from “rags to super riches”

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From “Rags to Super Riches”. The Magic Bullet. Lotto Super 7 launched in Canada in 1994 and in 1998 in BC Sales Since launch, sales of Lotto Super 7 had been disappointing in BC Compared to other jurisdictions, BC’s Lotto Super 7 was underperforming. Category Stagnation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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From “Rags to Super Riches”

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The Magic Bullet• Lotto Super 7 launched in Canada in

1994 and in 1998 in BC Sales• Since launch, sales of Lotto Super 7

had been disappointing in BC • Compared to other jurisdictions, BC’s

Lotto Super 7 was underperforming

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Category Stagnation

• Overall category sales flat

• Dollar switching between the two brands

• Very few product “differentiators”













Super 7

6/49 Total Sales

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Image• Most people didn’t know what Lotto

Super 7 was … and those that did, didn’t like it

• Massive confusion … most people playing Lotto Super 7 thought they were playing Lotto 6/49

• Existing advertising not breaking through

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• How did we get to this state of confusion?

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Big Marketing Objectives• Increase the sales of Lotto Super 7

by 20%• Increase overall category sales ( i.e. avoid “dollar switching”) • Increase brand awareness by 20%

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The Strategy

Get light and lapsed Lotto 6/49 players to add Lotto Super 7 to their play habits by …

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… re-launching Lotto Super 7 as a distinct brand to Lotto 6/49

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Research – Account Planning

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The Bad News• Lotto 6/49 was by far the “preferred”

brand• Lotto Super 7 had low awareness,

low understanding and strong negative associations

• Even the one product differentiator (bigger jackpots) not enough to convince people to try Lotto Super 7

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The (only) Good News

• Lotto Super 7 felt “younger and edgier” than Lotto 6/49

• Larger jackpots did interest people (even if they said it wouldn’t convince them to play)

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Creative Strategy

• Strategy had to be based on the “product truth” of larger jackpots, but needed more

• Lotto Super 7 needed a unique character completely different from the “caring, optimistic and trustworthy” Lotto 6/49

• Lotto 6/49 allowed you to treat your family and make the sensible purchases …

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… Lotto Super 7 was the game that needed to reignite the pure essence of big lotto games – frivolous, indulgent,


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The Creative Brief

“Lotto Super 7 let you live without the rules”

Be … Bold, Mischievous and Fresh

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The Creative Idea

“The Super Rich”

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The Creative Execution


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• Launch Print

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Did It Work?

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Sales• 81% increase in

sales• Average spend up

5%• Transactions up by


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Brand Awareness

•Increased by 54%

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Did It Work?

• Lotto Super 7 growth actually increased sales of the overall category by 5%

• 6% of new players attracted to the category

• Cassie Award, Best of Show (Bessies and Lotus) Gold Marketing Award

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Since Launch

• It’s still growing …• The brand is seen as “different” and

“bolder” than Lotto 6/49 • Increased awareness and


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We Made Some Mistakes

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Back on Track

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The challenges that lie ahead

• It’s a hard act to follow …• Upcoming changes to Lotto 6/49

mean it’s even more important to differentiate the games by tone and character

• How long can you sustain the Home Shopping Network execution before wear out becomes an issue?