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5/14/2018 FREE Lithia Springs Water 1891 Vintage Book - 2/36


Since 1888America's Healthiest Water

'Wefcome To Litfiia Sprinqs

-This600RWas yubfishea120

years aao to sharewith the wortd' the amazing Lithia sprinqs, GA

-Tnebook is a gift to you so tliat you may exploreone of the great nealing springs of the worid' tliatwas almost: Costto time ana fiistory.

'We invite you to explore the fiistory, mystery,anawonc{erof an ancientmedicine sprinq anatlie spirit of hea[tna that fIows from it.

Snare with friends this fteau1tfJ adventure -Ian.

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ARIDE: of less than an hour from Arlanra=-the New York of the South-in the hand-

some coaches a nd over the well built roadbed of the Ceorgia Pacif c Division of the

Piedmont AiT Line System of railways, brings the invalid, tourist or pleasure-seeker to the

famous Bowden Lithia Spring- , lying quietly among the hills of Northern Georgia, a little

further south than Marietta, Ga. and about on II line with Aiken. S, C" 1,200 feet above

the sea-level. and sufficiently removed from the coasr=-jco miles-to escape the heavy salt

air, with its depressing iruluence upon the delicate invalid.

This group of Springs has attained a national reputation for the curative powers of its

Wat.,.-s in " wider range of human diseases them that of any other known mineral spring; in

this or any country, surpassing in efficiency the famous waters of Europe,

The surrounding country is elevated and broken, interspersed with pine, oak, mapleand cypress forests, and watered by haw and holly-skirted streams. The deep pine woods,

with their resinous odors. the sun-kissed hill lOpS and the deliciously cool valleys between,

gi,'e rise to expressions of delight and surprise fromc,'ery visitor,

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The climate" for the large majority of invalids, is decidedly preferable to that of the high

mou ntainous regions, where the great and sudden changes of temperature so often occur,

especially in the e\"ming, exerting a depressing and injurious influence upon the feeble and

delicate in search of health, Those who arc at all Iarnil iar with this locality, as compared

with the former, \'ery readily admit the Iact that the air at this resort is far dryer and more

salutary. 1\lthough the mountains may present higher altitudes and sublimer scenery, and

the resorts near the ocean and in the low regions of southern Georgia and northern Florida

furnish easier access to large bodies, of water, yet it should be borne in mind that their

atmospheres arc heavily charged with moisture that is inimical to the health of all but the

most robust, A feature well worthy the ancnrion of the public in connection with this

matter, especially bearing upon the benefits derived from sea water, is the fact thai HowdenLithia Watcr possesses all the ';;flllI"N, 'lll,,'ili~s of sea water without the di",,{v""I"~",' of

the heavy salt sea air, so dangerous to invalids, Prof. N. A. Pratt, ~I.D" Stale Chemist

of Cecrgla, says, in his analysis of Bowden Lithia \Yater: "The sodium d",,!'id~and Iodin»

impart to this water alt that is valimb/t i'lS"" -ioater," These facts, taken in connection. with

the overshadowing fact that not one of these resorts-mountain or ocean-is blessed with the

life-giving and health-restoring Water found at these Springs, seem to render further

a rgu me n.tun necessary,

The temperature, in its widest r,ange, does not suffer by comparison with either class of

rcsortsabove mentioned, btlI

produces a more equable cl irnateI

han the)'r

rarely reachi nggoO in summer or going below 400 ; 1 ' 1 winter, while the nights are proverbially pleasaru ,

Insuring com tenable and re t reshing sleep, \Yhen SIl fferers from Insorun b have used the

'Yatcr they have found the Bromides contained i n it acting like magic upon the Xen'ous


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The great " Cotton Belt '" of the South p<~sses through this section, ,9nd on e'''N}, hand

are seen the great cotton fields blooming with the beautiful" cotton-Ilower " from August

to October, soon followed by the bursting boll of pure white, fleecy Cation, the greatest

staple of the world's commerce, Here, too, will be found com that rivals even the famous

prod UCI of 1llinois, waving under the genial sunshine, and growing to an enormous size both

in stalk and ear.



We present herewith a photographic view of a majestic n1in-lIIanchcster Mill-on the

Sweet Water Shoals, lcrrncrly tbe ~nest cotton factory and water-power in all rhe South.

This mill was destroyed by a compQ.ny of Federal cavalry during the investment of Atlanta,

and stands to ..ih)" a mute, but eloquent protest against the vandalism of war. The heavy,

massive brick and granite Ioundations and walls, the once-powerful water-wheel, thirty feet

in d iarnctcr, the twisted ami bent shafting, the dllapidnted stone rnill-ra 0:, and the general

ruin produce a fcding Q r regret at thci r destruction. The walls! live stories in height, are

overtopped by large trees growing within them, ami the interior. a photograph of which ishere given, is peculiarly instructive and interesting. The Rapids of the Sweet Water,

which furnished the motive power (or this large factory, arc picturesque beyond description.

For over two thousand yards the fall is ,<ery rapid. and the rushing, foaming torrent leaps

and plunges from bowlder to bowlder in a current over one hundred yards in width, forming

a scene that is unsurpassed for beauty and rugged grandeur "by any natural water

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the entire South. The Old Cotton ).1i1l arul the Shoals are accessible by a short honr's

.irisc, over a good read, through odorous pi ne woods altd ~long the Kalrnia-skirted banks of

Ihe placid Sweet \ \. ater.

There are no better roads or more delightful drives than those extending in "II direc-

tions from Sw~~l \\'nl~r T'ark !Iotel for miles around. The famous Shoals, the Ruined

;"1ill , Chapel I I ill, the Dome Rocks, showing the mighty action of some &"eat sea in prc-

historic times, the )1 ill in the Glen, Ferguson's ;'\1 ill , the Old Distillery, where, at the

prese n t time, the f nest peach a nd apple brandy and superior wh iskey are distilled, Powder

Springs, the beaut iful boat-rides On the Sweet \Vater, the resinous pine forests which

abound in e,·cry direction, the blooming cotton-fields, the great Piedmont Chautauqua.

with its wondrously beautiful Rose i'liound, mammoth Amphitheatre, capable of scating

6,000 people, Moorish J Iall, School of Philosophy, Rambles and Lake, and m<ln)' other

poin rs of interest, render this section of country irresist ibly attractive, and One to which the

visitor invariably returns. A most excellent Iiver y is maintained at the hotel, affording

unexcelled f acif ties for visit ing a II poin Is of interest by carriage or saddle.


from the Observatory of the Hotel a most magnificent panorama of landscape is

spread out for miles at one's feet. Looking east we see the smoke from the man)' chimneys

of manufactories in Atlanta, twenty m;1€.5 distant, with the Chattahoochee River, like n

silver ribbon in an emerald landscape, and a fine rolling country supervening. To the

north lies Iurnous old Kenesaw )lol1ntain. from whose summit was waved that memorable

message to the be leaguered garrison at'\ 1(00"", "1·1·01<1 the Jort, T ~ 111coming." which hassince been set [0music and sung the world around, Beyond is that stubbornly contested

field o r Resaca. To the northwest is famous Lookout Mountain, ever memorable for its

"bailie among the clouds." TI1;5 is historic ground. and ret to-day gi,·e~ evidence of

naught save the peaceful pursuits of the industrious and energetic citizens of the Empire

State of the South-Georgia.

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The superb Sweet \Yater Park Hotel has accommodations for 500 guests. The cuisine

is unsurpassed by anr si mila," house i[l this country. The service is br a co'"ps of trained

waiters, and is p,"ompt and efficient. The grand dining-room is finished in cherry and

curled pine, with eight large French plate mirrors surmounting handsome sideboards. The

linen is above reproach, while {he plate is of the best. There are no dark rooms in the

house. The beds are of curled hair, with wire mattress, and the linen is scrupulously clean.

The l Iote I is I ighted by 7Sa incandescent e leer tic lamps, Ihere being no gas or O!her danger-

ous illuminating ag""ts used, The porches, ranging from fifteen to twenty feet in width,

are 700 fee! long. on three sides of the house. The ball room is spacious and lighted by

electric lamps, and a good orchestra is supplied for dancing.

The grounds are artistically laid out in the most modem landscape form, amid a pro.

fusion of the finest flowers of cI'ery variety, which arc prettily grouped about the several

fountains. Ilroad drives approach t he wide an d spacious porches. and the Dowden Li th ia

Springs Short Line Railroad trains depart cI'cry half hour from the west porch of the Howl

for the Lithia Springs, Iimiles distant.



This elegant hostelry was built by :\Iessrs. E. W. :\Iarsh & Co. upon the firm convic-

tion that the remarkable results attained by physicians from the use of the Water in the wide

mnge of llls that flesh is heir 10, would ultimately attract t he attention of t he entire country,

drawing not alone {he pleasure-seeker, but the inval id, seeking relief w hen all other means

fail. The climate, indeed, is remarks blc, Situated 1,200 feet above the sea leve I, 300

miles from the coast, the air is dry and bracing, and miasma, malaria and fevers are

unknown. . •

In this connection the following extract from an article by Dr. Ferdinand :'II. Seeger,

of New York, editor of ,l[edical Classics, in the June, ISSS, issue, in relation to this Hotel,

will prol'C very interesting reading to those who arc anxious to secure the best \ rater a nd the

best hygienic conditions:


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" It should be borne in mind that in selecting a mineral spring resort there are other

factors to be considered. The site and location of the spring; the healthfulness of its

location and similar factors, are no less important. A visit to a mineral spring resort implies

a more or less prolonged stay at some hotel or boarding-house, and to the careful invalid

this brings up questions as to the sanitary condition of the hotel, the purity of its water-upply, the disposal of its sewage, the drainage, and other equally important factors. The

managers of the Sweet Water Park Hotel, at Lithia Springs, Georgia, have been "ery care-

ful in locating their hotel with 11 view to hygienic and sanitary advantages. It is located



Ieoo feet above the sea level, and the location, soil and subsoil are of a character which

conform with thorough natural drainage. The air is pure and bracing: the temperature

rarely falls below 40" Fahr. in the winter, and in the summer it seldom goes over 'Joe Fahr.

The purity of the air is such, however, that temperature changes are hardly noticed. The

Georgia pine, which grows "ery largely in this section, exhales its balsamic aroma ami adds

its soothing and healing inlluence to a,l atmosphere so pure that every inspiration is a

luxury and a pleasure. Tbc vegetables are from the hotel gardens, and therefore fresh and

in liberal supply. The meat is obtained from Chicago in refrigerator cars. Eyer)" care is

taken to insure a clean, fresh anti pure milk-supply, the Il otel Company owning its own

herd of Jersey cows. As an additional evidence of the care taken to make t~is a true

sanitary resort, over a quarter of a IIIillion of dollars were expended upon the II ore I,

grounds arul sanitary arrangements. U

Unlike the ocean and mountain resorts, the" season" proper lnsts until October, and

henceforth the Hotel will remain open for guests during the entire year, in order that they

may be enabled to secure the benefits to be derived from drinkinc the Water and usinl! the

baths at the Springs.

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So many remarkable accounts arc gil'en the public 'of cures effected by near!y all

springs. that it is beginning to be tiresome to listen !O them. But so few are wellautheuti-

cared that suspicion is cast upcnall, in some instances unjustly, Since the use of mineral

waters has become geneml, many invalids have been most shamefully misled into visiting the

50-called "health·giving springs" of every kind, whether possessing remedial properucs or

not, and ha\'C

purchased and used the .. all-hea ling" waters, only to find them mirages, andthe search for relief a bitter disappointment,

Dr, Ferdinand 1 \ 1 , Seeger, in /ltdital Classics, June, ,888. further says, in relation

to this su bject, in an article en ti tied, "A Pu re -' Iineral Water: "

" The history of m inera Isprings shows that mineral waters have been held in high

esteem as remedies both by the civilized and uncivilized of c,'ery age. 'There is,' says that

able writer Walton, * 'an atmosphere of quackery su rrounding springs in this country,

which is exceedingly repulsive to the scientific physician. The' cure-all' style of adver-

tisement, pursued hy many proprietors of springs, has contributed largely to bring odium


upcn mineral waters. H opelessinval ids have been induced to lake long journeys to springs

in no way adapted to their diseases.' I have never seen dearer water than that from the

Bowden Lithia Springs, which are located on the grolWds of the II otel, and I lake pleasure

in saying that I have examined it carefullv and tried it, and recommend its use to all suf-

ferers from Uric Acid troubles, Its' spa~kling purity gives it n most inviting and appearance. It is ,'cry pleasant and palatable, and for mixing with wines it is certainly

the peer of an)' imported water."

The true value of a medicinal agent is determined by the results attained by its lise.

There can be no other satisfactory test. The proof of the pudding lies rather in its 'eating

than in the recipe for its construction. and the value of a medicinal mineral water is deter-

mined by the bonafide cures resulting from its lise.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~.. ,I. ~lineral \VOlters of : the United Stares and Canadas;"

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For over 100rears the locality from which Bowden Lithia \\'ater comes was known as a

.' deer-lick" by the Cherokee Indians, who at One time inhabited all the northern ami Cen-

tral part of Georgia, and the edges of the bowlders in the Springs show to-day conclusive

evidences that these animals frequented the Springs and " licked" the rocks in order 10

obtain the saline properties of the Water. An unquestioned indicarion of the value placed

upon the Water by the Indians themselves is shown br the fact that they hollowed out ofthe solid rock the smooth, round basins so characteristic of the race, and which were found

when the Springs were prepared for general US". It was a "medicine" spring for the



Cherokees, and around it hovered the" Spirit of 'l Iealing " in the Indian mind, sent by the

Manitou, or Great Spirit, to heal their wounded or diseased bodies and renew their wonted

vigor, so essential for the chase or the war-path.

The first authentic cure effected by the writer upon a white person was in the case

of ;\ J r , ~1. S. Gore, an old man, now 73 years of age, who at tile time of the cure was a lad

of 13 yenTs, and who still resides in the viciniry of the Springs, His use of the water was

owing 10 the advice of the Indians. Since then, and "l' to within five years, no attempt

had been made to keep any record of the many cures effected, although for many rears

prior to I S_' parties came from long distances, bringing tents [or living purposes, there

beh1i/: no accommodations, and subsisting upon the game to be found in the woods, and

provisions bronght with them from their homes, With these strong indications of the medi-cinal value oi the Water confronting him, Judge John C, Bowden, from whom the 'Yater

derives its name, determined upon a careful analysi of it, and what had been considered a

COmmon ",;all" water, proved to be the finest water of its kind ever discovered, being "cry

rich ill that rare snlt , Bi-Carbonate of Lithium, containing more of thnt priceless in!.;rcdicl1t

than all 01her so-cnlied " Lithin " Springs combined. With this valuable ingredient were

also found Ilrominc, Iodine, Soda Salts, Iron and other tonic elements. which. as is con-

ceded by the mosteminent physicians, are valuable beyond computation ill all K idney and

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Bladder affections, Gout, Rheumatism, Calculi, Gravel, Cystitis, Stone, Dyspepsia of el'cry

form, Nervous Prostration, Insomnia, and a specific for the protean Iorms of Eczema. As

a bath water in all cutaneous disorders, the value of it has been determined beyond any


From Judge Bowden, the property passed into ihe possession of -;IIr, E. W. Marsh, of

Atlanta, Ca., the present owner, who, ·a(ter thoroughly testing the Water, in cases that were

pronounced incurable and sent to ihe Springs at his own e.<pense, was induced to erect the

splendid Sweet Water Park Hotel, Marble Pavilion, Bath House, Bottling-House, and the

other improvements. The title, Sweet Water Park, 1I'1IS derived from the stream bearing

that name, a short distance from the Hotel, named after old Sweet Water, a famous chief.

lain of the Cherokees. Upon these improvements has been expended nearly half a million

dollars. The illustration given below shows the },Iarble Pavilion over the principal spring,

erected at a cost of $6,500, and forming the finest example of Spring architecture in this




The Water long since attracted the attention of physicians, and scarcely a practi-

tioner in ihe State has failed to prescribe it in his practice, and with unvarying beneficial re-sults. We append herewith a letter from Dr. J. B. S. Holmes, of Rome, Ga., President of

the Georgia State lI!edica) Association:

Bowd~/t Lithia Spri/lgs Co.,

Lithia Spri/lgs, Ga.

GENTLEMEN;-11 gives me great pleasure to add my testimony to the value of Jour

Bowden Lithia Water in man}' diseases. For several years I have used it extensively in my

RO.\IE, Gil., September 30th, ISS!),

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practice. with the most gmti fyif)g results. I ts effects. in many cases of Stomach, Kidney.

Bladder and Nervous Diseases, have been truly marvelous, I have had particularly

happy results from its use with ladiessuff eri ng with I nsomn La and :;\ervous Dyspepsia. 1

can 311d 01"heartily recommend this water as a very valuable remedial agent.


As to your hotel-the Sweet Water Park-I found it strictly first-class in all of its ap-

pointments. The location is superb-elevated, dry, healt hy and easy of access. T he guest

who is fortunate enough to spend a while within its hospitable walls is certainly to be

congratulated. Very truly ),ours,J. B. S. HOLMES, III.)).


We present herewith :lphotograph 01 the Congress of Physicians, held at the Springs,

September loth, 18S7. This learned and able body 01 gentlemen, comprising some of the

most talented members of the Medical Faculty in all the South, gave its unqualified and

heart)" endorsement and approval to the wonderful medieinnl qualities of Howden Lithia

Water. We ,,1;;0 present, further on, the reeommendarious gil'en by some physicians who

did not attend the Congress, Surely there could be no gr,eater consideration shown a min-

erai water than this, and it should stamp Bowden Lithia Water as of the very highest

order of merit.

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Lithia, from the Greek Lithos, a stone, was first discovered by Arvfredson, in 181].

It is considered the most valuable alkali known 10 the medical profession, from the [acr that

it is the only known solvent of Uric Acid, and when first discovered, owing to the great

scarcity of the deposits of the rare mineral Irom which it is derived-« Petalire-s-and which

is seldom found occurring in mineral waters, it was feared that the supply would be inade-

quare to the demand, Its narne-e-Lithia-e-stone dissolver-is derived from its peculiarlypowerful quality of dissolving uric acid calculi, whether ill the kidneys Or bladder, formed

by deposits of Uric or Li thi c Acid, a s)'non)'1ll used by J , 111lner Fothergill, 11,D .. 0 r

England, for GOUt Poison. (See. his ,. Gou t in i t i , Protean Aspects,") I t is Singular in its

power, and its value is beyond computation in t he treatment of all forms of diseases of the

Uric Acid Diathesis, A remarkable feature in connection with its presence in this country

is that there are no genuine Natural Lithia Springs found, save upon the eastern slope of

the great mountainous chain extending from southern Pennsylvania to middle Georgia and

Alabama, anti it is only there that they are known 10 exist, Aside from their value in remov-

illg these calculi formations. these waters are unsurpassed in their value as prophylacrics or

preventives of this Iorm of disease. Their great superiority over any artificial compound pre.

pared by the most skillful chemist is attested by e\'cry well-informed physician. Thompson,

in his" Preventive Treatment of Calculus," sal's: "I have proved by experiment that the

solutions prepared by nature (Lithia Waters) far surpass in elTcct the same draughts concocted

by the apothecary," rhus showing conclusi vely t he value of ,;\ ntural Lit hia Waters. Art ificlal

mineral waters, owing to impure water and drugs, and their almost criminal adulteration, are

pronounced by eminent medical authorities as positively dangerous to use, and they have

:lgitated the promulgation of a general law forbidding their manufacture and sale.

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Far Better than Simply a Hot Water is the Famous Medicinal Water (heated

to any desired temperature) of the Bromine-Lithia Spring. It

Accomplisbes More in Every Form of Disease than any

Hot Spring in the World, and We Can Prove It.'

The Company has secured the services of a competent physician, who is familiar with

Hot Springs, Ark" to introduce the famous 1I0! Springs System of Jtathing at Lithia

Springs. The Hot Springs Bath House or ).fedical Department is now completed and is

built on the same principle as those of Hot Springs, Ark.

Parties suffering from any of the following troubles will find relief and cure from the

use ,,[ these baths in connection with the proper remedies, as medicines are more effective

when the system is cleansed by bathing: Rheumatism, Cout, Scrofula, Paralysis, Neural-

gia, Syphilis-acquired or hereditary, in all its different Corms-Ozena and Catarrhal Sore

Throat, Skin Eruptions, embracing Eczema, Psoriasis, Urticaria, Tmpetigo, Prurigo, Rupia,

Chronic Ulcers, Glandular Enlargements, Malarial Poison, and of special benefit in Men-

strua I T rou bIes.

This is a long' Jist, yet all are caused directly or indirectly by an impure condition of

rhe blood. The Yapor Bath sweats out the impure matter and rouses the dormant glamlu- .

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lar system IQ action, and is acknowledged to be the most rapid and at the same time most

thorough means of cleansing the system of impurities. Thousands and thousands of cases

have been cured at the Springs by this process when all other remedies have failed and

hope was gone.

The vapor used here is obtai ned by passing a stream 0f )'I'ineral \ Vater over a coil of

hot pipe. The ,'apor rises into a compartment in which the patient sits, and causes rrcc

sweruing. While taking this bath the hot mineral water is drank freely, inducing

free perspiration,

The patient goes from this sweat cabinet, at the expiration of from three to eight min-

utes, \0 a marble slab, and is rubbed briskly with a ru bber brush. Soap is then applied

and the rubbing continued till all the effete mailer driven out by the sweating is removed.

A tepid shower bath and sponge-off ill alcohol complete t he process.

The latest and most 'improved electric apparatus has been provided for the treatment

of cases where the USe of elect ricicy is indicated, including electric message.

Anyone desiring information in regard to special, troubles, or wiS:llng to know terms oftreatment ani! baths, may write to Dr. \\". H. Wt'l1TEHEAU, Lithia Springs, Ga., who has

charge of the Medical Department.

NOTE.-Do not confound this Bath with the numerous sweat-box, hot-air arrangements

nOW in use. This is a lIIil1era/ vapvr obtained from Lithia Springs Mineral Water, and Is

remarkable in its healing properties" leaving the skin soft and velvety, not harsh and dry.

For Skin Eruptions and Old Sores it is a certain cure.


This ;511 chartered company owned and controlled by the Spring, Company. running

comfortable nm! commodious curs hourly from the Hotel direct to the Spring". distant Iimiles, affording rapid and safe transit for glle,ls. These trains run from t\ A. ~I. to

9.30 P. ~I., leav;ng the west entrance cf tile l Iotel on the even hour.

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Its Motto: "The Enlightenment of the People."

"I consider m}' partln the establishmeru 01 the Piedmont Chautauqua the one groat meritortous

act 01 my 1IIe."-Tl~~,"\- W, G~_\P\-,

There can he no higher ideal set up in the mind of the masses than an unselfish

and self-sacri ficing effort for the higher education and lift] ng up of the comrnon

people iruo the light of knowledge and honorable citizenship. And he who thus

devotes himsel f to the great task must be counted a benefactor of his kind.



This great educat ioria I institution owes its orig in to [he desire in til<' heart of

the late Henry W. Grady to firrnly plane upon [he so ilof his native Stale" means

whereby his people, and not ihcy alone. but nil people, might ennoble: rhernselves

b), develop: ng a higher civi Iiza1 ;on and a sineere des;re for t hat broad and compre-hensjve knowledge which makes ihc whole world brothers.

It \\'01.5 organized in 1887,and since that lime has gone steadil y forward upon

the broad Ii rics marked out for il hy its founder. And to-day it offers, for nominaU)"

no return, an opporrun itv \0 those who, bu t for its cstabl ishrnern , woulrl perforce

be com pe 11ed 10 grope in com pa nil ive in te IIectuaI darkneS5,

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OWNED BY THE !!OT(:L <:;0,11';1:" Y.

1ts progress has necessarily been hampered and im pcdcd by the many obstaclbsto which such enterprises arc exposed, chief among which was the overcoming o r

prej udlce among classes who are in vctcr ately opposed \0 the development of the

spirit of intellectual equality and independent thought,and the natural antipathy

of the u nth inking among the densely ig norant, which finds its highest Iorrn of ex-

pression in the ph rase, .. TI,..,,, lifo·Gt)· fer!.-,",."

!:Iut iIhas gone steadily forward, nevertheless, and with undauntcd spirit its

promoters propose to bring it out into the bright sunlight of a full and great success.

Itrequires no little courage thus to face a problem ser ious from both a litera ry and

financial standpoint, and to its present owners, the people of the Stale of Georgia

and of the entire Southland owe a debt of gratitude and 10),a1 support, for by such

m ea us, a bove all others, do they ind icare their des irc for an honora hie posi t ion

among t h c sisterhood of States,

It affords the ver}" widea, opportuni ues for the improve men t of the minds and

the morals of the people. Purely educational in character, non-sectarian in creed,

unse 1fish j n its d "sires, e lev ati nJ;" in i(5 t endcn des, it st rongl y a ppenls to every 10vI'r

of the {rue. the good and the beautiful.

The ta len t d cvoted to the purposes 0fils fou nd crs is of the high estorder, The

most learned instructors in art, science and Iiteratu re have frum rear to renT been

Provid cd, The IIig hcst class of music has been rendered and j, ts halls have re-

sounded with the echoes of the voices of those eminent among the enlightened and

advanced thin kers of the century.

The already beautiful surroundings have this year been additionally beautified,

and it is 110 great stretch of fancy to j m'lgine one's self ill the Gro"C5 of Parnassus,

listen il1g to the eloquent instruction of a I'la(o, or (he oratury of" Dernosthenes.

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HOWDEN f.ITH1A Sl'RI:-.'CS. l:EOKG,A. 1 7


Brilliant lectures upon Art, Science, Literature, Religious History, Travel, the

current topics of the day. all Iu lly abreast with the most advanced ideas of progress,

are delivered with great frequency. while throughout the entire session the highest

class of operatic, classical and sacred music is rendered by a company of musical

artists famous for their ability to interpret the rnasrcr s of music and their composi-

tions. Surely there is nothing to be desired, save [hal the people should avail

themselves of the possibilities placed within their immediate reach, thus freeing

themselves from the imputation of lack of desire.

A number of beautiful COllages have been erected within the grounds d u ring

the past year, and many more arc contemplated. A fine drive has been constructed

around the Lake, which has been deepened, ant! its borders graveled and made

easy of access.

The session of the Piedmont Chautauqua for the season of ISg( has been

placed in charge of Dr. J . W. Heidt, of Atlanta, so well and fa vora hly known

as one of the leading Chautauquans of this COuntry. who promises a programme brill-

iant beyond any of its predecessors.

The arrangements for the accommodation of students and teachers have beenbrought to a higher Stale of perfection, and everyrhing presages the most success-

Iu Iand satisfactory session of this great enterprise ever held.

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BOWDEN LITH I A WATER,By Prof. R.. Ogden Doren ... ,,",:rt1.D.,LL.D.

Tile attent ion of the Public is respectfully draw n to this analysis, by one of tileforemost chemists of rhis century, the only one made of a Natural Lithia Waterby a chemist of wide repute. The object of the Bowden Lithia Springs Company ; 1 1having this analysis made by Professor Doremus was that the character of theWater might be definitely declared by one competent \0 perform the task, and j I

futly confirms the very high oplnion enterralned of tile Water by the most accom-plished physicians in all pans of the United States,

BELLEY!' E H OSPIT ,\ L :"'I!\p ICi\! .. COLL"G~:,NEIl' YORK, A}lgusl [3, 1890.

G£~TLE~lEr\: The samples of you r LITH!" WATER which Ireceived from youlast month, by Express. the seals being unbroken, Sp, gravity at 15.SQ C. l00I.S,

contain per imperial gallon:Calcium Bicarbonate,Magnesium Bicarbonate,

LITHIUM BICARBONATE,Ferrous Bicarbonate, • -Sodium Chloride,Sodium Sulphate,POTASSlll M SU LPHA TE,Alum ini urn Sulphate,STRO~T1U~1 SULPHATE,Calcium Sulphate,\IAGNESIUM BRO:-'lIDE,

Sili de Acid,Iodine, - 1M a nga nesc

Phosplwric. Acid, . JBoracic Acid,

Ruhidium- Traces by Spectroscopic A nalysis.Loss on Ignition,



[21. iS3


0·530.I 2'2[~




Total Solid Residue by Calculation,

Total Solids dried at 130~ c.,Carho nic Acid in Bicarbonates.

Organic .f.lattcr-KO~ E.


171.'P5').')1 I

Respectfully su bmitted,

R . OGDEN DOREM US" M .D ., LL .D .,I SEAL Prof. Chemistry, Toxicology and :-'fedical J u risprudencc,c~~~~C,,~lUELA~B~SR~~~~~Y Bellevue Hospital Medical College, and Prof, Chemistry

I hi EO ICAL 00 L l:E G~ and Physics, College of the City oi New Ynrk,


Lithia Springs, Ga.


TUOM A. sv 1u.e., G:J~~ A ngusl 30+ j 890-

J {pel it I~I be of lhe lIt~nost iruportance to ~a," rhar T5;'LWthis '~':'Hel' tnken .rIil'eel from the Spl"ing:,placed in new gb~s ....asels, corke-d, seated a[}otfshtpped to PI'Of. DOI"~mU5 II! the Culleuc «f the CitY'"of New Y01"1(, and h~s au;dv~i~ Iull v confirms mv hi:Kh estimntc of the val He of the \\!rH~•.as endC:llCf"d]1v tll(,..t"'ou~h u-inls of I' in t;l\' I .mctlce. I desircfur-iher to stele thn1 I have ahsulutely no in tcresi i.n theSpd:n:l!,OJ·investment ' 1 1 ) : 1 1 " · j natm'a! desire to aOfj1laitlt my ljl'o(essionul brethren, and th..-ullghthem ~he puhlic, wul, t Ie gcnt!,·4._lL..nnd re-nun-lenble Pl. 't."II)Crtks uf th e water- ~ and rbe t ! \....n::;;nu l pl'C!]erl~by invltm lou, hul wns spemling se-veral weeks at the Sp..-iug$ f 0 1 - purposes : o f :tn"\'estig::~tion from a

proitls:sioual s'OJ.IHlpljh~t ontv . T . S - . l1Qi'Kl~"", 1 \1 D_ ..L\1.emht;'i·.-\~er. j\led. As.s~n, Med. Aasn of G.1,_j fntcrnatiunnl Med. COf:lKn~·ssJ

aml A rner-, ClimmolvgLc~1 Ass'n.

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I~ preacrtbed lJy Lhe most emlneut ph)'slclans wi ~b ·nnerring effect in the follow

In a.ll dhrorfler:s depondeDt upon 8,. ffl"ic.A f :i d l J in l h m s ts . f:Ola. ,IVw~tmo.a{~G t J u / ~ IUl("tj~I~(.'ti~j~, (]r(UJ('land Slime in tne Bladdu. in ('''rom" n";yl.t,.lJl.ea .. a Old in all affections or the l\iI/""'la l I Iaddu nndUr(!Ulr((, 1oqUi'riJlI!t cl'k{dim: treatment, lu the varlous diseases of tlu; l J i f ) c : , , ; U l I ( ! , O r U u ; l . . , · includingJ . J y l $ } J t ' 1 J s f o . , Lll'r1" Ir isease«, J(U(j~d'lce,etc.

1it Iia.spt nven highly succosstut. ~ ,

l n 1/,,/YiltUl! Co".tilmli.n "!HI io fI"."flrrlwid8d~pelJd~nt 011a torpl'l coo/I ilion of the Lit." Ills aremerly ot great excettence, The reHe! atTol'asd Ill' It In r""'"';I1{1/;"" is not due to 1I.1IY/ , , , , ,1. '<110.""-HI'c property, but ro its a itemtice l ' JOtN:T (,"t"r th n ~('~· ann wbile in some of those case:, U~ gOOfJeffect" are prompt, in others tile continuous 1I~6of tho water for week .., or poo:!Hlly lor O1ODII1$ma),be required to accompltsn the desired result.

111 some of the A.ifrrUtms ,,-<'1I/ia, 10 Women. and especially In S"P1,res.'rd and in Pa;nfIl!.'[~il$/nl((tithl, ;t-19 au efficient remedy.

In Chronic .lfa/arim<8 1'''''", of every variety i~i~ ('onlldelltIy claimed 10be a Fl,,,dtle. In lJlMdPrJ;. . . . ;liU it will be round a poteut ageut.

Reruarka.ule results trom its use In the ~.J.llnlminur(a. XUll*ca and Uro-mie I\n~ll(HI1"jy toj' I'N!{))UUII'U,

and in the Album,iH'·l trt·a, a.DdDrf1~in~l Elj'luJitlns of ,,,"'urt4'ti;.allJatieD~ are reporteu,

Its power In 1Dsonloia is unequalled. Th" Bromtd es exert a soothtne e!Ie;:t upon the sioepless,an,j visitors to ru e Springs, or tho"e tlsla!; tbe I\'oler, mol' [eel ""911red of a ~poedy rellet,

As" Nerve Souatlvo Itstanue wltbout a rl<"I,

l'uless otherwtse dtrected by theauen<lingplJy9iclnn, wo woutu mcke the Iollowlng ~ngS'es.lons!

.4 S ... .1 ' JlI'I',/:.'T1ZBR A XlJ /_\'I'[r:OIl.-! TOR,-One or two glnssfuts before meals, and on '·0-tiring for the ntgnr.

FORlil' 'PE1'SlA A.\'D S'l'OJlAC1l1'ROUGLf:s,-'rbe same quantity as above ~boul,l be .....enin (roiu ou ·bal! 10 "II nour atter meals. Tbe practtce of <lrinking with the ",,,,,Is Isoh)l'rtiouable. rIllutes Ibe Salivary aoo1 Gastric .Joice!! an,1 thus Impatrs digeSlioD, The Water sbnulo1 not uotaken ice, cold where tbO dlgest!\'e powers are feeble,

FORRlJE['.lU 1'18.)[, DnO}',,}', f,-J}).YErASP I"IUX.HI)- JJL~EASF."·,-'·be water ~bo\lld bei'Irank flet-Iy and at frequent tntervate, not. l ess tba.o : ! : ! o i x . glaSJ:58S {)any~ and n~ much more as!JossilJl" ~honId Ustaken,

{V FBV sus ASD ISPI.A.1L1f.1TOfn- DI. 'LISE"", GE.YEJlA U,J',-The l\"Inel' tU.kelllce·coJol",n<l n~oHe It ... deslro<l, will be found SI'aleful uud bODellcial,

A CT rox OX 1'f1E no Jr EI .....-1'be \\'fll~r dO"~ 0.01, In "II CIl90$, a"t dire<:!Ij' (Ill the bowels.

thou1;lJ. tbe eousta ..Ot Lilia orit

wrll1 " - 1 '

EH:(l'Ut A . .U t It

ure ('ou8tl,pa,.tioD~If

mer or n luxatlve effecL is<le5ire,l, "dd" teaspoonful 01' more o( "",n"",11 .;011 LOtbe gla;;s[lIl.

The II'ato.' i~ prescrtbod witb g reat l,oeupHtbr physida IlS ID numerous IIIaIa~ lea Dot .peel!!.rally eonllle1'8t;!>d above, such I1S ':;olln<lite. Pile_, Ml',,,,tloIJS peculiar to WOll1en. KaU>!<IR, \'ollliUng..Juring Pregnancy, Ner;;oLL8 Diseases, :\ and :::_;;lJrofulou~ AiJCCt\ODS.."



1 RlC OF' ' ~ TA.TEH.PER CASE, 12 HALF GALLON BOTTLES,., , .. ,. , .. , , .$5 00

" CARBOY, 12 GALLONS, UNDER SEAL .•.... , , 500


" " 50 QUART " ", •..• , .. 10.50

Pu LIIp. only tn ."lIn~ Gi"'-"S !lottIes, wltb sil"~r. foll cape over corks, lIthogl'npbed labels auetr(llic,..morl: b(ol.[':u iu br.,[tlc~ Noue SC"l1ulue WiT,hOUL. \ \TO at e ll( t respcnsnite for' br{Wakage after re-celpt frOIll ,·a 111'0"'] company In "goo'] order," or (01' riSk of freezing. If you. drnggi5tdoe~ not sellIt, writo to us. Gash, Or i'" equlva.lent, must accompany all orders for Water,

5/14/2018 FREE Lithia Springs Water 1891 Vintage Book - 22/36



What Physicians Say.

The Allol.ysis oj this ll ater ch"IImges till: 1(1(/r/rl jor its c(llI/billatiolloj

Cllrtltiz'eProper/its, and commands the special tlttelllioll (I f tlte Jledical

Profession, Ire subjoill <I jno notices oj we/l-kIl01CIIl PJlysicialls.

Bowden Lithia SpringS Co.,

Lithia Springs, Ga.

Gentlemen-J must thank you for bringing before In)' notice Howden Lithia ,,'ater,

a Lithate which any intelligent medical man or surgeon must .. par excellence" use in

preferment to the custom of using a chemically formed "Carbonate of Lithia" for the

destruction and elimination from the human system of abnormal adds, particularly that of

"Uric Add," its basic formations, vide L'rat~ of Soda, etc., erc., or Uric Acid Calculi,

both of Kidney and madder.

On receiving the Bowden Lithia \Yater Ihad under my treatment and daily observa-

tion a gentieman-:'IIr. J. C., of this place, who at frequent intervals, suffered intensely

from the passage of Renal Calculi besides baving two calculi in the Illadder of l'ric Acid

formation, each being 06,,/{II;',' size ~f a 1M/mil. The latter had existed for some rears,

CI,rmi/( Cystitis of a painful character being set up. I considered the case as one lit for

the operation of "Lithotrity," and shortly after, yet with difficulty, succeeded in breaking

One of the calculi into three pieces.At this time rour Bowden Lithia Water reached me, and Idecided to give this patient

no drink save the Lithia \Yater. all fll!! fijlll day its action began to show itself in Ih,'

PIlSS0I!( oj stones and %n 1 vd [rum fI,e KID~ EY, tOJ/sMully ,-rp"<1!cd O%<l iu and ". ' . '<lin. The

b/"dtler at this time was discharging SIll(1/l r,',u,I,-,,{ndi, /[r<1~'dand much salld)' JllbslllJlC,',

all of which, under the microscope, SI'Olco<"dL'ric .Acid Crys",ls in quantity. In tioo ·,,'~d,'s

the Kidneys ceased passing any abnormal matter whatever, In 11,," '" " , , , , , k s J again used

the l.ithrotite, Cl'lIsltillg'i(lifhP",j'cd ease the cystic Calculi before referred to. The bladder

sl/OI'II, ; 'u<1l11e dear,

In the passage of the concretions along the Urethra Ishould state that a small rem.

nan t of a calcul i beca me lodged, requiring surgica I interference. Yet the patien t is to-day

as free, apparently, from Uric Acid trouble as physical man could be.

Of course J cannot but advise that this gentleman continue to use from time t:> time

the Bow len Lithia W:Her as a preventative of future trouble to himself, as he comes from"

gout)' family.

Some day I hope to use Bowden Lithia Water ill Rheumatism ami Chronic Rheumatic

Arthritis. Yet in coming to a conclusion relative to the merits of the Water in quesriou 1

think J could not "a'lJ~chosen. a more l(n""'flbI~t/1uthan the above. ",\falllra "I'rifaftlll in

Projllndo Abslr(lsil." Indeed, /mG)' sajd), m)' 11101jn 1101'",-1 o[ /I", world docs a 11101'<'

",I/lIaol,. or IIsclu! ,\'a/ural AJl1diriJial 11",,1.'1'cxis! jar complain is intly recorda! by y"ur-

, < ' 1 ' ; ; ( $ (IUl/l Ihe Botoda: Lithi" lt/aters jro//l LirMa Sprillgs, Cr"rgia,

Truly yours,

TAJ.LULAII FALLS, eA" .:\o\'. 26, IS59.

!'t:RC\, .:\. 1'1-: l}('ilol',,\y, :'11.1)"

Fellow Hopi College of Surgeons: :'I!ember Royal -'Iedical Society, England;

-'Iember jlledical Jurisprudence Society, Philadelphia, I'a.

Resid<w1 rh)'JiciaJ/, Tc, l lu /<lk Falls, &,1.

5/14/2018 FREE Lithia Springs Water 1891 Vintage Book - 23/36



From the author of" Mineral Spr ingso f the United Srates,"

ORAN"GE:CITY, Fla., Nov, 3,1890.

I have tabulated and compared all the constitucn ts of BOWDEN, Londonderry,

Farm ville, Buffalo, Car lsbad and the i\larquelle of Baden-Baden, and find the BOW.

DEN LITH IA conrains III,,,,,), ~','llIabJe constitnents onida lile Littiia, rendering it

WOrLI'lY of the most serious study and adapting it to many diseases. I know Professor

Doremus, and that an analysis made by him cannot be gainsaid. Ido not doubt

the value of the BOWDEN LITH IA WATER, and will use it in my practice for

those diseases to which such water is applicable. Gf:(). E, W.\LT()~, l\L D,

Author" ~rineral Springs of the United States ";IIlembre de la Societe d' Hygiene, Paris.

ll.-H:.TFORD, Con n. , Jan. hi, I8')I,

I am pleased to say that I have been using the Lithia Water with success in the

case of my wife, who has been an invalid for three months, suffering from Nervous

Dyspepsia and accumu lat icn of Gas in the Stomach. Nothing that we did was of

value until we began 1,0 usc this water. Since then she has tound u to be of great

value and has improved steadily, T. D. CRO'IHI>II.S, ::11.0.,

President and Superintendent WaIn ut Lodge Hospital ;Editor Quarterly JourNal Qj /lubricO'.

r have three patients using Bowden Lithia

h a ppy to rcpo rt exec lie 11\ resu Its.

106 El'CLlD AVE~VF.,

CLE\"i,tA:->n, 0., feb, l<), IS9l.

Water for Kidney troubles, and

KHIT B . WAITE, : ' .1.D.

GREEt-;CASTLE, Ind., Nov. ~Z, 1 890.

The Bowden Lithia "Vater is all you claim for it. I a III s"i:isfied that the Water

is superior toany of its class, and I sha ll do all I can in its behalf.

N. G. S~IIT!I, M. D.,

Professor Principles and Practice of l\ledicine, IndianaCollege of Medicine and Surgery ..

TRENTO:-l, Ia., Nov. 25, 1890.

So far as I have tested the Bowden Lithia Water and the Georg ia Bromine-

Lithia Water they are very satisfactory. W. S. LESSINGER,. ~1.D.

I ~TERI() R,. !II ich, OCI. ro, 1890.

I am greatly pleased with the effect the Howden Lithia Water had in a case of

Irritation of Bladder and Prostate, 11 accorn plishes all that YOIl claim for it. I am

delighted its action, and can no! too highly recommend it.

H. G, TWE"tA;>;);, M.D.

ADAIRS\'!LU:, Ga., OCL .j, 1890.

I have been drinking Bowden Lithia Water for Renal Calculi. 1 suffered ten

days from Renal Colic. After this I passed numerous Calculi a rid a gritty deposit.

My urine was blood)'. This state of thinl!"s continued in spite of all remedies used,

but after 1 had drunk freely of the Bowden Lithia Water for twenty-four hours I

never passed another calculus, nJither was there any sandy deposit. Both symp.

toms had been removed by the solvent power of the 'Yater, 1ITy urine was per-

fectl)" clear and abundant, and has been since! commenced the use of the Water.

J. W. I:lR.IDU(\·, :\1D.

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Ferdinand :-'eeger, "I J 1., Editor ,J/,dical Classics, wr itce, :

XF.\\" YORK, July rst , 18,~S.

I have never seen a clearer water than that from the 1301\"den Lit hia Springs, and

take pleasure in suying that I have examined it carefully and recommend its use to all

sufferers Irum uric acid troubles. Its sparkling purity gives it a most ;,wiling ami

refreshing appearance. I is "ery pleasant and palatable, and far mixing with wines it iscertainly the p~er of any imported water. FERntX ~ND :-;EEGI < , ,\1. D.

I Jr . J. Il, t'. J J olmes, President Georgia State / II ed ical Association, writes :

I{O"IE, G.I .. r icr. sth. 188').

It gives me great pleasure Co add my testimony to the value of Uowden Lithia Water

ill man}' diseases. For several rears I have used it extensively ill my practice, with the

most ;;ratifying results. Its effects, in many cases of stomach, kidney, bladder and Ner-

vous Diseases, have been truly marvellous. f have had particularly happy results [rom its

use with ladies suffering with [usos« I l ia and X ervous Dyspepsia. J can and do hea TIiI)'recommend this water as a verj valuable remedial agem,

J. 1:, S. "ODIES • .\J.D.

SHELIlY\,ILLE, TEN~., Oct. 31St, ISS').

Gentlemen-c-I Iaving suffered great I)' with 1 1 severe attack of Papular Eczema for the

last eight Or nine years, $ lake pleasure in testifying to the greal benefit r han received

from the use of the H owden Lithia : '1 i ne ra l \\'aler, both by drinking and llalhing in the

water, for the last three months, at the Springs. The bathing is very soothing 10 the

irritated and itching skin, always affording and gil'ing comfort for hours after a bath, and,

i» Illy case, t"t.·r'(ljll~l~ t'xplDdes /Ih' th~'or)'( 1 / llIllll)' ";i:1ril{!rs oJ! Eczellla, Illat till' fx/~rJ1n/ appli-

en tia » O J usatcr "" . ,S I l / jl l l 'io l lS 10, aud ag:([rm'ak'( said disease. The action of this water on

the kidneys is "ery decided and beneficial, and J cheerfully recommend its usc to any one

suffering with Eczema, or diseases, either functional or organic, of the urinary urgans.

Respectfully,R. f. EVANS, '\l.I1.,

Ex-President Tennessee State Medical Society.

iIIr. E. w . ,\Iarsh,

Atlanta, Ca,

;\1r dear sir-e-Permit me to return )'ou my sincere thanks for the case of Dowden

Lllhia War"r which ),OU were so kind as to send 10 my friend, :'IlL C., of this city. It has

.{lItirdy "die",'d him of C/lr(Jllie Irritatio» ( O J flu L'ril1''':V ()';t:tlIIS of t'e':I' /011" sltll/{/illg-.

This is the S(('IiI.! CdS( cured by Howden Lithia Water in Ill)' practice, and I shall continue

its Use in sucb cases, The amount of IlRn~IIr\E in the Howden Lithin Water leads me to

believe th"l its combinntioo with other constituents of the \\'~ter, ns exhibited b)' the

an;t!pis published, will provide a very /,IMSOIII substi ute for the Potassic .. ~'l{lir, .'/""11011/;,

HI'Olili, and Litllie Hromidcs , which we are constantly called lIpon to prescribe in the

various forms of _\'<'I'vou"Dlsrasrs coming under our obs ervation and treatment. J intendto gi,'c it a fair trial in these cases, \\'" have in the ~tate of (;eorgia some ot the best

,\1incral ~pring" in ,\ll1erica, but unfortunnteiy thev arc 1<'oJ Ileal' IItJlIl<'. If they were a

t/t"lfS,I,,,t 1 / 1 ; 1 . - . a1iklY hundreds would visit them an I be benefited by their medicinal

JJropcrties wlm now pass them by in search of others with far less merit.

Very truly your friend.

T. S. lli1I'KI:<S. :\1.1).

TI-IO~IASnI..LE. GAo, :'\0\'. :qth, ISS,).

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A"rLAl<TA, GA., OCt. 51h, ISS"

I lu,,'''' used Bowden Lithia Water in cases of dyspepsia, k idnej- and bladder

affections with good results. The ingr~dienls, 115 shown by the analysis, suggested to

me it, usc in this class of cases. Where there is sufficient quantity o r medicinal element;

found il l mineral waters. they seem to be more efficient as blended by Nature than where

formulated by an: hence. the great benefit to mall}" invalids who visit these Springs,Til os, S. J'U'\'ELL, .\1.D.

FOT the last year I have watched the e!Tect of Bowden Lithia \\"ater in Chronic Dis-

NU,·, and have known it to be beneficial in a great many cases. I know a gentleman

suffering from Dyspepsia, caused by Ilright's Disease, to be relieved from this complication

after using it ~ short time.

OXFORO, C.\" OCL. 5th. 18S7

It gh·es me great pleasure to sa)' that, ill my opinion. the \\"~Ier from Bowden Lithia

Springs possesses tIle Ingllat ",~dicill,,1 value, As 10 the Sweet Waler I'ark Hotel, I do

not see how it could be surpassed for comfort. elegance, and kind attention to guests.

ISAAC S. II o I'K 1 :< 15 , IIl.n., l'h.D., D.D.,

President Emory Colk!;>::.

STATE Lt'NATlC AS\"LU~!, 'IOffice of T. O. Powell, Supt. and Resident Physician, '

~l! LLEDGE,'lLL£, G,\., Oct. loth, ISS7. )

take gre~f pleasure in sayingtha; there can not be any doubt as to the fine !ludieii/'"

properties of Bowden Lithia Water. As to the Sweet Water Park Hotel, and its appoint-

ments, there are none better in this country. The surroundings are all favorable in ever)"

r"sp~n \0 health and comfort.T. O. POWELL, x r . D.

ATLASTA, GA .•. Oct. J o . l , ISS7.

It gi"e~ me pleasure to recommend the \"ater of Dowden Lithia o;prillgs as an efficient

medical agent in various diseases.R. D . RWLEY,

xr.n,J con cor in the above after personal observation of their e ffeels.J. II[c Y. (:.ISTO:-;.

ArLANT,\, GA" Jan, :!5, 13S7.

I have watched the effects of the \\'~ter from the Bowden Lithia o;rring~, shunted On

the Georgia l'acific Rai lroad, for several rears, besides using it in lllr fam iIr, and do not

hesitate to sn)" that it. is a \\'atH of real merit and especially adapted to cases of all chronic

glandular engorge rnent , and to E heuurat isrn and it; kindred disorders,

G. G. R'I1", ~I.I).

COLU\,II>U5,GA., !JcL ~O, ,OS7 .

..\fter testing Bowden Lithia Water [or over two months in person at the Springs, lust

Summer. [cannot say enough in ;15 praise. ;\1y daughter, .\ Irs. J F. Orr, of C harloue,

N. C., was relieved nf virulent blood poison, producing painful ~,,"elli,,~s on her shoulder

.. nd hand, by the use of one carbo)' of the Water. I had a patient in :\e\\" Orleans. who

had been under t he care of several competent physicians for over eighl months, and who

5/14/2018 FREE Lithia Springs Water 1891 Vintage Book - 26/36


was greatly emaciated, nnd was confined to her bed the greater part of the time. I ordered

a carbo), of Bowden Lithia Water sent to her, and before it was over half drank she was

able to be up and out. I saw and talked with many while at the :>prings who were affcctcd

with various diseases arising from impure blood, and Ido not recollect a case that was not

benefited, As blood is the life of man, and most diseases originate from its impurity, I

esteem it the best /01' 14,*' r/,'(1Jlsing0/ all)' tooter in Illy kll(J7(, ler(,:, ·. I tested the lIot

Springs, Arkansas, for six weeks faithfully before going- to Dowden Lithia ~prings, with

lillie or no benefit. But in less than two 'Wed:;' after drinking BOwden Lithia 'Yater and

taking 111e hot baths, I felt like a new man, to which many friends who saw me before

"isiting the Springs, and after, will testify. Icould say much more, if necessary. It is a

very wonderful Water, and 1 would recommend the afflicted, from whatever disorder they

may be suffering, to give the 'Yater a thorough trial, and they, as do I, w ill praise it as a

great blood purifier and rejuvenator,) , ' , ' J . BUSSE\', ~I.D.


Dowden Lithia Springs Co.,

Lithia Springs, Ga.

Gentlemen-Bowden Lithia Water gi,'cs the greatest satisfaction in the treatment of

Jaundice and other Chronic ~Iala.rial Diseases.'1'. 1'. 1IIcELREATI!, :'ILU,


SA:-<DERS\'II.I.E, GA., Oct. 16, ISS9.Bowden Lithia Sprinl[s Co.,

Lithia Springs, Ga.

Gentlemen-e-I received the case of Bowden Lithia Water to-day in good condition.

Enclosed you will lind my check for $5.00 in payment for same, :'II}' health is much im..

,!lrQved and I am stronger than when I reached home. I have great faith in the water. and

talk it up (0 all. \'01.<r5 truly.

J. T, YOt'Xr;1l1.001l,

Judge Youngblood was pronounced incurable and the physicians declined 10 treat him

on that account. lie visited the Springs, remained two months, and returned to his horne"ery greatly benefited. Ilis letter speaks for itself.

U"d~ Remns says:Editorial Rooms Tile Aft,"'!.1 COIIsrifllfi"",

ATJ.AWr/\, GA., Sept. JO, I S'J.Bowden Lithia Springs Co.,

Lithia Springs, Ga.

Gentlemen-Several years "go I was suffering from 'kidney complaint and general

debility. I lost flesb constamly, at the rate of 11 }ol/l/ll a 1<'(.-1'. After treatment by my

family physician, which failed altogether, and after dosing myself with various patent

medicines, I concluded to go to Lithia. prings. Toe place was undeveloped then, but J

drank the water and sat under the shade of the trees, and recovered my health entirely.

l,udgil,d lOS POIII";" when 1 went to the Springs, ~II!I I/O..' / rt"~;>/I 168. 1 think there is.

no case of Dyspepsia or kidney ai Irnent that this Water wi II not cure. I ha ve sent

'hundreds of Illy friends to Lithia Springs, and they have all been materially benefited.

Sincerely .J <lEI. CIIA)i'DLER f L~RR1S_


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HOI\'I:H':N 1.f1'HIA SPR1:>rCS. r.E.ORGI,\.

Howden Lithia Springs '0.

t;entlemen-I take pleasure in bearing most unqualified testimony to the beneficial

effects which have resulted from the use of !lowden Lithia Water in my familv,

I have resided near the Spring for the last six months, .f r the lirst three months my

wife drank the Water ,'ery seldom. as she did not come here for that purpose. For the

last three months she has drunk no other, and the improvement in her health, almost from

the time she began its exclusive use, has been so decided thru it can be attributed to 1\0

other cause than the virtues which the Water possesses. She has been free from excru-

ciating headaches, to wh ich she was before constant I)" sub jeer, Can now ear with impunity

articles of food in which she before did not dare to indulge, and has, in other respects,

been greatly benefited.

She will be absent from home now for Some time, but I shall ship the Water more

than seven hundred miles to her, because Ido not consider it even safe Cor her, at least Ior

the present, to forego its constant use. Respectfully,

Tnos. D. DAVJl)SON, (Ph.D.)

LtTHIA $rRI'."c;s, (iA" Xov, zoth, r 89.

Bowden Lithia Springs Co .. Lithia Springs, Ga.

Gentlemen-The 'Vater Ordered from you was for a lady visiting us at Mount Air)".

She took it for Nervous Prostration and was '·er)" greatly benefited by its use.

Yours truly,

ALBANY, GA.• Nov. I th, I 59.


A \\'O~DERFUL SPRING.-(See pa)1;e ~7.)

From Tile i\'-ew SOll,/I, Do.,,~bS\"iJle, Ga., December I7th, ISS,).

Trustworthy information has reached us concerning the discovery of a medicinal spring

In this county, at Lithia Springs, about six miles from Douglasville, which marks it as the

most remarkable One in the nited States, if not in the known world. The locality has for

lI1an), years been known as Salt Springs, but has been recently changed to Lithia Springs.

as, owing to the analysis made o C the first known spring, it was found that the water was of

the class known as saline-alkaline waters. About a rear since, another small spring, about

one hundred yards Irom the one so well known, was opened, as many who had tasted tl)<:

water were convi need th(lt it h~d minera I properties. It was not analyzed. however, a it

was no! believed to be of any particular commercial value, or to possess any curative

properties. A small pavilion was erected over it, more as a resting place for visitors during

the warm pari of the day than for any other purpose. and all ordinary pump put in, 10 allow

anyone that chose to drink oC it. The water had a much more decided taste to it, however.

than the one used commercially. : lOU a number of visitors, who were accused of posses ing

a somewhat morbid taste, soon grew to like it, on the principle. we suppose, that one can

grow to like even what at first seems destitute of any attribute to please or attract.

Among the number were several who hat! come to the Springs for rest and quiet, and

they soon discovered that the}' were inclined to become droll'S)' and sleepy, among" them a

physician Irom Atlanta. This peculiar effect. however, was ascribed 10 the climate,lnrgel)", and to the fact that there were 110 disturbing elements in the 1;11 rrent of their daily

lives while rusticating in the viciniiy ol the Springs. in the case of the physician, however,

the statement made by him was to the effect that at no place had he ever been enabled tn

secure such refreshing sleep and rest, and he called the attention of the proprietors 10 that

fact, but it was ascri bed, as before stated, 5 i rnply to climatic effects, and 110 further attention

was paid to the matter, and no effort made to discover any latent virtue ; 1 1 the water.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : : _ : w w : _ c

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puring the past summer a number of guests at the Sweet Water Park Hotel, connected

with the Springs plant. repeatedly urged upon the owners of Ihe property, 1 > 1 essrs,

E. \\'. Marsh & Co., 10 have the water from the spring analyzed, among them being

Dr. R. F. Evans, ex-President of the Tennessee Slate Medical society, residing at Shelby-

ville, Tenn., who came seeking relief from a violent attack of Papular Eczema, and who

found great relief from using the water from these Springs, both externally and as a bath,and who also brought a number of his patients to the Springs. But it wa not until the

latter part of October last that any effort was made 10 determine its value analytically.

About the 241h October last', however, Mr, E, W. Marsh, of Atlanta. Ga. (of the great

dry goods house of J\loore, l\larsh S : Co.), who is the principal Owner of the I Lotel and

Springs property, sent over an order to the Manager of the Springs to send him a carboy of

the water from the Spring' in question. in order that it might be demonstrated finally

whether there was anything in the water, or \Ihether the visitors or guests were simply

laboring under a delusion. The ,,'3 er was according'ly cnref ulljgathered in a glass carbo)"

sealed with the company's seal, and sent to :ll.T. :II arsh Ly expres~.He at once communicated with Dr, N. A. Prall, of Atlanta, one of the best known and

most ahle analytical chemists in this country, surt ing' that he desired a careful quantitative

anal), is made of the water, without ""i"ing him an)' information as to 1he whereabouts of

the source of it. The most painstaking and careful analysis was then entered upon by

Dr, T 'ra tt , consuming eight days, and resulting in surprising him to such an extent that he

repeated the analysis a second and third time, each subsequent analysis Confirming the first.

Careful inquiry upon his part satisfied him that the water was genuine and pure and ~hat no

device or subterfuge had been resorted to, and he therefore forwarded the analysis to

:II r. :llarsh for publication to the world.

\Yc are personally acquainted with ;'Ifr. lI{<lrsh, and have no hesitancy in declaring i t as

our firm conviction that the water is all that it is said to be or claimed to Let namely, the

most remarkao le water known to t he gene ral publ ic, The feature that so greatly surprised

J tr. Pratt was the "er}' large amount of Bromine-~o)1 g:rains to the gallon-an unusuah

and unprecedented amount, there being no known pring in the world containing so large

a quantity. I ndeed, we find by comparison that it contains 600 times the amount of Bromine

in any water now on the market, thus confirming its wonderful properties.

This analysis has served to explain thc peculiar effect of the water upon the visitors and

guests before mentioned-that of :jsedarive-e-Jlromine being the grent sleep producer and

nerve sedative, and of unequaled value as a remedy for skin troubles. as we have been

;11 formed by 1hose familiar with its peculiar properties.

Did space permit we should publish the analysis, showing the man}' wonderful properties

o( the water from this newly-analyzed Spring. and will probably do so at a future date,

h lieving that it rs the province and office of a ne\\'sp~p~r to furnish the public with all the

inforrnrmon that tenus to benefit and attrnct attention to its section of country.

Here is loc:lted the ma.gnilicent Sweet Waler I'ark l Iotcl, one of the finest houses and

most complete in all its appointments to be found in the South, with first-class acccmmoda-

rions for live hundred guests. with the 10"e1y walks and grounds of the Piedmont Chaurauqua,

besides cottages and numerous boarding-houses- the quiet and peace of a retired resort,with Herr comfort and convenience to be fount! ill the I~q~e cities. and only about {ort}'

minutes' ride to Atlanta.

Truly. (';eorgia is a grent State, nl);dDouglas County one of the best sections of it. We

have within our borders the (,nest lands, the richest ores, the 11105t salubrious climate, and

progressive ( 1 1 1 < 1 energetic citizens. and we invite the industrious. frugal and honest men of

al! sections to visit u , ::: ,t acquainted with u-s anti our county, and become one among us. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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It~ ~ o b to -E l e g a n c e a n d G o m f o ~ b ,

Ywoelrwatef PfLrk Hotel. John S. Bl(llwen, ~_fr r" r . .. .t ll ln ·S,Ptlnp. Go...


Summer Season, 1891, opens May 12fh; Winfer Season

opens January ll ih, 1892,


THIS ELE:GA:-IT and in e.ery sense high·class modern Hotel was opened May 'Slh, .888, and

has since enjoyed the most fio.tteringsucces!), owing to its auperlcr facilitles and select patronage.

Itafford s Arst ..class accommodntions for 500guests. Furnished in the most modern style, and with a

CUISI NE unsurpassed for quality and service. Elevation, reoofeet, Temperature-Summer, 75tU90o;

Winter, 40 to 60·. NO SNOW OR SLUSH IN WINTER. Crystal Sun Parlor (Solarium) aur-

rOUlHling Eaat Pi3t.Z.;.'~aco feet ln length by 15 in width, for delicate persons and invalids who seek the

use of the 'Vaters and Climate. The famous .Mineral \\raters in all rooms, fresh from tI,eSpring:s, f ree ..

Sanitary urrungemenra unsu •'passed. NO MALARIA. 750 Electr-ic Lamps; Dry Steam Heal; open

gmte.!n every room. Sweet Wale,' Park. in the midst of which the Hotel is situated, was designed byLa ndacn pe Artists •and has a pr-ofualon of most beautiful Flo'''"Cr9 of e","ery 'Variety-:t:.J,.ooo hn'l:'ing ueen

expended for Roses alone-with Founrains,Terraces and wnlks, together ''''ith ,30 varieties of Trees ..

lncludlug a Grove of Pines. 30miles of beautiful Drives. Livery connected with Hotel. Ask us Ion

postal card) tu send you our ra leo.

E. W. MARSH & CO., Prop'rs, Lithia Springs, Ga.


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Visit Wikipedia and type in Lithia Waterto learn about its History and Research Studies

Longevity: Scientific research has shown

Lithia Waters to promote health while

increasing the human life span.

Neuroprotective: Scientific research has

shown lithium in Lithia waters protect

brain cells from toxins and oxidants.Neurogensts: Scientific research has

shown lithium in Lithia waters stimulates

brain cell growth.

Mood' Enhancer:' Lithia Waters have been

used for over 124 years for depression,

anxiety & . mood swing disorders.

Detoxifier: Lithia Waters have been used

for over 124years to reduce harmful uric

acid levels in the body.

Alkaline pH: LITHIA is an all natural

super electrolyte with 7.2 alkaline pH.Great for active people to stay hydrated ..

Anti-oxidant: LITHIAcontains powerful

anti-oxidants called zeolites and 20+

ionic minerals/trace elements,

Health Tonic: Since 1888, when

LITHIAwas first mixed with Coca Cola

.::JI~~. syrup, it's been a natural health tonic.

Legendary Health Elixir: For thousands

of years people journeyed to Lithia

Springs to drink of its healing waters.

N o t e s :

L oth!. M tnw.lllVawr I nc . p ro d ",tS Q",no t l0\0 lid".! to d"@lvSe, lfuat, <un .. ) , /lr~ v."l any drseuse.

" t 'hese 'St! l tern c-nt '$ :Jmw no t been CVJhI ! l t C i J W tile l 'nrui j! I1UOnt~ Ad ru l ntstranon

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Since 1888jountainof youtli in a Bottle

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