front cover anaylsis

There are five main colours in this magazine cover, pink, yellow, black, orange and white. These colours make the magazine stand out a lot, due to the bright colours, whilst the basic white and black colours even it all out so it doesn’t look too over packed. The images are really well taken. There are close ups of famous faces that fit really well with the music genre of the magazine. Everyone in the images have a serious, scary look about them, apart from one person who has a smile. The use of makeup is creative and helps bring out The font of writing is capital letters, this makes the cover clear in terms of letters. The colours of the writing in the middle is very bold and standing out. There is lots of interactions in it. For example, ‘25 rock stars who changed your world!’ this is using personal pronouns and makes the reader feel more involved in the magazine. It tells you about the best festivals and Everyone in the pictures are looking at the camera apart from two.

Upload: sophieburch

Post on 02-Aug-2015




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There are five main colours in this magazine cover, pink, yellow, black, orange and white. These colours make the magazine stand out a lot, due to the bright colours, whilst the basic white and black colours even it all out so it doesn’t look too over packed.

The images are really well taken. There are close ups of famous faces that fit really well with the music genre of the magazine. Everyone in the images have a serious, scary look about them, apart from one person who has a smile. The use of makeup is creative and helps bring out the genre more, for example, black lipstick, darkened eyes. This gives a gothic, metal look.

The font of writing is capital letters, this makes the cover clear in terms of letters. The colours of the writing in the middle is very bold and standing out.

There is lots of interactions in it. For example, ‘25 rock stars who changed your world!’ this is using personal pronouns and makes the reader feel more involved in the magazine. It tells you about the best festivals and using question marks which makes you question it too wanting you to read on.

Everyone in the pictures are looking at the camera apart from two.

This Kerrang magazine is so different from the previous one. It looks almost boring and doesn’t look very good compared to Kerrang now-a-days. The masthead isn’t too clear and the colour isn't too nice at all.

The ‘FREE’ sign really attracts the reader as it is big and bold, making your eyes drawn to it. The writing is in capital letters all across the magazine.

The magazine has posters, this is good as many people like receiving posters in magazines.

The main colours are green, yellow, blue, black and white. The colours go well together but they don’t really do much for the magazine, so it looks dull. There isn't really much information on the cover of the magazine. There isn’t any place on it that has an exciting story which makes you want to read more about the magazine and find out what's in it.

The magazine cover has the price and issue number on it right at the top in the bar. This is very important in the lay out of a magazine, as magazine issue number and the month it was issued helps the reader not to miss a copy when it is realised and if that have missed out, it would be easy to find out which one.

This magazine has a very interesting picture as there is a close up of a man, and within that picture then is another picture in his glasses. This instantly tells me that the magazine must be good as the photography is a main part of the front cover.

The main colours are red, a beige and black and white. These colours fit in so well with the image as it looks great. The image looks sharp and full of detail.

There is no background image, just plain white, which looks good as the magazine doesn’t look like it has too much going on and has a simple but professional look about it.

The logon, ‘Discover Great Music’ and the magazine name ‘Q’ has it’s own box. This looks really good as it has a good separated affect to it.

The font size’s vary and that is really good as it catches your eye on the big one and then you go to read the other ones which are a bit smaller but similarly interesting.