freedom universal keyboard user manual

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  • 8/22/2019 Freedom Universal Keyboard User Manual


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    Universal Keyboard

    User Manual

  • 8/22/2019 Freedom Universal Keyboard User Manual


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    Before you begin - Unlocking your Driver

    You will not be able to connect the keyboard to your device until you have unlocked the driver. The

    website is available 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week for you to generate your unlock code. Once

    installed, the driver will automatically display your Device ID on the screen when the driver is run for

    the first time (or open the registration menu on Palm OS 5 devices) and will not proceed further until

    the correct unlock code is input. Underneath this code a box for you to input your unlock code.

    Please Read the requirements displayed on the screen

    and then select Continue. A new screen will appear asking you to enter your information (See below)

    for your unlock code to be generated. You must complete all fields before you will receive an unlock

    code. The Device ID field will only accept characters from 0-9 and A-F and will automatically put

    colons (:) in the correct positions.

    Remember: Your device code will be displayed on the screen when you first run the driver (or open

    the registration menu on Palm OS 5 devices) and your Unique Code will be printed on the back of

    your Quick Start Guide included in your keyboard box.

    Unique Code / Unlock Code Issues

    You will find the Unique Code on the back of your Quick Start Guide. This is needed, along with the

    Device ID shown on the screen of your BlackBerry when you first start the driver, to obtain an

    Unlock Code from This will generate an unlock code

    and e-mail it to you.

    Should you mistakenly enter incorrect registration details and are consequently unable to unlock

    your driver, you will need to visithttp://freedom.helpserve.comand raise a support ticket in the

    Incorrect Unlock Code department to have your existing registration deleted so you can try again.
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    BlackBerry Installation Guide

    System requirementsA BlackBerry 7100G, 7100I, 7100R, 7100T, 7100V, 7100X, 7105, 7130, 7250, 7290, 7520,

    8700, 8100, 8800

    At least 12kb free space on your device.A PC running Microsoft windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP

    BlackBerry Desktop manager software with Desktop manager 4.0 or above installed

    Driver Installation via PCThis will guide you through the setup of the Universal Keyboard. Please make sure you have already

    run the installation for the drivers on your computer.

    If you are unsure at anytime please log and click on the BlackBerry

    Users Area link.

    Please download the latest driver located at the top of the page and save to you desktop. When

    this has been downloaded please double click the BlackBerry Icon and run driver installation

    program you have downloaded. Please ensure you have your BlackBerry connected to your PC viaUSB before running the installation program. You should not have the BlackBerry Desktop

    Manager running at this time.

    Driver Installation Screen

    This will install the driver files to your PC then run the Driver Loader program to install the software

    to your BlackBerry.

    BlackBerry Software Loader
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    Please disconnect your BlackBerry from the PC, click close and restart your BlackBerry. This will

    complete the installation of the BlackBerry driver. When your BlackBerry reboots you will now

    see the Bluetooth Keyboard icon on the BlackBerrys Main screen, similar to the example shown


    Installing Via www.freedominput.mobiIf you have decided to install via ourwww.freedominput.mobiwebsite please make sure you have a

    good signal ready for downloading our driver. On your BlackBerry please locate the internet

    browser and open a new link

    Please scroll down and select the Drivers link.

    Please select Continue to downloads.

    The screen should now show your BlackBerry device. Please select Download Driver.

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    Check the driver details and download.

    When you have successfully downloaded the driver you will need to reboot your BlackBerry.

    When your BlackBerry has been rebooted the driver has been successfully installed.

    Additional Steps for BlackBerry OS v4.1 usersIf your BlackBerry is running 4.1 OS, you may need to make the following changes to your

    Application Settings if the device displays Keystroke Injectionnot allowed on your device when

    you attempt to type.

    From the main menu of your BlackBerry

    Navigate to Options, then choose Advanced Options .

    Next select Applications and click the trackwheel .

    Select BlackBerry 4.1 Core Applications.

    Click the trackwheel and choose Modules.

    Highlight btkbd41 and click the trackwheel.

    Select Edit Permissions and click the trackwheel.

    Scroll to Interactions, click the trackwheel and select Expand.

    Highlight Keystroke Injection and click the track wheel

    Change the option from Deny to Allow.

    Press the Back button and select Save Changes.

    NOTE:If you are not able to change this option to Allow, you may be on a BlackBerry Enterprise

    Server please read the instructions below.

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    Additional Steps for BlackBerry 8100 & 8800 (OS v4.2) usersIf you are using a BlackBerry 8100 or 8800, you may need to make the following changes to your

    Application Settings if the device displays Keystroke Injectionnot allowed on your device when

    you attempt to type.

    From the main menu of your BlackBerry

    Navigate to Options, then choose Advanced Options . Next select Applications and click the trackball .

    Highlight BlackBerry 4.2 Core Applications.

    Press the Menu key and choose Modules.

    Highlight btkbd42 and press the Menu key.

    Select Edit Permissions and click the trackball.

    Scroll to Interactions, press the Menu key and select Expand.

    Highlight Keystroke Injection and click the trackball.

    Change the option from Deny to Allow.

    Press the Back key and select Save Changes.

    NOTE:If you are not able to change this option to Allow, it means that the software configurationpolicy change has not taken place and you may be on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server see below.

    If you have completed the following steps above without error you are now ready for the

    next step and you can skip the below section My BlackBerry may be on a BlackBerry Enterprise

    Server. If however you have been unable to change the keystroke injector setting please follow the

    following steps.

    Additional Steps for BlackBerry Enterprise Server usersShould you find youre unable to change the Keystroke Injection setting, you are probably connected

    to a BlackBerry Enterprise Server. A change must be made to a software configuration on theserver to allow the driver to input keystrokes.

    We strongly suggest these changes are carried out by your BlackBerry Enterprise Server


    Setup Software Confguration for third-party applications (Wireless connection)

    Complete all prior steps before starting this procedure.

    1. Create an applications folder in Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\

    2. Create a subfolder under the Program Files\Common Files\Research In

    Motion\Shared\applications\ directory for each third-party application. Copy the handheld

    installation files (.ALX & .COD) files to this directory.

    3. Index the applications by specifying the loader /index command from the command prompt. [See

    command below:]Go to: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Apploader

    Type the command: Loader.exe /Index

    Share Handheld Software and upgrade toolsPart 1:

    1. Verify that the handheld upgrade software is installed in

    \Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion as described above.

    2. Share \Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion.

    3. Set the permission attributes to Read-only.

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    Part 2:1. Open the BlackBerry Handheld Configuration Tool.

    2. Click the Configuration tab.

    3. Click Add New Configuratrion.

    - Fill out the Handheld Software Configuration Screen.

    4. Enter a name for the new configuration

    - Optionally fill in a configuration description

    5. Enter the Handheld Software Location in standard UNC format:- You could use something like: \localhost\Research In Motion (if the files are installed locally

    on the server)

    - OR you can press the Change button to browse to the location of the files.

    - If you use this browse method, be sure to point to My Network Places, then Entire

    Network, navigate to the shared \Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion. Then

    click OK.

    5. Expand Application Software, and you see your third-party applications.

    6. As shown below, for each third-party application change the Delivery column to Wireless or

    Wireline.7. Click on the Policy column drop-down tab to specify your new software policy.

    8. From the Application Control Policy window, change the Event Injection setting from Not

    Allowed to Allowed.

    10. Click OK to accept the changes.

    See Additional Information and screen shots below:

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    Assign a software configuration to a user

    1. In the Handheld Configuration Tool, in the left pane, click Handhelds.

    2. In the User Name list, click the user to assign the software configuration to.

    3. Click Assign Software Configuration.

    4. Click the software configuration to assign.

    5. Click OK

    For further information about administering software configurations please visit

    www.BlackBerry.comand look in their knowledge base.
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    Next step for all users ofBlackBerry handhelds after Driver installation

    Driver / Keyboard ActivationPlease make sure your BlackBerrys Bluetooth is turned on and you have the Freedom BlackBerry

    Keyboard is also switched on, with the switch to the left (SPP mode). You will be able to tell if the

    BlackBerry device has Bluetooth enabled by scrolling down to the Bluetooth icon on the main

    menu; the icon will be blue instead of grey.

    Next step is to pair the Freedom BlackBerry keyboard to the BlackBerry device, you need to goto:

    Settings, Options, then choose Bluetooth

    Click the track wheel and click Add device

    Locate keyboard and click the track wheel

    Please enter the default Passkey (0000)-Four zeros

    Please now set the keyboard as trusted. Click the track wheel and go to Device properties scroll

    down to Trusted and set from Ask to Yes

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    Connecting to the Universal KeyboardPlease locate the BlackBerry driver on the BlackBerrys main screen, as seen below

    Using the Device ID shown on screen and the Unique Code on the back of your Quick Start Guide,

    please register at obtain the unlock code for your

    driver. Enter the code you obtain into the screen and select OK.

    Please click on the Activate Keyboard with the BlackBerrys Bluetooth switched on and the

    universal keyboard in discovery mode.

    Scroll down to the Keyboard test and type some test text.

    Now you can click on the Reconnection box and you are ready to use your new Freedom Universal


    To remove the driver use the Remove BlackBerry Driver program that has been placed inPrograms>Start Menu>Freedom Input on your PC. Ensure you have the BlackBerry connected

    before running the program.
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    Predefined Shortcut Keys

    Function Key Key combination

    User Defined Applications [FN] + (1 - 9)

    Home screen OS 4.1 - Windows Key

    OS 4.2 - [FN] + [Esc]

    Launch Messaging [FN] + Z

    Launch Contacts [FN] + x

    Launch Task [FN] + C

    Launch calendar [FN] + V

    Scroll wheel click [FN] + [Right Arrow]

    Scroll wheel up [FN] + [Up Arrow]Scroll wheel down [FN] + [Down Arrow]

    Escape [FN] + [Left Arrow]

    Cursor movement Arrow Keys

    Copy [Ctrl] + C

    Cut [Ctrl] + X

    Paste [Ctrl] + V

    You have up to 10 programmable keys. These may be set up as your personal short cuts for quickand easy navigation around your BlackBerry.

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    BlackBerry Frequently asked questions (FAQ s)

    I get uncaught exception javalang class cast Exception

    If you get the following message "uncaught exception javalang class cast Exception" Please make

    sure you download the latest driver from our website. This is a due to a programming error which

    has now been fixed in our latest driver. Pleaseclick herefor our latest driver.

    I get Keystroke Injection Not Allowed on your Device error.

    This error message normally occurs when you are connected to a BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

    Please follow the instructions above for changing the Keystroke Injection Setting or forward them to

    the administrator of your BES.

    If you are not on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, please follow the instructions above for OS 4.1 or

    OS 4.2 Handhelds, depending on your device.

    My keyboard no longer connects

    If your device has stopped connecting to your BlackBerry please check the batteries. If this is not

    the problem please try uninstalling and reinstalling the driver; please use the most up to date driver

    that is available from Should this not resolve the problem,unfortunately we can only suggest you back up any Data you wish to safe and trying a hard reinstall.

    Please be aware that Freedom Input will not be held responsible for any lost data and will not be

    able to give any technical support for the hard reinstallation.

    BES changes have been made but still unable to use the keyboard

    If you have followed the entireMy BlackBerry maybe on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, then

    there is a service on your BES which is responsible for sending out these changes to the users. If this

    is not responding we can only suggest you restart your BES, after restarting this service, the

    policy will be successfully deployed.

    Im on a BES but I have Version 3.6, what do I do?

    You will unable to make the changes to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) because Freedom

    Input Keyboards do not support any BES server below 4.0. We can appreciate the inconvenience this

    must be causing but we will be unable to process any support tickets until you upgrade you BES

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    Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003

    & Windows Mobile 5.0

    Smartphone Edition

    System requirements

    Windows Mobile 2003 / Windows Mobile 5.0 Based Smartphone with built-in Bluetooth.

    At least 60 KB of free memory on your Smartphone.

    A computer with the Microsoft Windows 2000/XP operating system.

    A synchronizing program on your computer, such as Microsoft ActiveSync 3.6 or higher, for

    copying files to your Smartphone.


    1. Connect your Microsoft Smartphone through infrared/cable for ActiveSync with thecomputer.

    2. Download the Bluetooth Universal Keyboard drivers for your device

    3. Follow the instruction on screen to complete the installation.4. After the Bluetooth keyboard driver is installed successfully and the Microsoft Smartphone is

    reset, you can find this Bluetooth keyboard icon is showed on the Home Menu of the mobile

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    Activating your keyboardStep 1:

    Turn the Universal keyboard on by moving the switch to the right (HID mode), the LED will start


    Step 2:

    Click Bthkeyb icon in the Start Menu of the Smartphone.

    Step 3:

    Using the Device ID that appears on your Smartphone screen and the Unique Code on the back of

    your Quick Start Guide, obtain an unlock code from

    Enter this unlock code on your Smartphone

    Step4:Press and hold the Bluetooth Connection Button on the top-left of the keyboard, then click Active

    Keyboard. Smartphone will search and connect the Bluetooth Keyboard automatically. Once the

    keyboard is connected you may release the Bluetooth Connection Button.

    Once connected, the busy icon will disappear and the screen will show connected and the keyboard will be

    ready to use.
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    Function KeysClick on Main and then select Applications. From here you can program a selection of shortcuts with your

    most commonly used programs.

    1) Select the shortcut key combination2) Scroll through the list and select the installed application of your choice.

    About ScreenThe about screen shows details of the driver that you currently have installed. This information will be useful if

    you need to contact Technical Support

    Key Combinations

    Function Key Key combination

    User Defined Applications [Ctrl] + (Q - I)

    Start Menu Windows keyToday Screen [Fn] + W

    Left Soft key [Alt] + C

    Right Soft key [Alt] + V

    Launch Messaging [FN] + Z

    Launch Contacts [FN] + X

    Launch Task [FN] + C

    Launch calendar [FN] + V

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    Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003

    & Windows Mobile 5.0

    Pocket PC Edition

    System RequirementsThe minimum requirements to run the universal keyboard are:

    OS: Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC or Pocket PC 2003

    Display: 320x240, 640x480 (portrait or landscape), 240x240, 480x480

    CPU: 200MHz+ ARM compatible

    Network: Wi-Fi, 3G or EDGE for OTA registration and unlocking.

    Downloading Freedom Universal Keyboard Drivers

    Please visitwww.freedominput.comfor our latest keyboard driver. Ensure that you download the

    correct driver for your device. Failure to download the correct driver will result in installation failures


    Please follow the below installation instructions for the Freedom Universal Keyboard.

    InstallationWhen you have downloaded the drivers, run the program and follow

    the step by step installation screen. Please make sure your PDA is connected to your PC then

    double click the driver installer. You will see the following screen.

    Note: Please reboot your PDA to complete installation.
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    Activating your Keyboard

    Step 1:

    Switch on your keyboard by moving the switch to the right (HID mode)

    Step 2:

    Please open Settings>System on your Pocket PC and select the BtHID icon

    Step 3:Using the Device ID that appears on your Smartphone screen and the Unique Code on the back of

    your Quick Start Guide, obtain an unlock code from

    Step 4:

    Press and hold the Bluetooth Connection Button on the top-left of the keyboard, then click Active

    Driver. Your Pocket PC will search and connect to the Bluetooth Keyboard automatically. Once the

    keyboard is connected you may release the Bluetooth Connection Button.
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    Once the busy icon has disappeared from your screen, your keyboard is now connected and ready

    for use. Connection Established will also be displayed on your PDA screen.

    Shortcut Launch

    The launch tab is for applying installed applications to a keyboard combination shortcut. To program please

    follow the instructions below.

    1) Click on the Launch Tab2) Select the combination you wish to program3) Select the installed application you wish to associate with the selected combination

    Close the driver and the combination will be programmed.

    About Screen

    The About tab is used to display driver information. By selecting the About tab, all the information about the

    current driver installed will be displayed. This information will be asked for should you require technical

    support for your keyboard.

    Predefined Shortcut Keys

    Function Key Key combination

    User Defined Applications [Ctrl + (Q - P)

    Start Menu Windows Key

    Launch Messaging [FN] + ZLaunch Contacts [FN] + X

    Launch Task [FN] + C

    Launch calendar [FN] + V

    Internet Explorer [FN] + Q

    Today Screen [FN] + W

    Left Soft Key [Alt] + C

    Right Softkey [Alt] + V

  • 8/22/2019 Freedom Universal Keyboard User Manual


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    Palm OS 5

    System Requirements

    Palm OS 5 device with built-in Bluetooth.

    At least 50 KB of free memory on your Palm OS device.A computer with the Microsoft Windows 2000/XP operating system.

    A synchronizing program on your computer, such as Palm Desktop Software, for copying

    files to your Palm OS device.

    Downloading Freedom Universal Keyboard Drivers

    Please visitwww.freedominput.comfor our latest keyboard driver. Ensure that you download the

    correct driver for your device. Failure to download the correct driver will result in installation failures

    later. Please follow the below installation instructions for the Universal Keyboard.

    Installation from a PC

    When you have downloaded the drivers fromwww.freedominput.complease follow step by step

    installation screen. Please make sure your PDA is connected to your PC then double click the driver


    After the installation is done, the Bluetooth keyboard driver has been copied to HotSync Manager on

    your computer.

    Make sure the cradle / cable has already connected with your computer, it should synchronize to

    copy the driver to your Palm OS device after running the HotSync software in your Palm OS device.

    After the Bluetooth keyboard driver is installed successfully, you can find this Bluetooth keyboard

    icon is showed on the Home list of the Palm OS device. (See image below). Open the driver and then

    select Full Size Keyboard
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    Unlocking your Driver

    To obtain the device code that you will need to unlock your driver software, please open the drivers

    Options menu and select Registration. The device code will be displayed on-screen with a box for

    the entry of the unlock code.

    Activating the Universal Keyboard

    Press and hold the Bluetooth Connection Button on the top-left of the keyboard, then click Enable.

    Your device will search and connect to the Bluetooth Keyboard automatically. Once the keyboard is

    connected you may release the Bluetooth Connection Button.

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    Shortcut Launch

    The Functions tab is for applying installed applications to a keyboard combination shortcut. To program

    please follow the instructions below.


    Click on the Function Tab2) Select the combination you wish to program3) Select the installed application you wish to associate with the selected combination

    Close the driver and the combination will be programmed.

    About ScreenThe About screen is used to display information about the driver software you have installed.

    By selecting the About screen, all the information about the current driver installed will be displayed. This

    information will be asked for should you require technical support for your keyboard.

    Predefined Shortcut Keys

    Function Key Key combination

    User Defined Applications [Ctrl + (Q - P)]

    Left Soft Key [Ctrl] + Tab

    Right Soft Key [Ctrl] + X

    Launch Messaging [FN] + Z

    Launch Contacts [FN] + X

    Launch Task [FN] + C

    Launch calendar [FN] + V

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    Symbian UIQ Mobile Devices

    Downloading Freedom Universal Keyboard Drivers

    Please visit for our latest keyboard driver. Ensure that you download thecorrect driver for your device. Failure to download the correct driver will result in installation failures



    1. Establish the connection between your computer and your Smartphone.

    2. Download the driver to your computer

    3. Run the installation program and follow the on-screen instructions.

    How to connect the Bluetooth keyboard with your device

    Step 1:

    Turn the Bluetooth keyboard on by moving the switch to the right (HID mode), the LED will flash


    Step 2:

    Press and hold the Bluetooth Connection Button on the top-left of the keyboard, then click Active

    Driver. Your device will search and connect to the Bluetooth Keyboard automatically. Once the

    keyboard is connected you may release the Bluetooth Connection Button.

    Step 3:

    ClickActive Keyboard. Smartphone will search and connect the Bluetooth Keyboard automatically.

    Shortcut Launch

    The Function tab is for applying installed applications to a keyboard combination shortcut. To program please

    follow the instructions below.

    1) Click on the Function Tab2) Select the combination you wish to program3) Select the installed application you wish to associate with the selected combination

    About ScreenThe About tab is used to display driver information

    By selecting the About tab, all the information about the current driver installed will be displayed. This

    information will be asked for should you require technical support for your keyboard.
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    Predefined Key Combinations

    Function Key Key combination

    User Defined Applications [Ctrl + (Q - P)]

    Left Soft Key [Ctrl] + TabRight Soft Key [Ctrl] + X

    Launch Messaging [FN] + Z

    Launch Contacts [FN] + X

    Launch Task [FN] + C

    Launch calendar [FN] + V

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    Symbian Series 60 Mobile DevicesSystem Requirements

    1. Symbian Series 60 Smartphone.2. At least 100 KB free memory on your Smartphone.3. A computer with the Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP operating system.4. PC Suite (available on one of the CDs delivered with your phone).


    1. Please download the latest driver fromwww.freedominput.comand run the installer. Thiswill open a window containing the .sis file for your phone.

    2. Either double-click on the .sis file which will automatically run the installation program of theNokia PC Suite, or manually point the application installer to the location of the file, as

    shown below.

    3. The installer will load the file on to the phone, please select Yes if asked about untrustedapplications.
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    Activating your Keyboard

    Before running the driver, please pair the keyboard with your phone.

    1. Open Connections, then Bluetooth.2. Open the Paired Devices tab, then select Options and New Paired Device.3. When searching completes, select Keyboard4. When requested, enter the passcode 0000 (four zeros) and press OK.5. When the screen shows Waiting for Keyboard, type 0000 (four zeros) and then press


    6. The pairing process should then complete.Please open the BTMobileKeyboard icon in the main menu of the phone and enter the unlock code

    that you have received

    The main driver screen will now open. Please click on Activate BTKeyb and the driver will then

    search for devices.

    Once the search has completed, it will show Keyboard in a list of available devices. Click onKeyboard and this will activate the driver.
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    Shortcut Launch

    The Function tab is for applying installed applications to a keyboard combination shortcut. To program please

    follow the instructions below.

    1) Click left on the to highlight the Function Tab2) Select the keyboard shortcut you wish to program3) Select the installed application you wish to associate with the selected shortcut.

    Close the driver and the combination will be programmed.

    About Screen

    The About tab is used to display driver information. By selecting the About tab, all the information about the

    current driver installed will be displayed. This information will be asked for should you require technical

    support for your keyboard.

    Predefined Key Combinations

    Function Key Key combination

    User Defined Applications [Fn] + 1-9

    Confirm [Alt] + Enter

    Escape/Back [Fn] + Esc

    Launch Messaging [FN] + Z

    Launch Contacts [FN] + X

    Launch Task [FN] + C

    Launch calendar [FN] + V

    Help & Support

    Technical Support

    The technical support department can be contacted via our in house support ticket system 24 hours

    a day, 7 days a week. Please visit

    From here you can view the Knowledge Base, download the latest drivers and user manuals, read

    the latest news, sign up for our newsletter, and raise a technical support ticket.

    We aim to answer all support tickets within 24 hours (Mon-Fri only, and tickets raised over the

    weekend will be answered on Monday)
  • 8/22/2019 Freedom Universal Keyboard User Manual



    We, Freedom Input Ltd, Unit 6 & 7 Folkestone Enterprise Centre, Shearway Business Park,

    Shearway Road, Folkestone, Kent CT19 4RH. United Kingdom

    Declare under our own responsibility that the product

    Universal keyboard

    Portable Bluetooth keyboard for PDA, Pocket PCs and Smartphones

    To which this declaration refers conforms with the relevant standards or other standardizing


    CE & testing reports

    According to the regulations in

    EC council Directive 1999/5/EC, R&TTE

    RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC