friday 29 may 2020 king william’s town · pest control sanitizing services odourless fumigation...

King William’s Town FRIDAY 3 JULY 2020 Tel/Fax: 043 642 1197 73 Cambridge Road, K.W.T e-mail: [email protected] We bring our great taste to you 043 642 5015 Delivery @ 083 369 5823 Delivery #SOCIAL DISTANCING AMATHOLE TEL: 043 643 3624/5 AMATHOLE WEEKEND SPECIALS Specials valid from 03.07.2020 till 05.07.2020 Dhayson’s 104 Alexandra Road, KWT Tel: 043 642 2640 • Email: [email protected] D Excella Rice 2 kg R21.99 Nescafe Ricoffy 750 gm R72.99 Butchery Special Oukraal Wors per kg R84.99 Butchery Special Junior T-Bone per kg R74.99 Combo 10 kg Potatoes 7 kg Onions 7 kg Butternuts R129.50 The samples were meant to be transported to the National Health Laboratory Services' Port Elizabeth centre. A courier company has been asked to file a report of the incident. The Eastern Cape health department and the NHLS have launched investigations into the shocking incident. Covid-19 test samples were found dumped on the N2 roadside between King William's Town and East London on Monday morning. The Eastern Cape Department of Health and the National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS) have launched investigations into the shocking discovery. NHLS area manager Tabita Makula said the NHLS business manager for the East London district visited the site, and collected the samples where it was dumped. Makula said one of the samples had a label from Grey Hospital in King William's Town, which makes them believe the samples were captured at NHLS' Bhisho lab. Makula said there are two testing centres in the province - one in East London and another situated in Port Elizabeth. She confirmed the dumped sampl es were en route to the Port Elizabeth provincial testing centre. Makula said: "Test samples are normally taken to Port Elizabeth centre when the East London centre does not have enough testing kits." Continued on Pg. 02... Covid-19 test samples found dumped along N2 in Eastern Cape Departments of Health states that there are investigations underway regarding the tests which were found at N2 between East London and King Williams Town

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Page 1: FRIDAY 29 MAY 2020 King William’s Town · Pest Control Sanitizing Services Odourless fumigation spray - Safe for all pets • Flies • Mosquito • Cockroaches • Silver Fish

King William’s TownFRIDAY 3 JULY 2020

Tel/Fax: 043 642 119773 Cambridge Road, K.W.T

e-mail: [email protected]

We bringour great

taste to you043 642 5015

Delivery @ 083 369 5823




TEL: 043 643 3624/5


WEEKEND SPECIALSSpecials valid from 03.07.2020 till 05.07.2020

Dhayson’s104 Alexandra Road, KWT Tel: 043 642 2640 • Email: [email protected]


Excella Rice2 kg


Nescafe Ricoffy750 gm

R72.99Butchery SpecialOukraal Worsper kg


Butchery SpecialJunior T-Boneper kg


Combo10 kg Potatoes7 kg Onions7 kg Butternuts


• The samples were meant tobe transported to the NationalHealth Laboratory Services'Port Elizabeth centre.• A courier company hasbeen asked to file a report ofthe incident.• The Eastern Cape healthdepartment and the NHLS

have launched investigationsinto the shocking incident.Covid-19 test samples werefound dumped on the N2roadside between KingWilliam's Town and EastLondon on Monday morning.The Eastern CapeDepartment of Health and the

National Health LaboratoryServices (NHLS) havelaunched investigations intothe shocking discovery.NHLS area manager TabitaMakula said the NHLSbusiness manager for theEast London district visitedthe site, and collected thesamples where it wasdumped.Makula said one of thesamples had a label fromGrey Hospital in KingWilliam's Town, which makesthem believe the sampleswere captured at NHLS'Bhisho lab.Makula said there are twotesting centres in theprovince - one in East Londonand another situated in PortElizabeth.She confirmed the dumpedsamples were en route to the PortElizabeth provincial testingcentre.Makula said: "Test samples

are normally taken to PortElizabeth centre when theEast London centre does nothave enough testing kits."Continued on Pg. 02...

Covid-19 test samples found dumped along N2 in Eastern Cape

Departments of Health states that there are investigations underway regarding the testswhich were found at N2 between East London and King Williams Town

Page 2: FRIDAY 29 MAY 2020 King William’s Town · Pest Control Sanitizing Services Odourless fumigation spray - Safe for all pets • Flies • Mosquito • Cockroaches • Silver Fish



BEEF Shin / Stew.....................R 49.95 p/kgOxtail..............................R 94.95 p/kgWhole Rump (±3kg).......R 79.95 p/kg

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Leg Roast.......................R 43.95 p/kgBiltong: R195.00/kg | Dry Wors: R190.00/kg | Chilli Bites: R250.00/kg

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Sutton Square, Queens RoadKing William’s Town

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Liquor not for sale to persons under the age of 18.Tops supports responsible drinking

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11 Walker StreetTel: (043) 642 4408

Queens RoadTel: (043) 643 4979

atat KWT

9 Walker StreetTel: (043) 642 4408

7 Wellington StreetTel: (043) 642 4408

at KWT 2 at KWT 3

Continued from Pg. 01...One of Port Elizabeth'sbiggest funeral parlourservices says the phone isconstantly ringing ashospitals and families look forsafe spaces to store thebodies of Covid-19 patients.eNCA reported on Mondaythat hundreds of sampleswere discovered by a joggeron the roadside.Makula, however, could notconfirm the figure, pendingan investigation.A courier company,commissioned to transportthe samples, has been askedto file an incident report, saidMakula."Usually, in a case ofhijacking or accident, thecompany reports to us.However, this time, there wasno report. We will have full

details once the investigationhas been concluded," saidMakula.The crisis at Nelson MandelaBay hospitals has reachednew lows as doctors arehaving to clean wards andwash bed linen, while dirtstands in hallways amidcrippling staff shortages.Wilhelm Stahl Hospital in theEastern Cape was forced toclose down earlier this monthfor a day after 30 staffmembers were infected withCovid-19.Eastern Cape healthdepartment spokespersonSizwe Kupelo said: "We areworking with the NHLS toestablish what may havehappened there. It is not ahealth department issue;those things (samples) werein transit.

Covid-19 test samples founddumped along N2 in Eastern Cape


Dagama textiles operationsin Zwelitsha have come tostandstill as of 1 July due toworkers striking for non-payments of their UIFpayouts.Dagama says that theorganization is not to blamefor the failure to process theTERS payments which theworkers are striking for andthat the conduct at which typehave resulted to go aboutthings is entirelyunreasonable and unjustified,particularly in light of recenthistory of the matter and thetough economic times theorganization is also facing.Mzukisi Siyata from theSouthern African Clothingand Textile Workers' Union(SACTWU) said that despiteemployees being given a fairand reasonable ultimatum,the workers have forgonewith the strike and theyshould ready themselves toface the consequences."Despite the aforegoing and

clear warnings about theconsequences ofunprotected strike action,employees scheduled tocommence th 6h00 shifttoday (30 June 2020) andthose scheduled tocommence day shift went onand remained on anunprotected strike. Despitehaving had a fair opportunityto consult the union officialand consider theconsequences of the actions,employees have elected toremain on strike." So saidSiyata.The worker from Dagamawho chose to stayanonymous stated thatworkers have the right tostrike even though the strikeis illegal and does not havethe backing of the union forthe workers.By the time we went to printwe could not reach manage-ment from Dagama

Dagama strikes because offailure of TERS payments



Page 3: FRIDAY 29 MAY 2020 King William’s Town · Pest Control Sanitizing Services Odourless fumigation spray - Safe for all pets • Flies • Mosquito • Cockroaches • Silver Fish



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The fight to lift the alcohol banin the restaurants of SouthAfrica has begun in earnest -and another legal letter hasbeen sent to Cabinet.Monday marks the first daythat restaurants will beallowed to open their doorsfor sit-in services, almost 100days after South Africaentered a hard lockdown.However, the industry is stilloperating under the terms ofan alcohol ban – and it’s setto face a legal challengebrought by the RestaurantAssociation of South Africa(Rasa).CAN RESTAURANTSSERVE ALCOHOL?Wendy Alberts is the CEO ofthe group. She spoke withCapeTalk earlier on Mondayto explain where Rasa findsitself at this pivotal moment.Although the reopening ofrestaurants is joyous newsfor business owners, therestrictions on alcohol haveput a dampener on things: No

sit-in patrons can order abeer, a glass of wine, or anyother form of liquor with theirfood.She stated that Rasa haveset their lawyers on EbrahimPatel, the trade minister, tooffer the government anultimatum: Alberts and hercolleagues have told theministry they have sevendays to lift the ongoingalcohol ban for diningvenues. For many

establishments, their futuresdepend on it.RASA GIVE GOVERNMENTSEVEN DAYS TORESPONDShould the government fail torespond to the legal request,they could find themselvesmired in more litigation.Cabinet – including PresidentCyril Ramaphosa andMinister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma – have already beentaken to court over the

controversial cigarette ban.Albertshas slammed the prohibitionof alcohol sales in allrestaurants as “ridiculous”:“We have certainly written avery strong lawyer’s letter toMinister Patel (DTI) and wehave given them seven daysfor them to answer us on thisnon-equivocal reality thatthere are no restaurants whoare allowed to sell alcohol.We find this completelyridiculous that they had notallowed it.”“Whilst we respect that theMinister of Tourism does nothave the mandate to do this,we have been pushed backto the DTI so we have giventhen seven days to lift thealcohol ban. Our restaurantsneed to be able to havealcohol with their meals… Tosave the industry we needthe alcohol ban to be lifted inrestaurants.”

Restaurants at Level 3: Government ‘given seven days’ to lift alcohol ban

Page 4: FRIDAY 29 MAY 2020 King William’s Town · Pest Control Sanitizing Services Odourless fumigation spray - Safe for all pets • Flies • Mosquito • Cockroaches • Silver Fish


WHEN it comes to money,even the smartest people canget ripped off. People need tobe careful when trying toenrich themselves, there’s nosuch a thing as instant money.You can’t trust anyone,especially with all thesepyramid schemes thatpromise huge returns.FALSE PROMISESWhenever the topic arises,the first question that peopleask is what a pyramid schemeis.A pyramid scheme is afraudulent investment thatdoesn’t benefit the investorbut the perpetrator. KalyaniPillay, the CEO of Sabric,explains that investors gethooked in by the falsepromises of getting hugereturns. She says theperpetrator makes a very

appealing and enticingpresentation to an averageperson. Because on thesurface, it looks legit, peoplejoin the schemes. “The firstfew investors are luckyenough to get a slice of thecake, this is nothing but a trickto get more investors and getthe existing members to put inmore money with the hopes ofdoubling the amount,” Kalyanisays. “Scammers will go togreat lengths to get victims toinvest in these schemesthrough the use of socialengineering tactics.” Millionsof people have lost theirlifetime savings to pyramidschemes while they werelooking out to magically makeeven more money in whatsounded like a ‘too good to betrue’ pitch, and indeed it was.Kalyani urges people to be

Avoid get rich quick schemes

realistic. She says peopleneed to be mindful beforemaking any hasty decisionswhen it comes to theirfinances. “They will evencome up with convincing,fabricated statistics to maketheir offer look attractive, soalways treat these kinds ofschemes with suspicion,” shesays.LEGIT INVESTMENTOPTIONSEveryone is out to make asteady figure, and it would bethe most unfortunateexperience to be the oneperson schemers make thatfigure from. It’s best to alwaysdo thorough research beforeputting your money intosomething, and don’t just takeanyone’s word for it. Beloware some of the investmentoptions for those who areready to take a chance and alittle risk with their finances thelawful way• Stokvel: This is an effectiveway to save your money,there are short and long-termsavings plans but it can bequite tricky to get a stokvelthat really meets your needs.• Retirement fund: Aretirement plan is the best wayto go if you are set on thefuture, you can start savingmonthly and get your moneygrowing and ready for whenyou retire.• Property: It’s unlikely to gowrong with property. It neverdepreciates. The more anarea develops, the more valuethe property has.• Stock Market: There’smoney to be made with stockas you are dealing with dollarsand pounds, but this option istricky. You can make money,and you can also lose a lot ofmoney, and you’ll probablyneed to hire a broker.• Shares: There’s also no

guarantee for this option aswell, anything can happen in aminute. You can either maketriple in a minute, or loseeverything in a second.THINGS TO CONSIDERBEFORE INVESTINGPyramid schemes can robone of their hardearned cash,but they are not the only onesthat can clean out yoursavings. First things first.Before making an investment,you need to prepare yourselffor anything, even if you areinvesting in an alreadyfunctioning and moneymaking business. PieterJansen van Vuuren, apsychologist and facilitator atSolstice, says there arealways risks surroundinginvestments. He says that theeconomy can take a toll onwhat was the most successfulcompany in the past. “Notevery investment will be asuccess. Things can change,just because it’s a bigestablishment does not meanthat your money is safe,” hesays.There are institutions whereyou can invest your moneywith a guaranteed interest.Everyone can get their moneygrowing, but Pieter says oneneeds to know exactly whatthey are in for. He says forthose who are not ready totake a gamble, the right waywould be going to the bankeven though the interest maybe small. “If you are not readyto take a loss, a bank is theway to go. You are sure to getall your money back after theperiod, with interest on top,”he advises. It’s best to knowyour nature. If you know thatyou are likely to be depressedafter taking a loss, it would bebest to avoid taking financialrisks.

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Trellidor King William’s Town043 643 357435 Leopold Street, King William’s Town

Holidays should be all about fresh air and fun in the sun. We don’t want you to spend them worrying about howsafe your home is when your doors and windows are open. So contact us to get your security barrier order inearly enough for installation before the break. Then leave the worry behind and focus on having a peacefulDecember.



Santaco confirmed taxi fare toincrease and come into effecton 1 July. Despite MinisterMbalula's pleas, taxi operatorswill be demanded more fromcommuters.Taxi fare increases applied asfrom 1 July 2020, puttingfurther financial strain onmillions of commuters whohave already suffered as aresult of the lockdown-inducedeconomic downturn.Following robustengagements with theDepartment of Transport andMinister Fikile Mbalula, theSouth African National TaxiCouncil (Santaco) — one ofthe largest public transportassociations in the country —announced that taxi fareswould be increased to combatthe negative financial impactof COVID-19 and thesubsequent lockdown.For months, the taxi industryhas languished under asevere bout of inactivity withlockdown Levels 4 and 5drastically decreasingcommuter volumes. Althoughrecent regulatory reprievesallow for a reopening of theeconomy, stringent health andsafety protocols — which limitpassenger capacities inminibus taxis to 70% —continue to plague the

industry’s revenue models.In an attempt to offset grievousfinancial losses, taxiassociations in Gauteng calledfor massive fare hikes. TheAlexandra Taxi Association(ATA) said that it would beforced to increase its fares by172% in the coming weeks.While Santaco rebuked themove to raise fares tounaffordable levels, theCouncil argued thatgovernment had failed toprovide the taxi industry withadequate financial assistance.In an attempt to forcegovernment’s hand, Santacosaid that it would support thecall for a provincial shutdownof taxi services.Mbalula revealed thatconsultations with Santacoand the National Taxi Council(NTC) had averted a proposedshutdown but thatexpectations placed ongovernment were unrealistic.On Thursday, Mbalulaelaborated on meetings withtaxi industry stakeholders,noting that while governmenthad committed to providefinancial relief, taxi operatorswould not be fullycompensated for lost revenue.Mbalula added that while taxioperators were well withintheir rights to raise fares, these

Taxi fare increase as of 1 July 2020price hikes needed to followinflation trends and notoverburden commuters withunaffordable tariffs.The minister noted that, as afundamental pillar of the publictransport sector, the taxiindustry needed to remainsustainable while catering tothe basic needs of commuters.The transport minister furtherexplained that consultationswith Santaco would resume on16 June.In the meantime, however,Santaco has resolved to

support across the board fareincreases.While the Council has not yetrevealed finer details of theincrease, industry insidersclaim that fares could likelyrise between 10% and 25%.While this increase is muchlighter than those proposed bythe ATA, these tariffsincreases will be out of linewith inflation rates noted byMbalula.Santaco is expected toprovide clarity on the taxi fareincreases in due course.

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Service offered

CLASSIFIEDSService offered

CLASSIFIEDSUpdate on what has beenhappening in South Africa

Coronavirus: Globalinfections have pushed over10.1 million confirmed sincethe start of the year, with thedeath toll over 501,000. InSouth Africa, cases continueto rise at an alarming rate,with over 6,000 new dailyinfections taking thecountry’s total to 144,264.Deaths have increased to2,529, while recoveries haverisen to 70,614, leaving abalance of 71,121 activecases.Jobs bloodbath: New datafrom the CCMA shows that ajobs bloodbath is underwayin South Africa, with thegroup dealing with over 1,800retrenchment cases, whichaffect tens of thousands ofworkers. The retail sector isbeing hardest hit, with over23,000 jobs on the line, whilearound 15,000 privatetransport workers are alsobeing affected byretrenchment processes.Meanwhile, the hotel industrycould see almost 11,000 jobslost. In the three months Aprilto June, the CCMA has seenan increase of 156% in cases.[Mail & Guardian]Tobacco delay: Governmenthas delayed the BATSAtobacco sales case by 6weeks over “schedulingcomplications” – a vaguereason that the tobacco giantdescribed as ‘inexplicable’.This delay will lead to acontinued loss in tax revenue,the group argues, addingR1.4 billion in lost taxes ontop of what has already beenlost due to the prolonged banon tobacco sales. The groupsaid that ever since theallowing of tobacco saleswas announced, and thenrescinded days later, it hasbeen trying to engage withgovernment, but hasreceived no reply.[Moneyweb]Price hike likely: SouthAfricans may be facingelectricity price hikes again,after energy regulator Nersa

lost its court battle with powerutility Eskom over how muchthe group is able to recover inlost income. Nersa hadinitially allowed Eskom torecover R33 billion throughtariff increases over threeyears, but Eskom argued incourt that this was incorrect,as it Nersa’s calculationsincluded promisedgovernment bailouts tied toits restructuring. Nersa willnow have to recalculate theamounts Eskom can recover.[Reuters]WHO warning: The WorldHealth Organisation haswarned that the worst of theCovid-19 pandemic has yetto come, noting that despitesome countries showingprogress in fighting the virus,and a global scale, infectionsare accelerating. Six monthsin, the virus has infected over10.1 million people, and killedover 500,000. Positively,more than half (5.6 million)have recovered. However,the WHO said that there is noquick fix, and countries willhave to continue workinghard to handle the pandemic

“for the long haul”. [ENCA]Markets: The rand steadiedagainst the dollar on Mondayas the spread of thecoronavirus at home andaround the world dampenedoptimism over a swifteconomic recovery. Risingglobal Covid-19 cases andthe re-imposition ofrestrictions by certain statesin the US to stop the spreadhas seen the risk-offsentiment from Fridaycontinue. Investors arelooking to safe-haven assetsas talk of a double dip in theUS economy is doing therounds. On Tuesday the randis at R17.26 to the dollar,R21.24 to the pound andR19.40 to the euro.

Page 7: FRIDAY 29 MAY 2020 King William’s Town · Pest Control Sanitizing Services Odourless fumigation spray - Safe for all pets • Flies • Mosquito • Cockroaches • Silver Fish


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The Standard Bank of SouthAfrica Limited (“SBSA”) hassigned a USD185m, 3-yearloan agreement withInternational FinancialCorporation (“IFC”), adevelopment financeinstitution that is part of theWorld Bank Group, with afocus on private sectordevelopment.The loan proceeds will beused for immediate relief andongoing support for eligibleSmall and MediumEnterprises (“SMEs”) andcorporates in South Africa thathave been affected by Covid-19 by assisting them with thepurchase and production ofgoods and services needed tocope with the crisis andtowards stimulating long-terminvestments in affectedindustries.“We take our responsibility asa corporate citizen seriouslyand value the ongoingcollaboration with IFC. Thistransaction reflects StandardBank’s commitment tosupporting our clients throughthis pandemic.” says LungisaFuzile, CE of Standard Bank,South Africa.“This is an unprecedentedcrisis, with devastating health,economic and socialconsequences. Ourexperience from past shockshas taught us that keepingcompanies solvent is key tosaving jobs and limiting theeconomic damage. That’swhy it’s critical to work withinstitutions like Standard Bankto help companies access

finance that will enable themto continue to operate duringthis time,” said AdamouLabara, IFC’s CountryManager for South Africa.The transaction, which isaligned to Standard Bank’sbroader sustainable financestrategy, will increase theavailability of finance forsectors heavily impacted bythe Covid-19 crisis, includingthe healthcare industry. This,in turn will help the privatesector to contribute toeconomic recovery.“Standard Bank recognisesthe importance of embeddingsocial, economic andenvironmental considerationsinto its lending decisions andbusiness practices. Weacknowledge that its successis intricately linked to theprosperity and wellbeing ofour clients and the societies inwhich we operate,” Fuzilesaid.The transaction complementsthe Covid-19-relief measuresalready extended to clients.By the end of May, StandardBank had provided R92 billionof relief to individuals, SMEsand commercial clients inSouth Africa across 285 000accounts. In addition, R11billion was provided tocommercial clients in AfricaRegions across 14 000accounts. Restructures forcorporate clients had beenconcluded for eligible clientswith risk exposuresamounting to approximatelyR30 billion.

Standard Bank signs Covid-19response loan with IFC AMAHLATHI

S.P.C.A. / D.B.V

AGM22 July 2020

Due to Covid regulations, we willhold the AGM via Whatsapp

Jacobs LornaPrecious sister called to herheavenly home 11 years ago

23rd June 2009 when a loved onehas to part, it leaves a wound thatnever heals, my heart still archeswith sadness and my tear flow

when I speak your name.I hold you close within my heart

and there you will remain until wemeet again, gone but not forgotten.

Lovingly remembered by yoursister, Jenny

In memory

CLASSIFIEDS The views and opinionsexpressed in letters orcolumns to The Bugleare not those of The

Bugle, Printer, Publisheror their staff.

Responses will bepublished if necessary.WE ONLY PUBLISHLETTERS WHICHHAVE THE FULLNAME, I.D. AND



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BOWLS MONEYStanding over the braai lastSunday a money making ideafor the Bowls Club struck me.There was a swirling breezewhich made avoiding thesmoke difficult. Soon I beganto smell like an igloo warmedwith a whale-fat fire.And I thought that the marketfor male deodorant is not ex-ploited. We need to develop adeodorant which would allowus to perspire on the greenwithout giving offence to Bet-tie, Lyn, Heather, Emily, To-ets, Suzi, Bronny, Debbie, Jill,Daph, Di, Dalene, Mary in ab-sentia, and any lady who putsin her tab. Then we market it.This deo needs to have fra-grances that enhance the im-age of the New Man: whocooks for the family, is kind tothe children, tolerant of thewife and mistress, indulgent tothe dog, prepared to washdishes, hang out the laundryand go shopping for vegeta-bles. But this deo must alsoexude an aura of muscularmasculinity; strength withcompassion, grace underpressure, love with his ballsshot off and kindness to smallfluffy animals. We could con-jure up a variety of braaismells. This choice of under-arm aroma will suit the men inour club. Each man has a dis-tinctive stink which the braaismoke deo will improve. Thiswill make the man easier to beclose to in a non-social dis-tancing on the rink and in thebar.1. Thornwood Mist: acaciaaroma for the discerning manof culture (Frans de Klerk).

2. Yellow Wood Waft: the tangof the fallen forest giant for thewoodsman (Mervyn).3. Briquette Bonanza: B O forthe Macho Man keen on quickmeat and unlimited beer(Knucklehead).4. Carpentry Offcuts: resin re-action for the DIY man (Vic).5. Wattle Wood: exotic mias-ma for the Godfather Figure(Ivor).6. Cowdung Patties: for theman who smells like hesmokes his own floor (themystery man lurking near theladies’ loo).7. Wet Willow Wood: the lin-gering aroma of “Rub of theGreen” to attract attractive la-dy skips to his tube of Grippo(Brian in Port Alfred).8. Sandalwood Wood: for thatspecial, enigmatic aroma. Thiswill be the piece de resistance,an intimate deodorant for men,called “On the Ball” (compul-sory for all male members).9. Copies of the Constitution:recycled pulped wood smell(Gordon).10. Natal Knobwood: knobki-errie in aspic aroma delicatelysuffused with cigarette after-burn to add piquancy to thearmpit (Willie).11. Gum Tree Chips: for thefaint odour of eucalyptus andthe rabbi in the bush (Bushcat).Etiquette # 9: Never, but neversay “thank you” if your oppo-nent happens to give the shotaway. Rather say, “ha ha hardluck”.

at the King Bowling Club withBowling