foundation report - spring 2014

Foundation Report 2014 INSIDE Executive Director’s message Providence Care Hospital project Donor profile: Michele Bonutti Olympians making a difference Making dreams come true Relay partnership a success SPRING 2014 2 4 5 6 7 8 William J. Henderson Foundaon makes $1M giſt to Centre for Paent-Oriented Research In December 2013, trustees from the William James Henderson Founda- tion announced their largest-ever giſt ($1 million over four years). It was made in support of the creation of the Centre for Patient-Oriented Research at Kingston General Hospital (KGH). Once the needed $3 million is raised to build the new research centre on Connell 4 at KGH, it will be named the “W. J. Henderson Centre for Patient-Oriented Research.” e foundation carries on the legacy of the late Justice Henderson, OBE, whose goal was to contribute to the well-being of his community, ex- plained Trustee David Pattenden in announcing the giſt. “He started this contribution when he was still alive. You can’t walk around Hotel Dieu, Kingston General Hos- pital or any other medical-related facility in Kingston without seeing the Henderson name,” David said. e W. J. Henderson Foundation has — Please see “Henderson” page 3 An architectural rendering of the new Providence Care Hospital from the lake. New hospital designs unveiled It was an emotional event for many patients, donors and staff as plans for the long-awaited new Providence Care Hospital were unveiled Dec. 13th at the St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital site. e event also signalled that all con- tractual steps have been completed in the fixed-price contract for the de- sign, build finance and maintenance of the new hospital and construction has begun. It is anticipated the proj- ect will be complete in late 2016. e community share of the con- struction project was raised through — Please see “New Hospital” page 4

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The University Hospitals Kingston Foundation is the fundraising arm serving Kingston General Hospital, Hotel Dieu Hospital and Providence Care.


Page 1: Foundation Report - Spring 2014

Foundation Report 2014

INSIDEExecutive Director’s message Providence Care Hospital projectDonor profile: Michele BonuttiOlympians making a difference Making dreams come trueRelay partnership a success





William J. Henderson Foundation makes $1M gift to Centre for Patient-Oriented ResearchIn December 2013, trustees from the William James Henderson Founda-tion announced their largest-ever gift ($1 million over four years). It was made in support of the creation of the Centre for Patient-Oriented Research at Kingston General Hospital (KGH).

Once the needed $3 million is raised to build the new research centre on Connell 4 at KGH, it will be named the “W. J. Henderson Centre for Patient-Oriented Research.”

The foundation carries on the legacy of the late Justice Henderson, OBE, whose goal was to contribute to the well-being of his community, ex-plained Trustee David Pattenden in announcing the gift.

“He started this contribution when he was still alive. You can’t walk around Hotel Dieu, Kingston General Hos-pital or any other medical-related facility in Kingston without seeing the Henderson name,” David said. The W. J. Henderson Foundation has — Please see “Henderson” page 3

An architectural rendering of the new Providence Care Hospital from the lake.

New hospital designs unveiledIt was an emotional event for many patients, donors and staff as plans for the long-awaited new Providence Care Hospital were unveiled Dec. 13th at the St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital site.

The event also signalled that all con-tractual steps have been completed

in the fixed-price contract for the de-sign, build finance and maintenance of the new hospital and construction has begun. It is anticipated the proj-ect will be complete in late 2016.

The community share of the con-struction project was raised through — Please see “New Hospital” page 4

Page 2: Foundation Report - Spring 2014

Foundation Report - Summer 2013 2

Message from the UHKF Executive DirectorCelebrating legacies of generosity and care

Denise Cumming

Foundation Report - SPRING 2014 2

Cut out this form and mail to: University Hospitals Kingston Foundation · Suite 4· 55 Rideau Street · Kingston · Ontario · K7K 2Z8

I want to make a donation□ A one-time gift of $ (make cheque payable to UHKF) □ A monthly gift of $ (you may change or cancel at any time – receipts for monthly donations will be issued on a yearly consolidated basis)

Method of Payment□ Pre-Authorized debit: I have enclosed a blank cheque marked "VOID". Please withdraw above amount on the day of each month.

Signature: □ Please charge my □ Visa □ MasterCard I authorize UHKF to charge my credit card on the day of each month for the amount above. Card#: Exp.Date: / □ Personal □ Business

Signature of Card Holder: Name of Card Holder:

□ I have included Kingston hospitals in my estate plans and would like to be a member of the Evergreen Society.

Make your gift a Tribute in honour of someone who has touched your life and we will notify the individual of your tribute.

Name of Honouree:

Contact Information

Reason for Gift:

I would like to see my donation:□ Shared where needed most to benefit the hospitalsor□ (please specify)

I can be reached via email at this address:

We recognize donors by name in our publications:□ I do not wish my name to be published Tax receipts will be issued for all qualifying gifts of $20 or over, or upon request. Charitable registration #820218147RR0001. We do not sell or rent our mailing lists.

Yes, I/we want to support our hospitals

Recently, I’ve had a chance to enjoy two events at which we celebrated the legacies of some special community leaders.

The first was the an-nouncement of a $1 mil-lion gift to create the W. J. Henderson Centre for Patient Oriented Research, a contribution that will impact the lives of thousands and thousands of patients for generations to come.

I only met Bill Henderson a couple of times, but I recall his incredible

passion for Southeastern Ontario and his deep desire to see our region thrive. Bill had a goal to see our citizens enjoy an exceptional quality of life—and he demonstrat-ed this through his involve-ment in the justice system, social services, athletics, recreation and, of course,

health care.

Bill did well through his lifetime and generously provided for his wealth to continue supporting the causes closest to his heart—even after he was gone. The Foundation that Bill established

through his estate has continued to in-vest heavily in the work of our hospi-tals. What a great testimony to his life and his values.

The second event was a gathering to celebrate the retirement of Providence Care President and Chief Executive Officer Dale Kenney. It was incredibly moving to hear health care colleagues, friends, and some of those to whom Dale was a long-time mentor, speak about the impact he had on their lives. The new clinics and inpatient units that have opened at our acute care hospitals over the past couple of — Please see “Legacy” page 8

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$1 million gift in support of research

Henderson— Continued from page 1

donated over $1.9 million since 1992 to support various programs in Kings-ton’s hospitals, including cardiology, urology research, orthopedic research, the Human Mobility Research Centre and diagnostic imaging. The Hender-son Foundation has also generously supported research and teaching at the Queen’s Faculty of Health Sci-ences.

KGH President and Chief Executive Officer Leslee Thompson said the centre will result in “research that is going to make a difference.”

This new facility will push KGH and the southeastern Ontario commu-nity into new spheres of provincial, national and international research recognition. And as KGH takes its place among the top research hospi-tals, members of our community will be the immediate beneficiaries of the patient-oriented research conducted within, which will work to improve disease prevention outcomes, diagno-sis and treatment.

Community members will also have the opportunity to take part in experi-mental trials that will allow for game-changing discoveries in health. The centre will increase clinical research space by 25 per cent and will be large enough to support the hospital’s research program for the next several years.

“This centre is essential for us to achieve our goals of being one of Canada’s leaders in patient-oriented research,” Leslee said.

“The Centre will provide much needed, 24-hour support for medical research in multiple areas of patient care,” Trustee Pattenden added. “Ev-eryone in the community stands to benefit from the discoveries made in the new centre.”

Dr. Roger Deeley, Vice President of Health Sciences Research at KGH says that 10 new clinician scientists have been hired in the last two years and most of them will benefit from being able to carry out their leading research in the new facility, once it is constructed. It is a “space to bring patients and researchers together in a multi-disciplinary setting,” where new treatments and treatment guidelines will be developed and new diagnostics created.

Ian Wilson, co-chair of the fundrais-ing campaign for the research centre said that Judge Henderson was a Re-naissance man who was always think-ing beyond his own life. He would be “delighted” to know that his founda-tion was “having an impact beyond our lives.”

To date, $1.3 million has been raised towards the goal of $3 million and donations are still being accepted. To learn more about the Centre for Pa-tient-Oriented Research, visit

A video of the William J. Henderson gift celebration is available on UHKF’s YouTube channel.

Celebrating the $1 million pledge are (l-r) UHKF Executive Director Denise Cumming, Centre for Patient-Oriented Research Fundraising Project Co-Chair Ian Wilson, KGH President & Chief Executive Officer Leslee Thompson, William J. Henderson Foundation Trustee David Pattenden, KGH Vice President of Health Sciences Research Dr. Roger Deeley and William J. Henderson Foundation Trustee Michael Hickey.

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Construction underway on King Street West

New Hospital— Continued from page 1

the Together We Can campaign. Providence Care Board Chair Glen Wood unveiled the design concepts and a video that brings to life what the new Providence Care Hospital will look like when it is completed.

“The new Providence Care Hospital brings together our specialized aging, mental health and rehabilitative care in the same building, reflecting Provi-dence Care’s commitment to treating each person with respect, dignity and compassion,” he said. “The state-of-the-art design and the hospital’s ideal location over looking Lake Ontario will enhance quality of life for our patients, clients, families and staff. We are excited to be moving forward.”

The hospital project provides a sig-nificant economic opportunity for suppliers and contractors in Kingston and surrounding communities. At the peak of construction, an estimated 360 workers will be on the construc-tion site daily.

The new 270-bed hospital will be one of the first in Ontario to bring long-term inpatient mental health care into the same building as complex care and physical rehabilitation, reflectiv-ing Providence Care’s values to treat each person with respect, dignity and compassion.

All inpatient rooms are single rooms and adjoin to a private, accessible washroom and shower. Patients can use a bedside touchscreen to adjust the lights, television and curtains. Quiet rooms, family lounges, kitchen-ettes and dining areas provide space

for a range of activities and all units have access to outside terraces or gardens.

Two of the inpatient units have a trial discharge apartment to support clients who are transitioning from the hospi-tal back to the community.

Outpatient clinics will be located on the main level inside the main en-trance. A rehabilitation gym includes an indoor walking track and exercise equipment. An indoor heated therapy pool will be accessible to inpatients, outpatients and will be bookable by

community groups.

The new hospital has been designed to achieve LEED Silver designation, achieving industry leading-edge energy efficiency and supporting the City of Kingston’s goal to reduce smog days to zero.

Integrated Team Solutions is the group that signed the contract for the project. It includes developer EllisDon Corporation/Fengate Capital Manage-ment Ltd., Parkin Architects, Johnson Controls and Scotia Capital.

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Profiling our donors

Foundation Report - SPRING 2014 5

Retiree continues caring ways after a 33-year careerMichele Bonutti knows first-hand the important role that charitable dona-tions play in our hospitals.

She retired in 2008 from her posi-tion as Chief Financial Officer with Providence Care, where she says she had a direct view of “how much all of the hospitals rely on donor funds to purchase and upgrade much needed equipment that benefits the patients as well as staff in providing excellent care to those they serve.”

Today she enjoys travelling with her husband across Canada and the United States, although her heart is always close to the hospitals here at home. “My family have had to utilize a variety of services across all three hospitals - including the [Neonatal Intensive Care Unit] at KGH, ortho-pedic day surgery at Hotel Dieu and the geriatric, rehabilitation and men-tal health services at Providence Care. Giving back to the hospitals by way of donation is one way of saying ‘thank you’ for the excellent care my family has received over the years.”

Michele is one of UHKF’s growing number of monthly donors. “I donate on a monthly basis as this is an easier way for me to budget my spending,” she says. She is also aware that it’s a predictable way for UHKF to also receive funds.

Monthly recurring gifts are a safe and convenient way to show your support of Kingston’s hospitals. Once the gift is set up, the process is automated, meaning lower overhead for UHKF and less work for the donor. Monthly gifts add up over time and they pro-vide the foundation with long-term, reliable income.

Michele got into the habit of making monthly contributions through the first joint hospital campaign. Today, she designates most of her donation to support the new Providence Care Hospital. “The current inpatient areas at the St. Mary’s and Mental Health Services sites are old and definitely need upgrading to enhance the excel-lent care provided, but in a suitable environment that considers the length

of stay for these patients.”

Michele’s caring ways also include the donation of jewelry that she has designed and created. Since her retirement, her jewelry-making hobby has resulted in the donation of unique pieces of jewelry for the silent auction of the annual Founders’ Dinner signature event.

Michele is one example of the many donors who are making a difference in the care provided in Kingston’s hospi-tals. If you are interested in learning more about making monthly gifts, contact UHKF at (613) 549-5452.

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Olympians make a difference

The Jayna Hefford Links 4 Life Golf Classic was held on July 11, 2013. Participants raised $11,091.49 for palliative care at Providence Care and for care at the Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario at Kingston General Hospital. Jayna’s mother presented us with the proceeds as Jayna was busy preparing for the Sochi Olympic games.

Clara Hughes is coming to townOn March 14, six-time Olympic med-allist Clara Hughes will embark on a cross-country tour called Clara’s Big Ride for Bell Let’s Talk to raise aware-ness and action for mental health and to reduce the stigma around mental illness.

UHKF is pleased to welcome Clara when she rides into Kingston on March 24th, the 11th day of her 110-day tour. Clara will be our guest at a special event focussing on mental health and youth. See the ad below for more details. •

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New donor walls installed at Kingston General Hospital

Zoë MacKenzie is the first person to admit that she has a pretty amaz-ing job. After all, most careers don’t involve helping people achieve their innermost dreams.

As the Associate Director for Planned Giving at UHKF, that is exactly what she does. “My role is to help people leave a legacy in support of patient care, research and/or education in Kingston’s university hospitals. It is quite exciting because I am able to match people with opportunities that really resonate with them.”

For someone who dreamt of becom-ing a nurse, a legacy gift that will help

comfort others in the future may be the perfect fit. For those interested in leading-edge dis-coveries, perhaps it’s a gift to research. Some donors sim-ply want to make a difference to help others and prefer to make a legacy gift to be used by Kingston’s hospitals where needed most. As a professional planned giving officer, Zoë works with donors to find the perfect giv-ing match. “It really is a win-win,” she says.

UHKF is also a member of LEAVE

A LEGACY™, a national program designed to promote awareness about the importance of including a charita-ble gift in the estate planning process.“I want to reach out and help people who are interested in learning more about how to leave a legacy, but who perhaps don’t know how to do it.”

What she loves most is the look of joy on the faces of people who know that they are leaving a legacy of care. “It is great to see their reaction when they realizee that things will be done the way they want that will make a difference for others. It really is about achieving your dreams and making a difference in our community.”

Have you had a chance to see the new donor recognition walls in the Hall of Honour at Kingston General Hospital? The new, updated walls were installed in November. An official dedication of the walls will be scheduled later this spring.

Are you ready to achieve your dreams?

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Foundation Report - Winter 2012 8

For more information on the Foundation or to make a donation, please contact us.Our Local Number: 613-549-5452 • Toll-Free in Southeastern Ontario: 1-866-549-5452

55 Rideau Street, Suite 4 • Kingston, ON K7K 2Z8 • [email protected]

Foundation Report is published by the University Hospitals Kingston Foundation – the fundraising arm of Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston General Hospital and Providence Care. For copies or permission to re-print contact us.

University Hospitals Kingston Foundation, Copyright 2014. All rights reserved.

Legacy— Continued from page 2years and the brand new hospital un-derway are, in part, the result of Dale’s 30+ year career and his single-minded determination to see new hospital facilities built for all of us. And I, for one, am grateful.

It’s inspiring to consider the impact of these two community leaders, each with a different approach but with a common legacy—the betterment of health care for all of us.

Through you gifts, you also make our Foundation and our hospitals part of your legacy of generosity. And we thank you.

Representatives from the Canadian Cancer Society, the University Hospitals Kings-ton Foundation and Kingston General Hospital joined together in mid-December to celebrate the proceeds of their second annual partnership in the Kingston Relay for Life event. Relay took place June 7th at the Royal Military College. This year, Kingston General Hospital had a record 15 teams who together raised $29,672.32—proceeds that were turned over to UHKF in support of the cancer program at KGH. These funds were used to purchase sleeper chairs for the inpa-tient cancer unit, enabling family members to stay with their loved ones overnight while at KGH. Because the KGH teams were able to raise more money than anticipated, the ex-cess funds are being used to purchase support carts for the palliative care program.