freshman 15 buster

Freshman 15 Buster April 29 2013 A step-by-step guide on how to beat those dreaded pounds before they happen. A Senior Symposium Product by Hunter McCoy

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A step-by-step guide on how to beat those dreaded pounds before they happen.


Freshman 15 Buster

April 29

2013 A step-by-step guide on how to beat those dreaded pounds before they happen.

A Senior Symposium Product by Hunter McCoy

What makes first-year students so

susceptible to weight gain? Coming to college is a big change for young adults. They are

confronted with food any hour of the day and there is no one

telling them what or when to eat. They have to learn to choose

both what and when to eat for themselves and they are also

going to a schedule where no one tells them what to do, so they

may forget to exercise. College is about the time where young

women switch to an adult female metabolism, so they may not

be able to eat as much as they used to and still keep their

weight stable.

How can healthy eating among college

students be encouraged? Kids are not getting the nutritional education that they need

to arm themselves for college. My recommendation to schools

and parents is to talk more about healthy eating in high school

and middle school. We need to teach kids about the importance

of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy food. We need to

teach them what they should eat, not what they should not

eat. College kids also spend a lot of time on the Web. There is a

lot of misinformation out there. Go to reputable sites for good

nutritional information, and do not believe the fast, quick, and

easy way to drop 5 pounds. Also find out what services are

available on campus, such as a dietitian or health and wellness

center that can help develop healthy eating strategies.

Pounds and Calories

Pounds Lost Calories Burned

0.1 lbs 350 calories

0.2 lbs 700 calories

0.3 lbs 1050 calories

0.4 lbs 1400 calories

0.5 lbs 1750 calories

0.6 lbs 2100 calories

0.7 lbs 2450 calories

0.8 lbs 2800 calories

0.9 lbs 3150 calories

1.0 lbs 3500 calories

How to fill your plate

Dining halls can be a nightmare for weight-conscious individuals, especially with the overabundance of high-calorie foods and friends

who push you to indulge.

Only fill 2/3's of your plate, chances are you will feel full & you won’t be tempted to eat excess portions.

Wait 20 minutes before going back for seconds. Pre-plan meals (also helps to avoid snacking).

Meals you can make in your Dorm Room Going to college often means the leftover pizza, Ramen noodles, and Chinese carryout diet. Usually dining options on campus may be limited, unhealthy, and expensive, and you can't lug an entire kitchen's worth of food and dishes with you.

1. Find out about cooking facilities in your dorm. If there's a stove, it's most likely to be electric. There usually are also microwaves for public use. Also find out if either of these work. You may have to cook on another floor or in a different dorm.

2. Find out about the fire codes. Stuff like hot pots, coffee pots, candles (useful if you're addicted to roasting marshmallows), and hot plates may not be allowed. But, although I don't suggest this, it may help to be familiar with how strictly enforced those rules are. They may be scoff rules where as long as nothing is out during inspections, your RA won't even care if you're walking down the hall with a hot pot.

3. Taking steps 1 and 2 into account, make sure you have what you need, but stay simple; space is often limited.

o If they're allowed, hot pots are great to have. Also, microwave safe plates, bowls, and coffee cups.

o You need basic utensils, forks and spoons, a sharp knife for cooking, and chop sticks if you're a lover of Asian food. Also, a spatula, spaghetti spoon, and one of those over-sized spoons for mixing. Consider what you actually use.

For pots and pans, just cover the basics, and be as simple as you can

be. A frying pan, sauce pan, and spaghetti pot (plus colander). A

steamer or double boiler if you cook with them a lot and know you

will use them. If you bake, a mixing bowl, cookie sheet,

o brownie/cake/bread/muffin tin (again, think of what you'll actually use).

o Aluminum foil, paper towels, plastic wrap, and dish soap are also necessary. You may also want plastic bags and/or Tupperware for leftovers.

o Don't go Costco on ingredients. You will be able to find smaller amounts at a regular grocery store (but if your parents shop there, you can reuse small bottles and stock up at home). Make sure to have nonperishable basics: oil, sugar, flour, baking soda (you can also sprinkle this in the trash so it doesn't smell as bad), rice, pasta, and vinegar. Buy perishables such as produce, milk, eggs as you need them (if you don't have a fridge, you should find a friend who will let you store these things. But a fridge is also highly advised).

4. Learn to cook with a microwave. Especially if you don't have a stove in your dorm. And this can also be a lot less time consuming than cooking conventionally and cleaning pots and dishes.

• Skip the whipped cream. Don't even bother adding whipped cream. It

melts into the coffee anyway and you can barely taste it. The

calories aren’t worth it. If you add you add 60 calories and 6 grams

of fat.

• Go nonfat. Always start your coffee drink order by stating that you

want nonfat milk. Some menu boards may advertise that a drink is

low-calorie but the barista may use 2% milk, which has a higher

fat and calorie content.

• Say yes to foam. If your drink is topped with foam, ask for extra foam

or ask for it to be prepared “dry.” The foam takes up more space in

the drink and you decrease the amount of milk used and the

number of calories in the drink.

• Add ice (or extra ice). Any drink with ice will have less calories than

its hot alternative because the ice has no calories. For a drink that

is already iced, ask for extra ice and you’ll get a drink that is less

milky, cooler and more refreshing.

• Add spices, not sprinkles. If your drink is displayed on the menu

board with sprinkles, skip them and add spice instead. Most coffee

shops have cinnamon, cocoa, and nutmeg that you can add for

extra flavor.

• Use sugar-free syrups. Flavor syrups are popular additions to coffee

drinks, but they are almost pure sugar. Opt for the sugar-free

version to cut calories.

• Smaller is better. By the time you get to the coffee counter in the

morning, you might order the largest size available out of habit,

exhaustion or desperation. For some of us, the need for a coffee fix

in the morning is substantial. But order on the small side. You

might be surprised to find out that you need less caffeine than you


You don't have to give up the trip to Starbucks just because you're on a

diet. If you love your morning java fix, keep it on the morning menu.

But learn to order a low-calorie coffee drink instead. The calories you

eliminate by making just a few small changes could have a big impact

when it's time to step on the scale.

How-to: order healthy coffee

5 Low-Calorie Coffee Drinks (under 100 calories)

1. Tall Skinny Latte (100 calories, 0 grams fat, 15 grams

carbohydrate, 10 grams protein): You’ll get a boost of protein with

this coffee drink, which is a healthy way to start your day. Add

sugar-free syrup for flavor if you’d like, or order it iced to decrease

the amount of milk and decrease the number of calories.

2. Skinny Cappuccino (60 calories, 0 grams fat, 9 grams

carbohydrate, 6 grams protein): The great thing about cappuccino

is the foam. The light fluffy top of this drink makes you feel like

you’re drinking something much more decadent and fattening.

3. Brewed Coffee or Caffè Americano. Brewed coffee and espresso

contain essentially no calories.

4. Skinny Peppermint Mocha (100 calories, 1 gram fat, 13

carbohydrates, 10 grams protein). This coffee drink is sweet and

delicious enough to substitute as dessert. A small serving is plenty

to satisfy your sweet tooth.

5. Iced Skinny Flavored Latte (60 calories, 0 grams fat, 9 grams

carbs, 6 grams protein). Add your favorite sugar-free flavor syrup.

Try vanilla, hazelnut, almond, peppermint or other varieties.

Tips for Making Your Own Coffee Drink Healthier

If you already have a coffee drink that you love, use these tips to lower

the fat and calorie count of the drink. And remember that you can check

the calorie count of your customized Starbucks drink online or by using

the Starbucks app on your smartphone. Other coffee shops, like Caribou

Coffee also have websites with nutritional information.

Drinking Skinny

Choose lower proof alcohol — the lower the proof, the fewer

calories per fluid ounce.

Opt for drinks without mixers, such as wine or light beer.

Use smaller glasses for mixed drinks to control portion size.

Go simple — fewer ingredients may mean fewer calories.

Measure your pour using a shot glass or jigger.

Avoid cocktails with pre-made sugary mixes.

Mix alcohol with a splash of 100 percent fruit juice or seltzer.

Muddle fresh berries, mint or herbs at the bottom of your glass

for a punch of flavor and antioxidants.

5 Easy Meals that can be made in the microwave

1. Oatmeal.

2. Fresh Veggie’s in steam bags.

3. Soup.

4. Eggs.

5. Sweet Potato.

Plan, Shop, & Prep

Plan on going to the grocery

store once a week and to

Sam's/Costco once every two.

Because you'll be mostly buying

things that spoil quickly, you

must must must plan out your

meals ahead of time. Try to sit

down every Sunday and plan out

dinners and lunches.

Shopping for eating clean does

not mean spending a fortune.

People that think this don't

realize that what you spend

money on currently (fast food

included) will be replaced with

the cost of the fresh produce you

will be buying instead. As long as

you plan it out, you will be fine.

Prepare and store meals ahead of

time, this will save time & money

in the long run; and will prevent

you from grabbing an unhealthy

alternative during a crunch for


Negative Calorie Foods Benefits: boost your metabolism, help fat-burning vs. fat-storage,

increase your overall energy, control the appetite reducing your

hunger pangs, are gentle diuretics, eliminating excess water from

your body, stabilize your blood-sugar levels - hence your mood,

improve your digestion and cleanse the colon, cleanse the liver

(your fat-burning organ) so it burns more fat, have an anti-

inflammatory effect, improving your circulation, lower your

cholesterol levels, promote an increased mental focus and clarity,

lower stress, anxiety and depression, induce sound, restful sleep,

rejuvenate the skin, make the hair shinier, strengthen the nails, and

are no-fat, guilt-free delicious snacks (if correctly prepared).

Fruits: Apples, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Cranberries, Grapefruits,

Honeydew, Lemons/Limes, Mangoes, Oranges, Papaya, Peaches,

Pineapple, Raspberries, Strawberries, Tangerines, &


Vegetables: Asparagus, Bean sprouts, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage,

Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chicory/Radicchio, Cucumbers,

Endives, Green beans, Jicama, Kale, Leeks, Lettuce, Radishes,

Spinach, Squash, Tomatoes, Turnips, & Zucchini.

Herbs & Spices: Anise, Cayenne, Chili peppers, Cinnamon,

Cloves, Coriander/Cilantro, Cumin, Dill, Fennel seeds, Flax seeds,

Garden cress, Garlic, Ginger, Parsley, Onion, Mustard seeds, &
