forms how to collect information f xx rom visitors different kinds of form controls new html5 form...

FORMS How to collect information f XX rom visitors Different kinds of form controls New HTML5 form controls

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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FORMS How to collect information f XX rom visitors Different kinds of form controls New HTML5 form controls FORMS Traditionally a printed document HTML borrows the concept of a form to refer to different elements that allow you to collect information from visitors to your site How to create a form on your website The different tools for collecting data New HTML5 form controls WHY FORMS? FORM CONTROLS Form Controls HOW FORMS WORK FORMS FORM STRUCTURE TEX T INPUT PASSWORD INPUT TEXT AREA RADIO BUTTON CHECKBOX DROP DOWN LIST BOX MULTIPLE SE LECT BOX FILE INPUT BOX SUBMIT BUTTON IMAGE BUTTON BUTTON & HIDDEN CONTROLS LABELLING FORM CONTROLS GROUPING FORM ELEMENTS HTML 5: FORM VALIDA TION HTML 5: DATE INPUT HTML 5:& URL INPUT HTML 5: SEARCH INPUT EXAMPLE FORMS This example shows a feedback and newsletter sign-up form. It uses a variety of form controls SUMMARY Whenever you want to c XX ollect information from visitors you will need a form, which lives inside a element. Information from a form is sent in name/value pairs. Each form control is given a name, and the text the user types in or the values of the options they select are sent to the server. HTML5 introduces new form elements which make it easier for visitors to fill in forms EXTRA MARKUP Specifying different versions of HTML Identifying and grouping elements Comments, meta information and iframes TAGS At this point, we have covered the main tags that fit nicely into groups and sections. The different versions of HTML and how to indicate which version you are using How to add comments to your code Global attributes, which are attributes that can be used on any element, including the class and id attributes Elements that are used to group together parts of the page where no other element is suitable TAGS How to embed a page within a page using iframes How to add information about the web page using the element Adding characters such as angled brackets and copyright symbols THE EVOLUTION OF HTML HTML 4 XHTML 1.0 HTML5 DOCTYPES COMMENTS IN HT ML ID ATTRIBUTE CLASS ATTRIBUTE BLOCK ELEMENTS INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR PAGE S Description Keywords robots SUMM ARY DOCTYPES tell browsers which version of HTML you are using You can add comments to your code between the markers The id and class attributes allow you to identify particular elements. The and elements allow you to group block-level and inline elements together. cut windows into your web pages through which other pages can be displayed The tag allows you to supply all kinds of information about your web page Escape characters are used to include special characters in your pages such as, and