from the ground up: chapter three

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Post on 17-Jan-2015



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  • 1. From the Ground Up! A Towering Legacy Chapter Three: You Only Date Twice
  • 2. Welcome back to From the Ground Up, a Towering Legacy! Last time, Jazz grew up, and two more babies were added to the Stone brood Cube and Beat. Parties were held, faces were pulled, and toddlers got in the way of the stairs. My recap is pretty lame, go back and read it if its unfamiliar! On with this update!
  • 3. For the first time in awhile, Ive got sims who are too nice to smack each other with a baseball. Are you ready? Also, neither Cube nor Beat can actually catch the ball at this stage. They drop it every single time.
  • 4. The next day, once school and everything was dealt with, I sent Jazz outside to meet people. Shes Romance and rolling wants for dates and first kisses, so I felt like I had to do something. Unfortunately, there wasnt really anyone interesting on the community lots.
  • 5. Youre all boring! Bye! So Jazz went home, with no friends. Im sure shell have some friends and aspiration fodder soon enough.
  • 6. Back at the lot, Jazz reminded me she was playful. Id forgotten sims could slide down banisters!
  • 7. The reason she was sliding down the banister was to meet this guy, the headmaster. Ive forgotten his name. Anyway, he was pretty excited by the house. Such a good use of a small space! I love it!
  • 8. I see that you dont have a dining room. I see that you have a rather untidy hairstyle for someone in charge of a stuffy institution. I like you. Good. Now the kids cant accuse me of ruining their education.
  • 9. Who would have thought the headmaster was so messy? This spaghetti is delicious! I welcome the kids to my school! He didnt really give us a chance to earn some schmooze points apparently the house and the food was enough.
  • 10. Stupid Beat, sleeping in my bed so I have to sleep upstairs. One of the things I love about TS3 is that you can assign beds to sims. I get really frustrated when sims dont sleep in their respective bedrooms. Everyones OCD about something, I guess.
  • 11. Turns out, Beat didnt use Dorians half of the double for long. Im guessing he just wanted to annoy his Dad a little. I think this midnight feast was my best idea yet, Beat. Sure. Nothing quite like cold spaghetti.
  • 12. The next day, and everyones off to private school! I had to turf Cube and Beat out of bed, because apparently staying up til midnight means they want a lie-in. Tough! Also yes I decided to use this picture because it shows Jazz is gorgeous.
  • 13. Smustle with me! Um, I dont think so. Jazz likes to bring kids home from school, but they never seem very interested in her. You have a games console? I picked the right girl to come home with!
  • 14. Joy, you came home with me, surely you want to hang out or something? No, why would I want to do that? Because Im AWESOME.
  • 15. There were no adults home when the kids got off the bus, just teenagers so who was Cube going to annoy with her chanting about achievement? BOYS! BOYS! LOOK!
  • 16. I am the GREATEST! I didnt realise you could see the Bella statue from the lot. Thats pretty cool.
  • 17. Im hooooome! Not one person ran out to greet him. The kids kept on dancing, and Jazzwell, she was preoccupied
  • 18. Jazz randomised as bisexual, and as I mentioned, is rolling wants for first kisses and dates and other romantic things. So Joy here gets to be aspiration fodder!
  • 19. Oh Jazz, you possess me with your beauty! Very creepy aspiration fodder. I do like Joys noseif they had more bolts
  • 20. Dorian was feeling a little left out with all of the romance going on, and decided to hit on the first person he saw, since Aurora was at work. I have no idea. But I nipped in the bud, and altered Dorians ACR settings he will no longer accept any flirts unless theyre from Aurora. Im not ruining my wonderful couple!
  • 21. That night, I decided to do something different. I couldnt remember the last time Id adopted a pet, or used the aspiration reward glasses, so why not both? The dog, Grace, was really cute, too.
  • 22. Jazz! We got a dog? When did we get a dog? I want to pet the dog! Grace is MY dog, Cube. Get your own. No fair! Im too young to use the stupid glowy glasses! Um, we look like the strangest people in the neighbourhood right now. Shut up, Beat.
  • 23. How cute is Grace? Shes so tiny! It also turns out shes an elderly dog. I just thought the white streaks were part of her coat!
  • 24. And Grace truly is Jazzs dog, they do everything together. Including dance around and bark at fires. Stupid lightning.
  • 25. Thanks to experimenting with the social glasses, Ive rediscovered how useful aspiration rewards can be! I pretty much stopped using them until recently! Ive been making life hard for myself!
  • 26. Plus the glasses look great on Jazz theyre pretty much the right size for her bug eyes! NATHEN. PREPARE FOR KISSING. what. Nathen Todd looks slightly worried by the girl entering the house behind him.
  • 27. Once the glasses had disappeared, Nathen had no problems interacting with Jazz. And he became her second partner, but Im not entirely sure she kissed him. She has more bolts with him than with Joy.
  • 28. If Grace is Jazzs dog, why am I the one washing her? A question parents have been asking since the dawn of time. When I was a kid, it was the rabbit hutch and why they were cleaning it out instead of me.
  • 29. Besides, Jazz was busy. And judging from this picture, she did kiss him. But I dont remember that.
  • 30. Anyway, that night was Cubes teenage birthday, which I am very excited for. Lets see what she rolls!
  • 31. Cube is gorgeous, and look exactly like her sister. Theyre not clones, but I could pass them off as twins! Unfortunately, Cube rolled Popularity, like BOTH of her parents. She even rolled the same LTW as Aurora! I dont want to play ANOTHER generation of pop sims! So Cube wont be taking over the family. Though to be quite honest, I think its super obvious who Im planning to play as heir.
  • 32. If Grace is Jazzs dog, why am I the one cleaning the dog house? Because Grace was asleep in it when the maid was here, and he left without doing it.
  • 33. Also, Grace doesnt like to share with the neighbourhood strays. Get away from MY chew toy!
  • 34. After school, Cube brought home her own aspiration fodder, but it didnt really go anywhere. I dont even remember his name.
  • 35. Further proof that Grace is Jazzs dog. shes also incredibly cute. Which is probably the main reason why I took this shot.
  • 36. I was hoping one of the kids got Dorians tendency to make amazing facial expressions, but it doesnt look like. Shes gorgeous, but not hilarious.
  • 37. Dad, I feel like Im being ignored. Probably. When was the last time you did something interesting? Um
  • 38. So were going to make ourselves more interesting by playing catch? How does that work, Beat? Just shut up and throw the ball. Neither of them can catch yet, by the way. Even though theyve had most of the update to practise.
  • 39. Look! Im doing something interesting! Its the same guy as last time, and I dont particularly like him. Plus, youre just playing rock, paper, scissors in the road.
  • 40. What are you DOING, playing in the street? What about TRAFFIC! YOU COULD GET HURT! But a car pool isnt due for four hours
  • 41. If Grace is my dog, how come Im cleaning her instead of my parents? Jazz isnt as bad with taking care of Grace as Ive been making her out to be. She does the food bowl, most of the time.
  • 42. Id like to say this is a result of tower life, but its just the sims. Lets cram ourselves in the smallest bathroom, and dance until were stinky and exhausted. I couldnt even get a decent picture of it!
  • 43. Even with the family occasionally squishing themselves up into small corners, there is still a little bit of room in the tower. Enough room for Beat to skip indoors there isnt space to do that in some of my houses larger that 8x8!
  • 44. The girls seriously look alike. Apart from maybe a slight skintone difference, I think.
  • 45. Aurora got demoted work and is back to being a clown. Which is both hilarious and sad at the same time. The family needs the money, its just unfortunate Aurora didnt really climb her career ladder.
  • 46. JAZZ, LOOK OUT! THE ZOMBIES ARE BEHIND YOU! Chill out, Dad. Ive got this. Dorian is so over-dramatic when it comes to video games.
  • 47. Wow, this day sure came round quicker than I was expecting Auroras elder birthday! Lets see if she grows up in the clown outfit!
  • 48. She doesnt appear to have changed that much. Shes still gorgeous.
  • 49. And because this is the Stone family, its a double birthday! So Beats becoming a teenager.
  • 50. Hes really handsome! He rolled Family, which is quite interesting. Too bad Ive already picked Jazz for my heir. Anyway, lets leave it here this time. See you all again soon!