friday, price four ck.nts. * v°'xxjliv.n°. 10,531. new ... · mmtdi», a portfolio....

"* V°'"XXJLIV.N°. 10,531. NEW-YORK. FRIDAY, JAJNUARY 1, 1875.-TR1PLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CK.NTS. FOlUilGN NEWS. ALFONSO PKOCLAIMKD KING OF PrAIN. DECLARATION IN Bl FAVOR DY TtW AKMIK8 or TiiK riout am- UJ1U MiMH skkrano AND TIIK MINWTKY SAID TO àOQOIWW A BR¬ UI M Y KOKMKI)-AUONKO TO 1HOCEKO TO SPAIN lMMi:WATKLY-A NKW MIM8TUY AXN01TN0KD. Faris, Thursday, I>ce. 81,187*. A telegraphic di«r»tch received id this city from lUln.l. nmler te-day'« date, »aye that Triuce Al¬ lon*.. MM of <-v Q ienbella.ha« 1», on proclaim«! KiuKi.f Spam, aud is recognized by all the forcea eompriMnir the arum 9 of the North and Coûter. Additional diapatehea from Spain state that Prince AMbmoIum bara Invitai to vssit the Army of the K\.rfl>. The «hil» in tho harbor of Santander have hoisted lh«. royal «a«. M ir« h al Serrar 0 acquiesce«. Tke Minister of the Interior kM «eut the folio* uig dispatch l-> the Govi tnota of the Provn nee : AJfOBMtM Twtifth li»" becnuiiauiroou«'.) proclaimed Kibk \ tlie tattoo, army, and Ministry. A Recency bus bo*n futiad uuder tbe lVe.ldeoey i-f Oonovaa I>el- MMtdi», a portfolio. We hope your patriotism «tr induce yon firmly to maiotelD tue «treat iuture.ii« oonttded io ron. The Alfonettlat« consider that Carlisni bas ro emc<¡ a deatb-bl >w. Ki Queen Isabella has received the following dis- p»t< bet All Mm revon have rc-j.. n l<-d enthnslaoMoally to tbe prinltlUJatiOU. I'RIMO DK RtVKBA, Ótatela (lew ral »1 M .<:nd. We pr.iv rest Majeetyts transmit tbeaswsts your .on \., rout»! slate )«>u ou this Kraud triumph Btaasfod »i im .i bloodel 'I m tob --rain is atañed t>v On. Primo de Rivera ¦odC« rai DekaetiUo. laabella, la rerpaoea te- tLe.H- diapati lu a v- ni i a f illowing telegraaj : l!, k¡, pi -, di l" Bp it" I. AL' oao baa telegraphed to the l'ope asking hi« ¦ ami romiala* tbal be will. Ule his aaeea- d ti <. right« of tin Holj see. Km Miui irv annouaoed at-follow»: t \ tfli AffallU. of Jj-t-ce. Jo.. Bl Of War. K M DMtei ol glosses, W na, l(ia m> i ol M .mu H..I. i of Um Interior. ¦yaka, Miru-t( r of Um (Moa a AUosse did not paa through Pari bat baa »one lo pair. ntl. ».. ile «rill embark eitbei at Cadia <>i Vakocia. du. Campo« has entered Valencia at t troopa that were tent lo oppoaebim whi ii ti. pi innounced foi Alfonse. ii.. Carlia! leadera Carregaray, Aharcy, and ¦there luvt- « utered Cafaluaia. BABTARDBa, Thursday I>o. 81. 1S74 Tiie Governoi ol .Santander. h;u> reeigued. The towi, in»' uavj i- favorable t<> Prince «Alten*.. Marshal ttcrrano h^- «one to Madrid. 1'AlllH. Til ITI I iv. Ii 31. 1971. The Spanish Contal at It ui ti lladaroe, Depart- mont ni i,i.:c a. Orientalee* nae informed tbe «ob- Paefeetef Bayonoe that Donna Bianca, wife of Don Altona^, ¡iioili i of Dea Carlos, lu« eroaaed the frontier into Spain and proceeded toward Seo de I i| LoiukiV Fndav. Jan. 1.f:M a. m. Tht Timtf'» ft xr\ a«Mxad< nt at Pans telegraph«te t: .: paper be bal li .<i an Interview with A': iii that city. Ha «fated tbal be waa i. m -im for Spain, hut it waa nee« foi lam to await a ditreteh * hi« b ia He bad expected the new miation. Hi* mother will remain , |Je concluded follo«r« : "1 «muottbe i. My ministry will be composed of «ne:« of ..1; -iia-l«¦-." _ THI MW MINISTER.«. Among the new ministen tlicro aro none of ««o'Ki« ni pi to any lodwutiou of the pt Uki ty t" Ik- followed outside of that whkh reoulH froiu ti i Ir .i Iberenee to tbe di w dynasty. In this coun- tr> i'¦ Dame wtateb most knew« la that of Bettor Jo- P .«im «i mral of Cuba at the time of th<- captan <>f ttie Virginia« and the anbacojaenl a y late». Tbe loin iii i!«>iy » «' Mi »t time secure 1 f r him a .ovoratte p .'. V iited Stale«. At the time .bat wa» superseded by the preaeot Oorero «ral <'tii« di bi Con««*, he bad dont mach It mi; i. pi (be OudlUofl of ulTtirn in Cuba. UK .' PROBLEMS IN FRANCE Till «;i i^i:i.\ ii * REOROANtZATIOM OJ HU Mi- ! OBTS TO l'.IOl A (Mia ¦¦TWEEN K11 I ! lil NI «.Hot Pfl <>l lill. A^-^l Mill \ -an lA-iiHc'iAMUM, BBTWXEa nu. l«'i(l\- 111- I --wa '.\ l/>Ni>oy Tbartdar Dee.n,llf4 77«« Tinet't ¦- di«patob kum- that the question .of a rearrangement of tbe Ministry, whether tbe tout Lim between tbe Govenun .it andtberepre- ive« «i tbe van ins grout* in tbeAaaembly ¦acot-i ¡* or,fails baa reached a aettlcmenl in tbe «rent of the failuri ol ti.« eonferenoi thi modifica¬ tion of tbe ( id 11 : will tesi oompleteand witb- «li t political sigu hcance, i'AKis, Thursday, Pre. si. IS74. Tbe proposition for tbe creation oía Senate «.is tia « li f m I... 11 .if din«- lotion at the meeting in ] the Palace <n tin EJysée yesterday between the Of the Maaistrj and tlKl^e of the varions troups in tbe Aaseaably. All the Depntiei ¦red ti..! it wa« laapoaslbk to separate the .»te bil) from the other constitutional luwa. MM. Dufaun andLs m8aj insisted thal provlaion I be madi foi the transmission of Marsh ti Maetfahon's . powers, ren -t ft. r the termination of the Septennats Pb< Deputies representing the Right replied that '. t! « Beptennab na« merelynersgnaLwberenpoa Mar- ¡ «'.al " observed flint, abookl anytLimr su i«i lum 1:.. country, being without an or- tta r m. it, would pass tbroagh a tarribbi UTI» s i^ Th. Kui» rAnditfret-Paaquier remarbed that th« question of traiismbwion eoaM lu- again examined ia», wbenit might possible to And some ki and upon which to eomprstnise. Another meet- mi' « ill be ber*d 01 Saturday, I Tin /oaraal '< ¦ ¡><>mu says that an anders! "betwe.ii tn. ti o ('«-iikihis pottible, ».lit if« It will he iii.lej,. adeotly of the li >rht. 'POUCI «», GERMANT TOWARD TILK \ VATICAN. 1 ti- rosmo» Mi«« a m w »mr moot* huid if KW1 KI.« «...Mir.;, j,y A «JAiOtaWl m 11 ROPKAJ ei" Bancas, Bl HiiK, TDtrsday. De« II, 1«« -ni 1. .le of I'rinee JliMiiar. k of Ma> a "j i< .ni m ii c Mutet scpsiou of tn. von Arum, .im that ¦ bow l'ope, if not «searabMd by a ma . low n iga«, seal 1 .-. io be m -1 ¦! I .1 b1 ti.« nun j,-,»,,,. 1 j,.. , blaaop ' at tin oenossi or sayreval «<f hit tiov* «r rill FAMINE IN as'\ MINOR ¦** r »'nu ii -i m. ro iv. ki iai nu ktoa mihi. » m ". the f..mine in Asia J M";'" l put« .t Hie. »an.,, ' 1. atoaaga ellmau ead ¦.- rl 1.1. grátale lae»Ahme. aid 1 .. lbs «aartality. RE(\rpBOCITT v. mi (AVAHA asM.t 1 m>,Nh t> rivoiiu nu pbokmbd mbatt. bjnATHRoy, })tx, 3i.-'H,e Bonn] 0! Trade .I Ibu. olaws bald t.vlt>»»eui»« to «luy and patted a rtaoll .a» btvor mi raei viroeJlr tuibwJitd iU m, propoatd tn »ty. A large and Influential meeting wan el«o held at Ayr to hear the view» of Jaroe« Tuan«, M. P on the treaty. A resolution iii uuanitnously passed In It» favor. . m 8TRIKE OF COLLIKU8 IN MOTH WALES. London, Friday. Jan 1.J a BV Sixty thousand colliers In South Wait « ha\ o struck work lu oonecqucuce of a redaellou la ihelr wages. FORETON NOTES. Hamburg, Dec. 31.The Uiver Elbe is closed by ice. Havana. Dec. 31..The insnrffents in the jn- rtsdtettoaof TiltsCtera have tunned tin« Margarita an>t Aloetlrhe« pi IBtOttOOl and MMMltod tr avilei S, Havana, Dec. 81..Cwiiip to the recent fires in Havan«, tur foreign RMNM rómpanle* have rained their pi ennuin« »hont *n per ceut, aud kavo adopted uni form rates of premium. Vienna, Dec. 81..In consequence of a very lieavv full of flow many railway« in Austria have wholly or putt If discontinued traill .. Fright traffic at a Stand-Stl broilt'lnut Hie country. CommunU¦li¬ tio ii between il.,B city and Prague emiix-iy luu-r- rupted. Trieste ii" Isolated. London*. Dec, 81..Navigation on the River Humher auovo Hull is «Miope! by ice. TBC harbor Of Qonle, ra the Ouïe, cloned. V 'ft le* hinder-* Hi¦« M1 Igstlonof the Timmen. Tin ml way» in West* ru El c1 un. .mM 'i >kc tiii-iiow. boiue local Wueti have sus¬ pended trafilo altogether. THE LOUISIANA INVESTIGA ¡IOS. TESTIMONY OF TUE CHIEF OF THE WHITE LEAG1 E. GEN. OOPEN EXFLAUffl THE ORGANIZATION* AM» OBjaCM OK IHK WHITE UCAQUB lill; OKI Uti- ZATloN rO» UKI Î-VS1V1: PUKPOSIfl uNT.Y.WHAT THE 1.EAGIE DID <»S H.Pi. 14-<il.N. OGDEN AITIIKI" 1" BOB PlMTi <Tto\ BY M OU«HW. Kkw-Oui.eans Deo, ¿ti..At 11:10 thUmorn- lue the ' OBgreesloasl Committee reaaaeiniih d ii of the Cr?. Circuit Court. A lari>c number of apsclatora were prenciit. The firm witmns eallel wax Gea. F If. Ogdea, who raid: I am eommarding offloer ol tin- White League la ikMeJty; Hie object awl purposes of the Walis Lesgue are eli Bri» defined in their OOM. it nli'm. (TIM MOStltil« UoBwaaben sabmlttedaad poad.) Wltuoas oootiBued : Our argaaliatioa to «imply for defeastvc parpóse»; the condition of ntTiir« in L>uiM:tu.t called for «urn un or¬ gan.ïiimu ; It was established In July, lh7t. and we called it a While Leagns becanee we <.<) ihi only r w Urw-u white pcopli lUonr cou HtlOB with t>o itn'.il ni el Pt *£¥* nothing todo; min«- Cityol Ni -¦. Orleana our roll will eall from j,'." toj^aopawu; laoveergsuii out of tin fe two regimsBta ol lufoati '¦' ".*-. '¦¦¦'¦ "f :" "'" len; we have offlcen lor Hum- reglaMBts; UOV. Pi iii. ami.or r d men to orgsnuo a mllltis a boa he waa mt mt (,.-\ en.oi. [ waa ander Gor. P bb'b nrd»ra on Ibe utb of êeptember ¡ aome of toe organ Ballona uow are ui iiímI; I f.ii'l my how runc'i, I Luve no1 received my reporta we bave bo artillery, only '»hat we ma»ie ourselves for the nth of September; anuís o' to« arm» capture on t.o 14 ii of Beptetobet aere captured hi parties outside ol Bj command« those Ituuirdlalel* under my command took non* ol tin- captured gun»; of those outside pnitleawbo took the arana hare aluee rep rted, and claim lo i>" mi mot r0 of the Wbltc I I don't kno» the strength of ih- Learn i In the pariait i- Mr. Phelp».Immediately on toe organisation of the League it assume l a military i h ursoter bad o armory; the guns beld by the members el the Cr areol t it\ Wiiii League wert obtained hy themselves; we haye bad ?ery irregalar met tinga since tin u n ol Sop- lember; we have other eompentoa who I sue meei often ; 1 have Issued no orders ««¡nee the nth nf Septem¬ ber regarding drill ; olli-ei« of the eoaijiinv MU. ii to thal: I sometime* prevented drill; we have no ann nea tint I know of ; the League h ia not mi t iat< ly ti i dlsoatslon the last meeting w<«s slmuf two week* igo ; i a meeting ol the Creaeeol < ity w te lull, the meeilngwaa'to {tit funds ton y lbs eipenaei ol rr »oeanlon bel l after the etoetion ; we alto paaaed reaolutbinaof ti n-tnterference sith the Be Inrmug Dotrd; this club waa really only s club of tn- I. ague organisation ; our elah ha« taken no political iteiw since tbe 1Mb of September ; we passed bo resolu¬ tions hinting that any member luoulJ dtoeiurge any uejrro wiio roted lae K puuln iu ticket; we bad so pledge that snj body abould \ n;u any psi Ucular tn tel before elscü d i summoned my «-i iii" ¡md a few other gentlemen to tak" nt» j.h to police the city* ou th" ii ol Nivmi.ik! I ill? hd my command m,i> three diymlon«, one under the i im maud of Cal. Deban, another ander Col. Gwynn, and a tbird under Mai i --. they were to pi- e ii m<su near each poil to pre \ 11 dlaturbaneea; I dil tbla beoaaae I wan told fbai tuk< a io reate i o, barrel ; the Lsagaea in the State are not ander mv eoinmand though i bell« »e they would obey me if I tanned ordi i tntii i-i no federal or central orgtmsttlon ; I be usagm exlated In one of (be northern pansbes of the Ktate before in Hcw-Orlean«; Ido nu: know that any Republican is s member of our club; ag Ottoman who W1* in the F di val atinv foil in with Mon I ho lit li of September; New-Orlesm li not as presperona in bnai- i> heretofore; ibe decline of prosperttr in Kow- Ortoaos la owing to oar Administrations ¡ mi ne of o ir with ¡'i i- hi t" < ii taken away bj St, i, ila don't ki-jw win t..-r the lobs of uur Ti \.ih trade la tne esnssof the deollse; my men intormed me that asouy min roted lbs ConaerratlTe ticket at tbe élec¬ tion many colored mt ti <. mu- ha me tur protect) ii from Kcpuh .mi- atti i tbe election, and I save it lo them. lo Mr Potter.1 put oat mon ob election dsy to pre- reatdisturbance,sa snytblug of kind would be construed Into intimidation ; tbe orgoai! it ion grew oui of Um condition of our uffiirs here; oui people were in terror of th« Metropolitan polo/', who committed out¬ rages snd wera »eut ont luto the parmhen toexernte the ordern of the unlit patton tho UetropolitOI Brigade were ali armed the> turned out on the street« and drilled « iih at ni« ; theie wau a Lecro milli it company I heard then- was ¦ li1 lok LsagOO, bal never g.vw it. To Mr. Foster.On the 14th of Hepteiuoer we went out on tbe streets to gat arma batoogiag to thutwei. oa iioard a aliip ; the police wore on the ley<-r, and as we were going to get arnnt I was informed of the advan- o of the pobos 1 tin ii I formed my line of battle; the v* bite League waa not an srgsalsatioa fsrmud for the parpóos of helping the Democrstlc p.i-ty helped both partie« m pi egan i m po-tee; the ¦ssetlBg luid that day demanded the sbdioo- t.. B of the Qoseraateatj I wsisetutglo osnei n « th Up «¦¦m of Um purposes of tbe orgoaisaUoa ob tun be liUi was to get these ann»; the l/mgai um nut hw mi Durpoaes; I scted, not with th. Com mitti eof H cmj. int »utiu committee of itiz.-n«. mj parpóse t m u mug w-.n- a pt art rm one. Potter.We surrendered the State H«u«e to Col. K o ik during Pi nn'i Governorship tim city w.,s r quiet i«'iitii h »n< pretty much divided on the lund« effttK to gain over some ¦.r toe oolorea rote, al used bo loUmldatioo; it tbe Federal i.ovi-iniiii-ni had not iBterfered wo wouid have had por- feet quiet her ¡dunn« tbe f-w da>.i o; tn« Penn Uov- ernmeal I da no1 lev.- h wmiid barrs heeu prudent lot a mun to i xpi< um s> npathy with tho Kellogg Uovuiu- uii-Lt ou a. < ount of heexcitemeoM Gea. Ogden was iked, un the coneiiihloo of lnnevi- dence hy Mr Potter te forolsh the nauie«»r Ui.-m-gi© men who called on I m fur proie, non, wiiu-u he did. TF-TI I iNY or JAM) S I KWI*. James Lewis (coh vdi, late city Adouotosratar,lestl fled that lie wa« ai | lainted with the condilli n of the ally; thej ate Repabttoansj don't think > ou cm ti: < ii out of a hundred who are Demo¬ krat« more voted ibm Démocratie ucket into siectiea than m f.ire Mr, ii ri OSOBa are BSSlgBOd for the eiin-e of in. tiaiige in ti Ir vote, but I believe the principal «m ia that taey w >r stntk] ..f losing tbetr aliuatiou«- there jysa no »eel i organlsition amen g tho colort-ij neopli koewofi tea-Mis why the whites an»ul4have reared Beare i*or« never "aw colored nan 1 .ir mg who no1 in long io the mi ma¬ lbon «re ob! lb Bl half a d / n j I '-ii e Third War); then- ty«.re .,.ii ft the in". ir.e ¦- v,-iitii, eu ,,, i JaenjiM'i'atM lub t< t ii|-. u p Ipei. U0I in re ,m ,,,, BSV n nil '':. re v * a Di.or«tie club ooaal ting ii i, llieyi lu Hie ii ¦ a y lim, tiling BliOUl l.tli vol 1 !<m ' il iel i sol.r ih-nu toi i, vosodibe V-MJii i tirkel wrsppnd upi. .u^.-ií, IUVS mill 101 "t lelug d ,, bwllevod iMiiii :. . -.i i.nui v.ii ¦ewonk i wnu apuolotmenu¡ ii u ki ¦Arf'ut m .i,' w .* an, ti.. ¦, had >.< u .ido reí to « Um Ii i-«- ... s - noel i fe voted tu-- Ki (mi.u «au tul.-i s. ie -.| ni, ii,¿ D-« at «vei y . pi .i e WB< irOSSBI e nil..i.i.l .I n m ti HTM! »i ni i M I. n I i BU -. ,;' i «ffi!.¦« of i*, pide«. 1'iiiMi t.-Mtui diUutUietlec ttoai» Ahwaadrl> p-iesadoaTsjatoUp; tu rswAsseoai iiiiii, of i n.Xed htati i lafaotr] saoassjM I to to sa larg, nun aunad» of* BstdtolB were m ut to f.nir polling places la the pat.uti UM day prscogiog toa ok tina wa|orBol bog'i ivid m St liad muru'tn'ü» io fnruuh troon* whenever reqnired hy tbe Rcpuhllran party: ¦¦ii Nura were thrown out by lb« Roturn- in< Ilou-rl ; Mr. ltav .'lit. r...| a pniteet analast Ave txixe* In tim parish. Tbere no MOM ortauli i- tmu in Ki.pi.n«* Parish. I aildreaaed the coloree peo- pl« by Invitation. Tweniy-«even rolnr»<l mno on my plantation voted the Conservative ticket; there was no Intimidation j a F. dirai officer mid mo It was the «jnl.-lent e et lion bo erer saw ; the entered people voted Ih'i Conservati v* ticket tvoails* of lbe Inefficiency of tin- prêts si ni kstti wo prend ed them protection ia all their richi* if we were -nccc-fiil in the ; there m a »trout: attachment hetwceu the cnlored m sa mi.I Ina old master; «bum ISO wini«, and ino r..l ir.'l per S..11S m tbe parish abstained from «otUkCJ the Hapcr- vimr of Registration lol.l um soreral lim s thai the (lection wa« a fair one. Mesara. U. W. 8t.ff.ird and John Tresrott of Rapides Pariah were examined, Mi« ir testimony a-ibstantially '.« muí/ the stateni «nts of dpi. ff !..«. (.. I. K«lao of It .jn h'K r irish w ia alan hef, r«- n.«- OoMtBIliee. Ite li a cidoied Hi ttes im,or. II.- caul mere wa* Inuiui- «I.ill.m lu tureata to dise li irire Tiny di 1 not have, a Itepiihlican in «Uoc IB th- pirlh ou account of tha bad Ieellog ¡wolii-t them alni too fear that liny w mid 0" broken up av violence. The Oom ml ti ee torn au) laraed to moat at nie parlor of tim Mt. c tortea Howl at 8 p. m. WASHING ION. THE "STRAW BID" SYSTEM. POPTMAHTKli-OI NTItAI, JIWI.I.I. DKT1 KMIVFD TO iiitr.AK up Tin; iTlTWkl TTia contkactuks in OBBQON INKOUMKl) THAT TIH'tlt C'HAKHK.S AI!K TOO OJOB.PBOBABtUTT THAT THIS I'llICE W1IJ. BE LABOBXY Ki mci n. IDT TKI.BHIAIMI TO THE TRtnOVE.I, De. n..The PostinatteT-General has taken li dil ol tile "mu aw hid" question in eir:- nectiou willi Miine of th« pi nu ¡pal route- In the Western State« and ivin'. rite witta great earnest¬ ness, and ins action to- lay iii regard t«. the tontee in Otsajonraai he taken indicating bis coane with all the usf. On investigating, he found that Hen. Holladay, and Itailow, Saudi ison &. Co., have been aide control immense contráete 'at high ratea through a sy tem of "straw bids,''ami he I ,lh in¬ formed them that wiiilo their hi«ls for next year« service in Oregon aro the lowist responsible ones, In considers the price too high, uni will not pay it ; that lie will not allow bia iKpaitmcJt to he ham¬ pered bj wbal be knows fall well is a ring. Think¬ ing they h.«I tue 1) partaient at th ir mercy, too eoutractora coolly informed him thal if he did not accept Heir tormr, they wonld discontinue the service. Not a hit alarmed thereat, he reolii 1 that he should roadver- tlae the mute and see that responsible bnhlm« got an opportunity to mi! h inorante romp ¦¦ ttion. T«i- daVi .alor Mitch di <. ilh*l np ra Mr. Jewell to re¬ monstrate with ni h ros leeting bia proposed action lo fur the performante of the aervb rho senator stated that such a coarse would eno- lume valuable time, aim, in the mean time, Bollada* mia!?' iv'utv to »rrj the mails si all, and the people of Oregon?eajVcialiy ip tin;'.-¿j.¦..'¦:) PKt-tbe rvote now luyn.r mi\«'«1 bj HoIlailaT.would BiifTer for «rant of muil facilities Mr. Jewell replied thal be though! ÍHJOOa da} waa t«..i ram li to ia».? for "*> miles f stage coacta m rvicc, and that ii co ii I be done for Ivas, and that he wa. «I t r.nnu«l to have it done fir ranch le*«. " li,if," «.«id the Senator, " how can it he d me T fhese mon bave atock, eoacbea and other fjciliti s to ". . ahead, and no one els,.'' " Will, ci p is« 1 should s.-nil t'le mill bj aii«.fin i route f wai the sn»wer. "Well, then," saul the Senator, "the ne .al.' w i.ihl no1 get their mail in aeaaouable tin.-." Th. i, assu'uing an air more pat..mi/in¦.', he Bail; "Mr. Jewell, I am no1 In¬ terested in these ni i. I uppoal only for the people of Oregon, you will nut cause d. lay by a re* a U. ii «ii.« nt ol mutes'' Mr. Jewell, in reply. stat« «i i.'i it be k ii .v tu aerviee waa in tb hand- «>f a ring, aud thai iw would break u up it ho had to 1er tbe m ills of Oregon mt.f >r s month. Asa result, it o, li li. -.1 tbal Hollada* and Uarlow.Bun At Co. will cart] mails st a mun greatly reduced Lo a tin ii-'.n i p s nted m the bid. If thej uo not, some one c's.« will bereafti r d i the work, WASniNnTtlN NOTES, Basmikotom, rhonda*, Dee, ii 1874. The mutter of fam-p.ii la.ion of gooda .II limul Iron Ouuadate Um Hulled But««, m »eil a-«if domi tie gooda passing throusb I iii la transit, savias beea fully dis 1. .. h. iii Ti-« isa i' ouV-lals, Ineludl'ig ex- (i i. \y ,- .li ii ii «.f M «ni 0.1 th.' p ir; «ii th <; »vii 11 iii.-lit, .m Mr .1 I). l ». " h par! of the ranoui rai'wai s, .1 nun 11 ii a.1.1« ¡«i.i.i lilli; nu bee« developed* thal no,','i:,: in ir Uai boon rarnedoa lo toy exteut, aud in.a toe mi« 1-s; of te« (J iveru meal is Ideal Mai wi'ii t Hr <.f tee railway «'.upan.- roe fact* thal ib'-ir « h, h ibruuaii txaibu «i v> ni- upon .1 l...> 1 in .1 v, i, .1 nu Uov mur . nu 1 in it «'\ rv employé nu¬ il 11 m h ii-,, p s mu io u peud apoa tl-n-uty te lb« Company ' luleieal. reader amaaelinii lu r.r« n> xt to an 1 11 po si lum ,, and tin i- Iori 1 :..- Utfvernmeul will te lal is » i'.Hk' .1 m-i.-i.-, ,1 ,,1 me ir tbe will continu* without ud] tinta m luterrup wu,otasi niau anal ibo san y ni lue Bleut «leinai.'l-. Al 111 SUagof lue ii nu'iv nisi I: irced emplees 01 tin WaeaiBgtoii Xu) v 1 (.' i .1 p tulon «m adopted oddreeaed to Vuotfreaa Bakiua ibat oeuofl Mag bo taken bv wiiiiii ibej »inili i>. provided wuh employment, 1 Den t i. nue in. ra- '. - and fa Dili« . it nu ruir r- liu'. A rorr ipoudeueo W'is dtr eted te b3 opened wi D ¡><i e- ut utaer N.ij-Yaid- lu order io aaesra lllU.I C op«! al IO .. O ii.e 16 11 ni J mu «rv the llaard of Civil Service Et- umiii'i i in lae lu:« um Ii parino nt will liol I a public («uni. .'Hine el Ullina, nu tur the of tillinc one or more va« nu lbs erad« of Tatrd AaatstautEx- aiiuu 1m 1 nu I'.ioiii-O.tli;.. Tula cxinTiiii lou .ni' in brid III allict.l..u,e BjltB til*- <>\il Service nile«, nuil will be opea to all wau Ulo appliciaiou* uolmo J .11 i.u 1 r.. ah ni" dejiartments closed to day at noon to five the employé, opportunity to prepare for Be« Y«ar'». IXVlJy AFFAIRS. THEABBE9CI 0i" IRIBato HioM HiLIlt BX8EB- VAiitlN-. Wasiiin'-.ton, Dec.81..The following circu¬ lar i«-ii er io Huporiol mdeiit« ami Af-nt« of Hie lu«!,.m DepartmtBt ha» Jost been issued by th«' Hurnuuof In dlan ArT.1.1 . : Washh-'.iov. i) (., De«, it, i»:,. Rift: Many eomtlainis uaviu« fioin lime o tins iij in ii im-. ni «¦ in coB«eq argot of nie nose nee from their mi van..ii-« .«f vartoua bsudsuf Indian* ami tim actual uni nireuuiii d ilepredatloni reiuitiuf Iberefr nu, li is ii«-, in« .| Beoeaaarj tua In« 111s ni«'.lons embodied in (roulai I. I'm i<> ludia k iiii-ruiii'ii'iini- Bad A.i'iiin, >- i.-ii iiu'ier data "i Oiii. U, 1873, forbidding lb« eiei rt*S "f "u. h ru Ullin: propeiuiiiea on tim part of lu- «tena, sii,mid be repeated, with c. n«iu «radi- ti ".*'.' 11 -, M lieieiiiaflor lu«llcalcd. You aru I11- euucti «I te nu If« tin- atTcral bunds or nu..« <f Imiians iiu.ier Muir aupervistua that lucy 11 oal eui ti it t ken m iftmuBta m no«y m ítala the limits «it in. r re-p. «.uve reotrvalloea ; that limier uo pretest ILillsl t.iei toort Hi«: same WltboUl a s|«.-i-ial p. ruin ni wmtaa frew las Bgesi m aap«*rinteudeat. Bad tasl so aucli jM-i uni «iii 1..1 granted ny lue iiK'.'ut or «iiiieriii li UUeUI rxcept it »indi bt in.oln to uj.p ,11 lo lils .-.»lls- f.nll.111 111 it ne issu ine h iir tue H ailie «w11 Inure lo tlio i.f toe applicant or t.pji n\iut-, mid will lu no evcni tin likely prove Ulsan 1 julakeous to Hie «Ils- iipiiii«- ol tin- tetVtee. Tue luieicuauK» i«r visit« h tu« en il.ti nut parlies or Im,ids ol Iu«H.i.i> l.'-lilluif «ni lexTvaiiuiis atdoly aoparstod fiom eu. h tti« r i* oii- J«-clioiiable, espetltlll lu «m s w icre me rou | of Iraw I 1, um one reservn lo the BUMS OSCfWl ile* fi«'.|ii«-ut con- l.icl vi ah wini«' s. J ins or minim: illslnc'.s. Wi.emiei II shall OodOMBOd eillier necessary or Juill- ti .11» lo «rant a riuu of lue «nar...'iel above nien- liniied,' aiipilcutiou slmulil be ni.nts before tbe isn lamí'i,t Hie «x-ruili in lin- ..iHuiauilliii: officer ol Hie nearest Illili.uri turn, «lui will Iiiruisll a »Ililli It lil uiiar«! uf avldlen to a«'« uinpany un.l nuiaui willi IBS ludlaua al mug tbey remalu wilbla IB« wmt- Bettie« in« ii-, wb 1 wi r i| iir.- Uttlf jiassu^o throiiiih aacb n 11. an i.« i»- .«- kui «litioiiH .s puoaible, k*ea wni oudeavoc bj avery meooa 11 yo.«r ji««ir le Impreai .i.hi.1 inc ib« luna.!. Um argesl BoeeoaityeX' hating fur « siii.i co,ui> 1 in« h wini iii.*> laatruen'ma, in. warn them »,m,mi in«; prut«-« imii gBareaieed «i.iiii o> su. ,1 willi 11 p. muí Mini military«.' or » m tbey ,,rc liaom to be looked «poa ami Ireated ia>unio banda. 1. i' bmitm, «'»luui.'aMiicr. à rBOBPECT FOB mi: i.iii.m. of Till: roma BA1LBOAU LAW, Uitwm ¡iii:, Dec. ;:i.-u umi, i itood tliat iiiia.. puiic, linn.- a 1 ai fin am ass of nie inen,!., ri of the l.e^isl iture. «bl. li meets OS Jan. J1. lo .ne irlaia their v> «if tii.'l'iit.i Law, .-idnishiiia the rams 1er ptaaesgen ami fa-agbia. in.y are vor] r«4tesate«te tbciesulUof Hil« canvass, hut it is iwiieM d that a .te i.le.l inijoriiv Is m Lum uf rtaoolug Um law. She i.ici that must of the small rails», luirrpnai a tu me ntaleare in ileaperalo fluaui lal an aila, «ill, u B) Be¬ lieved, hav«. jfrcit llitliK'Bie ill the rep 'aUOf of lue law, as alao Hie slaalialiou hu» oveflakau hunneil mu ibroukbuul ibo autv. TUE VIÜKSBUKQ MOT. THE C0NQRE8SiON\L INVESTIGATION BEOOV. TESTIMONY OF MAYOR 0*LBABY AND fl«N. MITXER, COMMANDER Of THE WIDTH FOKCR8.DgrAlI.KU STATEMENT OK THE ORKMN AND COIJIINATION op the Titorni.E. ni« n Arruta not fought ON THE inl.oK UNE.NO UITTBRNWW BETWEEN THE FORMER KI.AVE-IIOfMUM AND THE BLACKS. Vickshuro, Dec. 81..The Conrrresaional In¬ vestigating Committee arrived yesierday, and met to day In the Court-house, tho full Committees being liri «cut, with the ('munn in, Mr. Conger, In the Chair. A liuuihtr of pronilnent ritiz «n* were jire«eut. IBStlMOBT Of MAYOR o'l.KARY. Mayor O'L'ary was the first w11 nena examined. Ile ntated that the pullen force of the city was not Increased until after the figut or Dec. 7, and that bin proclamation issued on that dar, and heretofore aeut In tiiese dis¬ patches, waa ¡,I al 8 o'clock, p. in. In reply to it BoaattOB hy air. Conger, lie said tho proclamation waa issued lieeausu the one i««ned hy (Joy. Ames wa« unfair, and calculated to excite the people. On Hundiiv, Dee. 6, Crosby, tho colored Shi riff, carne to lum ¡«ud told bim mat the colored people in the conntry wi re very much excited shout his being pat of office, and asked bim to assist, him in preserving the peace, which ne promised lodo. Almut 3 o'clock i a morning Dr. Shannon uni two other pcatlcaaoB sa. to hi« hou«e, woko bim np, and told him that ariaed bodies of negroe« were '.ch¬ ing on the city. Ho told l>r. Shannon to I ave the Court¬ house bell and Hr.-'" ¡In rung so as te arouse tho peuple, though un had heard so uiauy sue i rumor« thai ho thought little of them ; but aoout 8 o'clock Dr. Hunt carno to Inui and reported that 300 or 40J arm.! J murun« were mari ulng on the city hy tin« Oiove .- road. Hu then leaned kui ptoetora mon, ofderlag thoa to iil«pers»» uni re; ii n to I holt homes, aud « -a PoUeOBMB \V Imli and Mayes to meet the negroes and read the proeluniailou IO In-Ill. Tuey hail Willie handkerchiefs on sticks. They returned at ubou*. B| o'clock, and reported thui^the BagfOI s had Hied on lu -io, and would not allow them to a, prt ach. lu Dr. Conger.Wera they both sent, on the same road I a. T e negroes won reportad spproaehtag on Ualdwiii'« Parr) si I Han'« f rry road W< lok wen: oo toe former and Hayes ob the tatter* they had the proclamation printed on posters. (¿. D d tt.ev moko on ofltotol report 1 A. Did not nee them till sttoraoOB, win ¡i Welsh isportod that they had ti.eil un linn also that III.- BOgTOSS ««eine.I to be llgnt- lng themselves, aud wen« In cnnfuslou. After isSSlug IBS pim ,a.nation tin: Mayor rode around town caiilio:i.og tin- people who had ann« to repair to tne Coart-bouse. Th oompaay that went out on the J i, keon road re urued, and reportad that tie y had had a li.nt and feud killed 15 or 20 BOOTOO*, .ml he afterward learned that Bot many had keen killed, it- theo tool Iim- oittscaa ou aeoat ou tbe Warrsatowa reid, and, 'r.u ¡ng jo outbreak to lae town, n tvraed and told the police not to leave than boats. IM WarreatowB road i«irned and reportad no enemy, but about tue. laaic time h" reeolvod a report of ti',-.ung ob tin- JacksoB ro I, aud that the nogrm-a hil beti routed W.tb 25 or 30 killed. The report wan not nlXl ir»l. Wolle at the ( Il> UM P ter Crosby, the colored Sheriff, was i,i ii.tit hi r.- niider arrest, hy orderst Col. Miller, who wa« lu comm md or th cltii ino. Crosby waa kept there anUl every'Jung bad become quiet, and w.w toon aeut 1.1 Jackson. Tbe iinrd tight occurred on the Jseksoa road. Boar Pembertoa Monument, sad la-«ted half an h ,ur,Uni wa.« pine ip my at lou.- range. Tali wai tue hat i-i ii- ii of the daj. Ii" heard that M or u Morosa had been killed, and one wine boo, Bsuted Brown, kn.en, aid ii i. I'in r winte noa wounded, ThJawaatho i i fjgnt and occurred between 9 and 10 o'clock. Brown, th« white mau killi I, wai comías tata town from the co nrv, ai, . did no1 belong to |he eirn 'ii« turee. l¿ M'oat tllUS «.." *IU s.e,K11 pi.'i laiilaiioil issued 1 A lu ut.ii, after me lighting was over. q. Were luese lights In tue > li iii I A. Tho first our, ou <iiov -«t., waajusi al ins corporation line, while in. ,,t ino i' alberton mon-"iwut wa« naif a mil» q 'i.l you make any deposition ot the bodies of the I a, i Italie Um it) limits, mu 1 m in- N -, t.m County Treiaurer to a ive Utera burled. Iii- .-.ii,l i, I wini ii sign a piper to ino county u' di itali r lie trout I, ahn h 1 di t. u. I) l you feel you had any more right fo kill thom ,,,,, ., m city limits than m miry mein I a. M, in¬ structions to Coi. M bel »ai) to tuend nie city ; d..i u it le,, Ililli Win Te IO gO. < io« examined hy Mr. Conger ~<"ouid not reii how inaiiv were burled; could to-morrow, from tue oHi iii o,,ok« ni im- uiideiiakcr» ; ...ii boara of .mue left uu- ii m i-i, n.i hi ud ol im coi -re l men neing kille i «lui a thai d iv > x.. p one, named M ick, kiin-i near ii n m -'«, U am * distant, « ici'c n inn -ni procession v- u ed loto.aud V iglian, a white mau,killed; «ma brought to ¡ ..¦ Coun-huuse snout tas timo of me iir«t tight, by order of Col. Miller; dil nut call upon .,,,-,. ,|], count) ufBcera to aid bim i-i maintaining; becauao ho believed tOej were interested wl i un- negrota in me movement; w Ben I Oral aaw Crosby til a i¡a\, in- wa« under arrest; had bo conversation vii n h u or,my o* his deputies lu tettard to preserving peso-; Crosbj val "ii red hi« liberty,bol it (va«HUki- g .«u «Í to niui that he was Safer lu | ill tuan In thl < ni! I..IU-I. mi* was n a token mere lill afteruooa negi dal remained then till toe following wees, wm-n hew.,, i inen oui and sent to Jackton; bad nothing to do wita pim ug um. m hil! ihougut I ni I ii" ngiit io rostrata i.i.i, u.i.i ueai thal ~< D tgroe« » .'¦' Ulled in the ii ove- sl tigllt, WoaJa knou, ami aliout li or 15 ou me i.u.-ii.t i Mi. H iriiturt.Col. Miller's command »»'as of armed cn i7. us, w11 houi an] regular organ Eatioj : i apt. I o wan arno acted a* au offloer; 1 waa nowa ob lae i, \. «¦ wm u im-1., is rang; CoL Miner acted aader orden irom me, inn I wa aoi pn -.-m a .cn < mnmaud itarted out; tin y »vero e tiled «'Ut Under t,,e ip ir o, Hie m .:,| mt ana > .i ,-n irru d, some ou Boneo .ck, out mostly ob loot, To Mr. Spec i -Tae Issi c.-nsu- showed Ibo population of Vi tsourg to be LOtro. with a majorttvof oink«; Uis ,., mi/ of the latter In Warroo was tares toona; tin armina; of tbi cltioona was to rope i attack only ; It wai n.i i-¡..i thal 'h'- uearruoe wen acting uuuer orden ol i ii,mi« and GOV.A H tilos.- on (iuivi'-l. Wen- emu m, ..,i r.y Andy Owens; caunoi remember the names nf i ne other cumin indem; taoss oa Urove-st, had oats from Baldwin'! Perry, XJ ailles oat; mail thors won about i.i,». armed oUcksi Ihoos lo loo elly had arm«; «nan- slate.1 mu Ho Ir purpose Wa« to rclu« otneissild to plunder me town; they Bad wagoas sad «ok-for Uns purpose: tua; wa* mo appu-uousion of (ne mt ii ns. lin.-ij ,e«tlon g.tve rise to eonilderable di«oti«lon among tue loemberfol the committee, mu waa ttoaliy allowed la> or, contlnul'ig.Miller s orders were «imply to defend (be eily ; to au there wen« annul ¿IS mci cu- g.iuni ni tlgutiug ; aller tue negroes were driven back ini-i IMS wa« resumed as ; tuen» BOS h. en no (|i,. oi.|. r since the light iii liol ail-e on the eolor Hue, but Irom Crosby's reaicnaUoa, sod the attempt of tae u.-- gr,i, -, ;.i u istate him ; ¦ low dara hefon u had Issued BU proclamation, Whi a OBI otoo beeii puliliaut-t, and tua prisouen stat... thal «'rosny had sent rauuen tn roue li the country with it, aid it was read by tuo coi« ored ministers ou to tbelr congregation* ¡ did not call on Crush] to ml him m prcscrrlag the p a i because Crosyy had nsigneil to the Board of Bupervl« our« and bl« reaiguatiou been 0001 pi« d. TEMUMoNY OF 0KB. MILLER. Gen. Horace Miller, a lawyer, age 4«, who commanded the citizen* in the light, waa tho next witness, who being sworn, deposed sa follows: linly on sarnia) night, Dee. 6, owing to minois of an i M BOiOO oy the negroes, an Informal meeting of titiseus was held, and it vue agreed to establish guards, and the riiwiug of the kaltobo the «igual for asseaabiiaur; botww i .i and 4, hu alai in was i oug ; going lo Ibe i ..uri house nu nea. i thal the negroes wore approaching; also thal Ooeb>, . »en. Packer, «¿el col. Leo of <Jov. Amu*'« stall bad been seen lu lune town a short lime heroic In baste; found tin« driver, who lutormcd bim he had boob employed hy thal part] during mo uigut, and ii .,1 Hiern out of town a short distan and had brought tin in back at J o'clock; Just as 1 sot dowu io breakfast Dr. Hunt and the Mayor came ni, ibu for.m r waa much agitate I; bo said ne had gone ou a scout on In«- Hal iwin'« Pern ruad and ridden Hilo a ruwd of iirinc'l i., w lui in-g m to shout, " Kill linn fetauol bimi" bo tltu-w up lils bandi aul iked tin ni what thi-v waiued to shoot linn Iori Andy OWea*, Ibu leader, mile:. ,1 them to dSSIfl, and saul the objeot Ol their coining into the tor w..« in otu dienet- to au order of High Stn ntl Crosby, wn.i told them tn come m early and well armed, au! mat similar bulles wele i-,mung in on othcl >ads ; ; hen permute 1 bim to return, vi neu In. tun lia.I t.iid ii-Ibis, the Ma>oilnid luo to go to lit, Court- hoaso, ung me bell and take oomaaad, wktoa I din; got ui.iiui vi io 7a ni nu ,1 m«, n to ,-uu i , mai < ipi. lowan lo keep tin- ItneU Clem, in,I mOVSd INII ".i Haitiwiu'« Pt-rry-road; halwd sad found kia m.>ni aorwss me sir.ei, nu tin- imi command lag the raltaj ; M UM cast ward of u.i Hin l Opposite lue bill, «aw a Undi 0l ailie negro* i.i.t deployed a u an of «kirmisben, thoa n> i- >i .,.,-, , ,., t., win i.- un- u-. nea sen; oa hie approsi ., peon I to bocousideroblc confusion aauous the ,anj inn. u loud talking; Aunt Owen atappwl iorwaru,as>- InghewaaCol Dwee, ia command ul that regiment; I asked too oB|eet of meir movomeat ; he Mid k wa-ii ici .inn. e tu Crosby's uratan; told bim al in.- Msvoi p.-,., suiation, amt w.iiu.-.i tbOB to desist; o^lii replied that he hud a rignt io come, and ha would be .. tt be would not ullin i again u»ki <i nun in g.i h im.-, hu tin:, wanted .. Crosby, to whick l agreed, and seat a guard with aim h) a «ide »(mci; 1 tbi-u rude hack to want my men Owen soon mtiiined, very utuili excited, say tug mai uti had BOM Crosby, and said he, ¦. The- - that gilt us into all this trouble uuwgie« back on aud ii eyer wi* gel him, we will kiik bim " I rons back with Owen« to ht« men. and told them to go borne, for If they persisted in going toward the citv tbeir blond Would bo on tbelr own heads; a big negro, who called hiii.s« ir a lieutenant, dr.w n pistol and threatened to shout me, hut Owen Interfered, and said if be bart Col. Miller ho would «ooot him; tint he was not lit to be with gentlemen nohow; seeing the excitement lorna« lu« be rodo to bia meu, and looklm- hack, saw tue in groes approaching aud waving «uti« and nats ; about thl-nine brilia- heir m on both sides; could not »ay which side tired first te« then ordered the charge and the negroes soon broke ami fl.>«l ; seeing our object a«'conipil»bed I ordered the firm* to be stopped ; lu this fight the bulk of the prisoners were captor'.1; among tbem was Owens; all were sent back with orders to allow no one to molest them, which order* were car¬ ried out ; about 20 or 25 wem capture*: : f then marched my comuiaiid to Lower Cherry and iJiove-st«.. thence out through Cherry to tbe city limits, where I learned that a small body of cinx-n* bad dispersed a minimi mining lu on that road ; I then heard ol an ad vain«' ou the Jaiksou road and pmcc« dud there, heard bring lu front and pushed forward ro the old fortlni-a- ttona and saw a running tight ; after following half a mile withdrew aud turued toward the Yazoo Valley road, rode forward and found that the ciiemv had been routed theto also, after making a vigorous stan 1 lo tue old earthworks; he theo returned and marched bia cun- iiiaud back to the Court-bouse aud scot scouts ou « r em roads, who returned and reporta 1 that all was quiet ; lu the skirmish ou the Wirrenton -omi ou«; waite man wa- kined and another wouuded ; no negroes were burt far as I know. Ou cross examination he said his command was armed WltU Wiuciiesl« r rifles, needle-guns, -nut-gun*, and some with «ide arms; O .veos luid him he had .sin men saw only about 150 ot tuem; they were variously armed, nome with monkem and bayoneta, alni some with only Hil.-anus; haw none unarmed; the city undertaker inn led thirteen negroes Killed in tne flgut ; bellen that was tbe true number of killed ; «tout ihi.'ik any Imilli-n were left nu buried ; owing to the excitement the order to bury the demi was not given lor tori v -eight hours afterward; Chancellor Hld bail, on .Mund iy morning, grautcil su Injunction pre- pared by bun <>u Hun lay restraining crosby from acting BsBuentr. (r«n. 1'acker of (r.iv. Ain.'s's staff, tul.l bun (.Mulei) tuat be aud ( oh LM nail, on Munday night, tried Ki gol noises to neud out ami fount« riuand Crosby's orders to Hi« uegioen, but failed to guttue horse«; inn Crosby bad agreed to send runners ou foot until tiley get hors«-» and tlieu counWrmaud all such ..rdern. He (i'.ickei) had lett Crosby believing til.s Wall Id be «loin.' lind the 'I lllgerof oili doit a\oldi d, and Din rot his faith in crosby*- promise would sol have goue to bed; Poefcet afterward reproached Crosby in Bia (witness'-) presence for lils pern ly, and told mm at Wa- icpouslul.- lol all the lum, .pilli i|; Crosby mad«' no ply, hu, simply hung down lu* head; Crosby »aid lu' would resign oliloc, aud uske<1 l'a« ker to wi ne out his resignation, which im dm, aad Crosbv then ugaed it and l'a. ser and r>«-e attested lilli Miller'* pretOBCS V taker kept It uuni Um Board of H.ipt-rv isors m. i, ami Wea presented it, tt was a eepted*« n.-w slecuouwoa ordered. Coi Mater deaied wini much foaling thal tumo was any StUeraeea between me former «lave owuurs and the coluii-il jn op e, au i instanced tim fail non .ni his («h nu rolare« sun ume te nun ann biajiamilj im ad?lee aud eouasol, .uni tuat me negros«, «a ada««, Wire do« ne and geulle in natur«, aud only bad wlieu led by designing men; beside meu of property realised UtottUau prosperity depeodedtoe the blacks, r.irir tbe latter were drtvea nus country their projM-riy would be utterly wortBMs«. At4 p. BS. tbe COmmltto« adjourned till 10 o'clock to¬ morrow. The indie mou« mt* UM UM mveottgaikM will lu: uiuiis, owing to the lar,e. na iiin-r of wnu« na..» and «ioi aoMuiary ovaiene« to be uuruduised. The Legislative lUVestlgaUi gCuiuunttee is in se,..ion wini cioseu doora, ami have refused te allow tat white uluseDs to oe represented b> oouasei, wi.nn Baa caused th.- v, .ntes ty a protest agauiet this ex parte iu- vustigauoB, _ KUrO KAL Ah JUA* JOURNEY EAlT. III« DBPABTUBE PROM IHK OBAXO CBMTBAI DaTOT .«,1(1.1 MM,s OB TIIK BOAD.OOBOtAL 1(1,(11- TION 01 TIIK BOYAL VISIT.)» HY TUB Ml Mil- PAL Al llMIUTItci OK NLW-IIAVKN.Altltn AL Al BEW-BEDPOBD. IrnOH Till. BFBCIA1 COIIHI-; t'MI'l.ST OF TnE TRint'NR.l New-Haveb, Dec. 31..The mi/St severely trying weat; «i win« li tin« Hawaiian King has experi¬ enced In tills couinry was on the «lay of his departure At Bridgeport the IbrOBg wa« ft ry linpetuojs, the peo- pls thrusting th. maelvet upon the cur platforms and peering nun lui elndowa Bete the siih-comuntiee of ibu N. w-llavcn Committee of K repUOB, otinistiiig of B. w ITotakklaa. President of the Board of Aldermen, and Win. II. Wine!, r, ''resident of the Council, DI t the Kiug. They were ac« ompantod by Prof, C. S l.yman of Yal«« College, the lattrseior «>r tho King tweaty-elgbl year*ago,and Postmaater K. n.By uyof Bow-Hares, who ne t iii«: King ni Washington. At New lia', u 'lie « MS 1 in and iib nil Hie »übten an«-in »tallon was very mimi raus a:rt esgi r, an«l only ny tbe greatest exertion whs tim royal paiiy BOM to ni mer- way to the Cal risgea A procession was then formed, which drovi luiekiy along Chapel and the City Ball, at the cast end of the old Oreen. Tat crowd lui., was immense, sad but for ita go«»! nature would have made Iroui.l.) tor tie poll««. Portoaatell it was vacation, or ti..¦ r a ihomaud »lud« ut» would have added to the throng. The royal party w;«- eoaduetsd to one of the court chamber«, where Mayor Beary U. Lewi« nudo au adiiretsof waleoue,«peakingof tho commen interests of tbe HawsUan K.ugdom and the United States, and the special Hen between Be« Haven and Iliwan on .,,,, ont of i.u srly oaadlog of mlsilonartoa from Bow- Haven to the Hawaiian Islands, and the education in New-Haven of Jianv from the islands. Tuo King answered hil-fly, but In a voie«* BO ill.-i («ni by (lu cold i hat it was limon Inaudible. After expreaalag m well ehi'-eii terms his ajratiaoaltoa at tim warm welcome accord «1 bin), he tmi« Bed on tne subject tukon up by MayOI LflWls.toe inliucine of missionaries from New- Bnglaod «ti i is own country.sad said that it might «ratify His fmutiIS Bl Unow that nomo of the <]« s.« end- auts of those early BlsatoaarMa were n«.w «a.upying pooBJossls th«.' Hawaiian Qoveroraenl. At the «lot« of the reception a mull) t.lg!l impromptu collation was ti i ii ,i it tbe M u i»r*a otu a*. Thor« wore présese, '.. -i M the .May.r and me m luis of the C.ty (inverti meut. QOV. lug rsnll, President Porter of Yin' College, l'rofs. W. 1». rrowbruiga sodC. 8. Lymao of toe ^LieMi.;i.i SeMnsme Bcbool the formel alni state Adlutaat-Oeaeral, and formerly of Weal Point.tbe Btv. Dr. Leonard Bacon of the Divinity School, the lim. Praoels «faylaad of the l.iw Behool, Prof. L J seaford of the Medical Behool, . x Lieut, (¡ov.Tyler of New Htv.-u, tim. Oreen of Hart- for«1, Col. BobtntOS of N- w Haren, and others or civic or political distinction. He atata «illation was served 10 the guests by waiter» from a « enter table. A spe nal table was provided, however, for the King, at the head ot'whicu »al Dr. Lenard H tem, willi the King at his rieht lind the King's old Instrm tor, Prof, l.yman, at his left, aud other distinguished gu«»ts below. With the gray headed taeelogtSB and his instructor the Klug chatted pleasantly, aud lu the ipectsCM of tb«1 staun« h eWPuritandivlaa ami the swarthy King sitting tide by side there wai food for som« thing partly sermon aud partly poem. Arter the repast the rire hells were struck, and the Department, answering the «all with wonderful prompt no-s, was parading past the had witlim a very few ma¬ in, nt«. The Blag her« appeared at a window to the great delight of the croud, wini«) Dr. Bacon explained to htui the workings of the DepartmOBt, whleii is r. al,i one of the best in IBS country. Under tho escort of the Um Furnell Wayland. the party was also c m laeSSd te the apartment* of the Yale Law ml, lu the idpJStBl Court house, and th«* spacious rooms reetBtlf taken posaeaaton of by the 8. kool wer«' «Lily admired. From Yale Law Behool King K nakina wai eneoitcd acron* the square'to Centre Church, from whl'h wool the first missionaries from Bew-Kogltad to tin ,-,111,1 wich Island«. The BjoV. Dr. L Maid Bacon and Pletl d«nt Porter walked before the Hawaiian nionur« li, and Mayor LtWtt and an eager crowd followed hu ; ou th« lr footsteps, but uoue of tin iii re admitted to the church. Dr. Kaenn made a short address the foiiudiug of the church, Che tii«t pluce of vocthlp of the Puritan father« m Conaectieat, and Ita eonaectlen with misa on work lu Hawaii. He referred to the ot«l pulpit of Centre ( burch, winch 30 year» ago was sent io King's Chilli h lu Honotuni. King kalali ma re¬ marked thal be had often looked on li with much In- Pi«-1 From (entre (burch Iii« Kiug ami pitty rode to I'm? Lymanv rcataenee, where asvsral perwa« .*< tt presented to HU Balestg, aatoaaaatreeeptloa ii Pool ui.isiei Sperr* s lotlowed, «na cara were ..«» u fi Bedford ..t an.iat 1 u u'elw k. A FATAL PIG MT, ?t. Louis, Dee. 51..Two nea ranted Füllet uni Cleiueus at Fr«'«!ei leksburg, lt.iy lounli ni this ¦late, qaarreted last Batarda* ahool -oast whisky, and ci, m, us shut Puller with a donhb «arrcled Baot gun, paning toe oonteuu of b.iih han s mia bun. i ail ho iga mi..: I> hluWO IO lui c s, plunged a »li, i n.-iis. ilniosl diseur-, .. line bim. n «iii leen ah d- Bl < I INCH AIM'dl.MT.l. POB A LIFF ABB! Il W K A~~<H 1 All« IN. Boa/TOB, Dec. 31. -Til« Suiuoinc Court his eenaraaedlhe perie-tmi lajaaetioa agalaat the aatity Mutual Life Asnursuoe Ass ..tallon of this city, aud I'M rscoivara bar« betn appointed An eff.ui is bring muda to reorganise lue Company but H *>" i*rvbably pro\e futile. TUE STEAMSHIP SUBSIDY, CONTIMATION OF HIE INVKBI IC.AT-JON. tub xxciiAN'ik oy ganai M with john roach, hv WHICH t'JIKI,(X)0 DI.MAPPKARED.JsfoflT Og Til» FORMER DIRECTORS I'MXqtTSITIVE CI.KBli II l DI TII'M OF A VICE-IMIE-IDKNI.THE IMI'RWOH BO] Of THE MANAGING DIRECTOR.A WoKIl ABOfl ONE Of MR. hi HI MAKER s (TIKI KM. The.Stih-Cominitteo of the Cntnmi'teeof Way* anil Mean« the House of Keprcfo-ntativis, n its in¬ vestigation yesterday regarding the mean« OaBfloyi d by the Phi in> Mail Steamship Company in obtain¬ ing its subsidy, tofik agTcat ileiilof teefitnnij, muí h of which was of eer-ond'iry importatic*. A member of the Committee that the sigtiilicaiKe of much of it could not lie recognized in tU t ached form, as published, hut ouly when iittcil hi lo the reiiort. A great deal of time was spent in throwing light upon the inyatciioua exchange of (herks between the Company ami John Itoach, and according to the test uno m of Mr. I'o.-n ., his cashier. George E. Weed, and on* or two others, and to the " impressions'' of Mr. Hut-ti Mr. Iioaeh made nothing, and tho amount of fü»i,nT*> waa charged to the two new iron atcamors, although tin money went to Lockwood A. Co, us was supposed, for Mr. Stockwell'* benefit. Mr. Hatch read letters from and to Mr. Irwin confirming bli connection with trio Washington buMiuoeiS.'' .Vvcrul ex-directors explained MM Ball" assumed POWOH of i'ret-ident Stockwell. One of them, Mr. Mastcrson, tentilied that Mr. Mmgwell had given him the idea Um east of the subsidy would be ( o.upantt i veiy stnall, enough to pay la.\- ver's la M mid gather ataUstica B4 lie nu»posed from i 15,6V to BBOJkJO. Another, Citarice J. Ob» bom, tewfcaed thal .Mr. Stockwell con- ttidcied biaiaetf ''Padflc Mail itself." :"i«l v»aa OU bid tt Ttll* With til« WO OrbO lle-l.-'l to look Into it« management. Lcgraiid larwood of the linn ni Lockwood 4 Co. waa called, bot bud not with him tin-data win. h would tTialile lum l<> ooatploto tboI itocy of tbe «yTWLtxtf ebeok II«« will have au opp. timily nu -«.itiinliiy. Tbo tesliirni'iv of P. W.Q. BoUoWB, tin' i \-Vic -I'lc-nl ii of ti..« Company, w.n very lilli raotillg He .uliiutted Ibut be knew « »in thing about tbo tf/ntLQU*) wl uh wil¬ gi vin to Inri foraae in obtaining, tbo auboidy, bat be shifted oil Um rtoaponai »Uity lor nnacooUBtablo entrke binni tim b-H.k« boob Um h Pfofi dent. Hi- almwcd Um dltnenltMe eipori- enced in finding; a convenient place te eba tho ç- .'lv nu uti...u-.i. liny bad evi proposed i«» make the coal account aaoreoni bul» Mr. Irwin iuggceted that U «um.Li be elravged tem* porarily to aome other account, ae bo nngui ko ohio to make it up. l in- Committee luve adjourn« d until to-iuuriow, having taken all toe taetimotiy wbkb they wish in Mill etty. Au opportunity will ho afforded Hutu for Um < orrei non of testUnouj. curries EXCHANGED WITH JUIN BOACH. li MlMo.W Of Gl.olli.E B. WEED, J i.IV IP.A« li« CA8IUBB. Tlie proceedloga begao with the rxamtai of Georgs E.W I, Joba B aeb's esaater, to relattou li the exchange "f the I.' BvMO ehi «j- Mr. Biuchaid.Wlia! bj «.our lull Dame t A Q< urge V. Weet!. Q. Amt osfupstiou I A Cashier for «Yoho Boocb. (j. What, If aaytlUUg, do yoa know lu regard tooee exchange oi Hie giving of cheeki beta ea l Bosch and Ino Pacific Mail .-:. na« up C mc, of ».(«».no ¦ometlme lo uttj i Brate all yon know about it. a. îbi oxchaage of cheeki w.t« mi - pt. I, UTXsl tUe request of Mr B II »wa, trio Vu Pr akletit. <>.. toe da] pi >.->u-, Wini. I was in tin- Offleo OB Olli r i> ll-iw« i. (j tasted ut" tn m ii, au exchange of ii.« tor tbi* amount : Mr Ii ..tell wi« .io* pi- uta, this timo ; wh n I niora d to tbi orties Istatcdi to kim aud hi there \v is DO Ol i tlOB. Q. w.i.« iny nason given hybla furdAsirtoi II I A. Bo, Sir ; I simply auppoa '-1 it wat ai au ai oma .dation to tIn-ill. Q. What wa« done with the check! A. It was CCI ¦>¦ ed ni the bank the mom daj. Q, And ihn proceeds' wen act nally coll.''ted and placed u> your credit I A. Y .-.t-.r, we preaumed B wai some i.i ommodatioa io Cn at, i}. You did sol kaoa Um object t a. Bo, Sir H It Dtored into bo other at couui or j,,au Boooh, k- i-.-pt p i--ing int.» trio luniks through tin stak I A Vee, S r as f tr as Mr li Wh a . kuOW ledge Of it I IXCCpt -. '¦, .., ,- I... r. quest of Mr. Bsllows whoa the n-quest \>.n roods; Mi. Bounder Hated >.¦ «tardar tha M cheek i" Mr. -t". twell ; that waa «"it i ly i worn i ij Te whom was It gtrcB I 4 Ihaadedil lows. (J To whom wa« it pi» ibl I A. Mr. II- Dows re ipn -i, ,1 that it «U'iuld h niade io I he order ot Mr I and that he should Indorse lt,«|bcosuM shtotMCM wai of the «¡une atnounl as the amoaau whieo Mi i waa recetvtaaj for the ships; the cheek wee (rom Joba Rmcii arbon; tbi ihlps wen '.. ;ug boBt by Mr. Boocb indiv lii.iliy. and not by John Uni h At ¡j. m. <¿ li wai the Company'i choekl A. Payable to the ord« r Of J" IB H mu li" ri rp1 .«'.; i i liai Wc should UlaW our ehi ck tn the mom a ti. *4. Doyouknow of au} lea-m why it wuoO 1 A V«, Mr >4. Do >ou now MS au j rea-«in I A. No, Sir. «.; What two -m:"« wen ttiev whtoh won Umu uadee contract I A. FtmTokta ead Pekina. ii When was the contaai Bad I a. lal Um tatter peri of june, una H Ibis -uiM.ily which we aro now considering cain« along immodtately after that 1 A I think waa Jane PA ,", Yjui paymeatl were tïOo.KO al a time 1 A. foo, «ta\ y How often were the»e tot« mid<-1 A At. «tag.-soi Um woik. We uad only nootVOd oue OayBM >' up W that time. i^ How large wentheeootraetsl A. ti.'.s« .-o. Q. Tin- pej incuts w>ic to he malo lo John itoai b1 A. Yi-, Hir. .j. And tin fact that ¡he contract wa« m ide testaba Roach, and that the p,i> ment« were to be made to lum and that the nOJMOl WOS thal tbo i.xi haurc check should be ni.ote to the order of John Reel k.had thal any «:gmll n ce I A. Itliiuh It had some coat. with these contractai Idldoot .baw any lutciencc, oi SSk an) lhlu¿ about It at tin »lluic. Q Does it not imw se»m to I OB Hut it hil some reference lo this bu«liii>« I \. It docs now. It «Ut« * hen« that w\« save a receipt for the check, but wo did BOC. H Do you know whether this additional t*00,DOO waa make it -iM-m til t. each s'. in. fp». 000 in..I" than it .ti II A. I fe ive told fee C¿ Wa« not tint UM real «iguiücauco of toe 1X000- action I A. It appears so. c> wiii'ie the du ek wa« el*.en by Joba Roach I lou- 't w.,-. to the or,!, r of J,.'in Rom fe, and .»lade to appear u fit uno these oootraeta l a. Ti « Rr tflBilB t Bil the mall was that no money waa paid, and tioth partie* wer.« left lust ss they were hefiHS the contract WBSBMdl I A foi Hu-, MOTIVES l'"K mi: IAciiamíi.. n-iiMi-NV ¦'! j'Hiv BOACM, BB1II UOIIIBJBi Mi. Boucb wm lallnl to the witBOPJ fur the se tillie, (o tooWfJ U g .id to Ul) i Vi U.iug' 01 checks. Mr Hue. hard The st item tit of the witness ft day wee that your check ot . rod for Ulai ni the 1'ae'tl . Mail !«t"iim.-', p CompUUf, VS ill you % hat yon hoon of ibis ti insaetmo and why it wa¬ ma,iel \ i hoi bo knot edge "f the tiaunaeOBUi further tit m Mi.a Mr. \S ted had douo the busiues«, ij. youreasBtarl v Yes, S he m ide ali tho coi lecttoas, sad In fact made all ineMMBle, olit u:\ «u;.-r\i«inn ; he sa d that li" In I '»ecu lo tbo oflJoe, iiini Mt- it.-Hows, tin fia Présidant»coked hnu to ex Change elie, tul « that lae auto cor re «ponded ni aSBOOBf lo the auiminT* which «le hu paidlBthoeoatractsi I teatwd te htr. Weed thal i had no ob|e< tim that the pal ti. s wer» twapoualhto, sud 1 did no1 know of auy motive other than mat they inlghi Isesbostof money; but I st it. I to h.iu that I uad nu objection; I signed the check; their ched; passed through tue hauk aud waa collided tit, Bama iaj I niver paid any attention to I V. aJtocfe um.. Uua

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Page 1: FRIDAY, PRICE FOUR CK.NTS. * V°'XXJLIV.N°. 10,531. NEW ... · MMtdi», a portfolio. We hope your patriotism «tr induce yonfirmly to maiotelD tue «treat iuture.ii« oonttded





or TiiK riout am- UJ1U MiMH skkrano



lMMi:WATKLY-A NKW MIM8TUY AXN01TN0KD.Faris, Thursday, I>ce. 81,187*.

A telegraphic di«r»tch received id this city from

lUln.l. nmler te-day'« date, »aye that Triuce Al¬

lon*.. MM of <-v Q W» ienbella.ha« 1», on proclaim«!KiuKi.f Spam, aud is recognized by all the forcea

eompriMnir the arum 9 of the North and Coûter.

Additional diapatehea from Spain state that Prince

AMbmoIum bara Invitai to vssit the Army of the

K\.rfl>. The «hil» in tho harbor of Santander have

hoisted lh«. royal «a«. M ir« h al Serrar 0 acquiesce«.Tke Minister ofthe InteriorkM «eut the folio* uig

dispatch l-> the Govi tnota of the Provn nee :

AJfOBMtM Twtifth li»" becnuiiauiroou«'.) proclaimedKibk \ tlie tattoo, army, and Ministry. A Recency

bus bo*n futiad uuder tbe lVe.ldeoey i-f Oonovaa I>el-

MMtdi», a portfolio. We hope your patriotism«tr induce yon firmly to maiotelD tue «treat iuture.ii«

oonttded io ron.The Alfonettlat« consider that Carlisni bas ro

emc<¡ a deatb-bl >w.

Ki Queen Isabella has received the following dis-

p»t< betAll Mm revon have rc-j.. n l<-d enthnslaoMoally to tbe

prinltlUJatiOU. I'RIMO DK RtVKBA,Ótatela (lew ral »1 M .<:nd.

We pr.iv rest Majeetyts transmit tbeaswsts your

.on \., rout»! slate )«>u ou this Kraud triumphBtaasfod »i im .i bloodel

'I m tob --rain is atañed t>v On. Primo de Rivera

¦odC« rai DekaetiUo. laabella, la rerpaoea te-

tLe.H- diapati lu a v- ni i a f illowing telegraaj :

l!, k¡, pi -, di l" Bp it" I.

AL' oao baa telegraphed to the l'ope asking hi«

¦ ami romiala* tbal be will. Ule his aaeea-

d ti <. right« of tin Holj see.

Km Miui irv i« annouaoed at-follow»:t\ tfli AffallU.

of Jj-t-ce.Jo.. Bl Of War.K M DMtei ol glosses,W na, l(ia m> i ol M .mu

H..I. i of Um Interior.

¦yaka, Miru-t( r of Um (Moa a

AUosse did not paa through Pari bat baa »onelo pair. ntl. ».. ile «rill embark eitbei at Cadia <>i

Vakocia.du. Campo« has entered Valencia at

t troopa that were tent lo oppoaebimwhi ii ti. pi innounced foi Alfonse.

ii.. Carlia! leadera Carregaray, Aharcy, and¦there luvt- « utered Cafaluaia.

BABTARDBa, Thursday I>o. 81. 1S74

Tiie Governoi ol .Santander. h;u> reeigued. Thetowi, in»' uavj i- favorable t<> Prince«Alten*.. Marshal ttcrrano h^- «one to Madrid.

1'AlllH. Til ITI I iv. Ii 31. 1971.

The Spanish Contal at It ui ti lladaroe, Depart-mont ni i,i.:c a. Orientalee* nae informed tbe «ob-Paefeetef Bayonoe that Donna Bianca, wife of Don

Altona^, ¡iioili i of Dea Carlos, lu« eroaaed thefrontier into Spain and proceeded toward Seo deI i| LoiukiV Fndav. Jan. 1.f:M a. m.

Tht Timtf'» ft xr\ a«Mxad< nt at Pans telegraph«tet: .: paper be bal li .<i an Interview with

A': iii that city. Ha «fated tbal be waa

i. m -im for Spain, hut it waa nee«

foi lam to await a ditreteh * hi« b iaHe bad expected the

new miation. Hi* mother will remain, |Je concluded a« follo«r« : "1 «muottbe

i.My ministry will be composed of«ne:« of ..1; -iia-l«¦-."



Among the new ministen tlicro aro none of««o'Ki« ni pi to any lodwutiou of the

pt Uki ty t" Ik- followed outside of that whkh reoulHfroiu ti i Ir .i Iberenee to tbe di w dynasty. In this coun-

tr> i'¦ Dame wtateb I» most knew« la that of Bettor Jo-P .«im «i mral of Cuba at the time of

th<- captan <>f ttie Virginia« and the anbacojaenla y late». Tbe loin iii i!«>iy

» «' Mi »t time secure 1 f r him a

.ovoratte p .'. V iited Stale«. At the time

.bat b« wa» superseded by the preaeot Oorero«ral <'tii« di bi Con««*, he bad dont machIt mi; i. pi (be OudlUofl of ulTtirn in Cuba.


! OBTS TO l'.IOl A (Mia

¦¦TWEEN K11 I ! lil NI «.Hot Pfl <>l lill. A^-^l Mill \

-an lA-iiHc'iAMUM, BBTWXEa nu. l«'i(l\-

111- I --wa '.\l/>Ni>oy Tbartdar Dee.n,llf4

77«« Tinet't ¦- di«patob kum- that the question.of a rearrangement of tbe Ministry, whether tbetout Lim between tbe Govenun .it andtberepre-

ive« «i tbe van ins grout* in tbeAaaembly¦acot-i ¡* or,fails baa reached a aettlcmenl in tbe«rent of the failuri ol ti.« eonferenoi thi modifica¬tion of tbe ( id 11 : will I» tesi oompleteand witb-«li t political sigu hcance,

i'AKis, Thursday, Pre. si. IS74.Tbe proposition for tbe creation oía Senate «.is

tia « li f m I... 11 .if din«- lotion at the meeting in] the Palace <n tin EJysée yesterday between the

Of the Maaistrj and tlKl^e of thevarions troups in tbe Aaseaably. All the Depntiei

¦red ti..! it wa« laapoaslbk to separate the.»te bil) from the other constitutional luwa.

MM. Dufaun andLs m8aj insisted thal provlaionI be madi foi the transmission of Marsh ti Maetfahon's. powers, ren -t ft. r the termination of the Septennats

Pb< Deputies representing the Right replied that'. t! « Beptennab na« merelynersgnaLwberenpoa Mar-¡ «'.al " observed flint, abookl anytLimr

su i«i lum 1:.. country, being without an or-

tta r m. it, would pass tbroagh a tarribbiUTI» s

i^ Th. Kui» rAnditfret-Paaquier remarbed that th«question of traiismbwion eoaM lu- again examined

ia», wbenit might I« possible to And someki and upon which to eomprstnise. Another meet-mi' « ill be ber*d 01 Saturday,

I Tin /oaraal '< ¦ ¡><>mu says that an anders!"betwe.ii tn. ti o ('«-iikihis pottible, ».lit if«It will he iii.lej,. adeotly of the li >rht.


1 ti- rosmo» Mi«« a m w »mr moot* huid ifKW1 KI.« «...Mir.;, j,y A «JAiOtaWl m 11 ROPKAJei" Bancas,

Bl HiiK, TDtrsday. De« II, 1««-ni 1. .le of I'rinee JliMiiar. k of

Ma> a "j i< .ni m ii c Mutet scpsiou of tn. von Arum,.im that ¦ bow l'ope, if not «searabMd by a ma

. low n iga«, seal 1 .-. io be m-1 ¦! I .1 b1 ti.« nun j,-,»,,,. 1 j,.. , blaaop

' at tin oenossi or sayreval «<f hit tiov*«r

rill FAMINE IN as'\ MINOR¦** r »'nu ii -i m. ro iv. ki iai nu ktoa


m ". the f..mine in Asia JM";'" l put«.t Hie. »an.,,

' 1. atoaaga ellmau ead¦.- rl 1.1.

grátale lae»Ahme. aid 1 .. lbs «aartality.

RE(\rpBOCITT v. mi (AVAHAasM.t 1 m>,Nh t> rivoiiu nu pbokmbd mbatt.bjnATHRoy, })tx, 3i.-'H,e Bonn] 0! Trade

.I Ibu. olaws bald t.vlt>»»eui»« to «luy and patted a rtaoll

.a» u» btvor mi raei viroeJlr a« tuibwJitd iU m, propoatd

tn »ty. A large and Influential meeting wan el«o held at

Ayr to hear the view» of Jaroe« Tuan«, M. P on the

treaty. A resolution iii uuanitnously passed In It»

favor.. m


Sixty thousand colliers In South Wait « ha\ o

struck work lu oonecqucuce of a redaellou la ihelr


FORETON NOTES.Hamburg, Dec. 31.The Uiver Elbe is closed

by ice.

Havana. Dec. 31..The insnrffents in the jn-rtsdtettoaof TiltsCtera have tunned tin« Margarita an>tAloetlrhe« pi IBtOttOOl and MMMltod tr avilei S,

Havana, Dec. 81..Cwiiip to the recent firesin Havan«, tur foreign RMNM rómpanle* have rained

their pi ennuin« »hont *n per ceut, aud kavo adopted uniform rates of premium.Vienna, Dec. 81..In consequence of a very

lieavv full of flow many railway« in Austria have

wholly or putt If discontinued traill .. Fright trafficI« at a Stand-Stl broilt'lnut Hie country. CommunU¦li¬tio ii between il.,B city and Prague 1» emiix-iy luu-r-

rupted. Trieste ii" Isolated.London*. Dec, 81..Navigation on the River

Humher auovo Hull is «Miope! by ice. TBC harbor OfQonle, ra the Ouïe, 1« cloned. V 'ft le* hinder-* Hi¦« M1Igstlonof the Timmen. Tin ml way» in West* ru Elc1 un. .mM 'i >kc tiii-iiow. boiue local Wueti have sus¬

pended trafilo altogether.







Kkw-Oui.eans Deo, ¿ti..At 11:10 thUmorn-lue the ' OBgreesloasl Committee reaaaeiniih d ii

of the Cr?. Circuit Court. A lari>c number of apsclatorawere prenciit.The firm witmns eallel wax Gea. F If. Ogdea, who

raid: I am eommarding offloer ol tin- White League la

ikMeJty; Hie object awl purposes of the Walis Lesgueare eli Bri» defined in their OOM. it nli'm. (TIM MOStltil«UoBwaaben sabmlttedaad poad.) Wltuoas oootiBued :

Our argaaliatioa to «imply for defeastvc parpóse»; thecondition of ntTiir« in L>uiM:tu.t called for «urn un or¬

gan.ïiimu ; It was established In July, lh7t. and we

called it a While Leagns becanee we <.<) ihi only r w

Urw-u white pcopli lUonr cou HtlOB with t>o itn'.il ni el

Pt *£¥* nothing todo; min«- Cityol Ni -¦. Orleana our

roll will eall from j,'." toj^aopawu; laoveergsuiiout of tin fe two regimsBta ol lufoati '¦' ".*-. '¦¦¦'¦ "f :" "'"

len; we have offlcen lor Hum- reglaMBts; UOV. Pi iii.

ami.or r d men to orgsnuo a mllltis a boa he waa mt

mt (,.-\ en.oi. [ waa ander Gor. P bb'b nrd»ra on Ibeutb of êeptember ¡ aome of toe organ Ballona uow are

ui iiímI; I f.ii'l my how runc'i, a« I Luve no1 receivedmy reporta we bave bo artillery, only '»hat we ma»ie

ourselves for the nth of September; anuís o' to« arm»

capture on t.o 14 ii of Beptetobet aere captured hiparties outside ol Bj command« those Ituuirdlalel*under my command took non* ol tin- captured gun»;of those outside pnitleawbo took the arana hare aluee

rep rted, and claim lo i>" mi mot r0 of the Wbltc I

I don't kno» the strength of ih- Learn i In the pariaiti- Mr. Phelp».Immediately on toe organisation of

the League it assume l a military i h ursoter w« bad o

armory; the guns beld by the members el the Cr areolt it\ Wiiii League wert obtained hy themselves; we

haye bad ?ery irregalar met tinga since tin u n ol Sop-lember; we have other eompentoa who I sue meeioften ; 1 have Issued no orders ««¡nee the nth nf Septem¬ber regarding drill ; olli-ei« of the eoaijiinv MU. ii to

thal: I sometime* prevented drill; we have no ann

nea tint I know of ; the League h ia not mi t iat< ly ti i

dlsoatslon the last meeting w<«s slmuf two week* igo ; i a meeting ol the Creaeeol < ity w te

lull, the meeilngwaa'to {tit funds ton y lbseipenaei ol i» rr »oeanlon bel l after the etoetion ; we

alto paaaed reaolutbinaof ti n-tnterference sith the BeInrmug Dotrd; this club waa really only s club of tn-

I. ague organisation ; our elah ha« taken no politicaliteiw since tbe 1Mb of September ; we passed bo resolu¬

tions hinting that any member luoulJ dtoeiurge anyuejrro wiio roted lae K puuln iu ticket; we bad so

pledge that snj body abould \ n;u any psi Ucular tn telbefore elscü d i summoned my «-i iii" ¡md a fewother gentlemen to tak" nt» j.h to police the city*ou th" ii ol Nivmi.ik! I ill? hd my command m,i>

three diymlon«, one under the i immaud of Cal. Deban,another ander Col. Gwynn, and a tbird under Mai i

--. they were to pi- e ii m<su near each poil to pre\ 11 dlaturbaneea; I dil tbla beoaaae I wan told fbai

tuk< a io reate i o, barrel ; theLsagaea in the State are not ander mv eoinmandthough i bell« »e they would obey me if I tanned ordi i

tntii i-i no federal or central orgtmsttlon ; I beusagm exlated In one of (be northern pansbes of theKtate before in Hcw-Orlean«; Ido nu: know that anyRepublican is s member of our club; ag Ottoman whoW1* in the F di val atinv foil in with Mon I ho lit li of

September; New-Orlesm li not as presperona in bnai-i> heretofore; ibe decline of prosperttr in Kow-

Ortoaos la owing to oar Administrations ¡ mi ne of o ir

with ¡'i i- hi t" < ii taken away bj St, i, iladon't ki-jw win t..-r the lobs of uur Ti \.ih trade la tneesnssof the deollse; my men intormed me that asouy

min roted lbs ConaerratlTe ticket at tbe élec¬tion many colored mt ti <. mu- ha me tur protect) ii fromKcpuh .mi- atti i tbe election, and I save it lo them.lo Mr Potter.1 put oat mon ob election dsy to pre-

reatdisturbance,sa snytblug of kind would beconstrued Into intimidation ; tbe orgoai! it ion grew ouiof Um condition of our uffiirs here; oui people were in

terror of th« Metropolitan polo/', who committed out¬rages snd wera »eut ont luto the parmhen toexerntethe ordern of the unlit patton tho UetropolitOI Brigadewere ali armed the> turned out on the street« anddrilled « iih at ni« ; theie wau a Lecro milli it companyI heard then- was ¦ li1 lok LsagOO, bal never g.vw it.To Mr. Foster.On the 14th of Hepteiuoer we went out

on tbe streets to gat arma batoogiag to u» thutwei. oaiioard a aliip ; the police wore on the ley<-r, and as wewere going to get arnnt I was informed of the advan- o

of the pobos 1 tin ii I formed my line of battle; thev* bite League waa not an srgsalsatioa fsrmud for theparpóos of helping the Democrstlc p.i-ty w«

helped both partie« m piegan im po-tee; the¦ssetlBg luid that day demanded the sbdioo-t.. B of the Qoseraateatj I wsisetutglo osnei n « th Up

«¦¦m of Um purposes of tbe orgoaisaUoa ob tunbe liUi was to get these ann»; the l/mgai

um nut hw mi Durpoaes; I scted, not with th. Committi eof H cmj. int »utiu committee of itiz.-n«. mjparpóse t m u mug w-.n- a pt art rm one.

Potter.We surrendered the State H«u«e toCol. K o ik during Pi nn'i Governorship tim city w.,s

r quiet i«'iitii h »n< pretty much divided on thelund« effttK to gain over some ¦.r toe

oolorea rote, al used bo loUmldatioo; it tbe Federali.ovi-iniiii-ni had not iBterfered wo wouid have had por-feet quiet her ¡dunn« tbe f-w da>.i o; tn« Penn Uov-ernmeal I da no1 lev.- h wmiid barrs heeu prudent lota mun to i xpi< um s> npathy with tho Kellogg Uovuiu-uii-Lt ou a. < ount of heexcitemeoMGea. Ogden was iked, un the coneiiihloo of lnnevi-

dence hy Mr Potter te forolsh the nauie«»r Ui.-m-gi©men who called on I m fur proie, non, wiiu-u he did.

TF-TI I iNY or JAM) S I KWI*.James Lewis (coh vdi, late city Adouotosratar,lestl

fled that lie wa« ai | lainted with the condilli n of theally; thej ate Repabttoansj don't

think > ou cm ti: < ii out of a hundred who are Demo¬krat« more voted ibm Démocratie ucket into siectieathan m f.ire Mr, ii ri OSOBa are BSSlgBOd for the eiin-eof in. tiaiige in ti Ir vote, but I believe the principal«m ia that taey w >r stntk] ..f losing tbetr aliuatiou«-there jysa no »eel i organlsition ameng tho colort-ijneopli koewofi tea-Mis why the whites an»ul4havereared Beare i*or« never "aw colored nan

1 .ir mg who no1 in long io the mi ma¬lbon «re ob! lb Bl half a d / n j

I '-ii e Third War); then- ty«.re .,.iift the in". ir.e ¦- v,-iitii, eu ,,, iJaenjiM'i'atM lub t< t ii|-. u p Ipei. U0I in re ,m ,,,,

BSV n nil '':. re v*

a Di.or«tie club ooaal ting ii i,llieyi lu Hie ii ¦ a y lim, tiling BliOUl l.tli vol 1!<m ' il iel i sol.r ih-nu toi i,

vosodibe V-MJii i tirkel wrsppnd upi. .u^.-ií,

IUVS mill 101 "t lelug d ,, bwllevod iMiiii

:. . -.i i.nui v.ii ¦ewonk i wnu apuolotmenu¡ ii uki ¦Arf'ut m .i,' w -¦ .* an, ti.. ¦, had >.< u .ido reí to

« Um Ii i-«- ... s - noel i fe .« voted tu-- Ki(mi.u «au tul.-i s. ie -.| ni, oí ii,¿ D-« at «vei y

. pi .i e WB< irOSSBI e nil..i.i.l .I n m

ti HTM! »i ni i M I. n I i BU -.

,;' i «ffi!.¦« of i*, pide«. 1'iiiMi t.-Mtui diUutUietlecttoai» Ahwaadrl> p-iesadoaTsjatoUp; tu rswAsseoaiiiiiii, of i n.Xed htati i lafaotr] saoassjM I to to sa larg,nun aunad» of* BstdtolB were m ut to f.nir polling placesla the pat.uti UM day prscogiog toa ok tina wa|orBolbog'i ivid m St liad muru'tn'ü» io fnruuh troon*

whenever reqnired hy tbe Rcpuhllran party:¦¦ii Nura were thrown out by lb« Roturn-in< Ilou-rl ; Mr. ltav .'lit. r...| a pniteet analastAve txixe* In tim parish. Tbere I» no MOM ortauli i-

tmu in Ki.pi.n«* Parish. I aildreaaed the coloree peo-pl« by Invitation. Tweniy-«even rolnr»<l mno on myplantation voted the Conservative ticket; there was no

Intimidation j a F. dirai officer mid mo It was the«jnl.-lent e et lion bo erer saw ; the entered people votedIh'i Conservati v* ticket tvoails* of lbe Inefficiency oftin- prêtssi ni kstti wo prend ed them protection ia

all their richi* if we were -nccc-fiil in the ;there m a »trout: attachment hetwceu the cnlored m sami.I Ina old master; «bum ISO wini«, and ino r..l ir.'l perS..11S m tbe parish abstained from «otUkCJ the Hapcr-vimr of Registration lol.l um soreral lim s thai the(lection wa« a fair one.Mesara. U. W. 8t.ff.ird and John Tresrott of Rapides

Pariah were examined, Mi« ir testimony a-ibstantially'.« muí/ the stateni «nts of dpi. J« ff !..«. (.. I.K«lao of It .jn h'K r irish w ia alan hef, r«- n.«- OoMtBIliee.Ite li a cidoied Hi ttes im,or. II.- caul mere wa* Inuiui-«I.ill.m lu tureata to dise li irire Tiny di 1 not have, a

Itepiihlican in «Uoc IB th- pirlh ou account of tha badIeellog ¡wolii-t them alni too fear that liny w mid 0"broken up av violence. The Oomml tiee torn au) laraedto moat at nie parlor of tim Mt. c tortea Howl at 8 p. m.



iiitr.AK up Tin; iTlTWkl TTia contkactuks in



BE LABOBXY Ki mci n.

IDT TKI.BHIAIMI TO THE, De. n..The PostinatteT-General

has taken li dil ol tile "mu aw hid" question in eir:-

nectiou willi Miine of th« pi nu ¡pal route- In theWestern State« and ivin'. rite witta great earnest¬

ness, and ins action to- lay iii regard t«. the tontee in

Otsajonraai he taken a« indicating bis coane withall the usf. On investigating, he found that Hen.Holladay, and Itailow, Saudi ison &. Co., have beenaide t« control immense contráete 'at high rateathrough a sy tem of "straw bids,''ami he I ,lh in¬

formed them that wiiilo their hi«ls for next year«service in Oregon aro the lowist responsible ones,In considers the price too high, uni will not pay it ;that lie will not allow bia iKpaitmcJt to he ham¬pered bj wbal be knows fall well is a ring. Think¬ing they h.«I tue 1) partaient at th ir mercy,too eoutractora coolly informed him thalif he did not accept Heir tormr, theywonld discontinue the service. Not a hit

alarmed thereat, he reolii 1 that he should roadver-tlae the mute and see that responsible bnhlm« gotan opportunity to mi! h inorante romp ¦¦ ttion. T«i-

daVi 8« .alor Mitch di <. ilh*l np ra Mr. Jewell to re¬

monstrate with ni h ros leeting bia proposed actionlo fur the performante of the aervbrho senator stated that such a coarse would eno-

lume valuable time, aim, in the mean time, Bollada*mia!?' iv'utv to »rrj the mails si all, and the peopleof Oregon?eajVcialiyip tin;'.-¿j.¦..'¦:) PKt-tbe rvotenow luyn.r mi\«'«1 bj HoIlailaT.would BiifTer for«rant of muil facilities Mr. Jewell replied thal bethough! ÍHJOOa da} waa t«..i ram li to ia».? for "*> milesf stage coacta m rvicc, and that ii co ii I be done for

Ivas, and that he wa. «I t r.nnu«l to have it donefir ranch le*«. " li,if," «.«id the Senator, " how can

it he d me T fhese mon bave atock, eoacbea andother fjciliti s to ". . ahead, and no one els,.''" Will, ci p is« 1 should s.-nil t'le mill bj aii«.fin i

routef wai the sn»wer. "Well, then," saul theSenator, "the ne .al.' w i.ihl no1 get their mail in

aeaaouable tin.-." Th. i, assu'uing an air more

pat..mi/in¦.', he Bail; "Mr. Jewell, I am no1 In¬terested in these ni i. I uppoal only for the peopleof Oregon, you will nut cause d. lay by a re*

a U. ii «ii.« nt ol mutes'' Mr. Jewell, in reply.stat« «i i.'i it be k ii .v tu aerviee waa in tb hand- «>f

a ring, aud thai iw would break u up it ho had to1er tbe m ills of Oregon mt.f >r s month. Asa result,it o, li li. -.1 tbal Hollada* and Uarlow.BunAt Co. will cart] mails st a mun greatly reducedLo a tin ii-'.n i p s nted m the bid. If thej uo

not, some one c's.« will bereafti r d i the work,

WASniNnTtlN NOTES,Basmikotom, rhonda*, Dee, ii 1874.

The mutter of fam-p.ii la.ion of gooda .II limul Iron

Ouuadate Um Hulled But««, m »eil a-«if domi tie

gooda passing throusb I iii I« la transit, savias beeafully dis 1. .. h. iii Ti-« isa i' ouV-lals, Ineludl'ig ex-

(i i. \y ,- .li ii ii «.f M «ni 0.1 th.' p ir; «ii th <; »vii 11 iii.-lit,.m Mr .1 I). l ». p« " h par! of the ranoui rai'wai s,

.1 nun 11 ii a.1.1« ¡«i.i.i lilli; nu bee« developed* thal no,','i:,: in ir Uai boon rarnedoa lo toy exteut,aud in.a toe mi« 1-s; of te« (J iverumeal is IdealMaiwi'ii t Hr <.f tee railway «'.upan.- roe fact* thalib'-ir « h, h ibruuaii txaibu «i v> ni- upon .1 l...> 1

in .1 v, i, .1 nu Uov mur . nu 1 in it «'\ rv employé nu¬

il 11 m h ii-,, p s mu io u peud apoa m« tl-n-uty te lb«Company ' luleieal. reader amaaelinii lu r.r« n> xt toan 1 11 po silum ,, and tin i- Iori 1 :..- Utfvernmeul will telal is » i'.Hk' .1 m-i.-i.-, ,1 ,,1 me ir tbe will continu*without ud] tinta m luterrup wu,otasi niau anal ibosan y ni lue Bleut «leinai.'l-.

Al 1» 111 SUagof lue ii nu'iv nisi I: irced emplees 01tin WaeaiBgtoii Xu) v 1 (.' i .1 p tulon «m adoptedoddreeaed to Vuotfreaa Bakiua ibat oeuofl Mag bo taken

bv wiiiiii ibej »inili i>. provided wuh employment,1 Den t i. nue in. ra- '. - and fa Dili« . it nu ruir r-

liu'. A rorr ipoudeueo W'is dtr eted te b3 opened wi D¡><i e- ut utaer N.ij-Yaid- lu order io aaesra

lllU.I C op«! al IO ..

O ii.e 16 11 ni J mu «rv the llaard of Civil Service Et-

umiii'i i in lae lu:«um Ii parino nt will liol I a public(«uni..'Hine el Ullina, nu tur the of tillinc one

or more va« nu lbs erad« of Tatrd AaatstautEx-aiiuu 1m 1 nu I'.ioiii-O.tli;.. Tula cxinTiiii lou .ni' inbrid III allict.l..u,e BjltB til*- <>\il Service nile«,nuil will be opea to all wau Ulo appliciaiou* uolmoJ .11 i.u 1 r..

ah ni" dejiartments closed to day at noon to five the

employé, opportunity to prepare forBe« Y«ar'».


THEABBE9CI 0i" IRIBato HioM HiLIlt BX8EB-VAiitlN-.

Wasiiin'-.ton, Dec.81..The following circu¬lar i«-ii er io Huporiol mdeiit« ami Af-nt« of Hie lu«!,.m

DepartmtBt ha» Jost been issued by th«' Hurnuuof Indlan ArT.1.1 . :

Washh-'.iov. i) (., De«, it, i»:,.Rift: Many eomtlainis uaviu« fioin lime o tins

iij in ii im-. ni «¦ in coB«eqargot of nie nose nee fromtheir 1«mi van..ii-« .«f vartoua bsudsuf Indian* ami timactual uni nireuuiii d ilepredatloni reiuitiuf Iberefr nu,li is ii«-, in« .| Beoeaaarj tua In« 111s ni«'.lons embodiedin (roulai I. I'm i<> ludia k iiii-ruiii'ii'iini- Bad A.i'iiin,>- i.-ii iiu'ier data "i Oiii. U, 1873, forbidding lb« eiei

rt*S "f "u. h ru Ullin: propeiuiiiea on tim part of lu-«tena, sii,mid be repeated, with c. n«iu «radi-ti ".*'.' 11 -, M lieieiiiaflor lu«llcalcd. You aru I11-euucti «I te nu If« tin- atTcral bunds or nu..«<f Imiians iiu.ier Muir aupervistua that lucy11 oal eui ti it t ken m iftmuBta m no«y m ítala the limits«it in. r re-p. «.uve reotrvalloea ; that limier uo pretestILillsl t.iei toort Hi«: same WltboUl a s|«.-i-ial p. ruin ni

wmtaa frew las Bgesi m aap«*rinteudeat. Bad tasl soaucli jM-i uni «iii 1..1 granted ny lue iiK'.'ut or «iiiieriiili UUeUI rxcept it »indi bt in.oln to uj.p ,11 lo lils .-.»lls-f.nll.111 111 it ne issu ine h iir tue H ailie «w11 Inure lo i.f toe applicant or t.pji n\iut-, mid will lu no

evcni tin likely prove Ulsan 1 julakeous to Hie «Ils-iipiiii«- ol tin- tetVtee. Tue luieicuauK» i«r visit«h tu« en il.ti nut parlies or Im,ids ol Iu«H.i.i> l.'-lilluif«ni lexTvaiiuiis atdoly aoparstod fiom eu. h tti« r i* oii-

J«-clioiiable, espetltlll lu «m s w icre me rou | of Iraw I1, um one reservn lo the BUMS OSCfWl ile* fi«'.|ii«-ut con-l.icl vi ah wini«' s. J m« ins or minim: illslnc'.s.Wi.emiei II shall OodOMBOd eillier necessary or Juill-

ti .11» lo «rant a i« riuu of lue «nar...'iel above nien-liniied,' aiipilcutiou slmulil be ni.nts beforetbe isn lamí'i,t Hie «x-ruili in lin- ..iHuiauilliii: officer olHie nearest Illili.uri turn, «lui will Iiiruisll a »Ililli It liluiiar«! uf avldlen to a«'« uinpany un.l nuiaui willi IBSludlaua al mug a« tbey remalu wilbla IB« wmt- Bettie«in« ii-, wb 1 wi r i| iir.- Uttlf jiassu^o throiiiih aacbn 11. an i.« i»- .«- kui «litioiiH .s puoaible, k*ea wnioudeavoc bj avery meooa 11 yo.«r ji««ir le Impreai.i.hi.1 inc ib« luna.!. Um argesl BoeeoaityeX'hating fur « siii.i co,ui> 1 in« h wini iii.*> laatruen'ma,in. warn them »,m,mi in«; prut«-« imii gBareaieed«i.iiii o> su. ,1 willi 11 p. muí Mini military«.' or» m tbey ,,rc liaom to be looked «poa ami Ireated n»

ia>unio banda. 1. i' bmitm, «'»luui.'aMiicr.

à rBOBPECT FOB mi: i.iii.m. of Till: romaBA1LBOAU LAW,

Uitwm ¡iii:, Dec. ;:i.-u i« umi, i itood tliatiiiia.. puiic, linn.- a 1 ai fin am ass of nie inen,!., riof the l.e^isl iture. «bl. li meets OS Jan. J1. lo .ne irlaiatheir v> w» «if tii.'l'iit.i Law, .-idnishiiia the rams 1er

ptaaesgen ami fa-agbia. in.y are vor] r«4tesate«tetbciesulUof Hil« canvass, hut it is iwiieM d that a .tei.le.l inijoriiv Is m Lum uf rtaoolug Um law. She

i.ici that must of the small rails», luirrpnai a tu mentaleare in ileaperalo fluaui lal an aila, «ill, u B) Be¬lieved, hav«. jfrcit llitliK'Bie ill the rep 'aUOf of lue law,as alao Hie slaalialiou hu» oveflakau hunneil ibroukbuul ibo autv.




Vickshuro, Dec. 81..The Conrrresaional In¬vestigating Committee arrived yesierday, and met

to day In the Court-house, tho full Committees beingliri «cut, with the ('munn in, Mr. Conger, In the Chair.A liuuihtr of pronilnent ritiz «n* were jire«eut.

IBStlMOBT Of MAYOR o'l.KARY.Mayor O'L'ary was the first w11 nena examined. Ile

ntated that the pullen force of the city was not Increaseduntil after the figut or Dec. 7, and that bin proclamationissued on that dar, and heretofore aeut In tiiese dis¬patches, waa ¡,I al 8 o'clock, p. in. In reply to it

BoaattOB hy air. Conger, lie said tho proclamation waa

issued lieeausu the one i««ned hy (Joy. Ames wa« unfair,and calculated to excite the people. On Hundiiv, Dee.

6, Crosby, tho colored Shi riff, carne to lum ¡«ud told bimmat the colored people in the conntry wi re

very much excited shout his being pat ofoffice, and asked bim to assist, him inpreserving the peace, which ne promisedlodo. Almut 3 o'clock i a morning Dr. Shannon unitwo other pcatlcaaoBsa. to hi« hou«e, woko bim np,and told him that ariaed bodies of negroe« were m¦ '.ch¬ing on the city. Ho told l>r. Shannon to I ave the Court¬house bell and Hr.-'" ¡In rung so as te arouse tho peuple,though un had heard so uiauy sue i rumor« thai ho

thought little of them ; but aoout 8 o'clock Dr. Huntcarno to Inui and reported that 300 or 40J arm.!J murun«were mari ulng on the city hy tin« Oiove .- road. Huthen leaned kui ptoetora mon, ofderlag thoa to iil«pers»»uni re; ii n to Iholt homes, aud « -a PoUeOBMB \V Imli andMayes to meet the negroes and read the proeluniailouIO In-Ill. Tuey hail Willie handkerchiefs on sticks. Theyreturned at ubou*. B| o'clock, and reported thui^theBagfOI s had Hied on lu -io, and would not allow them to

a, prt Dr. Conger.Wera they both sent, on the same

road I a. T e negroes won reportad spproaehtag onUaldwiii'« Parr) si I Han'« f rry road W< lok wen: oo

toe former and Hayes ob the tatter* they had the

proclamation printed on posters.(¿. D d tt.ev moko on ofltotol report 1 A. Did not nee

them till sttoraoOB, win ¡i Welsh isportod that they hadti.eil un linn also that III.- BOgTOSS ««eine.I to be llgnt-lng themselves, aud wen« In cnnfuslou.After isSSlug IBS pim ,a.nation tin: Mayor rode around

town caiilio:i.og tin- people who had ann« to repair totne Coart-bouse. Th oompaay that went out on theJ i, keon road re urued, and reportad that tie y had hada li.nt and feud killed 15 or 20 BOOTOO*, .ml he afterwardlearned that Bot many had keen killed, it- theo toolIim- oittscaa ou aeoat ou tbe Warrsatowa reid, and,'r.u ¡ng jo outbreak to lae town, n tvraed and told the

police not to leave than boats. IM WarreatowB road

i«irned and reportad no enemy, but about tue.

laaic time h" reeolvod a report of ti',-.ung ob

tin- JacksoB ro I, aud that the nogrm-a hil

beti routed W.tb 25 or 30 killed. The

report wan not nlXl ir»l. Wolle at the

( Il> UM P ter Crosby, the colored Sheriff, was

i,i ii.tit hi r.- niider arrest, hy orderst Col. Miller, who

wa« lu comm md or th cltii ino. Crosby waa kept thereanUl every'Jung bad become quiet, and w.w toon aeut

1.1 Jackson. Tbe iinrd tight occurred on the Jseksoaroad. Boar Pembertoa Monument, sad la-«ted half an

h ,ur,Uni wa.« pine ip my at lou.- range. Tali wai tuehat i-i ii- ii of the daj. Ii" heard that M or u Morosa

had been killed, and one wine boo, Bsuted Brown,kn.en, aid ii i. I'in r winte noa wounded, ThJawaathoi i fjgnt and occurred between 9 and 10 o'clock. Brown,th« white mau killi I, wai comías tata town from theco nrv, ai, . did no1 belong to |he eirn 'ii« turee.

l¿ M'oat tllUS «.." *IU s.e,K11 pi.'i laiilaiioil issued 1A lu ut.ii, after me lighting was over.q. Were luese lights In tue > li iii I A. Tho first

our, ou <iiov -«t., waajusi al ins corporation line, whilein. ,,t ino i' alberton mon-"iwut wa« naif a mil»

q 'i.l you make any deposition ot the bodies of theI a, i Italie Um it) limits, mu 1

m in- N -, t.m County Treiaurer to a ive Uteraburled. Iii- .-.ii,l i, I wini ii sign a piper to ino countyu' di itali r lie trout I, ahn h 1 di t.u. I) l you feel you had any more right fo kill thom

,,,,, ., m city limits than m miry mein I a. M, in¬

structions to Coi. M bel »ai) to tuend nie city ; d..i u itle,, Ililli Win Te IO gO.

< io« examined hy Mr. Conger ~<"ouid not reii howinaiiv were burled; could to-morrow, from tue oHi iiio,,ok« ni im- uiideiiakcr» ; ...ii boara of .mue left uu-iim i-i, n.i hi ud ol im coi -re l men neing kille i «lui a

thai d iv > x.. p one, named M ick, kiin-i near ii n m -'«, U am * distant, « ici'c n inn -ni procession v- -«

u ed loto.aud V iglian, a white mau,killed;«ma brought to ¡ ..¦ Coun-huuse snout tas timo of meiir«t tight, by order of Col. Miller; dil nut call upon.,,,-,. ,|], count) ufBcera to aid bim i-i maintaining;

becauao ho believed tOej were interested wl i

un- negrota in me movement; wBen I Oral aaw Crosbytil a i¡a\, in- wa« under arrest; had bo conversationvii n h u or,my o* his deputies lu tettard to preservingpeso-; Crosbj val "ii red hi« liberty,bol it (va«HUki-

g .«u «Í to niui that he was Safer lu | ill tuan In thl < ni!

I..IU-I. mi* was n a token mere lill afteruooa negi dalremained then till toe following wees, wm-n hew.,,i inen oui and sent to Jackton; bad nothing to do wita

pim ug um. m hil! ihougut I ni I ii" ngiit io rostratai.i.i, u.i.i ueai thal ~< D tgroe« » .'¦' Ulled in the ii ove-sl tigllt, WoaJa knou, ami aliout li or 15 ou me i.u.-ii.t

i Mi. H iriiturt.Col. Miller's command »»'as of armedcn i7. us, w11 houi an] regular organ Eatioj : i apt. I owan

arno acted a* au offloer; 1 waa nowa ob lae i, \. «¦ wm u

im-1., is rang; CoL Miner acted aader orden irom me,inn I wa aoi pn -.-m a .cn < mnmaud itarted out;tin y »vero e tiled «'Ut Under t,,e ip ir o, Hie m .:,| mt ana

> .i ,-n irru d, some ou Boneo .ck, out mostly ob loot,To Mr. Spec i -Tae Issi c.-nsu- showed Ibo population

of Vi tsourg to be LOtro. with a majorttvof oink«; Uis,., mi/ of the latter In Warroo was tares toona; tin

armina; of tbi cltioona was to rope i attack only ; It wain.i i-¡..i thal 'h'- uearruoe wen acting uuuer orden oli ii,mi« and GOV.A H tilos.- on (iuivi'-l. Wen- emu

m, ..,i r.y Andy Owens; caunoi remember the namesnf i ne other cumin indem; taoss oa Urove-st, had oatsfrom Baldwin'! Perry, XJ ailles oat; mail thors wonabout i.i,». armed oUcksi Ihoos lo loo elly had arm«;«nan- slate.1 mu Ho Ir purpose Wa« to rclu«

otneissild to plunder me town; they Bad wagoas sad«ok-for Uns purpose: tua; wa* mo appu-uousion of(ne mt ii ns.

lin.-ij ,e«tlon g.tve rise to eonilderable di«oti«lonamong tue loemberfol the committee, mu waa ttoaliyallowed

la> or, contlnul'ig.Miller s orders were «imply todefend (be eily ; to au there wen« annul ¿IS mci cu-

g.iuni ni tlgutiug ; aller tue negroes were driven backini-i IMS wa« resumed as ; tuen» BOS h. en no (|i,.oi.|. r since the light iii liol ail-e on the eolor Hue, butIrom Crosby's reaicnaUoa, sod the attempt of tae u.--

gr,i, -, ;.i u istate him ; ¦ low dara hefon u had IssuedBU proclamation, Whi a OBI otoo beeii puliliaut-t, andtua prisouen stat... thal «'rosny had sent rauuentn roue li the country with it, aid it was read by tuo coi«ored ministers ou to tbelr congregation* ¡ didnot call on Crush] to ml him m prcscrrlag the p a ibecause Crosyy had nsigneil to the Board of Bupervl«our« and bl« reaiguatiou been 0001 pi« d.

TEMUMoNY OF 0KB. MILLER.Gen. Horace Miller, a lawyer, age 4«, who commanded

the citizen* in the light, waa tho next witness, who

being sworn, deposed sa follows: linly on sarnia)night, Dee. 6, owing to minois of an i M BOiOO oy the

negroes, an Informal meeting of titiseus was held, andit vue agreed to establish guards, and the riiwiug of thekaltobo the «igual for asseaabiiaur; botww i .i and 4, hu

alai in was i oug ; going lo Ibe i ..uri house nu nea. i thalthe negroes wore approaching; also thal Ooeb>,. »en. Packer, «¿el col. Leo of <Jov. Amu*'«stall bad been seen lu lune town a short lime heroic Inbaste; found tin« driver, who lutormcd bim he had boobemployed hy thal part] during mo uigut, and ii ., Hiern out of town a short distan and hadbrought tin in back at J o'clock; Just as 1 sot dowu iobreakfast Dr. Hunt and the Mayor came ni, ibu for.m rwaa much agitate I; bo said ne had gone ou a scout onIn«- Hal iwin'« Pern ruad and ridden Hilo a ruwd ofiirinc'l i., w lui in-g m to shout, " Kill linn fetauolbimi" bo tltu-w up lils bandi aul ikedtin ni what thi-v waiued to shoot linn Iori AndyOWea*, Ibu leader, mile:. ,1 them to dSSIfl,and saul the objeot Ol their coining into the tor w..«

in otu dienet- to au order of High Stn ntl Crosby, wn.itold them tn come m early and well armed, au! matsimilar bulles wele i-,mung in on othcl >ads ;

; hen permute 1 bim to return, vi neu In. tunlia.I t.iid ii-Ibis, the Ma>oilnid luo to go to lit, Court-hoaso, ung me bell and take oomaaad, wktoa I din;got ui.iiui vi io 7a ni nu ,1 m«, n to ,-uu i , mai < ipi.lowan lo keep tin- ItneU Clem, in,I mOVSd INII ".i

Haitiwiu'« Pt-rry-road; halwd sad found kiam.>ni aorwss me sir.ei, nu tin- imi commandlag the raltaj ; M UM cast ward of u.i

Hin l Opposite lue bill, «aw a Undi 0l ailie negro* i.i.tdeployed a uan of «kirmisben, thoa n> i- >i .,.,-, , ,.,

t., win i.- un- u-. nea sen; oa hie approsi .,

peon I to bocousideroblc confusion aauous the ,anjinn. u loud talking; Aunt Owen atappwl iorwaru,as>-InghewaaCol Dwee, ia command ul that regiment; Iasked too oB|eet of meir movomeat ; he Mid k wa-iiici .inn. e tu Crosby's uratan; told bim al in.- Msvoip.-,., suiation, amt w.iiu.-.i tbOB to desist; o^liireplied that he hud a rignt io come, andha would be . . tt be would notullin i again u»ki <i nun in g.i h im.-, hu tin:, wanted.. Crosby, to whick l agreed, and seat a guard withaim h) a «ide »(mci; 1 tbi-u rude hack to want my menOwen soon mtiiined, very utuili excited, say tug mai utihad BOM Crosby, and said he, ¦. The- -

that gilt us into all this trouble uuwgie« back on u»

aud ii eyer wi* gel him, we will kiik bim " I rons back

with Owen« to ht« men. and told them to go borne, for Ifthey persisted in going toward the citv tbeir blondWould bo on tbelr own heads; a big negro, who calledhiii.s« ir a lieutenant, dr.w n pistol and threatened to

shout me, hut Owen Interfered, and said if be bart Col.Miller ho would «ooot him; tint he was not lit to be

with gentlemen nohow; seeing the excitement lorna«

lu« be rodo to bia meu, and looklm- hack, saw tuein groes approaching aud waving «uti« and nats ; aboutthl-nine brilia- heir m on both sides;could not »ay which side tired first te« then ordered thecharge and the negroes soon broke ami fl.>«l ; seeing our

object a«'conipil»bed I ordered the firm* to be stopped ;lu this fight the bulk of the prisoners were captor'.1;among tbem was Owens; all were sent back with ordersto allow no one to molest them, which order* were car¬

ried out ; about 20 or 25 wem capture*: : f then marchedmy comuiaiid to Lower Cherry and iJiove-st«.. thenceout through Cherry to tbe city limits, where I learnedthat a small body of cinx-n* bad disperseda minimi mining lu on that road ; I then heard ol an advain«' ou the Jaiksou road and pmcc« dud there, heardbring lu front and pushed forward ro the old fortlni-a-ttona and saw a running tight ; after following half a

mile withdrew aud turued toward the Yazoo Valleyroad, rode forward and found that the ciiemv had beenrouted theto also, after making a vigorous stan 1 lo tueold earthworks; he theo returned and marched bia cun-iiiaud back to the Court-bouse aud scot scouts ou « r

em roads, who returned and reporta 1 that all was quiet ;lu the skirmish ou the Wirrenton -omi ou«; waite man

wa- kined and another wouuded ; no negroes were burta« far as I know.Ou cross examination he said his command was armed

WltU Wiuciiesl« r rifles, needle-guns, -nut-gun*, andsome with «ide arms; O .veos luid him he had .sin mensaw only about 150 ot tuem; they were variously armed,nome with monkem and bayoneta, alni some with onlyHil.-anus; haw none unarmed; the city undertakerinn led thirteen negroes Killed in tne flgut ;bellen that was tbe true number of killed ;«tout ihi.'ik any Imilli-n were left nu buried ; owingto the excitement the order to bury the demi was not

given lor tori v -eight hours afterward; Chancellor Hldbail, on .Mund iy morning, grautcil su Injunction pre-pared by bun <>u Hun lay restraining crosby from actingBsBuentr. (r«n. 1'acker of (r.iv. Ain.'s's staff, tul.l bun(.Mulei) tuat be aud ( oh LM nail, on Munday night, triedKi gol noises to neud out ami fount« riuand Crosby'sorders to Hi« uegioen, but failed to guttue horse«; inn

Crosby bad agreed to send runners ou foot until tileyget hors«-» and tlieu counWrmaud all such

..rdern. He (i'.ickei) had lett Crosby believingtil.s Wall Id be «loin.' lind the 'I lllgerof a« oili doit a\oldi d,and Din rot his faith in crosby*- promise would sol havegoue to bed; Poefcet afterward reproached Crosby inBia (witness'-) presence for lils pern ly, and told mm atWa- icpouslul.- lol all the lum, .pilli i|; Crosby mad«' nor« ply, hu, simply hung down lu* head; Crosby »aid lu'would resign oliloc, aud uske<1 l'a« ker to wi ne out hisresignation, which im dm, aad Crosbv then ugaed itand l'a. ser and r>«-e attested lilli Miller'* pretOBCSV taker kept It uuni Um Board of H.ipt-rv isors m. i, amiWea presented it, tt was a eepted*« n.-w slecuouwoaordered. Coi Mater deaied wini much foaling thaltumo was any StUeraeea between me former «laveowuurs and the coluii-il jn op e, au i instanced tim failnon .ni his («h nu rolare« sun ume te nun ann biajiamiljim ad?lee aud eouasol, .uni tuat me negros«, «a ada««,Wire do« ne and geulle in natur«, aud only badwlieu led by designing men; beside meu of propertyrealised UtottUau prosperity depeodedtoe the blacks,r.irir tbe latter were drtvea nus country theirprojM-riy would be utterly wortBMs«.At4 p. BS. tbe COmmltto« adjourned till 10 o'clock to¬

morrow. The indie mou« mt* UM UM mveottgaikM willlu: t« uiuiis, owing to the lar,e. na iiin-r of wnu« na..» and«ioi aoMuiary ovaiene« to be uuruduised.The Legislative lUVestlgaUi gCuiuunttee is in se,..ion

wini cioseu doora, ami have refused te allow tat whiteuluseDs to oe represented b> oouasei, wi.nn Baa causedth.- v, .ntes ty a protest agauiet this ex parte iu-

vustigauoB, _





BEW-BEDPOBD.IrnOH Till. BFBCIA1 COIIHI-; t'MI'l.ST OF TnE TRint'NR.lNew-Haveb, Dec. 31..The mi/St severely

trying weat; «i win« li tin« Hawaiian King has experi¬enced In tills couinry was on the «lay of his departureAt Bridgeport the IbrOBg wa« ft ry linpetuojs, the peo-

pls thrusting th. maelvet upon the cur platforms and

peering nun lui elndowa Bete the siih-comuntiee of

ibu N. w-llavcn Committee of K repUOB, otinistiiig ofB. w ITotakklaa. President of the Board of Aldermen,

and Win. II. Wine!, r, ''resident of the Council, DI t theKiug. They were ac« ompantod by Prof, C. S l.yman ofYal«« College, the lattrseior «>r tho King tweaty-elgblyear*ago,and Postmaater K. n.By uyof Bow-Hares,who ne t iii«: King ni Washington. At New lia', u 'lie

« MS 1 in and iib nil Hie »übten an«-in »tallon was very

mimi raus a:rt esgi r, an«l only ny tbe greatest exertionwhs tim royal paiiy BOM to ni mer- way to the Cal

risgea A procession was then formed, which droviluiekiy along Chapel and the City Ball,at the cast end of the old Oreen. Tat crowd lui., was

immense, sad but for ita go«»! nature would have madeIroui.l.) tor tie poll««. Portoaatell it was vacation, or

ti..¦ r a ihomaud »lud« ut» would have added to the

throng.The royal party w;«- eoaduetsd to one of the court

chamber«, where Mayor Beary U. Lewi« nudo au

adiiretsof waleoue,«peakingof tho commen interests

of tbe HawsUan K.ugdom and the United States, andthe special Hen between Be« Haven and Iliwan on

.,,,, ont of i.u srly oaadlog of mlsilonartoa from Bow-Haven to the Hawaiian Islands, and the education in

New-Haven of Jianv from the islands. Tuo Kinganswered hil-fly, but In a voie«* BO ill.-i («ni by (lu coldi hat it was limon Inaudible. After expreaalag m wellehi'-eii terms his ajratiaoaltoa at tim warm welcomeaccord «1 bin), he tmi« Bed on tne subject tukon up byMayOI LflWls.toe inliucine of missionaries from New-

Bnglaod «ti i is own country.sad said that it might«ratify His fmutiIS Bl Unow that nomo of the <]« s.« end-

auts of those early BlsatoaarMa were n«.w «a.upying

pooBJossls th«.' Hawaiian Qoveroraenl. At the «lot« of

the reception a mull) t.lg!l impromptu collation was

ti i ii ,i it tbe M u i»r*a otu a*. Thor« wore présese, '.. -i Mthe .May.r and mem luis of the C.ty (inverti meut. QOV.lug rsnll, President Porter of Yin' College, l'rofs. W. 1».

rrowbruiga sodC. 8. Lymao of toe ^LieMi.;i.i SeMnsmeBcbool the formel alni state Adlutaat-Oeaeral, and

formerly of Weal Point.tbe Btv. Dr. Leonard Bacon of

the Divinity School, the lim. Praoels «faylaad of thel.iw Behool, Prof. L J seaford of the Medical Behool,. x Lieut, (¡ov.Tyler of New Htv.-u, tim. Oreen of Hart-

for«1, Col. BobtntOS of N- w Haren, and others or civic

or political distinction. He atata «illation was served

10 the guests by waiter» from a « enter table. A spe nal

table was provided, however, for the King, at the head

ot'whicu »al Dr. Lenard H tem, willi the King at hisrieht lind the King's old Instrm tor, Prof, l.yman, at his

left, aud other distinguished gu«»ts below. With the

gray headed taeelogtSB and his instructor the Klugchatted pleasantly, aud lu the ipectsCM of tb«1 staun« h

eWPuritandivlaa ami the swarthy King sitting tideby side there wai food for som« thing partly sermon aud

partly poem.Arter the repast the rire hells were struck, and the

Department, answering the «all with wonderful promptno-s, was parading past the had witlim a very few ma¬

in, nt«. The Blag her« appeared at a window to the

great delight of the croud, wini«) Dr. Bacon explainedto htui the workings of the DepartmOBt, whleii is r. al,i

one of the best in IBS country. Under tho escort of the

Um Furnell Wayland. the party was also c m laeSSd tethe apartment* of the Yale Law ml, lu the idpJStBlCourt house, and th«* spacious rooms reetBtlf taken

posaeaaton of by the 8. kool wer«' «Lily admired.

From Yale Law Behool King K nakina wai eneoitcdacron* the square'to Centre Church, from whl'h woolthe first missionaries from Bew-Kogltad to tin ,-,111,1

wich Island«. The BjoV. Dr. L Maid Bacon and Pletld«nt Porter walked before the Hawaiian nionur« li, andMayor LtWtt and an eager crowd followed hu ; ou

th« lr footsteps, but uoue of tin iii w« re admitted to the

church. Dr. Kaenn made a short address thefoiiudiug of the church, Che tii«t pluce of vocthlp ofthe Puritan father« m Conaectieat, and Ita eonaectlenwith misa on work lu Hawaii. He referred to the ot«lpulpit of Centre ( burch, winch 30 year» ago was sent

io King's Chilli h lu Honotuni. King kalali ma re¬

marked thal be had often looked on li with much In-Pi«-1 From (entre (burch Iii« Kiug ami pitty rode

to I'm? Lymanv rcataenee, where asvsral perwa« .*< tt

presented to HU Balestg, aatoaaaatreeeptloa ii Poolui.isiei Sperr* s lotlowed, «na cara were ..«» u fiBedford ..t an.iat 1 u u'elw k.

A FATAL PIGMT,?t. Louis, Dee. 51..Two nea ranted Füllet

uni Cleiueus at Fr«'«!ei leksburg, lt.iy lounli ni this

¦late, qaarreted last Batarda* ahool -oast whisky, andci, m, us shut Puller with a donhb «arrcled Baot gun,paning toe oonteuu of b.iih han s mia bun. i

ail ho iga mi..: I> hluWO IO lui c s, plunged a »li,i i« n.-iis. ilniosl diseur-, .. line bim. n «iii leen ah d-

Bl < I INCH AIM'dl.MT.l. POB A LIFF ABB! IlW KA~~<H 1 All« IN.

Boa/TOB, Dec. 31. -Til« Suiuoinc Court hiseenaraaedlhe perie-tmi lajaaetioa agalaat the aatityMutual Life Asnursuoe Ass ..tallon of this city, aud I'Mrscoivara bar« betn appointed An eff.ui is bring mudato reorganise lue Company but H *>" i*rvbably pro\efutile.


tub xxciiAN'ik oy ganai M with john roach, hvWHICH t'JIKI,(X)0 DI.MAPPKARED.JsfoflT Og Til»FORMER DIRECTORS I'MXqtTSITIVE CI.KBli II l


The.Stih-Cominitteo of the Cntnmi'teeof Way* anilMean« oí the House of Keprcfo-ntativis, n its in¬vestigation yesterday regarding the mean« OaBfloyi dby the Phi in> Mail Steamship Company in obtain¬ing its subsidy, tofik agTcat ileiilof teefitnnij, muí hof which was of eer-ond'iry importatic*. Amember of the Committee thatthe sigtiilicaiKe of much of it could not lierecognized in tU t ached form, as published, hut oulywhen iittcil hi lo the reiiort. A great deal of timewas spent in throwing light upon the inyatciiouaexchange of (herks between the Company ami JohnItoach, and according to the test unom of Mr. I'o.-n .,

his cashier. George E. Weed, and on* or two others,and to the " impressions'' of Mr. Hut-ti Mr. Iioaehmade nothing, and tho amount of fü»i,nT*> waa

charged to the two new iron atcamors, although tin

money went to Lockwood A. Co, us was

supposed, for Mr. Stockwell'* benefit. Mr.Hatch read letters from and to Mr. Irwinconfirming bli connection with trio WashingtonbuMiuoeiS.'' .Vvcrul ex-directors explained MM Ball"assumed POWOH of i'ret-ident Stockwell. One ofthem, Mr. Mastcrson, tentilied that Mr. Mmgwellhad given him the idea Um east of the subsidywould be ( o.upantt i veiy stnall, enough to pay la.\-ver's la M mid gather ataUstica B4 lie nu»posed fromi 15,6V to BBOJkJO. Another, Citarice J. Ob»bom, tewfcaed thal .Mr. Stockwell con-

ttidcied biaiaetf ''Padflc Mail itself." :"i«l v»aa

OU bid tt Ttll* With til«WO OrbO lle-l.-'lto look Into it« management. Lcgraiid larwoodof the linn ni Lockwood 4 Co. waa called, bot budnot with him tin-data win. h would tTialile lum l<>

ooatploto tboI itocy of tbe «yTWLtxtf ebeok II«« willhave au opp. timily nu -«.itiinliiy. Tbo tesliirni'ivof P. W.Q. BoUoWB, tin' i \-Vic -I'lc-nl ii of ti..«

Company, w.n very lilli raotillg He .uliiutted Ibutbe knew « »in thing about tbo tf/ntLQU*) wl uh wil¬

gi vin to Inri foraae in obtaining, tbo auboidy, batbe shifted oil Um rtoaponai »Uity lor nnacooUBtabloentrke binni tim b-H.k« boob Um h Pfofident. Hi- almwcd Um dltnenltMe eipori-enced in finding; a convenient place te ebatho ç- .'lv nu uti...u-.i. liny bad evi

proposed i«» make the coal account aaoreoni bul»Mr. Irwin iuggceted that U «um.Li be elravged tem*porarily to aome other account, ae bo nngui ko ohioto make it up. l in- Committee luve adjourn« d untilto-iuuriow, having taken all toe taetimotiy wbkbthey wish in Mill etty. Au opportunity will hoafforded Hutu for Um < orrei non of testUnouj.

curries EXCHANGED WITH JUIN MlMo.W Of Gl.olli.E B. WEED, J i.IV IP.A« li«

CA8IUBB.Tlie proceedloga begao with the rxamtai

of Georgs E.W I, Joba B aeb's esaater, to relattou lithe exchange "f the I.' BvMO ehi «j-

Mr. Biuchaid.Wlia! bj «.our lull Dame t A Q< urge V.Weet!.Q. Amt osfupstiou I A Cashier for «Yoho Boocb.(j. What, If aaytlUUg, do yoa know lu regard tooee

exchange oi Hie giving of cheeki beta ea l Boschand Ino Pacific Mail .-:. na« up C mc, of ».(«».no¦ometlme lo uttj i Brate all yon know about it. a. îbioxchaage of cheeki w.t« mi - pt. I, UTXsl tUe requestof Mr B II »wa, trio Vu Pr akletit. <>.. toe da] pi >.->u-,Wini. I was in tin- Offleo OB Olli r i> ll-iw«

i. (j tasted ut" tn m ii, au exchange of ii.« tor tbi*amount : Mr Ii ..tell wi« .io* pi- uta, this timo ; wh n

I niora d to tbi orties Istatcdi to kim aud hithere \v is DO Ol i tlOB.Q. w.i.« iny nason given hybla furdAsirtoi II I A.

Bo, Sir ; I simply auppoa '-1 it wat ai au ai oma .dationto tIn-ill.Q. What wa« done with the check! A. It was CCI ¦>¦

ed ni the bank the mom daj.Q, And ihn proceeds' wen act nally coll.''ted and

placed u> your credit I A. Y .-.t-.r, we preaumed B wai

some i.i ommodatioa io Cn at,

i}. You did sol kaoa Um object t a. Bo, SirH It Dtored into bo other at couui or j,,au Boooh, k-

i-.-pt a« p i--ing int.» trio luniks through tin stak I A

Vee, S r as f tr as Mr li Wh a .

kuOW ledge Of it I IXCCpt -. '¦, .., ,- I... r.

quest of Mr. Bsllows whoa the n-quest \>.n roods; Mi.

Bounder Hated >.¦ «tardar tha Mcheek i" Mr. -t". twell ; that waa «"it i ly i worn i

ij Te whom was It gtrcB I 4 Ihaadedillows.

(J To whom wa« it pi» ibl I A. Mr. II- Dows re

ipn -i, ,1 that it «U'iuld h niade io Ihe order ot Mr Iand that he should Indorse lt,«|bcosuM shtotMCM waiof the «¡une atnounl as the amoaau whieo Mi i

waa recetvtaaj for the ships; the cheek wee (rom JobaRmcii arbon; tbi ihlps wen '.. ;ug boBt by Mr. Boocbindiv lii.iliy. and not by John Uni h At ¡j. m.

<¿ li wai the Company'i choekl A. Payable to theord« r Of J" IB H mu li" ri rp1 .«'.; i i liai Wc should UlaWour ehi ck tn the mom a ti.

*4. Doyouknow of au} lea-m why it wuoO 1 A V«,Mr

>4. Do >ou now MS au j rea-«in I A. No, Sir.«.; What two -m:"« wen ttiev whtoh won Umu uadee

contract I A. FtmTokta ead Pekina.ii When was the contaai Bad I a. lalUm tatter peri

of june, unaH Ibis -uiM.ily which we aro now considering cain«

along immodtately after that 1 A I think waa Jane PA,", Yjui paymeatl were tïOo.KO al a time 1 A. foo,«ta\y How often were the»e tot« mid<-1 A At.

«tag.-soi Um woik. We uad only nootVOd oue OayBM >'

up W that time.

i^ How large wentheeootraetsl A. ti.'.s« .-o.

Q. Tin- pej incuts w>ic to he malo lo John itoai b1 A.

Yi-, Hir..j. And tin fact that ¡he contract wa« m ide testaba

Roach, and that the p,i> ment« were to be made to lum

and that the nOJMOl WOS thal tbo i.xi haurc check

should be ni.ote to the order of John Reel k.had thalany «:gmll n ce I A. Itliiuh It had some coat.

with these contractai Idldoot .baw any lutciencc, oi

SSk an) lhlu¿ about It at tin »lluic.Q Does it not imw se»m to IOB Hut it hil some

reference lo this bu«liii>« I \. It docs now. It «Ut« *

hen« that w\« save a receipt for the check, but wo didBOC.H Do you know whether this additional t*00,DOO waa

make it -iM-m til t. each s'. in.

fp». 000 in..I" than it .ti II A. I fe ive told feeC¿ Wa« not tint UM real «iguiücauco of toe 1X000-

action I A. It appears so.

c> wiii'ie the du ek wa« el*.en by Joba Roach I lou- 't

w.,-. to the or,!, r of J,.'in Rom fe, and .»lade to appear ufit uno these oootraeta l a. Ti «

Rr tflBilB t Bil the mall was that no money waa

paid, and tioth partie* wer.« left lust ss they were hefiHSthe contract WBSBMdl I A foi Hu-,

MOTIVES l'"K mi: IAciiamíi..n-iiMi-NV ¦'! j'Hiv BOACM, BB1II UOIIIBJBi

Mi. Boucb wm lallnl to the witBOPJfur the se tillie, (o tooWfJ U I« g .id to Ul) i Vi U.iug'01 checks.Mr Hue. hard The st item tit of the witness ft

day wee that your check ot . rod for

Ulai ni the 1'ae'tl . Mail !«t"iim.-', p CompUUf, VS ill you% hat yon hoon of ibis ti insaetmo and why it wa¬

ma,iel \ i hoi bo knot edge "f the tiaunaeOBUifurther tit m Mi.a Mr. \S ted had douo the busiues«,

ij. youreasBtarl v Yes, S he m ide ali tho coilecttoas, sad In fact made all ineMMBle, olitu:\ «u;.-r\i«inn ; he sa d that li" In I '»ecu lo tbo oflJoe,iiini Mt- it.-Hows, tin fia Présidant»coked hnu to ex

Change elie, k« tul « that lae auto cor

re «ponded ni aSBOOBf lo the auiminT* which «le hupaidlBthoeoatractsi I teatwd te htr. Weed thal i hadno ob|e< tim that the pal ti. s wer» twapoualhto, sud 1did no1 know of auy motive other than mat they inlghiIsesbostof money; but I st it. I to h.iu that I uad nu

objection; I signed the check; their ched; passedthrough tue hauk aud waa collided tit, Bama iaj Iniver paid any attention to I V. aJtocfe um.. Uua