foxborough regional charter school mathematics grade 1

Foxborough Regional Charter School MATHEMATICS GRADE 1 2013 – 2014 Curriculum Map

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Foxborough Regional Charter School



2013 – 2014 Curriculum Map


The purpose of curriculum is to focus instruction in a grade level content / skill area.

The development of this curriculum map is a result of months of research, collaboration and hard work on the part of the enti re Teaching &

Learning Division. The document itself is a living document; it is meant to be revisited on an annual basis by all those who use it: teachers,

paraprofessionals, special educators and other staff.

This particular model is a ‘back to basics’ approach to curriculum. The FRCS curriculum model is focused on standards based, measureable

learning objectives for all students. Our curriculum outlines the core knowledge base in a grade level; what a student should know and be able to do

by the end of a given year in a specific subject or skill area.

The FRCS curriculum model does not subscribe to any one boxed program or canned curriculum. Rather, FRCS develops its own curriculum and

employs a variety of instructional materials and learning experiences to facilitate student achievement of our learning objectives. Our curriculum is

thoughtfully designed to identify the core skills and knowledge that students need to be successful in each subsequent grade at FRCS and beyond!

The enclosed document includes a complete subject area curriculum for one grade level as well as an overview of a vertical curriculum articulation.

The vertical articulation provides the context for this grade level curriculum; outlining what a student should have mastered prior to entering this

grade and what he or she will master upon promotion to the next grade level.

Vertical Curriculum Articulation

What is vertical articulation?

Vertical curriculum articulation is education-jargon for a map of standards that students will learn at each grade level in a particular content or skill

area. It is organized in a variety of forms, but the simplest (and easiest to read) is just a chart of standards and the years in which students should

master each standard in that subject.

What is the purpose of vertical curriculum articulation?

Vertical articulation gives curriculum direction and purpose. And in terms of this single grade level curriculum, it provides the context for the

learning objectives outlined in this map. It outlines what students have learned in the past and what they will be expected to learn long after

completing this grade level. ‘Backward design’ (another great education-jargon term for the 21st


How is this applicable for my classroom?

No matter which grade you teach, you are but one point in a child’s learning experience. The vertical curriculum articulation found on the next page

outlines where your role lays in the entire progression of students’ learning in this subject. As students arrive in your class this year and you begin

your pre-assessments, this vertical articulation will help you identify which concepts and skills your students still need and which




K 1 2 3 4

Counting and Cardinality K.CC.1-7

Operations and Algebraic Thinking K.OA.1-5 1.OA.1-8; MA.9 2.OA.1-4 3.OA.1-9 4.OA.1-5

Number and Operations in Base Ten K.NBT.1 1.NBT.1-6 2.NBT.1-9 3.NBT.1-3 4.NBT.1-6

Number and Operations - Fractions 3.NF.1-3 4.NF.1-4

Number System

Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Expressions and Equations


Measurement and Data K.MD.1-3 1.MD.1-4; MA.5 2.MD.1-10 3.MD.1-8 4.MD.1-7

Geometry K.G.1-6 1.G.1-3 2.G.1-3 3.G.1-2 4.G.1-3

Statistics and Probability

Curriculum Currently


Curriculum Currently





5 6 7 8

Counting and Cardinality

Operations and Algebraic Thinking 5.OA.1-2

5.OA.3 (UA)

Number and Operations in Base Ten 5.NBT.1-7

Number and Operations - Fractions 5.NF.1, 3, 4, 6


Number System 5.NS.MA.1 6.NS.1-8 7.NS.1-3



Ratios and Proportional Relationships 6.RP.1-3 7.RP.1-3

Expressions and Equations 6.EE.1-9 7.EE.1-4; MA.4c



Functions 8.F.1-5

F.IF.4 (Algebra I)

Measurement and Data 5.MD.1,3,4


Geometry 5.G.1-4 6.G.1-4 7.G.1,2,4,5,6, MA.7




7.G.3 8.G.5,9 (Covered in grade 7


Statistics and Probability 6.SP.1-5 7.SP.1-8 8.SP.1-4

Curriculum Currently


Curriculum Currently



DOMAIN Geometry Algebra 2

Number and Quantity N.Q.2-3




Geometry G.CO.1, 6-11



G.GPE. 5-7

G.CO.2-5; 12-13




G.MG.1-3; MA.4

Statistics and Probability S.CP.1-9





Algebra A.SSE.1,2,4




Functions F.IF.4-7 F.IF.8,9




Curriculum Currently


Maps Currently Unaligned

Curriculum Map Overview: How to read your grade level Curriculum Map

Organization of Map

The scope and sequence of this curriculum is organized into 3 terms. Each term is organized into units of instruction

Each unit has the following elements and each element is described on the following pages

Teachers develop unit plans to articulate the EXPERIENCES they will facilitate for students to achieve learning objectives within the


State Standard:

Each unit of curriculum identifies the state standards mandated by the state of Massachusetts at each grade level range for that subject area.

Measurable Student Learning Objective: (“The Students Will Be Able To”):

For each state standard, FRCS curriculum identifies measureable student objectives that chunk the standards into lesson sized, teachable objectives.

The objectives should drive every lesson plan and should drive the instruction each day. These are the objectives that an instructor should

communicate to students each day prior to the start of a lesson.

Each student objective is a measurable learning goal that focuses lesson planning and instruction. The learning objectives are your: TSWBAT (the

student will be able to) list; they are your lesson objectives. These learning objectives should drive both instruction and assessment. If we focus

instruction on a specific learning objective and develop formative assessments to assess that objective, we create a seamless transition between our

expectations for learning and actual student learning experiences. Essentially, these objectives help focus our instruction on our students’ core

understanding. They identify what students need to know to be successful this year and beyond. Please note that these objectives are the minimum

expectation for students and that by no means does this limit your ability to add additional content , activities and experiences for your students.

However, before going beyond or deeper into content areas, please ensure that your students have mastered the basic learning objectives for a given

standard first.

The learning objectives in our curriculum should also drive your assessments. Each objective is purposefully designed to be inherently measurable.

Upon completing a lesson, the objectives lend themselves to formative assessments. For example, if you do a lesson with the objective: TSWBAT:

“Compare and contrast the Igneous and Metamorphic rocks”, then your formative assessment (ie: exit slip) at the end of that lesson can be as simple

as the open response question: “Compare and contrast the Igneous and Metamorphic rocks.” If a student can do or demonstrate the learning

objectives for a specific standard, then the student demonstrates understanding of the objective. When a student demonstrates understanding of ALL

of the associated objectives with a given standard, the student demonstrates understanding of the standard itself! At that point, if time permits,

students can explore the topic greater depth through enrichment learning.

To help you create formative assessments for these objectives, we have included a list of all of the measurable action verbs that were used in

development of this curriculum. They are the same words that are used in each of the measurable learning objectives so that as a school system, we

use the same vocabulary to talk about teaching and learning. These definitions (and formative assessment suggestions) can be found at the end of this

curriculum in Appendix A: “Assessing Student Objectives”. Please take some time to review this and see your IL with follow up questions.

Measurable learning objectives are the singular most important element of any curriculum; without it, we are just teaching activities.

As departments develop objectives based benchmark assessments, the same vocabulary of measurable action verbs will be used to consistently

communicate the depth of learning and the assessment expectations for students at each benchmark point. For example, if the learning objective

indicates that a student should be able to simply “identify” some set of concepts, the depth of learning is really only recognition and thus lends itself

to a multiple choice assessment of that understanding. However, if the objective indicates that a student should be able to compare and contrast two

major concepts, the expected depth of learning is significantly greater. Thus the expectation of the assessment is also greater; perhaps an open

response or Venn Diagram explaining the two concepts.

With the entire district speaking the same language when it comes to what students will learn, how deep their learning will be and how they will be

assessed for understanding, we are able to create a comprehensive, cogent curriculum that develops a students’ knowledge right up Bloom’s

Taxonomy. As a result, we will be able to better educate our students grade to grade and check for understanding with confidence, quickly

identifying any learning gaps and addressing them so that every student successfully assesses our curriculum!

Learning Plan: Resources, Activities and Experiences

This is where the great instruction happens! For every student objective, our curriculum identifies and suggests resources, activities and experiences

that will help your students master it. Instruction is more than a textbook and this section of the FRCS curriculum provides instructors with resources

and suggested lessons beyond the textbook. While the text is a resource, it is only one of many.

The resources and ideas in this section have been developed by veteran instructors, colleagues and instructional leaders. They are in our curriculum

map because they’ve been tried and they work for kids. This element of the curriculum map is an excellent resource to differentiate an instructional

approach to reach different populations of your students. .

The Instructional strategies and lesson suggestions are open ended so that you may modify them to meet the needs of your students and classroom.

If after reviewing your curriculum map and your ancillary resources, you are still looking for creative ways to help your students achieve a learning

objective, please don’t hesitate to contact your instructional leader! Your IL can provide additional resources, strategies, ideas or even model a lesson

for you or co-teach the lesson with you. This element of the curriculum is designed to be periodically updated and improved so please feel free to

contribute your strategies and ideas and support your colleagues by emailing them to your instructional leader any time!

Vital Vocabulary:

These are the words students must know in order to understand each objective. Students should be able to use these words appropriately and within

the correct context, not necessarily recite textbook definitions. To be able to use vocabulary appropriately is more valuable than memorizing a

definition. This list is not exhaustive, so please feel free to add vocabulary to meet your students’ needs. However, mastery of these words and the

underlying concepts is critical for students to understand and master the learning objective.

Essential Question(s):

This acts as the starting point (pre-assessment) as well as a summative assessment for each unit. At the beginning of each unit of instruction, this

question acts as the activator and initiates the discussion of the topic. At the end of the unit, students should be able to answer the essential

question(s) and demonstrate they have achieved understanding the learning goals/objectives. How you assess this question is left to you as the

classroom instructor, be it a written essay, oral, a report or a classroom discussion. You may also consider restating the essential question as an open

response question at the end of each unit.

Term 1

Topics 1-4

Common Core


Student Learning objective(s ) [The Student

Will Be Able To]

Required vocabulary

(define using reference sections of


Learning P lan

Suggested Activities, Resources & Experiences

1.NBT 1 Read and write numbers 1-12

Count how many are in a set

Recognize patterned arrangements of

numbers without counting

Recognize 2 part spatial patterns of


Use objects to act out word problems

one ,two, three, four, five, six, seven,

eight, nine, ten , eleven, twelve

Topic 1 Envision-Numbers to Twelve

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Have children roll number cubes to create a picture story. Then

have students draw a picture of their story

1.NBT 1 Compare numbers 1-12

Order numbers 1-12

Use a number line

Use objects to act out ordering numbers

to solve story problems

more, fewer, greater than, less than,

least, greatest, before, after, between

Topic 2 Envision-Comparing and Ordering Numbers

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


order number cards

1.OA 1, 6, 7 Recognize parts of a number as a strategy

for addition

Understand numbers can be broken into

parts of the whole in different ways

Write addition sentences to find the

whole of given parts

Write addition sentences to solve stories

about joining

Add in any order

Use objects to solve story problems

in all, inside, outside, part, whole,

double add , plus +, sum, equals =,

addition sentence, join, order, addend

Topic 3 Envision-Understanding Addition

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Create stories the children will need to solve and draw

1.OA 1,3,5,6,7,

MA.9 Solve problems by finding the missing


Find the missing part of a number when

one number is known

Use subtraction to find the missing part

Write and solve subtraction number


missing part, subtract, difference, equal

sign, minus sign, subtraction sentence,


Topic 4 Envision-Understanding Subtraction

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Have children use counters to show subtraction sentences

Tell and act out stories about separating

to find how many are left and how 2

groups are different

Write related addition and subtraction


Use counters to act out and solve story


Term 2

Topics 5-8

Common Core


Student Learning objective(s) [The Student Will Be Able


Required vocabulary

(define using reference sections

of textbook)

Learning P lan

Suggested Activities, Resources & Experiences

1.OA 1, 2,7,8 Use counters and a tens frame to model numbers up to


Understand relationship of numbers to 5 and ten on a

tens frame

Show 10 as two parts

Use counters to find the missing parts of ten

Make tables to solve problems

tens frame Topic 5 Envision-Five and Ten Relationships

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Have students use cubes in a bag to determine parts of ten

1.OA 1,2, Count on to add, starting with the greater number

Recognize doubles as a strategy for remembering sums

Use doubles facts to learn near doubles

Use a tens frame to write and model addition sentences

and addition facts

Draw pictures to solve addition story problems

Near double Topic 6 Envision-Addition Facts to 12

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Make a class book of story problems

1.OA 3,4,5, 6,


Master concepts of 0 less than, 1 less than, 2 less than

when subtracting 0, 1, or 2

Learn to use doubles addition facts to master related

subtraction facts

Understand how addition facts relate to subtraction facts

Write related addition and subtraction facts to 12

Draw a picture and write a number sentence to solve

subtraction problems

0 less than, 1 less than, 2 less


Topic 7 Envision-Subtraction Facts to 12

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Play war with number cards to practice math facts

1.G.1,2 Identify and name standard plane shapes and geometric

shapes and recognize them in the environment

Sort plane shapes and geometric solids, identify their

properties and sort by attributes

Combine 2D shapes to make new 2D shapes

Break apart large shapes to make smaller shapes

Learn the difference between flip, rotation, and slide

Rectangle, triangle, plane shapes,

circle, square, sort, side, corner,

slide, flip, turn, symmetry, line of

symmetry, solid figure, cube,

rectangular prism, sphere,

cylinder, cone, flat surface,

vertex, vertices, congruent

Topic 8 Envision-Geometry

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Find plane and geometric shapes in the classroom

Identify plane shapes that are the same size and shape

Understand symmetry

Make organized lists to solve problems

Count flat surfaces and vertices on geometric solids

Term 3

Topics 9-12

Common Core


Student Learning objective(s) [The Student Will Be Able


Required vocabulary

(define using reference sections

of textbook)

Learning P lan

Suggested Activities, Resources & Experiences

Describe elements in repeating patterns

Identify a pattern unit and predict what comes next to

extend the pattern

Find a pattern to solve problems

patterns, repeats, predict Topic 9 Envision-Patterns

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Have children create their own patterns for classmates to solve

1.NBT 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 Read write and count numbers 11-20

Count groups of ten

Find and extend skip counting patterns on a hundreds

chart in sets of 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s

Identify numbers of even or odd

Use ordinal numbers through twentieth to identify


Solve problems by finding patterns in a table of related

number pairs

skip count, even, odd, pair Topic 10 Envision-Counting Number Patterns to 100

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


make place value necklaces using beads to represent each place


1.NBT 2,4, 5, Read and write 2 digit numbers as groups of 10 and

some left over

Count groups of ten up to 10 tens and write how many

Use groups of tens and ones to show and write a given

two-digit number

Model and break apart a 2 digit number and write

expanded form

tens, ones, digit, break apart

ten, expanded form

Topic 11 Envision-Tens and Ones

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Have children sort beans, pasta and other small objects into

groups of tens and ones

1.NBT 3,4,5,6 Write numbers and use a hundred chart to show

numbers that are 1 more and one less, and ten more

and ten less than 2 digit numbers

Compare 2 digit numbers using symbols

Find missing numbers on a hundreds chart

Estimate the positions of numbers on a number line

marked only in multiples of 10

Use words before, after, and between to order numbers

up to 99

1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10

less, equal to =, closest ten

Topic 12 Envision-Comparing and Ordering Numbers to 100

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Use number cards to order numbers to 100

Order 2 digit numbers from greatest to least

Make an organized list showing possible solutions

Grade 1

Topics 13-16

Common Core


Student Learning objective(s) [The Student Will Be Able


Required vocabulary

(define using reference sections

of textbook)

Learning P lan

Suggested Activities, Resources & Experiences


MA.5 Identify all coins and their values

Identify value of different coin combinations

Identify groups of coins that have the same value

Solve problems by using the try, check, and revise


penny, cent, nickel, dime,

quarter, half dollar, dollar, value

Topic 13 Envision-Money

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Money Bingo

Have children create a store where they have to buy items

using play money

1.MD 1,2 Compare and order lengths and weights of objects

Estimate, measure, and compare lengths of objects by

using nonstandard unit

Estimate and measure the lengths of objects in inches,

centimeters and feet using a ruler

Find the distance around a shape

Estimate and compare capacities of containers

Use cups, pints, liters, and quarts to measure

Select appropriate units for measuring

Estimate and compare temperature

longest, shortest, estimate,

measure, inch, foot, centimeter,

perimeter, cup, pint, quart, liter,

pound, grams, kilograms,


Topic 14 Envision-Measurement

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Have children measure objects in their desks and record their


1.MD 3 Identify hour and minute hand

Tell time to the hour and half hour using digital and

analog clocks

Estimate and order time durations using, minutes,

hours, and days

Read and use a calendar

Use a schedule

Hour hand, minute hand, hour,

o’clock, minute, half hour,

calendar, day, week, month, year,


Topic 15 Envision-Time

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Time bingo

Create time journals

1.OA 1,2,3 Recognize doubles relationship and use it as a strategy

for remembering addition facts with two like addends

Master addition facts where the addends are 1 or 2 apart

Solve 2 question problems by using the answer from the

first problem to answer the second problem

Master addition facts where one addend is 8 or 9

Use associative and commutative properties to add 3


Make a table to solve problems

doubles plus one, doubles plus 2 Topic 16 Envision-Addition Facts to 18

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Play Around the World Math Facts

Grade 1

Topics 5-8

Common Core


Student Learning objective(s) [The Student Will Be Able


Required vocabulary

(define using reference sections

of textbook)

Learning P lan

Suggested Activities, Resources & Experiences

1.OA 3,4,6

MA.9 Learn the relationship between addition and subtraction

Use part part whole model to find facts in a fact family

Use related addition facts to find the missing part and

solve a subtraction problem

Draw pictures and write number sentences to solve

addition and subtraction story problems

related facts, fact family Topic 17 Envision-Subtraction Facts to 18

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Use dominos to have children create facts families

1.MD4 Use real objects to graph answers to questions and draw


Use picture graphs, bar graphs, to answer questions and

draw conclusions

Describe the location of an object shown on a grid

Record data using tally marks

Collect data and organize it in a graph and a picture


Use data in a table to complete a bar graph

Describe the likelihood of an event as certain,

impossible, likely, unlikely

Picture graph, bar graph, grid,

left, right, up, down, tally

marks, data, certain,

impossible, likely, unlikely

Topic 18 Envision-Data and Graphs

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Provide daily graphing opportunities

1.G3 Determine whether a shape is divided in equal or

unequal parts

Describe equal parts of a shape

Show and describe parts of a set

Draw pictures to solve problems related to parts of a


Equal parts Topic 19 Envision-Fractional Parts

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Make fraction kites

1.NBT 4,5,6 Add two multiples of 10 for sums to 100

Use a hundreds chart to add and subtract multiples if 10

to a 2 digit number

Add and subtract 1 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers

with and without regrouping and record the sum in

horizontal form

Subtract a multiple of 10 from a 2 digit number

regroup Topic 20 Envision-Adding and Subtracting with Tens and Ones

reteach/enrichment sheets as needed

Envision center activities and technology


Give children an equation that they need to solve and make a

story for.

Identify unnecessary information in word problems and

write number sentences

Appendix A:

Assessing Student Learning

Measurable Action Words & Formative Assessment Types

As educators, it is vital that we are consistent and transparent with our learning expectations. This section provides us with a common set of

terminology associated with student learning objectives and assessment. It will help you design your unit and lesson plans with the end in mind;

developing assessments for student objectives and then developing lessons and units to help your students achieve these objec tives. We don’t want to

teach to a test, but we do want to ensure that we assess our students’ learning of the core skills and knowledge outlined by the state. This section

standardizes the vocabulary that we all use to identify not only what our students should know, but the depth of knowledge they should attain and the

means through which we assess their understanding.

Objectives and assessments:

Each standard has at least one associated student objective. These objectives should act as your lesson objectives and should be the learning goal of

your students. In order to assess student learning of these objectives, it is important that we are using common terminology. A list of measurable

action verbs used in this document as well as a description of what level of understanding students should be able to demonst rate to achieve such

objectives is located on the next page. In addition, recommendations for developing your own formative assessments to check for understanding of

each objective are included. These definitions are broad so that you may apply them to your own assessments as needed.

Developing formative and other classroom assessments:

Less is more: While essay assessments take more time to correct, they provide more insight into your students’ depth of understanding. You don’t need to give nearly as many questions and students are required to really show what they know.

Assess the objectives as the core knowledge and leave the ‘nice-to-knows’ off the formal assessments

Teach to the objective and standard, not the text. Text and text assessments are not specific to MA and thus don’t always assess what DESE identified standards. This doesn’t mean you can’t assess knowledge outside of them, but assessment should focus on the standards and


Assess each day: a quick 1 question exit slip gives you a good idea if a student grasps the concept.

Reading the chart below:

Each heading indicates a depth/level of understanding aligned with Bloom’s Taxonomy

“Skill definition” is the action verb for a given objective. It’s what the student should be able to do

“Assessment format expectations and suggestions” are just that: the kind of formative assessment you can use to see if a student can

demonstrate the particular level or depth of understanding

Analytical & Evaluative Skills Skil ls Defini tion Assessment format expectations and suggestions

Analyze: Given or collect information or data to support a


Expectations for analysis are some form of explanation based on given or collected data.

Written assessments are usually in the form of a lab report (ie: conclusions section)

Categorize / Rank: Students are given or collect a set of

examples or specimens and must sort them into appropriate

groups or classes based on their characteristics.

Students usually test the examples or specimen to determine their characteristics. Students

organize their categorization in a table and support with data and written or oral explanation.

Compare & Contrast: Identify and explain the similarities and

differences of two or more concepts

Expectations for this skill focuses on writing about science concepts: essay or graphic

organizer form (ie: Venn Diagram)

Differentiate Between: Students describe the differences

between two or more concepts, specimen, examples or items.

This can be done using a ‘T-chart’ or other graphic organizer. This can also be incorporated

into a written response

Simplify: Summarize Written or oral explanation of a concept in students’ own words

Evaluate: Determine the significance Usually assessed in written form. Students support their evaluation with data or background


Synthesis & Application Skills Skil ls Defini tion Assessment format expectations and suggestions

Determine: Decide upon or identify Pick out the correct term or concept from a group. Provide and fill in the correct term or


Diagram / Illustrate: Students create a drawing that includes

labels and written explanation.

Expectations are that students can generate scientific diagrams or illustrations. Labels and

explanation should be included.

Solve / Calculate: find the answer or solution (usually


Given some data set, students find the answer or solution. Include work and units. Formulas

are provided by instructor

Design / Create / Develop / Construct: Make or build This is very broad, but the expectation is that a performance assessment of some kind is given

Demonstrate: show The expectation for this is that students physically show a skill or demonstrate an

understanding in written form.

Comprehension Skills Skil ls Defini tion Assessment format expectations and suggestions

Classify: Arrange and assign to a category The assessment expectation is that students can arrange examples into appropriate categories. This

may be matching or listing and may or may not include a brief explanation

Describe: Students’ written or oral description Expectations are that students can describe (orally or written) a concept in their own words.

‘Describe’ objectives focus more on broad comprehension than explanation of detailed


Explain: Written explanation, usually with a diagram Students should be able to explain a concept in detail and provide supporting fact and/or data;

diagrams often accompany this in sci.

Predict: Forecast or hypothesize an outcome based on

supporting data or background knowledge

This is usually done as the hypothesis for a lab or sci fair project. The expectation is that students

support hypotheses with ‘why’.

Summarize: Paraphrase content into simpler terms Summaries are usually written and often act as follow up assessments to a passage that is read.

Distinguish Between: Determine differences between The expectation is that students can accomplish ½ of the compare-contrast essay by identifying key

differences between two (usually similar) concepts or ideas. Usually written.

Recall Skills

Skil ls Defini tion Assessment format expectations and suggestions

Define: Provide a definition.

Assessing this skill is more effective if put in the student’s own words or description. Matching or

student generated definitions

Label / Name: Provide or choose a name for an item,

object or concept.

The expectation is either to match or write in a label for a given diagram or fill in the blank

Recognize: pick out from a variety of possible choices Multiple choice is the most common recognition skill assessment

Sequence: Place the concepts or items in a specific,

relevant order

Expectations are that students can either select or write a series of concepts in an appropriate and

accurate sequence

Identify Select or list (usually characteristics) label, list or


Students should be able to select or write in the appropriate concept or vocabulary word

Organize / List: Put associated concepts in order Students create an order that may or may not be based on a standard criterion. This can be written,

oral or physically done

Appendix B:

FRCS Unit Plan Template

FRCS Unit Plan

Teacher __________________________ Grade Level _______________

Unit Title ___________ Length of Unit ______________

Essential Question(s): _________________________________________________________________

Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives (SWBAT):


Learning Experiences:


Appendix C:

Content Specific Terminology Glossary

(as applicable)