front covers

3 Front Covers By Emma Beveridge

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Front Covers

3 Front Covers

By Emma Beveridge

Page 2: Front Covers

TypographyThe style fonts used a normal basic ‘everyday font’. This font has been used because the style of font isn’t really important, as long as its engages the right audience readers. The job is done.

LayoutThe layout is ordered. The main image(of Adele) has been placed on the right side and takes most of the page up. The rest of the space has been used by the title and other pugs and certificates.

LanguageThe type of language used is on the front cover is very formal, because Q music magazine is presented as a formal. Even though its about music.

ColourThe effect the colours have are that on the front cover are minimal. The colour mainly is focused on Adele and the title. The rest is black and white.

Camera WorkThe shot types and angles within Q music magazine’s front cover is a close up to maybe empathies the facial expressions on Adele.

Mise-En-SceneThe props, costumes and settings that have been used is the props are very minimal and the costumes of Adele her hair seems to have been blown back by a fan or wind mechanism to show who she is and setting seems as if the image was taken on a photo shoot and then printed on Q magazine cover. Its very formal image of Adele and a good celebrity to present music.

Mode of addressThe magazine speaks to the audience because Adele is the face of Q music magazine. As when readers see Adele they automatically think Music because that is what Adele is famous for and is her occupancy.

Page 3: Front Covers

TypographyThe style fonts used is Pink bold to empathise the name, NME as well the bold writing down on the left side. Apart from that the typography is white or black.

LayoutThe layout is very ordered, as Rihanna, is across the cover in a diagonal , forward position with words around her and over her.

LanguageThe type of language used is very media-like language because they want to be seen as a music Media magazine, so media words just pop in on the magazine to show its media based.

ColourThe effect the colours have are that on the front cover is very minimal in colour, as Pink, Black, white and grey. Black, White and grey are on the other end of the colour spectrum. So to mix with pink is very unusual.

Camera WorkThe shot types and angles within NME front cover is a long shot because you can see below Rihanna’s waist.

Mise-En-SceneThe props, costumes and settings that have been used is the props as the bird on Rihanna’s shoulder could suggest or connote ‘bad’ because Rihanna can be bad icon, due to some of her songs and her as an artist. costumes is that Rihanna is wearing a black top and the setting doesn’t really suggest anything apart from its been taking while in the making of the cover.

Mode of addressThe magazine speaks to the audience because the props(the bird on her shoulder) and colours(dark) connotes ‘bad’. Rihanna has made some songs that connotes bad, such as Rude Boy.

Page 4: Front Covers

Layout and imagesThe layout is cluttered because there is a lot going on this front cover. There are 11 people being advertised on this cover. The number of images suggest that this magazine is targeted at the less educated and prefer looking at images, to reading. This magazine I a typically pre teens. The people on the cover are all ‘celebrities’ but not all of them are famous for music related achievements. For example.. This issue of Smash Hits. It features movie stars as well as pop stars. This shows the demographics of the magazine and how quickly the magazine has changed from a mainly music based magazine to a lifestyle one.

TypographyThe font of this magazine is Sans Serif which has a large typed face. This connotes childishness. For example the ‘INSIDE THE MENTAL MIND’ is in capitals and is making it seemed to have be shouted and very in your face.

ColourThe colours that have been used are two tones of pink, a bright pink, a dark pink and a baby pink. This gives the connotations of girli, feminine and happy. The effects this colours have is that it creates a world for the typically teenager, that they can be in control of their own world, just while reading Smash Hits.

LanguageThe language used on this cover is very simple and quite limited. There are a few words allocated around the page, which suggests that the contents is intellectual or sophisticated and the audience or readers may be less educated due to the use of alliteration of ‘MY MENTAL MIND’.

Camera WorkThe shot types and angles within Smash Hits front cover are very mid shots because its just the top half of people(just heads or just to waist). Also a male is on the cover because that’s what a group of teenaged girls talk about.

Mise-En-SceneThe props, costumes and settings that have been used is costumes connote ‘club, pink and girlie outfits’. Outfits that females teenagers would wear. The setting could connote a female poster as they layout could have been set out that way to engage its audience of teenaged girls to purchase.

Mode of addressThe magazine speaks to the audience because there are young males and that what a females dream of. There idol on the front cover of their favourite magazine. So they used this to their advantage to entice their audience and the layout as well its good thing to help with enticing.