front 31 may 2017 › _media › bs › data ›...

OSCAR GLOBAL LIMITED C-76. Sector-08. Noida- 201 301. INDIA Mob : 9810337978. 9818103500 E-maif : [email protected] CIN No : L51909DL1990PLC041701 Date: 31.05.20l7 The Manager n Department of Corporate Relationship Bombay Stock Exchange Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street, Mumbai- 400001 Scrip Code: 530173 Scrip ID: OSCARGLO SUB:- Puhlication Of Au4ited Fingrlgial Results pursuant to RegFlatiopJT of SEBI (Listine Oblisation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations. 2015 Dear Sir, Please find enclosed copy of newspaper cutting of Audited Finarrcial Results tbr the quarter and financial year ended on 31" March,2}l7 published in: A. Pioneer dated 31.05.2016 (English Daily) B. Veer Arjun dated 31.05.2016 (Hindi Daily) Please take the above infbrmation on record. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, for OSCAR GLOBAL LIMITED 04 PAWAN CHADHA (wHoLE TrME DTRECTOR & CFO) DIN: 00415795 Address: A-141, Sector-55 Noida,U.P.-201301 Encl: as above Regd. Office . 101 , Plot No, 6, LSC, Vardhman Rajdhani Plaza, New Rajdhani Enclave, Delhi-1 10092

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Page 1: front 31 may 2017 › _media › bs › data › announcement… · Jonathan Burbank to ensure a proper, unbiased and compre-hensive investigation

OSCAR GLOBAL LIMITEDC-76. Sector-08. Noida- 201 301. INDIA

Mob : 9810337978. 9818103500E-maif : [email protected]

CIN No : L51909DL1990PLC041701

Date: 31.05.20l7

The Manager n

Department of Corporate RelationshipBombay Stock Exchange LimitedPhiroze Jeejeebhoy TowersDalal Street,Mumbai- 400001

Scrip Code: 530173Scrip ID: OSCARGLO

SUB:- Puhlication Of Au4ited Fingrlgial Results pursuant to RegFlatiopJT of SEBI(Listine Oblisation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations. 2015

Dear Sir,

Please find enclosed copy of newspaper cutting of Audited Finarrcial Results tbr the quarter andfinancial year ended on 31" March,2}l7 published in:

A. Pioneer dated 31.05.2016 (English Daily)B. Veer Arjun dated 31.05.2016 (Hindi Daily)

Please take the above infbrmation on record.

Thanking you,Yours faithfully,


04PAWAN CHADHA(wHoLE TrME DTRECTOR & CFO)DIN: 00415795Address: A-141, Sector-55

Noida,U.P.-201301Encl: as above

Regd. Office . 101 , Plot No, 6, LSC, Vardhman Rajdhani Plaza, New Rajdhani Enclave, Delhi-1 10092

Page 2: front 31 may 2017 › _media › bs › data › announcement… · Jonathan Burbank to ensure a proper, unbiased and compre-hensive investigation

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Panaji:Chief Minister ManoharParrikar on Tuesday banned thesale plastic bags below 50 mic-rons in Goa, stating that plasticlitter was one of the biggest so-urces of choked drains in theState. Speaking to reporters onthe sidelines of a public func-tion in the State capital,Parrikar said that sale of plas-tic bags and causing litter withsuch bags would result in a fineof �500 from July.

“Plastic bags below 50microns will be banned fromJuly. Initially the fine will be �500for those selling the bags or thosefound littering them. Subseq-uently the fine will be raised to�5,000,” Parrikar told reporters.

“Plastic bags are a cause ofa lot of environmental degrada-tion. They are one of the mostcommon sources of chokeddrains, which is also a menaceand causes flooding during therains,” Parrikar also said. PNS

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Claiming that they have beenlet down by the State

administration and local police,relatives of foreign nationals,who were killed or died mys-teriously in Goa or in nearbyareas over the last several years,have now knocked at the doorof the PMO for justice.

The kin of as many as tenvictims, who have lost their lo-ved ones along the State’s coastalbelt and adjoining areas have alsodemanded probe led by a Su-preme Court judge into the de-aths and they also alleged errantand inefficient investigationsand miscarriage of justice in thedeaths of their loved ones.

“We fervently request aCommission led by SC judge toanalyse the investigations of thedeaths of Caitanya Holt, FelixDahl, James Durkin, Kyle Arndt,Scarlett Keeling, Denyse Swe-eney, Stephen Bennett, MartinNeighbour, Michael Harvey andJonathan Burbank to ensure aproper, unbiased and compre-hensive investigation to revealthe truth about their deaths,” theletter states. The letter is in pos-session of The Pioneer.

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The teams engaged insearch and rescue of the

Sukhoi-30 fighter jet thatcrashed in a forest alongAssam-Arunachal Pradeshborder last week have found ablood stained shoe, walletand a half-burnt PAN card ofone of the two onboard pilots.

Sources close to one of thepi lots revealed this onTuesday while adding thatthe items were recovered bythe search teams from the sitewhere the aircraft crashed.

The search teams had ear-lier recovered the black box ofthe crashed fighter jet from thespot, which located close to 60kms aerial distance fromAssam’s Tezpur airbase.

“The search operations

have been severely affecteddue to inclement weather con-ditions. However, search iscontinuing and teams areworking hard to find everydetails,” said a senior Army offi-cial from Tezpur.

The aircraft that took offfrom Tezpur airbase of the

Indian Air Force on May 23around 10.30 am lost radar ndradio contact with the baseand went missing. Three dayslater, the search teams locat-ed the wreckage of the aircraft from a forested areaalong the Assam-ArunachalPradesh border.

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After the scam of some rev-enue department officials

registering 796 acres primeGovernment land on the out-skirts of Hyderabad in thename of a private company,Chief Minister K Chandr-asekhar Rao has scrapped theonline "Anywhere Registration"system in Telangana.

Under this system a personcould have registered any prop-erty in any Sub-Registrar officein the State.

The Chief Minister, whoreviewed the issue of fraudu-lent registration ofGovernment land at Miyapurwith �587 crore, also ordereda Crime Branch CID enquiryinto the case.

Police have already arrest-ed three persons including theconcerned Sub-Registrar RSrinivas Rao and the courthave remanded them to judicialcustody for 14 days.

The review meeting wasattended by the Ministers, Ch-ief Secretary, Director Generalof Police and other senior offi-cers. The Chief Minister direct-ed the overhauling the regis-

tration department to removeloopholes to prevent recur-rence of such incidents.

The Chief Minister askedthe CBI officials to under takean in depth probe and bring theculprits to the book. He hasalso asked them to probe intothe allegations that someGovernment officials hadhelped in securing loans frombanks and other financial insti-tution for the land deal.

The parcels of land whichwere illegally transferred to aprivate real estate companyalso included over which therewere disputes between theGovernment and some pri-vate individuals. The accusedconspired and prospered aGeneral Power of Attorneyfrom eight claimants of landand got the land registered ina private company’s name.

While the Governmentvalue of the land was being put at �587 crore the marketvalue was stated to be at�10,000 crore.

The massive scam came tolight when Medchal DistrictSub Registrar lodged a com-plaint with Cyberabad policeabout the fraud.

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Gujarat Chief Minister VijayRupani and the ruling

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) inthe State came down heavily onCongress over the Kerala inci-dent of butchering a calf onstreets by a few Congress work-ers in the southern State.

The CM took a dig atCongress party by putting out atweet on Monday night, “Byslaughtering cow in Kerala,Congress has shown its true face.Vinaash Kaale Viprit Buddhi(One loses mind when the endis near). Congress now is a sink-

ing ship.” He followed it up withanother tweet, “GujaratCongress must answer on cowslaughter by Congress in Kerala.”

The BJP has been facing agi-tations from several communi-ties, including Patels, Dalits andOBCs on multiple issues. Whileit is believed to be working hardto woo several communities toits fold, raising the issue of cowslaughter could help it corner anyOpposition in the state.

The CM’s statements onsocial media were followed upby a protest video that beganbeing circulated on multiplesocial media platforms.

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Kerala’s Vigilance, controlledby the CPI(M)-led LDF

Government, on Tuesday toldthe High Court that it wantedto close the sensational casepertaining to the nepotismcharges against CPI(M) centralcommittee member EP Jaya-rajan, who was in October lastforced to resign as Industriesminister over the charge ofappointing a close relative in akey position in a State PSU.

The Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau, which itselfhad registered an FIR against

Jayarajan on the basis of the find-ings from its own quick verifi-cation, had the other day told thecourt that the case against himcould not come under the pur-view of the Prevention of Cor-ruption Act as nobody had ma-de any pecuniary gains from thealleged nepotistic appointment.

The agency told the courtthat it wanted to close the caseagainst Jayarajan and otheraccused as it had come to theconclusion that there was nosubstance in the complaintsagainst them. The Governmentlawyer said that no criminaloffence was detected against

Jayarajan or the other accused.Jayarajan resigned on

October 14 last as IndustriesMinister after the eruption ofthe nepotism scandal. He wasaccused of appointing PKSudheer Nambiar, son of his sis-ter-in-law PK Sreemathi, anoth-er CPI(M) central committeemember, as managing directorof the Kerala State IndustrialEnterprises (KSIEL) when hewas in charge of the department.

His resignation was the firstmajor blow the LDF Gov-ernment headed by Marxist CMPinarayi Vijayan suffered since itassumed office in May, 2016.

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The Centre on Tuesdaylaunched an aggressive new

campaign ‘Darwaza Band’ topromote toilet use and freedomfrom open defecation in villagesacross the country.

Actor Amitabh Bachchan— who has been a major sup-porter and ambassador for theSwachchh Bharat Mission andis already associated with itsongoing campaigns — and act-ress Anushka Sharma will bepart of two new series of adv-ertisement campaigns to belaunched as part of ‘Darwaza

Band’ campaign.Through series of ads,

Bachchan encourages behav-iour change in men, who havetoilets but are not using them,

while Anushka Sharma makesa clarion call for women, whoare more affected by this prob-lem, to stand up for this issuein their village and influence a

positive change.The campaign produced by

the Ministry of Drinking Waterand Sanitation (MDWS) underSwachchh Bharat Mission waslaunched in the presenceBachchan, Union Minister forDrinking Water & SanitationNarendra Singh Tomar,Maharashtra Chief MinisterDevendra Fadnavis andSecretary of MDWSParameswaran Iyer in Mumbai.

Designed to encouragebehaviour change in men whohave toilets but are not usingthem, the ‘Darwaza Band’ cam-paign has been supported bythe World Bank and is beingrolled out countrywide imme-diately after the launch.

Tomar said that theachievement of 64 per cent of

Open Defecation Free (ODF)status was a tribute to thePrime Minister NarendraModi’s commitment. He alsocongratulated Maharashtra onits significant achievement of80 per cent of ODF. He saidthat all attempts are beingmade to make this into a trueJan Andolan. He said the goalfor India should be to becomea showcase country for clean-liness by 2019.

Thanking MDWS forchoosing his State to launch theDarwaza Band Campaign andBachchan for taking on themandate of raising awarenessabout Swachchhta and endors-ing the new campaign,Fadnavis said that Maharashtrawas committed to becomeODF by March 2018.

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Page 3: front 31 may 2017 › _media › bs › data › announcement… · Jonathan Burbank to ensure a proper, unbiased and compre-hensive investigation