front cover, dps and contents page annotations

Front cover

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Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Front cover, DPS and contents page annotations

Front cover

Page 2: Front cover, DPS and contents page annotations

This is the chosen Images that I will use for the front cover of my music magazine. Firstly I have changed the intensity of the background by highlighting it with the wand tool on Photoshop and then using the curve tool to change the exposure and the intensity of the background. I originally thought that the background of my original image loud a little pale and normally you want the front cover to be eye catching and appealing to your audience therefor I made my background loud, vibrant and bright.

I have also used the auto-contrast tool and auto-colour tool for my image so that it looks more brighter and full of colour rather than it being plain and pale.

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I then inserted the mast head at the top of the front cover because it is conventionally placed there in every magazine. I put a drop shadow in my mast head to enhance the letters more as the white blends a little too much with the background. This makes the letters and the word legible.

It is also conventional for the mast head to be behind the person in the front cover therefore I have done this as well for mine. I duplicated the image and then erased the top of the duplicated image to reveal the mast head. I have tried my best to use the eraser around the head of the person in my music magazine to make it look like he is standing in front of the mast head.

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I’ve also put the positioning statement of my magazine at the bottom of the title because it anchors what the magazine is about. With the red-brown coloured text it is quite illegible, therefore to make it legible I put a light brown glow around the text so that it doesn’t bland into the bright red background.

This also includes the date of the magazine, which is when it was issued and also the website of the magazine. I have looked at other magazine as well and they have the website next to the date of when the magazine was issued.

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The main title ,which is the artist’s name because it features them in the magazine, is put straight in the middle of the magazine I have used bright red for ‘Brennan’ and white for ‘Jakob’ this is because the bright red is the gradient at the top of the magazine and the title goes at the bottom therefore it is contrasted with the darker shade of red. The white is from the colour of the mast head to keep the colour scheme going throughout the magazine.

I positioned it at the middle of the page because it is the main article it also anchors the main image.

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I have also used a skyline where I put the plus edition that are featured in my magazine. I have done this by putting a brown rectangle across the page and using a darker shade of red for the text on the sky line. Brown is in my colour scheme for my magazine.

I have also used dots or circle to separate these bands that are in the plus section of my magazine. I have done this so that it is broken up by the dots to show the different bands. I wasn’t able to make the dots just by using the text method therefore I just used a circle and scaled it to the appropriate size to act as a separator for my skyline.

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I placed the boxes or rectangles that I have made using the shapes tool in Photoshop for my cover lines so that they are legible. I changed the opacity of it so that my reader can read the cover lines properly without it blending to the image and they are still able to see the image of my artist at the back.

I then put the cover lines over the low opacity rectangles which worked quite well in my opinion. I have used the same shade of brown for my sky line rectangle and my cover line texts. I used two shades of brown to emphasise the important lines on the cover lines to make it more noticeable and legible. The extra texts that goes along with it are on a lighter shade of brown.

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I have included the puff on my front cover as well, the bar code and the price tag. I have made it so that the rectangle box on the puff is black so that it negates the other colours which are red and brown. This makes the content of the puff more obvious as it is the only colours that doesn’t follow the whole colour scheme on the front page of my magazine. The text is white so that the text on the puff is readable.

The barcode is at the bottom right of the page because it is where they are conventionally placed and also it doesn’t bother the whole layout of the magazine. I have also used a rectangle shape to make the price slanted diagonally across the barcode. I have used a brighter colour red for the text as it contrasts the dark shade of red for the background.

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Contents Page

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This is the contents page that I have done for my music magazine. I laid out the page in A4 with 3 columns so that I have a guideline to make it look neat and organized.

I firstly made the boxes with the rectangle tool and I have laid out where the cover lines sections are going to be placed onto. I used my contents page plan to base this contents page layout.

I put all the text in the appropriate places, where it is on my plan and I have used the colours scheme on my magazine.

I have then put the information at the bottom of the page which is the page number and the website address which is very conventional to any magazines.

I have kept the colour scheme on the page number and the logo of my magazine similar throughout.

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I then inserted the images where appropriate, I used my plan to see where the images that I have taken will be placed.

I used Photoshop to increase the contrast of the images this is so that the images will look high quality, crisp and sharp.

I also then included the subscribe section where I used the Bebas fonts as they look bold and eye catching.

I changed the tone of the red on the ‘subscribe today’ to make it more contrast to the main text that entices the reader. I also included an image of the magazine to show the magazine that they’ll be subscribing to; this is similarly like other magazine’s contents page where they also included images of their magazine with their subscribe section.

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The page numbers are against a black square block so that the numbers are legible. I have based it similarly like the Kerrang magazine’s contents page. The text is yellow but the box fill is black, it is their house style in their magazine which is similar to my house style.

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I then finally included the cover lines text where I planned them to be in my hand drawn plan. I used the colour red for the page numbers and then black for the text. I made the main story in the magazine that I wanted to emphasise big and bolder than the rest. It also anchors the big main image on my contents page.

I have included a review on my magazine as well which is similar to Q magaizne’s review page. It included a little bit of the stories which has the review . I included an image of someone performing as normally this is always the case with the Q magazine’s review section as well.

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Double Page Spread

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Firstly I have laid out the page similarly like my hand drawn plan and I have included the banner on the top right to show what kind of content is it and I have also put the main title which is the bands name on the top left.

With the black rectangle boxes for the title and the content I included a drop shadow .

To get recognition for the photograph that I have used I included credits for my photograph on the bottom right of the photo.

I also set the page with 3 columns and as facing pages.

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Then I incorporated my stand first with in my double page spread, in place ready for the article to be laid out.

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I set the page to include 3 columns on the page for guidelines. I then inserted 3 columns for my magazine double page spread for my whole article to fit.

There is also the drop capital at the start of the magazine using 4 lines of the article.

I used bold for the names of the band members and also for the quotes that they have said.

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This is the continuation of my magazine as everything did not fit into two facing pages, this is also has a 3 column page setting so that it is much easier for me to put my article.

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I then finally Inserted the images to show case the band’s performance when I visited and interviewed them some more.

To keep the colour scheme going with in the double page spread I used all purple pink coloured images as thumbnail images throughout my double page spread.