frank stella


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Post on 25-Jan-2015




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Art Bio for Children


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He first became famous for painting Black Paintings.

These 60 pieces are painted with bands of black paint separated by very thin pinstripes of unpainted canvas.

Around this time he said that a picture was "a flat surface with paint on it - nothing more".

Stellas art was world recognized by the time he was twenty-five.

In the 1960s, Stella began to use a wider range of colors.

His paintings are monumental in size.

This is how big a painting looks in person.

Frank paints following the direction of the brush.

Sometimes he uses masking tape to keep paint colors separate.

Shape is a flat area that has clear borders.This is print Frank made called Snowflake. Do you see a snowflake?

In the 1960s he also began painting on shaped canvases.

These paintings were made by combining 2 different shapes. Can you see 2 different shapes?

He called these paintings Irregular Polygons.

This is Frank Stella at the Toledo Museum of Art.

Frank later painted a series of paintings created with a protractor.

Many of these are shaped paintings.

How many shapes can you find in this painting?

In the 1990s Frank began making art for public spaces.

Frank Stella continues to create and paint. This is what his new work looks like.