friends different levels of friendship please complete friendship survey

Friends Different evels of Friendship Please complete friendship survey

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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DifferentLevels of Friendship

Please complete friendship survey

Sheldon and Friends• (Counting

his friends)

Is he aware of the differentlevels of friendship?

Different levels of “Being a Friend”

Ross’s levels of friendship:

Friendly Greetings (Level 1) Acquaintance (Level 2)

People you are friendly with, but don’t know, don’t talk to, and don’t hang out with at all

People you have had small discussions with because you worked in a classroom group with them or they’re friends with one of your friends so you happened to hang out for a short while


Talking before

class starts

Talking in lunch line

Leonard and Sheldon meet Penny:

Level 3- Possible Friends• Start to seek people out to talk to them, but

you meet up with them in the general location you meet (class, recess)

- May ask to meet for lunch or after- school or try to do class work with them

May go up to the person even when they are with other


May call or text about homework or school

Friendship- Communication

• More personal when it’s face to face

Making/ Finding a Friend • Use Social Thinking- think about what they

are thinkingFind out their interests- Could be sports, arts, animals, computers, books, clothes- Notice what they spend time doing, talking about, are


After you find out what they like…Talk to them/ Hang out with them

- Try a compliment

- Try a question

- Try a friendly comment

I like your new shoes

What are you doing his

weekend? Your sandwich

looks good.

Friends vs. Acquaintances

How do friendships develop?

• It takes TIME

Making a Friend

• Friendship Algorithm

• (0-0.28)- Friends or Acquaintances?

Review- Levels of Friendship

Level 1 Friendly Greetings

Level 2 Acquaintances

Level 3 Possible Friend


How’s your project going?

Let’s have lunch



• Could get along with someone from the beginning (easy conversations, hang out)

• Spend more time together and get to be closer friends

• Boy Meets World- Corey and Shawn (On the Fence: 0- 2.40)

Friendships• Takes Time and Effort to Develop

• Remember the Titans: (Julius & Gary)

- They don’t start out as friends

• Spend more time together and agree on how they want to play football- then begin to develop a friendship:

Level 4- Evolving Friendship • Someone you would like to spend more time with

by consistently:- hanging out with them at school

- work with them on projects

- contact them to ask to hang out outside of school

Do you want to see a movie this weekend?Most of the time hang out at school

Level 5- Bonded Friendship

• People are there for each other - Look out for each other- Make sure things are okay for other person - Arrange to talk or get together after school to hang

out * talk about personal life (things that make you upset, happy, etc.)

Text me later about what happened with


Similar to level 4 but more intense: (Blind Side- Library)

Level 6- Very Close Friendship• Expected to have deeper conversations when

you need them- Hang out frequently- Let them know when you are getting down- You try to spend some part of your weekend with

this friend

Corey and Shawn

The Play’s the Thing: 12.09- 13.55

Why are you friends with someone?

• Leonard describes why he’s friends with Sheldon:

• Loyal, Trustworthy, Have Fun Together • Smartest Guy I Know• I need him

On Again Off Again Friendship

• Can happen with anyone Level 3-6 - May last for a period of time you share

something in common Ex. going to the same school, being on the same team/ same club

** Most friendships fade in and out or may move up and down across the levels of friendship

Level 1 Friendly Greetings

Level 2 Acquaintances

Level 3 Possible Friend


How’s your

project going?

Let’s have lunch


Level 4 Evolving Friendship

Level 5 Bonded Friendship

Level 6 Very Close Friendship

Do you want to go to the movies


Is something bothering you?

I’ll see you tomorrow

Levels 3-6:On Again, Off Again


To end our unit on Friendship

• Tell me your levels of friendship with examples