freshnfruity rebirth chapter 10 for lj

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Narrator: Joining Johnny at the local college hang-out is his best girl Camille. Let's listen in!

Johnny: Boy Cammie, this dinner is the best; I'm sure glad you thought of this place!

Camille: Gee thanks Johnny, and do you remember why we went out tonight?

Johnny: I'd be a real sucker if I didn't! It's our one-year anniversary wowsers just think! It's been twelve whole months since I asked for your folks' approval to date you!

Camille: Oh Johnny, you know just what to say!

Narrator: A while later, in science class. . .

Professor: And what do we call it when this happens, Mr. Nicely?

Johnny: Photosynthesis?

Professor: Good, Johnny! Now class, if you'll turn to page 396 of your textbooks. . . * yammer yammer, instructional gibberish *

Narrator: As the professor starts a new exercise, Johnny's classmate Phyllis asked to borrow a pencil. He gladly lends her one. But suddenly, Johnny begins to notice things about Phyllis that he never did before. Her hair, although not the same beautiful chestnut shade as Camile's, seemed somehow better styled. Phyllis also wore pants. Pants! He'd heard that the girls in Pennsylvania were wild but wow! Johnny'd had no idea!Phyllis smiled as she turned back to the lecture and paid Johnny no more mind.

Johnny:(thoughts) 'Oh gosh, what am I thinking of? On the other hand, Phyllis is a real nice girl. I bet Cammie won't mind if I just go for some ice cream with my new friend! Why would she?'


Narrator: After class, Phyllis returned Johnny's pencil.

Phyllis: Gee thanks Johnny! That was real nice of you, letting me borrow that for awhile.

Johnny: Say Phyllis, what do you say about going for an ice cream cone later?

Phyllis: Well it's no sock-hop, but sure, I don't mind! What about Camile?

Johnny: Aw she won't mind one bit. We both have our own friends after all.

Narrator: Between classes, Johnny met Camille on a bench out in front of the girls' dormitories to study.

Johnny: Gosh Camille, I'm sure nervous about that test that the history professor told us about!It's sure to be difficult.

Camille: Can't you just study for a while longer tonight?

Johnny: I just don't have the head for facts that you do; it's like nothing stays in! Won't you help a fella out and let me see your paper tomorrow?

Camille: Gee I don't know Johnny, cheating's serious business! If we're caught we'll both flunk the exam, and not only that but we'll also be sent straight to Hades to burn in our eternal darn-nations!

Johnny: Golly Camille, I didn't know you used such rough language. I thought you were a nice girl!

Camille: Bunny-killers get darn-nations in Hades, Johnny, she continued with a concerned tone,O-On the other hand, she stammered timidly, if you fail I'll feel awfully bad about that too!

Narrator: That evening, Johnny and Phyllis are walking out of the ice cream parlor hand-in-hand when. . .

Camille:(walking by) Johnny? Phyllis? What are you two doing here??

Johnny: Aw shucks Cammie- what's wrong? We just went out for ice cream.

TheEndA Freshnfruity Rebirth Chapter 10 Production Honeydale FarmsThis has been Chip Chipley live and on location with the pants-wearing workmen at Honeydale Farms!Honeydale Farms Providing quality dairy by real farmers since 1809!We now return you to our regularly-scheduled program. . .

When last we saw our fair family, the purpose of that strange-looking novelty phone was starting to become clear . . . .

And now, as Wilford and Earline become teenagers, the mystery of Grandma Tootie's special project will be unveiled to all!

There's a whole world of options out there for you son, Jessie went on, why a desk? You have so much more potential than having some guy in suspenders always asking if you'll come in on Saturdays.Earline nodded supportively in agreement, but Wilford just sighed heavily.Parents these days just never seemed to understand!

Ah, now we're back where we- What the heck?? Who is that toot-toot-tootling the birthday-horn at Wilford as he steps up to the cake?!That looks like. . . NO! It can't be! Grandpa Loki is DEAD! That would make him. . . . Zombie Grandpa Loki?!Tootie? Did you perhaps have something to do with this?

Hmm-hmm taco shells Grandma Tootifer mumbled in an absentmindedly sing-song way from the background.

*Ahem, well anyway, Wilford the birthday boy. . .Wilford has rolled popularity, with turn-ons of cologne and custom hair; for his one turn-off he got blondes. No California beach-bunnies for you then?Oh, and his aspiration level as a child was Wonder-Boy. Of course. And- Oh my that schnozolla! I don't know where you came from, m'lovely but I'll take it!Who the heck is this kid?? Loki demanded, then at Jessie, EEEwww who the heck are you??It's so nice to have dad back, Fluticasone sighed to her husband.Gram'pa? Earline asked, looking on curiously.

So much happening right now! It's Earline's turn at the cake, for which Mom and Grandma are quite ecstatic.But also. . .Grandpa is checking out his grandson as though he's never seen him before. I guess death'll do that to even the finest, most sturdy, upstanding old men! UUUggglllyyy, Loki grunted in a raspy undead way.

Well now, Earline grew up. . . not the way I'd hoped. Wilford is far uglier, but does not have the family chin. Ah, genetics, how thou doth torment me. Maybe there'll be a nice combo down the line? There's still a ways to go after all. Anyhoo, Earline has rolled pleasure; her turn-ons are stink and logic, and her turn-off is formal wear.As a child, she earned the aspiration level of Wonder-Girl. Good, now the twins can fight crime together. ;-)

Eh. . . hm.Earline, my dear I tried; your makeover came out rather under-whelming for my tastes. We may need to take you to get professional help, as we did for your father.

Wilford's Lifetime Want is to become Media Magnate, which means getting him into the Journalism Career.Is HE in as much utter, flaming shock as I am that the first time he EVER searched for a job, he gets that career?!But- Sweet Jeebus's Ghost-Chili Toothpaste, How?! When does that ever-freaking-happen?? I got in?? Wilford asked, gawking at the screen, I got in!!Yep, he starts as a Blog-Writer. *sighs

Meanwhile downstairs, Grandma has a sleeping-arrangement problem. . .Since Loki was resurrected, Tootie now has no relationship with her husband, and so refuses to sleep in the same bed as he does. In a house with an already limited amount of space. Great. Guess who needs to get re-acquainted! Um. . . how romantic? I guess?

Going back upstairs. . .Jessie and Fluticasone decided to share a nice, quiet, private romantic evening to celebrate their kids growing up.To my beautiful bride, she of the magnificent side-boob- Jessie began, but froze mid-sentence as their newly teenaged son strolled through the shot. You know Wilford, I realize you're doing a nice thing and all, emptying the trash, but could it not wait?

When the kid finally wandered off to beddy-bye land. . .I was thinking, Jessie began, as he relished the sight of his wife scarfing down the Salsbury Slurp-a-Monk, we haven't really been on vacation anywhere since we got hitched and you started poppin' out all the squallin' nuggets.

You mean?? Fluticasone gasped, stopping mid-chew with watery gravy dripping down her chin.

Oh wait, I haven't picked the money-trees today! Jessie exclaimed as he suddenly remembered, and frantically ran over and began tending to the plant in the dining room.Because logically, the best time to decide to harvest money is in the middle of romantic-getaway-talk with your beautiful spouse. Logically. Good job Jessie!

After that emergency was taken care of (Phew! Am I right?), the couple retired to their third-floor bedroom where the vacation discussion was picked up again.You know, we don't necessarily have to limit our vacation plans to land; really, what's stopping us from taking a cruise to Fiji? Or Bora-Bora? he asked, obviously trying to repair his faux pass from a few moments ago. The vacation feature in the game, which doesn't include cruises silly, Fluticasone smiled in reply.

Well then how about a long drive, some of it on a dangerous mountain pass at unsafe speeds? Jessie suggested.Oh you! Fluticasone giggled girlishly, waving a hand at her husband.

In the end they settled for an old-fashioned family tradition. . .

. . . of setting fireworks off in bed!(not a safe or recommended tradition)

Later in the evening. . .That's it Tootie! Gaze deep into his wormy little eyes and remember that whack-a-doo you married!Go woman go!!With your. . . teenaged granddaughter on the same couch. Okay-never mind- this is awkward. Lol.

It's only fair that Wilford get a makeover, despite that he was pretty enough as it was. . .

Willy dear, wasn't this old scarecrow facing the other way before? Tootie asked her grandson.Eh, maybe mom or dad moved it; it's no big deal, Wilford replied absentmindedly over his chess game.That could be- you're probably right, bunchkins, Tootie replied, nodding and went back into the living room.

Hello mama Fluticasone; way to remind us that nothing's changed at all in this family! Lol.

Woo-wee! Jessie hooted at his wife over their breakfast-chili the next morning, Maybe you can get a new briefcase to go with that hot new outfit of yours! Sheesh, what is it with this family and their fondness for briefcases?

Meanwhile downstairs, Grandma and Grandpa were very quietly getting back into the swing of things. Oh my, you are a zesty little bowl of nachos! Tootie flirted.

Wilford returned from his first day at school(as a teenager) with another charisma point!Yes, our astonishingly captivating fellow starred in the play Our Sim Town.That charisma point will be handy in his blossoming Journalism career, for promotions and such.Who is that standing awkwardly in the background? Lainey Barthelet? Come closer girl, or we might think you're spying for the other side.

Well would ya lookit that! Uncle Losartan came strolling by just as Wilford was heading off for his first day at work(in Journalism). Coincidence? I think not! What a nice uncle. 'Yeeeeww! What is that thing in the car?' Losartan wondered, 'Is it a can of spaghetti-ovals? Is it knot-wood?'Losartan, that's your sister Fluticasone's son! That's your nephew!'Ooohh alrighty; well that makes sense,' Losartan thought in response.

On another end of the front lawn(if dirt counts as lawn), Earline is off with Jessie to fix her face at the local salon in the strip mall; it's the same artists that helped Jessie out with his wedding-day look!What a keeper he was, am I right ladies? * this is your cue to sigh dreamily *

Not long afterwards, Wilford is coming home from his first work day but with no promotions.Awwwwww. . . What a sad banana.

Of course Wilford's sister Earline is off having the time of her life with her dad at the mall, picking out new clothes and makeup. Going out with one's parents is still a cool thing right?The eternally bored sales clerks in the Young n' Sassy section were quite willing to lend some fashion advice, however.Needs more midriff The blonde one (Emily Hogan) commented.Gee thanks! Earline replied gratefully, inspecting her reflection thoughtfully.

Jessie and his daughter left the stores behind and took a break in the food courtor grilling-out area with some hot dogs.My little girl is all gussied up for the job market! He gushed proudly with a tear in his eye.Thanks dad; do you really like it? Earline asked, referring to the new look she'd soon be sporting around town.

How nice of them to wash their plates in the public bathroom sinks before they left.

Won't his family be proud! Wilford has earned the Scholar's Grant, worth $1,000, towards his possible future college career.How comforting it must be to have to wait until you see how your other siblings turn out(appearance-wise) to know whether you're going to college!*Wilford sighed just then, almost as if in agreement.

I wonder if Fluticasone has begun to suspect anything regarding certain special properties of cheesecake?Naaahhh . . .

Maybe so! She didn't even get one bite in! Perhaps it's just a touch of food-poisoning. . .

Oh well; up-chuck flavored cheesecake isn't exactly something we haven't had before now, is it?(because she went back and ate a piece right after losing her lunch, and this is done often)

Good morning Earline! Your Ellie Mae with Better Makeup look is doing well I trust?

Fluticasone wants to max out all of her skills and is 2 cooking, 1 mechanical, 1 charisma, and 1 logic skill-point away from doing so.Let's learn to cook!

We interrupt this study-session because it LOOKS as though our mama in pajamas has just been sucker-punched!You can all rest easy though, as she's just showing signs of being pregnant again with her first pop!

Chip Chipley is not live on the scene to report.

There's that darned cheesecake craving again. . . ;-)

Look who strolled by! Hey, it's . . you. That guy. . from the thing! I should know this old fella but can't seem to recall where from. Huh. Oh well.

The nutty tricks one's memory plays! *waves a hand(not really it's the professor from the Cheating reel)

Annd home comes daddy-doo, a-jiggity-jog.WITH A PROMOTION TO INTERNATIONAL SIM OF MYSTERY!Centrifuge. Not Sippy-cup. Or wooden spoon. Something like that right?

Just as Earline went to call for her college scholarships, Uncle Naproxen Sodium called.

No Grandpa Loki's not dead! she exclaimed, laughing at one point in their conversation, Whoever gave you that crazy notion?! He's UN-dead.

Yeah, she continued, it was a really crazy bomb dropped on us when he returned!

Don't talk about bombs! Jessie yelled from the bathroom.

Well now! Wilford chose to sell t-shirts in a wild-card style gamble where his website costs were sky-rocketing. He's been promoted to Internet Movie-Critic, at the top of the Journalism career for teens!!

What is this, a clown-car? Hum. . . ye-no, wait, don't answer that. Grandma and Grandpa are home too, and they seem slightly more thrilled with life at present.Pureed applesauce night in the hey-ouse!! Tootie cheered.Ooh, hot-diggity-Jeebus! an excited Loki bounced a little sprightlier as he got out of the car.

Inside, Earline has made it off the phone with her uncle and gotten down to making the scholarship call.So far she has earned the Scholar's Grant for $1,000, for consistently making good grades.Not a bad start!

On the second floor. . .Would you tell me if it tastes like toilet? 'Cause the plumbing backed up today and the dishwasher was filthy.

Scarf, gobble, smack, smack, Jessie replied.

Oh my precious flutterbug, it has the delightful after-taste of deodorizing toilet brick in 'spring tulip', paired with the most unusual(but tangy) note of toddler-whiz.

I like your hat Flutie-kins, did you get it at that one taco stand up the street? Grandma Tootifer asked her daughter.But Fluticasone was distracted by her plate of charred spaghetti. It really does taste like toddler-whiz, she thought in reverent, quiet awe.

No, Fluticasone finally answered, but I am thinking of getting some of the cutest kitten-heeled sandals I saw there.Ah yes, how could you not, Tootie nodded sagely.

Ah the joys of managing needs during pregnancy.Hola mis preciosas sandalias, Fluticasone muttered as she slept on, snorting some of her dinner.Well that can't be healthy.

Well Grandma's back to sleeping in the same bed as Grandpa, so that's good news!

Criminy, I leave Grandma Tootie alone to sleep for a few hours and I find her in her nightie at 1:30 a.m., playing with a remote control car in the backyard! lol.

Why are you not asleep??

Apparently having Zombie-Grandpa and Grandma in flirt-mode around the house is commonplace, but not for everyone.Grandma and Grandpa flirting?? Earline observed in a teenagerly and girlish fashion, EW.Yep, used to be there was more'n that, in the long long ago, Jessie commented casually without looking up from his book.

At 6 a.m. There's only one thing to get pregnant Fluticasone up.The snarling monster in her stomach with a craving. A craving. for. Balogna!

*yawn, smack, smack. Sandwishes, a partially-awake Fluticasone slurs as she sluggishly does her body's bidding.

Mama Fluticasone stayed up long enough to max out her logic skill! Time for bed.Wait; a snack, then bed. :-)

It's pop number 2! We're so close!! SO close!* bounces in the chair excitedly at the prospect of more twins *

Grandma is a good teen-sitter!Tootie catches up with(the kids') Uncle Naproxen Sodium while Earline and Wilford are off to fulfill their wants to get cell phones!

Score! Mobile phone-age achieved. But it won't hurt to look around a bit more will it?Naaahhh. . .

Earline rolls a want to have an espresso. The coffee shop baristas don't even bat an eye at allowing the girl her first cup; perhaps because it's self-service. :-)

Wilford went in the complete opposite direction in the strip mall when he decided he wanted some new jewelry.What kinda bling y'all got? He crudely asked in teenage hillbilly-language. The teenage cashier was suddenly both ashamed for her age range and attracted to his amazing makeup-job.

They both wanted to eat out but the mall only had the hot dog grilling station.Where else could they end up but a seedy honky-tonk bar on the edge of town?

You kids don't look old enough to be in here, the waiter pointed out.Well we've got five best friends forever that would gladly back us up, huh 'Joe'? Earline prodded her brother.Yep, Wilford or 'Joe' said coolly through his mouthful of scandalous non-alcoholic water.Whatever, the waiter replied, and took their orders.

As they waited for their food to arrive, Earline nervously talked out a game plan.This is so exciting! Do you think we'll get arrested? She giggled.Doubtful, Wilford said quietly as he continued to pretend to be a big shot with his water glass.

If we DID though, Wilford said as he leaned closer to whisper, it'd be a nasty cell with creepy spiders everywhere, he told his sister.Eep! Earline yelped, nearly choking on her own water.

They waited to continue their plan until after the waiter dropped off their fried chicken plates.We'd HAVE to wear matching beanies and masks to prison so they'd know we were siblings, Earline mused.Sisters, Wilford sighed under his breath and began to wonder what he was even doing there.

After dinner they both wanted to sing in the karaoke room. For some strange reason the bar-goers cleared out after a few minutes of the twin-show. Had they no taste? No class??. . .Buuut the one little duck with the feather on his back- Earline sang more primly onstage.Heee led the others, YEAH! Heee led the others with a quaack, quaaaaccckk, ka-waaaacck! Thank yeew very much ladies and gentlemen! Wilford blared out in the style of a flashy wedding singer.

Get. Me. Out of here. The barmaid muttered out of one side of her mouth to her out-of-frame partner.

After that little performance, they each went their separate ways, fulfilling wants around the place.Earline wanted a picture in a photo booth, and happened to find one sitting outside, all by its lonesome, in the dark.Ever the intrepid explorer, she crept into its dirty, creaky, scuffed interior to see if it worked.

On the other side of the building(once again), Wilford found his want to play darts fulfilled in an actual fenced-in patio area.

Huh. It's 5:50 a.m. Time to round up and go home! Umm. . . I said collect. your. sibling.

Aw he'll make it home okay, Earline replied dismissively to the narrator.

Alright, your funeral then.

Jessie arrived home from his first shift as International Sim of Some Question and was able to sit with his expectant wife as she had a little, nothing-special snack. This job doesn't just require rugged good looks, which I obviously have, but specialized tools as well! Can you believe it?!

Upstairs, Wilford is winning another scholarship! He achieved a level 8 charisma-skill(thanks to the bathroom mirror), and got the Bain-Gordon Communications Fellowship worth $750!Also, since he reached the top of his career he got the Young Entrepreneurs Award(Scholarship)!How does he not win at life, I ask you?

Down on the first floor, Earline has also won the Bain- Gordon Fellowship, which means another $750!

Darn those t.v. dinners! It must be something in frozen food that causes babies to happen, right? Curse you, delicious split-pea enchilada!! Fluticasone screamed as she prepared to bring another baby(or two) to the family.

Oh. Hello. You're very pretty. But. . . why are you only one? Fluticasone asked her new daughter curiously.Everyone looked on in awkward silence as Grandma Tootie contentedly held the newest little one.We shall name her something graceful. Something dignified, Grandma said solemnly, her eyes downcast.We should name her Waynell!! Earline chirped.

So 'Waynell' it was.

Ima grab yer lil' baby arms, and yer lil' baby feet, and yer little baby head! Earline gushed to Waynell.

'Ooh girl! Who does your makeup??' Waynell seems to be thinking.

Earline's Lifetime Want is to have 50 first dates, which has nothing to do with any career in the sim-world anyway. In order for her to get the Young Entrepreneur Award like her brother, she's going into the Adventurer career track, starting out as a Spelunker.

Up on the third floor, the good news is that Nicole Thompson, the nanny, showed the second Waynell was born.That's fantastic! BUT she seems to be a bit oblivious to dirty diapers this time around. Either that or she's starting to care less after the 5 kids so far in this family, which is also not good.Is there somebody who will save poor Waynell?!

Grandma Tootie to the rescue!Because she came at this time she got the privilege of the new baby's first diaper-change. :-)

. . . . Annd just for grins, Grandma got the first sink-bath(in the third-floor bath) too.'High-five Grandma! No? Come on, high-five!' Waynell seems to be trying to say, even though at this point it's all burbles and gurgles.



11:41 a. m.

On a fine 11:41 a.m., both Jessie & Fluticasone are upping their mechanical skill levels.

Mama Fluticasone is the first to max hers out!

Never mind giving baked goods to rodents! Give an elder chili, whether alive or(un)dead and the chili will go freaking everywhere. lol. . .

Hey, I think I got a chewy chunk! Tootie declared triumphantly.

On the eve of Waynell's birthday into toddler-hood, Jessie finally maxed out his mechanical skill. Go Jessie!

Now for the big night! I only wish Waynell had a twin to share it with. Her sister Earline, and her grandparents however are pretty good stand-ins, complete with obnoxious party-horns!Wilford has decided to poop-out early, and is by now sawing logs in the basement.

A ONE and-a TWO and-a- whaaa?!Fluticasone turns her newest toddler this way and that, sure she must be hallucinating all of that cuteness.Waynell?? Child, how ever did you end up in such a state?Do you even know what happens to uglacy kids who don't come out ugly? Well do you?!

Jessie got the honor of putting Waynell to bed that night, but he was still rattled(to say the least)about what had transpired with his little girl. Don't worry Waynie, he said to his newly-grown daughter, we'll do your makeover in the morning and all will be right again, you'll see; it's time for you to get your beauty sleep, he said to her, shuddering.Waynell happily made noises in her crib, unaware that anything was the matter at all.

What shall become of our cute-as-a-button new addition to the family? Return next time to find out in Chapter 11!

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