four orders introduction

Presented by Tony Samuel

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There are four orders in the Bible. Creation, Israel, Redemption and Church Orders.


Page 1: Four orders introduction

Presented by Tony Samuel

Page 2: Four orders introduction

What are the Four Orders?

1. Why did God “begin” this order?2. How was it initiated?3. Who initiated it? /Who was

responsible for every order?4. What was their message?5. How did they communicate the

message?6. Where did they communicate?7. What was the result? /How will it

“end”?8. Where am I now?9. What is my responsibility?10. How will I do my responsibility?

Creation Order

Israel Order

Redemption Order

Church Order

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Introduction to Four Orders

1. God initiated all four orders. 2. In every order God called a “man” to get involve in the order and to take

responsibility to carry on. God changed his name when he select a person for that order. (Only five persons names were changed by God in the Bible).

3. Every order had a “beginning” and therefore it will “end”.4. Every order had a definite purpose and it will be fulfilled.5. We have only three orders now. Creation, Redemption and Church orders.6. There are two kingdoms, Kingdom of Satan and Kingdom of God, and there

is a war between the two.7. We are in any one the order at a time though all are connected with one

another. We can leave one order and enter another.8. New Heaven and New World will begin, when Jesus destroys the Kingdom of

Satan and handover the other Kingdom to Father.

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Four orders structure

Four Orders

Old Testament

Adam(Created by God)

Satan (Stolen it)

Kingdom of Satan

Creation Order

Abraham(Called by God)

Jacob (Israel)

Israel & Judah

Israel order

New Testament

Jesus Christ(Sent by God)

Apostle Peter (Renamed)

Kingdom of God

Redemption order

Holy Spirit(Sent by Jesus)

Apostle Paul (Chosen )

Saints (Bride)

Church order

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Four orders outline

Creation Order

God created

Adam was the ruler

All are one but called “Dead” people

Lost it to SatanKingdom of Satan

Creation destroyed, Noah continues

At the end - Jesus will destroy every thing

Israel Order

God Initiated

Abraham the founder

Jacob (Israel ) as Nation - Jew

Moses, David led the people

Came up to John the Baptist

It is finished at the Cross

Redemption Order

Jesus started

Peter was given the key

Only redeemed who are called to be saint

Satan cannot over come now

Kingdom of Godstarted

Jesus will handover to the Father

Church Order

Holy Spirit initiated

Paul was chosen & mystery was revealed

Saints (Bride)

Hell cannot over come

Church order started

Holy Spirit will take the Bride to the Father

Every order had a beginning and all will end, then every thing will

become new.

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Creation order Israel order Redemption & Church orders Present time

2000 Years 2000 Years 2000 Years

Duration of Four orders

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Matthew 16:18-19Luke 17: 20-21

1 John 5:18-19 John 3:5

Matthew 13:41-42Matthew 13:47-50





Four orders - Reward

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Rev 3:20

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Creation Order1. God created the World2. Adam was the ruler over creation. God

called him “Adam”.3. Adam lost the authority to Satan because

of his disobedience. Adam’s sin, made all human beings sinners.

4. The result is Kingdom of Satan.5. Under this order all human beings are

brothers and sisters.6. God destroyed everything of His creation

except Noah’s family and few other living creatures.

7. God blessed Noah therefore Creation order continued.

8. Creation order ends by 2000 BC and Israel order begin with Abraham.

9. Jesus defeated Satan on the Cross.10. The second coming of Jesus will destroy

Satan's Kingdom forever.

About Adam:Father: God (Gen. 1:27; 2:7).Mother: God (Gen. 1:27; 2:7).Spouse: Eve (Gen. 2:21).Sons: Cain, Abel, Seth, and unnamed

sons .Daughters: Several unnamed

daughtersMeaning of his name: “Of the ground,

dust”.Frequency of his name: Referred to

30 times.Occupation: Tiller of the ground.Place of birth: Inside the Garden of

Eden Place of death: Outside Garden of

Eden.Age at death: 930 (Gen. 5:5).Important fact about his life: He was

the world’s first human being .

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Creation Order chart – Genesis 1-11





ORIGIN OF ALL THINGS• Six Days of Creation• One Day of Rest

SIN OF ADAM• Subtlety of Satan• Sin of Adam• Redemption of God• Martyrdom of Abel• Ministry of Enoch

FLOOD OF NOAH• Conditions Before

the Flood• Salvation Through

the Flood• The Tragedy After

the Flood

TOWER OF BABEL• The Arrogance of

Man• The Judgment of

God• The Origin of


2000 YEARS

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Israel Order1. God the Father started this order.2. Abraham was called and his name was

changed.3. Jacob chosen to form a nation and his

name was also changed as Israel.4. Israel was shadow of Kingdom of God.5. Judges and many Kings ruled the nation.6. David was anointed and chosen to establish

a Kingdom.7. Jesus was born from David’s line.8. Salvation for mankind came through Jews. 9. This order came up to John the Baptist. It

ended on the Cross.10. Jew or Gentile, Jesus is the only way to

Kingdom of God and to Heaven.

About Abraham:Father: Terah (Gen. 11:26)Spouses: Sarah, Hagar, and Keturah (Gen.

11:29; 16:3; 25:1)Sons: From Hagar: Ishmael. From Sarah: Isaac.

From Keturah: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah (Gen. 25:2)

Brothers: Nahor and Haran (Gen. 11:26)Sisters: Half sister was Sarah (Gen. 20:12)Meaning of his name: Abram, meaning

“exalted father,” to that of Abraham, meaning “father of a multitude” (Gen. 17:5-6).

Frequency of his name: Referred to 307 timesOccupation: PatriarchPlace of birth: Ur of the Chaldees (Gen. 11:31)Place of death: Near Hebron in Canaan (Gen.

23:19; 25:9)Age at death: 175 (Gen. 25:7)Important fact about his life: He was the

father of the Hebrew nation and the ultimate role model for faith

“Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the

veil is taken away”. 2 Corinthians 3:15-16

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Israel Order chart

Patriarchs Exodus and Conquest Judges

United and Divided


Captivity and Return,

Silent period

2000 YEARS

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Patriarchs• Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,

Joseph, and Job.• Period 350 years• The Abrahamic

Covenant, promising a goodly land (15)

• Jerusalem (a type of the heavenly) and Egypt (a type of the worldly) are first mentioned in this stage (Gen. 13-14).

Exodus1. important men :

Moses, Aaron, Caleb, and Joshua.

2. Period 325 years.Conquest1. Period of 25 years.2. The book describes

the invasion, conquest, and settlement of Palestine by the nation Israel.

Judges1. It is the dark ages of

that nation. 2. Period of some 300

years.3. Gideon, Samson,

Naomi, Ruth, Boaz, Eli, and Samuel.

4. The fruit of Israel’s problems could be seen in her:A. Compromise B. Apostasy

United kingdoms1. Period of 120 years, 2. Israel’s first three

kings. Each ruled for forty years.

3. The kings are Saul, David, and Solomon.

Divided Kingdoms1. Period of 325 years.2. The key events take

place in Jerusalem and Samaria.

CaptivityIsrael was captured by

Assyrians Judah was by Babylonians.

Return 1. Period of 140 years.2. After 70 years God

brought back in three returns.

Silent periodThe changes that took

place over four centuries.

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Redemption Order

1. Jesus was sent by the Father to initiate the order.

2. Apostle Peter was given the keys of the Kingdom of heaven to open. He did it on the day of Pentecost.

3. In order to see the Kingdom we have to “born again” and to enter the Kingdom we need to “be baptized by water and by the Spirit”.

4. All “Born again” believers are responsible to bring people from kingdom of Satan to Kingdom of God.

5. Satan cannot over come.6. Holy Spirit and Church(Bride) are here

for help to build the Kingdom.7. Kingdom of God will go through

tribulation.8. End will come when Jesus handover

the Kingdom to the Father.

About Peter:Father: Jonah (John 1:42)Spouse: Unnamed (Matt. 8:14)Brother: Andrew (John 1:40)Meaning of his name: Simon means

“hearing”; Peter means “rock” (Greek); Cephas means “rock” (Aramaic).

Frequency of his name: Referred to 183 times

Occupation: Fisherman and apostlePlace of birth: Bethsaida in Galilee (John

1:44)Place of death: Tradition says he died in

Rome.Circumstances of death: Tradition says

he was crucified upside down.Important fact about his life: He was one

of the chief apostles and author of two New Testament books.

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Luke 17: 20-21Jesus is the only way

John 3:3 - He cannot see John 3:5 - He cannot enter

Cross the Cross

1. You must Repent 2. You must be Born again3. You are saved from sin

We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

Jesus replied, “… the kingdom of God is within you.“ (NIV)

Who delivered us out of the power of darkness, and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love. Colossians 1:13 (ASV)

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”. (Romans 6:23)

1 John 5:18-19

Gospel (Good News) of the Kingdom of God

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Church Order

1. On God’s promise Jesus sends the Holy Spirit who initiated this order.

2. Paul was chosen and revealed the mystery by the Holy Spirit.

3. Saints are given responsibility to work in this order.

4. Church order is to work for the Kingdom of God and take care of them.

5. Bride should be ready for the Bridegroom at any moment.

6. Church will not go to hell but can go back to Kingdom of God .

7. Church will not go through tribulation as it will be taken in Rapture.

8. Holy Spirit will take Church with Him.

About Paul:Father: A Pharisee (Acts 23:6)Sister: See Acts 23:16.Meaning of his name: Saul means “one

who asks”; Paul means “little, small.”Frequency of his name: Referred to 180

times: As Saul, 22 times; as Paul, 158 times

Occupation: Tentmaker and apostle to the Gentiles (Acts 18:1-3; Eph. 3:6-8)

Place of birth: The city of Tarsus, in Asia Minor (Acts 9:11; 22:3)

Place of death: Rome (2 Tim. 4:6-8)Circumstances of death: He was killed by

the sword.Important fact about his life: He was the

greatest missionary, church planter, soul winner, and theologian in church history; he wrote 13 (perhaps 14) of the 27 New Testament books.

Paul the Apostle's journey - Miles (9,150) Kilometer (15,090)

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The Epistles of PaulFirst

Missionary Trip None

Furlough Galatiansfrom Antioch AD. 51

Second Missionary Trip

1 Thessaloniansfrom Corinth AD. 51

2 Thessaloniansfrom CorinthSummer AD. 51

Third Missionary Trip

1 Corinthiansfrom Ephesus AD. 56

2 Corinthiansfrom MacedoniaOctober AD. 56

Romansfrom CorinthWinter AD 56/57

First Imprisonment

Ephesiansfrom Rome AD. 60

Colossiansfrom RomeAutumn AD. 61

Philemonfrom RomeAutumn AD. 61

Philippiansfrom RomeAD. 62

Release1 Timothy

from Macedonia AD. 62

Titusfrom Asia MinorSummer AD. 66

Final Imprisonment

2 Timothyfrom Rome AD. 67

Hebrewsfrom ItalyAD. 67-68?

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Revelation outline

1. We have three orders now, Creation order, Redemption order and The Church order.2. We can be in any one order/place at a time, not two or three.3. During Rapture Church will go up first (Rev.4-5) but Kingdom of God will go through

tribulation for 3½ years and then Great tribulation for 3½ years Rev. 6-18).4. During 1000 years all will not there (Rev. 20:5). Also there will be several rapture after Church

(Bride) has taken up.5. When Jesus destroys the Kingdom of Satan and handover the Kingdom of God to the Father

(1Cor. 15) then the Church (Bride) comes down (Rev. 20-21).6. Jesus and Church will be New Jerusalem but the people in Kingdom of God will be all over the

new World and they will bring their gifts to the New City ( Jerusalem) (Rev. 21:24).28 June 2011 16Four Orders

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Who should do?

Jesus ChristMaster & King

Kingdom of God

1. Servants2. Male workers3. Female workers

All “born again” believers


1. Apostles2. Prophets3. Evangelists4. Pastors 5. Teachers

All the saints

In the Redemption order every born again believer is responsible to preach the Gospel and bring people to the Kingdom.

Jesus calls people fulltime to work in His vineyard.

In Church order, Holy Spirit calls and appoints people for various works. They must work with the Saints.

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Where to work?

Jesus ChristKing & Head

Kingdom of God

Four Sinners(Luke 15)

1. Lost Sheep 2. Lost Coin 3. Younger son 4. Elder brother


Four Approaches(Revelation 7:9-11)

1. Geographical2. People group3. Language4. Religion

1. In the Redemption order we need to work for every one in the Kingdom of Satan but focus “Four Sinners”.

2. In our home and relatives and among our family.

3. In Church order, we must focus “Four approaches” and develop people in the Kingdom of God, train them to win more people for the Kingdom.

4. District should be our goal.28 June 2011 18Four Orders

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We all are in Spiritual WarfareOur equipment—the armor of God (Eph. 6:11, 13-17). Let

us carefully note each piece of armor mentioned here. Paul very obviously takes those pieces of armor worn by the Roman soldier and makes spiritual application to each one.

1. The girdle of truth.2. The breastplate of righteousness. 3. The sandals of the gospel. 4. The shield of faith. 5. The helmet of salvation. 6. The sword of the spirit.

Here is the only one offensive weapon listed among the various pieces of armor. The rest are defensive in nature. The sword of the Spirit is identified as the Word of God (Heb. 4:12). This, then, is the armor the Christian is commanded to wear.

"Satan has no weapons of defense, and so when we resist him he must….” -

Charles H Spurgeon

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking

of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42)28 June 2011 Four Orders 19

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What is my responsibility?

In the Kingdom of God1. Now it is important to know where

am I, in these orders?2. You are now “Called to be saints” so

grow in the Lord.3. Know the rules and regulations of the

Kingdom and live accordingly. If not you will go to hell. (Matthew 13:41)

4. Since you are in the Redemption order then go the Kingdom of Satan bring people to the Kingdom of God.

5. Get help from the Church (Bride) who are there to serve you.

6. Wait for the King and Church to come and take you to live for ever.

In the Church (Bride)1. Paul calls you “Saints” therefore live like

saints.2. Main job is to serve and train people

who are in the Kingdom of God.3. It was he (Holy Spirit) who gave some to

be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. (Eph 4:11-12)

4. Spend more time in God’s word to serve people well.

5. You will have more persecution so be strong in the Lord.

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How to fulfill my responsibility?

In the Kingdom of God1. Know how to bring people from

the Kingdom of Satan. 2. Also “Four sinners” strategies and

know the level.3. Use different approaches and

available tools to bring more people.

4. Sow more seed which is the Gospel of the Kingdom and look for good soil to produce more and good result.

5. Always ask guidance to the Church (Bride).

In the Church (Bride)1. As a saint you are suppose to know

more about God’s word, so learn.2. Holy Spirit has given the Spiritual

gifts so use effectively to serve everyone.

3. Look the ways to serve the people in the Kingdom of God.

4. Help one another in the Church to fulfill their duty.

5. Live holy and pure life, pleasing Jesus every way.

6. Know more details about your district, State and other data for prayer and planning.

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Man’s responsibility in Redemption OrderAt the beginning:1. Adam was asked to name all the beasts of the field and

all the birds of the air.2. No suitable helper was found for Adam, so God made a

woman. Finally the family started at the garden.At the end:1. Noah was asked to make the Ark and preach for about

120 years before the flood came.2. God always calls His people to involve with Him in his

work, Creation and Redemption work.

Creation was not over until man (Adam) did his


Creation was not destroyed until man (Noah) did

his job!

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and

then the end will come”. Matthew 24:14

Redemption order will not be over

until man & woman (you) finish the job!

Preach Kingdom of God28 June 2011 22Four Orders

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Four orders comparison chartBasis Questions Creation Order Israel Order Redemption Order Church OrderWho initiated it? God the Father God the Father Jesus the Son Holy Spirit

When it started? In the beginning 2000 BC Jesus on the Cross At day of Pentecost

How it started? God created Abraham was called At resurrection Holy Spirit came

Who is beginner?“Name” changed God called him “Adam” Abram to Abraham

Jacob to Israel Simon to Peter Saul to Paul

Who is responsible? Adam (Men & Women) Abraham (Israel) Peter (All believers) Paul (All Saints)

Purpose To take care of the Creation and worship To save people To glorify God To glorify Son

How to enter? By natural birth (Physical birth)

CircumcisionCovenant relationship

By born again (Spiritual birth) Jesus is building

Result Kingdom of Satan Become God’s people Kingdom of God Church (Bride)

In the process It was destroyed thendeveloped with Noah

Came up to John the Baptist We can enter now Bride is getting ready

Solution Call of Abraham and Israel was formed Messiah will come Death of Jesus Christ Holy Spirit came and

prepare the bride

Enter from to where Kingdom of Satan to Kingdom of God

Kingdom of Satan to Judaism

From Kingdom of God to Church

From Church to New Jerusalem

End result Jesus will destroy Satan and death Finished at the Cross Jesus will handover to

the FatherHoly Spirit will handover

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Behold, I am coming soon!

“Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy.”

“Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done”. (Revelation 22:11-12)

Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say,

“Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty,

let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift

of the water of life.

28 June 2011 24Four Orders


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1. Halley's Bible Handbook by Halley's Bible Handbook, Inc. 20002. THE HOLY BIBLE: New International Version International Bible Society. 1984, 3. Willmington’s Bible Handbook, by Harold L. Willmington. Tyndale House Publishers

Wheaton, Illinois 19984. Willmington's Guide to the Bible by Harold L. Willmington. Tyndale House Publishers

Wheaton, Illinois 1984 5. Zondervan NIV Study Bible, Kenneth L. Barker, General Editor Zondervan Publishing House

Grand Rapids, Michigan. 20026. Pictures and maps from Visual Bible Alive (Free)