fream donald maxine 1953 jamaica

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  • FREAM*S NEWS-LETTERHalf-Way-TreeFebruary, 1953

    Dear Friends in Christ:

    UNEXPECTED NEWS Tentative plans are now being made so thatwe can be in the States during this summer. This is as much a surprise to us as to anyone-, but as all know, the necessity to presentthe work before the churches that support it, the recruiting of newworkers, and the rest that a temporary change in climate and v/orkmeans, are reasons ivhy missionaries have "furloughs."

    HOW THIS CAME ABOUT Your Jamaican missionaries had previously worked out a furlough schedule which called for the Phillipsvisiting the States in the summer of 19535 Freams in 195^? andthe Hergets in 1955 in January of this year, however, BrotherPhillips suffered another heart attack. The doctor advised that acomplete rest bo taken for a few months, and that only v/ork such asteaching and occasional preaching be attempted for the balance ofthe year. We are grateful that he is improving very nicely, evenahead of the doctor's expectations...however, the doctor's advice issound and must be taken. This means that the Phillips should notattempt a trip to the States this year, and at their suggestion, v;ehave traded furlough times with them.

    OUR REGRET We are very sorry about the conditions that makeour visit to the States due this year, but all of us are convincedthat the Lord will have His way even mth Brother Phillips' presentheart condition. The Lord has already answered our prayers in caringfor him and his family,^ and we continue in faith that He knows best.

    OUR JOY Fears turn to smiles, and sorrow to joy, for we rejoice in that we \/ill be able to meet and visit i^dth you who havebeen, and still are, so faithful in supporting this v/ork. We havefor som^ time longed to greet our old friends and meet face to faceour new-found friends in the Lord, Yes, we are happy that our longing to see you is now a possibility.

    GENERAL PLANS- At present we plan to visit the North AmericanChristian Convention in Canton, Ohio, April 22 to 25. For the balance of April and May we will visit churches in Ohio and surroundingstates. In June we expect to visit Oklahoma and the midwest, endingin Colorado during July. The first of August we will visit a summercamp in Indiana, and spend the rest of August in Ohio, Indiana, andKentucky, September vrlll see us returning through the south to Pla,in preparation for our return to Jamaica, Of course, these plans aretentative and most certainly subject to the v/ill of the Lord.

    V/ILL WE SEE YOU? If you v/ould like us to visit your church,will you please v/rite to us at once, so that,wo can arrange a date?If v/e can know of yoiir invitation in February or soon after, it willassist us in making plans. Pray vrith us, as we continue to praythat the Lord v;ill bless and keep you in all His graces.

    Your servants for Christ in Jamaica,

    Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fream .


    Dear Friends in Christ:

    Pla 1 j?-\Va y - TI' e eJamaica, B.W.I

    UlTSXPECTSD TISWS Tentative plans are now being made so tliatv/e can be in the States during this sumiaer. This is as much a surprise to us as to anyone; j but as al3. }:nov/, the nscesslby to presentthe v/ork before the churches that support it3 tVie recruiting of newworkers, and the rest that a temporary change in climate and v/orkmeans, are reasons why missionaries ha\/"G "furloughs."

    HOW THIS CAME ABOITT Your Jamaican missionaries had previouslyv/orked out a furlough schedule which called for tnp Phillips visit- ,Ing the States in the summer of lObo, the Preams in 1951, and theHergets in 1955. In January of this year, however, Erotlier Phillips suffered another heart attack. The doctor advised that a complete rest bo taken for a few months, and that only work such asteaching and occasional preaching be attempted for the balance ofthe year. We are grateful that ho is iiaproving very nicoD.y, evenahead of the doctor's expectations..-hovo.ver, the doctor's adviceis sound and must bo taken. This moans that tlrio Phillips frniilyshould not attempt a trip to the Spates this year, and, at tnoirsuggestion, v/e have traded furlough times with thorn,

    OUR REGRET We are very sorry about the conditions th-at makeour visit to the States due this year, but all of us are convincedthat the Lord will have His way even with Brother Phillips' present heart condition. The Lord has already answered our prayers in caring for him and his family, and v/e oontlnwie In faith that He Imowsbest.

    OUR JOY Fears turn to smiles, and sorrow to joy, for we rejoice in that wo shall be able to meet and visit wlt}i. you who hevebeon, and still are, so faithful In supporting this work. We havefor some time longed to greet our old friends and meet face to faceour now-found friends in the Lord. Yes, we are happy that our longing to see you is now a poDsibility,

    OUR OBLIGATIOHSi It is Vury Important that we continue to re-ceive your support durTFTg fhese suivimer luontha. Our obligations for

    financing the JmrLalca Bible Semlnai'y, supporting the native preachers,keeping up leases, taxes, and insurance., etc. will remain the same.You may write to us at Route 2, Moore Havon^ ..Florida, Funds will boforwarded to the proper place of need in Jamaica at once,

    WILL Vffi SEE YOU? If you would like for us to visit your church,will you please write to us at once, so that we can arrange a date?If wo can\v of your invitation soon, it will assist us in riskingplans. Pray with us, as wo coutinuo to pray tliat the Lord will blessand keep you in all His graces.

    your servants for Clirist in Jamaica,

    Mr, and Mrs. PreM . ( J

  • f )I


    "ON THE ROAD"June, 1353

    Dear Ones in the Lord:

    A road map,A suitcase,

    A calendar,An appointment book.

    These have been standard equipment for us lately--and have :vecovered the highways and bywaysj Nearly 7,000 miles withinthe past two months.

    Drive-ins ("Sam*s Snack Shack")Motels ("Sleepy Roinowr Lodge")

    Pilling stations ("PiJl up with Phillips )(Dishes and sugar free)

    We v/eary of them sometiner, but MyJ what a rcjoX wolcome somany of' you folk have given to us in your hearts and in yourhomes. Queen Elizabeth isn*t the only one being crovmed thissummerj We know that you receive us because of Him who said,"Inasmuch.,.." and our hearts are humble and thankful.

    Because you hove prayed, worked and given, you have helpedmake possible the follov/ing report:

    30 baptisms in April-- 66 more In May.One old elder reoorted no baotisms for the monthbut said many back-sliders were returninp:. Theword, "back-sliders", is unmentionable in certaincircles, but we have to admit that we have them,

    #566 to pay off the balance of the #6,000 for theSeminary property--

    $240 to purchase the church property at Mcy Pen,They have 200 Pjembers, but the folks are very poor'$300 to keep the Bible Seminary goingSpecial gifts and pledges to support the nativeleaders who are cn the .job for the Lcrd,

    We v/snted to share these accomplishments with you, that youmight join us in "rejoicing and praising the Lord," ThePhillips and Hergots are putting up the Seminary building asfast as funds permit, and are busy teaching and preaching.Pray for them too, as you pray for us.

    Happy in His Service

    Donald Fream

  • Dear Ones in the Lord:

    "ON THB ROAD"June, 1355

    A road map,A suitcase,

    A calendar,An appointment book,....

    These have been standard equipment for us lately--and have wecovered the highways and byways.' Nearly 7,000 miles withinthe past two months.

    Drive-ins ("Sam's Snack Shack")Motels ("Sleepy Hollow Lodge")

    Pilling stations ("Pill up with Phillips")(Dishes and sugar free)

    We weary of them sometimes, but MyJ what a royal welcome somany of you folk have given to u.s in your hearts and in yourhomes. Queen Elizabeth isn't the only one being crowned thissummer,' h'e know that you receive us because of Him who said,"Inasmuch,.,." and our hoarts are humble and thankful.

    Because you have orayed, worked and given, you have helpedmake possible the following re-port:

    30 baptisms in April-- 56 more in May.One old elder reoorted no baotisms for the monthbut said m.any back-sliders were returning. The ^word, "back-sliders", is unmentionable in certaincircles, but we have to admht that we have them,

    ^566 to pay off the balance of the ^^6,000 for theSeminary property--

    $240 to purchase the church property at May Pen,They have 200 members, but the folks are very pcoor--

    $300 to keep the Bible Seminary going--Special gifts and pledges to support the nabiveleaders who are on the job for the Lord,

    We v^anted to share these accomplishments with you, that youmight join us in "rejoicing and praising the Lord," ThePhillies and Hergots are putting up the Seminary building asfast as funds perrait, and are busy teach''ng and preaching.Pray for them too, as you pray for us.

    Happv His Service

    Donald Fresm

  • ma*ca

    iattiatra Ollinstian JltaatnnCHURCHES OF CHRIST


    June 5, 1953MISSIONARIES



    Harrold McFarlandMission Services, Inc.Jillernia, Minnesota

    Dear Brother McEarland:

    Just a brief news-item for your paper and column, sincewe are "on the road,"

    In ^pril and I'!lay, the Donald Freams traveled 7,000miles, and spolte in 43 churches presenting the workof the churches of Christ in Jamaica.

    The last of the Seminary property debt has beencleared, and the building is still under way. 131additions have been reported by the Jamaica churchesin April and Jfey.

    While on tour, the Freams should be addressed atRoute 2, Moore Haven, Florida.

    It was good meeting you at the N.A.C.C. and hope wehave time for a longer visit before we leave the States.Zour missionary pagent was a fins job. Keep up the goodwork,

    Fa i t hf t,

    Donald Fream

    "My righteousness is near, my salvation is gone Jorth....the isles shall wait for me and on mine arm shall they trust".Isa. 51:5

  • 3(amatca OHjratian MwBtnnCHURCHES OF CHRIST


    July 20, 1953"^^am

  • Hamaira Ctttfriatian iiiaainnCHURCHES OF CHRIST


    Route 2, Moore Haven, Fla.September 11, 1953 missionaries



    Harrold McFarlandMission ServicesBox 968Joliet, Illinois

    Dear Mac;

    Below is a recent news-item for publication as soon as you find foom for it:

    We are happy to announce that Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Ensign are newrecruits for the Jamaica work, and are planning to come to Jamaicaby the first of the year, if possible. We commend them whole-heartedlyto the brethren, and urge that friends of the work send them on theirway,

    Mrs. Fream and I are concluding our tour and returning to Jamaica byOctober 1, after traveling 23,000 miles and speaking in over 100 churches.We are returning to be in Jamaica for the graduation exercises of theJamaica Bible Seminary on October 13th,

    (use next paragraph in special item, if possible)Brother Robert Weaver, minister of the East Point Church of Christ,East Point, Ga. is being sent to Jamaica by his congregation to be thespecial speaker at the graduation exercises of the Jsunaica Bible Seminary.Five young men are graduating after four years of Bible training, and willreceive the Bachlor of Sacred Literature degree.

    Thank you for sending the estimate on the recordee, I won't have time nowto take one with me back to Jamaica, but if we decide to get one, I cstn planto have Grayson bring it when he comes. Good luck in your new location, andGod bless you,


    Donaid Fream

    "My righteousness is near, my salvation is gone jorth....the isles shall wait for me and en mine qrm shall they trust".Isa. 51:5

  • bn


  • 510-10

    The 7-aere property purchased in 19^1 for use of Jamcia Christiai Mission in

    Kingston isBia^ounded a square of pK^erty they could not buy except at an

    exhorbitant price# Now he has offered to sell the property at a reasonable

    price and the missions families have shared to purchase the land. Half-Wcy-Tre

    Post Office, Jamaica, B. W. I.The don^Ld ^reg&s concluded t heir six-months

    tour of the churches and returned to Jamaica 1 October.

  • '^ ^amatca "

    3!lamatra iiiBBtonCHURCHES OP CHRIST


    December 1^53

    Dear Friends in the Lord:



    Here in Jamaica, it is just before Christmas, but no doubt by thetime you receive this, it will be nearer the first of the year, so aHA.PPY NEW YEAR to yom, and may God in His mercy grant you every goodthing

    For the last ten days, Don has been battling a very stubborncase of double pneumonia It started out in an unusual way - eventhe doctor thought it was "flu" at first - and it managed to get agood hold before treatment was started. Poor Don had to take penicillin injections until he felt like a pin-cushion, then terracymin,and finally diathermy treatments and double doses of penicillin. Inaddition, every solicitous visitor perscribed his own favorite remedy,from snake oil to corn meal and mustard plasters.

    Most important of all, however, as one good brother put it, isacthat "much prayer was gone through on his behalf." Today, at last,a definite change has taken place, and we gratefully thank God. Itis a wonderful gift for Christmas.

    Our two girls, Nita dnd Leslie, have been saving their penniesto buy toys for five little neighbor children who have beeh abandonedby their parents, and helped look for the right size clothing in theboxes that come in from America. The other night, Leslie, our four-year-old was very solemnly praying that God would take all the goodpeople to heaven, and send all the bad ppople to hell. *Nita had tointerupt her and patiently explain that she musn*t pray for the badpeople to go to hell, because God wanted everybody to be saved, andshe must pray that the bad people become good.

    In contemplating the new year, we are looking forward to thearrival of the Ensigns as well as the return of the Phillips toJamaica, and expect great strides to be taken in the work. Inconjunction with a radio program that is bo be started shortly,we plan an extensive newspaper advertising campaign, printing short,interesting doctrinal articles on the church of Christ, in the island*sonly daily morning newspaper, "The Gleaner."

    This is all part of an evangelistic campaign to establish atleast two new churches in the Kingston area in 195^ We are aimingparticularily at the better educated classes. Pray that sufficife^ntfunds will be forthcoming to provide for more students in the Seminary. There is already quite a waiting list. Some funds are onhand for the erection of the second unit of the Seminary building.

    Remember these things in your prayers, and give all you can.God bless you.

    Trusting in His love,"My righteousness is neaVf my salvation is gone jorth....the isles shall wait for me and on mine arm shall they trust".^Isa. 51:5

  • JkA ICA ITOJS-LETTERChristmas - 1953

    The gifts of Christ to us*

    * Salvation through His blood* Faith to face the unseen,* Hope for life eternal,* Love, unmatched and un

    known \'/ithout Him.

    And i/hat can we give to showour thanks for all this?

    Of material things, it all belone3 to Him^ and v/e axe onlyintrusted i.dth a small portionas stex'^ards for a few years of life.

    But with our lives and our hearts


    v/e can roturn in His service time and talent, asvre abound in countloss blessings, v/e can suffervath Him",...v/e can Icneei brokenhearted v/ith Him and pray

    for the unity He prayed forr...v/e can v:eep over the lost as He v/ept over Jeru

    salem;...v/e can bear our cross v:ith Him.

    time and talent, as



    So v/e serve in .1cy and hauniness. Me serve Him v/ho first loved us. We^serve vou v/ith v/hom v/e share this salvation, and v/ith v/hom v/e share this^ ^

    I k in JamaicST4s gifts to Him, we offer these labors of our love in 1953- v/ith

    a deternination for more abundant fruits in 195M-.

    5^9 SOULS ADDED TO Tlffi CirJRCl-IESin the first ten months of 1953

    FIVE STUDENTS GRADUATED FROMthe Seminary after ^-year course

    PROPERTY FOR MAY FEN CHURCHpurchased and secured

    NINETEEN CHURCH TEAGHBTG RALLIES. held throughout the island

    OUR STA.TESIDE rolJR COMPLETEDsucessfully; over 25,000 miles

    NEW CAR PURCHASED FOR THE \/ORK- a 1953 Plymouth sedan

    FIPST ITFIT OF THE JAMAICA BIBLESeminary comx/leted debt free

    THE SEMIMKY PROPERTY DEBTcompletely paid off

    SEVERAL mV CHURCH BUILDINGSstarted, vdth t-'/o near completio

    1,000 ATTErlD ALL-ISLAND RALLYv/hen Robert \/eaver preached

    NEW MISvSIONARIES RECRUITED FORJamaica,,.the Grayson Ensigns

    This past year's accom-plishraent is vour v/ork along v/ith us. Some handsare folded in prayer, some hands bestov/ the gifts, and other hands holdforth the Word of Life, Join hands v/ith us as v/e face a bright nev/ year,and



  • aiea

    Dear Harrold



    December 28, *53MISSIONARIES



    Just a brief word to report a recent news-note fromthe field:

    "The church at Linstead had started their building ona piece of land that had been given to them by one ofthe members, and had the framework and roof finished,when the building authorities ruled that the land wasnot large enough to meet the regulations, and thebuilding would have to be taken by the end ofDecember.

    After a thorough search, the minister foiind anotherpiece of land in the same vicinity, but land being ata premium in this important village, the purchase priceof $3^0 was far above the meager means of the congregation.

    The First Christian Church in Wauchula, Florida, hearingabout the plight of the Jamaican church, sent half thepurchase price, and arrangements are being made to buythe land on time payments."

    Don is in his third week of virus pneiamonia, butimproving eadily now. Seminary classes start againnext week, and work on the second unit of the Seminarybuilding will get unde^\^^y as soon as Don is up.

    Sorry we haven't always gotten all the material toyou that you ask for, but since getting hack from the Statesthis time, we've really had a lot of vrork piled up togo through. Don has been overworked and rundown to haveever gotten this mai pneumonia, and the results are he haslost at least three weeks of work. The demands are heavy,and your conscience bothers you when you don't measure up,but sometimes it is impossible to do so. Hope you did thebest you could with what you got - and God bless you.

    Sincerely, in Christ,


    "My righteousness is near, my salvation is gone forth....the isles shall wait for me and en mine arm shall they trust".Isa. 51:5

  • "^ammca

    lamatra 6Il|nHttan iitaatouCHURCHES OF CHRIST


    December, 1953

    Dear Friends in the Lord:




    Here in Jamaica, it is just before Christmas, but no doubt by thetime you receive this, it \dll be nearer the first of the year, so aH4PPY NEV/ YEAB to you, and may God in His mercy grant you every goodthing.

    For the past ten days, Don has been battling a very stubborn caseof double pneumonia. It started out in an unusual \j&y - even the doctor thought it T.m.s "flu" at first - and it raanaged to get a good holdbefore treatment ms started. Poor Don had to take penicillin injections until he felt like a pin-cushion, then terramycin, and finallydiathermy treatments and double doses of penicillin. In addition,every solicitous visitor prescribed his ovm favorite remedy, from snakeoil to corn meal and mustard plasters.

    Most important of all, hovever, as one good brother put It, msthat "much prayer was gone through on his behalf." Today, at last, adefinite change for the better has taken place, and \fe gratefully thankGod. It is a wonderful gift for Christmas.

    Our tv/o girls, Nlta and Leslie, have been saving their pennies tobuy toys for five little neighbor children v^o have been abandoned bytheir parents, and are helping look for the right size clothing in theboxes that come in from America. The other night, Leslie, our four-year-old, was very solemnly praying that God vrould take all the goodpeople to heaven, and send all the bad people to hell. 'Nlta had tointerrupt her and patiently explain that she musn't pray for the badpeople to go to hell, because God wanted everybody to be saved, andshe must pray that the bad people become good.

    In contemplating the new year, we are looking forward to thearrival of the Ensigns as >/ell as the return of the Phillips to Jamaica,and expect great strides to be taken in the xTork. In conjunction \d.tha radio program that is to be started shortly, i/e plan an extensivenewspaper advertising campaign, printing short, doctrinal articles onthe Church of Christ, in the Island's only daily morning nev/spaper,"The Gleaner."

    This is all part of an evangelistic campaign to establish at leastnei'7 churches in the Kingston area in 195^- are aiming particu

    larly at the better educated classes. V/e are praying that si\fflGlentfunds will be forthcoming to provide for more students in the Seminary.There is already quite a v/aiting list. Some funds are on hand for theerection of the second unit of the Seminary building.

    Remember these things in your prayers, and give all you can. Godbless you.

    Yours in His wnderful name,"My righteousness is near, my salvation is gone }orth....lhe isles slndl'^ i)/ait\/or\tne and en mine^ryt^^M they trusd'.Isa. 51:5