Immigration: Question 3 of 23

"America’s strength lies in its diversity. Many immigrant groups have joined the mainstream of American life, while maintaining their languages, religions, and traditions. This has made the United States a strong nation."

The author of this statement could best be described as a supporter of

1. nativism2. ethnocentrism3. cultural pluralism4. limited social mobility

Immigration: Question 4 of 23

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In the late 19th century, the pattern of United States immigration changed in that

1. far fewer immigrants arrived in the United States than in previous years2. most immigrants chose to settle in the rural, farming regions of the western

United States3. increasing numbers of immigrants came from eastern and southern Europe4. most immigrants were political refugees

Immigration: Question 5 of 23

Which statement about immigration to the United States is most accurate?

1. The desire for economic advancement has been a major reason for immigration to the United States

2. The ethnic mix of immigrants to the United States has remained mostly unchanged.

3. The number of immigrants has remained constant in each decade during most of United States history.

4. Nearly all immigrants have easily assimilated into American culture.

Immigration: Question 6 of 23

What was the experience of most of the “new immigrants” who arrived in the United States from southern and eastern Europe in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

1. They lived in urban areas and most held lowpaying jobs.2. They obtained free land in the West and became farmers.3. They became discouraged with America and returned to their homelands.4. They were easily assimilated into mainstream American culture.

Immigration: Question 7 of 23

The intent of the United States immigration laws of the 1920s was to

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1. increase economic opportunities for recent immigrants2. encourage cultural diversity3. restore an open-door policy toward immigration4. restrict immigration through the use of quotas

Immigration: Question 8 of 23

Between 1890 and 1915, the majority of immigrants to the United States were labeled “new immigrants” because they were

1. considered physically and mentally superior to earlier immigrants2. forced to settle in the cities of the Midwest3. from China, Japan, and other Asian countries4. culturally different from most earlier immigrants

Immigration: Question 9 of 23

Which expression most accurately illustrates the concept of nativism?

1. “Help Wanted — Irish Need Not Apply”2. “Go West, young man.”3. “America — first in war and peace”4. “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.”

Immigration: Question 10 of 23

Over the past twenty years, an objective of United States immigration policy has

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been to

1. reduce the number of illegal immigrants2. keep out immigrants from former communist nations3. return to an open immigration policy4. encourage emigration from Western Europe

Immigration: Question 11 of 23

Between 1870 and 1920, the federal government placed few restrictions on immigration primarily because it wanted to

1. sell land in the West2. recruit men for the military3. ensure that there would be workers for the factories4. avoid offending foreign governments

Immigration: Question 12 of 23

In the late 19th century, the major argument used by labor union leaders against immigrants was that immigrants

1. contributed little to enrich American life2. refused to assimilate into American culture3. took jobs from United States citizens4. placed financial drains on social services

Immigration: Question 13 of 23

Page 90: Forest Hills High School€¦ · Web view2019/04/07  · 22. The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), provided for The Jim Crow laws, upheld by

Speaker A: “Our nation has grown and prospered from the ideas and labor of immigrants. Thenation has been enriched by immigrants from different nations who brought newideas and lifestyles, which have become part of American culture.”

Speaker B: “United States industries are competing with established European manufacturers. To prosper, American industries need the vast supply of unskilled labor that isprovided by immigrants.”

Speaker C: “Immigrants are taking jobs at low wageswithout regard for long hours and workers’ safety. American workers must unite toend this unfair competition.”

Speaker D: “Immigrants arrive in American cities poor and frightened. They are helped to findjobs or housing. These newcomers should show their gratitude at voting time.”

Which speaker is most clearly expressing the melting pot theory?

1. A2. B3. C4. D

Immigration: Question 14 of 23

Speaker A: “Our nation has grown and prospered from the ideas and labor of immigrants. Thenation has been enriched by immigrants from different nations who brought newideas and lifestyles, which have become part of American culture.”

Speaker B: “United States industries are competing with established European manufacturers. To prosper, American industries need the vast supply of unskilled labor that isprovided by immigrants.”

Speaker C: “Immigrants are taking jobs at low wageswithout regard for long hours and workers’ safety. American workers must unite to

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end this unfair competition.”

Speaker D: “Immigrants arrive in American cities poor and frightened. They are helped to findjobs or housing. These newcomers should show their gratitude at voting time.”

Speaker D is expressing an opinion most like that of a

1. labor union member2. religious leader3. factory owner4. political party boss

Immigration: Question 15 of 23

Between 1880 and 1900, most immigrants coming to the United States settled in the cities along the east coast because

1. many factory jobs were available in the East2. little farmland remained to be settled in the Midwest3. most immigrants came from the cities of Europe4. city laws afforded special rights and protections for immigrants

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Immigration: Question 16 of 23

Why did the United States follow a policy of open immigration during much of the 1800s?

1. Many United States citizens wanted to live abroad.2. The United States had a shortage of labor.3. Prosperous conditions in Europe resulted in fewer immigrants coming to the

United States.4. Immigrants provided United States industry with investment capital.

Immigration: Question 17 of 23

During the late 1800s and early 1900s, where did most of the immigrants to the United States settle?

1. urban centers of the Northeast2. plantations of the New South3. mining areas of the Far West4. farming regions of the Great Plains

Immigration: Question 18 of 23

The Gentlemen’s Agreement, literacy tests, and the quota system were all attempts by Congress to restrict

1. immigration2. property ownership3. voting rights4. access to public education

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Immigration: Question 19 of 23

The “new immigrants” to the United States between 1890 and 1915 came primarily from

1. southern and eastern Europe2. northern and western Europe3. East Asia4. Latin America

Immigration: Question 20 of 23

According to the cartoonist, the United States has

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1. an ethnically diverse population2. an overly restrictive immigration policy3. a national requirement that high school students learn foreign languages4. a census report printed in languages that are spoken in the United States

Immigration: Question 21 of 23

The data in the chart support the idea that the immigration laws of 1921 and 1924

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were primarily designed to

1. stop illegal entry into the country2. admit skilled workers3. encourage immigration from southern Europe4. reduce immigration from specific regions

Immigration: Question 22 of 23

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The United States adopted the immigration policies shown in the chart mainly because of

1. pressures from nativists and labor unions2. hardships caused by the Great Depression3. prejudices generated during World War II4. threats from other nations to stop migration to the United States

Immigration: Question 23 of 23

Between 1880 and 1920, the majority of the “new” immigrants to the United States came from

1. northern and western Europe2. southern and eastern Europe3. Canada and Latin America4. China and Southeast Asia

4a. American Imperialism

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American Imperialism: Question 1 of 28

Which statement best describes President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy position toward Latin America in the early 1900’s?

1. The United States should reduce its involvement in Latin American affairs.2. The Monroe Doctrine permits the United States to intervene actively in the

affairs of Latin American nations.3. Latin American nations should form an organization to help them achieve

political and economic stability.4. The United States should give large amounts of financial aid to help the poor

of Latin Amenca.

American Imperialism: Question 2 of 28

The Republican Presidents of the 1920’s generally followed a foreign policy based on

1. collective security2. brinkmanship3. noninvolvement4. militarism

American Imperialism: Question 3 of 28

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The speakers below are discussing foreign policies that the United States has followed at various times. Base your answers on their statements and on your knowledge of social studies. Speaker A: Steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world. Speaker B: The United States will give economic aid to needy countries anywhere in the world, but will not provide military aid. Speaker C: The United States must prevent the growth of communism. Speaker D: The United States can take over other countries to help them become more like us. Which speakers would most likely support a United States foreign policy of intervention

1. A and B2. A and C3. C and D4. B and D

American Imperialism: Question 4 of 28

The Monroe Doctrine declared that the United States would

1. prevent the establishment of new European colonies anywhere in the world2. help colonies in North and South America adopt a democratic form of

government3. view European interference in the Americas as a threat to the national

interest of the United States4. prevent other nations from trading with South American nations

American Imperialism: Question 5 of 28

One important conclusion that can be drawn as a result of the United States experience in both the Spanish-American War (1898) and the Persian Gulf War (1991) is that

1. only the President should decide issues of war and peace2. the media are a powerful influence in shaping American public opinion toward war3. the public has little confidence in the ability of the American military4. international organizations play a decisive role in determining the outcome of a war

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American Imperialism: Question 6 of 28

In 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was established mainly because the United States wanted to

1. keep control of Alaska and Hawaii2. establish more colonies in Latin America3. support England’s attempt to keep its empire in Central America4. warn Europe against any further colonization in Latin America

American Imperialism: Question 7 of 28

Why did the United States formulate the Open Door policy toward China?

1. to develop democratic institutions and practices in China2. to prevent a European and Japanese monopoly of Chinese trade and markets3. to establish a military presence on the Chinese mainland4. to support Japanese efforts to industrialize China

American Imperialism: Question 8 of 28

From 1900 to 1915, a basic aim of United States foreign policy was to

1. develop close economic ties with African nations2. oppose revolutionary movements in western Europe3. promote United States influence in Latin America4. prevent the spread of communism in western Europe and Asia

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American Imperialism: Question 9 of 28

"I took the Canal and let Congress debate." -Theodore Roosevelt This quotation best demonstrates

1. an effort by a President to maintain a policy of isolationism2. a decline in the use of militarism as a defense policy3. an increased reliance on the legislative process4. a Presidential action that achieved a foreign policy objective

American Imperialism: Question 10 of 28

Early in the 20th century, Presidents William Taft and Woodrow Wilson used the concept of dollar diplomacy to

1. help European nations avoid war2. expand United States influence in China3. protect United States investments in Latin America4. support welfare programs for immigrants to the United States

American Imperialism: Question 11 of 28

The main reason the United States developed the Open Door policy was to

1. allow the United States to expand its trade with China2. demonstrate the positive features of democracy to Chinese leaders3. aid the Chinese Nationalists in their struggle with the Chinese Communists4. encourage Chinese workers to come to the United States

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American Imperialism: Question 12 of 28

President Theodore Roosevelt’s policies toward Latin America were evidence of his belief in

1. noninvolvement in world affairs2. intervention when American business interests were threatened3. the sovereign rights of all nations4. the need for European interference in the Western Hemisphere

American Imperialism: Question 13 of 28

Throughout United States history, the most important aim of the country’s foreign policy has been

1. participation in international organizations2. advancement of national self-interest3. containment of communism4. development of military alliances

American Imperialism: Question 14 of 28

Involvement in the Spanish-American War, acquisition of Hawaii, and introduction of the Open Door policy in China were actions taken by the United States Government to

1. establish military alliances with other nations2. gain overseas markets and sources of raw materials3. begin the policy of manifest destiny4. support isolationist forces in Congress

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American Imperialism: Question 15 of 28

Which foreign policy position was held by both President James Monroe and President Theodore Roosevelt?

1. Trade with other nations should be sharply reduced.2. The United States should follow a policy of isolationism.3. A special relationship should exist between the United States and the

nations of Latin America.4. The United States should send troops to aid revolutionary movements in

European nations

American Imperialism: Question 16 of 28

United States annexation of the Philippines (1898) and military involvement in Vietnam (1960’s and 1970’s) are similar because in each event the United States

1. achieved its long-range foreign policy objectives2. put the domino theory into action3. demonstrated the strength and success of its military power4. provoked domestic debate about its involvement in the internal affairs of

other nations

American Imperialism: Question 17 of 28

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, United States policy toward Latin America was most strongly characterized by

1. friendship and trust2. intervention and paternalism3. tolerance and humanitarianism4. indifference and neglect

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American Imperialism: Question 18 of 28

The principle that the United States has the right to act as the "policeman of the Western Hemisphere" and intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American nations was established by the

1. Good Neighbor policy2. Open Door policy3. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine4. Marshall Plan

American Imperialism: Question 19 of 28

Which argument was used to support United States acquisition of overseas possessions in the late 1800’s?

1. The United States needed to obtain raw materials and new markets.2. The spread of Marxist ideas had to be stopped because they threatened

world peace.3. The United States should be the first world power to build a colonial empire.4. The doctrine of Manifest Destiny had become obsolete.

American Imperialism: Question 20 of 28

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, United States intervention in Latin America was motivated by the United States desire to

1. protect its growing investments in Latin America2. encourage Latin American trade with Europe3. end Latin American independence movements4. reduce the influence of communism in Latin America

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American Imperialism: Question 21 of 28

“But today we are raising more than we can consume. Today we are making more than we can use. Today our industrial society is congested; there are more workers than there is work; there is more capital than there is investment. We do not need more money—we need more circulation, more employment. Therefore, we must find new markets for our produce, new occupation for our capital, new work for our labor. . . .” — Senator Albert J. Beveridge, 1898 This statement provides a reason why political leaders of the late 1800s adopted the policy of

1. imperialism2. isolationism3. protectionism4. collective security

American Imperialism: Question 22 of 28

Which United States foreign policy was most directly related to the rise of big business in the late 1800s?

1. containment2. imperialism3. détente4. neutrality

American Imperialism: Question 23 of 28

The main reason the United States implemented the Open Door policy in China was to

1. promote immigration2. expand democratic reforms3. encourage religious freedom4. guarantee access to markets

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American Imperialism: Question 24 of 28

Which United States policy is most closely associated with the annexation of Hawaii and the Philippines?

1. neutrality2. isolationism3. imperialism4. international cooperation

American Imperialism: Question 25 of 28

Yellow journalists created support for the Spanish-American War by writing articles about the

1. political popularity of William Jennings Bryan2. efforts of the United States to control Mexico3. destruction of United States sugar plantations by Hawaiians4. sinking of the United States battleship Maine in Havana Harbor

American Imperialism: Question 26 of 28

Which factor is most closely associated with the decision of the United States to declare war on Spain in 1898?

1. isolationist policy2. labor union pressure3. yellow journalism4. unrestricted submarine warfare

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American Imperialism: Question 27 of 28

News organizations were engaging in yellow journalism before the Spanish-American War when

1. publishers tried to prevent the war2. articles about Cuba were fair and balanced3. editors exaggerated events to build support for war4. writers ignored the situation in Cuba

American Imperialism: Question 28 of 28

The United States issued the Open Door policy (1899–1900) primarily to

1. bring democratic government to the Chinese people2. secure equal trade opportunities in China3. force China to change its immigration policies4. use China as a stepping stone to trade with Japan

4b. Progressive Movement

Progressive Movement: Question 1 of 70

The United States Federal Reserve System was established to

1. provide loans to industrialists2. end the Great Depression3. provide for a balanced budget4. regulate the money supply

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Progressive Movement: Question 2 of 70

President Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal and President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society were similar in that both

1. returned control of social welfare programs to the states2. relied on individual initiative to improve the economy3. were supported by Congress over the objections of the majority of state

governments4. increased the role of the Federal Government in dealing with social and

economic problems

Progressive Movement: Question 3 of 70

Which action was necessary to change from the indirect to the direct election of United States Senators?

1. ratification of a constitutional amendment2. passage of a Federal law3. a Supreme Court decision4. a national referendum

Progressive Movement: Question 4 of 70

An important political aim of the Progressive movement was to

1. guarantee government jobs for the unemployed2. stimulate democratic reforms such as the initiative and the referendum3. create a unicameral national legislature4. increase the participation of African Americans in the Federal Government

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Progressive Movement: Question 5 of 70

Congress has attempted to deal with the issue of taxing citizens fairly by enacting a

1. high tariff2. property tax3. sales tax4. graduated income tax

Progressive Movement: Question 6 of 70

The abolitionist movement, the women’s suffrage movement, and the 1960’s civil rights movement are all examples of reform efforts that

1. succeeded without causing major controversy2. developed significant popular support3. achieved their goals without government action4. failed to affect the nation as a whole

Progressive Movement: Question 7 of 70

In the period from 1890 to 1920, which development was the result of the other three?

1. labor union agitation in response to unemployment2. Progressive Party plea for compulsory education3. public outcry following numerous industrial accidents4. passage of child labor laws by individual states

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Progressive Movement: Question 8 of 70

A main purpose of President Theodore Roosevelt’s trustbusting policies was to

1. reduce corruption in government2. save the nation’s banks3. encourage competition in business4. end strikes by labor unions

Progressive Movement: Question 9 of 70

Since 1913, the United States banking system, interest rates, and the amount of money in circulation have largely been controlled by the

1. United States Supreme Court2. Federal Reserve System3. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation4. President’s Council of Economic Advisors

Progressive Movement: Question 10 of 70

During which period in United States history were the amendments concerning the income tax, direct election of Senators. Prohibition, and women’s suffrage enacted?

1. Reconstruction2. The Gilded Age3. Progressive Era4. New Deal

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Progressive Movement: Question 11 of 70

Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Robert M. LaFollette are all considered progressives because they

1. supported the formation of the first trade union2. used Presidential power to break up strikes3. worked to limit the power of big business4. formed the first civil rights organizations

Progressive Movement: Question 12 of 70

A progressive income tax is based on the idea that

1. taxpayers with larger incomes should be taxed at a higher rate2. all taxpayers should be taxed equal amounts of money3. all income should be taxed at the same rate4. taxation should be used to encourage social programs

Progressive Movement: Question 13 of 70

Speaker A: "The business of America is business, and we would be wise to remember that."Speaker B:"Government ownership of business is superior to private enterprise."Speaker C:"Strict government regulation of business practices is a means to insure the public good."Speaker D:"Only through personal effort can wealth and success be achieved."

Which speaker would most likely have supported the ideas of the Progressive movement?

1. Speaker A2. Speaker B3. Speaker C

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4. Speaker D

Progressive Movement: Question 14 of 70

In the early 20th century, muckrakers were able to influence American society mainly through their

1. frequent acts of civil disobedience2. activities as government officials3. publication of articles and books4. control over factories

Progressive Movement: Question 15 of 70

The initiative, referendum, recall, and direct primary are all intended to

1. make the President more responsive to the wishes of Congress2. reduce the influence of the media on elections3. give political parties more control of the electoral process4. increase participation in government by citizens

Progressive Movement: Question 16 of 70

Which event of the early 1900’s is evidence that Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle had an important impact on the United States?

1. adoption of reforms in public education2. passage of legislation limiting immigration3. adoption of the 18th amendment establishing Prohibition4. passage of legislation requiring Federal inspection of meat

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Progressive Movement: Question 17 of 70

A valid generalization about reform movements throughout United States history is that

1. reform movements have failed to use the media effectively2. most successful reform movements affect relatively few people3. many reform movements have led to long-lasting changes in society4. most reform movements have had little impact on the economy

Progressive Movement: Question 18 of 70

A major purpose of the Federal Reserve System is to

1. deal with the trade deficit through tariffs and quotas2. control the minimum wage3. establish the Federal budget4. regulate interest rates and the money supply

Progressive Movement: Question 19 of 70

A major goal of reformers during the Progressive Era was to

1. end segregation in the South2. correct the abuses of big business3. limit immigration from Latin America4. enact high tariffs to help domestic industry grow

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Progressive Movement: Question 20 of 70

The main purpose of a progressive income tax is to

1. base tax rates on a person's ability to pay2. increase government spending on welfare programs3. tax everyone at the same percentage rate4. ensure a balanced budget

Progressive Movement: Question 21 of 70

A belief shared by Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, and Woodrow Wilson is that the Federal Government should

1. allow the free-enterprise system to work without regulation2. use its power to regulate unfair business practices3. provide jobs for unemployed workers4. support unions in labor-management disputes

Progressive Movement: Question 22 of 70

How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis (1890)The Jungle, Upton Sinclair (1906)The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck (1939)Unsafe at Any Speed, Ralph Nader (1965)

What has been the impact of these authors and their books on American society?

1. Most Americans have developed a preference for escapist and romantic literature.

2. Most American authors have adopted a con-servative viewpoint3. American business has corrected poor condi-tions quickly.4. These works have had significant influence on social, political, and economic

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Progressive Movement: Question 23 of 70

A major function of the Federal Reserve System is to

1. suggest ways for the Federal Government to save money2. lend money to state governments3. manage the supply of currency and bank credit4. issue United States Savings Bonds

Progressive Movement: Question 24 of 70

The purpose of the Interstate Commerce Act (1887), the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), and the Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) was to

1. eliminate unfair business practices2. reduce imports from foreign nations3. reduce the power of the unions4. increase the power of local governments

Progressive Movement: Question 25 of 70

A common characteristic of third political parties in the United States is that they

1. tend to focus on one person or one issue2. come into existence only during periods of corruption3. have dealt mainly with foreign policy issues4. have frequently forced Congress to decide Presidential elections

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Progressive Movement: Question 26 of 70

The actions of Jane Addams, Ida Tarbell, and Booker T. Washington illustrate that reform in the United States has

1. utilized a variety of methods to achieve many goals2. depended on support from religious groups3. relied on programs initiated by the Federal Government4. promoted women’s suffrage as its main goal

Progressive Movement: Question 27 of 70

Both the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act were passed in response to the problem of

1. companies refusing to hire minority workers2. businesses choosing to hire illegal immigrants3. unsafe working conditions in factories4. business combinations limiting competition

Progressive Movement: Question 28 of 70

The Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act were passed in an effort to

1. promote the formation of new trusts2. maintain competition in business3. increase business investment4. limit the activities of foreign corporations

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Progressive Movement: Question 29 of 70

One idea that both Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois supported is that

1. African Americans should have increased civil rights2. vocational training was the best approach to education3. immigration was responsible for racial segregation4. Jim Crow laws were needed to help African Americans

Progressive Movement: Question 30 of 70

Which leader founded a vocational training institution in the late 1800s to improve economic opportunities for African Americans?

1. George Washington Carver2. Frederick Douglass3. W. E. B. Du Bois4. Booker T. Washington

Progressive Movement: Question 31 of 70

The initiative, referendum, and recall election were supported by the Progressives as ways to

1. limit government regulation of the press2. limit the role of the Supreme Court in constitutional issues3. increase citizen participation in the political process4. increase the influence of major political parties

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Progressive Movement: Question 32 of 70

Jacob Riis, in How the Other Half Lives, and Lincoln Steffens, in The Shame of the Cities, contributed to reform movements in the United States by

1. exposing poverty and corruption2. opposing westward expansion3. criticizing racial injustice4. supporting organized labor

Progressive Movement: Question 33 of 70

Lincoln Steffens and Jane Addams are best known for

1. attempting to ease the problems of the urban poor2. fighting for temperance and Prohibition3. leading political movements on behalf of the Populist Party4. promoting the interests of organized labor

Progressive Movement: Question 34 of 70

The Clayton Antitrust Act was passed to

1. restore business competition2. end stock market speculation3. prosecute corrupt labor unions4. break up city political party machines

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Progressive Movement: Question 35 of 70

The Federal Reserve System attempts to manage the United States economy by

1. setting tariff rates2. raising or lowering income taxes3. insuring bank accounts4. regulating interest rates

Progressive Movement: Question 36 of 70

What was a significant impact of the Progressive movement on American life?

1. increased government regulation of business2. increased restrictions on presidential powers3. decreased influence of the media on public policy4. reduced government spending for social programs

Progressive Movement: Question 37 of 70

“Jane Addams Opens Hull House”“Jacob Riis Photographs Tenement Residents”“Ida Tarbell Exposes Standard Oil Company”

These headlines represent efforts by individuals to

1. support business monopolies2. improve depressed urban areas3. solve problems of American farmers4. correct abuses of the Industrial Revolution

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Progressive Movement: Question 38 of 70

Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. ___________________________ A. Secret ballot B. Direct election of senators C. Recall D. Referendum

1. Checks and Balances2. Unwritten Constitution3. Progressive Reforms4. Universal Suffrage

Progressive Movement: Question 39 of 70

Which statement best summarizes President Theodore Roosevelt’s views about conservation?

1. Environmental issues are best decided by the private sector.2. Unlimited access to natural resources is the key to business growth.3. Wilderness areas and their resources should be protected for the public

good.4. Decisions about the use of natural resources should be left to the states.

Progressive Movement: Question 40 of 70

The Populist and the Progressive movements were similar in their approaches to reform in that both

1. supported the return of powers to the state governments2. promoted the use of violent strikes and protests against big business

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organizations3. opposed the strict laissez-faire attitudes of the federal government4. lobbied for immediate social and economic equality for African Americans

Progressive Movement: Question 41 of 70

The cartoon illustrates President Theodore Roosevelt’s attempt to

1. ignore antitrust laws2. conserve natural resources3. limit the power of monopolies4. eliminate foreign ownership of United States corporations

Progressive Movement: Question 42 of 70

Reformers of the Progressive Era sought to reduce corruption in government by adopting a constitutional amendment that provided for

1. a maximum of two terms for presidents2. term limits on members of Congress3. voting rights for African Americans

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4. direct election of United States senators

Progressive Movement: Question 43 of 70

Which law was passed as a result of muckraking literature?

1. Interstate Commerce Act2. Sherman Antitrust Act3. Meat Inspection Act4. Federal Reserve Act

Progressive Movement: Question 44 of 70

In How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis described the living conditions of

1. workers in urban slums2. African Americans in the segregated South3. the rich in their mansions4. Native American Indians on reservations

Progressive Movement: Question 45 of 70

The National Bank proposed by Alexander Hamilton in 1790 and the Federal Reserve System established in 1913 are similar in that both

1. provided low-interest loans to farmers2. were declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court3. had as their primary responsibility the regulation of the stock market4. sought to provide a sound currency for the nation

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Progressive Movement: Question 46 of 70

Muckrakers contributed to the rise of Progressivism in the early years of the 20th century by

1. challenging big government and urging a return to past conditions2. exposing widespread corruption in business and government3. writing favorable biographies about wealthy Americans4. aligning themselves with the women’s suffrage movement

Progressive Movement: Question 47 of 70

Which long-awaited goal of the women’s rights movement was achieved during the Progressive Era?

1. right to vote2. right to own property3. equal pay for equal work4. equal access to employment and education

Progressive Movement: Question 48 of 70

Dorothea Dix, Jane Addams, and Jacob Riis were all known as

1. muckrakers2. suffragettes3. political leaders4. social reformers

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Progressive Movement: Question 49 of 70

Passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act illustrated the federal government’s commitment to

1. environmental conservation2. workers’ rights3. business competition4. consumer protection

Progressive Movement: Question 50 of 70

Which president was known as a trustbuster?

1. George Washington2. Calvin Coolidge3. Theodore Roosevelt4. Dwight Eisenhower

Progressive Movement: Question 51 of 70

President Woodrow Wilson supported creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 to

1. balance the federal budget2. regulate the amount of money in circulation3. serve as a source of loans for farmers4. solve the financial problems of the Great Depression

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Progressive Movement: Question 52 of 70

The Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act were passed in an effort to

1. promote the formation of new trusts2. maintain competition in business3. increase business investment4. limit the activities of foreign corporations

Progressive Movement: Question 53 of 70

The common purpose of these legislative acts was to

1. protect the nation’s natural resources2. improve conditions for recent immigrants to the United3. advance the growth of big business4. promote the general welfare of the American public

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Progressive Movement: Question 54 of 70

During the Progressive Era, Jane Addams responded to urban conditions by working to establish

1. settlement houses that provided assistance to the poor2. newspapers that helped to inform Americans about slum conditions3. laws that restricted certain immigrant groups4. free public schools located in inner-city neighborhoods

Progressive Movement: Question 55 of 70

The Federal Reserve System has an impact on economic conditions in the United States by

1. regulating the amount of money in circulation2. providing direct loans to farmers and small businesses3. enforcing strict antitrust laws4. controlling imports from other nations

Progressive Movement: Question 56 of 70

Rachel Carson and Ralph Nader are similar to the muckrakers of the Progressive Era because they have

1. advocated a total change in the structure of government2. attempted to expose societal problems3. failed to influence public opinion4. supported anti-American activities

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Progressive Movement: Question 57 of 70

Jane Addams and Jacob Riis were most notable for their efforts to

1. treat the wounded in World War I2. stop the spread of diseases in Latin America3. legalize birth control for women4. aid the urban poor

Progressive Movement: Question 58 of 70

The Federal Reserve System was created to

1. manage the nation’s supply of currency and interest rates2. protect consumers from fraud3. provide military support for the armed forces4. maintain a national petroleum supply

Progressive Movement: Question 59 of 70

During the Progressive Era, muckrakers published articles and novels primarily to

1. advance their own political careers2. make Americans aware of problems in society3. help the federal government become more efficient4. provide entertainment for readers

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Progressive Movement: Question 60 of 70

Supporters of a graduated national income tax argued that it was the fairest type of tax because the

1. rate of taxation was the same for all persons2. rate of taxation increased as incomes rose3. income tax provided the most revenue for the government4. income tax replaced state and local government taxes

Progressive Movement: Question 61 of 70

A goal of the Progressive movement was to

1. reduce the government’s involvement in social issues2. promote laissez-faire policies3. correct the problems caused by industrialization4. promote settlement of land west of the Mississippi River

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Progressive Movement: Question 62 of 70

According to the map, in which region of the United States did women receive the most support for equal suffrage before passage of the 19th amendment?

1. East

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2. North3. South4. West

Progressive Movement: Question 63 of 70

Which idea led to the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Food and Drug Administration?

1. Business activity must sometimes be regulated in the public interest.2. Workers should be allowed to bargain with owners for working conditions.3. Domestic industry should be protected from foreign competition.4. The economy works best without government regulation.

Progressive Movement: Question 64 of 70

During the 20th century, federal prosecutions of corporations such as Standard Oil, AT&T, and Microsoft were based on alleged violations of

1. stock market practices2. environmental regulations3. labor union protections4. antitrust laws

Progressive Movement: Question 65 of 70

In 1906, the publication of The Jungle, written by Upton Sinclair, led Congress to

1. enact stronger prohibition laws2. support the national conservation movement3. establish a system for meat inspection4. legalize strikes and boycotts by labor unions

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Progressive Movement: Question 66 of 70

Progressive Era reforms such as the initiative, referendum, and recall attempted to

1. increase the power of citizens in state and local government2. reestablish the system of checks and balances3. provide low-interest loans to farmers4. expand voting rights to Native Americans

Progressive Movement: Question 67 of 70

The Panamanian revolt, the Russo-Japanese war, and the creation of the national parks system occurred during the presidency of

1. William McKinley2. Woodrow Wilson3. Herbert Hoover4. Theodore Roosevelt

Progressive Movement: Question 68 of 70

Speaker A: Nature should be left as it is found. All unsettled land should be off limits to future settlement or development. Speaker B: Natural resources should be controlled by big business to ensure the economic strength of the United States. Our abundance of land gives us a great advantage for competing in world markets. Speaker C: The natural resources of the United States should be used wisely. We must conserve them for future generations while also using them to serve the people of today. Speaker D: No man or institution owns the land. It is to be shared by everyone and everything in the best interest of all who depend upon its offerings.

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Which speaker best expresses the environmental views of President Theodore Roosevelt?

1. A2. B3. C4. D

Progressive Movement: Question 69 of 70

Progressive Era authors such as Jacob Riis and Upton Sinclair are best known for

1. focusing attention on social conditions2. fighting for the civil rights of African Americans3. promoting the interests of the American farmer4. supporting the goal of woman’s suffrage

Progressive Movement: Question 70 of 70

Which type of federal tax was authorized by the 16th amendment in 1913?

1. excise2. import3. income4. estate