frequencies john crane

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  • 8/13/2019 Frequencies John Crane


    Experimental Frequency List

    The Frequency List starting on this page is believed to be the work of the late John Crane, a

    partner of Royal Rife. ou will need to choose how to use this infor!ation and it is solely yourdecision.

    "any use this si!plified frequency list as a first source of frequencies. #f not seeingany effect, others try the Consolidated Rife list, fro!!.

    $dditional sources of infor!ation about Royal Rife%s life work with frequency !achines can befound at public libraries and on the #nternet, using Royal Rife%s na!e as a research startingpoint.

    $n & !ay indicate the frequency is !ost likely in group to have an effect.

    For further infor!ation of Royal Rife and Rife technology, you !ay en'oy reading(The Cancer Cure That )orked, by *arry Lynes,+olitics in ealing, by -aniel aley

    Abdominal inflammation /0 1,210 1,3/4 1,520 5,/00 5,600 5,770 //0/1 2/2 226 212 367 333 5,/67 536

    517 47 21 10 370 330 31/ 660

    Abdominal Pain 50,000 7,000 //0 ,000 47

    Abscesses 1,210 1,520 //0 2/2 212 540 700

    Acidosis (also See hyperacidity) 10 536 212 226 2/2 //0 50,000

    Acne (Pimples) 1,210 1,520 5,/00 5,600 5,700 //0 2/2


    Actinobacillia 22

    Actinomyces Israeli 161 1,573

    Actinomucosis 367 50,000 2/2 212 10 //0Acute pain ,000 47 50,000 7,000 5,770 //0 2/2

    212 640 666

    Adenexitis 711 721 ,3 ,/ 7,51 330 335

    Adenoid glands 10 to //0

    Adenoids 5,770 //0 /00 2/2 226 212 333

    10 31/ 660 1,210 1,520

    Adenoirus 2/6

    Adhesions 7,000 1,210 1,520 5,770 //0 2/2 226

    Purported Frequency List of John Crane, Associate of Royal Rife

  • 8/13/2019 Frequencies John Crane


    260 212 540

    Adnamia (geriatric) (fatigue of age) 60 1/

    Adrenal stimulant (Al!ays "se#$%& and $') 10 ,000 47 1,210 1,520 1,512 1,00/

    5,/00 5,600 5,770 5,700 //0 /1 2/2

    226 260 212 200 640 6/7 666

    670 617 600 333 5,/67 517 4721 10 711 370 330 31/ 660

    Adrenals (under basic research) 13,000

    Aflatoxin 33

    AIS(Acquired Immuneeficiency)

    7,000 1,3/4 //0 2/2 212 ,327 ,27

    ,127 ,527

    ALS/63 240 640 650 3/3 4/6 633


    Alcoholism 212 2/2 //0 50,000

    Allergy 50,000 //0 2/2 212 0 7,000

    Alopecia (hair loss) 10 536 367 212 2/2 //0 50,000

    Alternaria *enius /7Amenorrhea ( absence ofmenstruation)

    50,000 //0 5,770 2/2 260 212 367


    Amoeba +epar Abscess 33

    Anal itching50,000 //0 2/2 260 212 367 517

    47 21 333 5,/67 10

    Anaphiaxis 50,000

    Anemia 7,000

    Aneurysm (of large blood essels)//0 2/2 260 212 367 517 47

    21 333 5,/67 10 212 7,000

    Angina 2/2 226 212 367 31/ 660

    Angina pectoris 10 1,210 1,520 5,/00 5,600 5,700 //0/1 2/2 226 212 367 333 5,/67

    517 47 21 10 660

    An,ylosing spondylitis

    ,000 47 5,770 //0 2/2 226 212

    670 617 600 1/ 7 1/ 550

    500 60 31/ 6/0

    Anosmia ( loss of smell) 10 50,000

    Anthracinun 6

    Anthrax 212 2/2 //0

    Antiseptic effect570 //0 2/2 260 212 367 333

    370 31/ 660 7,000

    Apoplexy str,e paralysis

    10 30 5,/00 //0 2/2 212 670617 600 517 47 21 5,/67 711



    5,770 //0 2/2 212 333 /0 540

    670 333 711 517 47 21

    10 711 536 330 370

    Appendix 10 to //0

    Appetite-lac, of ( to increase)367 333 5,/67 517 47 21 10

    50,000 //0 2/2 212

    Aranthae *hrush 212 2/2 //0

  • 8/13/2019 Frequencies John Crane


    Arenas *ennus 662

    Anorexia 666 230 /40 5,/30 5,44/

    Anus10 60 21 47 517 212 2/2

    540 //0 50,000

    A./ 617 660

    Arterio0sclerosis10 60 31 47 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0 7,000 50,000

    Arteries 50,000


    10 60 21 47 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 /00 /,/05 5,700 5,/30

    5,44/ 1,000 1,00/ 1,512 7,000 50,000

    Asthma 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0

    Ataxia666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 7,000


    Athletes foot10 60 31 47 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0 7,000

    Astrocytoma666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 5,44/

    1,000 &1,00/ &1,512

    Antointoxification10 60 21 47 517 666 212230 2/2 240 //0 50,000

    1coli666 212 230 2/2 240 /00 &/0


    1ac,ache 10 510 666 //0 7,000 &50000



    1ladder10 60 21 47 517 666 212

    230 //0

    1listers 50,000

    1lood diseases 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0

    1lood Pressure (high) 50,0001lood Pressure (lo!) 10

    1oils (open)10 60 21 47 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0 &7000

    1oils (Infected)10 60 21 47 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0 &7000

    1ones 50,000

    1reast *umor 1,00/ &151/

    1reast 7,000

    1reath &10 60 21 47 517 &7000

    1right2s disease (3ephtitis) 666 212 230 2/2 240 /00 //0

    1ronco Pneumonia 666 212 230 226 240 //01ronchitis 666 212 230 //0

    1ruises 666 212 230 240 //0 &50000

    1ubonic plague 10 60 21 47 517 &700 7,000

    1union (pain)&10 60 21 47 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 &7000

    1urns (radiation) 1,512 &50000

    1urns (heat) 50,000

    1ursistis 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0

  • 8/13/2019 Frequencies John Crane


    1utterfly Lupus666 212 230 &226 2/2 240 5,/30


    /ancer (sarcoma) 5,44/ 1,000 &1,00/ 1,04 &1,512

    /ancer (general4 to preent) 5,44/ 1,000 &105 &151/

    /ancer (internal and external) 1,152 &1,512

    /ancer (leu,emia) 1,512

    /ancrum 5ris&10 60 21 47 517 666 212230 2/2 240 /00 //0 &7000

    /andida albicans (fungi) 367 1,512

    /arbuncles&10 60 21 47 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    /ardiac (depressant)666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000


    /ataract666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000


    /atarrh(inflammation in mucusmembranes)

    &10 60 21 47 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0

    /erebral palsy 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    /erebro0Spinal 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50000

    /errical area (limps) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    /ericitis (inflammation)10 60 21 47 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0

    /hic,en pox&10 60 21 47 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0

    /hilblains &10 60 21 47 517 &7,000

    /hild disordess (common) 666 212 //0

    /old feet &10 60 21 47 517 &7,000

    /old hands (chronic) &10 60 21 47 517 &7,000

    /olds (chest4 coughing)

    666 &21/ 230 2/2 240 /00 //0 &7,000


    /olds (head) 666 &21/ 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    /olic10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 &240 &/00 //0

    /olitis (mucus in colon) 10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 &/00 //0 &50,000

    /on6uctiitis (eyelid s!elling) 666 &21/ 212 230 2/2 240 /00 //0

    /onstipation10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 &240 &/00 //0

    /onulsions 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 7,000 &50,000


    &10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 7,000 &5,0000

    /ostalgia (rib pain) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 7,000 &50,000

    /ramps ( 7 muscle pain) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 7,000 &50,000

    /uts (to speed healing)&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7,000 &50,000

    /ystitis (bladder inflammation)10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 &/00 //0

    andruff10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7,000

  • 8/13/2019 Frequencies John Crane


    eafness&10 60 21 47 517 666 230 2/2

    240 &/00 //0 7,000 &50,000

    epression 50,000

    detoxification (to induce) 10 60 21 47 517

    iabetes10 60 21 47 517 666 212 2/2

    240 /00 //0 7,000 &50000

    iarrhea (dysentery) 666 212 230 2/2 240 /00 //0 &7,000

    igestion 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    iphtheria&10 60 21 47 517 666 &212 230

    &2/2 240 &//0

    istended stomach 666 212 230 2/2 240 &/00 //0 &7,000

    i88iness &10 60 21 47 517 &50,000

    ropsy 666 212 2/2 240 &50,000

    rug addiction&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 7,000 &50,000

    uodenum (ulcer) 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 &//0 &50,000

    ysmenorrhea (menstrual pain) 666 &212 230 2/2 240 /00 &//0

    yspepsia (indigestion) 666 212 230 2/2 240 &/00 //0E9 /oli 240 /00 /0 &244 &/03

    Ears &10 60 21 47 517 &//0 &7,000 50,000

    Ec8ema 666 212 230 &5,700 &5,770 7,000

    Edema (lungs) 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 &//0

    Enlarged glands10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 &50,000

    Enoresis (bed !etting) 666 212 230 2/2 240 &50,000

    Epididymitis (:esticle)&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &5,700


    &10 60 21 47 &510 517 212 230

    2/2 240 //0

    Epstein01ar&367 &660 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0

    5,44/ 1,000 1,00/ &1,512

    Erysipelas (s,in inflamed)10 60 21 47 517 &600 660 666

    212 230 2/2 240 5,44/ &1,000 1,00/

    Esophagus 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0

    Eostachian tube (nose 7 ears)&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 &/00 //0

    Eyes (general) &10 60 21 47 517 &7,000 &50,000

    Eye strain 212 2/2 //0

    Facial paralysis 666 212 230 2/2 //0 &7,000 &50,000

    Facial cramps 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    Fainting&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    Fascia&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    Fatigue (general of chronic) 666 230 240 5,/30 5,44/ &50,000

    Feer (general)&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    Fissures (rectal)&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &50,000

  • 8/13/2019 Frequencies John Crane


    Fistula (rectal ulcer) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0

    Flatulence 666 212 230 2/2 240 &/00 7,//0 &7,000

    Flu (colds and influen8a)10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 &/00 //0

    Food (poisoning) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    Foot (common sores) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50000

    Frost bite 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7000

    :all bladder&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7000

    :all stone&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 7,000

    :angrene &10 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 &//0 7,000

    :astritis&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    :lendular feer (glands4 general)&10 60 21 47 517 212 230 2/2

    240 //0 &50,000

    :oiter&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7,000 &50,000

    :onad (inflammation) 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 &//0 7,000

    :onorrhea&600 611 &660 666 &200 212 230 2/2

    240 //0 7,000

    :out&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 7,000 &50,000

    :rael (deposits in urine) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    :ums (inflammation)&10 60 21 47 517 240 &/00 //0

    &7,000 &50,000

    +air (loss of )&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    240 /00 //0 &50,000

    +allucinations&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 //0 &7000 50,000

    +angoer 50,000

    +ay feer 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    +ead (pressure in )&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    +eadache&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    +eart 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000 50,000

    +emorrhage /00 50,000

    +emorrhoids&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    240 &/00 &//0

    +epatitis (lier inflamed) 666 212 &21/ 230 240 /00 &//0

    +ernia (disc) 666 212 230 2/2 240 &50,000

    +ernia 666 212 230 2/2 240 &7,000

    +erpes ( 8oster4 shingles4 blisters) 666 212 230 2/2 //0 &5570 5,/30 &5/70

    +iccough&5400 5,44/ 1,000 1,00/

    &10 60 21 47 517 &50,000

    +ip pain10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    +ies (urticaria) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &/00 7,000

    +oatsaness (coughing) 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 &//0

  • 8/13/2019 Frequencies John Crane


    +ot flashes 50,000

    +ydroche ( fluid in testicle) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    +yperacidity&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    +ypertension&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    +ypercondriasis 7,000 50,000

    +ypochandrium (upper abdomen)&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    +ypoxia (labored breathing4 lo!oxygen) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    Ilecolitis (colon inflamed)10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 &/00 //0

    Impotence 50,000

    Incresing height 50,000

    Indigestion 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    Infantile paralysis (polio)666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &5,700 5,770

    5,600 5,/30 5,44/

    Infections &10 212 &21/ 230 2/2 240 //0

    Inflammation 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    Influen8a&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 &/00 &//0

    In6ury (general) &7,000 50,000

    Insect bite 666 &212 230 2/2 240 &//0

    Insomnia 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    Intelligence (to increase) &10 60 21 47 517 &50,000

    Intercostal neuralgia 666 212 230 2/2 240 &/00 //0 &50,000

    Intestinal (inflammation) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0

    Intestinal (spasms) 666 212 230 2/2 240 &/00 &7,000Intestines (general) 666 212 230 2/2 240 &/00 //0

    Intoxication 50,000

    Irritability &10 60 21 47 517 &7,000 &50,000

    Itching ;of anus) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000

  • 8/13/2019 Frequencies John Crane


    Leu,emia (cancer) 1,00/ &1512

    Leu,orrhea (aginal discharge) 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 &//0

    Lier (general 7 enlarged) 666 &21/ 212 230 &2/2 240 &//0

    Locomotor ataxia (muscle failure) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    Lumbago (bac, pain) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    Lumbar ertebrae (deformed) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    Lupus 5,700 &5,770 56,000 5,/30 5,44/

    Lymphatic system (general) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    >alaria &10 60 21 47 517

    >easles (all children2s diseases) 666 212 &21/ 230 &2/2 240 &//0

    >elancholia 7,000

    >emory &10 60 21 47 517 &50,000

    >?eni?ere2s disease (ears)&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 &//0 &7,000 &50,000

    >eningitis &10 60 21 47 517 &7,000

    >enses (stoppage4 amenotthea) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    >enstrual (cramps) 10 &16 60 21 47 517>enorrhagia 10 &16 60 21 47 7,000 50,000

    >ental isease (general) &10 60 21 47 517 &7,000 &50,000

    >ental (retarded) &10 60 21 47 517 &50,000

    >igraine &10 666 212 230 /2/ 240 //0 &7,000

    >ongoloidism 10 7,000

    >otion sic,ness 10 50,000

    >ultiple sclerosis

    10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    666 212 &21/ 230 &2/2 240 &//0

    >uscle (to repair) 7,000

    >uscular dystrophy 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,0003ausea 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    3ec, (general)10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    3ephritis (=idney inflammation)&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 /00 //0 &50,000

    3erres (inflammation) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    3eres (motor depressant) 7,000

    3euralgia (arms)10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 //0 &50,000

    3eurasthemia (fatigued) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    3euritis (nere inflammation) 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,0003eurosis 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    3icotine poisoning 50,000

    3ose (disordes of ) 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 //0

    5besity 50,000

    5ccipital neuralgia 10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    5rchitits (tests inflammation) 666 212 230 2/2 240 &/00 //0666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &5,700 5,770

  • 8/13/2019 Frequencies John Crane


    5steoarthritis 5,600 5,/30 5,44/

    5steomyelitis 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    5aries (general) 212 2/2 //0

    Pain 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 5,/30 5,44/

    Pancreas&57 10 60 21 47 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0

    Parasites 10 21 47 &510 517 &330 33/ 666212 230 2/2 240 //0 &13/7

    Parathyroid 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 &//0

    Pelic (general)

    &10 60 21 47 517 &660 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0 &5,700 5,770 5,600 5,/30


    Pericarditis 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 &//0

    Peridontis 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 &//0

    Persistent disorders (phagocytebuilder) &10 60 21 47 &510 517 7,000

    Pharyngitis (inflammation of the

    pharynx) 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 &//0

    Piles&10 60 21 47 517 2/2 240 &/00


    Pin !orns (!orms)&10 60 21 47 &510 517 2/2 240


    Placenta (to expel afterbirth) 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 &/00

    Plasma (to clean ) 7,000

    Pleurisy&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    240 //0 &7,000

    Pneumonia&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    &220 &226 2/2 240 &//0 &7,000

    Poison (general4 botulism4ptomaine4 drugs) 50,000

    Poliomyelitis666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &5,700 5,770

    5,600 5,/30 5,44/

    Polyps 5,/30 5,44/ 1,000 1,512 &1,51/

    Prostate 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 7,000

    Psoriasis&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &7,000

    Ptosis 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 7,000 50,000

    Pyorrhea (trench mouth)&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 7,000


    &10 60 21 47 &510 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0

    .heumatism 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    .heumatoid arthritis

    10 60 21 47 517 600 660 666

    212 230 2/2 240 /00 //0 5,700 5,770

    5,600 5,/30 5,44/ 1,000 1,00/ 1,512 1,51/ 7,000


    .hinitis&10 60 21 47 &510 517 666 212

    230 2/2 //0

    .ic,etts 7,000

  • 8/13/2019 Frequencies John Crane


    .ing!orm&10 60 21 47 &510 517 2/2 240


    Sarcoma (iral) 5,44/ &1000 1,00/ 1,04 &1504 1,512 1,51/

    Scarlet feer 666 212 &21/ 230 &2/2 240 &//0

    Sciatica&10 60 21 47 &510 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0

    Scory (lac, of itamin /) 7,000

    Semi0paralysis &10 60 21 47 517 &7,000

    Shingles 5,700 &5,770 5,600 5,/30 5,44/ 1,000

    Sinus (general)&10 60 21 47 &510 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0

    Sinusitis 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 &//0

    S,in (hemorrhages) 2/2 240 &/00 &7,000 50,000

    Sleeping sic,ness&10 60 21 47 &510 517 666 212

    230 2/2 240 //0

    Slipped disc 666 212 230 2/2 240 &50,000

    Smallpox 666 212 &21/ 230 &2/2 240 &//0

    Smell &10 60 21 47 517 &50,000Smell (morbid) 666 212 230 2/2 240 &/00

    Snee8ing 666 212 230 2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    Sore throat 666 212 &21/ 230 &2/2 240 &//0

    Spasms (muscular) &10 60 21 47 517 &50,000

    Spermatorrhea &10 60 21 47 517 &50,000

    Sleen (enlarged) &10 60 21 47 517

    Spondylitis 2/2 240 &/00 &//0 5,770 &5,760 5,720

    Sprains (general) &10 60 21 47 517 &7,000

    Stammering&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    Staphylococcus &217 &212 &20 230 2/2 240 //0

    Sterility (to preent) 5,/30 5,44/ 1,000 &1,00/ &1,512 1,51/ 7,000 50,000

    Stomach cramps&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    Stones (gallbladder4 =idney) 666 212 240 /00 //0 &50,000

    Streptococcus 666 212 230 2/2 240 &/27 &//0 &/77

    Streptothrix 666 212 230 2/3 &2/2 240

    Stro,e&10 60 21 47 517 2/2 240 //0

    7,000 &50,000

    Sty (eyedrop)&10 60 21 47 517 2/2 240 //0

    &7,000 &50,000

    Sun Stro,e (heat stro,e) &10 60 21 47 517 &50,000

    Suprarenal (to stimulate) &10 60 21 47 517 &7,000

    Surgery (general4 recoer from) 666 &212 230 &2/2 240 &//0 7,000

    S!elling (legs4 feet)&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 7,000 &50,000

    Syndromes (genereal)&10 60 21 47 517 666 212 230

    2/2 240 //0 &50,000

    Syphilis&10 60 21 47 517 &600 &617 674

    666 &200 212 230 2/2 240 //0 50,000

  • 8/13/2019 Frequencies John Crane
