fpc november 2010 newsletter

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  • 8/8/2019 Fpc November 2010 Newsletter


    First Presbyterian Church, Mission


    ...anotherRGV Connectionspublication

    Where Gods love makes all the difference!Where Gods love makes all the difference!Where Gods love makes all the difference!

    November is the time in the Church Yearthat First Presbyterian-Mission plans forthe Staffing, Programs and Building for thecoming year- 2011. We are asking for yourpledge support. Pledge forms will bepassed out each Sunday in Church. Yourcommitment will assist us in our planning.Financial Stewardship is a key aspect of

    discipleship. As followers of our Lord JesusChrist we experience Grace, say Thank You to our Lord. Then we want to share

    Gods Love, wewant to see liveschange. We trustGod to help uswork diligently,plan carefully,save widely andbudget prudently.




    Church Breakfast Series

    to Begin November 9th

    The Fellowship Committee isexcited to begin our ChurchBreakfast series, beginning onNovember 9th.We will begin

    breakfast from7-8AM, have alittle time fortalk or a shortpresentation,clean-up and thenforeveryone who is ablewellhead over to the P.E.T. Projectto work on the scooters.

    There will be plenty of work foreveryone from painting, andassembling, to calling andconfirming orders, and the ever-popular role of test driving!Were calling this a morning ofBody and Soul the breakfastwill feed your body and the workat P.E.T. will nourish your soul!Please plan on joining us!

    Grace, Mercy & Peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!



    8:30am Worship

    9:30am Sunday School

    Adult Education

    10:30 am Worship

    WHY GIVE?1. Give thanks to the

    Lord for the blessingsweve received.

    2. You are called to bein the family of God.

    3. God is a rewarder-you cannot out giveGod.

    HOW ARE TITHES USED?1. To provide for the support to leadworship services and buildingmaintenance.

    2. Support the Ministries of the Church.

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    First Presbyterian Church, MissionWhos Who at FPC

    Mike Hudsonpillar


    [email protected]

    585-3265 / 330-7922

    Lowell Hudsonpillar


    [email protected]

    581-3990 / 279-1739

    Carla Badgley


    [email protected]

    581-2558 / 458-1181

    Tom Smith


    [email protected]

    580-0303 / 222-4183

    Keith Dietrich

    Church [email protected]

    584-3433 / 844-8024

    Bill Ellisor


    [email protected]


    Judy Mayes


    [email protected]

    585-1198 / 343-8716

    Nicole Cruz

    Christian Ed

    [email protected]

    584-1948 / 451-7171

    Mike Manuel


    [email protected]

    583-1756 / 330-1608

    Dot Harrigan


    [email protected]

    581-8414 / 358-8357

    John Cain

    Youth/Young [email protected]

    581-6861 / 342-0460

    Judy Alexander

    Congreg. Care

    [email protected]

    580-0712 / 778-3232

    [email protected]

    585-4829 church

    585-1548 home

    330-1043 mobile



    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    FPC Church Picnic:Family fun, food, fellowship!La Brisa Ranch was the setting for a

    churchwide picnic on October 2. Theweather was perfect and attendance (51) wasgreat! We evenhad a visit from afriendly tarantula.Eeek!

    Special thanks to MikeHudsonpillar for the use of the

    facilities and for the wildlifeviewing tour, to JennyHudsonpillar for setting up the tables and coordinating the kitchen, toBarbara Gray for the kids games, to Bill Freeman for grilling the meat, to

    Libby Freeman for the cobbler,to Pat Hudsonpillar for thechips and salsa, to GenevaElbers for the brownies, and toJudy Alexander for the cookies.

    Our next outing will be ahockey game/tailgate party onNovember 20. Dont miss it!

    First Presbyterian Church, MissionChurch Fellowship, Fun

    Everyone, come on over for

    BREAKFASTIts time for our monthly Church Breakfasts to begin again.


    And, for those who are able and inclinedHelp with WORK at the PET Project


    th, 7 AM

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    PAGE 4NOVEMBER 2010First Presbyterian Church, MissionPastors Message

    Grace, Mercy and Peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

    Stewardship is a time in the Church year that always

    frustrates me Whenever we start getting serious about

    stewardship, it seems that the talk is always about Moneyand Budgets instead ofGod and Vision.And isntstewardship more than a once-a-year topic? Isnt it a life

    -style, a life-choice?

    I think it is wise to start with what God says about giving:

    -Give First-Deuteronomy 26:1-2 tells us: When you have come into the land that the Lord

    your God is giving youyou shall take some of the first of all the fruit of the

    groundand you shall put it in a basket and go to the place that the Lord yourGod will choose as a dwelling for his name. Those participating in our Adult

    Education classes at First have a special understanding ofFirst Fruits, having

    just studied about them. Whenever you receive income, gifts, wealth of any kind,you give God the First of it before doing anything else. This is an act of trust

    that God will also provide the 2nd, 3rd and 4thfruits

    -Give Intentionally-2 Corinthians 9:7 says: Each of you must give as you have made up your mind,

    not reluctantly nor under compulsion. How have you Made Up Your Mind

    to give? Based on income or profit, surplus or scarcity? Or based upon Godsfaithfulness and generosity? Stewardship does not run Hot or Cold, it is an In

    Season and Out of Season


    -Give Cheerfully-2 Corinthians 9:7 says: for

    God loves a cheerful giver.Im not sure an explanation is

    required here

    Gods blessings to you and your

    families and looking forward to

    another faithful year at First

    Presbyterian Church- Mission

    Pastor Dave +

    JOB OPENING:Church SecretaryFirst Presbyterian Church - Mission is now

    accepting applications for the position of

    CHURCH SECRETARY. This is a full-timeposition and we are

    hopeful that this search

    will find a suitablematch for our church

    and its duties. Due to church policy, however,applications will not be considered from FPC

    Mission members or their relatives. For moreinformation, please call Pastor Dave at the

    church office: 585-4829.

    We welcome your referrals!

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    HELP WANTED:"Able Bodied Ushers"

    Work Sundays, withweekdays free for golf!Work just about 2 hoursper week unless the

    preacher goes looong).Retirement benefits are out of thisworld and must be able to carry a fulloffering plate...Love of God and God's people a must.

    Apply in person to Bob or PamSherwood- very easily located onSunday mornings or call 585-6377

    Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord with Music!First Presbyterian Church, MissionMusic Ministry, Ushers


    The SonShine Players may be a young bunchthis year, but they are ready to perform!

    On December 5, these students will present


    They (along with some willing parents) are

    learning some wonderful songs and will soon

    be auditioning for individual character parts.

    Get ready for some fun in this innovative

    account of the birth of Jesus.

    From our music director:AGAIN, ILL SAY: ITS NEVER



    Have you sung in a

    choir before? If you

    have, you know that

    the experience is wonderfulbeautifulmusic & fabulous fellowship. What

    could be better?

    If you have not sung in a choir before,you really should give it a try! The

    Chancel Choir at FPC Mission is filled

    with people who participate for the

    love of music and Jesus Christ. Thereis no audition. If you dont believe

    ME, why dont you talk to one of thechoir members? Im sure that they will

    be happy to fill you in on all of the joys

    of being a part of this music ministry.

    The choir meets on Wednesday eveningat 7:30 PM for rehearsal see YOU


    Pat Hudsonpillar - Music Director

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    NOVEMBER 2010PAGE 7First Presbyterian Church, Mission

    Music, Etc...

    You just never know where you are going to find ourenergetic Pastor Dave! Why, one recent Wednesdaymorning he could be found at COVENANT

    CHRISTIAN ACADEMY. Every October, the

    students at this wonderful school invite their pastors to

    a special CHAPEL service for PASTOR

    APPRECIATION DAY. Every grade from PK3 through

    Junior High presented a special song, dance,

    recitation or skit to honor the visiting pastors. PatHudsonpillar & Pastor Dave certainly enjoyed

    every classs offering, but of course, they were a

    little partial to the PK3, PK4, and Kinder. Why?

    Because thats where you will find Pats

    granddaughters Peyton & Halle York and Cora

    Resczenski! . . . You just never know where you

    will find Pastor Dave!


    November 21st is the date of the next installment inthe 13th Annual CELEBRATION SUNDAY CONCERTSERIES at FPC-Mission!

    These concerts are sponsored by the church as acommunity service free of charge and open to thepublic.

    Our November Celebration Sunday Concert features alocal guitarist, Brooks Ausborn. Brooks is fromMcAllen and you are likely to run into him at any

    number of the hot-spots in thearea. In his words, he is aclassical and eclectic guitaristfrom South Texas.

    This concert is on Sunday,

    November 21 and begins at 6:30

    PM. Please join us for this very

    entertaining evening of music!


    November 21: Brooks Ausborn, guitaristDecember 19: The Sweet AdelinesJanuary 16: Julie McClaren, pianistFebruary 20: Alta Uhrmacher, organ

    March 13: Salomon Lopez, tenor

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    PAGE 6NOVEMBER 2010First Presbyterian Church, MissionMusic Profile

    Welcome Home, Alta!When Alta Uhmacher started coming to FPC

    Mission, we knew that good fortune had truly arrived!At that time we had two wonderful organists both ofwhom wanted to slow down a little, travel more, andbasically not be tied to the organ quite so much! Altawas willing to substitute . . . what more could wewant!

    As time went on, we knew that we needed Alta tobe a more permanent addition to the staff. But, when Music Minister PatHudsonpillar asked her to join us, she told her that we needed a better organ

    before she would consider it! And how true that was the old pipe organthat had served the church so well for so many years was on its last leg . . .or pipe, we should say. And as they say, The rest is history.

    We got a new organ and Alta did, indeed, join thestaff. When asked recently if we could recount thatstory she said, Yes, you can use that story, the oldorgan was sick!!! Life's too short to play on aninstrument like that. I started to play at FPC in thefall of 1997 when we moved here from Rapid City. Ioffered to do substitute work, and all of a sudden inthe December news letter I was listed as staff. Fromthere it all went uphill.

    Alta had been the primary organist at Westminster Presbyterian Church inRapid City, SD, where she played for 32 years. She also was a personalbanking officer at Norwest Bank but retired from both jobs at the end of1993. Alta and her husband, Dick, have three children, five grandchildren,and one great-grandchild. And of course we can't forget their pride and joy,an energetic poodle named Barney. Alta & Dick are avid campers andboaters, and spend their summers in northwestern Montana on LakeKoocanusa.

    Alta sums up her feelings for FPC this way: I feel so fortunate to have

    FPC as my church home. I knew the minute I walked into that old sanctuary

    that this was going to be home. Everyone is so friendly, and most of all, we

    have a lot of fun. I also appreciate being able to play on this fine organ,

    definitely the finest I have ever had to play on.

    Welcome back, Alta!

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    NOVEMBER 2010PAGE 8First Presbyterian Church, Mission

    Childrens Ministries

    A Chair for All at Christ's Table

    Now even our FPC toddlers have a place at the table

    We have three new chairs in the Fellowship Hall!These chairs are much like Goldilocks said about Baby

    Bear's chair in the story of Goldilocks and the ThreeBears: "This chair is too small for me!"Yes, the new chairs are for our smallest FPC members!It was brought to the attention of the elders that at last

    year's Easter Egg Dying Party no chair was toddler-sized. The session agreed that here at First Presbyterian

    Church we believe that everyone from old to young has a place a Christ's

    table.Nicole Cruz, Elder for Christian Education, located the chairs at the United

    Restaurant Supply Company and with the help of Treasurer LowellHudsonpillar delivered them to the fellowship hall on Saturday just in timefor the Welcome Back Potluck for our Winter Texan friends.


    As Pastor Dave always says, "Youth are not thechurch of tomorrow; they are the church of today." At

    First Presbyterian Church, we have a welcomingnursery and a great nursery staff for babies andtoddlers.

    But, what about our young children who are too oldfor the nursery? We want them to attend worship andlearn along with our adult congregation, but thelanguage of worship is often above the minds ofthese youngsters and the time it consumes may bemore than their attention span is geared for.

    Crystal Wallace, mother of Brandon age 2, came up

    with a solution for youngsters who at times arechallenged with sitting still for an hour during worship. She ordered Christianthemed activity books, pencils, and crayons and organized them into pint-sized storage containers. These cool child activity boxes are located in theNarthex near the communion table where the bulletins and worship platesare stored. Ask any elder on the way into church and your child may borrowan activity box for worship.Thanks to Crystal for coming up with a great way to engage our youth

    during worship!

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    NOVEMBER 2010PAGE 9First Presbyterian Church, Mission

    Study, Mission Work

    Travel to the Holy Land this SpringJoin Pastor Dave, as well as membersand friends of First Pres-Mission who willtravel to tour the Holy Land We will be

    leaving on March 14th

    from New York andreturning March 24th We will bejourneying to Jerusalem- the Garden ofGethsemane and view the Kidron Valley,Galilee- sailing on the sea of Galilee,Bethlehem- Shepherds field, Nazareth

    We will be traveling with Educational Opportunities Tours, who have beenleading trips for 37 years. We are anticipating the cost to be $2,945.00 plusair fare to NYC, lunch/beverages and a love offering for our tour guides.We will be having a planning meeting on November 1st @ 6:30PM, in the

    Garden Room. If you think youd like to share in this great adventure, please

    come to the meeting.

    If you have any questions, please call Pastor Dave @ 956-330-1043

    Mission Hosting at FPC-MissionAn AmeriCorps work group of 14 from Colorado will be staying with us at FirstPres beginning November 15 through the 24th or 25th.

    The group will be working with Faith Community Disaster Recoverya regional

    ecumenical group that assists in Starr, Hidalgo, Cameron and Willacy Counties.

    The group will be sleeping in ourfellowship hall, cooking their meals inthe kitchen and working during the dayto rehab homes destroyed by HurricaneAlex. Watch your announcementsbecause we will be doing a dinner forthem while they are with us (and youdont want to miss a Cain cookout!).

    Our hope is that we can do whatever we can to make their work trip as

    meaningful and productive for them as possibletheyd also surely enjoy a visit

    from our members one of the evenings

    they are here; for just a chat and for us

    to thank them for the work they are


    Share your snapshots of FPC

    Fellowship, Service, & FUNfor future newsletter editions!email to [email protected]

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    First Presbyterian

    Church, Mission

    1102 Ash Drive Mission, Texas 78572Phone: 956-585-4829www.fpcmission.com