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 Qualification Unit number and title Pearson BTEC Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership (QCF) nit !" Strategic Planning Student name Assessor name Mohammed #asim $$ Jabir Date issued Completion date Submitted on "% th  sep "&!' "" nd  oct "&!' Assignment title Strategic Management and Leadership eport (! o !) LO Learning Outcome AC In this assessment you will hae the opportunity to present eidence that shows you are able to! "as# no$ %idence &'age no( ! nderstand the e*ternal environment aecting an organisation !+! E*plain the importance o e*ternal actors aecting an organisation ! ! to " !+" ,nal-se the needs and e*pectations o sta$eholders o an organisation ! . !+. ,nal-se the ma/or changes ta$ing place in the e*ternal environment that 0ill aect strateg- ! !to " " Be a1le to revie0 e*isting 12siness plans and strategies o an organisation  "+! 2se appropriate tools to anal-se the eects o c2rrent 12siness plans " 3 to 4 "+" revie0 the position o an organisation in its c2rrent mar$et "  . "+. eval2ate the competitive strengths and 0ea$nesses o an organisation5s c2rrent 12siness strategies " ' . Be a1le to develop options or strategic planning or an organisation .+! 2se modelling tools to develop strategic options or an organisation . 7 to 6

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Sample Assignment

QualificationUnit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership (QCF)Unit 12 Strategic Planning

Student nameAssessor name

Mohammed Kasim kkJabir

Date issuedCompletion date

Submitted on

29th sep 201422nd oct 2014

Assignment titleStrategic Management and Leadership Report (1 of 1)

LOLearning OutcomeACIn this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to:Task no.Evidence(Page no)

1Understand the externalenvironment affecting anorganisation1.1Explain the importance ofexternal factors affecting anorganisation


1 to 2

1.2Analyse the needs andexpectations of stakeholders ofan organisation13

1.3Analyse the major changes takingplace in the external environmentthat will affect strategy11to 2

2Be able to review existing businessplans and strategies of anorganisation


use appropriate tools to analysethe effects of current businessplans2

5 to 6

2.2review the position of anorganisation in its current market

2 3

2.3evaluate the competitivestrengths and weaknesses of anorganisations current businessstrategies24

3Be able to develop options forstrategic planning for anorganisation3.1use modelling tools to developstrategic options for anorganisation37 to 8

3.2develop a comparativeunderstanding of activity fromorganisations in the market310

3.3create options to form the basisof future organisational strategy35 to 7

4Be able to construct a strategy planfor an organisation4.1propose a suitable structure for astrategy plan that ensuresappropriate participation from allstakeholders of an organisation412

4.2develop criteria for reviewingpotential options for a strategyplan 47 to 9

4.3construct an agreed strategy planthat includes resourceimplications



Be able to examine factors affectingan organisational strategy plan5.1compare core organisationalvalues (ethical, cultural,environmental, social andbusiness) with the currentbusiness objectives of anorganisation5

5.2develop appropriate vision andmission statements for anorganisation510

5.3produce agreed futuremanagement objectives for anorganisation


5.4develop measures for evaluatinga strategy plan57 to 8


Be able to plan for theimplementation of a strategy plan6.1develop a schedule forimplementing a strategy plan inan organisation6 8

6.2create appropriate disseminationprocesses to gain commitmentfrom stakeholders in anorganisation6 8

6.3design monitoring and evaluationsystems for the implementationof a strategy plan in anorganisation6 8

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Student signature: Date:

Assignment brief

Unit number and titleUnit 12: Strategic Planning

QualificationPearson BTEC Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership

Start date29th September2014

Deadline/hand-in 23rd oct 2014


Assignment titleStrategic Planning(1 of 1)

Purpose of this assignment

This assignment will provide you with an understanding of the links between strategic management, leadership and organisational direction and the skills to apply this understanding to a selected organisation.This assignment must be answered in relation to the organisation you currently work in or an organisation that you have knowledge of.


You are a management consultant at scc Ltd a business consultancy company located in Kerala, India. You been commissioned by a private organisation to produce a report, how to increase the current market sale.The organization is Beauty Mark Gold, is a retailing on jewellery business.Action is required to brief the company officials on your findings and help them understand the concept of strategic planning and how to implement strategic options.