fromtheearth,acry thestoryofjohnboyleo’reilly july–december 2011.pdf · story of the author’s...

NEW TITLES July–December 2011 1 From the Earth, a Cry The Story of John Boyle O’Reilly Ian Kenneally John Boyle O’Reilly (1844–1890) is one of Ireland’s most remarkable and least known historical figures. An undercover Fenian while ostensibly a proud member of the British army, he was convicted of treason in 1866 and was transported to Australia. After a daring escape on an American whaler, he settled in Boston and worked at the Boston Pilot where he became editor and joint owner. But what really made O’Reilly’s name were his journalism and newspaper campaigns. This is the first complete study of O’Reilly’s short, extraordinary life. 978-1848891319 • Biography • PB 384 pp • 216 x 138 mm • €17.99/£14.99 • August Black & white photos and maps Mick Mackey Hurling Legend in a Troubled County Henry Martin From 1933 to 1940 Limerick hurlers dominated the game and Mick Mackey was key to their success. However, the greatest hurler of the era failed to win another major medal and success was replaced by defeat, curious team selections, bickering and politics. In 1949 a near-fatal row in a club game, Mick Herbert almost lost his life; Mackey was a key witness in the subsequent court trial. This is an in-depth account of the life and hurling career of Mick Mackey and his beloved Limerick. 978-1848891012 • Biography/GAA • PB 288 pp • 234 x 156 mm • €17.99/£14.99 • August Black & white photos Farmhouse Cheeses of Ireland A Celebration Glynn Anderson & John McLaughlin A lavishly photographed and comprehensive guide to producers and their cheeses. Each cheese is described – colour, texture, aroma and flavour – and cheese facts are presented with easy-to- read icons. Supporting information includes the history of cheesemaking in Ireland, how cheese is made, resources for cheese lovers and recipes from Derry Clarke, Ross Lewis, Catherine Fulvio, Clodagh McKenna, Denis Cotter, Darina and Rachel Allen. 978-1848891210 • Irish Interest/Cookery • HB 392 pp • 240 x 170 mm • €24.99/£22.99 • August Colour photos and maps

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Page 1: FromtheEarth,aCry TheStoryofJohnBoyleO’Reilly July–December 2011.pdf · Story of the author’s childhood in Inchicore, Dublin, in the 1950s and 1960s. 978-1848890411 • PB •

NEW TITLES July–December 2011 • 1

From the Earth, a CryThe Story of John Boyle O’ReillyIan KenneallyJohn Boyle O’Reilly (1844–1890) is one of Ireland’s mostremarkable and least known historical figures. An undercoverFenian while ostensibly a proud member of the British army, hewas convicted of treason in 1866 and was transported toAustralia. After a daring escape on an American whaler, hesettled in Boston and worked at the Boston Pilotwhere he becameeditor and joint owner. But what really made O’Reilly’s namewere his journalism and newspaper campaigns. This is the firstcomplete study of O’Reilly’s short, extraordinary life.978-1848891319 • Biography • PB384 pp • 216 x 138 mm • €17.99/£14.99 • AugustBlack & white photos and maps

Mick MackeyHurling Legend in a Troubled CountyHenry MartinFrom 1933 to 1940 Limerick hurlers dominated the game andMick Mackey was key to their success. However, the greatesthurler of the era failed to win another major medal and successwas replaced by defeat, curious team selections, bickering andpolitics. In 1949 a near-fatal row in a club game, Mick Herbertalmost lost his life; Mackey was a key witness in the subsequentcourt trial. This is an in-depth account of the life and hurlingcareer of Mick Mackey and his beloved Limerick.978-1848891012 • Biography/GAA • PB288 pp • 234 x 156 mm • €17.99/£14.99 • AugustBlack & white photos

Farmhouse Cheeses of IrelandA CelebrationGlynn Anderson & John McLaughlinA lavishly photographed and comprehensive guide to producersand their cheeses. Each cheese is described – colour, texture,aroma and flavour – and cheese facts are presented with easy-to-read icons. Supporting information includes the history ofcheesemaking in Ireland, how cheese is made, resources forcheese lovers and recipes from Derry Clarke, Ross Lewis,Catherine Fulvio, ClodaghMcKenna, Denis Cotter, Darina andRachel Allen.978-1848891210 • Irish Interest/Cookery • HB392 pp • 240 x 170 mm • €24.99/£22.99 • AugustColour photos and maps

Page 2: FromtheEarth,aCry TheStoryofJohnBoyleO’Reilly July–December 2011.pdf · Story of the author’s childhood in Inchicore, Dublin, in the 1950s and 1960s. 978-1848890411 • PB •

2 • NEW TITLES July–December 2011

Ghosts of the Faithful DepartedDavid CreedonEmigration has been a constant in Ireland since the Famine.Those left behind suffered hardship and isolation and passedaway, their homes monuments to a bygone age. Visiting theseunoccupied houses, it seemed the last activity was waking thedead and closing the door. Looking at such scenes awoke ghostsfrom David’s past. Memories flooded back, prompted by dustynewspapers or mouldy framed images, wallpapers or a valveradio. The houses acquire new life in these hauntingly evocativephotographs, the rich colours within the houses in contrast withthe poverty of the last occupants.978-1848891258 • Irish Interest/Photography • HB168 pp • 290 x 249 mm • €24.99/£21.99 • SeptemberColour photos

More Lives Than OneThe Remarkable Wilde Familythrough the GenerationsGerard HanberryThe story of Oscar Wilde and his extraordinary family is aremarkable one. His parents, the brilliant Sir William and theflamboyant Lady Jane, also led astonishing lives and experiencedtriumph and tragedy. His wife Constance Wilde had to changeher name and live in exile until her death after his imprisonment.An epic family saga against a background of rebellion andfamine, this has new revelations on Oscar’s time in prison, hisfather’s cover-up of his illegitimate daughters’ deaths and Oscar'smother’s dire poverty before her death. By linking thegenerations a more complete picture emerges of a brilliantIrishman whose tragic fall still breaks the reader’s heart.978-1848891203 • Biography • HB360 pp • 228 x 155 mm • €24.99/£22.99 • SeptemberColour and black & white photos

Ocean FeverThe Damian Foxall StoryDamian Foxall with David BraniganHigh risk, extreme weather, knife-edge decisions in the toughestenvironment are all in a day’s work for this exceptional Irishsailor. Damian Foxall has raced around the world eight times;in 2008 he won the BarcelonaWorld Race with Jean Pierre Dickand he sailed with Ireland’sGreen Dragon team in the 2009 VolvoOcean Race. Damian’s positive attitude, stamina and courageshine through as he shows what takes place in the white heat ofcompetition.978-1848890374 • Biography/Adventure/Sailing • PB256 pp • 216 x 138 mm • €17.99/£14.99 • SeptemberColour photos

Page 3: FromtheEarth,aCry TheStoryofJohnBoyleO’Reilly July–December 2011.pdf · Story of the author’s childhood in Inchicore, Dublin, in the 1950s and 1960s. 978-1848890411 • PB •

NEW TITLES July–December 2011 • 3

Seán Lemass – Democratic DictatorBryce EvansSeán Lemass enjoys unrivalled acclaim as the ‘Architect ofModern Ireland’. Yet there remain great gaps in our knowledgeof this mythic figure and his golden age. Up to now Lemass, acolossus of twentieth-century Irish history, was airbrushed to fita narrative of national progress. Today, this narrative isundergoing an agonising reappraisal. This groundbreaking studyreveals the man behind the myth and asks questions previouslyskirted around. What emerges is an authoritarian, cunning,workaholic patriot; a shrewd political tactician whose impatiencelay not just with the old Ireland, but with democracy itself. Thisis the untold story of a great man and his lasting impact on anation’s imagination.978-1848891227 • Biography/Irish History • PB336 pp • 216 x 135 mm • €17.99/£15.99 • SeptemberBlack & white photos

The River ShannonA Journey Down Ireland’s Longest RiverAiveen CooperStatistics about the Shannon are almost as long as the river itself.But to many people there is something else that makes it special,a state of mind that comes from loving the river and losingyourself on, in or near it. By the time Aiveen Cooper reachedthe Atlantic Ocean after her journey, she began to experiencethis. She came to know ‘Shannonland’ first hand so the readergains a sense of the importance of Shannonland and an urge tovisit this magnificent river.978-1848891074 • Irish Interest • HB256 pp • 245 x 172 mm • €24.99/£22.99 • SeptemberColour photos and maps

Wildflowers of IrelandA Personal RecordZoë DevlinIn her youth Zoë Devlin was shown a wild orchid by a relative,the late Dr Kathleen Lynn, and this sparked a lifelong interest inwildflowers. Here is Zoë’s personal record of the wildflowers thatadorn Ireland’s countryside, presented so those without botanicalknowledge can gain a greater understanding of the subject.Passionate about this often-overlooked part of our naturalheritage, Zoë embellishes descriptions and photographs of theplants with herbal and literary references and related Irishfolklore. This book creates a new awareness and wider picture ofthe world of wildflowers in Ireland.978-1848891265 • Irish Interest/Natural History • HB432 pp • 277 x 219 mm • €29.99/£26.99 • SeptemberColour photos

Page 4: FromtheEarth,aCry TheStoryofJohnBoyleO’Reilly July–December 2011.pdf · Story of the author’s childhood in Inchicore, Dublin, in the 1950s and 1960s. 978-1848890411 • PB •

4 • NEW TITLES July–December 2011

Fifty Years Have FlownThe History of Cork AirportDonal Ó Drisceoil & Diarmuid Ó DrisceoilFifty years ago, in October 1961, Cork Airport opened its doorsand runways. This history charts the history of Irish aviation andthe effort to establish an airport since the 1920s, including thecontroversial purchase of the site, and details on how the airportbecame a glamorous outpost for social events and celebrity-spotting, bringing economic benefit to Cork andMunster. Specialpieces capture ‘A Day in the Life’ of the airport through thestories of workers, past and present.978-1848891302 • Irish Interest/Transport • HB250 pp • 277 x 219 mm • €24.99/£22.99 • OctoberColour and black & white photos

UpstartFriends, Foes and Founding a UniversityEd WalshEdWalsh returned to Ireland in 1970, a young man in a hurry, to setup an institute of education. He found a decaying mansion on ariverside site, gathered talented young people and secured fundingfrom theWorld Bank and European Investment Bank to build whatbecame the University of Limerick. Along the way, Ed madepowerful enemies as he challenged official cant, traditionalacademics and clerical humbug. This is an inspiring, frank and oftenfunny memoir by a passionate educational leader.978-1848891234 • Memoir • HB384 pp • 234 x 156 mm • €27.99/£24.99 • OctoberColour and black & white photos

Ordeal by IceShips of the AntarcticRorke BryanAntarctica was first sighted less than three centuries ago. Sincethen, hundreds of ships have been challenged by poorly chartedwaters, pack ice and icebergs. This richly illustrated book tellsthe story of these ships, the expeditions they supported and theirsubsequent history. Using extensive research Rorke Bryan bringsdetailed information about these ships into one comprehensiverecord. Familiar names such as Terra Nova and Endurance featurewith less well known ships. Plans, photos, paintings and mapsenhance this authoritative book.978-1848890404 • Exploration/Travel • HB544 pp • 247 x 189 mm • €39.99/£34.99 • OctoberColour photos and maps • Excl. US/UK/NZ/AUS rights

Page 5: FromtheEarth,aCry TheStoryofJohnBoyleO’Reilly July–December 2011.pdf · Story of the author’s childhood in Inchicore, Dublin, in the 1950s and 1960s. 978-1848890411 • PB •

NEW TITLES July–December 2011 • 5

Freshwater Birds of IrelandText by Jim Wilson & Images by Mark CarmodyAlmost all the world’s birds come to fresh water on a regularbasis. In Ireland hundreds can be observed eating, drinking andwashing on river and canal banks, in reservoirs, ponds and lakes.A broad range of birds, they take advantage of Ireland’s climateand variety of freshwater habitats. Jim Wilson profiles thesebirds, including the elegant great crested grebe, moorhen, Irishsnipe and whooper swan, while Mark Carmody captures theessence and beauty of Ireland’s freshwater birds and theirhabitats in magnificent photographs.978-1848891326 • Natural History • PB with flaps272 pp • 245 x 172 mm • €19.99/£17.99 • OctoberColour photos & maps

Places We PlayIreland’s Sporting HeritageMike Cronin & Roisín HigginsHeritage in Ireland is thought of in terms of landscape, bighouses, battlefields, language and civic buildings. There isno recording or celebration of the heritage built aroundIreland’s sporting activities from fishing to tennis, horse-racing to cricket. This book celebrates significant sitesacross the country, and highlights why they are importantto the history of Ireland. These places form a central partof Ireland’s heritage with their richness of history,architecture and sporting endeavour.978-1848891296 • Irish Interest/Irish Sport • HB208 pp • 210 x 210 mm • €24.99/£22.99 • OctoberColour and black & white photos

The GAA – County by CountyMike Cronin, Mark Duncan & Paul RousePeople and place, sport and identity are at the heart of this book,telling the story of how the GAA has left a unique imprint onevery Irish county and Irish communities overseas. Organisedcounty by county, the highs and lows of on-field activity arecharted. Forces that shaped the GAA across each county –social, economic, geographic and political – are examined. Acompelling mix of text, images and first-hand accounts, this is afascinating insight into why the GAA has developed as it has indifferent places.978-1848891289 • GAA/History • HB480 pp • 240 x 170 mm • €29.99/£26.99 • OctoberColour and black & white photos

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6 • NEW TITLES July–December 2011

Window and MirrorRTÉ Television: 1961–2011John BowmanDecember 2011 marks the 50th anniversary of the first broadcastby RTÉ television. This is a critical overview of the nationaltelevision station, an insider’s ‘warts and all’ account of theformation of RTÉ and its fifty-year history. Contentious issuesare covered and controversial and influential programming.Photographs, cartoons, documents and other graphics helpcapture key moments.978-1848891357 • Irish Interest/History/Media • HB256 pp • 255 x 190 mm • €25.00/£22.99 • NovemberFull colour, 300 photos

Traditional Boats of IrelandHistory, folklore and constructionCompiled by Críostóir MacCárthaighThis remarkable work describes over sixty traditionalboats, their construction and handling, usage andhistory. Contributors include local historians, boat-builders, sailors, former fishermen, ‘classic boat’enthusiasts and academics. Gloriously illustrated withevocative photographs, exquisite boat plans and maps,this wonderful work is the finest and most completedescription of Ireland’s traditional boats.978-1905172399 • Irish Interest/Maritime • HB672 pp • 280 x 280 mm • €59.95/£40.00 • OctoberBlack & white and colour photos, maps, plans

Archaeological Excavations atTullahedy, County TipperaryNeolithic Settlement in North MunsterHilary Kelleher and Rose M. ClearyConducted in advance of the construction of a link between theN7 and N52 roads, an archaeological investigation uncovered anenclosed Neolithic settlement at Tullahedy, near Nenagh, CountyTipperary. The site was located on an esker with Neolithic activitydated to between 3670–3460 BC. The settlement comprised threeNeolithic houses, two within a natural hollow and a third near aformer lakeshore. Lavishly illustrated, this volume presents thefindings in an attractive and comprehensive manner.978-1848891333 • Archaeology/ Irish Interest • HB500 pp • 277 x 219 mm • €49.99/£40.00 • NovemberMaps, photos, full colour

• Reprint

Page 7: FromtheEarth,aCry TheStoryofJohnBoyleO’Reilly July–December 2011.pdf · Story of the author’s childhood in Inchicore, Dublin, in the 1950s and 1960s. 978-1848890411 • PB •

Dwyer’s IrelandAView From AboveKevin DwyerStunning collection of aerial photographycapturing the spirit and colour of Ireland.978-1848890633 • PB • 128 pp • 170 x 244 mm€14.99/£12.99 • 2010 • Colour photos & maps

Abandoned Mansions of IrelandTarquin BlakeHistories of fifty mansion houses alongsidebeautiful photographs of the haunting ruins.978-1848890619 • HB • 348 pp • 277 x 219 mm€27.99/£24.99 • 2010 • Full colour photos

Remember WhenPictures from the Irish Examiner ArchiveCompiled by Anne KearneyGathers the best Irish Examiner pictures fromthe mid to late twentieth century.978-1848890626 • HB • 248 pp • 290 x 249 mm€29.99/£26.99 • 2010 • Black & white photos

Serving a CityThe Story of Cork’s English MarketDiarmuid Ó Drisceoil & Donal Ó DrisceoilTraces the development of the market fromits origins to the present day.978-1848891098 • PB • 264 pp • 247 x 195 mm€19.99/£17.99 • 2011Colour maps, photos and illustrations


The Making of Ireland’s LandscapeSince the Ice AgeValerie HallFascinating interplay of natural forces andhuman hands on the landscape, its plants andanimals, described and explained.978-1848891159 • PB • 192 pp • 234 x 156 mm€17.99/£15.99 • 2011 • Colour photos and maps

Doesn’t Time Fly?Aer Lingus – Its HistoryMike CroninCharts the history of the airline and tells itsstory within the broader history of Ireland.978-1848891111 • HB • 240 pp • 240 x 170 mm€25.00/£22.99 • 2011 • Colour and black & white photos

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The West of IrelandA Photographer’s JourneyCarsten KriegerDistinctive collection of images presentingthe west of Ireland in a fresh manner.978-1905172894 • HB • 160 pp • 219 x 277 mm€19.99/£17.99 • 2009 • Colour photos

Sun Dancing – AMedieval VisionGeoffrey MoorhousePart-fictional, part-factual account ofmedieval monastic life on Skellig Michael.978-1848890046 • PB • 256 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.95/£11.99 • 2009

EyewitnessPadraig & Joan Kennelly’s images ofIreland: 1953–1973Padraig & Joan KennellyRich black-and-white photos coveringeverything from painful tragedy to theburgeoning social scene of 1950s Ireland.978-1848890220 • HB • 256 pp • 330 x 275 mm€29.95/£26.95 • 2009 • Black & white photos

Dublin Zoo – An Illustrated HistoryCatherine de CourcyThe story of Dublin Zoo from 1831, generouslyillustrated with images of animals and visitors.978-1848890084 • PB with flaps • 368 pp • 228 x 228 mm€20.00/£17.99 • 2009 • Colour and black & white photos

Ireland’s Lighthouses – A Photo EssayJohn EagleUnique images, captured during daring boatand helicopter trips.978-1848890244 • PB with flaps • 216 pp • 245 x 172 mm€19.99/£17.99 • 2010 • Colour photos

Drystone Walls of the Aran IslandsExploring the Cultural LandscapeMary LaheenExplores this unique landscape and itslandholding and farming practices.978-1848890251 • PB • 192 pp • 245 x 172 mm€19.99/£17.99 • 2010 • Colour photos, maps

Page 9: FromtheEarth,aCry TheStoryofJohnBoyleO’Reilly July–December 2011.pdf · Story of the author’s childhood in Inchicore, Dublin, in the 1950s and 1960s. 978-1848890411 • PB •

Temples of StoneExploring the Megalithic Tombs of IrelandCarleton JonesDiscussion of megaliths, with maps anddetailed directions to key sites.978-1905172054 • HB • 352 pp • 277 x 219 mm€27.95/£20.00 • 2007 • Full colour maps and photos

Eating SceneryWest Cork, the people & the placeAlannah HopkinMultifaceted portrait of the vibrant anddiverse community of west Cork.978-1905172603 • PB • 256 pp • 216 x 135 mm€17.99/£13.99 • 2008EE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Traditional Boats of IrelandHistory, folklore and constructionCompiled by Críostóir MacCárthaighComplete description of Ireland’s traditionalboats.978-1905172399 • HB • 672 pp • 280 x 280 mm€59.95/£40.00 • 2008Black & white and colour photos, maps, plans

Ireland’s High PlacesFrom the Mountains to the SeaRob BeightonMesmerising images to delight the thousandswho visit Ireland’s mountains.978-1905172450 • HB • 160 pp • 219 x 277 mm€28.95/£20.00 • 2008 • Full colour photos


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Special Price€9.99/£8.99

Irish Blessings A Photographic CelebrationAshley ShannonStunning photos of the Irish countryside setopposite traditional blessings and verse. 978-1905172122 • PB • 128 pp • 285 x 280 mm€12.99/£10.99 • 2006 • Full colour • No rights

The Irish Draught Horse – A HistoryMary McGrath and Joan C. GriffithThe story of the ‘horse of the people’.978-1905172290 • PB • 256 pp • 250 x 250 mm€20.00/£14.95 • 2006Black & white photos and line drawings

Page 10: FromtheEarth,aCry TheStoryofJohnBoyleO’Reilly July–December 2011.pdf · Story of the author’s childhood in Inchicore, Dublin, in the 1950s and 1960s. 978-1848890411 • PB •

Heaps of TroubleEmelyn HeapsStory of the author’s childhood in Inchicore,Dublin, in the 1950s and 1960s.978-1848890411 • PB • 256 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2010

When Bobby Met ChristyThe Story of Bobby Beasley and a WaywardHorseDeclan ColleyA fall from grace and an unlikely comeback.978-1848890398 • PB with flaps • 256 pp • 216 x 138 mm€14.99/£12.99 • 2010 • Black & white photosEE BB OOOO KK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Privilege & Poverty The Life and Times ofIrish Painter & Naturalist Alexander WilliamsRHA 1846–1930Gordon T. LedbetterBiography of a painter, apprentice hatter,taxidermist and professional singer. 978-1848890343 • HB • 376 pp • 240 x 170 mm€40.00/£35.99 • 2010 • Full colour illustrations


My American Struggle for Justice inNorthern Ireland Fr Sean McManusPersonal account of how one lone voicemainstreamed Northern Ireland on Capitol Hill.978-1848890985 • PB • 288 pp • 198 x 128 mm€14.99/£12.99 • 2011 • Colour and black & white photosEE BB OOOO KK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Lady Gregory An Irish LifeJudith HillInvestigates Augusta Gregory’s variedrelationships and the contradictions andachievements of her life. 978-1848891104 • PB • 624 pp • 198 x 128 mm€14.99/£12.99 • 2011 • Black & white photosEE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Tom Crean – An Illustrated LifeUnsung Hero of the Scott and ShackletonExpeditionsMichael SmithA record of a truly astonishing man, with rarepictures. 978-1848891197 • PB • 176 pp • 234 x 156 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2011Black & white photos, letters and maps

Page 11: FromtheEarth,aCry TheStoryofJohnBoyleO’Reilly July–December 2011.pdf · Story of the author’s childhood in Inchicore, Dublin, in the 1950s and 1960s. 978-1848890411 • PB •

Prisoner 1082 – Escape from CrumlinRoad, Europe’s AlcatrazDónal DonnellyFormer IRA prisoner, Dónal Donnelly,recounts his dramatic prison escape. 978-1848890312 • PB • 224 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2010 • Black & white photos EE BB OOOO KK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

The Unknown CommandantThe Life and Times of Denis Barry1883–1923Denis BarryA brave soldier, patriot and sportsman, DenisBarry (the author’s uncle) died for Irishfreedom. 978-1848890299 • PB • 256 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2010 • Black & white photosEE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE


An Adventure in GriefCatherine de CourcyA deeply moving, inspiring story of oneperson’s journey through grief after thesuicide of her husband.978-1905172870 • PB • 256 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2009

Special Price€4.99/£3.99

Blasket Spirit – Stories from the IslandsAnita FennellyStory of personal healing and recoveryinterwoven with stories of the island, itspeople, places and wildlife. 978-1905172900 • PB • 224 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2009 EEBB OOOOKK AAVVAA II LLAABB LLEE

Talking to KateTom NestorA grandfather shares his life experiences andwisdom with his granddaughter. 978-1905172917 • PB • 256 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2009

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Cissie’s AbattoirÉibhear WalsheMemoir of the author’s life as influenced by hisglamorous grandmother, Cissie. She taught himhow to live a gay life with style and verve.978-1848890091 • PB • 160 pp • 198 x 128 mm€9.99/£7.99 • 2009

Page 12: FromtheEarth,aCry TheStoryofJohnBoyleO’Reilly July–December 2011.pdf · Story of the author’s childhood in Inchicore, Dublin, in the 1950s and 1960s. 978-1848890411 • PB •

The Last of the NameCharles McGlinchey as told to PatrickKavanaghEDITED WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY BRIAN FRIELThe life and times of Inishowen man CharlesMcGlinchey (1861–1954). 978-1905172467 • PB • 160 pp • 198 x 128 mm €12.95/£9.99 • 2007

An Irish NavvyThe Diary of an Exile (Dialann Deoraí)TRANSLATED FROM IRISH BY VALENTIN IREMONGERDonall MacAmhlaighThe life of an Irish navvy in twentieth-century Britain.978-1903464366 • PB • 190 pp • 216 x 138 mm€12.95/£9.99 • 2003

Stone MadSeamus MurphyILLUSTRATIONS BY WILLIAM HARRINGTONThe story of seven years as an apprenticestonecarver. 978-1903464816 • PB • 240 pp • 216 x 138 mm€12.99/£9.99 • 2005 • Line drawings

The Vatican PimpernelThe Wartime Exploits of Monsignor Hugh O’FlahertyBrian FlemingO’Flaherty ran an escape organisation inRome 1942–44, and saved thousands of lives. 978-1848890114 • PB • 236 pp • 216 x 138 mm€12.95/£11.99 • 2007 • Black & white photosEE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

An Unsung Hero Tom Crean – Antarctic SurvivorMichael SmithThe story of the remarkable Tom Crean in afresh, new format.978-1905172863 • PB • 408 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2009 • Black & white photosEE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Jasper Wolfe of SkibbereenJasper Ungoed-ThomasMethodist, lawyer, T.D. and President of theLaw Society, Jasper Wolfe led a remarkableand dangerous existence. 978-1905172719 • HB • 304 pp • 234 x 156 mm€22.95/£17.99 • 2008 • Black & white photos


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The Burren and the Aran IslandsA Walking GuideTony Kirby Easy-to-use guide to the best walking routes inthe region. 978-1905172979 • Limpback • 176 pp • 198 x 128 mm€14.99/£12.99 • 2009 • Maps, colour photos, line drawingsEEBB OOOOKK AAVV AA II LLAA BBLL EE

Great EndeavourIreland’s Antarctic ExplorersMichael SmithSaluting Ireland’s unique link to Antarcticexploration.978-1848890237 • HB • 264 pp • 246 x 189 mm€29.99/£26.99 • 2010 • Photos & maps, full colour

The Dingle, Iveragh and Beara PeninsulasA Walking GuideAdrian HendroffDescribes exhilarating walks in each peninsulawith breathtaking photographs and maps. 978-1848891036 • PB • 160 pp • 198 x 128 mm€14.99/£12.99 • 2011 • Colour maps and photos

Connemara & Mayo – A Walking GuideMountain, Coastal & Island WalksPaul PhelanDescribes some of the region’s best and mostspectacular walks. Maps are included, withstunning photographs. 978-1848891029 • PB • 160 pp • 198 x 128 mm€14.99/£12.99 • 2011 • Colour maps and photos

Scenic Walks in West CorkA Walking GuideDamien EnrightGuide to some of the best walks in theregion, with clear descriptions and engagingcommentaries, maps and photographs.978-1848891043 • PB • 176 pp • 198 x 128 mm€14.99/£12.99 • 2011 • Colour maps and photos

Burren CountryTravels through an Irish limestonelandscapePaul ClementsAbsorbing essays about the rocks, hills andwalls, the animals, exotic wild flowers,ancient ruins, birdsong and historic pubs. 978-1848891173 • PB • 256 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2011 • Colour and black & white photos

Page 14: FromtheEarth,aCry TheStoryofJohnBoyleO’Reilly July–December 2011.pdf · Story of the author’s childhood in Inchicore, Dublin, in the 1950s and 1960s. 978-1848890411 • PB •

Shackleton’s Boat JourneyF. A. WorsleyThe classic account of this extraordinary storyof survival. 978-1848890428 • PB • 160 pp • 198 x 128 mm€8.99/£7.99 • 2009 • No rights

The Height of NonsensePaul ClementsHumorous search for Ireland’s county tops àla McCarthy’s Bar.978-1903464694 • PB • 400 pp • 198 x 128 mm€13.95/£9.99 • 2005 • Excl. Romanian rights

Northern IrelandA Walking GuideHelen FairbairnA guide to the best walking routes in NorthernIreland.978-1905172214 • PB • 241 pp • 180 x 110 mm€12.99/£9.99 • 2006 • Maps EE BB OOOO KK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Carrauntoohil & MacGillycuddy’sReeks – A Walking Guide to Ireland’sHighest MountainsJim RyanA comprehensive guide to the area. 978-1905172337 • HB • 142 pp • 198 x 128 mm€20.00/£14.99 • 2006 • Colour maps and photosEE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Arctic 2 Antarctic A Celtic Spirit of Fastnet Adventure Michael Holland & Janet King INCLUDES 50-MINUTE DVD Beautifully photographed epic voyage. 978-1905172641 • HB • 208 pp • 220 x 320 mm€29.95/£22.95 • 2008 Maps and photographs, full colour

One Wild Life – A Journey to DiscoverPeople Who Change Our WorldClare MulvanyClare travelled the world to meet socialentrepreneurs – those who use their skills tomake a better world for others.978-1905172887 • PB • 256 pp • 245 x 172 mm€20.00/£18.99 • 2009 • Full colour photos


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The Burren and the Aran Islands Exploring the Archaeology Carleton JonesNew and interesting interpretations of theregion’s archaeology.978-1903464496 • PB • 270 pp • 244 x 244 mm€19.99/£17.99 • 2004 Colour and black & white photos, line drawings, plans

Temples of StoneExploring the Megalithic Tombs of IrelandCarleton JonesThe world of the megaliths and the megalithbuilders is brought to life. 978-1905172054 • HB • 352 pp • 277 x 219 mm€27.95/£20.00 • 2007 • Full colour maps and photos

Drystone Walls of the Aran IslandsExploring the Cultural LandscapeMary LaheenExplores this unique landscape and itslandholding and farming practices.978-1848890251 • PB • 192 pp • 245 x 172 mm€19.99/£17.99 • 2010 • Colour photos, maps

Local WorldsUpland Farming and Early SettlementLandscapes in Southwest IrelandWilliam O’Brien First detailed description of pre-bog fieldsand early farming in Ireland.978-1848890213 • HB • 480 pp • 297 x 210 mm€49.95/£40.00 • 2009 • Maps and photos

Inishmurray – Monks and Pilgrims in anAtlantic LandscapeTomás Ó Carragáin & Jerry O’SullivanInterpretative account of Inishmurray,lavishly illustrated. 978-1905172474 • HB • 432 pp • 246 x 187 mm€49.95/£40.00 • 2008 • Full colour maps and photos

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Burren ArchaeologyA Tour GuideHugh CarthyBrings to life the archaeology of over fortyBurren sites. 978-1848891050 • PB • 176 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11 .99 • 2011 • Colour maps and photos

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G2: In Defence of IrelandIrish Military Intelligence 1918–45Maurice WalshDraws heavily on Irish intelligence records,fills a gap in the history of Irish intelligence.978-1848890282 • PB • 384 pp • 198 x 128 mm€16.99/£14.99 • 2010 • Black & white photos

Cork’s St Patrick’s StreetA HistoryAntóin O’CallaghanIllustrated history of the street from itsbeginning in the 1780s to the present day. 978-1848890572 • HB • 240 pp • 247 x 189 mm€29.99/£26.99 • 2010 • Full colour, maps & photos

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Pawns in the GameIrish Hunger Strikes 1912–1981Barry FlynnExplores the political circumstances of thestrikes, the pressure felt and the suffering offamily and friends.978-1848891166 • PB • 288 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2011 • Black & white photos

The Fethard-on-Sea Boycott Tim FanningHow a family and community were rippedapart by the Catholic Church’s Ne Temeredecree. 978-1848890329 • PB • 240 pp • 198 x 128 mm€14.99/£12.99 • 2010 • Black & white photos EE BB OOOO KK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Captain Rock – The Irish AgrarianRebellion of 1821–1824James S. Donnelly, Jr. Account of the Rockite Rebellion, whichtook its name from its mythical leader.978-1848890107 • PB • 510 pp • 234 x 156 mm€24.95/£22.99 • 2009 • Black & white illustrationsNo rights

Soldiers of FollyThe IRA Border Campaign 1956–1962Barry Flynn Analysis of the IRA’s Operation Harvest.978-1848890169 • HB • 224 pp • 216 x 135 mm€14.99/£12.99 • 2009 • Black & white photos

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Courage & ConflictForgotten Stories of the Irish at WarIan KenneallyThe intersections of Irish history with that ofother peoples and countries. 978-1848890060 • PB • 384 pp • 216 x 138 mm€16.99/£12.99 • 2009 • Black & white photosEE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Green, Blue and GreyThe Irish in the American Civil WarCal McCarthy The American Civil War and the role of Irishindividuals and units. 978-1-905172986 • PB • 336 pp • 198 x 128 mm€16.99/£12.99 • 2009 • Black & white photos EE BB OOOO KK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Freedom to Choose – Cork & PartyPolitics in Ireland 1918–1932Micheál MartinImportant insights into the development ofparty politics of modern Ireland. 978-1848890015 • HB • 304 pp • 216 x 138 mm€22.95/£19.99 • 2009

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British Voices – From the Irish War ofIndependence 1918–1921William SheehanThe words of British soliders who served inIreland from 1918–21.978-1905172375 • PB • 210 pp • 216 x 138 mm€12.95/£9.99 • 2007 • Black & white photosEEBB OO OOKK AAVVAA II LLAABB LLEE

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Cumann na mBan and the IrishRevolutionCal McCarthyTraces the development of Cumann namBan, which placed equality for women onthe political agenda.978-1905172146 • PB • 288 pp • 198 x 128 mm€15.00/£11.99 • 2007

The Medieval Castles of IrelandDavid SweetmanThe development of the Irish medieval castlefrom 1169 onwards.978-1903464809 • PB • 218 pp • 270 x 205 mm€25.00/£20.00 • 2005 Colour and black & white photos, maps, line drawings Excl. British and US rights

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Unlimited HeartbreakThe Inside Story of Limerick Hurling Henry MartinThe story of Limerick hurling, based oninterviews with players, mentors and officials. 978-1848890145 • PB • 408 pp • 234 x 156 mm€19.95/£18.99 • 2009 • Black & white photos

The GAA – A People’s HistoryMike Cronin, Mark Duncan and Paul Rouse Tells of how the GAA carved a unique place atthe heart of Irish life; includes photos andhistorical documents. 978-1848890183 • HB • 448 pp • 240 x 170 mm€29.99/£26.99 • 2009 Colour and black & white photos

Cork’s Hurling StoryTim HorganEvokes the thrills and excitement of 125 yearsof Cork hurling. 978-1848890961 • PB • 368 pp • 234 x 156 mm€19.99/£17.99 • 2010 • Colour and black & white photos

When Bobby Met ChristyThe Story of Bobby Beasley and a WaywardHorseDeclan ColleyA fall from grace and an unlikely comeback.978-1848890398 • PB with flaps • 256 pp • 216 x 138 mm€14.99/£12.99 • 2010 • Black & white photosEE BB OOOO KK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

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Hooked An Amateur’s Guide to the Golf Courses ofIrelandKevin MarkhamBest-researched guide to Ireland’s golf courses. 978-1848891067 • PB • 384 pp • 198 x 128 mm€14.99/£12.99 • 2011 • Colour photos

Hurling – The Warrior GameDiarmuid O’FlynnAre great hurlers born or made? What arethe key elements of hurling greatness? Ananalysis of the fundamental skills andqualities needed. 978-1848891081 • PB • 352 pp • 234 x 156 mm€17.99/£14.99 • 2011 • Black & white photographs

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Lest We Forget – Gems of Gaelic Gamesand Those Who Made ThemBrendan FullamFOREWORD BY NICKY BRENNAN, FORMER GAAPRESIDENT

Celebration of epic games and star playerswho made the GAA what it is today. 978-1848890152 • PB • 360 pp • 234 x 156 mm€19.95/£17.99 • 2009 • Black & white photos

Croke Park – A HistoryTim CareyThe story of ‘Croker’ from the beginning,including new material.978-1905172085 • PB • 200 pp • 277 x 219 mm€20.00/£14.99 • 2007 • Black & white and colour photos

Princes of PigskinA Century of Kerry FootballersJoe Ó Muircheartaigh and T. J. FlynnINTRODUCTION BY CON HOULIHANTales told by 100 proud wearers of the greenand gold. 978-1905172757 • PB • 420 pp • 228 x 228 mm€20.00/£16.99 • 2008 • Black & white and colour photos

Christy Ring – Hurling’s GreatestTim HorganAn affectionate biography, embellished withmemories of great players, personalities andgames won and lost. 978-1905172740 • PB • 360 pp • 234 x 156 mm€17.99/£13.99 • 2008 • Black & white photos

An Emerald Odyssey – In Search of theGods of Golf and IrelandPaul J. ZinggProvides a fresh perspective on golf in Irelandand on Ireland. 978-1905172566 • HB • 192 pp • 184 x 203 mm€18.99/£13.99 • 2008Black & white photos, two-colour text

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The Song at Your BackdoorJoseph HorganA nature walk accompanied by the words ofwriters and poets, scientists and naturalists. 978-1848890336 • PB • 256 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2010EE BB OOOO KK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Wildflowers of Cork City & CountyTony O’Mahony A handsome mix of photography, maps andinformation on the flora of Ireland’s largestcounty. 978-1848890206 • HB • 456 pp • 247 x 189 mm€29.99/£26.99 • 2009 • Colour photos and maps

Shorebirds of IrelandText by Jim Wilson, Images by MarkCarmodyThe world of Ireland’s shorebirds, withengaging text and outstanding photographs. 978-1848890176 • PB • 208 pp • 245 x 172 mm€19.99/£17.99 • 2009 • Full colour photos

Trees of InspirationSacred Trees and Bushes of Ireland Christine ZucchelliThe stories and legends of Ireland’s sacredtrees. 978-1848890138 • PB with flaps • 296 pp245 x 175 mm • €19.99/£17.99 • 2009150 colour photos and line drawings

Ireland’s AnimalsMyths, Legends and FolkloreNiall Mac CoitirWATERCOLOURS BY GORDON D’ARCYThe myths, legends and folklore associatedwith Irish animals.978-1848890602 • HB • 296 pp • 234 x 156 mm €27.99/£24.99 • 2010Black & white illustrations, watercolours


Dublin Zoo – An Illustrated HistoryCatherine de CourcyThe story of Dublin Zoo from 1831, generouslyillustrated with images of animals and visitors. 978-1848890084 • PB with flaps • 368 pp • 228 x 228 mm€20.00/£17.99 • 2009 • Colour and black & white photos

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Birds of Ireland Facts, Folklore & HistoryGlynn AndersonFocuses on our interaction with birds, coveringmythology and folklore and bird-relatedbeliefs, proverbs and curses.978-1905172726 • HB • 376 pp • 234 x 156 mm€27.95/£19.99 • 2008 • Full colour

Ireland’s Garden Birds – How toAttract, Identify & Garden for BirdsOran O’Sullivan & Jim WilsonProvides information on the fifty-six birdsmost likely to be seen from your window,gardening issues and planting schemes. 978-1905172733 • PB • 192 pp • 216 x 138 mm€16.99/£13.99 • 2008 • Full colour EE BB OOOO KK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Irish Wild PlantsMyths, Legends and Folklore Niall Mac CoitirWATERCOLOURS BY GRANIA LANGRISHEThe myths, legends and folklore associatedwith native Irish plants.978-1905172696 • PB • 410 pp • 234 x 156 mm€20.00/£14.99 • 2008 • Original watercoloursEE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Wild Plants of the Burren and the AranIslandsCharles NelsonDescriptions of the world-renowned wild flowersand plants of the Burren and Aran Islands. 978-1905172672 • PB • 160 pp • 198 x 128 mm€14.99/£11.99 • 2008 • Full colour photos

The Way That I Went An Irishman in IrelandRobert Lloyd Praeger INTRODUCTION BY MICHAEL VINEYReprint of the famous book describing apersonal tour of Ireland’s natural wonders.978-1898256359 • PB • 394 pp • 240 x 172 mm€19.95/£14.99 • 1999 • Black & white photos

Irish TreesMyths, Legends and FolkloreNiall Mac CoitirWATERCOLOURS BY GRANIA LANGRISHEThe myths, legends and folklore associatedwith native Irish trees. 978-1903464335 • PB • 240 pp • 234 x 156 mm€20.00/£14.99 • 2003 • Original watercoloursEE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

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An Irish Butcher ShopPat WhelanDemystifies meat cookery and helps toexplore its wonderful taste opportunitiesthrough Pat’s favourite tried and testedrecipes.978-1848890596 • HB • 280 pp • 247 x 189 mm €25.00/£22.99 • 2010 • Full colour illustrations



The Wild GardenA new illustrated edition with photographs& notes by Charles NelsonWilliam RobinsonAugmented with captivating photographs andnotes by Charles Nelson, whose introductoryessay sets Robinson and his book in context.The only reprint of the first edition.978-1848890350 • HB • 236 pp • 250 x 200 mm €29.99/£26.99 • 2010 • Full colour illustrations

An Irishman’s CuttingsTales of Irish Gardens & Gardeners, Plants& Plant hunters E. Charles NelsonStories of eccentric, opinionated Irishgardeners and the plants they cherished,propagated and passed on. 978-1848890053 • HB • 224 pp • 277 x 219 mm€29.99/£26.99 • 2009 • Full colour illustrations

Serving a CityThe Story of Cork’s English MarketDiarmuid Ó Drisceoil and Donal ÓDrisceoilTraces the development of the market fromits origins to the present day. 978-1848891098 • PB • 264 pp • 247 x 195 mm€19.99/£17.99 • 2011Colour maps, photos and illustrations

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Yes I Can – Achieve Success with the LifePlanning Toolkit Con HurleyReassess your life priorities to create ahappier and healthier future. 978-1848890008 • PB • 224 pp • 198 x 128 mm€14.99/£11.99 • 2009

An Adventure in GriefCatherine de CourcyA deeply moving, inspiring story of oneperson’s journey through grief after thesuicide of her husband.978-1905172870 • PB • 256 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2009

The Ship of Seven MurdersA True Story of Madness & MurderAlannah Hopkin with Kathy BunneyA gripping account unravelling this bizarretragedy and its dramatic court case, as well asthe place it occupies in history and folklore.978-1848890367 • PB • 240 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2010 • Black & white illustrationsEE BB OOOO KK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE


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ShatteredKillers Do Time, Victims’ Families Do LifeRalph RiegelIllustrates the devastating impact of crime onordinary people and examines the lawreforms demanded. 978-1848891005 • PB • 256 pp • 198 x 128 mm€9.99/£7.99 • 2011 • Colour photos

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The Noughties – From Glitz to Gloom Brenda PowerA powerful commentary on a decade of easyliving and broken dreams. 978-1848890268 • PB • 256 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2010EE BB OOOO KK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Impact – The Human Stories behindIreland’s Road TragediesJenny McCuddenFOREWORD BY GAY BYRNEGrieving families, injured victims andemergency service workers tell their stories.978-1848890275 • PB • 240 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2010EE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

One Wild Life – A Journey to DiscoverPeople Who Change Our WorldClare MulvanyClare travelled the world to meet socialentrepreneurs – those who use their skills tomake a better world for others.978-1905172887 • PB • 256 pp • 245 x 172 mm€20.00/£18.99 • 2009 • Full colour photos

All Politics is LocalA Guide to Local Elections in IrelandLiam Weeks & Aodh QuinlivanInsights and analysis of what local electionsare about.978-1848890022 • PB • 240 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2009

Green & GoldIreland a Clean Energy World Leader?John TraversPractical energy alternatives to meet ourneeds and achieve energy independence.978-1848890435 • PB • 264 pp • 198 x 128 mm€14.99/£12.99 • 2010 • Graphs & colour photosEE BB OOOO KK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE


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All the Bishops’ MenClerical Abuse in an Irish DioceseTom MooneyLifts the lid on how a group of priests inWexford were able to abuse over a 30-yearperiod. 978-1848890992 • PB • 288 pp • 198 x 128 mm€12.99/£11.99 • 2011 • Black & white photos

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The Catalpa AdventureEscape to FreedomVincent McDonnellAn exciting true story of courage, enduranceand daring on the high seas. 978-1848890381 • PB • 128 pp • 210 x 148 mm€6.99/£5.99 • 2010 • Line drawings

Tom Crean: Fear San OighearEachtraí Éireannaigh San Antartach Irish-language edition of this popularchildren’s biography.978-1848890077 • PB • 128 pp • 210 x 148 mm€7.99/£5.99 • 2009 • Line drawings

The Story of the GAAVincent McDonnellThe story of the GAA, and of the men andwomen who play the games. 978-1905172962 • PB • 152 pp • 210 x 148 mm€6.99/£5.99 • 2009 • Black & white photos

Age 14 An Irish Boy Soldier Geert SpillebeenTRANSLATED BY TERESE EDELSTEINBased on a true story, tells of a young boycraving adventure and glory, and the tragic wayhe achieved both.978-1848890565 • PB • 224 pp • 198 x 128 mm €6.99/£5.99 • 2010 • Ireland & UK rights only

Hugh O’FlahertyHis Wartime AdventuresAlison Walsh The story of Hugh and the many people hehelped in a dark and dangerous time. 978-1848890589 • PB • 128 pp • 198 x 128 mm€6.99/£5.99 • 2010 • Black & white photosEEBB OO OOKK AAVVAA II LLAABB LLEE


Ireland – Our Island StoryVincent McDonnellThe exciting story of Ireland from the earliesttimes through to the present day. 978-1848891180 • PB • 176 pp • 210 x 148 mm€8.99/£6.99 • 2011EE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

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More Whiz Quiz For Children and Grown-up ChildrenNational Parents CouncilTest your knowledge with even more whizquiz questions. 978-1905172504 • PB • 120 pp • 198 x 128 mm€5.99/£4.50 • 2007

Titanic TragedyVincent McDonnellCaptivating account of the world’s mostfamous sea tragedy. 978-1905172412 • PB • 160 pp • 210 x 148 mm€6.99/£4.99 • 2007

The Whiz Quiz BookFor Children and Grown-up ChildrenREVISED EDITIONNational Parents Council800 questions offeringendless scope and variety.978-1903464984 • PB • 120 pp198 x 128 mm • €5.99/£4.50 2005EE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

Tom Crean: Ice ManThe Adventures of an IrishAntarctic HeroMichael SmithChilling adventures of anIrish Polar hero in theAntarctic. 978-1905172313 • PB • 128 pp210 x 148 mm • €7.99/£5.99 2003 • Line drawingsEE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

GranuaileSea Queen of IrelandAnne ChambersAdventures of a pirate queen and chieftain. 978-1905172108 • PB • 120 pp • 210 x 148 mm€5.99/£4.99 • 2006 • Line drawings

Shackleton: The BossThe RemarkableAdventures of a HeroicAntarctic Explorer Michael SmithAn account of Shackleton’sexploits, especially forchildren.978-1905172276 • PB • 128 pp210 x 148 mm • €7.99/£5.99 2004 • Line drawings


Michael CollinsMost Wanted ManVincent McDonnellAction-packed biography of a great Irish hero.978-1905172627 • PB • 144 pp • 210 x 148 mm€7.99/£5.99 • 2008EE BB OOOOKK AA VVAA II LL AABBLL EE

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