front cover magazine process

I first began to create my front cover of my magazine by opening up the main image of my model and erasing the background using the rubber tool. I tried to use the magic wand tool as it would be much easier and quicker to do. However when I tried to do this it didn’t give a clean cut around the model so I increased the tolerance to make it more

Upload: shannoncammish

Post on 28-Nov-2014




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  • 1. I first began to create my front cover of my magazine by opening up the main image of my model and erasing the background using the rubber tool. I tried to use the magic wand tool as it would be much easier and quicker to do. However when I tried to do this it didnt give a clean cut around the model so I increased the tolerance to make it more accurate but doing this erased some of her hair as well as it is a similar colour to the background.

2. After that I made her lips a bright red colour to contrast with the rock genre and the colour scheme of my magazine. I did this using the brush tool and I painted over the sections that I want to change colour. However doing this makes it extremely bright and it is a solid, block colour so to make it look more realistic and natural I decreased the opacity so that this colour/layer goes slightly transparent. I did the same technique to give my model red nail varnish. 3. After that I used the spot healing brush tool to make her skin look smoother and to remove any imperfections in her skin. 4. At this stage I decided that I didnt like the striped shirt that my model is wearing underneath her leather jacket so I decided to try and make it all black. First of all I created a duplicate layer so that I had a spare copy in case it went wrong. 5. First of all I used the paint bucket tool to fill in most of the white areas black.I then used the brush tool to fill in the extra white gaps. 6. However, here you can see the difference in colours so you can tell that I have coloured parts in myself. So to try and blend these colours together I used the spot healing brush tool. 7. Now my model is ready to go on the front cover of my magazine so I clicked on edit, transform and scale so that I could make her the right size for my front cover. Once I was happy with the size of the image I clicked on the tick at the top of the screen to confirm it. 8. I now began to create the basis of my magazine by adding a mast head. Previously, I decided what the name of my magazine was going to be and the font style so I used the horizontal type tool, found the font style that I wanted to have, typed in the name of my magazine and then positioned this at the top, left-hand corner of the page. 9. To place my barcode on my magazine, I searched for a barcode on Google and saved it to my documentsI then clicked file, open and selected this file on Photoshop. 10. Finally, I clicked on file, edit, transform then rotate and scale and positioned it where I wanted it, to what size and what angle. 11. I thought that the background was quite plain and boring so I selected the brush tool, clicked the soft round end and increased the size to maximum and placed a single dot in the centre of my page. I think this has made it much more detailed and professional because it isnt a plain background anymore. 12. Now I began to add more text onto my front cover by thinking of a name for my model. I used the horizontal type tool and chose a font that I thought represented the rock genre. However you couldnt see the type very well as I want the type to be black but it is hard to see due to the black leather jacket that my model is wearing. So I created a box to put underneath the text so that it is easy to see and very eye-catching. I did this by clicking on the rounded rectangle tool and decreasing the opacity of it. I did the same thing for the pull quote. 13. I created smaller articles and a skyline using the same tools as last time, the horizontal type tool and the rounded rectangle tool. I positioned these features around the page to try and fill up some of the gaps. However all the text seemed to be on the left-hand side of the page so I moved the mast head to the right to make it look more professional. 14. I made my plug using the pen tool to create my own shape which would be good for holding text. I then added the text into my plug using the horizontal type tool. I decided to have all of the text in capital letters to show to the reader that there is something big and exciting up for grabs.