four levels of clean, low cost, underexplored water tech for industrial, commercial, & farming appli

www. BEN RUSUISIAK NEW NATURE PARADIGM TECH ANALYSIS VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA, UPDATED FEB10, 201 7 Four Levels of Clean, Low Cost, Less Known Water Technology for Industrial / Commercial / Agricultural Applications Environmentally Friendly, Economical, Eective Water Cleantech for The Future

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Along with in other technology fields, previously not accepted technologies, some of which has been widely used for commercialized applications are gradually being re-confirmed by mainstream Western academics. The next phase is how Western mainstream media or various levels(from news, science reports, to Wikipedia) are going to express these confirmations.


  • !


    Four Levels of Clean, Low Cost, Less Known Water Technology for Industrial / Commercial / Agricultural Applications

    Environmentally Friendly, Economical, Eective Water Cleantech for The Future

  • ABSTRACT: This presentation covers some of low cost, water related commercialized cleantech that is under-utilized or not commonly known to exist at all, in areas of 1-Environmental cleaning, 2-HVAC improvement, 3- Energy extraction, 4-Industrial processes, 5-Drinking water generation, 6-Geoengineering, 7-Selective bio-enhancing, antioxidizing, and rust prevention etc. Some of them are convertible for a use in field of energy, medical, biology, weather modification, material science with similar advantages. One of such effects not fully explainable by chemistry, yet officially utilized by some non-Western ally nations, is prolonged "water structure", or active electrical charge holding capacity of water. There are multiple treatment methods that can cause sustained unique capability in plain water for at least 4-5 days and used without added chemical or solutes. e.g. a-As detergent for commercial kitchen, butcher or heavy oil removal, b-Industrial cutting or washing fluid, c-Hospital operation room, or food industry equipment disinfectant, d-Medical: skin disease, infection, internal organ, oxygen & hydrophobic drug delivery agent, e-Plant/animal growth increase, Enable brackish water feeding, Removing animal residence odor, f-Increase strength of concrete, ice, paper, g-Enhance flavor of pasta, coffee, bakery, h-Low emission fuel making from subgrade incombustible hydrocarbon, i-Display chemical or mineral effect without chemistry present in water. Some exceptionally electrical-active water seems to even function as "phase catalyst" and as "plain water concentrate" for similar or more robust effects by dilution. Such Scientific Positioning gap between Western industrialized nations and others are also observed in different applications. This seems to affect research & commercialization funding, & actual deployment level of new effective processes. e.g: water treatment by Time variant magnetic field & Rotating Electrode, Far InfraRed waves, Some of Sub/SuperCritical water, Water emulsion fuel, Hydrodynamic Cavitation, Cold fusion, Resonance water decomposing as HHO gas, Acoustic Pulsed Fire Dewatering, Electro-Scavenging effect for rain generation & Cosmic Ray based climate change idea. One definite reason for debunking is because effects might co-display scientifically & economically highly disruptive thermodynamic law violating over-unity & non-local phenomena. But low cost effective techs detrimental to chemical based system also have been supported by western ally nations: Electrocoagulation water cleaning was backed by European groups & currently they are supporting Plasma Activated Water, Thermal Hydrolysis, Membrane Distillation, & various NanoFiltration etc. Overall, low cost "science contested" clean water tech in the past is increasingly utilized by marginal business groups or even by multinationals especially at local factory level. And unless spread of this new paradigm stalls at low adaptation ceiling, "closed system" belief of mainstream society will fundamentally shift to unlimitedness based "open system" before 2030

  • 3 p10 TAC(Template Assisted ..Crystallization) etc p15 Ozone & UV etc p22 SuperCritical Water etc

    p25 Ultrasonic, Cavitation effect . . . & Pulsed Fire Drying p35 Nano/UltraFine Bubble etc p39 PhotoCatalytic water etc

    p47 Electrolyzed acid water etc p75 Plasma Activated Water p79 Electrolytic + Venturi etc p92 .Magnetic Water treatment

    p104 Phase Catalyst Water p125 Torsion field/Scalar Wave p133 FarInfraRed, Bioceramic, .. Minerals treated etc

    p150 Pumpable Ice Slurry p155 ElectroSpray etc p161 ElectroHydraulic effect

    p171 Solar Desalination etc p188 SuperHeated Steam etc p203 Magnetic Resonance . Freezing & Thawing

    p206 Ion projection p212 Ferrous Ferric Ion water p214 Vacuum Saturation/DDW, . Steam Jet Ejector/eductor

    p233 Plant Polymer & Micelle p238 Rain Related Weather .. Modification p251 Water Technology List


  • 4 QUALIFICATION OF INFORMATION This presentation might not always reflect the view of mainstream media

    & academia/wikipedia/science consensus; hence attendants/readers are recommended to re-assess the data from own independent perspective.

    Listed commercialized claims include that are contradicting mainstream science law, while empirically deemed to produce effects repeatedly.

    Compared to other industries, water technology tends to have wider & varied mechanics to achieve intended physical effects: Labs, schools, even conservative mainstream, or mundane looking companies often use their own effective unique processes not widely known. Many of what is covered here is a selected technologies used enough to be known as effective in some sectors or by small # of consumers but not by other sectors.

    12 page long Water Technology Effect Comparison Grid List is located at the end of presentation.

  • Tech effects code used in tech lists(located at end of this presentation) are headed by Boldface purple letters as on the right

    Commercialized tech claims are listed in(Blue Letter +), and + within bracket means other unnamed companies also claim same effect. * at example D4* indicates particularly effective application


    How to Read Tech Detail Explanation Texts .

    11Hydrodynamic cavitation: WM Accepted effect: J(BOD reduction, Advanced Oxidizing Process, toxin/oil field waste water/sludge decomposing)(, For ballast water(Globallast ua+), Enhanced oil recovery- additional hydrocarbon quality improvement(Arisdyne+),

    Sometimes WM Disputed effect, A(Descaling), HVAC application(HyCator, VRTX Technologies+), Pipe cleaning(Group Konstanta +), Dairy product flow pipe descaling is WM rejected(TEKMASH+): B(anticorrosion of water pipes), C(Algae removal)(CT Systems ua+), D4*(New.

    Technology claims are explained in details in each of 66 dedicated section in coming pages --->> see example of Hydrodynamic cavitation below.


  • 66 Technology names: Mainstream application might be omitted from effect explanations. Same tech shows up twice in some cases.

    1-TAC(Template Assisted Crystallization) 2-Pulsed Power, 3-KDF 4-Metal Ion, 5-Citric Acid, 6-Ozone, 7-UV, 8-Aeration/Anaerobic 9-Sub & SuperCritical Water/Thermal Liquefaction 10-Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation water, Acoustic Pulse Fire Drying 11-HydroDynamic Cavitation, 12-Spiral Vortex flow, 13-Nanobubble-UltraFineBubble, 14-PhotoCatalytic Water treatment

    15-Electro Deionization(EDI) & Capacitive De-Ionization(CDI) 16-Electrolysis Alkaline water, 17-Electrolysis Acid water 18-Electrolysis Acid-Alkaline mixed, 19-Boron Diamond Electrolysis 20-Electro Phoresis/migration/reclamation, 21-Fulvic Acid water 22-Nano Material Used Filter, 23-Plasma Activated Water(PAW) 24-Electrolytic Metal Alloy & Venturi, 25-ElectroStatic treated water 26-Electric field pulse


    66 Under utilized Water Technologies: #1-26

  • 27-Time Variant Magnetic Field treatment & Rotating Magnetic Field 28-Phase Catalyst water or Catalytic Water 29-HHO & Hydrogen water

    30-EM & Other Antioxidant type Micro-organism activated water 31-Torsion field & Subtle field treated water

    32-Scalar wave & phase conjugated form wave treated water 33-Mineral, Bioceramic, FIR/Thz wave treated water 34-Vacuum Freezing, 35-Vacuum Flash Vaporization 36-Water jet, 37-Water Emulsion, 38-Pumpable Ice Slurry 39-Sabatier Reaction & Hydrocarbon production by CO2 + H2O

    40-Electro Deposition(not clean-tech), Plasma Electrolyte Polishing 41-ElectroSpray, 42-ElectroPoration, 43-Electro SonoPhoresis 44-Electro Hydraulic effect, 45-ElectroDialysis/Bipolar Membrane 46-ElectroFloatation, 47-ElectroHeating


    66 Under utilized Water Technologies: #27-47

  • 48-Nitrogen & CarbonDioxide infused water 49-Solar Distillation, Solar Water treatment, Atmospheric Water Collector 50-SuperCritical Water(also SubCritical, Hydrolysis, Steam Plasma)

    51-SuperHeated Steam, 52-Degassing/Degassed pure water 53-Biochar/Classic Carbon + UV treated water 54-Slow Acoustic Pulse wave, 55-NanoCarbon Treated water 56-NanoFilteration water

    57-Electric & Magnetic Resonance Freezing-Thawing 58-Ionizing Projection in air-mist 59-Ferrous Ferric Ion dissolved, or its oscillation only treated water 60-Vacuum Saturation heating or cooling & Deuterium Depleted Water 61-Membrane Distillation/Pervaporation 62-Mineral, FarInfraRed, High Pressure treated water, Deep Sea Water 63-Other Anomalous Processes: water products to overunity energy maker 64-Plant NanoPolymer applied water, 65-Rain Related Weather Modification 66-Atmospheric Water Generator 9

    66 Under utilized Water Technologies: #48-66

  • 1TAC: Template Assisted Crystallization; This particular naming is branded & used in English speaking nations but many other names/no particular names used for other nations,

    WM Accepted effect: A(Scale prevention in water pipe) by Water treating resin bead media with special surface triggers nucleation pattern of dissolved elements such as Calcium Carbonate: CaCO3 etc to occur in water to remain as solute instead of depositing onto the water pipe wall as hard scale forming.

    B(anti-corrosion in water pipe): Usually there is no such claims made since companies in this category are focused in core WM market, but it is possible some of TAC media might be triggering additional effects by WM unapproved mechanics such as i-charge creation by ceramic beads hitting each other, or ii-some kind of non-light-photolytic process or metal ion, iii-some media contains metal, magnet particles, or FarInraRed emitting bioceramic which has same effect etc. Pipe descaling effect seems to be much faster than magnetic or electric field types Might be less effective at heavy solutes contained.

    Commercialized examples: Watercryst, Nextfiltration, OneFlow10

    1TAC: Effect Accepted by Western Mainstream(WM) as valid

  • 2Pulsed Power: Strong Electromagnetic field pulsation causes water and dissolved ion molecule behavior to be affected:

    Official WM acceptance occurs only in Pulsed Power categorization while other much lower cost system with essentially the same mechanics tech are pseudoscience treatment: such as 25Electrostatic 26Alternating Electric field, 27Alternating Magnetic field, and to some extent 24Electrolytic metal ion and venturi. High powered pulse is easier to make microplasma in water(for some unclear reason certain weaker power systems seem to be able to make one also)

    Only difference is high cost of device, frequency(in some cases) & how much high power is used to generate the effect. It might be beneficial for seller of similar tech products to use Pulsed Power as branding name for WM acceptance, which might seem to happen with some weaker power using devices.


    2Pulsed Power : Effect Accepted by Western Mainstream(WM) as valid:

  • WM Accepted effect: A(Descaling), B(unti-corrosion), C(algae stifling) by altering electric charge of CaCO3 type elements so that it would continue to be suspended in water instead of attaching to pipe walls, or stifle germs activity, High power devices also caused by shockwaves to rupture cell walls, Also effective in fouling control by different mechanics but same microplasma type generating Microwave inducuction(Onvector+), also widely known to increase microwave plasma induction by ultrasonic wave, J(Waste water cleaning), P(Sludge reduction or odor remove), H2(Dewatering), See section 42Electroporation for more of above J,P, H2effects,

    Commercialized eg: (Dolphin WaterCare, Griswold Water System, Genesis Environmental Service co+)

    As generally in West, this type of contrast often happens to coincide when existing tech lobbying is strong enough to deny tech validity of lower cost same effect technology across different industry sectors(eg: energy industry; Water emulsion of unburnable oil into low emission fuel, medical industry: Vaccine, Cancer treatment exclusive only valid treatment while clearly documented more effective much lower cost techs are legally banned from quoting evidence and witness).


    2Pulsed Power : continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • 3KDF(Kinetic Degradation Fluxion): Media with copper-zinc formulation, some relation to 24Electrolytic metal water treatment, Works by triggering electrochemical oxidation reduction(by copper and zinc in the media) to water for CaCO3 etc to remain in solution. Also ion reaction for bacteria stifling effect. Often used with Activated Carbon or a part of many filtering in a drinking water system. Stand along system usually need backwash every month or more, Usually piggy backing other media or filters combined in treatment system: WM Accepted effect: C(Algae germ stifling)

    Sometimes media Disputed effects, but WM science accepted: A(antiscale of pipes), B(anti corrosion), Commercialized eg: (CuZn Water, TowerClean, H2O Concepts +)

    4Metal Ion: Metal ions of Silver/Copper/Zinc to dissolve into water causing WM Accepted effects: C&D(Algae germ stifling as process or as water), N(Food detergent), Sometimes WM Disputed effects: A(Descaling water pipes), Weak effects: H(Oil paraffin unstuck and water-oil separation)

    Commercialized eg:( Cromwell Environment Technologies, Nevoton, AquaSmarter VALTECH, Exterminator Pond, Procare Water Treatment +)


    3KDF, 4Metal Ion: Effect mix of Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM): - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • 5Citric Acid: WM Accepted effect: C(scale cleaning/removal). Disputed for commercialized benefit by some media or conventional water

    treatment company linked articles, Effects are widely accepted as valid as historical traditional manual home type applications but far less # of academic documents to officially approve practicality for commercial use, while some industry linked credible groups denies its effectiveness. Many chemical scale or other water related treatment methods combine citric acid with other chemical/mechanics.

    A(Descaling), by reacting with CaCO3 type scale elements. M(Spray, soak water to last food, less mold), N(Food detergent), Y(Insectcide, herb stifler),

    Weaker effect: B(Decorrosion or rust prevention), F(Laundry detergent as water), i.e.: effective only in narrower range of situation.

    Commercialized eg (NuvoH2O, eH2O, Precision Dynamics+)14

    5Citric Acid: Effect mix of Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • 6Ozone: Cost is more frequently lower than conventional tech with more strict environmental regulations, while more efficient tech being developed: (19Diamond Electrolysis, Spiral vortex water supply ozone generator[], Anomalous Platinum based coating(with Ir, Ru or Rh) of Titanium electrode[Tanaka Kikinzoku+] etc), Plasma discharge in water(Ebara EJK jp+), Electrolytic Ozone Generation(Biotek-Ozone), WM Accepted effects: Widely deployed: C&D(Algae-germ stifling process, or as water short term), I(grease trap cleaning, kitchen order removal):(Kanplakun, Oxytech GmbH+), J(AOP process waste water treatment etc), some combine cavitation from Ultrasonic & Hydrodynamic to augment effect(OZONIX Ecosphere Tech+)

    Under-explored regularly claimed effects, A(effective in water oil separation), M(spray on food to make last longer), N(food detergent, Ozone and Ultrasonic can be combined to increase effectiveness), R(metal precision, high tech parts washing): Wafer, semiconductor, LCD(liquid crystal display), photomask parts, ozone nanobubble infused water is most effective washing fluid in some parts(MKS Instruments, Nomura nms, Ovivowater +), W(degassing)

    Occasionally claimed effects: E(Industrial type cleaner), S(coagulation, toxin separation) 15

    6Ozone: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Rejected by Western Mainstream(WM)

  • Sometimes Disputed effects, A(pipe scale prevention indirectly by stifling biological element), B(corrosion prevention)(Spartan Water Treatment+).

    Generally WM Rejected effects, significantly lower cost version by Ozone use is F(laundry, detergent as water or process, effective in cold water use: eg PureWash, Eco Tex Laundry, Air Trona +): Often plasma type method is used, co-producing H2O2, Hydroxyl Radical etc, some combine other pseudoscientific methods to increase effectiveness(eg Magnetic water: EcoWasher+), Nanobubble use(Cwtozone+), Validity confirmation is often avoided by WM academic while strongly appealed as complete pseudoscience at main media level, but amongst some scientists and industrial sector this tech is a common sense and regularly used

    Other commercialized eg: (Ozomax inc, OzoCan+) Unlisted effects: Water oil emulsion fuel etc production: rotating

    electrode use 25% more efficient ozone generator use(Inpal net+)16

    6Ozone: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • 7UV, widely deployed effect, Not always but often same effect as 6Ozone tech. Cost is sometimes more expensive than chemical types but increasingly becoming lower cost by various tech advancement( eg Electrodeless UV lamp by microwave use for instant turn on & off, light direction flexibility, adjust light, low heat etc: (Severn Trend Denora, MEC co Ltd +), similar benefits in LED UV: (Aquisense, Aquionics+)

    WM Accepted effect: C(bacteria stifling at pool etc), J(AOP process or/and disinfection): Ballast water(Alfa Laval+), Shirt pocket carried mini device(SteriPen), It might be too disruptive to industry structure as useful in turbid waste water with given strength(Green Entech+), and only marginally used for water related treatment, but far stronger high powered UV pulse(in some cases takes 1/30-40 time of continuos UV)(Xenex, Excelitas, econos +), While Sometimes Disputed effects are: A(pipe descaling): (Silver Bullet Water+) by production of H2O2, Ozone, Hydroxyl. Occasionally claimed effect of above temporarily decomposed water functions as E(Industrial cleaner), Weaker occasionally claimed effects S(Coagulation, toxin separation). Other commercialized eg: (UV Pure, Phonix Science and Technology, LG Innotek +) WM rejected effect: Prolonged UV treatment combined with other processes(pressure, distillation-condensation repetition, temperature, cavitation, electrolysis) produces electrically active capacity holding or bioenhancing effect water(Penta AquaRX+): 17

    7UV UltraViolet ray: Effect mix of Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM)

  • 8 Aeration & Aerobic Bacteria Activation(See Anaerobic Digestion at 2 pages later in this section): Air is circulated in water so that aerobic bacteria is activated to consume organic waste faster, There are less deployed but notable combined stronger claims with Ultrasonic, Microbubble(down to more effective Nanobubble/Ultrafine Bubble) for enhanced effects.

    WM Accepted widely used effects: C(Algae stifling), S(Coagulation), J(waste water cleaning): Although activated sludge process with separate aeration &

    settling tanks are most standard amongst existing sewer waste water treatment system, Membrane BioReactor: MBR(faster processing & smaller space taking, scalable sizing) is already complete mainstream/more or less standard on new installation level(Bio Microbics+). Some even claim to function with 1/2 size of regular MBR tank size(Kubota+), In addition to smaller tank, 20-30% less energy use & low CAPEX by aerobic granular sludge generating quicker setting(Royal HaskoningDHV Nereda): initiated by Delft Univ.(There is slight disputing on effectiveness at media level)

    This group from Netherlands has frequently been the driving force of bringing in previous pseudoscience into WM as science legal effects. Often when they publish western unapproved but non western nations granted effects, suddenly it becomes "discovered" & other western scientists can officially start studying it for the first time. 18

    8Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic Digestion: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Rejected by (WM)

  • continued: J(waste water cleaning): sludge digestion: WM media occasionally Disputed effects exist as to whether non-conventional aeration methods are more effective in sludge digestion than regular ones. In certain applications/situations some are reported to demonstrate disruptively increased effectiveness in following types: Spiral aerator type(Pax Water Technologies+), Bottom up spiral vortex bubble aerator(Hanasaki Bussan Neo Tornado+), Bottom up slow pulsed air seems to save 50-95% of energy(mostly towards the latter) with low maintenance no moving parts mechanics & variety of unconventional favorable side effects(Pulsair Systems, Pulsed Hydraulics inc, Geyser Pulse Pumps +): this tech is widely used for a long time by military types and many mainstream organizations in specific segment

    Oloid aeration for surface floating device( likely the most effective in exclusive surface aeration tech, BioCeramic contained microbe use(BioCleaner+), Cavitation Jet(DynaSwirl+), Some unidentified bacteria combo seem to have pseudoscientifically effective results(Sludge Solutions International+), Adding infused microbubbles & ultrasound(Blue Frog System+): for smaller nanosized Ultra fine bubble aeration see 13Nanobubble. For Vortex types see 11HydroDynamic Cavitation & 12Spiral Vortex Flow.

    Generally WM Rejected effect: D2(Human preferred selective herb-insect removing), Unlisted Effect: Unusually low energy use(80-90% less) effective aeration & decomposing of waste

    water when rapidly rotating & changing pressure was applied repeatedly from one treating tank to another (.. E.P.C. ltd Bio-Disk+) - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    8Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, & Anaerobic Digestion: continued 2

  • Anaerobic Digestion: microbes consume waste content in water to produce methane gas(natural gas) in absence of oxygen, which can be used to produce power, some water treatment operations are net electricity exporter. Pre-treatment like mild hydrolysis etc increases digestion effectiveness

    WM Accepted widely used effects in some nations: J(waste water cleaning)/P(sludge reduction)/C2(plant growth promote matter generating)/G2(energy fuel production) as all combined effect: There are installation gaps by nations & industry/sector of full use to under-utilization.

    One of std process water treatments in: Food/Beverage etc industry related process anywhere in world(Paques nl+) or North West Europe in all sectors including public waste water treatment,(Veolia, Hydroitalia - Colsen, WABAG, Hager + Elsaesser), US/Canada have much lower municipality installation & technically capable service companies located there mainly install industrial/farming clients or overseas cities for this specific process system(GE Water, WOG group, ADI Systems+), many non-western nations utilization is low


    8Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, & Anaerobic Digestion: continued 3

  • continued: WM Accepted effects: Compared to municipality waste water treatment, heavier solid waste content agricultural or process integrated industrial waste water has lot higher rate of installations: sophisticated mid-large power generation system in Germany(10,000, less extent to other NW Europe, further less in other advanced nations)(EnviTec Biogas, BTA international, Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure, OWS nv+): often smaller type of gas only use: some nations like Brazil/Middle East etc, but particularly in India/Pakistan(4 million+)(Biotech India, Beta Pak Biogas+), China with state backed DIY type system(40 million+),

    Though volume differs by methods, still significant amount of byproduct Biogas Digestate needs to have sales channel or self consumption route : Agricultural co-application(for farming far enough from the city area due to the smell), Combustion/gasification fuel, Cellulosic ethanol processing etc

    Some other parts of world it is little used while rapidly increasing deployment. Septic tank can be converted to be methane recovery system(BiogasPro Agama+). Movable house gas making device suitable for Western environment(HomeBiogas+),

    Unlisted effect: Recovery of Phosphorus from waste water(Ostara, Swing-w Rephosmaster+)


    8Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, & Anaerobic Digestion: continued 4

  • 9SuperCritical Water(SCW)(also see more at section 50'SuperCritical Water which includes related low pressure low temp Hydrolysis, This presentation also categorizes lower temperature Subcritical & Hydrolysis lumped together): There are many mainstream fully endorsed tech applications in variations. Especially catalysis used & lower temperature - pressure used hydrolysis types are common in specific industrial segment(biomass anaerobic treatment, toxin decomposing, solid waste, Chemical/Pulp/Paper, Pharma, Oil refining industry etc) but lot less so in others,

    WM Accepted effects: A(descaling pipes), J(BOD reduction, Advanced Oxidizing Process-AOP, toxin decomposing/depolymizing),(SCFI Aqua Critox+), H(Oil & water separating),(Kankyo21+), H2(Dewater-drying food/organic matter),(Nomura-genesis +)as superheated steam, also this process enhances deoxydizng effect(in expanded vapour form there is almost no oxygen left) as opposite of its well known oxidization.


    9SuperCritical Water: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Fully rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • >> cont: WM Accepted less commercially viable effects: L(Drinking water generation[non desalination]+); only cost viable in limited situations

    WM media occasionally Disputed, effects, it is on way to mainstream media acceptance also, Complete WM science, G2(Energy-fuel production: hydrocarbon/Char): in often most cost competitive manner out of organic waste-trash or biomass including cellulosic/Iignin types as full depolymerization with minimal need of pre-separation, or sometimes less shredding(Licella - Ignite, REG Synthetic Fuels, Steeper Energy, GreatPoint Energy, Valmet+): some are direct liquefaction, others are via Sub or SuperCritical Water(SCW) gasification: Sewage sludge gasification is done very quietly by mainstream now(Meta Water)

    WM Fully rejected as occasionally claimed effects: Many of proprietary type so called Healing type or Catalytic type water seem to involve trade secret rapid heating/cooling often under high or low pressure than atmosphere in specific precision order/pressure/temperature/duration combination as main process, many are treated in Subcritical realm.

    This seems usually augmented/accompanied by either : Hydrodynamic cavitation, EM wave treatment (mainly UV, ELF, EHF, Thz), Plasma discharge, Vaporazing-condensing, Electrolysis, certain mineral(often FIR emitting or "electrically perpetually active" types like Tourmaline, or negatively charged Bentonite etc) or biopolymer or bio enhancing type herbs or bacteria mixing prior to the treatment,(see 62-63General Summary of Anomalous Vitalizing Effect Water), -->> continued


    9SuperCritical Water: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • -->> cont: WM Fully rejected as occasionally claimed effects: Many of proprietary or Catalytic type water

    Effects: Sealed water claimed to last up to 5yrs for its effects, and produced water is used as concentrate for 10-1000+ times dilution: D(Algae germ stifling as water), Z(Plant/animal grow larger-faster with water), B2(Less plant water needs), C2(soil desalination effect), D2(selective human prefered herb-germ-insect enhancing), E2(flavor enhancement), F2(human/animal skin, bio function enhancement),

    Unlisted effects: This type of water process has effect of -imprinting or copying process of mineral or magnetic property into water or vice versa. Certain water with copied qualities of some mineral can be further pasted on to 3rd party solid matter): eg of heating-cooling as key process in this type of water: (Enjoy VivoPlus)?, See details including commercialized examples at 28Catalytic Water.


    9SuperCritical Water: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • 10Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation & other Acoustic effects; See also Acoustic Pulsed Fire effect on later pages in this section 10, Ultrasonic effect doesnt necessarily accompany Sonic cavitation effects, Each service/product tend to specialize in specific different areas:

    WM Accepted effects: A(Anti pipe scaling effect)(Nanjing Hanzhou Technology+) B(anti-corrosion) by Acoustic signal to cause disturbance for preventing Elements precipitation to pipe walls, C(Algae, bacteria, germ stifling)(H2O Bio Sonic+) by shock wave, heat, and generation of H2O2 or Hydroxyl radical, Some claim no cavitation/harmful sounds is produced for animals(LG Sonic Cameleon Technology+): specific frequency for undesired algae - Usually Electroporation effect(see section 42ElectroPoration) or ElectroAcoustic effect generating electric field by "vibration friction" of solute/colloidal ions: Because this transverse EM field coincides in same oscillation as longitudinal acoustic wave, it's standing wave like resonance phenomena, Hence significantly improved effect can occur at specific Ultrasonic range(EMCS Industries+)

    E(Industrial type heavy cleaner),(Paint stripping: Pratt & Whittney PurePulse +), or 90%+ water saving cleaning(Ultra Wave - StarStream+), Most dip-in type top line devices come with oscillation or up-down motion option to prevent sonic frequency based uneven clean zones(eg 40khz creates it every 19-20mm), or by frequency changer(Rion-tpe+), Often vacuum combined (Aqua-c +), Adjustable cavitation quality(Sonicfellow +), H(Oil-water separation), 25

    10Sonic, Its Cavitation, Acoustic Pulsed Fire Drying: Effect mix of Accepted, Rejected, Fully rejected by(WM)

  • >>cont: WM Accepted effects: I(Oil water separating), J(Waste water cleaning, Oil, toxin recovery): by promoting faster degredation(Ultrawaves GmbH+), Mainstream use but only in some nations in Europe. Ballast water treatment by oxygen removal by inert gas combined with self generating ultrasonic oscillation(ColdHarbour Marine+), UV combined(Svarog UV+), Enhanced oil recovery(Progress Ultrasonics Group+),

    P(Odor removal as process, sludge reduction)(Dewaco Finnsonic+) by increased Hydroxyl with certain frequency, also direct shockwave can destroy some organism, W(Degassing) with certain frequency, F(Laundry & washing): residential use portable device(Volcano Turbo Wash+): Industrial multiple chamber vacuum-ambience dual type - std process use in electronics etc but not so in many other industries(Sakurajp, MasusanTec+), Resonating ultrasonic frequency at projecting source before water hits washing target(, M(energy production enhancement): biofuel production improvement(Sonotronic de+), H2(dewatering, drying): generating standing wave amplifies the effect, 50% range energy & time both saving, no temperature increase to the dried medium or substrate: ink, paint, glue etc,(Heat Technologies Inc+), close to order of magnitude for grain, fish, wood, cotton, pharmaceutical etc( , U-sonic ru +)


    10Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation & Acoustic Pulsed Fire Drying & other Acoustic eects: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • >>cont: WM Accepted effects: Unlisted effects: (matter destruction, boring holes)(VLN-Tech+), (less pain thorough root canal cleaning)(Sonendo+), (Barnacle growth prevention)(Hunter Technologies+), (Std process of flaw detection can be applied for pipe or water container situations by use of Immersion Transducers): std process in some industries but not all(Olympus-ims+), (Part of Std process in Oil In Water Monitoring [OIWM]): but underexplored in other applications(Mirmorax+), same use with ultrasonic self cleaning sensor system(ProAnalysis Argus+), (Emulsion fuel)(Hielscher, Vodmazut , +),

    Generally WM Rejected effect, Claims are made in connection with hydrodynamic cavitation devices which generate standing wave ultrasonic oscillation, M(spray soak treated water to make food fresh longer, less mold), Less often claimed effects: Z(plant-animal grow faster with larger crops, promote fermentation/decomposing),

    WM Fully rejected or treated as fraud, less often claimed effect, A2(desalinating water) (SonCav+) - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    10Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation & Acoustic Pulsed Fire Drying & other Acoustic eects: continued 3

  • Subsection: Pulsed "Acoustic Fire" Drying effect: This acoustic effect generally seems to be a result of standing wave generation by pulsated firing at 200-300Hz range, generating various anomalous effects yet quietly accepted or ignored by WM for some reason except thermodynamic violating segment of the tech:

    WM Accepted effects: G2(Energy efficiency increase), H2(Dewatering/drying): Here treated water doesn't help efficiency but the manner water is dried off powder etc indicates unusual efficiency & speed in comparison to conventional spray drying or Ultrasonic spray drying,

    Pulse combustion generates sonic sound energy shock waves & this standing wave causing sound seems(requirement for effectiveness) to accelerate drying by breaking bonds between water and matter, also far wider range of matter & size can be dried since there is no nozzle to spray used like in conventional spray drying: eg Ink drying, Production of Pulp & Paper, Gympsum& OSB/Fibreboards, or even in advanced drying system like rotary kiln. Speed of drying is in certain aspect is about 50-100 times faster with about 1/10-100 of energy used for fire control itself(ignored and not debunked by WM), while there is very little heat incurred in dried material even fire itself is 1000C range, hence useable for protein/enzyme drying. Pulsed fire often becomes self sustaining with no outside power used hence power use for overall fire related function at this point is none. If precisely calculate all of this, it would be not very plausible to justify less than unity efficiency - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    10Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation & Acoustic Pulsed Fire Drying & other Acoustic eects: continued 4

  • -->>continued: Pulsed "Acoustic Fire" Drying effect: G2(Energy efficiency increase), H2(Dewatering/drying):

    WM Fully rejected : Same "G2 & H2" effect description but from here it is realm of WM rejection: Exaggerated efficiency version of & relation to Pulsed Jet Rockets mechanics which is also conventionally not fully explainable. Also air flow caused by this "pulsed standing wave acoustic fire" seems to be charged so that this air itself dries other medium much faster than regular air, even 99% moisture matter is driable instantly. Drying effectiveness and sound itself affected by geometric structure of drying area also - Resembling concept of pseudoscientized propellantless microwave cavity drive used for space travel by Roscosmos and NASA. There is another side of similarity which is thermoacoustic effect

    Majority of this tech operators claim similar range of mentioned effects:(Heat Technologies Inc, PulseDry, Pulse Drying Systems+)

    Also some additionally claim alter the shape of particles as they are dried: instead of default globule shape, can make rugged patter for better adhesive capability when sprayed on(Wave Dry+) - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

    10Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation & Acoustic Pulsed Fire Drying & other Acoustic eects: continued 5

  • 11Hydrodynamic cavitation: Rapid water vortex involves cavitation, solutes remain in water or microorganism cells are ruptured by impact of colliding, imploding, shockwave, small amount production of H2O2, Hydroxyl & UV ray, Process might involve Venturi, Orifice effects, as well as Ultrasonic phenomena caused by water movement generating standing wave like effects, or claims of microplasma generation very similar to Electrohydraulic effect or Rotating Magnetic field/Rotating Electrode effect(active Torsion field), Spin is often well beyond 1000RPM, some close to 10,000RPM range :

    WM Accepted effects: J(BOD reduction, Advanced Oxidizing Process, toxin/oil field waste water/sludge decomposing)(, For ballast water(Globallast ua+), Enhanced oil recovery- additional hydrocarbon quality improvement(Arisdyne+), P(Odor remove, sludge reduction): by killing microbes & decomposing matter, W(Degassing & Deoxygenation):eg (Vortex Energy Saver+) is installed in water heater system to save 20-30% cost saving- This is surprisingly WM approved(UK govnt)


    11Hydrodynamic cavitation: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Rejected, Fully rejected by (WM)

  • Sometimes WM Disputed effect(easy to obfuscate & deny effect by at Western mainstream test lab level by changing vortex pattern or speed): A(Descaling), HVAC application(HyCator, VRTX Technologies+), Pipe cleaning(Group Konstanta +), Dairy product flow pipe descaling is WM fully rejected(TEKMASH+), B(anticorrosion of water pipes), C(Algae removal)(CT Systems ua+), L(Drinking water generation+), X(Lower redox value),

    Occasionally claimed: D*(Algae germ killing, disinfecting for drinking water)(Waterbotruff+), Generally claimed to work more like water filter as Oxidation destruction occurs, Certain heater device also produces range of effect similar to strong time variant magnetic field treated like water effect, K(Dirty water lake, river cleaning), N(Food detergent), S(Separation of undesired particles in waterflow)(Hydro International, Vorsana+)

    Unlisted effect: Oil water emulsion( +), Hydrodynamic cavitation itself and it's produced ultrasonic(hydroacoustic) wave use (Spektrultra +)


    11Hydrodynamic cavitation: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • Generally WM Rejected effect, O(Remove odor of dairy farm by feeding water), U(Stronger cement, ice, paper, gypsum board etc):(Watreco-Realice+), Quality snow making with vortex followed by venturi water release(Steinbach Alpin+), V(Faster boiling, alcohol separation, more heat conductive),

    Occasionally claimed: Q(metal working fluid, cutting fluid), E2(Enhance flavor bakery/pasta/coffee etc)(CTI Nanotech+)

    WM Fully rejected occasionally claimed effect: G(Toilet, stain, odor, remove by water), Z(Plant, animal grow larger-faster, promotes fermentation, Catalyst to ferment food, drink, manure),(Vidyo Dimitrov Fluid Power+), A2(Salt water desalination):(, Dewa Pulse, +), B2(Less plant water needs, soil water fast absorption and retention), D2(Human prefered herb-insect-germ enhancing),(Biokavitus+) G2(Energy production, combustion assistance): this includes commonly claimed overunity effect of efficiency beyond 100% performance for much lower cost heating system(- Yurle, Graviton-M+), or dairy product processing system with far less scaling problems( - TEKMASH+), also Biofuel production(HydroDynamics+),

    WM approved portion of G2: 1-Water emulsion upto 15% range for fuel saving(Vortexfuel ua +), 2-Different mechanics of SuperCavitation enables supersonic travel within water: various military group use


    11Hydrodynamic cavitation: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • 12Spiral Vortex flow/Flowform: Much slower & uncovered open flow version of hydrodynamic flow: WM Accepted effect: W(Degassing),

    WM Disputed effect: Generally explained by improved aeration and some sort of WM denied vitalizing effect by pulsating rhythmic vortex flow, or voltage difference generated between water and rock/wall just aside of water flow. P(Odor remove, sludge reduction by process)(Muddy River Technologies, Vortex Flow Inc+): combined vortex down and up in phase conjugate manner for faster effect (Mixaerator+)

    Weaker effect, A&B(Descaling & Anti corrosion)(Chesterton Vortex Divison+), C(Algae germ stifling)(Bertil Pettersson Plus & Minus+), D(Algae germ stifling as water), I(Grease trap clean, kitchen odor removal,Catalyst to ferment food, drink, manure), K(Dirty river water clarity or fish growth enhancement in flow)(Living Water Flowform+)

    Weaker occasionally claimed effect M(Spray-soak treated water to last food, less mold), S(Coagulation/separation of toxin/waste/sand etc): industrial sand or solid impurity removal(Lakos+), V(Faster oiling, alcohol separation, more heat conductive),


    12Spiral Vortex flow: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • Generally WM Rejected effect, E2(Flavor enhancement on pasta, soup, coffee etc)(Prime Inventions+)

    Weaker effect: J(BOD[Biological Oxygen Demand[ reduce, AOP[Advanced Oxidizing Process], toxin/oil field/waste water): linked to last pages P type odor removing effect, O(Remove odor of dairy farm by feeding animals), Z(Plant/animal grow larger, faster nutritious, promotes fermentation), B2(Less plant water needs, higher soil water absorption), C2(Plant grow in salty water, Soil desalination), D2(Human preferred animal-plant-bacteria etc enhancement), F2(Human/Animal skin-dental enhance, medical boost): WM rejected claims of above are collectively made/implied for many devices(Pejosan, Alive Water, Grander Water+): note they are often additionally equipped with other WM unapproved effects such as FarInfraRed emitting minerals, or subtle energy oscillating medium(actually measurable by some spectroscopy)

    Large majority of devices combine other WM labeled pseudoscientific processes: 27Magnetic, 31Torsion, 32Scalar, 33Bioceramic etc. Often new age connotation implied when marketed to household use products


    12Spiral Vortex/flowform: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • 13Nanobubble, Ultrafine bubble, Fine bubble: Effects differ by bubble content: mainly use of Air, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Ozone, CO2, Helium, Inert gas.

    WM Accepted effect: A(Scale prevention), C*(bacteria-algae stifling process by bubbling): Killing virus without corroding effect on metal( ), Ballast Water treatment(Gascon, HondaKiko+) by at least partially with impact of bubbles cavitation, Calcium etc broken down & kept in solution by Hydroxyl generated, but most major effect is likely to do with double-layer type charge-electron-current effect: negative ion around bubble to give electrons or generate hydroxyl. Vitalizing larger bioorganism or stifle rust but tends to kill virus

    E* (Industrial type heavy cleaner, particularly effective for IT industry type use precision parts /semi conductor cleaning),( deemed most effective washing medium in some applications(See section 48Nitrogen & CO2 infused water), Also done in other methods to increase effectiveness(section 58Ion Projection,): charging particles to reduce zeta potential (by nanobubbles surrounding it), combining Ultrasonic(Ultrasonic-Labo+), Self cleaning mechanics of bathtub etc(Mitsubishi Electric microbubble EcoCute self-cleaning+),


    13Nanobubble: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • > continued WM Accepted effect: J*(Waste water cleaning) Combine electrolysis to have electroflotation effect(Tokai-nsi+), but even regular Ozone infusion method is deemed quite effective(Toa electronics group, Aisan ecomax +), floatation methods(Nippon Steel Sumikin+): Use of find bubble range - super fine bubble or Nanobble doesn't float. M*(Spray-soak-dip in- to last food, less mold, Deoxydized Nitrogen/CO2 bubble water for long term fish/seashell stock keeping(Nanox Co Ltd+), Use of Oxygen nanobubble to freeze & revive some fish etc,), N*(Food detergent)(, ES+), P*(Odor & sludge reduction) by oxygen aeration(3-4times dissolving of normal aeration), is good, but Ultrafine ozone bubble lasts up to 12hrs(Hikari-Kurie, Nac-nmg Foamest+), Q*(Metal working fluid, cutting fluid, cleaning nano debris off knives to make it last longer, also very effective including splash reduction effect),(, R(Clean metal precision equipment parts), S(Separation of toxin/impurities): by flocculation(, T(Even dyeing, paint production), W(Degassing, detoxication) 36

    13Nanobubble: continued 2

  • Japan mainstream use but as sometimes WM Disputed effect, or under exaggerated capability, probably would have treated as full pseudosicence if claims were from Russia or China: D*(Algae germ stifling water, The nanobubble & its effect remains in water for at least several days), Vortex aeration style(Tec-kak+), when sealed nanobubbled Ozone continues to exists in water for 6months(Opt Creation Inc+), possibly H2 also(both pseudoscientized by WM), Low pH Ozone infused to minimized metal corrosion- using Diamond electrolysis?(Naturescompany jp),

    F(Laundry detergent effect),(Mitsubishi Electric+), G(toilet clean, stain on wall etc)(Ligaric+) including odor removal, which is suitable as water is faster drying than regular water, K(Dirty smelly lake/river/sea water clarity increase), H(Oil-water separation, Demulsion): Lower cost with improved separation than conventional types: (BLdynamics, Tec-Kak+), F2(Human animal skin/dental/enhance, insect bite treatment, bioenhancement against disease, cell protection etc),(Anzaimcs+), significantly higher warming capability over regular hot water(Micro-bub+) 37

    13Nanobubble: continued 3

  • >>continue WM Disputed: Occasionally claimed Y(Insectcide & herb stifler),

    Weaker effect: L(Drinking water generation[non desalination]+); sometimes key part of process, as single process viable in limited situations, V(Faster boiling, alcohol separation, more heat conductive, G2(Energy production, combustion assistance, efficiency improvement+): Emulsion(Malufuku+), Ocean freight water friction reduction for additionally better gas mileage(Aura-tec com+), H2(soil consolidation, geosynthetics) earthquake reinforcement etc(SatoKogyo jp+)

    Unlisted effect: Significant advantage in food processing(Idec Japan+), Acidity control by CO2 nanobubble injection(TechCorporation jp+), Large sized microbubble reduces residential water use by 20-30%(TanakaKinzoku+).

    B(anticorrosion)but effect seems weaker.(Greensuwon+) Generally WM Rejected effect, Z(plant/animal grow larger-faster, and increased

    nutrition value, less smell of cattle residence, promotes bioenhancing type fermentation, Catalyst to ferment or decompose food, drink, manure)(, +), Fertilizer effect by nitrogen nanobubble?(Ok Engineering finebubble+), Significant fish enhancement, reviving dying fish(Nikuni jp, REO +), 38

    13Nanobubble: continued 4

  • 14Photocatalytic water treatment, mainly Titanium Dioxide TiO2, some Tungsten Trioxide WO3. Cu doped TiO2 might be most catalysis producing under UV for commercialized models. H2O reacts to make Hydroxyl radical, H2O2. This applies not only to water filled surface but air cleaner mechanics(not on tech list) by catalyst applied surface contact airborne water/moisture creates Oxidizing agents,

    Despite wide publicity actual commercialization is relatively rare outside Japan, and UV light based effect is WM media approved, but media sometimes make other versions pseudoscience: visible light: ie UV light is not required(WM science legal) or no light(some illegal) photocatalysis,


    14Photocatalytic water treatment: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • This slow deployment of tech might be a reasonable move as full effect validation at WM media can be more disruptive than many other tech effects for wide applicability and displacement of existing more expensive chemical based tech(which also creates additional clean up industry):

    WM Accepted effect: B(anticorrosion of water pipe) by C(Killing bacteria & removing biofilms),works well as self cleaning(due to photocatalytic hydrophilicity effect) surfacing in permanently dark area by combining with Platinum etc(WM unapproved)(EcoKimera, Zen-World AirPlot+), Swimming pool applications to replace Chlorine: (This is WM media unapproved) (Newmarins,, (Medical focus on hospital floor-wall-window to clothing fabric-curtain-bedding(, Filter combined with other "elecrocharging"matter like electret or electroconductive polymer for strong disinfection(, Smog cleaning by coating on pavement & tunnel wall ( photo+),


    14Photocatalytic: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • WM Accepted effect: G*(Laundry detergent, Self cleaning toilet-glass-wall as visible light as process)(also WM rejected no light product exists), Quite effective in some situation as is due to continuous hydroxyl production, from waste water to pool disinfection, Hospital wall-floor disinfection (Seiwa Inc Kogyo), Spray on surface to make self cleaning by water once applied liquid dries(, Carry on laundry ball(, +), G(Toilet stain, odor removal by water),(Toshiba ReneCat, TOTO Hydrotect+) Can be very effective,

    J(BOD reduction, AOP of waste water, toxin/oil field water water cleaning), cheaper replacement of chlorine, killer hydroxyl disappears quickly and can be used for drinking/food process(CatalySystems+), Combined ultrasonic to increase effectiveness(this part WM disapproved),(Titanystar+), Dioxin & PCB decomposing specialty(, Ballast water treatment combined with other processes(Headway OceanGuard+), Circulating water for fish farms(Fish-agro ru++)


    14Photocatalytic: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • >>continued: WM Accepted effect: M(Spray-soak-dip-in to last food or less mold, clean air), platinum based types has high capacity to absorb vegetable rotting ethylene gas but there is also additionally some kind of WM unapproved residual bio-vitalization effect( Fuji Kihan Titan), Air cleaning(water mist is involved so included in this water tech presentation) is a major std application in Japan, it is not pseudoscientized but rather ignored or quietly installed without major reference to it by many other Western ally nations: No filter replacement, can use indoor lights: walls-glasses-filters-clothing-floor-urinal self washing-deodoring-germ-killing-oilmist-decomposing capability(Showa Denko+),

    Some of no bonding agent used photocatalytic material(doesnt peel off) or no UV requirement types are much more effective than others(but these types are WM science level approved, media unapproved), and there are antibacteria metal ion fused no light requirement types that are super effective(Fujico HardFacing MaSSC+),(WM generally ignored-rejected outside Japan), Because this air cleaning includes decomposing mold and Ethylene(C2H4), food in closed room last 3-4 times longer(Air-cleaner Seiwa Kogyo+)/cut flower storage or transportation(TankaFresh, Daikoh Kaizoukun+), Light stand & air cleaner/airborne germ decomposer(, Combined with humidifier for room cleaning(Hitachi +), N(Food detergent),


    14Photocatalytic: continued 4

  • >>continued: WM Accepted weak effect: L(Drinking water generation[non desalination]+); categorized "weak" only because it takes more time than other processes, but effect itself is firm and strong. Used as key part of process sometimes but stand alone photocatalytic type water purifier commercialization doesnt seem to be allowed at this time: except small portable carrying/military type(Puralytics).

    This is a much simpler technology compared to other photocatalytic applications: coat any plastic or glass containers with non toxic photocatalyst but ALL mainstream producers stops production during very high demand before 2013 or keep putting off new commercialization while calling it very promising technology(Panasonic Water Purification, +),

    P(Odor remove, sludge reduction by process): weak effect on turbid water or no light reaching matter surface even for pseudoscentized stronger effect no light photocatalytic types, This application has similar track record to aL Drinking water: from around yr 2000, this application has been discussed as ready for commercialization yet no mainstream group came up with a system, currently seemingly only used part application of UV light reaction AOP type, not sun light or even LED light using types(Takemura-SS,, Gyrecat+), 43

    14Photocatalytic: continued 5

  • G2(Energy production- H2 produced from water with light), this research is not aware of commercialization

    Unlisted effects: Non fogging window(Rinkoh +),

    WM Disputed effect: Rare claims: A(pipe descaling) by changing solutes nucleation in water, D(as algae germ stifling as water),

    Generally WM Rejected effect, Occasionally claimed, When made by Nano Titan Fine Particle Bombardment(FRB) on platinum or ceramic surface: oxidizing quality yet also strong andioxidannt quality(Fuji Kihan Titan). FPB fusing effect of platinum & titan causing anomalous effect?, K(Dirty lake smell cleaning, fish enhancement), O(remove odor of dairy farm by feeding water to animals), X(Lower redox value water, alkaline effect), Y(Insecticide, herb stifler), Z(Pant/animal grow larger, faster, nutritious, less smell, increase fermentation, Catalyst to ferment food, drink, manure/decompose), E2(Enhance Flavor of bakery/pasta/coffee/rice/soup),


    14Photocatalytic: continued 6

  • 15EDI & CDI: Electro De-Ionization(demineralizing thru membrane), & CDI: Capacitive De-Ionization (porous electrode absorbing ion); WM Accepted effect: Widely used for Pure water production- sometimes competitively used for L(Drinking water generation[non desalination]+)(eg combined with water spiral: BWT SEPTRON+), A2(Salt water desalination)(eg WiseWater Pte, TGH2O, HydroNovation+), commercialized tech is possibly competitive with low(
  • -->> cont: WM Accepted effects, A2(Salt water desalination): eg3: Combo of EDI & RO type tech for heavier salt content

    effectiveness: High Efficiency Electro Pressure Membrane(EET Corp+) Due to electrode use- close relation to other Electro water tech in

    effects(eg Electrolysis etc)

    As weaker effect, in rare cases used for A(Descaling effect), B(De-corrosion), C(Germ stifling, Bacteria removal), P(Odor remove, sludge reduction by process) as a side use. G2(energy harvesting) with CO2, research level only(Hamelers+),

    Commercialized eg: (Evoqua, Vertex Hydropore, Aqua EWP+ ) Generally WM Rejected: Z(Enhanced growth, nutrition, of plant-animal,

    fermentation catalyst), C2(Plant growth in salty/toxic water, soil enhancement)


    15EDI & CDI: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • 47

    Electrolyzed water: Generally speaking, this electrochemical process discussed in this presentation requires only negligible amount of salt (NaCl), or Potassium hydroxide(KOH) etc, to be added in water to electrolyze, or simply regular chlorinated water suffices(Membrane can work as electrolyte to electrolyze pure water also). Some qualifies as fresh water with salt content

  • 48

    Water effect differs due to variation of Electrolysis mechanics, Use of chamber separation membrane type(eg bioceramic mineral polymer etc), different Electrolyte use, voltage gap between electrodes,, Electrode material, pH, Pre-treatment(eg Magnetic, Acoustic or EM wave[UV, MW, FIR, Thz] Vortex, SuperCritical, Cavitation, Electrolysis etc), original infeed water content(same drinking water by region actually significantly differs,

    Due to chemical effect content is minuscule(50ppm max of effect content which is far below food additive limit in most nations), and industrial application water drinking test shows no short term harmful effects, it is included in part of clean water technology.

    Main effect element contents are: i- HClO/HOCl(Hypochlorite acid): Commercialized Sealed container concentrate types generally lasts upto 2yrs and much more effective disinfectant than commonly used Chlorinated drinking water(NaClO/NaOCl: Sodium Hypochlorite), ii- O3(Ozone), some short duration up to 30mins effect exists after electrolysis, iii- ClO, iv- NaClO/NaOCl, v- H2: claims of molecule Hydrogen stays dissolved in water

    General Electrolysis explanation 2

  • 49

    Core mainstream use(medical, dental, food processing, farming, industrial factories, public facilities - transportation sanitary, restaurant, retail, hotel etc) in Japan, S Korea, Russia, China etc. Bathing for medical use is additionally DACH nations & others approved. Large volume use is super low cost in-situ production. Academically complete mainstream. But high profile consumer type products marketed in West has been attacked by coordinated mainstream media(in some case court also follows media science rather than academic science for decision) for proven fraudulent/ineffectiveness(Tennant ActiveIon): there might be an agreement to allow industrial use in rest of West.;(eg MIOX+), but not for consumer application yet

    Also Notable: Three chamber based or AC current based electrolyzers contain no salt or Potassium(K) but ion only which is used to stabilize the pH of Alkaline(12-13.8) and Acid water(2.5-6), this makes long lasting concentrate liquid in a bottle possible

    General Electrolysis explanation 3

  • 16Electrolysis Alkaline water: WM Accepted effect: W(Degassing, Deoxygenation), WM media Disputed effects: B(unti corrosion); no salt 3 chamber type is useable for minor rust proofing also, D(Algae germ stifling as water, Disinfectant), instant germ killer made from water (Industrie De Nora+), generally less effective than acid water,

    E(Industrial type heavy cleaner, Cleaner concentrate):Clean water tech but most types are hazardous to touch till pH comes down, No rust worry metal cleaner(doesnt work on Aluminium), one time clean method saves time, particularly effective in oil cleaning*,

    pH12+(, +), strongest type are pH13.8(K&K, +),

    Used by dilution, Usually last 6-12months but liquid bottle needs to be capped after each use, not on open container. Also diluted water must be used within 1hr or effect loses, can spray & one time only wipe on hot temperature oily area without burning smell or catching fire like chemical cleaner, Small bottles are often more expensive compared to chemical detergent, weak effect for toilet,


    16Electrolysis Alkaline water: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • WM media Disputed effects: F(Laundry detergent as water)Usually combo is most effective, faster drying, cold water effective, 30% or more faster job(, one consumer targeted machine debuted in Japan with high effectiveness then later versions significantly declined washing quality then disappeared, commercial hand made types are utilized, M(Spray soak to last food, less mold), N(Food detergent), Q(Metal working fluid, cutting fluid, surfactant);, no need for spilling cleaning or decomposing fluid by heat & friction, no fire risk, germ-foul free, no fluid quality change by microbes: ( +), R(Clean precision, semi-conductor type equipment parts); only for 3 chamber no salt/electrolyte water- only ions dissolved, S(coagulation, toxin separation), X(Lower redox value water: Oxygen Reduction Potential[ORP]),

    Occasionally claimed effect: K(Dirty smell lake water cleaning), 51

    16Electrolysis Alkaline water: continue 2

  • WM media Disputed effects: Weaker occasionally claimed effect: G(Toilet stain odor remove by water), generally not good enough as stand alone use, Y(Insecticide, Herb stifler), Z(Plant/animals/fermentation growth, nutrition increase), In situ production medical electrolyzer(Fujiiryoki jp+), Proprietary h2 production lasts 3months in sealed aluminium container also strong medical results (, E2(Enhance flavor of bakery/pasta/coffee etc)

    Generally WM Rejected effect: F2(Enhance human/animal bodyfunction/skin condition, dental/medical),(Nihon Trim+), Home use electrolyzer machine acid side water is useable also(Takaoka Toko, Enagic Kangen, AkvaYav+) good effect in certain internal organ disease, non 3-chamber type water used for medial cure might have minor negative effect if consumed several yrs in row after cured, Anomalous style AC current electrolyer with proprietary frequency itself makes catalytic ability(see 28Catalytic water) effect ( water is used by 10times dilution, also anomalous white power deposits (Ormus?). Portable Hydrogen water making device(HYXIA Hydrogen Techno, , +), G2(Combustion assistance): water used for pyrolysis increase hydrocarbon output: (Izumrud Water+).

    Other Nonlisted effects: Reduced surface tension: often well below 60dyne/cm vs regular 73 at room temperature(ZyoutaiseiGyosui+), Some mineral or ink dissolved in water literally disappears(occurs at Catalytic like water[see 28Catalytic Water]),


    16Electrolysis Alkaline water: continue 3 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • 17Electrolysis Acid water: sometimes WM media Disputed effects: C*&D*(Algae germ stifling as process/water, disinfectant water) both very effective(Comfosy Haccpper, AquaCharge, Parkson MaximOS+), Oil industry focus(Ecotreatments+), J(AOP equivalent effect)- by normal non-plasma inducing electrolysis does't produce much Ozone: but some equivalent exists like stand alone ballast water treatment with no filter use(TechCross+), Also Titanium based certain coating allows effective ozone production electrodes(MIOX, Takana Kikunzoku+),or see(section 19'Boron doped diamond), Sand disinfection device(Torabest jp+)

    M&N(spray to food for lasting freshness, food detergent),(EwaterSystems+), Spraying as humidifier & air Cleaning + germ killing + static reduction at cattle housing, manufacturing plant, product storage etc(Hokuty Apiamist+), Housing use, hospital etc by pH8-12 acid water(WM Rejected)(PSguard Cado+), slightly less still high pH(Sanyo Denki, +),


    17Electrolysis Acid water: Effect mix of Disputed & Rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • -->> cont: WM media Disputed effects: Y(Pesticide/germicide), virtually all types are in-situ production by electrolyzer: (Hoshizaki+), by Unipolar type electrolyer(Envirolyte Industries/Omnilyte+), making inroads in mainstream in still under developed North America market(Eautechnologies, MIOX+), generally as strong or stronger than chemical insecticides but no effect in some of pests/germs unlike effect adjustable insecticide(by mixing different chemicals),

    usually needs 1.5-2times as frequent spray required than chemical types(but user has no need for mask or protector use or separate storage, often combined with conventional pesticide or diluting, A few organic farms combine other pseudoscientific pesticides such as Metal Ion or Effective Micro-Organism contained water(see 30EM) for complete clean tech only pesticide success(notably Parsley, Strawberry+). Mostly use of KOH electrolyte & 3 chamber 0 salt contained water,

    G(Toilet stain odor remove by water),54

    17Electrolysis Acid water: continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • WM media Disputed weaker occasionally claimed effect: Z(Plant growth enhancement, doesnt work for fermentation) is only effective at growth of roots and at early seeding stage.

    WM media Rejected effect: E(Industrial type heavy cleaner): this is only for non-Nacl containing usually made from 3 chamber electrolysis, pH is up to 8 as acid water(ie pseudoscience). Cleaning mechanics differs from Alkaline, very effective removal of germs*, or certain scale deposit removal. If there is too much impurities to clean effect is lost. Often used in combined washing method at industrial applications: Alkaline wash first then followed by Acid water, then 3rd time by Alkaline water. Majority of non-Japanese supplierss conventional 2 chamber water is unsuitable for its NaCl content & corrosiveness to the metal.

    D2*(skin, dental treatment, medical)(Perfect-Perio, Oculusis, Puricore+) is usually more effective than conventional medical treatments, Some stay away from refering to use of "just water" and make explanation vague under "proprietary technology". Awkward Western Govt approved(but media "correcting its mistake") medical effects: Skin related,(Nipponintek+), Tattoo skin care focus(Electrasyn), Digestion organ related( -


    17Electrolysis Acid water: continued 3 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • 18Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed. Here it covers unique versions of standard type water processes that are not widely used in some or most situations.

    WM Accepted effect: S(Coagulation, toxin separation): Prior to WM official acceptance, electrocoagulation had long been demonstrated effectiveness by "pseudoscientist" or by ex Soviets. Past debunking was based on selective focus on devices produced large sludge vol, needed high use of electricity, or performed erratically. This "fact" was exclusively accepted by media, and seemingly unclear exact mechanics helped their discrediting effort),

    But after yr 2000 some major acceptance push seemed to take place for this disruptive tech by mainstream European groups and their media by actually somewhat diverged from US/Canada media-industrial groups. Then some of effective version was more or less highlighted & whole tech was officially accepted(Powell Water Recovery+), This might have significance that WM actually is willing to introduce lower cost effective technologies at expense of existing profitable systems with wide spread consequences. -->> continue


    18Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Fully rejected by Western Mainstream(WM)

  • -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: S(Coagulation, toxin separation), Significance of WM acceptance of electrocoagulation effectiveness:

    1- Electrolysis was officially accepted as very low cost & effective performance tech for most types of waste water: Ion seeding/disolving from long lasting electrode & electric current to break colloidal/ion solutions & emulsion to precipitate, while other effective methods of electrofloation and electo-oxidation effects(H2O2, Ozone, Hydroxyl) can all take place simultaneously. 2- By newly approving of long been resisted unknown mechanics tech with large ramification, this demonstrates a possibility/recent precedent that both scientific & media level legalization of other currently multilevel pseudoscientized versions of electrochemical water effects: not just chemical only but also electron/charge relation & subtle energy effect demonstrated by nanocarbon

    Also in somewhat rare case applied specifically for arsenic recovery for drinking water cleaning(ElectroChemical Arsenic Remediation: Sus Addy+),

    Some unique type within this major std process of electrocoagulation(solid powder coagulant use types are not included) are listed here. There are many cross-overs with highlighted techs in other sections: -->> continue to next page 57

    18Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed: continued 2

  • -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: S(Coagulation, toxin separation), Some of unique types of ElectroCoagulation methods: i- Scale(calcium, magnesium etc) coagulation in electrodes for cooling water scale prevention(, ii- Unique flow/water contact of electrode(Axine Water+): iii- Adjusted electric pulse from solenoid wire around pipe to neutralize charges of suspended solutes to coalesce(FlowMarkWater+), same with water passing specific magnetic field(IRANDOC+): both weaker effect, iv-Super low power use coagulation(Igaden+), v- Rotating electrode(basically same as rotating magnetic field /strong torsion field effects) for increased coagulation activity(Boydel, Avivid Water+): What would happen if additionally place rotating magnetic field?

    G2(Energy generation): i- Electrolysis is used as base mechanics for widely researched fuel cell technology,, Most of them do not use enough water to qualify to be in this presentation but if heat recovery was fully used in addition to electricity generated, a few type qualify as significantly lower cost energy tech in limited application & geographical area: PEMFC(Proton Exchange Membrane(Ene Farm Panasonic+) in Japan's residential use, Also


    18Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed: continued 3

  • >>cont: WM Accepted effects: G2(Energy generation): ii- Conventional electrolysis hydrogen production, but on-board H2 generator for increasing automobile gas mileage is WM science illegal(see 29HHO-H2),

    iii- Another tech utilization method is for Cold Fusion(Low Energy Nuclear Reaction/Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reaction etc), currently most high profile & disruptive water tech that is entering into mainstream defacto approval:

    Base model(there are vast range of variation particularly if include fringe inventor type claims) is Palladium-Platinum electrodes electrolysis in Deuterium heavy water burns hydrogen and excess heat created in overunity manner. Additionally often unpredictably generates various precious metals transmutation phenomena(this is also WM generally rejected effect). Further there is a string of various related low cost disruptive tech applications from this model, for details see other report: [Cold Fusion, Tesla, Free Energy]


    18Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed: continued 4

  • >>cont: WM Accepted effects: G2(Energy generation): iii- Cold Fusion: After around 2014 active debunking is even ceased by WM media, and they are currently rather passively ignoring it with occasional appealing for tech's unsuitability for commercialization potential. There were several commercialization attempts but seems only one tech leader company is offering service-and is understandably for severe ramification they are the only WM debunked main player company in cold fusion currently(E-Cat - Leonardo Corporation)

    WM media Disputed effects: C(Algae germ stifling): works as disinfecting effect for farm feed water(WaterKub52+), M(spray soak to last food longer), some used for large entire cattle/chicken residence interior spraying for large scale disinfecting, N(food detergent), by Hypochlorous acid(HOCl) effect.

    Occasionally claimed effect; A(Descaling), by depositing scale on electrodes instead of pipes(Global Environmental Solutions ltd+), AC three electrode style with no deposits accumulating also to kill germs(Reiken Inc+), B(Decorrosion/Derusting), High frequency AC current Electrolyzing or rust proof & anti scaling (+),


    18Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed: continued 5 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • >> cont: WM media Disputed effects Occasionally claimed: Some combine with Metal Ion, J(AOP, water/toxin cleaning): Though there

    are many cross overs with it, widely deployed WM undisputed mainstream ElectroCoagulation effect is not covered as independent section in this presentation. Plasma effect: when thin wire cathode is on water surface, in right conditions it would produce plasma[contact glow discharge electrolysis], at lab level effective waste water handling by AOP process that produces precipitation(ProcontrolSL+),

    Disruptive Advanced Ground Water Electro Bio Remediation of entire contaminated soil/Electro Reclamation by in-situ Electro Fenton(Elgressy+),

    Cost advantage in environment remediation at right condition is very large, More in 42Electroporation, 20Electro Phoresis & Electro Migration, Electro Kinetics. All of this also further links to pseudoscientized HHO gas(Oxyhydrogen gas) generation as strong general remediation & soil vitalization effect.


    18Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed: continued 6 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • WM Fully rejected effect: X(Lower redox value water),(, by AC pulse shock wave from electrodes to generate nanobubble size H2/O2(, some vitalizing effect water involves mixed electrodes water treatment and water remains low ORP value for several months when sealed in container, This element is also used as part of 28Catalyric Water process,

    E2(Flavor enhancement of food, drinks) Wine, Juice, Milk flavor enhancement(Innovate-dt com+),

    F2(Human/animal skin/dental/body function enhancement/Medical): claims of long lasting Hydrogen dissolved in water up to 6months in sealed container, in addition to large amount of experimental results of significant bioenhancement/medical effects due to H2 neutralizes OH & other effects(mechanics disputed amongst experimenters)(Miz Company+), Yet Stanger/Galvanic bathing is DACH nations and Japan widely approved effect hence difficult to completely pseudosientize: only WM disputed level effect(Paracelsus de, Konishi Electric+)


    18Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed: continued 7 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • >> continued: WM Fully rejected effect: F2(Medical type effects): Activation of water by electrodes into drinking water container with resonance, different changeable metal electrodes for various metal ions option(OLI-DYN+), some water has highly electrically charged Catalysis function

    Many of semi phase catalyst type water, or water based products presumably use duel electrode in single water container or flow(hence Alkaline-Acid mixed),(also see 28Catalytic water, 33'Mineral BioCeramic Far InfraRed, 9', 50'SuperCritical Water, 63'Other Anomalous water) as semi permanently activated state water. Some of water product examples on next pages are alkaline or acid only types: -->> continue 63

    18Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed: continued 8

  • >> continued: WM Fully rejected effect: F2(Medical type effects): semi phase catalyst type water/water based products: Water production process can be repetition of various proprietary type

    electrolysis involving fluctuation of heat/pressure/EM wave/Static high voltage electric field etc(ASEA water, DNR inc Animal Therapy Systems, ECPI water+), Often claims of inoized or activated state of water/Oxygen(Rpa Biotech, GP8, Oxygen SuperCharger, Waterdesign-WD, RealWaterUs, R-Garden - Vitamin O+), activated molecular hydrogen(IonAqua cz +) (links to 29'H2 & HHO water), Cell like function(Life Force Water+), Far InfraRed use(AeroFresh Water+)

    Unlisted effect/tech: Pure Water electrolysis without massive energy: by use of solid polymer electrolyte membrane, Initially patented by GE in 1970s, and improvements made after. Rather clumsy scenario of continued WM pesudoscientization, while many labs/companies are continuing to use this methods on regular basis since 1980s: to produce cost effective high capacity pure H2, or Ozone etc(, Oregano, Kobelco, GS Yuasa+): at least in 3rd world and Japan it is used openly. 64

    18Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed: continued 9

  • 19Boron Doped Diamond Electrolysis; Diamond made electroconductive by doping, Due to high over voltage difference it has very high capacity & instantly generate O3(Ozone) & H2O2(Hydrogen Peroxide) rather than O2(Oxygen), Super efficient high volume of O3 is produced continuously with effective power ratio, Very little erosion of electrodes, Usually by far the most efficient AOP method, Because of disruptive nature of full spreading of this tech could take for a long time. Currently mostly just ignoring at media level than debunking.

    WM media Disputed effects: A(antiscaling) by Hypochlorite, B(anti corrosion), C(algae germ killing). J*(AOP)- very effective. L(Drinking water generation[non desalination]+), N(Food detergent).

    Weaker effect: M(Spray-soak to last food longer): germ killing agents neutralized quickly

    Commecialized eg: Element Six/Electrolytic Ozone Inc[De Beers Group],, De Nora Permelec, Advanced Diamond Technologies, Ai Denshi Kogyo +)


    19Boron Doped Diamond Electrolysis: Effect Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM) - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • 20Electro phoresis, Electro migration, Electro Reclamation:(also see below) Use electric field to move particles of charge potential difference(no charge needed for Dielectrophoresis), molecules/bacteria depended on size and charge. Use for medial drug delivery and related tests or DNA/biological research is core mainstream application(not on tech list),

    Also Electro-Osmosis: Use electric field to move liquid by charge potential across a solid porous matter(soil, rock, masonry, concrete etc), or nano scale matter(capillary tube, membrane), Widely used for medical or lab related technology. Various degrees of under-utlized use in different sectors/applications,


    20Electro phoresis: Effect mix of Accepted & Disputed by Western Mainstream(WM)

  • Both E-Phoretic & E-Osmosis effects are even accepted for basically same mechanics of oil enhanced recovery, while they experience strange scientific disputes only in soil/concrete/masonry related effectiveness. But WM approval would affect construction/digging of buildings and roads/embankment, geoengineering & civil engineering market, as well as other large scale industrial business.

    WM Accepted occasionally claimed effect: H(oil-paraffin separation from water: +, J(waste water cleaning, oil field cleaning): Oil field Enhanced Oil Recovery(EOR): (ElectroPetroleum, Geoox dk+), Oil field remediation focus: (ElectroKinetic Solution+), S(coagullation/toxin separation), H2(dewater sludge, soil, Geosynthetics): Food use is WM approved, but masonry, water ingress proof is sometimes debunked)(HydroTech Asia, ElectroKinetic Limited, Lectros+)

    Weaker effect: L(Drinking water generation[non desalination]+), in most situation not cost competitive as stand alone process at this time


    20Electro phoresis, Electro migration, Electro Reclamation continued 2 - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada

  • WM Disputed effects: A2(Desalination), C2(plant growth in salt, toxic water, soil enhancement),By Electro Remediation: (Terrancorp - Lasagna process+): salt, toxin or water content can be removed with minimum or no digging/moving of soil but might take longer duration than conventional method, yet cost is fraction, Possibly further improved effect by use of Vacuum Enhanced Electrocoagulation[reduced pressure changes solubility of hydrocarbon](Ground Effects Environmental Services +). Some toxin decomposing(Elgressy+) Some WM fraud treatment version works wirelessly with no electricity used

    Weaker effects: Z(Plant growth enhancement, enriching soil): carry beneficial microbes/particles to desired surface, Actual effect should be strong, but often inconsistent effect due to undeveloped nature of tech, Also see 42Electroporation


    20Electro phoresis, Electro migration