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1st Year M.S.(Ayu.).

Department of Post Graduate Studies in Shalya Tantra,

Ayurvedic Medical College and PG Centre, Davangere – 577566


The Registrar,

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences,

Bangalore, Karnataka.

Through: The Principal and Head of the Department in Shalya Tantra,

Ayurvedic Medical College and PG Centre, Davangere.

Respected Sir/Madam,

Sub.: Submission of completed proforma of Synopsis for Registration of the


I request you to kindly register the below mentioned title of the synopsis subject

in my name for the registration of the subject for dissertation to the Rajiv

Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore for the partial fulfillment of

M.S. (Ayu.).

Title of the Dissertation:




Here with I am enclosing completed proforma of Synopsis for registration of the


Thanking you

Place: Davangere yours faithfully,

Date: 15/10/08 (DR.VINOD KUMAR YADAV)

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Completed proforma for Registration of Subject for Dissertation.

1. Name of the Candidate: Dr. VINOD KUMAR YADAV

And Address 1ST YEAR M.S. (Ayu.)






DAVANGERE – 577566.



4. Date of Admission 07th MARCH 2008





w.s.r. to ECZEMA.”

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6.1 Need for the study

Vicharachika is very old disease mentioned in ayurvedic classics among Kushta.

It is categorized in different ways i.e. Kshudrakusta1 and Kshudraroga2.

Vicharchika present with kandu, pida, rukshata3, pidaka, srava and having

shyava varna4 on affected part of skin.

As per symptamatology and pathogenesis, vicharachika can be co-

related with eczema (dermatitis) in modern science, having symptoms like

excessive itching, pruritis, erythema, edema, presence of papules vesicles,

scaling, and lichenification5.

Eczema most commonly causes dry, reddened skin that itches or

burns, although the appearance of eczema varies from person to person. Intense

itching is generally the first symptom in most people with eczema. Sometimes,

eczema may lead to cracking, blisters6 and oozing lesions, but eczema can also

result in dry and scaly skin.

Eczema can affect people of any age, although the condition is most

common in infant, and it may affect any region of the body. People with eczema

often have a family history of allergic conditions.

Even though in modern medicine different treatment methods are explained,

their indiscriminate use is most undesirable.

But unfortunately no specific treatment is available. Many people depend

upon some media advertised products like lotions, creams, which are costly.

In Ayurveda Rakta-Mokshana is indicated in skin disease7, and many

yogas have been advocated to alleviate from Vicharchika (Eczema).

My intention is to come up with a simple and economical applicable

medicine for this problem. Therefore I have taken this study to evaluate the

efficacy of Jalaukavacharana and Edagajadi Lepa.

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6.2 Review of Literature

1. Vicharchika is having signs and symptoms like kandu, pidaka, srava and

having shyava colour on affected part of skin. It is considered under

Kshudrakusta and Kshudraroga. This has been explained in:

a. Sushruta Samhita -Nidan Sthan – 5th Chapter - Shloka No. 138.

b. Yogratnakar – Kusta Nidanam – Shloka No. 269.

c. Bhav Prakash – Madhyam khand – 54th Chapter – Shloka No. 2710.

2. The indication of ‘Rakta-mokshana’ in Twak rogas has been explained in:

a. Sushruta Samhita -Sutra Sthan –14th Chapter - Shloka No. 3411.

b. Sharangadhara samhita, Uttarakhanda –12th Chapter –Shloka No.14-1812

c. Kashyap samhita, Sootrastahan – 27th Chapter – Shloka No. 64-6513.

3. The description of ‘Edagajadi Lepa’ has been explained in:

a. Bhaisajya Ratnavali – 54th Chapter – Shloka No. 3214.

b. Chakradatta – 50th Chapter – Shloka No. 3915.

Previous Work Done.16

1. Bharadwaj D, - The efficacy of Rakta-Mokshana by prachhanna in

vicharchika. Year 1986, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences,


2. Negalguli Suresh – A Clinical study on effect of Rakta-Mokshan by sira

vyadha in vicharachika. Year 1988, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health

Sciences, Bangalore.

3. Trivedi Madhusudan G. – Clinical studies on the role of Jalaukavacharana

in Vicharchika. Year 1989 Gujrat Ayurveda University Jamnagar.

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4. Shuryavanshi M N – Vicharchika Roga mein Jalaukavacharna ka

Chikitsatmaka Adhyayana. Year 1993 Rajsthan University, Jaipur.

5. Sharma M K –The efficacy of Jalaukavacharana & Laghu-Manjishthadi

Kvatha (Ghana-Vati) w.s.r. toVicharchika (eczema). Year2002, Rajsthan

University, Jaipur.

6. RamakrishnaT–Clinical management of Vicharchika by Jalaukavacharana

with and without Tiktaka Ghrita. Year1996, A P University,Vijayawda.

7. Syed Sirajuddin – A Clinical study on the management of Vicharchika by

Rakta-Mokshana w.s.r. to Jalaukavacharana and Vajraka Ghrita

internally. Year 2004, A P University,Vijayawda.

6.3. Objective of the study.

To review the literature on Vicharchika and eczema.

To evaluate the effect of Jalaukavacharana in Vicharchika.

To evaluate the effect of Edagajadi Lepa.

To compare the result of both groups.

7. Material and Methods.

7.1. Source of Data:

a. The study will be carried out on the patients attending the OPD and

IPD in Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital (AMCH) and Ananda

Teertha Memorial Hospital (ATMH), and special camps conducted

by AMCH, Davangere.

b. Literary: Literary aspect of study will be collected from classical

Ayurvedic and Modern text updated with recent journals, different

media sources and previous work done in different research centres.

c. Preparation of drug: All the drugs will be identified and collected

from local areas and prepared as mentioned in Bhaisajya Ratnavali.

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7.2 Method of collection of data: –

a. Study design: Single blind study.

b. Sample size: 40 patients will be selected randomly for the study and

divided in 2 groups, Group A and Group B each consisting of 20 patients

Group A: Patients will be done Rakta-Mokshana by Jalauka.

Group B: Patients will be applied with Edagajadi Lepa Locally.

c. Inclusion criteria:

Patients presenting with the sign and symptoms of

Vicharchika will be selected

The age group between 16 to 60 years.

Both sexes.

Patients fit for Jalaukavacharana.

d. Exclusion Criteria:

Vicharchika with other systemic disorders.

The age group < 16 years and > 60 years.

e. Criteria for diagnosis:

On examination presence of signs and symptoms of Vicharchika

f. Posology: Depending on the Size and area of infection.

1. Rakta-Mokshana by Jalauka – Will be done once weekly.

2. Edagajadi Lepa – Applied locally once a day.

Group Treatment Doses Duration

A Rakta-Mokshana by Jalauka Once weekly Four weeks

B Edagajadi Lepa applied locally Once a day One Month

g. Study Duration & Follow up:

Observation during the treatment will be made at the interval of 7 days.

Follow up: once in 15 days for 3 months.

h. Assessment of the result:

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On the basis of observation will be done before, during and after the

treatment in according to subjective and objectives parameters.

i. Parameters of study:

Subjective Criteria:

Itching :

- Present

- Absent

Burning sensation :

- Present

- Absent

Pain :

- Present

- Absent

Objective Criteria:

Size of lesion :

- Length and width

Scaling :

- Present

- Absent

Oedema :

- Present

- Absent

Discharge :

- Present

- Absent

Resolution of lesion:

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← - Completely Resolved

← - Partially Resolved

← - No Change

J. Statistical Analysis:-

Appropriate statistical tests as applicable, will be adopted.

7.3. Does the study require any investigation or intervention to be

conducted on patient or other animals? If so describe briefly.

The study will be conducted on patients suffering from Vicharchika only.


Blood – Hb%, TC/DC.

Other investigations if necessary.


Group A: - After cleaning the infected area with warm water the

Rakta-Mokshana by Jalauka will be done over the affected part

according to classical references.

Group B: - After cleaning the infected area with warm water the

Edagajadi Lepa will be applied over the affected part according to

classical references.

7.4Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institution in case of 7.3?

Yes, Certificate enclosed.


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1. Sushrut Samhita, Nidan Sthana, 5 th Chapter, Shloka No. 5, Page No. 247,

Sushrut Samhita of Maharasi Susruta, Edited with Ayurveda Tattva

Sandapika, By Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Forwarded By Dr.

Pranajivana Manekchanda Mehta. Edition: 14th, Year - 2003.Publication:

Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Post Box No. 1139, K 37/116, Gopal

Mandir Lane, Varanasi 22101 (India)

2. Sushrut Samhita, Nidan Sthana, 13th Chapter, Shloka No. 3, Page No. 281,

Sushrut Samhita of Maharasi Susruta, Edited with Ayurveda Tattva

Sandapika, By Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Forwarded By Dr.

Pranajivana Manekchanda Mehta. Edition: 14th, Year - 2003.Publication:

Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Post Box No. 1139, K 37/116, Gopal

Mandir Lane, Varanasi 22101 (India)

3. Sushrut Samhita, Nidan Sthana, 5th Chapter, Shloka No. 13, Page No. 248,

Sushrut Samhita of Maharasi Susruta, Edited with Ayurveda Tattva

Sandapika, By Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Forwarded By Dr.

Pranajivana Manekchanda Mehta. Edition: 14th, Year - 2003.Publication:

Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Post Box No. 1139, K 37/116, Gopal

Mandir Lane, Varanasi 22101 (India).

4. Charaka Samhita, Chikitsha Sthana, 7th Chapter, Shloka No. 26, Page No.

185, Charaka Samhita, of Maharasi Agnivesa, Edited with

Vidyamanorama Hindi Commentary, By Acharya Vidyadhar shukla and

Prof. Ravi Dutt Tripathi, Forwarded By- Acharya Priy Vrata Sharma.

Edition: 2nd, Year - 2001.Publication: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan,

Post Box No. 1139, K 37/116, Gopal Mandir Lane, Varanasi 22101.

5. Dr.Siddharth N. Shah API Textbook of Medicine, Chapter -23th,

Dermatology, Page No.-1310, Edition-7th, year- 2003, Publication: The

association of physicians of India.

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6. Davidson Principle and Practice of Medicine, Chapter 21, Skin Disease,

(Eczema) Page No. 1072, Edition: 19th, Year- 2002, Edited by:

Christopher Haslett, Edwin R. Chilvers, Nicholas.A.Boon, And John.

7. Sushrut Samhita, Sutra Sthana, 14th Chapter, Shloka No.34, Page No. 54,

Sushrut Samhita of Maharasi Susruta, Edited with Ayurveda Tattva

Sandapika, By Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Forwarded By Dr.

Pranajivana Manekchanda Mehta. Edition: 14th, Year - 2003. Publication:

Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Post Box No. 1139, K 37/116, Gopal

Mandir Lane, Varanasi 22101 (India).

8. Sushrut Samhita, Nidan Sthana, 5 th Chapter, Shloka No. 13, Page No. 248,

Sushrut Samhita of Maharasi Susruta, Edited with Ayurveda Tattva

Sandapika, By Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Forwarded By Dr.

Pranajivana Manekchanda Mehta. Edition: 14th, Year - 2003.

Publication: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi 22101.

9. Yogratnakara, Uttaradhgat, Chapter, Kusta Roga Nidanam, Shloka No.

26, Page No. 214, with vidyotini Hindi Commentary, By Vaidya

Laksmipati Sastri, Edited by: Bhisagratna Brahmasankar Sastri, Edition:

7th, Year- 2002; Publication: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Post Box

No. 1139, K 37/116, Gopal Mandir Lane, Varanasi 22101 (India).

10. Bhavprakash, Madhyam khand, 54th Chapter, Shloka No. 27, Page No.

528, Bhavprakasha of Sri Bhavmishra, Edited with the Vidyotini Hindi

Commentary, By: Pandit Sri Brahma Sankar Mishra (Part II), Edition 9th,

2005, Publication: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Post Box No. 1139,

K 37/116, Gopal Mandir Lane, Varanasi 22101 (India)

11. Sushrut Samhita, Sutra Sthana, 14th Chapter, Shloka No.34, Page No. 54,

Sushrut Samhita of Maharasi Susruta, Edited with Ayurveda Tattva

Sandapika, By Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Forwarded By Dr.

Page 11: From: - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences … · Web viewVicharchika present with kandu, pida, rukshata3, pidaka, srava

Pranajivana Manekchanda Mehta. Edition: 14th, Year - 2003. Publication:

Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Gopal Mandir Lane, Varanasi 22101.

12. Sharangadhara Samhita, Uttar khand, 12th chapter, Shloka No. 14-18, page

No. 570-571, edited by Shri Radha Krishna Parashar, year 1994,

Publication: Shri Baidyanatha Ayurveda bhawan, Great Nag Road Nagpur

13. Maharishi Maricha Kashyapa Samhita, Sutra sthan written by Aacharya

Vriddajivaka 27th Chapter, Shloka No. 64-65, Page No. 46, Edited by

Pandit Hemaraja Sharma,Hindi comentry by Satyapala Bhisagacharya.

Edition: 8th, year 2002. Publication: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan,

Post Box No. 1139, K 37/116, Gopal Mandir Lane, Varanasi 22101.

14. Bhaisajya Ratnavali, 54th Chapter, Shloka No.32, Page No.620, Bhaisajya

Ratnavali with Vidyotini Hindi Commentary, By: Kaviraja Ambikadutta

Shastri, Edited by: Shri Rajeshwardatta Shastri, Edition: 16th, 2002,

Publication: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Post Box No. 1139, K

37/116, Gopal Mandir Lane, Varanasi 22101 (India).

15. Chakradatta, 50th Chapter, Shloka No. 39, Page No. 394, Chakradatta of

Sri Chakrapani Datta, with Hindi Commentar & Editor: Prof. Priyavrath

Sharma, Edition 3rd, 2002, Publication: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan,

Post Box No. 1139, K 37/116, Gopal Mandir Lane, Varanasi 22101.

16. Research in Ayurveda, By M.S. Baghel, Editor: Dr. Gajendra Kumar Jain,

Edition: 2nd, 2005, Publisher: Mridu Ayurvedic Publication and Sales,

36/13, Gayatrimata Mandir Road, Gandhinagar, Jamnagar – 361002


9. Signature of the student :

10. Remark of the Guide :

11. Name & Designation of

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11.1 Guide : Dr. Jayasheela M.GONI, M.S. (Ayu.)

Professor, Department of Post

Graduate Studies in Shalya Tantra,

Ayurvedic Medical College,

Davangere, - 577566.

11.2 Signature :

11.3 Co-Guide : Dr. Satish B.G. M.S., (Ayu.)

Professor, Department of Post

Graduate Studies in Shalya Tantra,

Ayurvedic Medical College,

Davangere 577566

11.4 Signature :

11.5 Head of the department : Dr. S. Manjunatha M.S., (Ayu.)

Professor, Department of Post

Graduate Studies in Shalya Tantra,

Ayurvedic Medical College,

Davangere - 577566.

11.6 Signature :

12. Remark of the Chairman &:


12.2 Signature :

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