fort worth weekly gazette (fort worth, tex. : 1882). (fort ... · i mji f have you a humor of skin...

I MJI f Have You a Humor of Skin or Blood T SO THE CUTfCUPA REMEDIES WILL CURE YOU lw B Induced alter all other remedies bad tailed to use tho CirrKuniliKMfcDiLScnmy boy lour years of ago who had tunning tores- trom h 8 thighs to the end ot bljtos The nails tell off His arms and face were alco cov- ercd and he was horrible elzht The Cunv- liiiAVoodCi TuuBiSOAi were all that I used Twpdayisifter ihel u e wc con d soo a change for u belt ind In six weeks tho child wat perfectly vt cfi- I > wi hen IiRcced to try item further as- my vrife fcid wait we termed dry taflp tetter- or i83rlasH for fifteen years ojwfXtrfcd eyery thing iliat Efefayd git holcuaUEend iskcav the Hdkeor ttio < tftpjnesfbt tho profcsrtpn bat all In TilnWffS4 11 over her body 2 > n all over herJ imLnf co She used bojpcne- OiiuTtia and two casterW > < iMccwvSou and la uuo week from ilT liae the began tnelr- usi 1 conld se change for tho better It Is now nearly one year sti cetsno stopped using thu utk t iu iiiki r >hd there Is ro re- turn I prunou c In r entirely cured No one only thoso who hate tae drje6seand those who ar Lontantt bin olscjSed patients can Jn WUCa0Cy are placed ded theEGlTicCBAllhMi sjihavemttibat wcro tnany wpt in fefltd i f a tljgjcnrcJtjae man to whom I rexjpramdaded ihcmlutasiBfGercd lor over tweKe vest ai3j In thut tlBtft had epnt nearly live liuMhedJlDllarB to v ° cdreo bat nothing heip i an4j ow ifter flie useof live bott e ot vroallio tbtUflttne Ll nav fM rarii t torali csuat oncss eiati vVnally j- f oil litoair A nclf > i l ro6 8elJsJn no eac to my knowledge have lhcCtiruttmMMi oiks failed I tare pleanstejiii sending hljto yon trust- ing ¬ ihat it may Hfvvo a blessing t > yon and to the eutkrlng DILL ailLLlBON C iftmball i ule Co Dakota TGRJ the riaat skin Cure and Ccti it > AlT43 c xiMslte Skin Beauilfier eter- aaufttmciAti 11isolmnt the new liloodjarlfler iniejiislly mo a positive cure for every form of fln and Blood Disease from everywhere lrlcc Cdticlka 50c > woir 2CcIWSolvint 1 Prepared by the rwptjyjrpatJG ask Culmical Oo Boston 2i ass j sr Send for How to uro Skin Diseases 61 psge 50 illustrations and 100 tcstlmon aia wlih ihs loveliest delicacy Is the skin MILD with Cbiicliia Mxmcxihu- feou I CANT BREATHE Lhestlalcs Soren ss Weakness Hiding tough Asthma Pleurisy ind lndammatlun relieved in one mmnir bythQ Untionrn ntl Pain Nothing like it for Weak Lunge Scad fcr book To Hranti mailed free Biur ns D Rxouxatob Co Atlanta Ga ffenifttoffitiiMjrertootiOTfulcfwrs early dWay ttac nesslcnanhooiEetc lwill > a tfaUevcatiso fulf sjnd s pd containing pMUcuiflH foriftrne curoF33E f of gjirge iC- id > dkraUctffcork shoAia5lflfta rjf eTert- mX ftihS tsrjanrvaji uiadebiflfwd Ailare- sVrot V C FOW iUX ConnV s vnoney stwe < L for gowx vs vsiTcorJTAmsHoOP- lUM E 50 SJ99 a i AU DRUGGEU IT WEAICUNBE3 LiPED PART Wf tUeJHrdr ntotd nXritetortlicnciL rullpartlctH atto 5Sj > CO IScrrAio N Y SWfEBERSnoBEEfeo HESSiSS lrM ESr mnXt ot ovcr W 7k tarflyfeuon ettu eAirxs above ii r ir- W A POKER LOYiStfooE ThoSriionof a LonlavUle Ghnrch Tarns th Tower Into a oker Boom Lodisvillb Kr Feb 6 It has been found necessary to discharge Joe the col- ored ¬ sexton of the Walnut street Presby- terian ¬ church In this city on the ground that he had fitted up the church tower as- a poker room and even so far forgot hlm self as to indulge With his friends In the enticing catno while the congregation Ji were at worship In the church below EntarprUeand Unity J2S Texirkana News Fort Worth has achieved her greaSfceja- in the last six year and in a fgresencc- of a powerful end wealthy rivai with greater natural and acquired advantages Similar enterprise unity of spirit and purpose combined effort to AccarrJpHsh common designs the abschce of rivals and present possession of vast advantages and Indocemeats would double qur pop nhtion and wealth in bix years Vavori Fort Worth Kaxahachle Enterprise The Enterprise Javors Fort Worth as the pisce for the next Democratic state convention 4 A EIPeeixkCE OP A LAp ISSIOHABT Ml s Eailae 0 Ilanna mli- slomry foMtttBaptlst church Troy if y ea jsI am only to triad to adff ray testimony to- lhegrtat lylop of Dr David Kennedys Farcrlte remedy It nently fiured tne of- bsiheJiliUdT and KIt S5 iponBLE I rfAlso ol CVojtflfe ou l wonld LbkV o hat VviM ittt xayorlte FlS emedy wl iho fnlltootttent jfmyphyMdtin v4 ASOVEfSlGlfOUBE Dr Daviji nneaja jsayor f e Bemedj BondcntK EnlSmedy foVnervtWiness llpea iyana w complShj anaalt c > vrrtr w vfomea It drlvcA4a pols > SUneHoo lntlx it the patient to Jt the W oaofhsslth JED- 7tforjj i Ageott ADDITION TO SCIENCE The Skeleton ol a Monster Animal of- a Species Long Extinct Found In Eastland County Jawbone Three Feet tone Hend Five Feet Long Three Feet Between the Kjes Boras Six Feet Long Special to the Gazette Cisco Tkx Feb 8 la thin county about twenty miles southeast of Cisco near Jewett a small village is a problem for the scientists to solve Mr A O- McCtftin a gentleman well known in Cisco came Into town this afternoon and brought two teeth and othsr parts ol the head of a large skeleton that has been discovered iu this neighborhood One of the teeth welgh3 eight pounds and lac other sixteen pounds Since the middle of the atternoon and until a late hour tonight great crowds have been passing Into the store where they an on exhibition to view the teeth ol the areatmonsters Mr McCraln said A few days ago Archie Brown one of my neighbors was hunting In the woods for timber to make an ox bow and while walking up a creek noticed a long horn sticking out of the bank ot the creek and tried to pull it out but could not He then undertook to dig it out and af er digging six feet he came to the head He then sought aid from his neighbor and they after digging seven feet through hard clay unearthed the head two horns the left foreleg and one of the ribs of tne monster The lower jawbone measured two and a half feet across the widest psrt and three feet long Its head measured flvo feet long and three feet between the eyes The horns are six feet long and twelve inches in diameter two feet from tho head The left foreleg bone from the knee joint <o the shoulder is five feet long and eight inches in diameter ust above tee knee The rib examined is six feet long and twelve Inches wide Mr McCraln says great crowds of peo- ple ¬ go to examine the skeleton BLAINE HA8K0r WlTIIDKiffS TThnt Obaanoey SI Df pew says About the Itepnbllcan Nomination New York Feb fi Yesterda7 a dis- patch ¬ from Chicago intimated that there wad doubt that Mr James G Blaine would be a candidate of tho republican party for President I dont believe said Caauncey Depew that Mr Blaine Trill not be the next candidate of the He publican party for President In fact I feel pretty certain that he will be the candidate and 1 fetl pretty certain too that he will get the nomination by accla- mation ¬ Tnere will be no balloting at all None will be necessary for Mr Blaine will upset everything before him hr do I believe that Mr Blaine has wiit n a letter to Congressman Will Um Walter Phelpa instructing ailm to withdraw his name 3 a candidate whenever he thinks Dtudcnt to do so Ol course I have no positive information on that point out tny inner consciousness tells mc Mr Blaine has not written any snch letter tjjT however Mr Depew strongly emphasiaicl the if if Mr Balce has wmterrVncrrJa letter and hs determined not lsS gc ndIdate then General SSerl- darfrf lrFBt the nomination and election General Sheridan would mike a grand ijhvass His determination wonld mean hls election bnt I still maintain my be ¬ lief that Mr Blaine will be the next nominee of the Republican party and also the next President of the United States 5iofi which he iirsnd frectohisfellow- clferem Addre aBoi31 York i A BABYLONIAN PALACE How an KdrIIiIi Millionaire will Spend 6000000 In Mnlco Special to the Gazette Sax Antonio Tex Feb Mr George Fay of Guansjata Mexico passed through the city yesterday en route for the City of Mexico from which capital he returns to his home Mr Fay is an Eng- lish millionaire and has been on north- ern and European trip where his mission has been one of remarkable character He has lived for some years in the city cf- Gnanajata and owns considerable proper t in that viclni y He Is cnltured gen- tleman of Immense wealth and eccentric tastes which lead him to indnlge in fantastic luxuries as rare as they ard phenomenal He- is now engeged in building in suburb of Guansjata misnifl ent that will not be less than 100 feet nigh and surrounded by immense gardens which will recall the legendary hanging gardans of Babylon to which access will no eifhed by a gigantic elevator Mr- FwpWieves that It is necessary for him 3i t5lls altitude in order to be free r w 1 ffiS p m the noxious effects of the microbes wrT 3 i h l fd ov daSSpli phich infest the a mosphere uf large m lf iir J MAbONI o 8 ¬ a ¬ a a ¬ a a prince ciliee Tcls aerial palace w ill have ele- phoulc communicitlon with the city ot- Gaancjata and will be supplied with wa- ter ¬ by means cf huge tanks with hydrau- lic ¬ power The most curious feature of jthls Babylonian palace will Oe that it iikrijib < eupported by enormous colnmus of brick composed of asbestos and piper iHr Fay has recently been to France to see in course ot construction tne mammoth tower of the Paris Exposi- tion ¬ of 1669 for the purpose of gaining some ideas thajt will assist him in building of his palace It is aidtha MrFay has drawn all his plans and estates to spend SCCC Spo In this jxeikdcl fancy tMz seem hardly Mrthfthe fing diicouri weaieTAsex Is ltablq- r Pi Favorite Pro Xiplf HharfHuesiijit which thou sands woWPH c n testifjU atonic andnervilt is uasnrpassecfw AH djog- gists S POPULAR SCIENCE and IntfresttnE Itema Fnt In a- Foot Unci- An English invention relates to se- qnares fcr draughtsmen having one ot the edges beveled at various angles According to the California Architect plank from redwood trees are sawed in that state from ten to eleven feet in A paste of chloride ot lime and water well rubbed in will tako ink stains from silver plated ware Wash and as The drltt of popular opinion is that the coming railroad passenger train will be heated by the locomotive either live or exhaust steam One of the uses to which has been put is the building ot chimneys It is in the form of blocks which are joined with silicions cement Tho nse of steel castings is becoming so extended in Ens land as to the Iron founders who see their prospects for lipping away them A physician ilecturing physical exercise declared that if twenty minutes a day should be spent In physical exercise ae on adjunct mental tion we might lire tp be seventy wljjont a 1HE WEEKLY GAZETTE iFORT WOETH TEXAS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 10 days illness and perhaps prolong our lives to 200 Chemists have just determined by care fnl experiment that a man barely taste 31000ths of a grm of sugar l1000th cf- a grm of salt and 510000 of a grm of strychnine Mildew may be removed from linen by rubbing upon the damaged spot common yellow soap and sitting upon it some starch Rub in well and expose to the bright sunshine MPaul LeroyBeaulieu gives figures j showing the quantity ot tobacco con sumed in the different countries of En rope The rate per 100 inhabitants is according to him as follows Spain 110 pounds 128 ponnds Great In the phonograph of Mr R IS the aid of electricity is secured JK Hunter a traco on a sheet of specif ally prepared carbon and the in- strument repeats the words through a telephone receiver by means will readily suggest themselves to the elec- t ician It is thus inferior to tne Edison apparatus in the loudness with which the toaes are reproduced Sickness insurance is meeting with some in Leipslc and ot er German The law authorizing tho opera- tion of such companies permits the in- surance to ell classes ot bandworkers except andsal smenbnt these may- be included by local authority Tne ot this law is very noticeable in the fdr maintaining the sick poor it having decreased marks in Hamburg in one year The total number insured the law is 22041 3 or 91 7 per the population Tobacco blindness it is said is becom- ing a common tflllctlon At present there are several persons under treatment for it At one London hospital It first takes the form of color blindness the sufferers who have smoked themselves into this condition being quite unable to distin- guish the color of a piece of red cloth held up before them Sometimes the victim loses his eyesight altogether Tobacco being a narcotic naturally be- numbs the nerves the nerves are thus bennmbed people do not see as dis- tinctly and this defectiveness of tends to increase and become permanent The interesting fact has been that so indestructible by wear or decay is tne African teakwood that vessels built of it have lasted 100 to be then only broken up on account ot their poor sailing qualities from faulty models The in fact is one ot the most remark- able known on account of lis great welcht hardness and durability its weight varying from fortytwo to fitty- twe pounds per foot It works easily but on account ot the large quan- tity of silex contained in is the tools employed are quickly worn It also contains an oil which prevents spikes and other Ironwork with it may come in contact from rusting The Industrial World thus describes a method of making rowboats for use on the ice A frame mounted on a pair of fixed s aterunners with a runner hung rudder fishlon a suat rowlocks and oaro spikes in outer ends of oars to scratch hard on the ice at each pull or better a sort of smalldrcular haw pnned fiat on tho oar for the blade this can roll on the Ice inward and outward with the of the oar the teeth still hold to the ice and scratch sidewise or- flatwise as an oar moves backward through the in rowing by a- foot lever connecting with rndderskate- or have rudder free and steer by oars Larcer slzs for several persons using sweeps require more skateiun- ners none fixed but all like the steering rudder and all free but it No patent The Carpet and Rjview gives as among the most effective remedies for carpet beetles and kerosene oil and corrosive sublimate The keroecno is placed upon wads of cotton which are forced into cracks and crevices under- neath the carpet Corrosive sublimate is- a still better remedy Dissolve in an open jar one tablespooofnl of corrosive suollmate in two quarts of boiling water and after allowing tbesolntion to remain undisturbed a few apply it to both sides of ihe carpet or rug using for the purpose a whisk brush It is not necessary to use more of the solution than enough slightly dampen the sur- face of the fabric As ihe solution is- poisonons it should be plainly labeled In the case of carpet beetles It is some necessary to rednce the quantity ot water in the solntion using but one qnart Instead of two The poison conveyed by tha human teeth one of the most atnoying that a physician has to deal with writes Dr A 0 Robinson A bitten ear or nose is months in healinp a more Impor- tant wound inflicted by an instrument would readily to simple remedies I hive my attention severe and most complicated cases ot poison- ing in the patient had but slightly abraided the hand in the course of a by striking the knuckles against the of his opponent I have known bands thus poboned from amputa- tion by tho application of all the resourc- es ot science Tobacco or whisky or disarrangement of the stomich from mariy may be responsible tor this poisonous condition of the teeth and I am not prepared to say that a man wjth good health and a clean sweet th convey the poison bnt I nVonly speak of the frequency of this asr ot cases and the difficulty of attend l gphem successfully S tjT Advice to Molh J B Soititns for cMfdren tho Bdd tbtffnms wlijd colldOmd ittha best 4t of 1886 K 0i yBfjaUf4are Hunter if ijut 1866 she r6eK Newsy width wipe uscal steam from latest paper alaim work from upon educa years Italy takes paper which favor cities clerks action 21C73 un- der 1000- of When vision stated years wood cubic away which light third sweep while water Steer alone Trade moths hours small times where yield under blood which fight teeth only saved other causes would SyHBi softens UMON LIBOR MASS MEETING V A Mew MoTunont on Foot ln Erath County Correspondence ot the Stsphknyillk Tex Feb 6 There was a mass meeting the Uolon Labor party here today for the purpose or- ganizing their forces The meeting was presided over by Colonel W R Singleton ot Greenback fame and precinct chair- men were appointed throughout the county for the purpose of organizing the party This movement as it is under- stood proposes to supplant the Republi- can and Democratic parties as they now exist and a new Union Lbor party as its adherents claim on true Democratic principles c anges the good old time pure and nndeflled Democratic prin- ciples have midergoneto become distaste fal the masses is not known to your reporter bnt that new and ensrossing movement is on foot in this section polit- ically that claims its adherents by the hundreds is evident but Is intended or aimed at exactly except that tho peo- ple are going to take charge ot the offices we suppose as some ol them express it- Is not known A Valuable Underground Klrsr Denver Republican An Interesting fact has been discov- ered ln connection with the Bio Mimbres which In the mountains ot the south part of New Mexico Tne Is known to sink beioro It reaches Demingon the Southern Pacific Demjpg Is In the dry bed where the river evidently ran years ago Wells oi good water have been found at Demlng and the rivtrhaa thus been traced that tar siree Bat it Is net known where it went niter crossing the railway track It has been shown recently that it con- tinues underneath the surface to the Mexican line where it crotses into the State ot Chihuahua It then turns to the soathhast and crosslcg the Mexican Central track near a station called Sam alayuca it empties into the Ro Grande near Camp Rice The discovery gives assurance that a considerable part of Chihuahua and Southern New Mexico Is susceptible of- Bfcvelopment which before was thought to- geolmost worthlesAhecause of its aridity yells can be sunk ft nany places and in tRis way water may be supplied to a large corj JOBS WIFE liement ot tjXlIvervjrfth patn tenures the JfcinplexMin lndgces Pfllsremaoie u 3Wfc Ht Justice to a Wronged Woman After aany Tears St Paul Globe Jod was a wonderfully alUcted man but as a parti61 compensation for it he has had tho sympathy of the human race lor 4000 years But it has not been so with Jobs wife Nobody has ever spoken a kind of her On the contrary she has been held up for forty centuries as a horrible example But for all that we are confident the poor woman deserves a better place In history than she has ever occupied If she was sour tempered she had enough to an acid tlrge to ber disposition She was made to armk the dregs from a very bitter cup and it probable ahe bore her troubles with about as much equanimity ss the avenge woman would do In the first place she was suddenly re duced from luxury to penury Any un- fortunate woman who has suffered thl3 ordeal knows jurtthe frame of mind poor Mrs Job was in In the next place she wai bereft of her children There is no grief so burden- some as that which falls upon a mothers heart when the grave hides her children trom sight In addition to this accumulation of sor- rows fhe was left with an invalid hus- band on her hands Job was covered with boils and cxperienee has taught us that there is no more exaspeiating pa- tient than a man with a boil on him There are wives and good wives too in this Christian land of ours whose lives have been made most miserable for and weeks at a time by a husband with one boil Just think then this poor woman had to endure with a hus- band with perhaps 500 to 1000 boils on him Is it any wonder that the woman encouraged her husband to terminate his existence The wonder is that she didnt cut her own ihroat in despair Bnt these were not all the tronblcs that Jobs wile had to bear Her hnsbauds- fiiends came on a visit to him and took possession of the house for six weeks at- a time Other women and good women too hive had to endure the same tillct- lon and they can very easily account for Mrs Jobs exhibition of bad temper Job got worried with the three visitors him- self and yet he didnt have to wait on them to clean up their rooms to wipe the tobacco j nice from the parlor cirpet every day to sweep out the mud they carried in on their boots and to submit to the thousand and one annoyances that a male visitor gives the housekeeper It is about time that somebody was raising a voice in defense of Jobs wife and saying a kind for the poor woman who for 4000 years has suffered the slings of unjust criticism ln uncom plaining silence There are a great many Jobs wives In the world today Wo meet them every- day They may not havennsbands with boils on their bodies bnt they have hus- bands who go to the clubs of evenings They have husbands who are selfish enough to devote all their tlma to busi- ness and pleasure without considering that a portion of that time of right be- longs to the woman the charm ot whose existence is bis companionship The Jobs wives of today are the women who are burdened withjthe cares and sorrows of this life and who get no sympathy And their namejs legion IX Bud JBoyMli- Tho very expressIonJiajpUea eullirlng Every mother knows the anJDty over this sickness bat every mother dqggf riot know that Dr nig gers Huckleberry Vordtw will regulate euro all bowel trQJIUs DECLINE OF hI KIAGE Figures Showing n ltemarkble Amount ot Osllbncy ln All Bnrope Fall Mall Gazette The numbers who marry seem to be steadily decreasing Tne figures sup- plied under the head of International Vi- tal Statistics which are tabnlated trom returns tarnished by the authorities of various European states an all round tall in the proportion ot marriages The falling off in 188S bplow the aver age ot the twenty years 18G11880 is very marked FJthough not so great as tho dif- ference between the rate ot 18CG and 18S6 Here for instance are the three sets of figures Sngland Scotland Ireland France Belgium 1666 175 147 10 8 160 15- 7ltfltO16 4 112 V 9 8 15 8 14 6- 18s6 141 12 4 84 li8 13 4 There are three notable exceptions to the uniform decrease of the marriage rate bnt they are easily explained In PiBSsia Austrlx and ln Italy the mar rUtfe rate of 1866 was distinctly below secret of is T4e dfto many aq iredpirjoappy med dfi i ctt j f Sfe ln the three states were at war lged wno1 chronic l woman n Jpfemale weakness forwicb has been Ihle to fi no relief SafrWe is a cer tarfe enflf f all theffilnfuTcompltints < i ¬ q As or made only to ¬ r can ¬ ¬ ¬ tax ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ to ¬ ¬ is ¬ ¬ ¬ a Gazette of ot ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ form What ¬ to a ¬ what ¬ ¬ rices ¬ ern river built ¬ word give is ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ days what ¬ only ¬ word ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ and ¬ ¬ show ¬ in course land campaigns and matrimony do not go well together Italy alone ot the great Earopean states keeps up her marriage rate It averaged 15 2 for eigtbeenyears- it was 15 C in 1886 lathis she resem jkjkSwedcn Bat the other states show the same phenomenon Den 8wlt AnB Ger Hoi mart zerland trla many 1tnd AverMyrs 15 3 J5l 171 17 162- 18S6 < 142 137 153 183 139 Theso figures all point in one direction and alt tell the same tale Europeans are not snch a marrying people now as they were twenty yeas ago and among the marrying people we are nearly at the bottom of the tree The Irish marriage rate is in itself enough to account lor much of the misery and unrest of Erin and the Scotch rate Is lower than that ol any nation ln Europe I react men can p of thetsule Taey refinements and eminence to An- by J G B Slegi lfrtc called tfnlght T0od badges ln al Its es Uhey give pie iters mann atared 4 Judge Itowait QreenSead Special to the Gazette Abiisne Tex Feb 8 Tha many friends and acquaintances of Judge Rowan Green in this city are pained to learn of his death which occurred at his family residence In Anson on Saturday evening last at 7 oclock The judge hid been a sufferer for years with asthma and has been rather on the decline for several months m 1 Struck Ollln the Territory iMCiKHiaH T Feb 801183 struck lfereyesterday at a depth of ylT feet and v ie flowing it the rate of a brraf tn f i t ON CHANGE Spot Citton Unchanged Fntnres from il to 11 Points Higher Money Xarket Essy Wheat Ojitntd Firm F nctnattd Nor rovily and Closed Lower Ltvo Stock Transactions Brisk Daily Local Review GAX2TX2 UFPIOT 02T W02TH TBXrFcb S IStS 1 Produce is fairly plentiful on the mar- ket ¬ now and values are a little easier though none are quotably lower except eg t which are only worth 23 cents C5- ccatsap Worcostr- sanco do white Loulelana choice car unbrokenS22 Hhands There have been largo of those i can horses 14 unbroken 3C armies within the past days i rade brisk everything ln catile circles i3 lively The fine weather ofto day ont a great many ¬ THE MOXKY MARKETS msSitestations in the New m are in the direction of financial indica- tions being that very easy condi- tions ¬ probable throughout the first of tho year Money to flow to New York from the interior while the large purchases of bonds for foreign account with the corresponding in exchange and low rates prevalent in market remove any tendencies of a to the situation in an unfivorable way the dullness ol speculation has per- haps the demands for money 4 loans of bankers balances on call bsen made at from to 34 par cent on tne Slock Ex- change b Eks being free lenders at 34 per cent or better Time money U plentiful and is ot- tered ¬ at i to per cent on mixed ¬ from three to six even per rates have quoted on governments Commercial paper active demand apparently supply the feeling In mercantile circles being that even easier rates probably be obtained shortly At the moment city name3 taken at 55J per cent and named western paper C per cent Bradstreets Tne lon Wortn Mnsket- a3U1TEEI6163per B OOTTONSeeK- OOFFKK 2Io fair 17Ko prlmo lfljoj choice LOKo faacy njic La Guyra ISJfo Java 20- ooldn E o2XoFotBerry21 fo- OltBHSE Tho bettsr graoos and Ohio factory ICallKc full cream twins 15c- t ABBAGS Northern per crate U 5- COANNEBGOODS Price per cozen ¬ standard II 75 paaches standard 2- Iks 30 3 B2 50 seconds 2 Bf l 75 3 fis 52 strawberries 2 a 175 J135greengages S raspberries2 lb 1 G3 pats i 1031 50 tomatoes standard i as II seconds 2 As 5 S Bs 1 4- Ufecn corn 1 1091 oysters full weight 2 ttsl 75B190 It wtU2- i s I ealmoa 1 SU 1032 M sardines Jfs 6 75 per 100 imported 112 50815 00 Imported a J1S Kzit condensed milk SS 25- nrtY GOODS Price list of fall and wlntor 1 S7Trlnts Albion silver grays 5io Albion sil- lds Allens ranoy 5 > ic pinks 5Vc Allens staples bKc Amcsbnry fancy iia American fancy 6Kc American Indigo 7c novelties 6c Berwick 3o Charter Oak AHa Raraipo SVc Merrimack- shirtings 5c Merrimack fancy 5Kc BJchmond pink 5lc Simpson mourning 6c Simpson sliver gray 6e Simpson fancy 6c Steele river f c Slater solid 5 > ic Vlndsornoveltles 6c Brown Cottons AtlanticL L 4 45K5Ho Adriatic 446KcArgylo 44 Belfast K 44 SVc Black Orow 44 6> Boot 0445X eec OOO6X0 Derby fine brown 6c Exposition A 6 ic Exposition B 5Vc family cotton 6Vc Glcndale 6Xo Granlte- vlUe E E6Ko Marshall A 4c Chapman PioneerXX2Vc Foxhall A A A6Xc- Sc Cordis A O E 14c Yeoman 7Kc Blverdalc- 12Kc Farmers Pride 12Kc Premium Fancy 15c Queen City Fancy IOVc Falls A A 13Kc Bleached Cottons Best Out 60 6Kc Black Kock 7Jic 5Xc Mills 7Sc Davol X 8Kc Dycrvlllo A 73 c- Kllcston Wa Forest Mills 7c Fruit of the Loom 8Xs of the Spindle 7Kc Gilt Edge 60 Glad Tidings 7o Great Falls 60 John Haacocx 7Kc Longnam Cambric 8- 0LUyoftheValloysc Lonsdale 8Kc Ko Plus Ultra Cambric 6> Snow White JKc Cotton Warrior 7Kc Oaro- Una 7Kc Georgia 7o Otto way 6Kc Klvor- sldo 7Kc Texas 7c onthern Stripes Hamilton luo Extra Stout iOoKocklilver SKc Amoskeag 10cTJncas- vllle 7Kc Eagle 6x0 Denims Haymaker So Uncasvllle lie Ev- erett ¬ HXc HXc Grcorbrlar lOXo- Tickings Amoskeag A C a 140 Arasapha Ginghams Amoskeag Staples 7Xo Bates Staples 7Xc Caledonia Staples 7Xc Grey lock Novelties lOcJf Warrick Dress Stylos- SKc Dress Styles 7Xc Styles 7Kc Advance Styles Wo- Cnsntllry DresB Styles 9o Falls Dress Styles Stfc Warsaw Dress styles 7KoWhltes- Fano77Xc Pcrlan 7Xc Colored cambrics Garner rouea oxcS ¬ Sons 6X Bossmore flat 6cBroadway 5c Jeans Dakota 16c Berkley ISc Beaver Valley 22Xc 7c Queen City 26XcAlliance 34 > ic Hope S3c Foxcraft25c Laurel Glen 27Xc Texas Chief 15 Superior doeskin60c Oland 27XLeamington 20o- Bepcllants Forbes 42XcBedford too Or- lando G5a Boblnson bine brown and wine C5o Waldo black 43c Waldo gold 48c A n land blue Kc Puritan gold 17Xc Hlbo aia black 45o Hlbernla gold 47Xc Dress goods Amerlcan4Xe22fo imp ed- 18aG5c Ea G 25c p cr doz n FRUITS AND VKOKTABLEB LomoDS 33 per boi bbl4 C0e5CO green bul 00 do 12 CO poUto s- nothem 51 2Spsrbu onions 2Xc per pojndP- BOV13ION3 Wo qu te on tne Dasu ot car lots FleU Hackerel 10ft kits No IJ1 30 No 2- n 15 half bbls No 1 3 SO No 2 7 SO coo 6X0- Spiced pickled herrings per bucket CO Holland herrings Kegs Jl soal id Dried herrings Per box 40c Bologna sausage 7Xc Meat nami 12 o sugarcured- oroakfast bacon 12 > o clear bacon Bifcj short dear dry salt sc Tierce S c 50 a cans 8Xc 20ft cant 8Xc 10 cans 9o 6ft cans Kc S ft csbi- 3Xc New hominy and grid Per bbl U 50 Oatmeal new Per htlfbbi 100 lbs 4 00- Oracked wheat Per tteo Crackers A soda 50XXXsoda 5Ke cretra- 8X0 ginger 8c lemon creams a- Sunarles Starch 4o full boies- 10Xc halves quarters stick candy loa lie fancy lOSiec rope sisal X inch basis HXc do cotton X and 516 inch lexo do cottonX lncb17c herring imported Jl per raisins California LL new crop 2 60 do Califolnla loose muscatels 2 cider crab apple 40e Missouri 50c vin- egar ¬ 15225c lye J Jugs glazed 10cper gal crocks glazed 10c per gal Urge Lima beans 4Xc grapes 16Xc per aJ- TLODB patents 32 SO par loo lbs hall pstoats 2 75 third sradeS2 40 Buckwheat floor 16 en cases 5 40 Z2 33 S3 50 FUEL McAllister coal car load on iraaa at yard 6 00 delivered 16 50 McAllister coal 5 to tons at yard 6 16 McAllts- tor coal 2 to S tons at yard 6 75 delivered 1715 McAllister coal 1 ton at yard 6 75 deliv- ered ¬ 57 McAllister coal ii ton at yard f c delivered 4 McAllister coal Af ton at yarc- SI 75 J219 McAllister coal less it j n- if ton 100 at yard 45o Pennsylvania hard coal D tons at yard 512 53 delivered J13 00 Pennsylvania hard coal 1 ton at yam 312 5C delivered as CO Pennsylvania hard coal X- on delivered 6 75 blacksmith coal 1 ton at yard COdellvorod512 60 1 ton 11 03 > f ton 5 75 i ton English crate coal per ton at yard 60 delivered J 0u per K at yard 125 delivered 4 75 per ton at 2 25 delivered 2 50 Cord vrooa 1 W cord wood H card delivered 52 25 stove wocd 1 cord deUered5 oatovowood i csrd delivered 2 75- GBA1N AND JTESD3TDFT6 be low are oa grain from store In carload lots com and cats arc so per bnihellovrez tbaa quoted Wheat S5t Corn In ear 60c bulk ahelloiS 60a sick shellad esa Oats Balk 42Xo Bran Sue hundred Barley E0a por bushel Eve 90a per bushel Hay ixosa local 03CB Jchnion grass 3 50 beit prairie hay 8 6JI per ton baled alfalfa retail 14o per special price wholesale 12c Alfalfa 12o per pound Johnson grass JX75S2 25 per 23a bushel > dried pesehee6c j indigo 75a per a bluing > H br < bbls 2Sc do 25 cases J 10 bnllJant 2 i cases J2 10 ao 121 cases S 93 baking pow- ders ¬ balk lies la cans 2 60 macaroni small box ESs vermicelli email box in balk per gallon So In bulk per gallon 125 Allied pickles porK bblSi Co Sugar Fine powdorod bbls SVci do half bbls So cat loaf bblssa halt bbls 9c standard granulated bbls EVc Lonlslana granulated bbls S > ic standard A7Ko choice 7Ko y c CKe do fancy 6V8 7e- Elce Prime 6Jfc cholse Gic- nOESi3 AND MULiS ln or trait loid lots Mexican maros 12K to lZi hands high unbrokan SIS OCeiS CO per head Moslem maros 1SX to It cnbrckoa US 22 CO per head JJoncon mares 14 to IB bands hh ooe 5 00 per nczc lex IS to high nnbrorsn 10 00- S3 CO per head marcs 1 to is hind high unbrokenK0 C340 Xi her bettl Tens mares 15 to IS hands high unbroken 10 ecu 0 CO per head Texas horses IS to hanii high unbroken tf 0CS30 CO per reifi Texas horses 11 to 15 hands hlgu cabrosos ISO oca- CO 00 per head llcilcan horses II to 11 hantls nigh nnorokec Ji3 C0S25 00 scr herd lies receipts to 15 bands nigh few is and mer brought pur- chasers 4f fhe York s iat present entirely plethora the loaning are half continues weakness very the London character affect stock ¬ decreased an have 2i tho slightly also 44 col- lateral at months and 34 cent been 13- in and decreased will best and bills receivable are Eingle and Ei 51 20 blackberries green 10 50 07221 03 5Xo Allens Eddystone 6Xo fo Clifton A- 3c Berkshire Cumberland Cedar Gem fc ChecksBlack 7Xe- IBckorv warren Champion illsido- Drets Dross Glenn Sla- ter Kentucky Kluyver applesper tornt por ripe fish Jl augaronraa short Lard snaps candles 25 keg 25 concentrated 758400 California Best cases 10 25 delivered 75 60 n CO delivered per 12 Cannelcoal 10 S3 ton X yard coradeltvercd Quotations per 17 00 ooes teed hantahlgh cos marcs Tcias endorsed Pine- apples BIO CO per head Moxlcan mules 12X to 1 < hands highunbroken25 00S50 CO per head Texas mules 13 to 1S haids high broke 50 C- Oe50 00 American draft torec 13to 15X sands high broke SlCOaKS t > From S3 W 5 i- dltlonal tor thoroughly broke stocr- HIDEb AND SKINS Nc 1 baavv D F hificz- 12o per a No2heavy 9c No 1 light Sc- No 2 light 7C Dry salted 7eSo ball aides 8a flu tz green salted to butchers green 304 < c shait lings 23c pelts < CQ7c- MOLASSKS New Louisiana syrup 43c new choice Louisiana molasses O K 55c new prime do 52c new fair do 4Jc cholos cantrlfu- gals43c prime doioc prime rabollas J5a fair doJIc NUTS Peanuts 6XC7Xc pjesnt 6- calmonds20cBrazil nuts 15o per a Olbarts- 15c per a English walnuts 383 per a NAILS 53 25 per tea basis 104 burden horstshoa per kog 5 Perkins same 5 93t Walker same 5 50 burden mulo 6 north wostern horseshoe nails No 45Cc No 5 26c- No 623o No 721o No 8 20o Lakes No 4- 45e No 626c No C 22c No 720c No 8193- Auesble eamo No 445c No E 21cNo 621c- No 7 18o No S lEc- POtlLTltY 7oquoto Young fryligchiclQa- 2C0e2 25per doz eld bons 2 25 per dor turkeys 75cel 00 oacii WHISKY Ucctlfied 11 DJ515C as por proof sourmash two years old 16O > 170 thres years old 19022 20 fancy extra old whisky 1 03S5 00 fflrlAMCIAJL- ESQLISn COMSOL- SLoudon Feb 8 Consols dosed at 112 5lCd for money Silver 44 id MONET new Yohk Feb 8 Money on call easy at- 2aJ per cent last loan at 2X per cent closed offered at 2 percent Prime mercantile pa- per ¬ SQ7 per cent STOOKS AND BONDS new Yokk Feb 8 Stocks and bosds closed at tho following prices bid United States Ss- UnltedStatos 4Xs 107 New 4 12- 5PacCc6s 12u Central Pacific ls extnt 113 Texas and Pacific land grants 41- Toxas and Paclilc Bio Grande div C7 Union Pacific ls IU Union Pacific sinking fund Central Paclflo CO Chicago and Alton Us Chicago and Alton preferred Burlington and Qulncy 1271 Delaware and Hudson ivdu Lackawanna 130 Denver and Iio Grando Erie Erie preferred Harlem Houston and Tezai Centra- Illnols Contral Kansas and Texas Lake fahora- Lonlsvlllo and NashviLo Michigan Central Missouri Pacific Now Jorsev Contral Northern Pacific Northern Paclflo preferred Northwestern Northwestern preferred New York Central Oregon TransconttnanUl- PacifioMall Beading Bock island St Paul St Paul proforred- St Paul and Oxaaa- St Paul and Omaha preferred Texas and lcino Union Ppsiflo Wabash Wabash preferred Wells Fargo Western Union Vort Worth and Denver American Cotton Oil COXTOK MABKBTS- liicolpts nt All United States Ports Gaivbsxon Tex Feb 8 Cotton racelpu- at Unltod States ports Thlsdtj 16783 This day last week igsu This day last year 7745 Total receipts thus far this season 4654145 Total reoalptsthls date last season 4544314 Difference Increase 109 S3 Exports thus far week 63491 Stock United States ports this day a331Drf- Slock day last year 897732 CALVB8TOK TEX Feb SOotto closed firm and unchanged Gross receipts 574 sales 9C- SExports Shipments coastwise Ball shipments Stock 3175S bales Low ordinary 7 13 lbs ordinary 8 516o good ordinary 9j low middling 9 > ic mtl- dllng 9Jc good middlinglOXo middling fair lOJic Kew ouonni New 03LBns la Feb 8 Cotton Spot cosed steady and unchanged Sales 4C0n bales Stock 3b8106 Low ordinary 7 IS ISc ordinary S 7 16o sood- orillnary91 16o low middling 9Xo irlcdling 9 13 16c good middling 10 3 16c middling fair 10 9 16jfalr 115 10s Futures opened quiet ana closed steady 10 to 11 points higher Months ebrnary March April May Jane July August September October November December January Galveston 1st can 9 7SS 9 SO 9 82a 9 83 9 MB 9 92 10 02310 03 10 13310 1 10 28813 25 10 1710 19 9 763 9 78- b 40a 9 48 sales 43600 baits 9 83 9 ft 9 93310 fj < 9 10 C9810 lOj pi 20010 21 10 3G310 3110 10 2110 25 9 SI 98 9 510 S 53 oa Hew ttstr Yobk Feb S Cotton doseo firm unchanged Sales lh4 bales Stock 266333 bales Ordinary 11 I62 good 9Vc Ion IOM63 middling 109lfi good middling 101316o middling fair 11 7lCc- Fntnres closed steady 9 to 10 points higher Sales 146100 February 10 52310 53 March 10 59310 co April 10 65810 66 May 10 71B10 72 Jane July 10 803iu Angnst 8431U 85 September October Liverpool LrvsitroOL Feb 8 floiton Spot elos dull ln buyers favor 1 16d Jower- Ordloiry fil16d good ordinary 5 316d middling 5 d middling uplands Xdj dllng Orleans 6 916d A ft V Total sales 8030 American 10X Imports 19000 American 189C0 Fatates closed steady yesterdayjs pileess sated r r 2 February y > 31 aeke- FebruaryMarch rf3 atke- MarchApril tj jVt33aBke AprilMay vjr asked MayJuno b 3wftxi Jane 5 39asked- JalyAngust WJbld AugastSeptember 41 aeked September 4tbld OEXKK1L 9TABirBTs Ulosv 9 9 91 9ieil0Si Xorx Spot 7 ordinary middling July 5 5 9 a i g 9 7 Prodnoe Provl St LooiS Mo 8 Flour Dull unchanged Wheat opened lliman4 < lvarced early later declined cloeccVTXa below estcrday 2 red cash Tajfi SOKo March 80 > a80Vc dosing at ECKejMay 81 > c oo at 8IK0 Jane 2Kc Closing at Ju y 73X03Xc closIngK ii J<c August 79Jfi closing at 79o bid DeteujJfcrjil- Xattc closing at 844 c Corn advancd j cclily closed Xc 1 wer thaj yesterdwjioeeb 45S45 o March 45 c May 46 > a4 t at 46Xc Oata lower caih 2 p io y 29Xc Cornmeal steady at 05W9Usky auKx atlC5 Provisions Ann PorV w15T Lard 7 f0 Dry meats bMu shoi ne 5 75B6 tO long cleaijf dear ribs 7 6037 62H shojSclea J7nIch is said V 5J00 Baconboxedshqald fc1iI0lon atjon jjjjj a 25830 clear 3 37Ki SopBa fioper ozeaOoieniaBjntnatarda sea hja sos862Kc Haiayerinventea 150 dozen 3n e roal Iraported 150per aA f lAmerlcan 7a per tar hn kBt tw r 87 10 10 79 10 2b 115- lb 90 > 59 2 S3- 7SA 20- it1 107 110- 1KU 21C5X 12 75 IMS- nK 10 < 25 I Wi 14 25 12 45 31 at BpsJ 99 JUT GO J10 21 3V 10 9 828 523 453 and 81 31 nim lon Feb and but and No QS2 lng f 62o bat Ing 2 salt ribs 21U C- Olb this this 44J c March 45 Jtay 46 May9Xcbd t imcAoo Ili Feb STbera waw of nnvonsness In the golnmarkets- proIslons acted largely ln symp grain la wueat there was a sort r I- np In ths market to day specalat logs were large at times consdcr wheat coralnc on tho market and V V- aso eomo soiling from otno eourcf same time there was a dem covetlog rather freely so that in 3 pretty fair business wa transaction 5 however wis principally on bthslf > Sit- aolargeroom tradersMay cpeneatc- llned > to gJc reacted and Armed np T- ble en covering by srorts antvv- Urone to and closed at SOxc dcclint caused by heavy scl lag on account 0 operator Corn was more actlvo to y XT for eome time pa tsnd tracing Vi 7p the heavy during greater pirt nt tLelf > t v Thecencral feel az was weaker lb 1 tome tlmo after the opening the i a quite firm iwlDg to icllos of UrTiA- opara cr and a firmer tone f wbj J A opened at 51 nold down to 51 31 fV In ihe opening flurry advancd t 5 1 V- ih n It ruled weaker Considerable ci vVs laKontoemsr ct aronnl 5 c reactu > r siAitt on covering by 3hort asaln became n ard flnslly closed at 50Jc Trailugl ta opiio swas lmctivc bu InMavtterj DOSiaE big trade Miy oats peno at 3 sc to 32rX and flnsuy cloeed at jpftn iT feature uf the trade provision was an In ing business ln short ribs one house soo Untir S Cui00 ponnda and another bjugct an tt Ul I quantity Pork and lard n ero du 1 ard w- lleaturcsof Iniercst eralpers dolrgthsp Dal trading pilca ralllea tlighlly at thi < ing but later declined ln sjnp tay with 1 May pork opened at 14 50 so d to H clOe1atll 2 May lard opened at- to 7 92 S 2 7 95 and closed at May short ribs opened at cold to 7 75 and closed at 7 Leading faiurcs closed aa follows Wh- No 2 February 74 c Match 74 c May SC JuncSlc Com No 2F uruaiy 45 o M- 4bc May 50e June I0Xc Mess porkl- bsrrel Mav 14 25 Lard per ICO pon 1ibruary 7 65 March 7 70 Mav 7 j 9 Short ilbaFebruary 7 45 VM 7 47l Mny 7 C2X Cash quotaticns w FlonrQnpt Wheat No 2 red 774C M con 4ti jC ilcss Pirk p r barrel 11 14 20 LarJ per 100 ponndn 7 6737- hortilb sides loosc 2 50 Dry s < lte i tli J ders tmxod > C03G 50 short clear si xed 7 W38 CO Nfw York Itb bCoffee Suot fair steady at 16c option unsettled cctlng he and lower sales S230O tbags February 13 U 10 Jlawh 12 73313 00 April 812 55312 May 12 40312 70 Juno 12 33312 60 July U 12 20 August 11 s 0311 S5 ScDtember 11 11 u5 October 112031150 November H2l 11 Jo December 11 2C11 43 January U 5Dgar Dull and nominal fair reilnlng nno- at 4riC refined unll off A U o mould A 7c loaf ann crushed 7 powderoi 7 073 1 grarulated b c cut 737 3 16c Mola j nominal 50 test 22c Cottonseed 30X232C for crude and 41c for refined Llvo Stock Market ClTTMO Feb SCattlefe CC0 shipments noco market steet cholcn mutons at 4 0034 CO C dlnm 0032 30 New Yokk Feb 8 Beeves Eecel W ca loads for m Nt and 12 carloads for tatlon slivc Trm market was dull fro start and flnallv closed weak common t steers sold at i 0035 25 per 1C0 pounds to good tcers at 5 3035 40 exira good at 5 5035 60 fancy steers at 5 75 5 D0 and dry cows at 2 i033 ro exports CO i and t20qiarter of bscf Sheep BccelpE AWVKI head dull with llmitfd tradaat about f figures sheep sold at ft 1036 03 per ICO p lambs at 3 5J3C s7J cnicvGO 111 Feb s Cattle Itccel0- CO shipments 2fCU marktt weaker cxl 5 355 63 etpers3 0 35 00 stockers and fee er82153 to rows bulls and mixed 1 7 3 25 gras Texas cavle 2 3534 CO Hoes It ceipts 1UC0 shipments 000 rarLct steai closing wcas rtrglng from 3 50 to 3 tjB heep Receipts 4000 shipments i09l murktj Arm nitlves 3 0035 25 western 4 5351JSSS Texans 10334 CO lambs 5 01Q6 15 r <Cr p St Ixiuis Mo Feb 8 Cattle Pccclpta IK V7 hUimems nons rrarktt steady Chci heavy native steers i 40S5 33 fair to g = i native Htecrs 3 9J34 50 burners steers 10WFlt dlnm 10 cio ce 3 031 25 stockers and fc er fair to giod 0033 30 rangers ordlnary UCB a ood 22 i34 20 HogsKecclpts 3K0 ments too market activo and a shade blgr ci ranging trom 1 9335 55 Sheep Recell 917Jx- 9C0 shipment none marktt nrm fair1 fancy 3 s0B5 50 good sheep ° scarce Ale full part Tha Coffee Har fni o 1 O Galvhciov Tex Feb changed Wholesale groc ordinary 19e fair 19Xc 26XC tfKc The Wool Maiket St Lonis Mo Feb 8 Wool Tho market continues active and steady unwashed bright medluja 16324s coarse biald ll 21c low sandy 10318c fine light 13319c lino heavy K017C Tubwashed Choice 34c lnforlor 30 33ic sacked 1015e SANBORN WAFpNER Manufacture the oil ot Impression Gltddcn Regular arb attaches apart J i il preesl ii reprlentlrg Oval Single Strand >olnt Garbs 5 inches apart 3ALVA3ED OR PAIHTE Faousnd FignrcsGlidden Wiio Not Only tho- r5JfaiBest bnt ihe Cheapest HreqnlTCaoniy 360 ponnds regular Glidden Barb Wlrtt or cne wire one mile atsay5X i ftocts ner pcjind would cost 19 so Other styles i wwighlng per mtleat 25 cents per 100 JgonaOfetieflS would cost the same nd 9- 0oundzr 0 cents less would also st he svne All other styles of wires will weigh from 2Suto 50 ponnds more per mile than the Glidden- wfifa same size main wires and number o barbs eii jfkiyed Therefore it is cot always tnj cheapest wire per pound that makes ths est or the best fence ol I lniment mote goDic < o I 4 s Agents J f 08 TEXAS KtJfcg > S33END FOR SAMPLE LOT our new Oval SlnzleStrand2 pointed barb firmly atttched unlformlv 3 Inches 25 cents per 100 pounds less than Gliddendoubled and twisted making a light effective stiongl irb wire at a low Welzht only mile strength 11S0 pounds WARNEf i ouston jQ2 > u > sac j seeo BeaS s sddfndvlayesbjjrlces F PATTERSON Fort Worth 7V cfl i 20X21cpeaberry2c representing 37Ttpounds MBQRN iladteyllab athonaxlth p atialuu ui ti2 H9NDERCONS Tho oaly rare Core foRCprns stops all poll Ensures comfort thefett JCcatras30la 1UscoXiSOxS lure Toa Coosrh laraluUator ail tSm tnffOrfmns Colds Exh otU Stomvh and 1 ofree old i > ch itt for THE reprcs Gfldden Thick set a- Of apart good prlie Tensile Tex Brond- is BookofBlr r n 1 ofijtirtSi uiMlrauS t- V f to u AstntCAalnUifirpsuoa lw U ft ay Joiui o tbe Tturoat find Ljtatli- jtton and all puSnsand dldortiew la Wc and dS aC Dmssl6ta ol a baUoon PTrM Sraacls tatr ntlonpazetto STATEtF 3BTC Impresilonv 34- 0vonnqaijer ivvswiivTWty mwmmmm TOHlOtWiHioutd JnventecUgekJ a 2n 1 v t 1 vi i j KVSS13 > V 3J03 thlpment 1400 market slaw y lr VS 10s lower for good ot all classes and 10ei S tpr A lower for common good to cholap L Jl fed 4 25e4 75 common to = i 4 23 stockers 1 SC32 50 feeding gteCP 1 33 25 cows 1 303 00 HogsKccclpts shipments 0 markctweakand5cto lOi ranging from 1 CO ta 5 50 Sheep T S r> T Ml H ci

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Post on 29-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Fort Worth weekly gazette (Fort Worth, Tex. : 1882). (Fort ... · I MJI f Have You a Humor of Skin or Blood T SO THE CUTfCUPA REMEDIES WILL CURE YOU lw B Induced alter all other remedies




Have You a Humor of Skinor Blood


lw B Induced alter all other remedies badtailed to use tho CirrKuniliKMfcDiLScnmyboy lour years of ago who had tunning tores-trom h 8 thighs to the end ot bljtos Thenails tell off His arms and face were alco cov-ercd and he was horrible elzht The Cunv-liiiAVoodCi TuuBiSOAi were all that I usedTwpdayisifter ihel u e wc con d soo a changefor u belt ind In six weeks tho child watperfectly vt cfi-


wi hen IiRcced to try item further as-my vrife fcid wait we termed dry taflp tetter-or i83rlasH for fifteen years ojwfXtrfcd eyerything iliat Efefayd git holcuaUEend iskcav theHdkeor ttio < tftpjnesfbt tho profcsrtpnbat all In TilnWffS4 11 over her body 2>nall over herJ imLnf co She used bojpcne-

OiiuTtia and two casterW >< iMccwvSouand la uuo week from ilT liae the began tnelr-usi 1 conld se change for tho better It Isnow nearly one year sti cetsno stopped usingthu utk t iu iiiki r >hd there Is ro re-

turn I prunou c In r entirely cured No oneonly thoso who hate tae drje6seand those whoar Lontantt bin olscjSed patients can

Jn WUCa0Cy are placedded theEGlTicCBAllhMi

sjihavemttibat wcro tnanywpt in fefltd i f a tljgjcnrcJtjae man to whom Irexjpramdaded ihcmlutasiBfGercd lor over tweKevest ai3j In thut tlBtft had epnt nearly liveliuMhedJlDllarB to v° cdreo bat nothingheip i an4j ow ifter flie useof live bott e ot

vroallio tbtUflttneLl nav fM rarii

t torali

csuat oncss eiati

vVnally j-




A nclf> i

l ro6 8elJsJn no eac to my knowledge havelhcCtiruttmMMi oiks failed

I tare pleanstejiii sending hljto yon trust-ing


ihat it may Hfvvo a blessing t > yon and tothe eutkrlng DILL ailLLlBON

C iftmball i ule Co DakotaTGRJ the riaat skin Cure and Cctiit>AlT43 cxiMslte Skin Beauilfier eter-aaufttmciAti 11isolmnt the new

liloodjarlfler iniejiislly mo a positive curefor every form of fln and Blood Disease from

everywhere lrlcc Cdticlka 50c>woir 2CcIWSolvint 1 Prepared by the

rwptjyjrpatJG ask Culmical Oo Boston2i ass

j sr Send for How to uro Skin Diseases61 psge 50 illustrations and 100 tcstlmon aia

wlih ihs loveliest delicacy Is the skinMILD with Cbiicliia Mxmcxihu-feou

I CANT BREATHELhestlalcs Soren ss Weakness

Hiding tough Asthma Pleurisyind lndammatlun relieved in onemmnir bythQ Untionrn ntl PainNothing like it for Weak Lunge

Scad fcr book To Hranti mailed freeBiur ns D Rxouxatob Co Atlanta Ga

ffenifttoffitiiMjrertootiOTfulcfwrs earlydWay ttac nesslcnanhooiEetc lwill >

a tfaUevcatiso fulfsjnd s pd containingpMUcuiflH foriftrne curoF33E f of gjirge iC-id> dkraUctffcork shoAia5lflfta rjf eTert-mX ftihS tsrjanrvaji uiadebiflfwd Ailare-sVrot V C FOW iUX


s vnoney stwe <L

for gowx vs

vsiTcorJTAmsHoOP-lUM E 50 SJ99a i AU DRUGGEU IT

WEAICUNBE3 LiPED PARTWf tUeJHrdr ntotd nXritetortlicnciL rullpartlctH

atto 5Sj> CO IScrrAio N Y

SWfEBERSnoBEEfeo HESSiSS lrM ESrmnXt ot ovcr W 7k tarflyfeuon ettu eAirxs above

ii r ir-W


ThoSriionof a LonlavUle Ghnrch Tarnsth Tower Into a oker Boom

Lodisvillb Kr Feb 6 It has beenfound necessary to discharge Joe the col-


sexton of the Walnut street Presby-terian

¬church In this city on the ground

that he had fitted up the church tower as-a poker room and even so far forgot hlmself as to indulge With his friends In theenticing catno while the congregation Jiwere at worship In the church below

EntarprUeand Unity J2STexirkana News

Fort Worth has achieved her greaSfceja-in the last six year and in a fgresencc-of a powerful end wealthy rivai withgreater natural and acquired advantagesSimilar enterprise unity of spirit andpurpose combined effort to AccarrJpHshcommon designs the abschce of rivalsand present possession of vast advantagesand Indocemeats would double qur popnhtion and wealth in bix years

Vavori Fort WorthKaxahachle Enterprise

The Enterprise Javors Fort Worth asthe pisce for the next Democratic stateconvention

4 A

EIPeeixkCE OP A LAp ISSIOHABTMl s Eailae 0 Ilanna mli-

slomry foMtttBaptlst churchTroy if y eajsI am only totriad to adff ray testimony to-

lhegrtat lylop of Dr DavidKennedys Farcrlte remedy It

nently fiured tne of-

bsiheJiliUdT andKIt S5 iponBLE

I rfAlso ol CVojtflfe ou l wonldLbkV o hat VviM ittt xayorlteFlS emedy wl iho fnlltootttent

jfmyphyMdtin v4ASOVEfSlGlfOUBE

Dr Daviji nneaja jsayorfe Bemedj BondcntK

EnlSmedy foVnervtWiness llpeaiyana w complShj anaaltc >vrrtr w vfomea It drlvcA4a pols> SUneHoo lntlx it the patient toJt the W oaofhsslth


i Ageott


The Skeleton ol a Monster Animal of-

a Species Long Extinct FoundIn Eastland County

Jawbone Three Feet tone Hend FiveFeet Long Three Feet Between the

Kjes Boras Six Feet Long

Special to the GazetteCisco Tkx Feb 8 la thin county

about twenty miles southeast of Cisconear Jewett a small village is a problemfor the scientists to solve Mr A O-

McCtftin a gentleman well known inCisco came Into town this afternoon andbrought two teeth and othsr parts ol thehead of a large skeleton that has beendiscovered iu this neighborhood Oneof the teeth welgh3 eight poundsand lac other sixteen pounds Sincethe middle of the atternoon and until alate hour tonight great crowds havebeen passing Into the store where theyan on exhibition to view the teeth ol theareatmonsters Mr McCraln said Afew days ago Archie Brown one of myneighbors was hunting In the woods fortimber to make an ox bow and whilewalking up a creek noticed a long hornsticking out of the bank ot the creekand tried to pull it out but could not Hethen undertook to dig it out and af erdigging six feet he came to the head Hethen sought aid from his neighbor andthey after digging seven feet throughhard clay unearthed the head two hornsthe left foreleg and one of the ribs of tnemonster The lower jawbone measuredtwo and a half feet across the widest psrtand three feet long Its head measuredflvo feet long and three feet betweenthe eyes The horns are sixfeet long and twelve inches indiameter two feet from tho head Theleft foreleg bone from the knee joint <othe shoulder is five feet long and eightinches in diameter ust above tee kneeThe rib examined is six feet long andtwelve Inches wide

Mr McCraln says great crowds of peo-ple


go to examine the skeleton


TThnt Obaanoey SI Df pew says About theItepnbllcan Nomination

New York Feb fi Yesterda7 a dis-


from Chicago intimated that therewad doubt that Mr James G Blainewould be a candidate of tho republicanparty for President I dont believesaid Caauncey Depew that Mr BlaineTrill not be the next candidate of the Hepublican party for President In fact Ifeel pretty certain that he will be thecandidate and 1 fetl pretty certain toothat he will get the nomination by accla-mation


Tnere will be no balloting atall None will be necessary for MrBlaine will upset everything before himhr do I believe that Mr Blaine has wiit

n a letter to Congressman WillUm Walter Phelpa instructingailm to withdraw his name

3 a candidate whenever he thinksDtudcnt to do so Ol course I have nopositive information on that point outtny inner consciousness tells mc MrBlaine has not written any snch lettertjjT however Mr Depew stronglyemphasiaicl the if if Mr Balce haswmterrVncrrJa letter and hs determinednot lsS gc ndIdate then General SSerl-darfrf lrFBt the nomination and electionGeneral Sheridan would mike a grandijhvass His determination wonld meanhls election bnt I still maintain my be ¬

lief that Mr Blaine will be the nextnominee of the Republican party and alsothe next President of the United States

5iofi which he iirsnd frectohisfellow-clferem Addre aBoi31 York



How an KdrIIiIi Millionaire will Spend6000000 In Mnlco

Special to the GazetteSax Antonio Tex Feb Mr

George Fay of Guansjata Mexico passedthrough the city yesterday en route forthe City of Mexico from which capital hereturns to his home Mr Fay is an Eng-lish millionaire and has been on north-ern and European trip where his missionhas been one of remarkable characterHe has lived for some years in the city cf-

Gnanajata and owns considerable propert in that viclni y He Is cnltured gen-tleman of Immense wealth and eccentrictastes which lead him to indnlge infantastic luxuries as rare asthey ard phenomenal He-

is now engeged in buildingin suburb of Guansjata misnifl ent

that will not be less than 100 feetnigh and surrounded by immense gardenswhich will recall the legendary hanginggardans of Babylon to which access willno eifhed by a gigantic elevator Mr-FwpWieves that It is necessary for him

3i t5lls altitude in order to be freer w1 ffiS p m the noxious effects of the microbeswrT 3i hl fd ov daSSpli phich infest the a mosphere uf large

m lf iir J MAbONI o



a ¬


a ¬

a aprince

ciliee Tcls aerial palace w ill have ele-

phoulc communicitlon with the city ot-

Gaancjata and will be supplied with wa-


by means cf huge tanks with hydrau-lic


power The most curious feature ofjthls Babylonian palace will Oe that it

iikrijib < eupported by enormouscolnmus of brick composed of asbestosand piper iHr Fay has recently been toFrance to see in course ot constructiontne mammoth tower of the Paris Exposi-tion

¬of 1669 for the purpose of gaining

some ideas thajt will assist him inbuilding of his palace It is aidthaMrFay has drawn all his plans andestates to spend SCCC Spo In thisjxeikdcl fancy

tMz seem hardly Mrthfthe fingdiicouri

weaieTAsex Is ltablq-r Pi Favorite Pro

Xiplf HharfHuesiijit which thousands woWPH c n testifjU atonicandnervilt is uasnrpassecfw AH djog-gists S


and IntfresttnE Itema Fnt In a-

Foot Unci-An English invention relates to se-

qnares fcr draughtsmen having one otthe edges beveled at various angles

According to the California Architectplank from redwood trees are sawed inthat state from ten to eleven feet in

A paste of chloride ot lime and waterwell rubbed in will tako ink stains fromsilver plated ware Wash andas

The drltt of popular opinion is that thecoming railroad passenger train will beheated by the locomotiveeither live or exhaust steam

One of the uses to whichhas been put is the building ot chimneysIt is in the form of blocks whichare joined with silicions cement

Tho nse of steel castings is becomingso extended in Ens land as to theIron founders who see their prospectsfor lipping away them

A physician ilecturing physicalexercise declared that if twentyminutes a day should be spent In physicalexercise ae on adjunct mentaltion we might lire tp be seventy wljjont a


days illness and perhaps prolong ourlives to 200

Chemists have just determined by carefnl experiment that a man barely taste31000ths of a grm of sugar l1000th cf-a grm of salt and 510000 of a grm ofstrychnine

Mildew may be removed from linen byrubbing upon the damaged spot commonyellow soap and sitting upon it somestarch Rub in well and expose to thebright sunshine

MPaul LeroyBeaulieu gives figuresj showing the quantity ot tobacco consumed in the different countries of Enrope The rate per 100 inhabitants isaccording to him as follows Spain110 pounds 128 ponnds Great

In the phonograph of Mr R ISthe aid of electricity is secured JKHunter a traco on a sheet of specifally prepared carbon and the in-

strument repeats the words through atelephone receiver by means willreadily suggest themselves to the elec-t ician It is thus inferior to tne Edisonapparatus in the loudness with which thetoaes are reproduced

Sickness insurance is meeting withsome in Leipslc and ot er German

The law authorizing tho opera-tion of such companies permits the in-

surance to ell classes ot bandworkersexcept andsal smenbnt these may-be included by local authority Tneot this law is very noticeable in thefdr maintaining the sick poor it havingdecreased marks in Hamburg inone year The total number insured

the law is 22041 3 or 91 7 perthe populationTobacco blindness it is said is becom-

ing a common tflllctlon At present thereare several persons under treatment forit At one London hospital It first takesthe form of color blindness the suffererswho have smoked themselves into thiscondition being quite unable to distin-guish the color of a piece of red clothheld up before them Sometimes thevictim loses his eyesight altogetherTobacco being a narcotic naturally be-

numbs the nerves the nerves arethus bennmbed people do not see as dis-tinctly and this defectiveness oftends to increase and become permanent

The interesting fact has beenthat so indestructible by wear or decayis tne African teakwood that vessels builtof it have lasted 100 to be thenonly broken up on account ot their poorsailing qualities from faulty models The

in fact is one ot the most remark-able known on account of lis greatwelcht hardness and durability itsweight varying from fortytwo to fitty-twe pounds per foot It workseasily but on account ot the large quan-tity of silex contained in is the toolsemployed are quickly worn Italso contains an oil which prevents spikesand other Ironwork with it maycome in contact from rusting

The Industrial World thus describes amethod of making rowboats for use onthe ice A frame mounted on a pairof fixed s aterunners with a runnerhung rudder fishlon a suat rowlocks andoaro spikes in outer ends of oars toscratch hard on the ice at each pull orbetter a sort of smalldrcular haw pnnedfiat on tho oar for the blade this can rollon the Ice inward and outward with the

of the oar the teeth stillhold to the ice and scratch sidewise or-

flatwise as an oar moves backwardthrough the in rowing by a-

foot lever connecting with rndderskate-or have rudder free and steer by oars

Larcer slzs for several personsusing sweeps require more skateiun-ners none fixed but all like the steeringrudder and all free but it No patent

The Carpet and Rjview gives asamong the most effective remedies forcarpet beetles and kerosene oil andcorrosive sublimate The keroecno isplaced upon wads of cotton which areforced into cracks and crevices under-neath the carpet Corrosive sublimate is-

a still better remedy Dissolve in anopen jar one tablespooofnl of corrosivesuollmate in two quarts of boiling waterand after allowing tbesolntion to remainundisturbed a few apply it to bothsides of ihe carpet or rug using for thepurpose a whisk brush It is notnecessary to use more of the solutionthan enough slightly dampen the sur-face of the fabric As ihe solution is-

poisonons it should be plainly labeledIn the case of carpet beetles It is some

necessary to rednce the quantity otwater in the solntion using but one qnartInstead of two

The poison conveyed by tha humanteeth one of the most atnoying that aphysician has to deal with writes Dr A0 Robinson A bitten ear or nose ismonths in healinp a more Impor-tant wound inflicted by an instrumentwould readily to simple remediesI hive my attention severe andmost complicated cases ot poison-ing in the patient had but slightlyabraided the hand in the course of aby striking the knuckles against theof his opponent I have known bandsthus poboned from amputa-tion by tho application of all the resourc-es ot science Tobacco or whisky ordisarrangement of the stomich frommariy may be responsibletor this poisonous condition of the teethand I am not prepared to say that a manwjth good health and a clean sweet

th convey the poison bnt InVonly speak of the frequency of thisasr ot cases and the difficulty of attend

l gphem successfully

StjT Advice to Molh J

B Soititns for cMfdrentho Bdd tbtffnms

wlijd colldOmd ittha best 4t of 1886K0i yBfjaUf4are


if ijut 1866






steam from

latest paper


work fromupon









der 1000-











sweep while

water Steer











only saved

other causes




A Mew MoTunont on Foot ln Erath CountyCorrespondence ot the

Stsphknyillk Tex Feb 6 Therewas a mass meeting the Uolon Laborparty here today for the purpose or-

ganizing their forces The meeting waspresided over by Colonel W R Singletonot Greenback fame and precinct chair-men were appointed throughout thecounty for the purpose of organizing theparty This movement as it is under-stood proposes to supplant the Republi-can and Democratic parties as they nowexist and a new Union Lbor partyas its adherents claim on true Democraticprinciples c anges the good oldtime pure and nndeflled Democratic prin-ciples have midergoneto become distastefal the masses is not known to yourreporter bnt that new and ensrossingmovement is on foot in this section polit-ically that claims its adherents by thehundreds is evident but Is intendedor aimed at exactly except that tho peo-ple are going to take charge ot the officeswe suppose as some ol them express it-

Is not known

A Valuable Underground KlrsrDenver Republican

An Interesting fact has been discov-ered ln connection with the Bio Mimbreswhich In the mountains ot the south

part of New MexicoTne Is known to sink beioro It

reaches Demingon the Southern PacificDemjpg Is In the dry bed where theriver evidently ran years ago Wells oi

good water have been found at Demlngand the rivtrhaa thus been traced thattar siree Bat it Is net known where itwent niter crossing the railway track

It has been shown recently that it con-tinues underneath the surface to theMexican line where it crotses into theState ot Chihuahua It then turns to thesoathhast and crosslcg the MexicanCentral track near a station called Samalayuca it empties into the Ro Grandenear Camp Rice

The discovery gives assurance that aconsiderable part of Chihuahua andSouthern New Mexico Is susceptible of-

Bfcvelopment which before was thought to-

geolmost worthlesAhecause of its aridityyells can be sunk ft nany places and intRis way water may be supplied to a large



liement ot tjXlIvervjrfthpatn tenures the JfcinplexMin lndgces

Pfllsremaoie u3Wfc Ht

Justice to a Wronged Woman After aanyTears

St Paul GlobeJod was a wonderfully alUcted man

but as a parti61 compensation for it hehas had tho sympathy of the human racelor 4000 years But it has not been so

with Jobs wife Nobody has ever spokena kind of her On the contrary shehas been held up for forty centuries as ahorrible example But for all that weare confident the poor woman deserves abetter place In history than she has everoccupied If she was sour tempered shehad enough to an acid tlrge to berdisposition She was made to armk thedregs from a very bitter cup and itprobable ahe bore her troubles withabout as much equanimity ss the avengewoman would do

In the first place she was suddenly reduced from luxury to penury Any un-

fortunate woman who has suffered thl3ordeal knows jurtthe frame of mind poorMrs Job was in

In the next place she wai bereft of herchildren There is no grief so burden-some as that which falls upon a mothersheart when the grave hides her childrentrom sight

In addition to this accumulation of sor-rows fhe was left with an invalid hus-

band on her hands Job was coveredwith boils and cxperienee has taught usthat there is no more exaspeiating pa-

tient than a man with a boil on himThere are wives and good wives too inthis Christian land of ours whose liveshave been made most miserable forand weeks at a time by a husband withone boil Just think then thispoor woman had to endure with a hus-band with perhaps 500 to 1000 boils onhim Is it any wonder that the womanencouraged her husband to terminate hisexistence The wonder is that shedidnt cut her own ihroat in despair

Bnt these were not all the tronblcs thatJobs wile had to bear Her hnsbauds-fiiends came on a visit to him and tookpossession of the house for six weeks at-

a time Other women and good womentoo hive had to endure the same tillct-lon and they can very easily account forMrs Jobs exhibition of bad temper Jobgot worried with the three visitors him-self and yet he didnt have to wait onthem to clean up their rooms to wipethe tobacco j nice from the parlor cirpetevery day to sweep out the mud theycarried in on their boots and to submitto the thousand and one annoyances thata male visitor gives the housekeeper

It is about time that somebody wasraising a voice in defense of Jobs wifeand saying a kind for the poorwoman who for 4000 years has sufferedthe slings of unjust criticism ln uncomplaining silence

There are a great many Jobs wives Inthe world today Wo meet them every-day They may not havennsbands withboils on their bodies bnt they have hus-bands who go to the clubs of eveningsThey have husbands who are selfishenough to devote all their tlma to busi-ness and pleasure without consideringthat a portion of that time of right be-

longs to the woman the charm ot whoseexistence is bis companionship TheJobs wives of today are the women whoare burdened withjthe cares and sorrowsof this life and who get no sympathyAnd their namejs legion


Bud JBoyMli-

Tho very expressIonJiajpUea eullirlng Everymother knows the anJDty over this sicknessbat every mother dqggf riot know that Dr niggers Huckleberry Vordtw will regulateeuro all bowel trQJIUs


Figures Showing n ltemarkble Amount otOsllbncy ln All Bnrope

Fall Mall GazetteThe numbers who marry seem to be

steadily decreasing Tne figures sup-

plied under the head of International Vi-

tal Statistics which are tabnlated tromreturns tarnished by the authorities ofvarious European states an allround tall in the proportion ot marriages

The falling off in 188S bplow the average ot the twenty years 18G11880 is verymarked FJthough not so great as tho dif-

ference between the rate ot 18CG and18S6 Here for instance are the threesets of figures

Sngland Scotland Ireland France Belgium1666 175 147 10 8 160 15-7ltfltO16 4 112 V 9 8 15 8 14 6-

18s6 141 12 4 84 li8 13 4

There are three notable exceptions tothe uniform decrease of the marriagerate bnt they are easily explained InPiBSsia Austrlx and ln Italy the marrUtfe rate of 1866 was distinctly below

secret of isT4edfto many aq iredpirjoappy med dfi i ctt j f Sfe ln the three states were at warlged wno1 chronic lwoman n

Jpfemale weakness forwicb has beenIhle to fi no relief SafrWe is a certarfe enflf f all theffilnfuTcompltints


i ¬q As




to ¬















to ¬








ofot ¬









rices ¬































land campaigns and matrimony do not gowell together Italy alone ot the greatEaropean states keeps up her marriagerate It averaged 15 2 for eigtbeenyears-it was 15 C in 1886 lathis she resemjkjkSwedcn Bat the other states show

the same phenomenonDen 8wlt AnB Ger Hoimart zerland trla many 1tnd

AverMyrs 15 3 J5l 171 17 162-18S6 < 142 137 153 183 139

Theso figures all point in one directionand alt tell the same tale Europeansare not snch a marrying people now asthey were twenty yeas ago and amongthe marrying people we are nearly at thebottom of the tree The Irish marriagerate is in itself enough to account lormuch of the misery and unrest of Erinand the Scotch rate Is lower than that olany nation ln Europe

I react men can pof thetsule Taeyrefinements andeminence to An-by J G B Slegi

lfrtc called tfnlghtT0od badges ln al Its

es Uhey give pieiters mann atared4

Judge Itowait QreenSeadSpecial to the Gazette

Abiisne Tex Feb 8 Tha manyfriends and acquaintances of Judge RowanGreen in this city are pained to learn ofhis death which occurred at his familyresidence In Anson on Saturday eveninglast at 7 oclock The judge hid been asufferer for years with asthma and hasbeen rather on the decline for severalmonths

m1 Struck Ollln the Territory

iMCiKHiaH T Feb 801183 strucklfereyesterday at a depth of ylT feet and

vie flowing it the rate of a brraf tnf

i t


Spot Citton Unchanged Fntnres fromil to 11 Points Higher Money

Xarket Essy

Wheat Ojitntd Firm F nctnattd Norrovily and Closed Lower Ltvo Stock

Transactions Brisk

Daily Local ReviewGAX2TX2 UFPIOT

02T W02TH TBXrFcb S IStS 1

Produce is fairly plentiful on the mar-ket


now and values are a little easierthough none are quotably lower excepteg t which are only worth 23 cents

C5-ccatsap Worcostr-sanco


white Loulelana choice



There have been largo of those i can horses 14 unbroken 3Carmies within the past daysi rade brisk everything lncatile circles i3 lively The fine weatherofto day ont a great many ¬

THE MOXKY MARKETSmsSitestations in the New

m are in thedirection of financial indica-tions being that very easy condi-tions


probable throughout the firstof tho year Money to flow toNew York from the interior while thelarge purchases of bonds for foreignaccount with the correspondingin exchange and low rates prevalentin market remove anytendencies of a to thesituation in an unfivorable way thedullness ol speculation has per-haps the demands for money

4 loans of bankers balances on callbsen made at from to

34 par cent on tne Slock Ex-change b Eks being freelenders at 34 per cent or betterTime money U plentiful and is ot-


at i to per cent on mixed ¬

from three to sixeven per rates have quotedon governments Commercial paper

active demand apparentlysupply the feeling In mercantile circlesbeing that even easier rates probablybe obtained shortly At the momentcity name3

taken at 55J per cent andnamed western paper C per cent


Tne lon Wortn Mnsket-a3U1TEEI6163per BOOTTONSeeK-OOFFKK 2Io fair 17Ko prlmo lfljoj choice

LOKo faacy njic La Guyra ISJfo Java 20-ooldn E o2XoFotBerry21 fo-

OltBHSE Tho bettsr graoos and Ohio factoryICallKc full cream twins 15c-

t ABBAGS Northern per crate U 5-COANNEBGOODS Price per cozen ¬

standard II 75 paaches standard 2-

Iks 30 3 B2 50 seconds 2 Bf l 75 3 fis52 strawberries 2 a 175J135greengages S raspberries2 lb 1 G3

pats i 1031 50 tomatoes standardi as II seconds 2 As 5 S Bs 1 4-Ufecn corn 1 1091 oysters full weight

2 ttsl 75B190 It wtU2-i s I ealmoa 1 S U 1032 M sardines Jfs6 75 per 100 imported 112 50815 00 Imported

a J1S Kzit condensed milk SS 25-

nrtY GOODS Price list of fall and wlntor1

S7Trlnts Albion silver grays 5io Albion sil-lds Allens ranoy 5 >ic pinks5Vc Allens staples bKc Amcsbnry fancyiia American fancy 6Kc American Indigo7c novelties 6c Berwick 3oCharter Oak AHa Raraipo SVc Merrimack-shirtings 5c Merrimack fancy 5Kc BJchmondpink 5lc Simpson mourning 6c Simpsonsliver gray 6e Simpson fancy 6c Steele river

fc Slater solid 5>ic Vlndsornoveltles 6cBrown Cottons AtlanticL L 4 45K5Ho

Adriatic 446KcArgylo 44 Belfast K44 SVc Black Orow 44 6> Boot 0445Xeec OOO6X0 Derby fine brown6c Exposition A 6 ic Exposition B 5Vcfamily cotton 6Vc Glcndale 6Xo Granlte-vlUe E E6Ko Marshall A 4c Chapman

PioneerXX2Vc Foxhall A A A6Xc-Sc Cordis A O E 14c Yeoman 7Kc Blverdalc-12Kc Farmers Pride 12Kc Premium Fancy15c Queen City Fancy IOVc Falls A A 13Kc

Bleached Cottons Best Out 606Kc Black Kock 7Jic 5XcMills 7Sc Davol X 8Kc Dycrvlllo A 73 c-

Kllcston Wa Forest Mills 7c Fruit of theLoom 8Xs of the Spindle 7Kc GiltEdge 60 Glad Tidings 7o Great Falls 60John Haacocx 7Kc Longnam Cambric 8-0LUyoftheValloysc Lonsdale 8Kc Ko PlusUltra Cambric 6> Snow White JKc

Cotton Warrior 7Kc Oaro-Una 7Kc Georgia 7o Otto way 6Kc Klvor-sldo 7Kc Texas 7c onthern

Stripes Hamilton luo Extra StoutiOoKocklilver SKc Amoskeag 10cTJncas-vllle 7Kc Eagle 6x0

Denims Haymaker So Uncasvllle lie Ev-erett


HXc HXc Grcorbrlar lOXo-Tickings Amoskeag A C a 140 ArasaphaGinghams Amoskeag Staples 7Xo Bates

Staples 7Xc Caledonia Staples 7Xc Greylock Novelties lOcJf Warrick Dress Stylos-SKc Dress Styles 7Xc

Styles 7Kc Advance Styles Wo-Cnsntllry DresB Styles 9o Falls DressStyles Stfc Warsaw Dress styles 7KoWhltes-Fano77Xc Pcrlan 7Xc

Colored cambrics Garner rouea oxcS ¬

Sons 6X Bossmore flat 6cBroadway 5cJeans Dakota 16c Berkley ISc

Beaver Valley 22Xc 7c Queen City26XcAlliance 34 >ic Hope S3c Foxcraft25cLaurel Glen 27Xc Texas Chief 15 Superiordoeskin60c Oland 27XLeamington 20o-

Bepcllants Forbes 42XcBedford too Or-lando G5a Boblnson bine brown and wineC5o Waldo black 43c Waldo gold 48c A nland blue Kc Puritan gold 17Xc Hlbo aiablack 45o Hlbernla gold 47Xc

Dress goods Amerlcan4Xe22fo imp ed-18aG5c

E a G 25c p cr doz nFRUITS AND VKOKTABLEB LomoDS 33

per boi bbl4 C0e5COgreen bul 00 do 12 CO poUto s-

nothem 51 2Spsrbu onions 2Xc per pojndP-BOV13ION3 Wo qu te on tne Dasu ot car

lotsFleU Hackerel 10ft kits No IJ1 30 No 2-

n 15 half bbls No 1 3 SO No 2 7 SO coo6X0-

Spiced pickled herrings per bucket CO

Holland herrings Kegs Jl soal idDried herrings Per box 40cBologna sausage 7XcMeat nami 12 o sugarcured-

oroakfast bacon 12 > o clear bacon Bifcjshort dear dry salt sc

Tierce S c 50 a cans 8Xc 20ft cant8Xc 10 cans 9o 6ft cans Kc S ft csbi-3Xc

New hominy and grid Per bbl U 50Oatmeal new Per htlfbbi 100 lbs 4 00-

Oracked wheat Per tteoCrackers A soda 50XXXsoda 5Ke cretra-

8X0 ginger 8c lemon creams a-

Sunarles Starch 4o full boies-10Xc halves quarters stick candy loalie fancy lOSiec rope sisal X inch basisHXc do cotton X and 516 inchlexo do cottonX lncb17c herring importedJl per raisins California LL new crop2 60 do Califolnla loose muscatels2 cider crab apple 40e Missouri 50c vin-


15225c lye J Jugsglazed 10cper gal crocks glazed 10c per galUrge Lima beans 4Xc grapes 16Xcper aJ-

TLODB patents 32 SO par loo lbs hallpstoats 2 75 third sradeS2 40 Buckwheatfloor 16 en cases 5 40 Z2 33 S3 50

FUEL McAllister coal car load on iraaa atyard 6 00 delivered 16 50 McAllister coal 5 to

tons at yard 6 16 McAllts-tor coal 2 to S tons at yard 6 75 delivered1715 McAllister coal 1 ton at yard 6 75 deliv-ered


57 McAllister coal ii ton at yard fcdelivered 4 McAllister coal Af ton at yarc-SI 75 J219 McAllister coal less it j n-if ton 100 at yard 45o Pennsylvania hardcoal D tons at yard 512 53 delivered J13 00Pennsylvania hard coal 1 ton at yam 312 5Cdelivered as CO Pennsylvania hard coal X-on delivered 6 75 blacksmith coal 1 ton atyard COdellvorod512 60 1 ton

11 03 >f ton 5 75 i ton English cratecoal per ton at yard 60 delivered J 0uper K at yard 125 delivered 4 75 per

ton at 2 25 delivered 2 50Cord vrooa 1 W cord wood

H card delivered 52 25 stove wocd 1 corddeUered5 oatovowood i csrd delivered2 75-

GBA1N AND JTESD3TDFT6 below are oa grain from store In carload lotscom and cats arc so per bnihellovrez tbaaquoted

Wheat S5tCorn In ear 60c bulk ahelloiS 60a sick

shellad esaOats Balk 42XoBran Sue hundredBarley E0a por bushelEve 90a per bushelHay ixosa local 03CB Jchnion grass

3 50 beit prairie hay 8 6JI per tonbaled alfalfa retail 14o per special pricewholesale 12c

Alfalfa 12o per poundJohnson grass JX75S2 25 per 23a

bushel >

dried pesehee6cj indigo 75a per a bluing

> H br<

bbls 2Sc do 25 cases J 10 bnllJant 2 icases J2 10 ao 121 cases S 93 baking pow-ders

¬balk lies la cans 2 60 macaroni

small box ESs vermicelli email boxin balk per gallon So

In bulk per gallon 125 Allied picklesporK bblSi Co

Sugar Fine powdorod bbls SVci do halfbbls So cat loaf bblssa halt bbls 9cstandard granulated bbls EVc Lonlslanagranulated bbls S >ic standard A7Ko choice

7Ko y c CKe dofancy 6V8 7e-

Elce Prime 6Jfc cholse Gic-nOESi3 AND MULiS ln or trait loid

lots Mexican maros 12K to lZi hands highunbrokan SIS OCeiS CO per head Moslemmaros 1SX to It cnbrckoa US22 CO per head JJoncon mares 14 to IB bandshh ooe 5 00 per nczc lex

IS to high nnbrorsn 10 00-

S3 CO per head marcs 1 to is hindhigh unbrokenK0 C340 Xi her bettl Tensmares 15 to IS hands high unbroken 10 ecu

0 CO per head Texas horses IS to haniihigh unbroken tf 0CS30 CO per reifi Texashorses 11 to 15 hands hlgu cabrosos ISO oca-CO 00 per head llcilcan horses II to 11 hantlsnigh nnorokec Ji3 C0S25 00 scr herd liesreceipts to 15 bands nigh

fewis and mer

brought pur-chasers4f

fhe Yorks iat present entirely

plethora theloaning

are halfcontinues


the Londoncharacter affect

stock ¬

decreasedanhave 2i


also44 col-

lateral at months and34 cent been


in and decreased


and bills receivableare Eingle

and Ei

5120 blackberries



07221 03

5Xo Allens






BerkshireCumberland Cedar





Champion illsido-Drets Dross




applesper torntpor ripe





25 keg

25concentrated 758400




10 25 delivered 75

60 nCO


12 Cannelcoal10


X yardcoradeltvercd



17 00ooes


hantahlgh cos




BIO CO per head Moxlcan mules 12X to 1 <

hands highunbroken25 00S50 CO per headTexas mules 13 to 1S haids high broke 50 C-Oe50 00 American draft torec 13to 15X sandshigh broke SlCOaKS t> From S3 W 5 i-dltlonal tor thoroughly broke stocr-

HIDEb AND SKINS Nc 1 baavv D F hificz-12o per a No2heavy 9c No 1 light Sc-

No 2 light 7CDry salted 7eSo ball aides 8a flu tz

green salted to butchers green 304 < c shaitlings 23c pelts <CQ7c-MOLASSKS New Louisiana syrup 43c new

choice Louisiana molasses O K 55c newprime do 52c new fair do 4Jc cholos cantrlfu-gals43c prime doioc prime rabollas J5a fairdoJIc

NUTS Peanuts 6XC7Xc pjesnt 6-calmonds20cBrazil nuts 15o per a Olbarts-15c per a English walnuts 383 per a

NAILS 53 25 per tea basis 104 burdenhorstshoa per kog 5 Perkins same 5 93tWalker same 5 50 burden mulo 6 northwostern horseshoe nails No 45Cc No 5 26c-No 623o No 721o No 8 20o Lakes No 4-

45e No 626c No C 22c No 720c No 8193-Auesble eamo No 445c No E 21cNo 621c-No 7 18o No S lEc-

POtlLTltY 7oquoto Young fryligchiclQa-2C0e2 25per doz eld bons 2 25 per dor

turkeys 75cel 00 oaciiWHISKY Ucctlfied 11 DJ515C as por proof

sourmash two years old 16O > 170 thresyears old 19022 20 fancy extra old whisky

1 03S5 00


ESQLISn COMSOL-SLoudon Feb 8 Consols dosed at 112 5lCd

for money Silver 44 idMONET

new Yohk Feb 8 Money on call easy at-2aJ per cent last loan at 2X per cent closedoffered at 2 percent Prime mercantile pa-



new Yokk Feb 8 Stocks and bosdsclosed at tho following prices bidUnited States Ss-UnltedStatos 4Xs 107

New 4 12-5PacCc6s 12uCentral Pacific ls extnt 113Texas and Pacific land grants 41-

Toxas and Paclilc Bio Grande div C7

Union Pacific ls IUUnion Pacific sinking fundCentral Paclflo CO

Chicago and Alton UsChicago and Alton preferredBurlington and Qulncy 1271

Delaware and Hudson ivduLackawanna 130Denver and Iio GrandoErieErie preferredHarlemHouston and Tezai Centra-Illnols ContralKansas and TexasLake fahora-Lonlsvlllo and NashviLoMichigan CentralMissouri PacificNow Jorsev ContralNorthern PacificNorthern Paclflo preferredNorthwesternNorthwestern preferredNew York CentralOregon TransconttnanUl-PacifioMallBeadingBock islandSt PaulSt Paul proforred-St Paul and Oxaaa-St Paul and Omaha preferredTexas and lcinoUnion PpsifloWabashWabash preferredWells FargoWestern UnionVort Worth and DenverAmerican Cotton Oil


liicolpts nt All United States PortsGaivbsxon Tex Feb 8 Cotton racelpu-

at Unltod States portsThlsdtj 16783This day last week igsuThis day last year 7745Total receipts thus far this season 4654145Total reoalptsthls date last season 4544314Difference Increase 109 S3Exports thus far week 63491Stock United States ports this day a331Drf-Slock day last year 897732

CALVB8TOK TEX Feb SOottoclosed firm and unchanged

Gross receipts 574sales 9C-SExportsShipments coastwiseBall shipmentsStock 3175S balesLow ordinary 7 13 lbs ordinary 8 516o good

ordinary 9j low middling 9>ic mtl-dllng 9Jc good middlinglOXo middling fairlOJic

Kew ouonniNew 03LBns la Feb 8 Cotton Spot

cosed steady and unchangedSales 4C0n balesStock 3b8106Low ordinary 7 IS ISc ordinary S 7 16o sood-

orillnary91 16o low middling 9Xo irlcdling9 13 16c good middling 10 3 16c middling fair10 9 16jfalr 115 10s

Futures opened quiet ana closed steady 10 to11 points higher




1st can9 7SS 9 SO

9 82a 9 839 MB 9 92

10 02310 0310 13310 110 28813 2510 1710 199 763 9 78-

b 40a 9 48

sales 43600 baits

9 83 9 ft9 93310 fj < 9

10 C9810 lOjpi 20010 2110 3G310 311010 2110 259 SI 9 89 510 S 53


Hewttstr Yobk Feb S Cotton doseo

firm unchangedSales lh4 balesStock 266333 balesOrdinary 11 I62 good 9Vc Ion

IOM63 middling 109lfi goodmiddling 101316o middling fair 11 7lCc-

Fntnres closed steady 9 to 10 points higherSales 146100

February 10 52310 53March 10 59310 coApril 10 65810 66May 10 71B10 72JaneJuly 10 803iuAngnst 8431U 85SeptemberOctober

LiverpoolLrvsitroOL Feb 8 floiton Spot elos

dull ln buyers favor 1 16d Jower-Ordloiry fil16d good ordinary 5 316d

middling 5 d middling uplands Xdjdllng Orleans 6 916d A ft V

Total sales 8030 American 10XImports 19000 American 189C0Fatates closed steady yesterdayjs pileess

sated r r2February y> 31 aeke-FebruaryMarch rf3 atke-MarchApril tj jVt33aBkeAprilMay vjr askedMayJuno b 3wftxiJane 5 39asked-JalyAngust WJbldAugastSeptember 41 aekedSeptember 4tbld



9 91



7 ordinarymiddling







Prodnoe ProvlSt LooiS Mo 8 Flour Dull

unchanged Wheat opened lliman4 <lvarcedearly later declined cloeccVTXa belowestcrday 2 red cash Tajfi SOKo

March 80 > a80Vc dosing at ECKejMay81 > c oo at 8IK0 Jane 2KcClosing at Ju y 73X03Xc closIngK iiJ<cAugust 79Jfi closing at 79o bid DeteujJfcrjil-Xattc closing at 844 c Corn advancd j cclily

closed Xc 1 wer thaj yesterdwjioeeb45S45 o March 45 c May 46 > a4 t

at 46Xc Oata lower caih 2 p io y29Xc Cornmeal steady at 05W9Usky auKxatlC5 Provisions Ann PorV w15TLard 7 f 0 Dry meats bMu shoine 5 75B6 tO long cleaijfdear ribs 7 6037 62H shojSclea J7nIch is said V5J00 Baconboxedshqald fc1iI0lon atjon jjjjj a25830 clear 3 37Ki

SopBa fioper ozeaOoieniaBjntnatarda sea hja sos862Kc Haiayerinventea150 dozen 3n e roal Iraported 150per aA flAmerlcan 7a per tar hn kBt tw r


10 10 79




lb90 >






1 275


10 <

25I Wi







J10 213V

109 828

523 453




nim lonFeb and

but andNo

QS2 lng f62o










44J c March 45 Jtay 46May9Xcbd timcAoo Ili Feb STbera wawof nnvonsness In the golnmarkets-proIslons acted largely ln sympgrain la wueat there was a sort r I-

np In ths market to day specalatlogs were large at times consdcrwheat coralnc on tho market and V V-

aso eomo soiling from otno eourcfsame time there was a demcovetlog rather freely so that in 3pretty fair business wa transaction 5however wis principally on bthslf > Sit-aolargeroom tradersMay cpeneatc-llned

>to gJc reacted and Armed np T-

ble en covering by srorts antvv-Urone to and closed at SOxc dcclintcaused by heavy scl lag on account 0operator Corn was more actlvo to y XTfor eome time pa tsnd tracing Vi 7p

theheavy during greater pirt nt tLelf >t vThecencral feel az was weaker lb 1

tome tlmo after the opening the i aquite firm iwlDg to icllos of UrTiA-opara cr and a firmer tone f wbj J Aopened at 51 nold down to 51 31 fVIn ihe opening flurry advancd t 5 1 V-

ih n It ruled weaker Considerable ci vVslaKontoemsr ct aronnl 5 c reactu > r siAitton covering by 3hort asaln became nard flnslly closed at 50Jc Trailugl taopiio swas lmctivc bu InMavtterj DOSiaEbig trade Miy oats peno at 3 scto 32rX and flnsuy cloeed at jpftn iTfeature uf the tradeprovision was an Ining business ln short ribs one house soo Untir SCui00 ponnda and another bjugct an tt Ul I

quantity Pork and lard n ero du 1 ard w-lleaturcsof Iniercst eralpers dolrgthspDal trading pilca ralllea tlighlly at thi <

ing but later declined ln sjnp tay with 1

May pork opened at 14 50 so d to HclOe1atll 2 May lard opened at-to 7 92 S 2 7 95 and closed atMay short ribs opened atcold to 7 75 and closed at 7Leading faiurcs closed aa follows Wh-No 2 February 74 c Match 74 c May SCJuncSlc Com No 2F uruaiy 45 o M-4bc May 50e June I0Xc Mess porkl-bsrrel Mav 14 25 Lard per ICO pon1ibruary 7 65 March 7 70 Mav 7 j

9 Short ilbaFebruary 7 45 VM7 47l Mny 7 C2X Cash quotaticns w

FlonrQnpt Wheat No 2 red 774C Mcon 4ti jC ilcss Pirk p r barrel 1114 20 LarJ per 100 ponndn 7 6737-hortilb sides loosc 2 50 Dry s < lte i tli J

ders tmxod > C03G 50 short clear sixed 7 W38 CO

Nfw York Itb bCoffee Suot fairsteady at 16c option unsettled cctlng heand lower sales S230O tbags February 13U 10 Jlawh 12 73313 00 April 812 55312May 12 40312 70 Juno 12 33312 60 July U12 20 August 11 s 0311 S5 ScDtember 1111 u5 October 112031150 November H2l11 Jo December 11 2C11 43 January U5Dgar Dull and nominal fair reilnlng nno-at 4riC refined unll off A U o mould A 7cloaf ann crushed 7 powderoi 7 073 1grarulated b c cut 737 3 16c Mola jnominal 50 test 22c Cottonseed30X232C for crude and 41c for refined

Llvo Stock MarketClTTMO Feb SCattlefe

CC0 shipments noco market steetcholcn mutons at 4 0034 CO Cdlnm 0032 30

New Yokk Feb 8 Beeves Eecel W

ca loads for m Nt and 12 carloads fortatlon slivc Trm market was dull frostart and flnallv closed weak common tsteers sold at i 0035 25 per 1C0 poundsto good tcers at 5 3035 40 exira goodat 5 5035 60 fancy steers at 5 75 5 D0

and dry cows at 2 i033 ro exports CO i

and t20qiarter of bscf Sheep BccelpE AWVKIhead dull with llmitfd tradaat about ffigures sheep sold at ft 1036 03 per ICO plambs at 3 5J3C s7J

cnicvGO 111 Feb s Cattle Itccel0-CO shipments 2fCU marktt weaker cxl5 355 63 etpers3 0 35 00 stockers and feeer82153 to rows bulls and mixed 1 73 25 gras Texas cavle 2 3534 CO Hoes Itceipts 1UC0 shipments 000 rarLct steaiclosing wcas rtrglng from 3 50 to 3 tjB

heep Receipts 4000 shipments i09l murktjArm nitlves 3 0035 25 western 4 5351JSSSTexans 10334 CO lambs 5 01Q6 15 r <Cr p

St Ixiuis Mo Feb 8 Cattle Pccclpta IK V7hUimems nons rrarktt steady Chci

heavy native steers i 40S5 33 fair to g=inative Htecrs 3 9J34 50 burners steers 10WFltdlnm 10 cio ce 3 031 25 stockers and fcer fair to giod 0033 30 rangers ordlnary UCB

aood 2 2 i34 20 HogsKecclpts 3K0ments too market activo and a shade blgr ciranging trom 1 9335 55 Sheep Recell 917Jx-9C0 shipment none marktt nrm fair1fancy 3 s0B5 50 good sheep °

scarceAle full part

Tha Coffee Har fni o 1 O

Galvhciov Tex Febchanged Wholesale grocordinary 19e fair 19Xc



The Wool MaiketSt Lonis Mo Feb 8 Wool Tho market

continues active and steady unwashed brightmedluja 16324s coarse biald ll 21c lowsandy 10318c fine light 13319c lino heavyK017C Tubwashed Choice 34c lnforlor 3033ic sacked 1015e

SANBORN WAFpNERManufacture the oil ot

Impression Gltddcn Regulararb attaches apart

J i

il preesl ii reprlentlrg Oval Single Strand>olnt Garbs 5 inches apart

3ALVA3ED OR PAIHTEFaousnd FignrcsGlidden Wiio Not Only tho-

r5JfaiBest bnt ihe CheapestHreqnlTCaoniy 360 ponnds regular Glidden

Barb Wlrtt or cne wire one mile atsay5Xi ftocts ner pcjind would cost 19 so Other stylesi wwighlng per mtleat 25 cents per 100

JgonaOfetieflS would cost the same nd 9-0oundzr 0 cents less would also st he

svne All other styles of wires will weigh from2Suto 50 ponnds more per mile than the Glidden-wfifa same size main wires and number o barbseii jfkiyed Therefore it is cot always tnjcheapest wire per pound that makes thsest or the best fence

ol I

lnimentmote goDic

< o



s AgentsJ

f 08 TEXAS



S33END FOR SAMPLE LOTour new Oval SlnzleStrand2 pointed barb

firmly atttched unlformlv 3 Inches 25cents per 100 pounds less than Gliddendoubledand twisted making a light effectivestiongl irb wire at a low Welzht only

mile strength 11S0 poundsWARNEf i ouston

jQ2 >

u >

sac jseeo BeaS s sddfndvlayesbjjrlces


Fort Worth7V








p atialuu uiti2H9NDERCONS

Tho oaly rare Core foRCprns stops all poll Ensurescomfort thefett JCcatras30la 1UscoXiSOxS

lure Toa Coosrh

laraluUator ail tSmtnffOrfmns Colds ExhotU Stomvh and 1



i >

ch itt



reprcs Gfldden Thick set








n 1ofijtirtSi uiMlrauS t-

V fto

u AstntCAalnUifirpsuoa lwUft ayJoiui o tbe Tturoat find Ljtatli-jtton and all puSnsand dldortiewla Wc and dS aC Dmssl6ta

ol a baUoon

PTrM Sraacls tatrntlonpazetto










v t

1 vi ijKVSS13 > V

3J03 thlpment 1400 market slaw y lr VS10s lower for good ot all classes and 10ei S tpr Alower for common good to cholap L Jlfed 4 25e4 75 common to = i4 23 stockers 1 SC32 50 feeding gteCP 1

33 25 cows 1 303 00 HogsKccclptsshipments 0 markctweakand5cto lOi

ranging from 1 CO ta 5 50 Sheep T S

r> TMlH ci