from beatles to bible

HOT From Beatles to Bible 1 of 3 © Philip Dupont 2008 FROM BEATLES TO BIBLE HOT ISAAC-DENMARK

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Is all we need love?


Page 1: From Beatles to Bible

HOT From Beatles to Bible 1 of 3 © Philip Dupont 2008



Page 2: From Beatles to Bible

HOT From Beatles to Bible 2 of 3 © Philip Dupont 2008

From Beatles-believer to Bible-believer

Have you ever heard somebody say: “There is no love in this church!”. I have. Then I went home discouraged, burdened by feelings of guilt and inability to create the type of spiritual environment or atmosphere people liked or expected. The pressure grew and became very personal. “Maybe I am not a loving person... maybe I am not a pastor as a real pastor loves his sheep.” What to do then? Resign? Then the pressure was on to make decision so love could be there and people could feel it and be happy to come. I had to produce love. The meetings had to be saturated with love. But the problem was that some felt very loved and accepted and others didnʼt. Who was right and who was wrong? I felt torn into pieces and their problems became my problem. When it happens you cannot be a part of the solution.

But God came with revelation. You shall understand the truth and the truth shall set you free. Not truth generally speaking, but the truth, which the Spirit helps you to understand. God was so clear: itʼs not about love but about life. In a split of second the inner storm was gone; clarity hit me and set me free. And I knew what to do.

All you need is love... sounds good. Is it right? No itʼs not!

We must discern between right and good. All good is not right. But all right is good or will become good. Our minds and our understanding have been polluted because we have been drinking from the wrong sources or from polluted sources. It was water, good water but there was something in it. Let me give you some bible-words:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it.” (John 1,1-5)

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth... I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God... Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruits, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.” (Rev 21,1-2 and 22,1-2)

All we need is actually not love. Itʼs life. The river of life, the tree of life, the Spirit of life, the Word of life. In the life of God everything is included. When it bears fruit, guess what grows forth: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Thatʼs why my first articles were about LIFE. When we get it, nothing remains the same. Revolution hits our whole existence. Everything is possible. As you come alive in the Spirit, you have no enemies any longer, no wounds; no offences... life swallows up all death and its demonic fruits.

What the world needed was life. It still does.

What Jesus brought was life. As people left Him and He asked His disciples what they would do, Peter answered very clearly: to whom should we go to, you have the words of eternal life. He knew this is the primary. In that life there is light for mankind. In that life there is love. In that life there is joy: we donʼt need to make people feel happy, we donʼt need pep talk in our meetings, we donʼt need slogans, we donʼt need motivational tricks. Some Christians look like they were drinking vinegar from morning to night. Pep talk will not help them as they will go home from the meeting and still drink vinegar. But minister life to them! Impart the spirit of life, speak words of life, bring them to the

God of life.

Our focus on love is contaminated

It is more Beatles than Bible! Letʼs face it. We are more influenced by the spirit of the Age than by the Spirit of God. Our minds have been polluted. Legitimized by a dying charismatic move. The charismatic move brought a renewal of the Spirit... not of love. But as its Spirit-focus was lost, Spirit-life stagnated. Soul-dynamics took over and filled the void. And contaminated it. Soulish love, soulish prophecies, soulish relationships, soulish unity, soulish fellowship. What comes next? When the soul is not corrected, realigned and kept under the rule of the spirit, an other spirit begins to rule it. The spirit of religion.

Our focus on peace is contaminated too

Peace was also one the slogans of the 60ʼs. Peace-movement and peace-manifestations, which turned into, open violence and street-wars with the police. What is peace? Peace is not the absence of war, or conflicts. This could be death. A lot of peace in a cemetery! Peace comes from the river of life. As it flows into your spirit, peace emerges. Supernatural peace, which surpasses understanding. It means that it is irrational. You shouldnʼt be at peace but actually you are. The storm is raging, outside or inside or both... but you are at peace. Establishing the life of the Spirit or restoring the life of the Spirit in a situation, in a personʼs life or in a church will bring peace. But maybe phase no 1 is chaos or confusion or war. Why is that? Because death is not dead. Death is alive and will fight life. Then people might say: it cannot be God because He is a God of peace. It might be God, because God is a God of life before He is a God of peace. But His life will always bring true real peace. Our human peace is just a cover for unsolved conflicts, compromises, sin, disobedience... the list is long. A lot of Christian unity is based on false peace, grace and reconciliation. But as pressure will come in the years to come it will become obvious what is what.

What kills life?

Rev 21,7-8 is very clear and helpful. Let me go through it very shortly and ask you to do some homework for yourself. These are killers:

Cowardness: timidity is not a cute thing. Timidity is a destructive force in your life and must be coped with as such. Be violent and overcome it! Unbelief is a killer, but obedience to revelation is a major key to the flow of supernatural life Wickedness: there are attitudes in us and among us which are wicked and must be confronted as such, even in our own lives... like jealousy for instance. Murderers: quite obvious isnʼt it? Sexual immorality: itʼs beyond any doubt. And there might be more uncleanness in the house and in the ministry than we think. An other side of it is what you could call connecting and drinking from 2 sources, lying in 2 beds. Or covering legitimate needs by illegitimate means... which can have effects in sexual issues... but not necessarily. We have lost the revelation of covenant, we have lost covenant thinking and patterns. God must intervene. Witchcraft or call it manipulation, soul-ties, wrong dependency, control Idolatry: wrong priorities. What has the strongest influence on your life and your decisions? What you bow for is your master, your idol? Much idolatry has been clothed in Christian outfit. Faith for financial prosperity can be polluted by materialistic greed. The desire to serve God can be contaminated by power-greed. Joining a church can be because of a personal agenda. All this is idolatry. Lies. Or covering up, verbal make-up, religious wardrobe, or just explanations

Page 3: From Beatles to Bible

HOT From Beatles to Bible 3 of 3 © Philip Dupont 2008

Kill the killers!

Repent from dead works of love... and get a life!

There is only one cure. Repent from soulish religiosity, forsake the dirty spirit of the 60ʼs, which brought so much destruction and deceit into the western world. Repent from charismatic religion and its effect on your mind and mentality. Ask for forgiveness and get a life, get the life! Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Let correction and re-alignment take place. You will be shocked about how much has been polluted and how strong the pollution has been. But be of good courage, you can be set free from this demonic deceit. Jesus corrected Peter very strongly as Peter had moved into a human level disconnected from the Spirit. Re-connect with God, hear and meditate on words of life, be overwhelmed by the Spirit of life, be selective concerning your primary source of spiritual input.  With you for a serious, genuine and lasting breakthrough...33