from: sent: to: cc: attachments... · attachments: 0001.pdf; 0002.pdf; 0004.pdf dear mark, i...

Message From: Bruce Sounes [/OSTUDIO E/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BRUCE] Sent: 05/03/2012 11:36:51 To: Mark Anderson [[email protected]] CC: 'Peter.Wright^' [[email protected]]; Andrzej Kuszell [/0=STUDIO E/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Andrzej]; Siobhan Rumble [[email protected]]; Alasdair Manson [[email protected]] Subject: RE: Grenfell Tower adjacent to KALC Attachments: 0001.pdf; 0002.pdf; 0004.pdf Dear Mark, I haven't made contact with Robert yet and won't do so as you instruct. On KALC we are finding existing drawings hard to find and we will want to see everything that is available for the tower and adjoining structures. As part of the investigations on KALC we procured a number of drawings from Robert, the most relevant to Grenfell Tower are attached. Initially it would be useful to get further plans of the basement, the level 3 you mentioned and the residential levels as well as the adjoining properties on Grenfell Walk, the garages etc so that we have enough to start with options appraisals. We can discuss further tomorrow. Regards Bruce Sounes For and on behalf of STUDIO E L L P Palace Wharf, Rainville Road, London W6 9HN T^^^^^^^H | F| 11 www stuciioe co uk r%* tmnmtm ftUt*U**aa MVUVWCMT Queen's Award for Enterprise: Sustainable Development 2010 BCSE Award School Architect of the Year 2008 & 2010 BCSE Award Inspiring Design Primary School 2008 & Academy 2010 BSF Award Excellence in Student Engagement 2009 Sustainable City Award 2009 Please consider the environment before printing this email. ELECTRONIC INFORMATION TRANSFER DISCLAIMER This email and any files transmitted with it are sent for and on behalf of Studio E and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender. All attached files are copyright and may only be used for the purpose stated in the drawing status box. In the event that the files are altered in anyway, it is a condition of use that the Studio E name and logo be removed from the modified file, unless prior written agreement has been obtained. Studio E will assume no responsibility for the accuracy, adequacy, and integrity of the files, and recommends that the files be thoroughly screened for viruses prior to installation. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this message are not given or endorsed by Studio E LLP unless otherwise indicated by an authorised representative independent of this message. SEA00003583 0001 SEA00003583/1

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Page 1: From: Sent: To: CC: Attachments... · Attachments: 0001.pdf; 0002.pdf; 0004.pdf Dear Mark, I haven't made contact with Robert yet and won't do so as you instruct. On KALC we are finding


From: Bruce Sounes [/OSTUDIO E/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=BRUCE] Sent: 05/03/2012 11:36:51 To: Mark Anderson [[email protected]] CC: 'Peter.Wright^' [[email protected]]; Andrzej Kuszell [/0=STUDIO E/OU=EXCHANGE

ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Andrzej]; Siobhan Rumble [[email protected]]; Alasdair Manson [[email protected]]

Subject: RE: Grenfell Tower adjacent to KALC Attachments: 0001.pdf; 0002.pdf; 0004.pdf

Dear Mark,

I haven't made contact with Robert yet and won't do so as you instruct.

On KALC we are finding existing drawings hard to find and we will want to see everything that is available for the tower and adjoining structures. As part of the investigations on KALC we procured a number of drawings from Robert, the most relevant to Grenfell Tower are attached. Initially it would be useful to get further plans of the basement, the level 3 you mentioned and the residential levels as well as the adjoining properties on Grenfell Walk, the garages etc so that we have enough to start with options appraisals.

We can discuss further tomorrow.


Bruce Sounes

For and on behalf of


Palace Wharf, Rainville Road, London W6 9HN T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H | F | 1 1 www stuciioe co uk

r%* tmnmtm ftUt*U**aa MVUVWCMT

Queen's Award for Enterprise: Sustainable Development 2010 BCSE Award School Architect of the Year 2008 & 2010 BCSE Award Inspiring Design Primary School 2008 & Academy 2010 BSF Award Excellence in Student Engagement 2009 Sustainable City Award 2009

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E L E C T R O N I C INFORMATION T R A N S F E R DISCLAIMER This email and any files transmitted with it are sent for and on behalf of Studio E and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender. All attached files are copyright and may only be used for the purpose stated in the drawing status box. In the event that the files are altered in anyway, it is a condition of use that the Studio E name and logo be removed f rom the modified file, unless prior written agreement has been obtained. Studio E will assume no responsibility for the accuracy, adequacy, and integrity of the files, and recommends that the files be thoroughly screened for viruses prior to installation. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this message are not given or endorsed by Studio E LLP unless otherwise indicated by an authorised representative independent of this message.

SEA00003583 0001


Page 2: From: Sent: To: CC: Attachments... · Attachments: 0001.pdf; 0002.pdf; 0004.pdf Dear Mark, I haven't made contact with Robert yet and won't do so as you instruct. On KALC we are finding

From: Mark Anderson [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 05 March 2012 11:07 To: Bruce Sounes Cc: '[email protected]'; Andrzej Kuszell; Siobhan Rumble; Alasdair Manson Subject: Re: Grenfell Tower adjacent to KALC

Good morning Bruce I shall see you all at 15:30 tomorrow You are not under any circumstances to make contact with Robert Regan or the other Estate Inspectors Requests for information are to be directed to myself copied to Alasdair and Siobhan Please let me know what floor plans you require Thank you Mark

From: Bruce Sounes rmailto:[email protected] Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 10:54 AM To: Mark Anderson Cc: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>: Andrzej Kuszell <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Grenfell Tower adjacent to KALC

I am out this afternoon so cannot make today. I will be making contact with Robert Regan to enquire as to what drawings he has available. The team would be interested in seeing any recent technical studies, if any.

I have checked and representatives from Curtins (Structural) and Max Fordham (Services) can be available at 3:30pm. I think it would be preferable to meet together but if you think otherwise please let me know?

Shall we meet at the entrance to Grenfell tower?

Dear Mark,


Bruce Sounes

For and on behalf of


TNI Q«f IN 1 » M M I 0 N | N 1 | N M T « |

•• K V U V M N T MID

Queen's Award for Enterprise: Sustainable Development 2010 BCSE Award School Architect of the Year 2008 & 2010 BCSE Award Inspiring Design Primary School 2008 & Academy 2010 BSF Award Excellence in Student Engagement 2009

SEA00003583 0002


Page 3: From: Sent: To: CC: Attachments... · Attachments: 0001.pdf; 0002.pdf; 0004.pdf Dear Mark, I haven't made contact with Robert yet and won't do so as you instruct. On KALC we are finding

Sustainable City Award 2009

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E L E C T R O N I C INFORMATION T R A N S F E R DISCLAIMER This email and any files transmitted with it are sent for and on behalf of Studio E and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender. All attached files are copyright and -nay only be used for the purpose stated in the drawing status box. In the event that the files are alte-ed in anyvvay It Is a ccndi:lor of use that the Studio E name and logo be removed from the rnocified file unless prior written agreerrent has been obtained. Studio E v^l assume no responsibility for t i e accuracy, adequacy, and integrity of the files, and recommends that the files be thoroughly screened for viruses prior to installation Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this message are not given or endorsed by Studio E LLP unless otherwise indicated by an authorised representative independent of this message.

From: Mark Anderson rmailto:manderson(g)kctmo.orq.uk1 Sent: 05 March 2012 09:23 To: Bruce Sounes Cc: '[email protected]'; Andrzej Kuszell Subject: Re: Grenfell Tower adjacent to KALC

Good morning Bruce I can meet at 17:00 today or 15:30 tomorrow Would meeting on site suit Regards Mark

From: Mark Anderson Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 12:01 PM To: 'Bruce Sounes' <[email protected]> Cc: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; Andrzej Kuszell <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Grenfell Tower adjacent to KALC

Good afternoon Peter,

I will call you this afternoon, probably around 14:00.

Regards Mark

Mark Anderson Director of Assets, Investment & Engineering

t ^ S T M O e: manderson(5)

SEA00003583 0003


Page 4: From: Sent: To: CC: Attachments... · Attachments: 0001.pdf; 0002.pdf; 0004.pdf Dear Mark, I haven't made contact with Robert yet and won't do so as you instruct. On KALC we are finding

292a Kensal Road, W10 5BE Before printing, please think about the environment

From: Bruce Sounes [mailto:bruce(g) Sent: 01 March 2012 11:59 To: Mark Anderson Cc: '[email protected]'; Andrzej Kuszell Subject: RE: Grenfell Tower adjacent to KALC

Dear Mark,

Thank you for your email. It is an interesting and challenging project which we would be delighted to be involved in.

I have tried to call earlier and would appreciate a conversation with you to explore what you have described below, and to discuss the earliest opportunity for a meeting and site visit.

Many thanks

Bruce Sounes

For and on behalf of


Palace Wharf, Rainville Road, London W6 9HN T | | | F | |


Queen's Award for Enterprise: Sustainable Development 2010 BCSE Award School Architect of the Year 2008 & 2010 BCSE Award Inspiring Design Primary School 2008 & Academy 2010 BSF Award Excellence in Student Engagement 2009 Sustainable City Award 2009

Please consider the environmenl before printing this email.

E L E C T R O N I C INFORMATION T R A N S F E R DISCLAIMER Tins, eiral l anc any fl :es transmitted w t h t are sent for and on behalf o ; Stadio E and are intended solely 'or the use of the ndividua or entity to whom they are acdressed. If you have received this email n error please notify the sencer. All attached files are copyright and may only be used fcr the purpose stated n the drawing status box In the event that the files are altered in anyway, it is a condition of use that the Studio E name and logo be removed f rom the modified file, unless prior written agreement has been obtained. Studio Ewi l l assume no responsibility for the accuracy, adequacy, and integrity of the files, and recommends that the files be thoroughly screened for viruses prior to installation. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this message are not given or endorsed by Studio E LLP unless otherwise Indicated by an authorised representative Independent of this message

From: Mark Anderson [mailto:[email protected] Sent: 29 February 2012 20:01 To: Bruce Sounes Cc: '[email protected]' Subject: FW: Grenfell Tower adjacent to KALC Importance: High

Good evening Bruce,

SEA00003583 0004


Page 5: From: Sent: To: CC: Attachments... · Attachments: 0001.pdf; 0002.pdf; 0004.pdf Dear Mark, I haven't made contact with Robert yet and won't do so as you instruct. On KALC we are finding

In Andrzej's absence would you please review my request below and make contact with me ?

Thank you Mark

Mark Anderson Director of Assets, Investment & Engineering

.. • W O e: [email protected] 292a Kensal Road, W10 5BE

Before printing, please think about the environment

From: Mark Anderson Sent: 29 February 2012 19:59 To: '[email protected]' Cc: '[email protected]' Subject: Grenfell Tower adjacent to KALC Importance: High

Good evening Andrzej,

I understand that Peter has mentioned the generalities of our approach and desire to make use of the services offered by Studio E.

There is a desire, both on the part of RBKC and KCTMO, to enhance Grenfell Tower whilst undertaking the KALC project.

The principal objectives of the project are:

a. To improve the public realm links around the base of the Tower (as provided for in the SPD) b. To rationalise the ground floor arrangements c. To improve the office space provision d. To enclose the open corner of the Tower e. To convert the 3 r d ( 2 n d by current numbering) to residential f. To rearrange the fire exit routes allowing for the removal of the external staircases g. To overclad the Tower providing for significant energy efficiency (including the windows) h. To consider the roof level options i. To rationalise the heating and hot water systems to the Tower and the Estate (this is currently

provided via central plant)

This work will be separate to but complimenting KALC. It must not in any way compromise the KALC Project and we will require assurances and a clear deliniation demonstrating this.

SEA00003583 0005


Page 6: From: Sent: To: CC: Attachments... · Attachments: 0001.pdf; 0002.pdf; 0004.pdf Dear Mark, I haven't made contact with Robert yet and won't do so as you instruct. On KALC we are finding

The Grenfell Tower project is subject to approval by KCTMO Board (29 March) and RBKC Cabinet (anticipated April 2012) and as such all work is on an 'at risk' basis until such time that the approvals are obtained.

Additionally, commissions will be via KCTMO, and subject to OJEU limits.

I anticipate the initial stages of work being split in to 3:

1. Scoping and outline brief - this will include the inter-relationships with KALC and in particular the SPD.

2. Stages A & B. 3. Stages C, D & E.

Whilst the work will be 'at risk' I will require fee proposals from Studio E and its sub-consultants.

We need to rapidly conclude the initial stage and proceed quickly with the project so that we maximise any opportunities that may arise from joint procurement and construction.

Would you please give thought to our requirements and provide me with you initial views so that we may take this forward.

Thank you

Regards Mark

Mark Anderson Director of Assets, Investment & Engineering


e: [email protected] 292a Kensal Road, W10 5BE

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