french and indian war 7 years war 1754-1763. causes of the revolutionary war eq: what steps led to...

French And Indian War 7 Years War 1754-1763

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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French And Indian War

7 Years War


Causes of the Revolutionary War EQ: What steps led to the colonies wanting to

gain independence from Great Britain? What events went on during the French

and Indian War?


Strained Relations What was the first problem you detect

between Great Britain and colonists? What are the differences in French/English

views of America? What role does Spain play in the 7 years

war and why? What happened to France after the war?



What was the Proclamation of 1763? 1764 ......What does England do? Describe the events in Boston.


French move in The French are now taking over fur trade in

the Ohio Valley region 1740s VA gets grant from England allowing

them access to the Ohio Valley area

Natives…… Prefer dealing with the French because

they are fair in deals and just NICE French did not pose a threat to overtake


1753 Georgie Washington, 21 Sent to the Ohio Valley by VA governor,

Robert Dinwiddie

Ohio Rivers form…..modern day Pittsburg, PA

Washington thinks this is a great spot Small crew is sent to build a fort to protect

the British interests French overtake the British, finish the fort,

call it Fort Duquesne

Washington and the British say Fort Duquesne is at the tip of VA on their land

Georgie tells them to leave French say NO Georgie tries to force them out 1st SHOTS of the F-I War

British Commander General Edward Braddock Joins George Washington at Fort


Military Tactics British….What tactics or form or fighting do

they prefer?

What about the French?

British….lined up in open fields, walking towards each other firing

French/Indians…..hiding in the woods, camo clothing, hard to spot

May 28, 1754 Washington's men took some French and

Indians captive by a sneak attack Constructed Fort Necessity near Fort


NUMBERS French-10,000 British-42,000 What do you think the outcome is? Why?


Acting Up!!! Sugar 1764 Stamp 1765 Townshend 1767 Boston Massacre 1770 Boston Tea Party?Shut down Boston

Harbor 1773 British soldiers stationed in colonies First Continental Congress 1774



Sugar.... 1764 Act that put a three-cent tax on foreign

refined sugar and increased taxes on coffee, indigo, and certain kinds of wine. It banned importation of rum and French wines. These taxes affected only a certain part of the population, but the affected merchants were very vocal. Besides, the taxes were enacted (or raised) without the consent of the colonists. This was one of the first instances in which colonists wanted a say in how much they were taxed



Stamp First direct British tax on American colonists.

Instituted in November, 1765. Every newspaper, pamphlet, and other public and legal document had to have a Stamp, or British seal, on it. The Stamp, of course, cost money. The colonists didn't think they should have to pay for something they had been doing for free for many years, and they responded in force, with demonstrations and even with a diplomatic body called the Stamp Act Congress,



Another one..... Declaratory Act, which said that Great

Britain was superior (and boss of) the American colonies "in all cases whatsoever."



Stamp These laws placed new taxes on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. Colonial reaction to

these taxes was the same as to the Sugar Act and Stamp Act, and Britain eventually repealed all the taxes except the one on tea.



Boston Massacre Shooting of five American colonists by

British troops on March 5, 1770. One person, an African-American man named Crispus Attacks, was killed. Nearly every part of the story is disputed by both sides. Did the colonists have weapons? The British say rocks and other such weapons were hurled at them.



BM Continued...... But the British had guns, and they did open

fire. The Boston Massacre deepened American distrust of the British military presence in the colonies.



Tea anyone? Angry and frustrated at a new tax on tea,

American colonists calling themselves the Sons of Liberty and disguised as Mohawk Native Americans boarded three British ships (the Dartmouth, the Eleanor, and the Beaver)



They dumped 342 whole crates of British tea into Boston harbor on December 16, 1773. Similar incidents occurred in Maryland, New York, and New Jersey in the next few months, and tea was eventually boycotted throughout the colonies.



1st Continental Congress The First Continental Congress was a

group of 56 delegates from 12 colonies (all except Georgia) who met in Philadelphia in September of 1774.

They met in secret so Briatain did not know they were all friends :)